987878-The Alchemical Cookbooks A Guide To Thin Blood Alchemy

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The Alchemical

A Guide to Thin-blood Alchemy

The Alchemical
A Guide to Thin-blood Alchemy

Written by: Calum Sweeney
Cover Art by: Kacha Miroslawska

Version: 24th February 2022

Special Thanks: To those who have encouraged me to write

and given me inspiration through roleplay, thank

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Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Chapter 1: The Bloody Art of Alchemy 5
Chapter 2: The Five Cookbooks
Chapter 2.1: Pryderi’s Formulae 13
Chapter 2.2: Holy Alchemy 18
Chapter 2.3: Lilly’s Alchemical Anarchy 24
Chapter 2.4: The List 29
Chapter 2.5: Circulatory System Official Formulae 34
Chapter 3: Updates to Alchemy Rules 38
Chapter 4: Alchemical formulae Reference Table 40

Thin-bloods are the most unfortunate of souls in and crude imitations of vampiric power threaten-
the world of darkness. They straddle the lines be- ing to destroy vampiric society. To hunters, al-
tween human and vampire, damned to never be chemy is proof of thin-bloods monstrous nature,
accepted by either. Mortal hunters see no differ- their powers as dangerous and alien as any other
ence between thin-bloods and other Kindred. vampire. Alchemists themselves don’t care much
They both drink blood, both fear the sun, and for the others' opinions. To them, alchemy is a
both escape the ravages of age, so what’s the dif- tool for escaping the grim fate that they’ve been
ference? From a hunter’s perspective, only that dealt that they will exploit to its fullest extent.
thin-bloods are the softer target.
Vampires are no better. Those who believe
prophecy fear the thin-blooded as a sign of the What to expect
apocalypse that will bring about the destruction
of the Kindred should they be allowed to live. This book intends to expand on thin-bloods as
The more rational vampires don’t fear the thin- they were presented in V5 with a particular focus
bloods but instead feel a mixture of embarrass- on alchemy. Through alchemy it starts to become
ment and revulsion toward their failed offspring. understandable why thin-bloods are as feared as
Neither party cares to understand the they are in vampiric society. Past incarnations of
truth of the matter; Thin-bloods don’t want to Vampire the Masquerade have portrayed thin-
supplant vampires or to impose dominion over bloods as weak and listless, a symbol of Gehenna
humanity. They merely wish to survive by what- but of no real threat to vampires. In V5 they were
ever means necessary, and, if possible, to take given some tools to strike back at their oppressors
some enjoyment along the way. through thin-blood merits, alchemy being the
Thin-bloods have two potent tools in their most powerful of the lot.
fight for survival. The first is their connection to What it means to be an alchemist is ex-
humanity. Some thin-bloods can walk in the sun, panded upon in this book. It explains how alche-
others can sire human children, thin-bloods hav- mists interact with thin-blood society, how they
ing the flush of life about them that their progeni- view their own powers, and what differentiates
tors lack. Their ability to blend in with humans the different distillation methods.
keeps them hidden from hunters and opens ave- Almost fifty formulae are presented in this
nues closed off to Kindred. Thin-bloods other ad- book to flesh out the limited palette from the
vantage is alchemy. This fledgling art allows the corebook. These formulae aim to reflect the expe-
fraction of vampiric power running through thin- riences of the thin-bloods who use them, de-
bloods’ veins to be distilled into something dan- signed for survival, communal support, and the
gerous. With alchemy, thin-bloods may match or exploitation of blood. The formulae found in this
even transcend the disciplines of their forefathers. book are split into five “Cookbooks”. These are
It transforms the weak into the strong, the power- each written from the perspective of a different
less to the empowered, the pawn into the queen. alchemist, the formulae within a reflection of the
To some Kindred, alchemy is proof that author's personality, beliefs, and needs.
thin-bloods are a harbinger of doom, their strange

The Bloody Art of
In the Blood bloods can create formulae. The most common the-
ory for why Kindred cannot use alchemy is that the
Blood is of great importance to every vampire. It is art requires a strong connection to human emotion,
their source of power, sustenance, and the vector in that connection dulled in full-blooded vampires.
which the curse is passed down through the gener- Others will state that alchemists have received
ations. This is as true for the oldest of Kindred as it some God given blessing that grants their power.
is for the newest of thin-bloods. Yet another theory is that the clan curses held in
For alchemists, their need of blood is the veins of Kindred somehow taints their blood,
greater than others of their kind, equal only to the only the “pure” vitae running through duskborns
hungriest of wights or the most violent of blood veins able to create formulae. At the end of the day,
sorcerers. Alchemists’ blood itself is too weak to it doesn’t really matter. Thin-bloods can do al-
call upon the disciplines of their progenitors, the chemy, and Kindred can’t.
power having been diluted away through the gen- To carry out their art, alchemists require
erations. To extract what little power remains it large volumes of blood. Creating a formula takes at
must be refined by mixing alchemists’ vitae with least one pint of alchemists’ own blood and one
that of resonant human blood. Only through the pint of human blood to create something with
exploitation of blood can alchemists hope to recre- power. Failed attempts at creating formulae and
ate the powers that come so easily to Kindred. constant experimentation to invent new recipes
The source of alchemy’s power comes from adds to the burden of blood. And of course, alche-
human emotion within blood, transfiguring the mists need to feed themselves. The need for so
sliver of vampiric power in alchemists’ veins into much blood gives alchemists a sinister reputation
something potent. Most alchemists can agree on amongst their fellow thin-bloods. It’s said that the
that. What they don’t agree on is why only thin- smell of blood never truly leaves an alchemist, a
fact most find difficult to repudiate.

Their dubious reputation isn’t entirely un- feeding or granting shelter to those with nowhere
warranted. Acquiring the volume of blood an al- to stay, but it can also manifest in offering surplus
chemist requires always comes at a cost. Many rely blood to the local alchemist.
on their predator type to acquire blood for their This is not a free donation. In mutual aid,
formulae, though using one's food source comes the emphasis is on the mutual. In return for blood,
with a raft of problems. If the alchemist gets their alchemists are expected to use their abilities to help
blood consensually, there’s a problem of scale. Will the community. They may be asked to use their
your volunteers be willing to give three, four times powers to discreetly pass on a message, to battle
as much blood as they would need to just feed with hunters or to locate a newly created thin-
you? There’s also a problem of method. Taking blood. Mutual aid comes with no guarantees that
blood via the kiss is a pleasurable experience, but the alchemist will always receive their desired
draining blood into a container, whether by syringe quality and quantity of blood, but at least they can
or knife is less so. Those who stalk dark alleyways sleep soundly knowing their blood was probably
for their prey run into similar issues. Drinking from sourced ethically.
a victim’s neck can look like a passionate kiss, However an Alchemist gets their blood
draining your victim’s blood into a thermos flask there's always a compromise. One can have cheap
has a less romantic appearance to it. blood, large volumes of blood, or ethically sourced
Buying blood is always an option. The Cir- blood, but never can one have all three at once.
culatory System and a host of independent dealers
are always willing to sell to thin-bloods. For a cost.
Blood is sold in excess of $500 per pint, and if one Science & Sense
pays in favours they can expect to carry out unethi-
cal and dangerous deeds to pay off the debt. Alchemy is not a science. Some recipes can give
If one can afford the costs, buying blood is that impression with their lists of ingredients, rig-
very convenient, the finest quality blood on sale orously written instructions and diagrams drawn
with any emotional resonance one could want. to scientific perfection, but in reality formulae are
Some dealers will even sell blood of Kindred, thin- as much about emotion as they are science. Why
bloods, or blood of other supernatural creatures. Of would Fixatio alchemists add string to the Follow
course, the finer bloods come with eye watering the Thread formula, or a black rose into Bathory’s
price tags, but that’s the cost of quality. Beauty? There’s nothing about the chemical com-
Aside from the financial burden, there is position of either that makes them unique. Instead,
also a moral cost. Blood that’s bought and sold sel- it is the resonant link between the ingredient and
dom comes from an ethical source. Kidnapped hu- the formula’s desired effect that grants power,
mans pumped full of drugs is a favourite source of string conjuring up thoughts of Theseus in the Lab-
blood for unscrupulous dealers, with kiss addicted yrinth, black roses painting a picture of cruel
blood dolls the choice of the “ethical” supplier. It’s beauty.
hard to think that any alchemist buying blood Alchemy is best described as a halfway
could truly believe that the trade is ethical, but one house between the scientific and the emotional. It
can delude themselves into believing anything requires a degree of scientific rigour and focus to
should the reality be unpleasant enough. experiment, test, and document one’s creations. Al-
One option for acquiring blood that’s be- chemy also requires an emotional resonance in for-
come popular in recent nights is to source it from mula to coax the power out of thin-bloods’ vitae.
the community. Several thin-blood communities Passion can create formulae that makes one more
have organised themselves under a system of mu- attractive, rage in a formula can make a thin-blood
tual aid, giving what they can for the good of the grow claws and greed can allow an alchemist to
whole. Sometimes this takes the form of duskborn steal humanity from a mortal. The emotions that
donating blood to comrades who struggle with

resonate with formulae can be generated from the
formulae’s ingredients, found in resonant blood, or Alchemical Cookbooks
come from the alchemist’s own mood when creat-
ing formulae.
Almost every alchemist keeps a “cookbook” detail-
The emotional nature of alchemy means
ing how to create their formulae. These are alche-
that no two alchemists’ distillation methods are ex-
mists most prized possessions, losing one could re-
actly alike. There are of course the differences be-
sult in years of research lost, or worse, another be-
tween Athanor Corporis, Calcinatio and Fixatio,
ing able to replicate the alchemist’s own formulae.
but the diversity of the art runs deeper than that.
Consequently, alchemists will go to extremes to
Each alchemists’ beliefs on the origins of their pow-
protect their work. They’ll carry their cookbooks on
ers, their personality, and their own artistic flare
them at all times, write their books in an invented
leads to a large range of brewing methods. For ex-
code, or store their works digitally under layers of
ample, Catholic alchemists have been known to
create formulae in imitation of mass, pouring blood
As precious as alchemists’ cookbooks are,
into a silver chalice, speaking prayers as the for-
the formulae within are rarely unique. Alchemists,
mula distils. Some alchemists will enact pseudosci-
like all great artists, copy one another’s work at
entific rituals in imitation of laboratory work as
every opportunity. Some recipes are exchanged be-
they create their formulae, emotion found only in
tween trusted friends and associates, some are
their choice of ingredients. Others choose to im-
bought and sold, and of course many recipes are
merse themselves in unbridled emotion, creating
stolen by the ambitious and the jealous.
formulae in rooms bursting with artwork, the al-
Rumours and gossip also pass on formulae
chemist tweaking their state of mind through mu-
from city to city. Hearing about how so and so
sic, art, and drugs. Ultimately, the character of
sprouted claws or turned themselves to mist is the
ones’ alchemy is up to the individual. Each alche-
genesis for much alchemical research. Sometimes
mist is their own person, and how they create for-
false or exaggerated rumours spark inspiration in
mulae should reflect this.
the minds of alchemists, what was a legend becom-
ing a real formula through inspired research.

