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Racial classification is the process of grouping people into different racial

categories based on physical characteristics. The four major racial groups

are Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, and Australoid. These racial groups
are defined by distinct physical features and have different geographical
1. Caucasoid: This racial group is characterized by light skin, straight or
wavy hair, narrow noses, and high cheekbones. People of European,
Middle Eastern, and North African descent are typically classified as
Caucasoid. This racial group is found primarily in Europe, the Middle
East, North Africa, and some parts of Central Asia.
2. Mongoloid: This racial group is characterized by a yellowish skin
tone, dark straight hair, and epicanthic folds (a skin fold that covers
the inner corner of the eye). People of East Asian, Southeast Asian,
and Native American descent are typically classified as Mongoloid.
This racial group is found primarily in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and
the Americas.
3. Negroid: This racial group is characterized by dark skin, tightly coiled
hair, and broad noses. People of African descent are typically
classified as Negroid. This racial group is found primarily in sub-
Saharan Africa, but also in other parts of the world due to the
African diaspora.
4. Australoid: This racial group is characterized by dark skin, curly hair,
and wide noses. Indigenous people of Australia, Papua New Guinea,
and some parts of Southeast Asia are typically classified as
Australoid. This racial group is found primarily in Australia, Papua
New Guinea, and some parts of Southeast Asia.
It is important to note that racial classification is a controversial and
socially constructed concept, and there is significant debate about the
accuracy and usefulness of racial categories. It is also important to
recognize that people often have mixed ancestry and do not neatly fit into
any one racial category.

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