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Name : Roddick Bong Sze Hao

Nationality: Malaysian

Age : 17

Chosen topic: Does age matter?

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Does Age Matter ?

Age has always been a significant factor affecting various aspects of our lives. It plays a
crucial role in determining our physical capabilities, shaping our identities, influencing our
opportunities, and developing our intelligence and personal experiences. While some debated
if age should be a determinant of our capabilities and experiences, others insist that age
should not be defining our abilities and sophistication. Hence, we need to know if age matters
in our lives and shed light on its implications. 

First of all, age determines a person's physical capabilities and limitations. As we age, our
bodies undergo various changes. The strength, flexibility, and endurance of a person getting
older may decline. For example, a certain profession such as a professional athlete that needs
physical fitness may have declining performances in their career. This is because age reduces
their agility, stamina, and strength. Nonetheless, age should not be a disadvantage. With
enough exercise, a balanced diet, and a healthy lifestyle, individuals can maintain their
physical capabilities in a high-performing state. Sergio Ramos, a famous footballer, once
said, "Age is not a disadvantage, age is a challenge". Therefore, while age may affect our
physical fitness to some extent, it should not be an obstacle for individuals to be as fit as a

Besides that, age is also able to cause an impact on intellectual development. A person's
intellectual development depends on the individual’s attitude. A person that is willing to learn
and seek enlightenment on the vast knowledge in the world. When a person ages, their
knowledge will increase. Younger individuals often possess an eagerness to learn due to their
curiosity. Moreover, a person with hard work along with dedication can be more informed
and well-versed with lots of information about general knowledge of the world. An older
person such as a senior citizen would have much more wisdom that would inspire the
younger generation. According to Welbi (2017), Nola Ochs became the oldest college
graduate in 2007 at age 95. Ochs completed her Bachelor of General Studies at Fort Hays
State University in Kansas and fulfilled her lifelong dream of earning a degree. This elderly
person has just proved to the world that age does not impede one’s intellectual abilities.
Everyone has the mental capabilities in developing a sophisticated mind. Thus, age is not a
factor in one's intellectual development because everyone has their abilities and a positive
mindset toward a bright future in developing personal’s intellectual growth. 

In conjunction with the intellectual development of individuals, we all can agree that a
person's personal experiences will also be influenced by age. As we progress into the stages
of life, the more experience we possess. At the early stages of life, such as childhood or
adolescence, these individuals must play a crucial part in learning and growth. During these
years, individuals will acquire skills, knowledge, and social interactions that shape their
identities. Furthermore, as they progress deeper into the years, they will face challenges and
interference. These challenges will surely shape their true identities and characteristics when
overcoming challenges. In addition, they will also obtain skills and knowledge in overcoming
obstacles. As individuals step into the world of adulthood and middle age, experience, as well
as maturity, starts to be developed in individuals. This leads to a deeper understanding of
oneself and the world. On the contrary, older age can bring valuable wisdom that is gained
through experiences of a lifetime. With that, age is a meaningful factor that gives various
perspectives on life in terms of personal experiences.

On top of that, it is also an undoubted fact that age is often a significant factor in the field
of work. Younger individuals may face challenges in being taken seriously or collecting
enough experience, while older individuals may encounter discrimination or assumptions
regarding their ability to adapt to new technologies or ideas because of their old age.
However, it is crucial to recognise that age does not determine competence or value in the
workplace. Each age group brings its unique strengths. Young professionals tend to have
perspectives, adaptability, and skills in using technologies, while older workers often possess
broad experience, wisdom, and valuable skills in their career fields. According to Patidar
(2022), “When we look at developed nations, we observe that most of the population is made
up of elderly people who are still actively working. They have faith in the notion that success
is not limited to the younger generation and that older individuals are also capable of doing
things that others who are far younger than them are unable to achieve.”. This unveils that
age should not be discriminated against in the working field because every stage of age
brings benefits to one another. Organisations or companies that embrace various age stages
benefit from a wide range of skills, experiences, and perspectives. This leads the organisation
to have individuals that have enhanced innovations and problem-solving capabilities. Thus,
age is not a root that affects one’s career because we can start working at any age when we
are ready to commit to it. 

Last but not least, age can significantly impact relationships. Society often concerns about
the appropriate age range for having partners. When it comes to a huge age gap, partners are
sometimes judged by society. However, it is important to recognise that emotional and
intellectual compatibility can transcend age boundaries. Good connections between
individuals are built on moral values, deep understandings as well as emotions rather than
age. Similarly, in friendships, various ages can enrich experiences by exposing individuals to
different perspectives from different generations and wisdom. By embracing
intergenerational relationships, we can encourage deeper understanding across age groups.
This leads to personal growth and develops a better society. Hence, age does influence in
terms of relationships but most importantly, emotions and resilience can be enhanced by
having a significant age gap in relationships. 

In conclusion, it is undeniable that age impacts and influences various aspects of our lives.
From physical abilities to intellectual development, personal experiences, career, and
relationships, age plays a crucial role in shaping individuals’ identities, characteristics as well
as experiences. From my point of view, age does not influence our lives that much because
when an individual has the will to improve themselves in terms of capabilities and skills, it
will greatly benefit their lives. However, age should not be a determinant factor of one’s
capabilities and opportunities. Each stage of age brings different benefits to society.
Therefore, various age groups should be embraced and given the chance to show their unique
strengths and abilities so that the world would be a better place. As the saying goes, “Age is
just a number”. 

1. 10 Amazing Accomplishments by Seniors | Welbi.

(2017) .

2. Age is a matter of feeling, not of years. (2022, October 13). Times of India


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