Following the recipe of another alchemist’s If these mutterings are left unchecked the
formula to the letter usually results in failure. How jealousy and resentment quickly turns to conspir-
would an Alchemist whose formulae creation cen- acy. “Do alchemists drink the blood of vampiric
tres on prayer interpret the scientific instructions of sorcerers to gain their powers?” “Did they become
a Circulatory System recipe? How could a Fixatio alchemists through human sacrifice?” “Are alche-
alchemist follow instructions written by one who mists not real thin-bloods, but disguised Camarilla
used the Calcinatio method? Instead of direct imi- infiltrators?” These thoughts follow those alche-
tation, one must interpret a recipe in a way that mists who don’t care to maintain their public rela-
best works for them. It can take weeks from learn- tions. The need for large quantities of blood is fuel
ing of a new recipe to being able to replicate it, with for speculation, the distillation method they’ve cho-
lots of experimentation, failed formulae and frus- sen helping shape the conspiracy’s exact nature. An
tration along the way. alchemist can easily find themselves ostracised
from thin-blood society, an outcast among outcasts.

Big Fishes, Small Ponds

Distillation and you
Alchemists hold a unique place in thin-blood soci-
ety. The power they wield can make themselves a The three methods for creating formulae are
boon to their community should they use it in the known as Athanor Corporis, Calcinatio and Fixatio.
service of other thin-bloods. Those who aid the Well, the purists know the distillation methods as
community can quickly find themselves given a such. For the modern alchemist, the methods are
great deal of respect, alchemists becoming commu- called Internal, Parasitic and Bottled Alchemy.
nity leaders, advice dispensing sages, or reputed Which distillation method one uses is more than
badasses in the wider community. just a stylistic choice. Each method comes with its
For alchemists who keep their art to them- own advantages, its own unique formulae, and its
selves, or those who simply wish to avoid the spot- own philosophy. Whichever method an alchemist
light quickly develop a much more dubious reputa- specialises in, it can be assured that another alche-
tion. Their constant need for blood casts them as mist will be happy to tell them why their distilla-
sinister figures who are resented for not sharing tion method is inferior.
their talents with others. Dark, jealous mutterings
follow in their wake. “Why is she not using her Bottled Alchemy
powers to help the community?” “How is it that al- Fixatio, Bottled Alchemy is what the layman imagi-
chemists have such powers over the blood when nes when they hear the word “alchemy”. Fixatio al-
the rest of the duskborns do not?” “Why didn’t I chemists work in laboratories bursting with foul
get granted the powers of the alchemists?” smelling ingredients and obscure instruments that
It’s a sentiment that most alchemists under- they use to convert blood into formulae, storing
stand. It’s true, it isn’t fair that only some thin- their creations in ornate glass vials. Or, in sports
bloods get the powers of alchemy, just as it’s not bottles. Or thermos flasks. Okay, so Bottled al-
fair that the alchemist wasn’t born into a vampiric chemy doesn’t always live up to the mortal stereo-
clan. Some point out that all thin-bloods have traits type, but it often comes close. Bottled alchemists
they were blessed or cursed with, it’s as unfair that are able to change the form of blood, share their
only some thin-bloods can walk in sunlight as it is formulae with others and create stockpiles of po-
unfair that only some are alchemists. While true, to tions for a rainy day. They’re not at the point of be-
a degree, most acknowledge that alchemy is some- ing able to turn blood into gold just yet, but a few
thing extra special. Bottled alchemists will insist that particular break-

through is just days away. While many Fixatio al- power, an attitude that’s much appreciated by
chemists have little in common with the stereotype those thin-bloods who know them. The cynics will
of the medieval alchemist, that image is preferable say Bottled alchemists only share their arts so they
to the brush that other thin-bloods tar them with. can demand ingredients or blood from their fellows
in exchange. There’s a grain of truth to this, but, if
Pernicious whispers – Amongst thin-bloods, Bottled everyone benefits, does it really matter?
alchemists are not imagined as medieval eccentrics,
but as cold, analytical and uncaring people. They Practicalities – For all the talk about negative stereo-
are said to spend their nights toiling in sterile la- types and high-minded ideals, for some their
boratories funded by some elder vampire in a be- choice of art is pragmatic, not ideological. As previ-
trayal of the rest of thin-blood society. This is gen- ously mentioned, Bottled alchemy allows one to
erally untrue. Most Bottled alchemists are funded store formulae for months at a time and to carry
by no one but themselves, each night a struggle to several on one’s person. Prepared Bottled alche-
stay afloat under the cost of equipment and ingre- mists are forces to be reckoned with, having a for-
dients. The fight to stay solvent drives some Bot- mula set aside for every occasion. The wisest Bot-
tled alchemists into the arms of unscrupulous pa- tled alchemists carry as much alchemy on their per-
trons, but the same temptation is present no matter son as they can get away with, prepared no matter
what distillation method one chooses. the situation. As useful as this is, carrying vials of
The accusations that Bottled alchemists are blood around is awkward. The last thing any alche-
cold holds more merit. Bottled alchemists are one mist wants is to explain themselves to the cops af-
step removed from their formulae, using glass bot- ter being pulled over with half a dozen vials of
tles as vessels to create formulae rather than their blood on their backseat. Most alchemists put their
own or others’ bodies. This creates an emotional mixtures into sports bottles or thermos flasks in an
disconnect between alchemist and formula, increas- attempt to keep discreet. Bottled alchemists’ ad-
ing the difficulty of producing something of qual- vantages can end up backfiring on them should
ity. Alchemists must generate the formula’s emo- they act carelessly. A Bottled alchemist who loses
tional resonance with ingredients, a bouquet of their store of formulae or access to their well-
flowers a stand in for passion and a sachet of MSG stocked laboratory quickly lose their ability to do
in place of pleasure. The disconnect leads to some alchemy, the loss reducing their powers to that of
approaching their work without joy or passion, the average thin-blood. They are the most prepared
mindlessly following alchemical recipes to the let- and the most vulnerable of alchemists.
ter. By no means is every Bottled alchemist cold
and calculating, but their method creates a level of
separation from their craft not seen in other distilla- Internal Alchemy
tion techniques. Internal alchemists superficially appear like magi-
cians, their abilities manifesting from nowhere. If
Idealised truths – Bottled alchemists ultimate aim is only it were so easily. Internal alchemists must be
to bring the benefits of alchemy to all thin-bloods. in touch with their body, their emotions, and the
At least, that’s what they like to claim, and with mixture of blood in their veins. To create formulae,
some merit. Many Fixatio formulae are usable by an Internal alchemist must first consume blood of
all thin-bloods, and yet more Bottled formulae are the correct resonances, then focus inward, adopting
designed to support the wider thin-blooded com- a state akin to meditation. They pour their own
munity. A few Bottled alchemists even aim to dis- thoughts, emotions, and intentions into the con-
cover a formula that could grant the power of al- sumed blood, the emotional resonances within hu-
chemy to those thin-bloods who do not possess it. man blood combining with the alchemist’s own
Most don’t go quite that far, but there is a genuine feelings to produce something of power. Some ut-
desire amongst Bottled alchemists to share their ter prayers as they create formulae, some whisper

strange incantations whilst others remain entirely expressing their full range of emotions and dress-
silent. The most skilled alchemists have some con- ing in a way that receives raised eyebrows and dis-
trol over their internal bodily functions, able to sep- approving glares from passers-by.
arate out or circulate the blood within their veins to By gaining mastery over themselves they
precise degrees, their body truly becoming a labor- too gain power over their environment, able to use
atory. Out of all distillation methods, Internal al- their power to improve the standing of all
chemists are the most intimately familiar with their duskborn, not just themselves. Internal alchemists
art, with no separation between them and their for- are not self-obsessed, but they are self-confident, al-
mulae. ways willing to put themselves forward and tell
others exactly what they think. Their confidence
Pernicious whispers – Internal alchemists are sad- and unashamed self-expression provides inspira-
dled with the unfortunate reputation of being vain tion to those around them and makes them the life
and self-centred people. To hear other thin-bloods and soul of social gatherings.
tell it, all Internal alchemists ever talk about is Of course, self-confidence and self-obses-
themselves. How they’re feeling, how great their sion are two sides of the same coin. It’s oh so easy
alchemical skills are, and how whatever problem for Internal alchemists to cross from one side to the
the city has effects them personally. Plus, their for- other, should they get caught up in their own hype.
mulae rarely seems designed to help others. Bottled
alchemists make shareable formulae, so why don’t Practicalities – Why might a thin-blood choose In-
Internal alchemists? ternal alchemy as their art? There are those who
Even the practitioners of the art have to ad- pick it just because they want to use the Beast Beck-
mit that they feed into these stereotypes. It’s cer- oner formula to grow claws. Who wouldn’t? Claws
tainly true that Internal alchemy is focused on the aside, it can sometimes be difficult to see why an
individual, their formulae changing the alchemist alchemist would choose Internal alchemy over the
in some way rather than effecting the environment, seemingly more useful Bottled or Parasitic, unless
their method of formula creation also centred on the ideals of the art appeal. However, Internal al-
the self. Some Internal alchemists will spout a lot of chemy is by far the most flexible of the three distil-
nonsense about how their bodies are the perfect lation methods. Bottled alchemists need their labor-
vessels for thin-blood alchemy, boasting about how atory and heaps of ingredients, and Parasitic alche-
they have total control over their form. These mists need their human vessels. Internal alchemists
proud thoughts lead Internal alchemists to believe though? All they need is themselves, and blood.
that their bodies are something different, some- And blood can be found anywhere. If an alchemist
thing special compared to other duskborn. Those wishes to travel far and wide, then Internal is their
that hold this attitude never keep quiet about it, choice of distillation. Internal alchemists also pro-
much to the chagrin of other thin-blood. duce higher quality formulae when compared with
their Bottled counterparts, thin-blood bodies being
Idealised truths – The truths that Internal alchemists superior vessels to anything that can be found in a
like to think about themselves aren’t too far from laboratory. Internal alchemists are the ones who al-
the “lies” of other thin-bloods. Yes, Internal alche- ways have a trick up their sleeve, ready to unleash
mists do turn their gaze inward, but that isn’t to the their abilities at the most unexpected of times.
exclusion of everything else. Internal alchemists
promote self-exploration and the embrace of their
true selves, accepting their thin-blood nature fully Parasitic alchemy
with no shame. They embrace roles that society The name, Parasitic alchemy, conjures up nasty im-
normally shuns, going against gender stereotypes, ages of exploitation and theft in the minds of those
who hear it. The moniker is not popular with its

