MQP BBA Sem1 Marketing Management (DBB1104)

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Section A
Multiple Choice Questions (2 Marks each)
[Please answer all the questions]

1. Collecting marketing information is a marketing function which is related to:

a) Exchange
b) Physical Supply
c) Facilitating
d) Marketing Mix

2. Which of the element is not a part of macro-environment of the organization:

i. Suppliers environment
ii. Political environment
iii. Demographic environment

a) Only i
b) Only ii
c) ii and iii
d) None of these

3. Boom and Bitner contributed to the marketing mix by adding 3 Ps to the existing mix which are
, and physical evidence.
a) People, process
b) Product, promotion
c) Price, preference
d) Product, place

4. Identify the types of packaging

i. Consumer package
ii. Family package
iii. Re-use package
iv. Multiple package Geography, demography

a) i, ii, iii
b) i, ii, iii & iv
c) ii & iii
d) ii, iii, iv

5. Martin Roll defines brand equity based on three components customer , customer
and financial potential.
a) Image, selection
b) Value, loyalty
c) Knowledge, preference
d) Personality, network

6. Classification of pricing policies based on price levels may be sub–divided into

price policy,
price policy and above competitive level price policy
a) Meeting competition, below competition level
b) Regular competition, irregular competition
c) Single competition level, multiple competition level
d) Standard competition level, flexible competition level

7. The channels of distribution may be broadly divided into channel and

channel categories
a) Flexibility, specialty
b) Direct, indirect
c) Internal, external
d) Controlled, wholesale
8. refers to an effort to create a favorable attitude towards the products, services
and the firm among employees shareholders, suppliers, customers, the government
and the society atlarge
a) Public relations
b) Sales promotion
c) Direct marketing
d) Public engagement

9. Brand visibility and constant reinforcement through marketing communication and advertising
helps to embed the product in the buyer’s minds. This also leads to better recall of the brand. --
____ is a crucial factor to influence the buying decisions.
a) Perception
b) Learning
c) Memory
d) Motivation.

10. Which of the factor does not determine the product Mix:
i. Changes in Market demand
ii. Cost consideration
iii. Image of the Producer

a) Only i
b) Only iii
c) ii & iii
d) None of these.

Section B
SHORT ANSWERS (5 Marks each)
[Please answer Any Four questions]

a) What is differentiation-based marketing strategy? Explain.

b) What is branding? What are the reasons for branding?
c) The selection of the proper channel of distribution must be made by a manufacturer or producer
through a careful study of the various factors. Discuss the factors in detail.
d) State the essentials of a good advertising copy.
e) Critically analyze the ‘People’,’ Physical evidence’ and ‘Process’ as components of services.
f) Analyze the reasons for which companies should adopt green marketing practices.
Section C
LONG ANSWERS (10 Marks each)
[Please answer Any Three questions]

1. With the exponential growth in the service industry, it was found that the traditional marketing
mix was insufficient to meet the growing demands of the industry. Why has this happened?
Discuss the additional components of marketing mix.
2. Explain the various methods of exercising control over the marketing planning and program.
3. The consumers in a particular market can be segmented by employing several bases or
variables. Explain in detail the variables.
4. How would you classify the pricing policies based on ‘Speciality’? Explain.

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