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• Login to Web transaction • Doctor’s Transactions (Orders)

• Choosing the Visit’s type • Doctor’s Transactions (Medications) 1

• List of patients • Doctor’s Transactions (Medications) 2

• Entering The Orders Page • Important buttons

• First page to Fill “ Deficiency list” • Verify Orders

• Doctor’s Transactions 1 • Doctor’s Transactions (Admission Request)

• Physician’s Notes • Doctor’s Transactions (Medical Report)

• Doctor’s Transactions 2 • Doctor’s Transactions (Clinical Notes)1

• Doctor’s Transactions (Clinical Notes)2

Login to Web transaction

Log in to Web Transaction

1- Enter Username used to enter the care ware.

2- Use the same password used to enter the
3- click on : Login.
Choosing the Visit’s type
Choosing the Visit’s type. To
see the list of patients.
1. See the list of patient’s by 1 2
filtering patient’s according 4
to (Visit type).
2. Searching for a certain 5
patient by: (MRN, Tel. No, 3
or, ID. NO) from the screen
in number 3.
3. Screen to search for a
4. Enter the starting and 6
ending DATE of the search.
5. Chose the visit type
6. Choose the Unit type.
List of patients 1

List of patients:
1. This is the lest of patients 3 2
for a particular doctor. 6
2. Patient’s interface.
3. The main information of 5 4
the patient.
4. To open the patient’s file.
(Orders, Detailed
5. Open another patient’s file
with out closing the
previous files.
6. Colors refer to the status
of the patient.
Entering The Orders Page
Entering The Orders Page:
1. To Enter the
Orders page click on
the “Order” Button 3
on the upper right
corner. 5 4
First page to Fill “ Deficiency list”
First page to Fill “
Deficiency list”
- When the doctor opens the order
page the “Deficiency lists” page is the 1
first to appear, so that the doctor will
fill all necessary information to make
the orders. A Red Star * will show the
Mandatory Fields to be filled: 3
1- Diagnosis. 2- Allergy.
3- Vital Signs. 4- Duration of illness.
5- Chief Complaint.
6- Significant Signs. 4
7- Click save to save all entries.

Doctor’s Transactions 1 1

Doctor’s Transactions:
1. Assessments: 1-a

1-a) Initial Assessment 2

1-b) Physician’s Notes: The doctor Fill in
Main Assessment titles : (Chief Complaint,
Significant Signs, Other condition free text
diagnosis, Vital signs, Diagnosis, Allergies,,
Treatment Plan or Medical Advices(. 3

Physician’s Notes
Physician’s Notes:
Is a list fields to be filed by the 3
doctor in the patent’s file. Some of
them are Mandatory as Chief
complaint, Significant signs. And
others will be filled upon the need
of the doctor.
1. Click to Open Physician’s
2. Choose the needed field to
3. Save before leaving the page.
Doctor’s Transactions 2 1

Doctor’s Transactions:
2. Place Orders: 2-a
2-b)Medications: 2-b




Doctor’s Transactions (Orders)
Doctor’s Transactions (Orders, 1 2 3 5
page Description)
7 8
1. Click to open Laboratory orders.
2. Click to open Radiology orders. 9
3. Click to open Procedures orders.
4. click to open order set
5. List of orders available.
6. Search order by name.
7. See list of orders under a certain
Department. 10 11 12 13 14

8. Field to enter an order.

9. Sorting the order’s list alphabetically.
10. Commonly used sorting.
11. To open all list.
12. To open the list of favorites.
- Plus sign is to add order to the
Doctor’s Transactions (Medications)1
Doctor’s Transactions 1 2 3 4 5
(Medications) 6
1. The list of non-medical products.
2. The list of medicine under a brand name.
3. The list of medicine under a generic
4. List of both (Brand and Generic) names.
5. The list of all Orders (Product, Brand and
Generic) names.
6. To search for a Medication by its name.
• once you choose one medication from
the list, its default data will be filled as
identified from pharmacy, and you can
change these data for prober usage
7. after filling the required data (dosage,
duration, and frequency) click save, to 7 9 10 11 13
save the order and update the basket
Doctor’s Transactions (Medications) 2
Doctor’s Transactions 1 2 3 4 5
(Medications) 6
8. some medication needs to enter the
required quantity like drops and cream,
for the other medications, system will
automatically calculate the required
quantity after filling (dosage, duration,
and frequency

8. To save the order and add it to your

favorite list for later use. 8
8. to reset medication information and return
it to its default data as identified from

8. Go back to the Home page to see orders list.

7 9 10 11 13

8. To add the medication to the order group.

8. To order a group of medications.

Important buttons
Important buttons
1. Home Button, to see all 3
1 1
items ordered in the
current visit.

2- Basket to open the draft

order for the current visit in
order to review all ordered
items. 2

3- “Go Back” Button, to

return back to the main page
“viewing page”

3 4 5
Verify Orders
Verify Orders
** After clicking the orders
basket this window will show.

1. To filtrate and categorize the

2. To deal with each order 2
individually (Verify, Change,
View, Hold Resume and
3. To verify all the orders.
4. To verify all the orders and
go back to order area.
5. To go back without verifying.

3 4 5
Doctor’s Transactions (Admission Request)
Doctor’s Transactions 1 2 3 4
(Admission Request)
1. Fill in all admission 5
information. 6

1. Save .

7 8 9

Doctor’s Transactions (Medical Report)
Doctor’s Transactions 1
(Medical Report)
1. Choose a medical report from the
medical reports list.
1. Fill in the report.

1. You can write a template for the

report that can me used . 3

1. Save the report

1. Print the report.

4 5
Doctor’s Transactions (Clinical Notes)1
Doctor’s Transactions 2
(Clinical Notes)
1. Built temples, Common
text in a note, then add on
it. to save time.
1. The Text area. Can be
written from scratch or,
added up to template.
2. Search criteria, to find a
C/note using (template
name, date, section)
Doctor’s Transactions (Clinical Notes)2
Doctor’s Transactions
(Clinical Notes)
1. View Clinical notes 2
from history. 1

1. Title of past clinical


1. Individual template. 3

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