practitioners, with Communal alchemy, Familial al- for a better path. These alchemists do not kidnap or
chemy and Human alchemy all being suggested as coerce humans into becoming their vessels, but in-
alternative names. But its current name has stuck stead use consenting adults as their formulae ves-
because unfortunate as it may be, it has something sels. Consensualists, Osiris’ and Scene Queens all
of the ring of truth to it. Parasitic alchemists use employ their herds as vessels for alchemy. Parasitic
human beings as the vessels for their formulae. The alchemists who emphasise consent must keep their
formulae are created from the emotions running humanity close. They need to understand human
through the veins of the alchemist’s vessels, a por- emotions in depth, able to coax the desired emotion
tion of human essence being converted into some- out of their human friends to create formulae. Their
thing powerful. For some formulae a vessel may be herd are not just a food source, but friends, family,
required to chant incantations, move their body in and lovers. The funny thing is that Parasitic alche-
a choreographed dance, or to simply think the mists are both the most inhuman and the most hu-
thoughts that the alchemist wishes them to. Con- man of thin-bloods.
sent, tragically, is only required should the alche- To those humans who offer themselves as
mist’s morals tell them so. Once distilled, the alche- alchemical vessels willingly, the experience is thrill-
mist takes the formula’s power for themselves by ing. Emotions are induced in the subject by the al-
drinking from their vessel, gaining both power and chemist’s words, touch, and the resonant blood
sustenance in one drink. they have consumed. The waves of euphoria and
despair the volunteer feels provide a near trans-
Pernicious whispers – While other types of alche- cendent experience, forging tight emotional bonds
mists are seen as cold or self-important, those repu- between alchemist and vessel.
tations are positively rosy compared to the reputa- Alchemists who follow this path must be
tion of Parasitic alchemists. They are believed to be careful. There is an immense power imbalance be-
empathy devoid monsters who care nothing for the tween the alchemist and those in their herd, and it
lives of humans. Parasitic alchemists, as the story can be all too easy for what appears to be consent
goes, use imprisoned humans as their vessels. They to be nothing of the sort. Humans may feel pres-
kidnap, chain, and abuse their victims. To produce sured to follow the alchemist’s wishes and become
formulae, they induce the desired emotions in their a vessel to formulae, fearing negative consequences
captives through drugs when the alchemist re- should they reject the offer to become a vessel. Co-
quires a positive emotion and torture when the al- erced decisions are never truly consensual, no mat-
chemist requires a negative one. Once a vessel has ter how many alchemists convince themselves oth-
ran its use, they are disposed of. Sadly, these are erwise.
not just baseless rumours. The Circulatory System Those who carry out Parasitic alchemy in a
indulges wholeheartedly in these unethical prac- consensual manner are the strongest opponents of
tices, as do a number of independent alchemists those who acquire vessels through kidnap and im-
who only care about increasing their own power. prisonment. If there’s a raid on a Circulatory Sys-
Kinder hearted Parasitic alchemists will point out tem’s lab to carry out, more often than not a Para-
that the Circulatory System makes use of all three sitic alchemist has instigated the action. Perhaps
distillation methods and that all thin-bloods re- through enough direct action they can redeem the
quire the theft of blood to sustain themselves. As reputation of their art. Perhaps.
true as this may be, it’s impossible to deny that the
worst excesses of thin-blood cruelty often stem Practicalities – Parasitic alchemists are less common
from Parasitic alchemists. than Bottled or Internal. Thin-bloods are put off by
both the sordid reputation of the art and its awk-
Idealised truths – Those Parasitic alchemists who ward logistics. Not everyone has a group of hu-
have a sense of morality don’t deny that some carry mans, willing or not, to use as vessels. For those
out atrocities using their art, but instead advocate

who have the inclination to take up the art, Para- all three methods, but those driven to do so are
sitic alchemy offers many benefits. Like Bottled al- convinced that mastery of Bottled, Internal, and
chemy, one can keep several formulae stored at Parasitic alchemy will grant great and terrible
once in the bodies of their vessels, though after a power.
time Parasitic formulae are lost in the veins of their
vessels. Like Internal alchemy, Parasitic produces a
higher quality of formulae then Fixatio. Again, like
Internal alchemy it requires no ingredients except
blood to distil formulae. In some ways the method
takes the best parts from both Internal and Bottled
alchemy, putting the two into one ugly package.

Jacks of all trades

There is no rule that says that alchemists must stick
to one distillation method. Having a backup can be
useful if say, you’re a Bottled alchemist who’s been
separated from your laboratory. While taking up a
secondary distillation method is common, true
jacks of all trades who have no primary method of
distillation are vanishingly rare. Those who take on
all three distillation methods find themselves com-
pletely consumed by the art of alchemy, having no
time to care for anything except their work. Very
few alchemists see the point in seeking mastery of

Pryderi’s Formulae
“Hearing other thin-bloods talk, being an alchemist is a ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, San-
great gift that I’m hugely lucky to have received. But all guine blood, One tab of LSD
my nights are spent hiding, running, and fighting, with ▪ Activation Cost: None
more hiding, running, and fighting. And all alchemy ▪ System: The Alchemist will dream in her
seems to do is allow me to hide, run, and fight with more next daysleep after imbibing the formula.
zealousness than I could otherwise do. I wonder if al- Her dreams will be identical to those one
chemy is something that really is a blessing, or if it’s a would have as a human, except the dream-
curse to prolong my misery?” world is illuminated in blood red light.
- Pryderi, Cincinnati Alchemist There is no mechanical benefit for entering
this state.
Pryderi was(is?) an alchemist who spent much of
Bottled – Other thin-bloods may use this for-
his unlife on the move, moving from town to town
and haven to haven, though never straying far
▪ Duration: One day sleep.
from his hometown of Cincinnati. Always paranoid
that something or someone was out to get him,
Pryderi spent much of his time developing formu- CODE SPEAKING
lae that’d help him survive one extra night. That, AKA: Technobabble, Zoomer Talk
and finding the rare joys when he could. It’s per-
Code Speaking allows the Alchemist to talk in a
haps no surprise that Pryderi’s cookbook was ex- way that is only comprehendible to other thin-
tracted from a burnt-out haven, surviving by virtue bloods.
of the steel safe it was kept in. His recipes have
“I’ve heard it said that the older vampires struggle
since been bought and sold on numerous occa-
to understand what thin-bloods say anyway, so I wonder
sions, his poor notebook becoming more and more
if this formula is necessary?”
decrepit with each transaction.
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Phleg-
matic Blood, The ashes of a dictionary of
modern slang
▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
Pryderi’s Recipes ▪ System: On activation the alchemist may
speak to other thin-bloods with language so
Level 1 full of jargon, references, and newly in-
vented words that nobody except other
RED DREAMS duskborn can understand. The effects of the
AKA: The Dreaming, Commune with Divinity formula apply to the alchemist and any
Most thin-bloods lose the ability to dream when thin-blood the alchemist converses with.
they’re turned. This formula allows one to create a A Wits + Empathy roll can be made
facsimile of a dream, coloured a bloody red. to attempt to decipher the conversation, 3
“In theory one may dream of anything they would successes allowing an understanding of the
have done when as a human, though in practise my topic of conversation, and at 6 successes the
dreams always become nightmares.” conversation is completely understandable.

▪ Duration: One Scene. Parasitic – The Alchemist may instead
choose to open the wrist of her vessel rather
than her own. This deals one point of super-
BLOOD SCRUB ficial damage to the vessel.
AKA: Cleanup juice, Blood into Smoke ▪ Duration: One scene.
Blood Scrub allows one to turn blood into smoke
with a touch of the finger, affecting both fresh
blood and long forgotten stains. Level 2
“If this could affect blood inside the body it’d be
truly scary. As it stands, the main use I see is for getting
rid of stains.” BRAIN BLEACH
AKA: Past’s Escape, Memory Partition
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Gun-
Brain Bleach allows one to permanently remove
powder, One bath bomb
their own memories. Alchemists cannot wipe their
▪ Activation Cost: None
entire mind with this formula, but select memories
▪ System: Any pool of blood or bloodstain and facts can be removed.
the Alchemist touches evaporates into
“I use this formula just in case I get snatched up.
smoke. The size of the blood pool does not
I’ve heard stories about what vampires do to extract in-
matter, the formula creating a chain reac-
formation, and the only way I think I could keep my
tion of evaporation. A sufficient volume of
mouth shut is by not having anything to tell them.”
blood being transfigured may create a tem-
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Phleg-
porary smokescreen.
matic blood, Bleach, Drill bits
This cannot affect blood that is still
inside the body. Using this power an open
▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
wound could create a brief puff of smoke ▪ System: The Alchemist can choose to per-
doing no damage to the target. manently remove a number of memories
from her mind equal to her points in Blood
▪ Duration: One round.
Alchemy. There is no activation cost or re-
quired action to remove the memories. The
FREE FIRE forgotten memories are unrecoverable.
AKA: Duskborn Napalm A memory is defined as either an
This formula turns the blood of the user into a event lasting no more than one scene or a
highly flammable liquid. known fact. For example, an event an alche-
“The fact that my blood becomes the fuel for the mist could forget would be her siring. A fact
flame doesn’t make fire any less terrifying, though I sup- that she could forget is the location of a
pose it terrifies vampires even more.” friend's haven, but she cannot not remove
all knowledge of her friend.
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, San-
guine blood, Petroleum ▪ Duration: Thirty days.
▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check per pint
of blood spilled.
System: The Alchemist opens her wrist and
AKA: Wishbone
pours out her blood onto a desired target,
This brutal formula allows the alchemist to pull a
one rouse check required per pint of blood
victim's body in opposing directions causing terri-
expended. The expended blood is dark and
ble pain.
sticky. The blood ignites should a flame be
“The formula has the power to rip humans apart, in
applied to it, burning like oil. It loses its
theory. I hope I never have to see that.”
flammable properties after one scene.

▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Chol- AKA: The Switcheroo
eric blood, Melted nylon fibres, One litre The Alchemist infuses a bottle of blood with a tiny
carbonated soft drink fraction of her essence. Any attempt to dominate
▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check the Thin-blood mentally will strike at the vial of
▪ Dice Pools: Wits + Alchemy against blood, leaving her mind safe from domination.
Strength + Athletics “Vampires are terrifyingly good at controlling
▪ System: The Alchemist selects one target in minds. I once heard that a thin-blood turned a gun on
20 meters of her and rolls Wits + Alchemy her friends then herself with just a few words spoken by
resisted against the targets Strength + Ath- a vampire. I think this’ll work, but I don’t want to be in
letics. On a success, the victim is pulled in a situation where I’d find out.”
two different directions by an invisible ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Melan-
force, dealing superficial damage to the tar- choly blood, Salt, Broken twigs, Burnt pho-
get with a damage value of +2. The Alche- tograph of the Alchemist
mist can use this attack a number of times ▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
equal to her dots in Blood Alchemy. ▪ System: The alchemist does not consume
▪ Duration: One scene. the formula to activate its power, instead
wearing the liquid in a glass vial around her
neck. If anyone attempts to sway her mind
KNOCKOUT with a mental attack (Entrancement, Mes-
AKA: Lullaby merize etc.), the attacker must achieve an
This formula makes the user’s blood emit an over- additional 3 successes to land their attack.
powering smell that can render any human (includ- The vial shatters after the mental attack,
ing ghouls) unconscious. ending the formula’s effect. The Alchemist
“Unfortunately, Knockout has no effect on vam- may only have one False Mind formula ac-
pires. I tried it on a vamp once, it was as embarrassing tive at any one time.
as it was nearly life ending.” ▪ Duration: Permanent.
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Phleg-
matic blood, Sleeping pills, Feathers
▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check MASQUERADE’S MASQUERADE
▪ System: The Alchemist opens her wrist and AKA: Kindred Spirit, False Child
places it over the nose or mouth of a mortal This formula allows one to masquerade as a full-
target. The smell of the user’s blood is so blooded Kindred. The user's appearance loses the
potent as to cause the victim to fall uncon- vestiges of humanity that thin-bloods hold onto,
scious. not even the blood magic of the Tremere able to
The Alchemist must grapple her tar- break the veil.
get to use this formula. Each round the vic- “This is a formula only used by the bravest of thin-
tim must make a Stamina roll requiring bloods. I’ve got to admit, I’m not one of those brave
three successes per round to resist. If the at- ones.”
tacker succeeds the victim loses conscious- ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Kin-
ness. This effect does not work on vampires, dred blood
thin-bloods, or other supernatural creatures. ▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
▪ Duration: One scene. ▪ Dice Pools: None
▪ System: On activation the Thin-blood phys-
ically appears like a full-blooded vampire,
FALSE MIND losing any appearance of life she has, in-
Bottled alchemy only cluding the Lifelike merit. Any supernatural

tests such as the Taste for Blood ritual will blend in, either when in a crowd or while
find that the Thin-blood is a 13th generation disguised. While the formula is active she
Kindred belonging to the clan of her nearest tends to go ignored in conversation by
full-blooded ancestor. friend and foe alike.
This ability will not give the Thin- ▪ Duration: One scene.
blood any additional vampiric abilities.
Thin-blood flaws such as baby teeth that
mark one out as duskborn will superficially
Level 3
appear corrected but will not provide any
mechanical use.
Bottled – Other thin-bloods may use this for- WITHOUT A TRACE
mula. AKA: Silent Step, Potion of Thievery
Internal – The Alchemist may choose to ap- Without a Trace allows the Thin-blood to leave no
pear as a Nosferatu, her appearance shifting evidence of her comings and goings. Her boots
to a monstrous form for the formula’s dura- leave no footprints, her clothes shed no fibres and
tion. she leaves no fingerprints behind.
Parasitic – The Alchemist may make her ves- “One of my favourites. I’ve got away with so much
sel appear vampiric rather than herself. The that i’m not careful enough to get away with.”
stress on the body this causes deals 5 points ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Melan-
of superficial damage to the vessel when the choly blood, Bleach, Raven feathers
formula ends. ▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
▪ Duration: Seven days. ▪ System: On activation, the Alchemist leaves
no trace of her presence. She leaves no
scent, no footprints, no fingerprints and no
BENEATH NOTICE psychic imprints on objects she handles, nor
Internal alchemy only will she leave any other subtle evidence that
AKA: Loner’s Walk reveal her presence. Obvious pieces of evi-
The Alchemist internalises common experiences of dence she leaves, such as blood splatters,
thin-bloods; that they’re unwanted, unwelcome, movement of objects, or video footage will
and utterly beneath the notice of others. This al- still be visible. Tracking powers such as Illu-
lows the Alchemist to avoid the notice of others, minate the Trail of Prey will lead to a clash
nobody giving her so much as a second glance. of wills, the Alchemist rolling a defence of
“I’d love if I could just be left alone, at least for a Stealth + Blood Alchemy.
time. I wish this formula could make that happen, but it ▪ Duration: One scene.
at least can buy me some anonymity.”
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Melan-
choly blood, Phlegmatic blood
▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check Level 4
▪ System: This formula makes the Alchemist
appear small, insignificant, and unworthy
of notice to others. She gains a +3 dice bo-
AKA: Blood Cocktail, The Bull Baiter
nus to any roll where she is attempting to

This formula allows the alchemist to summon a
cloud of red mist that induces hunger frenzy in
any kindred within its confines.
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, All
four humours of human blood.
▪ Activation Cost: None
▪ Dice Pools: Defender rolls Willpower,
Difficulty 3 to resist frenzy. Difficulty
may be increased if the Kindred is suffi-
ciently hungry.
▪ System: On activation a cloud of red
mist is released, the overwhelming smell
of blood within inducing any enveloped
Kindred to frenzy. Vampires caught
within the cloud must roll a hunger
frenzy check at Difficulty 3. Thin-bloods
must roll a hunger frenzy check if their
hunger is 3 or greater. The cloud is six
meters in diameter and dissipates after
three rounds.
Bottled – The Alchemist drinks part of
her formulae and throws the rest at her
target, the liquid inside instantly vapor-
izing into a blood red cloud when the
formula’s container smashes. The Alche-
mist must roll Dexterity + Athletics to
make her throw.
Internal – The Alchemist releases the red
mist from around her body. Wherever
she moves the cloud follows until the
formula expires. The Alchemist gains the
benefits from the Envelop formula for
the duration.
Parasitic – On creation of the formula the
Alchemist does not drink from her ves-
sel. Instead, the formula is held within
her vessel, the blood red cloud released
from the vessels body at a time of the Al-
chemist’s choosing. The Alchemist must
be in eyesight of her vessel to activate
the formula.
▪ Duration: Three rounds.

Holy Alchemy
“My Sisters, Brothers, and those in between, you should ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Melan-
fully commit yourselves to our Goddess of blood. For is choly blood, Magnetic tape, Strip of paper
it not they who grant us our powers over blood, giving with message written on it.
us alchemists the ability to do things even Kindred only ▪ Activation Cost: None
dream of? Through worship of them, your alchemy will ▪ System: The Alchemist writes a sentence of
grow stronger, your status will be elevated, and your up to fifty characters on a slip of paper. Bot-
soul will be strengthened.” tled alchemists add this to the formula, In-
- Excerpt from sermon of Sally O’Connor, Priestess ternal alchemists consume the paper and
of Holy Blood Parasitic alchemists have their vessel eat the
The Church of Holy Blood is a thin-blood suprem-
The Alchemist then selects her mes-
acy cult with a small but fanatical following. They
sage’s recipient. The recipient must be a
pray to a God of blood whom they call Sumeire, be-
thin-blood who she is personally familiar
lieving their god has selected thin-bloods to hold
with. Her message will appear instantane-
dominion over vampires and mortals alike, reason-
ously on the recipient's skin, appearing in a
ing that the duskborn take the best aspects from
blood red script exactly matching the writ-
both. For thin-bloods who are all too familiar with
ten message. The message is hot to the
feelings of inferiority, the idea that they are in fact a
touch and will dissipate thirty seconds after
chosen people is highly appealing. The church too
the target reads it.
offers spiritual excuses for the worst indulges of
▪ Duration: One round.
vampiric behaviour, a fine thing for those who
wish to steal the blood of humans without guilt.
The Church has many formulae purportedly
granted to them by the Gods, their alchemy grant- Level 2
ing power over blood, life, and death.
AKA: Blood Tatt, Bloodbank
This allows the Alchemist to tattoo themselves with
Sacred formulae of the Church of ink made up of human blood. The tattoo may be
Holy Blood absorbed at any time to gain one point of blood.
“Acat’s Blessing provides one of the greatest bless-
Level 1 ings a thin-blood could ask for, the ability to change our
usually unchanging appearance.”
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Melan-
choly blood, Tattoo ink
AKA: Message in the Wind, Blood DM
This formula allows the Alchemist to send a one
▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
System: The formula allows the Alchemist
sentence message to a thin-blood of their choosing,
to tattoo herself, the ink a dark red colour.
the message appearing on the skin of the recipient.
The tattoos are permanent but at any time
“Many faiths throughout history have required se-
the Thin-blood wishes she can absorb the
cret methods of communication to avoid persecution,
blood in the tattoo to regain one blood
and we are no different. Thank Iris for this formula.”

point. One tattoo can be absorbed per round ▪ Dice Pools: Stamina + Blood Alchemy to re-
as a reflexive action. This formula may be sist the kiss. Dexterity + Blood Alchemy
repeated several times, a maximum of 3 when attacking.
points of blood able to be stored on the ▪ System: When activated the Alchemist
Thin-blood’s skin. gains telekinetic control over blood, able to
Bottled - The formula should not be con- control up to 20 litres at once. The
sumed to activate, but instead, loaded into a Duskborn may use this power to draw
tattoo gun and applied to the skin. The tat- blood in the environment into her mouth,
too(s) can be any appearance the user de- gaining up to one blood point per round.
sires but must cover an area equivalent to Blood may instead be pulled out of open
one limb. This may be used on any thin- wounds. The Duskborn must roll Dexterity
blood, and anyone may apply the tattoo. + Blood Alchemy to attack a foe with this
Internal – The Alchemist imagines which power at a +1 damage rating, dealing aggra-
tattoo designs she wishes for on consuming vated damage to mortals. Vampires will not
the formula, the tattoos appearing on her be damaged by this, a successful attack in-
skin. Like with Bottled alchemy she may stead forcing the vampire to roll a rouse
have a maximum of 3 points of blood stored check. If a vampire attempts to drink from
on her skin, but Internal alchemy also al- the Thin-blood, she may roll Stamina +
lows for the tattooing of internal organs, let- Blood Alchemy to resist, a successful roll
ting her store an extra 2 points of blood. preventing blood loss for one turn.
Parasitic – Like Internal alchemy, the Alche- ▪ Duration: One scene.
mist imagines what design she wishes for
after drinking from her vessel, the tattoo ap-
pearing on her skin. She may not tattoo her
internal organs but can choose to grant tat-
Level 3
toos to her vessels rather than herself, stor-
ing the blood which may later be consumed SHEPARD
by drinking from her vessels. AKA: Baby Radar, Fledgling Compass
▪ Duration: Permanent. This formula allows the Alchemist to locate any
nearby thin-bloods that have been recently turned.
“Alchemists are the shepherds of the Duskborn, and
SUMEIRE’S GIFT it is our job to act as their guides. This blessing is the
AKA: Finders Keepers, Blood Vacuum first step in our guidance, helping us seek out the new-
Sumeire’s Gift allows the Alchemist telekinetic con- born.”
trol over blood. She may draw blood out of open ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Melan-
wounds, pull a pool of blood towards themselves, cholic blood, Choleric blood, Positive preg-
or use the power to resist being drained by a vam- nancy test
pire. ▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
“Sumeire holds sway over all blood, granting us ul-
▪ System: The Alchemist becomes able to
timate control over the blood of others to use as we see
sense thin-bloods created in the last 30 days
in a two-kilometre radius from herself.
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Melan- ▪ Duration: One hour.
cholic blood, Phlegmatic blood, Melted
▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check THE GIFT OF LIFE
AKA: Re-animator

This formula allows the temporary revival of a re- ▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
cently deceased corpse. The corpse will be able to ▪ System: On consumption, thin-bloods with
speak (assuming its vocal cords have not been a womb & vagina become able to grow
damaged) and have its memories intact. Once the pregnant, and those with a penis gain the
power wears off the recently deceased returns to a ability to inseminate. This effect lasts one
state of death. week.
“We duskborn straddle the line between life and Bottled– Any thin-blood may use this for-
death, and it’s only right that we share our gift of life af- mula.
ter death with others.” Internal – Any thin-blood may use this for-
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Phleg- mula if the Alchemist anoints their head
matic blood, Sanguine blood, Green fluores- and stomach with her own vitae.
cent dye, Flowering plant buds, Melted Parasitic – Any thin-blood may use this for-
electric wires mula by drinking from the human vessel.
▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check ▪ Duration: Seven days.
▪ System: On touching a human who has
been deceased for under 72 hours the
corpse will wake from death. The human WALK IN PEACE
will be able to talk and move unless injuries AKA: Sisterly Love, Pacifist’s Potion
prevent them from doing so. The formula’s This formula creates an aura of peace around the
duration lasts a number of minutes equal to user that dissuades any human, vampire, or other
the alchemist’s Blood Alchemy level. Once thin-blood from attacking the Alchemist.
this period is over the individual will once “Duskborns share the blood of both Kindred and hu-
more fall into death. Attempting to use this mans. They are our family. This formula reminds them
on a human who has been dead for over 72 of our kinship, bringing us one step closer to harmony.”
hours will cause the body to awaken as a ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Phleg-
mindless shell. matic blood, A family photograph, Canna-
▪ Duration: One minute per level of Thin- bis, One white feather
blood Alchemy. ▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
▪ System: On activation, the Alchemist emits
an aura of familiarity, making it difficult for
Level 4 others to commit violence against them. If a
human, thin-blood or vampire attempts to
attack the Alchemist either through physi-
MATRONA’S BLESSING cal or mental means, they must roll their
AKA: Neo-IVF, Babymaker unspent Willpower at Difficulty 4. Failure
Through this formula the user becomes able to con- means that the attacker is overcome with a
ceive a child. sense of kinship towards their target and is
“Matrona the goddess of motherhood adores all crea- thus unable to attack.
tion of new life, whether that be the making of a new The attacker must make this roll
thin-blood or the birth of a new human. Tragically, most every time they attempt violence against the
thin-bloods to not have the ability to sexually reproduce. Alchemist. Any violence of part of the Al-
This formula changes that, allowing those who accept chemist ends the formula’s effect. Beings
Matrona’s blessing to create brand new life.” other than vampires, thin-bloods, and hu-
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Phleg- mans are not affected by the formula.
matic blood, Sanguine blood, Clomid, Hu- ▪ Duration: One Scene.
man sexual fluids

Ancestor’s Awakening allows the Alchemist to call
Level 5 on her vampiric ancestors, bringing something of
those old Kindred into her body. This gives her
some domain over disciplines and grants
HUMANITY’S INHERITENCE knowledge of her ancestors. Alchemists who use
Parasitic alchemy only this run of risk of their ancestor seizing control of
AKA: Theft of Life, Consume Essence their body.
Through Humanity’s Inheritance an Alchemist cam “Our blood has been constructed from generation af-
come as close to humanity as possible without be-
ter generation of Kindred. The blood not only contains
coming mortal. To gain this gift, humanity must be power, but fragments of the souls of our ancestors. We
stolen from another. can rouse our ancestors to the surface using this for-
It is our right, our inheritance to walk with both mula, taking their knowledge and power for ourselves.”
Kindred and humans. Sometimes the gifts we’re created
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Vam-
with are not sufficient to do this, so we must borrow
piric blood belonging to the clan of the al-
from others. Feel no guilt on using this formula, it our
chemist nearest vampiric ancestor, Gold fil-
Goddess given right to take humanity for ourselves. If
we were not supposed to use this formula, then why did
▪ Activation Cost: None
Sumeire grant it to us?
▪ Dicepool: None
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, San-
guine blood, Phlegmatic blood, Choleric
▪ System: The formula brings a vampiric an-
cestor of the Alchemist into her body. She
hears her ancestor’s thoughts in her head
▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
and gains a portion of her ancestor’s per-
▪ System: To activate this formula, the Alche- sonality. It is up to the Storyteller as to
mist must consume a part of her vessel, be
which ancestor is roused. Only deceased an-
this hair, fingernails, or flesh. She then
cestors may be brought forward, and higher
drinks from her vessel, driving a wooden
generation Kindred are more likely to ap-
splinter through her vessel’s heart as she
consumes the formula in her vessel’s blood.
She may spend up to three points in
The vessel instantly falls into a comatose
disciplines that belong to her ancestor’s
state, the Alchemist taking away her ves-
clan, able to use them like any normal Kin-
sel’s humanity for herself. She may walk in
dred could. She can ask as many questions
the sun with no difficulty, eat food to gain
as she wishes of her ancestor though she
sustenance in place of blood, breathe nor-
has no guarantee of receiving a truthful re-
mally, and do anything else that a human
sponse. Once per use of the formula the Al-
may do. She loses any vampiric powers she
chemist’s ancestor may attempt to take con-
has for the duration of the formula, except
trol of her body at a moment of the Story-
that she remains immortal and immune to
tellers choosing. The Alchemist must roll
disease. She must keep her vessel alive for
her unspent willpower at Difficulty 3 to
the duration of the formula else the effect
prevent being possessed. Possession will
will end. The Alchemist may end the effect
last up to one scene. While possessed, the
prematurely by removing the splinter from
alchemist becomes an observer in her own
the heart of her vessel.
body, only able to watch as her ancestor
▪ Duration: Seven days. does what they will.
▪ Duration: Twenty-four hours.
AKA: Blood’s Echo, Stranger’s Visitation

Lilly’s Alchemical
“Of course i’ll help. Yeah, I know I voted vote against underground, a nuclear bunker or out in the
the plan, and for the record I still think that burning sticks.
down the vamp hangout is a fucking stupid idea. But “Way this one works is that it makes my body into
you’re less likely to die if I come along, and i’d really an antenna, letting me use all the social media I want
rather you didn’t. Plus, it could be fun!” even when hiding in my sewer.”
- Lilly, Anarchist & Alchemist ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, San-
guine blood, Coiled wire
Lilly is an anarchist in the truest sense of the ▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
word, part of a nascent anarchic movement
▪ System: On activation the Alchemist’s
amongst thin-bloods in the American west coast.
body acts like an aerial, boosting the sig-
She and her compatriots in Stockton organise
nal of any electronic device they are in
themselves in a system of mutual aid, each thin-
physical contact with. This can allow the
blood contributing what they can to the
user to pick up or transmit radio waves,
community. The Stockton thin-bloods have no
connect to 4G internet or make mobile
hierarchy, decisions made through voting and
phone calls in places that’d otherwise
mutual consent rather than by a leader. And, of
have no connection.
course, the Stockton thin-bloods love to give
▪ Duration: One scene.
vampires a kicking whenever they have a chance,
showing those elitist fucks where they can put
their discriminatory attitudes. Lilly’s formulae FIRE ALARM
were freely and willingly distributed amongst the
Bottled alchemy only
alchemists of the west coast, her recipes designed AKA: Sanctuary’s Blessing
to help the community and fight vampires, all Fire Alarm provides an early warning system for
shared alongside her colourful commentary. the Alchemist should a sanctuary of hers be
breached by an uninvited guest.
“We don’t have fancy skyscrapers like the vam-
pires, but the places we do have are just as important
Lilly’s Anarchic Formulae to protect. More important actually, I don’t see sky-
scrapers being used to shelter people who need it.”
Level 1 ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Blood
of participating thin-bloods, Sanguine
VG blood, Chalk dust, Building material
AKA: Heavenly Signal ▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
This formula allows you to get a phone signal no ▪ System: The Alchemist mixes the formula
matter where you are in the world, be that a mile with the blood of up to six thin-bloods, in-
cluding herself. She also adds dust from

the building/indoor sanctuary space “This formula takes a great deal of trust between
(apartments, secret rooms etc) she wishes all its users to use, but we’ve got trust in spades in
to watch over into the formula, be this in these parts.”
the form of brick dust or sawdust. On the ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Mel-
creation of the formula she drinks half the ancholic blood, Woollen thread, Magnet-
mixture and pours the remainder into a ised needle
vial that she wears around her neck. ▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
Should anyone other than one of ▪ System: The Alchemist and a number of
the thin-bloods who contributed to the thin-bloods at a maximum of 1 + Blood Al-
formula enter the designated sanctuary, chemy level take hold of one another's
the vial around the Alchemist’s neck starts hands to activate the formula. All partici-
start glowing, heat emanating from the pating thin-bloods can sense each other’s
vial as the formula evaporates. location for the formula’s duration. Partic-
▪ Duration: Permanent. ipants can sever their connection to the
rest of the group at any time.
▪ Duration: One Week.
AKA: Passing the Toke, Ambrosia
Radical Pleasure induces a feeling of euphoria in
both the alchemist and her friends. Level 3
“As the band Bikini Kill once sang, ‘I believe in
the radical possibilities of pleasure, babe’.” DOORBUSTER
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, San- AKA: Breaching Charge, Blood Bomb
guine blood, MSG Altering the blood of the user to become explo-
▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check sive when meeting air, this volatile formula can
▪ System: Radical Pleasure may be used on create an explosion capable of blowing doors off
a number of willing participants, equal to their hinges.
the Alchemist’s Blood Alchemy level×2. “My personal favourite use of this is blowing up
All participants must sit in a circle and the cars of people who deserve it. I just have to take a
hold one another's hands. On activation few steps back after coating my target in blood, else my
the formula induces intense pleasure in friends will be picking bits of me out of their hair.”
each participant. All participants gain one ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, San-
point of willpower when the effect ends. guine blood, Kerosene, Match heads
Thin-bloods may gain a maximum of one ▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
willpower per week through use of this ▪ System: The Alchemist cuts her palm and
formula. pours out blood onto the desired surface,
▪ Duration: Ten minutes. the blood detonating in a large explosion
30 seconds later. This can wreck cars, take
doors off hinges, and blow holes through
weak walls. The blood smells of kerosene,
Level 2
pouring out of the body as a thick brown
sludge. Any vampire standing within 2
BUDDY SYSTEM metres of the blood upon detonation will
AKA: The Trace take 5 points of superficial damage, hu-
This allows the user and a number of willing par- mans taking 5 points of aggravated dam-
ticipants to instinctively sense one another’s loca- age.
tion for one week.

Parasitic – The Alchemist may instead “With this one, I’m not sure what’s more satisfy-
choose to open the wrist of her vessel ra- ing, getting some relief from the shit I have to put up
ther than her own. This deals one point of with, or helping others get relief of their own.”
superficial damage to the vessel. ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Phleg-
▪ Duration: Thirty seconds. matic blood, Melancholic blood, Friend-
ship bracelet, Donated blood, Halothane
BEAST BECKONER ▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check for the
Internal alchemy only alchemist and the participant
AKA: Seeing Red, Fenrir’s Rage ▪ System: The Alchemist and one other
This formula yanks the alchemist’s beast out to thin-blood cut the palms of their hands
the surface. Her fingernails warp into sharp claws and hold the wounds together. The two of
capable of reducing humans to ribbons, her head them must picture in their minds which
filling with rage and hunger. merits/flaws they want to transfer. Any
“Anger is a potent tool against everyone who likes physical thin-blood merit or flaw can be
to fuck with us, and I intend to use it as much as possi- transferred from one thin-blood to the
ble.” other. After five minutes the transfer will
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Chol- be complete. The two participants will
eric blood, Sanguine blood, Teeth of a gain the chosen merits/flaws from one an-
predatory animal, Gunpowder taken from other, losing the merits/flaws they have
fireworks given. For example, a thin-blood could
▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check pass on their baby teeth to the Alchemist
▪ System: The Alchemist’s fingernails mu- for a night. This transfer lasts for 24 hours,
tate into sharp claws that allow her to deal after which both thin-bloods will return to
aggravated damage to humans from their natural state. A maximum of 4 mer-
brawl attacks with a +1 modifier to dam- its/flaws can be transferred.
age. She cannot suffer wound impairment ▪ Duration: Twenty-four hours.
when under the effects of the formula. Us-
ing this formula automatically triggers
fury frenzy in the Thin-blood, the Alche- EMBRACE SELF
mist aiming to destroy all who have Internal alchemy only
wronged her. AKA: Inner Reflection
▪ Duration: One Scene. Embrace Self allows the Alchemist to change her
form to that of her “true” self, shifting appear-
ance, build, or even gender.
“It’s important to try and be true to myself.
Level 4
How can I possibly be expected to be honest with oth-
ers if I ain’t honest about who I am?”
SWAPSIES ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Phleg-
AKA: Burden Bearer, Equivalent Exchange matic blood, Sanguine blood, Choleric
This formula allows the Alchemist to exchange blood
her physical thin-blood merits and flaws with an- ▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
other thin-blood for a night. Through this for-
▪ System: On using the formula the Alche-
mula, one can borrow the ability to walk in the
mist’s body shifts and warps into that of
sun or offload their baby teeth on another.
her true form, adopting the appearance
she deep down desires to look like. This

could result in the Alchemist changing though this power cannot force physical
sex, appearance, adopting some inhuman changes on Kindred (e.g., A vampire tar-
features, or all of the above. Alternately, geted could not deploy Feral Weapons,
her appearance may change very little, the but if they had deployed Feral Weapons
Alchemist being comfortable with the before Blood Dampener was activated
body she has. The Alchemist may move their natural weapons will remain in
up to three physical attribute points place). This power does not suppress dis-
around as her body changes. The Alche- ciplines at levels 6+.
mist may also use this opportunity to pur- ▪ Duration: Four rounds.
chase physical merits with experience.
This formula can be reversed by using it a
second time, reverting the Alchemist to
her original state. If the Alchemist reuses
this formula multiple times she should re-
turn to the same form each time, unless
there is some story justification as to why
the conception of her true self has
▪ Duration: Permanent.

Level 5

AKA: The Equaliser
This formula blocks vampiric use of disciplines
for a short time.
”This formula is fucking great. It gives us thin-
bloods a shot at fighting Kindred on our own terms,
rather than getting stomped by their powers. I love see-
ing a vampires pompous attitude shatter when they re-
alise their powers have broken!”
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Phleg-
matic blood, Melancholy blood, Blood
from two different thin-bloods (excluding
the alchemist), Cigar smoke, Dry ice,
Blood pressure tablets
▪ Activation Cost: Two Rouse checks
▪ System: This formula allows the Alche-
mist to prevent a vampire within 20 me-
ters of her from using any disciplines. It
does not require a roll to use, though the
target may resist the formula’s effects with
a Willpower roll at Difficulty 3 that must
be rerolled each round. Disciplines with
persistent effects such as Awe will drop,

The List
“[04:02] <RowanTree>Well I think it must be some “Use 50ml of the alchemist’s blood, 50ml blood of
Camarilla trick. Why else would someone share all target, 10ml luminol, mix thoroughly over a
their formulae around for the world to see? They didn’t 90℃ heat.”
even put a name, so it isn’t like they’re flexing. I bet it ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Blood
tracks your IP if you click on it, ya’ll naive as all hell if of target, Luminol
you’re using those formulae and expecting nothing bad ▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
to happen” ▪ System: The Alchemist creates the for-
- IRC message from the ‘Parasyte Klub’ server mula using the blood of the mortal she is
interested in learning about. The Alche-
The List is, well, a list of formulae, stored on an
mist may ask a number of questions about
encrypted server and periodically updated. It’s
her target equal to her Blood Alchemy
perhaps the most famous cookbook of them all,
level. The questions must be general infor-
shared extensively in secret forums and cha-
mation about the subject e.g. What is their
trooms. The formulae within are written in a dry
name, what is their occupation etc. Details
and excruciatingly detailed style, no hint of pas-
such as what the target did on a particular
sion behind the words. One wonders if a human
day cannot be ascertained. A level 3 ver-
wrote it at all, the lack of title, author’s name and
sion may be purchased to allow use with
accompanying commentary adding to The List’s
supernatural blood.
detached vibe. The lack of claim to authorship
▪ Duration: N/A.
has led to much online speculation as to who cre-
ated it and why, guesses ranging from the formu-
lae originating from an alchemist serial killer to it GLUE TRAP
being a hunter honey trap for alchemists. For
AKA: Rat Trap, Sticky Situation
most, it doesn’t matter where the formulae come Makes the Alchemist’s vitae inert and sticky on
from. They work, don’t they?
meeting air, causing anyone or anything that con-
tacts the blood to stick to it.
“Take iron filings, leave in ice water for 30
minutes then remove via magnet. Scrape filings into
Formulae of The List 100ml of phlegmatic blood and mix. In a separate con-
tainer, beat the alchemist’s blood and the glue together
Level 1 with a whisk. Combine the two mixtures and heat at
150℃ for 6 hours.”
IDENTIFY BLOOD ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Phleg-
AKA: Sherlock’s Brew matic blood, Superglue, Iron filings
Gain information on the human whose blood was ▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
used in the creation of the formula. Examples of ▪ System: On activation, the Alchemist’s vi-
what information can be discovered is the ad- tae becomes incredibly sticky. A Strength
dress of the target, the names of their family + Dexterity roll of varying difficulty is
members or even their favourite musician. used to break free of the glue should one
become trapped, difficulty depending on
which body parts have become stuck.

(e.g., unsticking a fingertip is Difficulty 1, This formula allows the Alchemist to destroy any
unsticking a whole foot is Difficulty 4.) piece of technology with a touch.
The sticky property of the blood will dissi- “Mix the blood together. Place two live wires in
pate after one day. The blood produced by the mixture and stir. After thirty minutes, drop in a
this alchemy is sterile and cannot be con- pair of batteries and shake for one minute. Add in the
sumed to gain blood points or used in wooden shavings, then break a burnt-out circuit board
other rituals. into small pieces and add to the mixture. Boil over a
Parasitic – The Alchemist may instead low heat for 3.5 hours, then pour through a sieve.”
choose to open the wrist of her vessel ra- ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Chol-
ther than her own. This deals one point of eric blood, Batteries, Wooden shavings,
superficial damage to the vessel. Burnt out electronic components
▪ Duration: Can produce sticky blood for ▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
one scene. The blood's properties fade af- ▪ System: The Alchemist places a hand on
ter one day. whatever piece of electrical technology
she wants to destroy, be it an electrical
junction, computer, or camera. Whatever
Level 2 system she uses this power on will be de-
stroyed. Any data stored on the electronic
device will be wiped.
▪ Duration: One round.
AKA: Bloodbag ID
This formula allows the easy identification of
vampires, the Alchemist seeing a red aura appear TRUTH OR PAIN
around any Kindred.
Bottled alchemy only
“Grind up one glass prism. Stir into 100ml of
AKA: Weigh the Heart, Liar’s Lament
phlegmatic blood. Freeze. Blend alchemist’s blood and
Truth or Pain roots out liars amongst friends. The
4 eyes of any bird together. Add in the frozen phleg-
Alchemist and a number of other thin-bloods
matic blood and let it thaw.”
may ask each other questions, the formula identi-
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Phleg- fying any lie in their answers.
matic blood, Birds eyes, Glass prism “Write down lies on six slips of paper and burn
▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check them. Add the ashes to choleric blood. Mix then add
▪ Dice Pools: Perception + Awareness first powdered turquoise then the pop rocks. Shake
▪ System: The Alchemist sees a red glow thoroughly. Add in three drops of the blood of each
around vampires and thin-bloods on us- thin-blood participating, the Alchemist included.”
ing this formula. The Alchemist may roll ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Blood
Perception + Awareness to gain additional of participating thin-bloods, Choleric
information. Two successes allows differ- blood, Powdered turquoise, Slips of paper
entiation between thin-bloods and vam- scrawled with lies, Pop rocks
pires with three successes allowing the Al- ▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
chemist to identify the clan a vampire be- ▪ System: The Alchemist and up to five
longs too. other thin-bloods contribute blood to the
▪ Duration: One scene. formula, each taking a drink once it is
complete. The thin-bloods then pass
around a vial containing the dregs of the
EMP formula, each in turn holding it to their
AKA: Technophobe, Gremlin face and answering one question from the

group. Should the thin-blood utter a lie vampire. They will be drawn to the sites
the bottle will explode, dealing 1 point of of the Gehenna war, struggling to resist
superficial damage to the liar. the temptation to leave. An unspent Will-
▪ Duration: One Scene. power roll at difficulty 2 should be rolled
once per week to prevent the Thin-blood
leaving for the Gehenna war. They may
spend Willpower in lieu of rolling to resist
Level 4
the effects.
▪ Duration: One year.
Parasitic alchemy only
AKA: Unsympathetic Agony, Spiteful Gift
Transfer Injury allows a Parasitic alchemist to
pass some of her injuries onto the vessel used in
the formula’s creation.
“Feed the vessel the mix of blood. Induce feelings
of pain and gratitude in the vessel, having the vessel
kneel at the alchemist’s feet.”
▪ Ingredients: Alchemist’s blood, Phleg-
matic bloodx2. Choleric blood
▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
▪ System: On activation the Alchemist may
remove up to 4 points of superficial dam-
age or 1 point of aggravated damage from
herself. The wounds the Alchemist was
suffering are transferred over to the vessel
used in the formula’s creation.
▪ Duration: One scene.


AKA: Duskborn’s Lure, The Trap
This formula invokes the beckoning in the thin-
blood, luring them towards the Gehenna war.
“Tie cat whiskers around a thread and dip it in hu-
man blood. Apply flame until blood browns. Dip the
thread in ground bones and freeze for 23 hours. Place
the thread in a beaker of the Alchemist's blood, stirring
in five-minute blocks on and off for an hour. Freeze for
three days, defrosting in a microwave. Shake thor-
oughly then remove the thread.”
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Phleg-
matic blood, Ground human bones, Cat
whiskers, Red spool of thread
▪ Activation Cost: None
▪ System: On use, the Alchemist will feel
the beckoning as if they were an elder

Circulatory System
Official Formulae
“I saw those freaks ‘holding facility’ last night. It was “It is advised that only individuals outside the or-
the stuff of nightmares, god, the screams… I don’t want ganisation or members of low status be subjected to the
to think about it. But we’re not paying those fuckers Smuggler formula.”
another cent, I don’t care how much we need the blood.” ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Melan-
- Simone, Calgary Thin-blood choly blood, Black paint, Diarrhoea medica-
The Circulatory System are the butchers of the ▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
vampiric world, exchanging blood for cash. While
▪ System: On use the Alchemist cuts open the
the organisation is primarily made up of Kindred,
stomach of the formula’s user, placing
many alchemists looking for money and status
whatever object(s) she wants to conceal in-
have joined their ranks. The System is willing to ac-
side. Once complete, the incision will
cept any who can earn them money, with alche-
quickly knit itself together, leaving no scar-
mists and Tremere blood sorcerers working to-
ring. The user may open up their stomach at
gether in the Circulatory System to explore the na-
any time without incurring damage to re-
ture of blood. The heart-warming sight of seeing
trieve the object(s). For smaller items, some
thin-bloods and Kindred work as one is somewhat
thin-bloods will choose to swallow and re-
undercut by the atrocities the System partakes in.
gurgitate the objects rather than submit
The Circulatory System solely takes blood from
themselves to surgery. The formula’s effects
kidnapped humans, subjecting them to excruciat-
will end after one month, the body expel-
ing tortures to extract vintage of high quality. Cir-
ling any stored item(s).
culatory System formulae help the veins of the Sys-
Bottled – Any thin-blood may use this for-
tem flow, exploiting the art to earn as much blood
money as possible.
Internal – The contents of the Alchemist’s
stomach are concealed from any mundane
scanning equipment.
Official Formulae of the Parasitic – The Alchemist may administer
Circulatory System the formula to a human vessel rather than
herself, dealing no damage to the vessel but
Level 1 making it impossible for them to eat until
the contents are removed.
▪ Duration: One month.
AKA: Iron Stomach
Smuggler allows the user to store objects in their BLOOD DISTILLATION
stomach for an extended period, allowing the con- Bottled Alchemy Only
cealment of sensitive materials. AKA: Designer Blood, Bloodsnax
This formula allows the user to change the state of
blood from a liquid to a solid.

“This formula is popular with those who love in-
dulging, and thus can be sold at a premium despite lim- BATHORY’S BLESSING
ited practical use.” AKA: Thinbotox, Formula of Vanity
▪ Ingredients: Human blood, Ice cubes, Plas- Through Bathory’s Blessing, those who wish to be-
ter of Paris, Lead come beautiful may become so, should they be
▪ Activation Cost: None willing to collect large volumes of human blood.
▪ System: The Alchemist may convert up to 5 “It is recommended to sell Bathory’s Blessing for no
litres of blood from liquid into another less than $5,000 per formula. It is suggested to give first
form. This can be as a powder, a solid block, time buyers a cheaper price as to foster a dependency.
or as pills. Thin-bloods and vampires may This formula may be freely distributed to Circulatory
ingest the product to regain blood points as System members as a reward for good service.”
they would on regular consumption of ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, San-
blood. Drugs present in the blood used in guine blood, Choleric blood, One black rose
the formula’s creation retain their potency, ▪ Activation Cost: None
making it possible to create simulacrums of ▪ System: The alchemist must prepare
various drugs. After one week the blood around 20L of blood before imbibing the
will become inert and will provide no ef- formula. On activation, the Alchemist
fects to its users. bathes either herself or another thin-blood
▪ Duration: One week. in the blood she has set aside. As the Alche-
mist washes her target, imperfections in
their form melt away, granting the beautiful
Level 2 merit for four months.
Should they already have the beauti-
ful merit, they will gain the stunning merit.
If they already possess the stunning merit,
AKA: Predator’s Gait
their appearance takes on an unnatural and
This formula increases the user's hunting ability,
unsettling perfection, giving a plus one dice
aiding her in claiming the blood of any human
bonus to any non-physical intimidation at-
foolish enough to be out after dark.
“This formula is exceptionally useful in retrieval of
new donors. It is strongly advised any Snatcher uses
▪ Duration: Four months.
this formula before undertaking a hunt.”
▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Chol- FLESH TO BLOOD
eric blood, Eyedrops, Cat hairs
AKA: The Fucker, Devil’s hands
▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check This formula allows the user to transmogrify the
▪ System: On activation, the Alchemist takes flesh and bone of others into blood.
on the traits of a predatory animal. She “This formula is very useful for collecting additional
gains a plus two dice bonus to Stealth and a blood from those donors who have expired. An additional
plus one dice bonus to Brawl. Additionally, boon is that it leaves nothing behind but clothing.”
the Alchemist sees faint aura around hu- ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Chol-
mans that reveals their current blood reso- eric blood, Hydrochloric acid, Vinegar, Iron
nance. filings from a nail
▪ Duration: One scene. ▪ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
▪ System: On activation, the Alchemist can
reduce flesh and bone into blood by touch.
Level 3

Bodies can be entirely transformed so noth- Parasitic alchemy only
ing but the victim’s blood and clothes re- AKA: Curse of the Leech, Cruel Transfusion
main. Each converted limb will provide two The Alchemist may instantaneously consume blood
pints of blood, the head providing two pints from chosen humans. She can fill her hunger at any
and the torso five. time she pleases at the expense of her chosen meal.
If using the formula to attack an- “No matter how much blood we collect, there is
other the Alchemist must successfully grap- always the risk of running low when away from our
ple their victim. The Alchemist does not stores. This formula corrects that, letting us harvest our
need to make attack rolls after a successful reserves no matter where we are.”
grapple, her attack landing automatically. ▪ Ingredients: The alchemist’s blood, Phleg-
The attack deals 3 points of aggravated matic blood, Melancholy blood, Choleric
damage to a human as their flesh trans- blood
forms into blood. For Vampires the process ▪ Activation Cost: None
is slower, dealing 3 points of superficial ▪ System: On activation, the Alchemist may
damage instead. The Alchemist must touch drain blood from her vessel used in the for-
the bare flesh of her victim to attack. mula’s creation at any distance away from
▪ Duration: One scene. her vessel. She may drain as many points of
blood as she wishes, the blood vanishing
from the veins of her vessel and appearing
Level 4 in her own. The formula expires after 3
months, the Alchemist free to drain blood
from her vessel whenever she wishes for the
duration. Killing the vessel using this for-
Parasitic alchemy only
mula will fully slake the Alchemist’s hun-
AKA: Sleeper Agent
ger. This effect may only be active on one
This formula allows the user to implant commands
vessel at a time.
into the mind of their victim.
▪ Duration: One month.
“Whenever possible it is strongly advisable to avoid
getting one’s hands dirty. Through this formula we can
turn blood donors into our agents, having them serve us
obediently without them even knowing it.” Level 5
▪ Ingredients: Two pints of the alchemist’s
blood, Phlegmatic blood, Sanguine blood, STAYING THE BECKONING
Silicon powder, Radio antennae AKA: Elder’s Addiction, The Draft Dodger
▪ Activation Cost: None This formula can temporarily halt the beckoning
▪ System: On activation the Alchemist issues that vampiric elders suffer from, granting a much-
a number of instructions to the human ves- needed reprieve to those who need it.
sel used in the formula’s creation equal to “Our most precious formula. With this, we can
her Blood Alchemy level. Her victim is com- bring vampiric elders under our control, forced to either
pelled to carry out the instructions, unable dance to our tune or face the prospect of fleeing to an un-
to resist unless by spending a point of will- known fate. This is to only be distributed with supervi-
power which allows the vessel to disobey sion from an Artery.”
orders for one minute. ▪ Ingredients: Blood from three separate
▪ Duration: One week. vampires, Propranolol, Soil, Powdered hu-
man teeth
▪ Activation Cost: None

▪ System: When this formula is consumed by Bottled – The vampire drinks the bottled for-
a vampire suffering the beckoning, their mula to gain the effect.
urge to join the Gehenna war is suppressed Internal – The vampire drinks from the Al-
for six months. The vampire will be able to chemist’s wrist to gain the effect.
follow the beckoning should they desire but Parasitic – The vampire drinks from the ves-
will feel no imperative to do so for the dura- sel’s wrist to gain the effect.
tion of the formula. ▪ Duration: Six months.

Updates to Alchemy

Who Can Use Formula? 2 Power weak, fluky, or

late in happening
In general, alchemists can only use their own for- 4 Power works as
mulae, consuming a formula created by another intended
yielding no results. However, some formulae can 6 Power increased in
be used by any thin-blood. If the description of the effect
formula does not specify it should be assumed that
it can only be used by the alchemist who created it.
Bottled alchemy allows the sharing of formulae This is a vague ruling that puts the onus on the Sto-
more frequently than other distillation methods. ryteller to imagine a change to the formulas effect.
To increase the clarity of the rule this book adds
outcomes for both a poor and excellent quality for-
Number of Formulae Held mula.

The number of formulae a Bottled alchemist can

hold at any one time as per the V5 corebook is the Poor Quality Formula Effects
highest of either the Alchemist’s Dexterity or Wits.
(1-2 Successes)
To give Bottled alchemists more options, this is
now bumped up to be the Alchemist’s Dexterity or
Wits plus one. Unstable
The formula’s effects are too much for the body to
handle. A large gash appears on the Alchemist’s
Successes Rolled in Formula Cre- body after activating the formula dealing 2 points
of superficial damage.
The V5 corebook states that the number of suc- The Alchemist must expend extra blood for the for-
cesses rolled on formula creation can result in the mula to work requiring a rouse check in addition to
following: any activation costs.

The formula carries with it an extremely foul smell
that clings to the alchemist, giving -1 to all social
die rolls for the next 24 hours with -3 to any rolls

where the Alchemist is attempting to seduce a tar- die bonus to a social attribute of the user's choice
get. for one scene.

The body feels the need to expel the formula. At an The list above should not be treated as gospel, and
inconvenient point in the next 24 hours the Alche- if a Storyteller or Player thinks of an inventive out-
mist will throw up. This will not cause any effects come to their creation roll then they are encouraged
to drop. to use that rather than picking one of the listed op-
The blood in the formula makes the alchemist de-
sire a proper meal, inducing the hunger compul- Benefits of Internal and Parasitic
sion. alchemy
To encourage more players to select Internal and
Excellent Quality Formula Effects Parasitic alchemy, these distillation methods
(5+ Successes) should receive a +2 dice bonus to formula creation
rolls. These methods also do not require any ingre-
Nourishing dients except for the specified combinations of
The blood in the formula has retained its nourish- blood.
ing effects. Gain one point of blood on consump- The length of time a Parasitic alchemist can
tion of the formula, or two if Parasitic alchemy was store formulae is their human vessels should be
used. 3×Blood Alchemy level in days, allowing the pre-
pared alchemist to create a small store of formulae
to use at their will. This replaces the V5 corebook
ruling saying that formulae are retained in the bod-
The formula is powerful enough to be used a sec-
ies of victims as long as they’re kept in the same
ond time. After the effects of the formula expire,
emotional state.
the user may choose to reactivate the formula a sec-
ond time. If the user does not immediately reuse
the formula this effect is lost.
Delayed Activation
Long Lasting
The formula’s effects last an exceptionally long One confusion with Internal and Parasitic alchemy
time, doubling the duration. as written in the V5 corebook is that it is not clear if
a formula can be activated after a delay. Without
Inspirational some sort of delayed activation, using Internal or
The formula is of such high quality that it inspires Parasitic alchemy in combat situations becomes dif-
the Alchemist to seek new heights when brewing, ficult. To clarify this, Internal alchemy formulae
granting a +3 dice bonus to their next formula crea- may be stored in the alchemist’s body after creation
tion roll. for up to two weeks, though no new formulae may
be distilled until the current formula is used. Para-
Resonant sitic alchemy is ruled similarly, though the formula
The resonance from the blood in the formula syncs may only be stored in the user’s body up to 72
to the user's own emotions granting them greater hours from when the user drank from her vessel.
sway over their feelings and providing a plus one

Alchemical Formulae
Reference Table

Red Dreams 1 Allows the user to dream for a night 13

Allows the Alchemist and other thin-bloods to converse in

Code Speaking 1 13

Blood Scrub 1 Rapidly transfigures blood into smoke 14

Free Fire 1 Makes the Alchemist’s blood highly flammable 14

Allows a 50-character message to be instantaneously sent to a

Iris’ Message 1 18
thin-blood known to the alchemist

VG 1 Get phone/radio signals from anywhere 24

Alerts the Alchemist when someone unauthorised enters a

Fire Alarm (Bottled) 1 24
designated sanctuary
Gives a feeling of intense pleasure to the Alchemist and
Radical Pleasure 1 25
volunteering thin-bloods

Identify Blood 1/3 Learn information about an individual from their blood 29

Glue Trap 1 Makes the Alchemist’s blood incredibly sticky 29

Store objects inside the Alchemist or a volunteer for long pe-

Smuggler 1 34
riods of time
Blood Distillation
1 Turns blood into a solid consumable 34

Brain Bleach 2 Allows the Alchemist’s memories to be deleted 14

The Rack 2 Telekinetically pull at a victim in opposing directions 14


Knockout 2 Gives the Alchemist's blood a smell strong enough to knock a 15

mortal unconscious

False Mind (Bottled) 2 Protection charm against mental attacks 15

Masquerade’s Allows the Alchemist to superficially appear like a full-

2 15
Masquerade blooded vampire
Beneath Notice
2 Alchemist can blend in with other humans without difficulty 16

Acat’s Blessing 2 Allows blood to be stored on the body via tattoos 18

Sumeire’s Gift 2 Allows telekinetic control over blood 19

Allows the Alchemist and willing thin-bloods to sense each

Buddy System 2 25
other's location
Allows the Alchemist to easily spot other thin-bloods and
The Sight 2 30

EMP 2 Destroys electronics 30

Truth or Pain
2 Tests if any thin-blood in a group tells a lie 30
Helps the Alchemist hunt, granting dice bonuses to Brawl,
Bloodhunt 2 35
Stealth and allowing for easy ID of blood resonance
Prevents the Alchemist from leaving any subtle traces of
Without a Trace 3 16
their presence (Footprints, fingerprints etc)

Shepard 3 Enables the Alchemist to sense newly created thin-bloods 19

The Gift of Life 3 Temporarily allows for the resurrection of the dead 19

Doorbuster 3 Turns the Alchemist’s blood into a potent explosive 25

Beast Beckoner Induces a rage in the Alchemist that turns their fingers into
3 26
(Internal) razor sharp claws
Allows the Alchemist or a willing volunteer to improve their
Bathory’s Blessing 3 35

Flesh to Blood 3 Allows the Alchemist to turn flesh and bone into blood 35


Frenzy Bomb 4 Induces hunger frenzy in Vampires 16

Matrona’s Blessing 4 Allows thin-bloods to conceive or to give birth 30

Prevents vampires, thin-bloods and humans from being able

Walk in Peace 4 30
to attack the Alchemist
Allows the temporary exchange of thin-blood physical merits
Swapsies 4 26
or flaws
Embrace Self
4 Alchemist may change form into their "true" self 26
Transfer Injury
4 Pass on an injury to a human vessel 31

Follow The Thread 4 Temporarily induces the beckoning 31

Cuckoo (Parasitic) 4 Implant commands in a captive human’s mind 36

Battery Farm
4 Remotely take blood from a vessel 36
Humanity’s Inher-
5 Steal a mortal’s humanity for the Alchemist 21
itance (Parasitic)
5 Brings a vampiric ancestor into the Alchemist's body 21

Blood Dampener 5 Prevents the use of disciplines 27

Staying the
5 Temporarily prevents the beckoning in any vampire 36


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