Punjab Air Quality

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Draft Final Report

Air pollution in Punjab

Prepared for
Department of Science, Technology and Environment
Government of Punjab

Supported by
Global Green Growth Institute
Air pollution in Punjab

© The Energy and Resources Institute 2015

Suggested format for citation

T E R I. 2015
Air pollution in Punjab
New Delhi: The Energy and Resources Institute. 16 pp.

Author Richa Mahtta, Research Associate, TERI

Email: richa.mahtta3@gmail.com

Reviewer Sumit Sharma, Fellow, TERI

Email: sumits@teri.res.in

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Air pollution in Punjab

Table of contents
1 Air Environment .............................................................................................................. 5

2 Drivers and Pressures...................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Population and Economic Growth .......................................................................... 5

2.2 Industries..................................................................................................................... 6

2.3 Transport ..................................................................................................................... 7

2.4 Agricultural residue burning ................................................................................... 7

3 Baseline Emissions ........................................................................................................... 7

4 State of air quality ............................................................................................................ 8

5 Impact .............................................................................................................................. 10

6 Response .......................................................................................................................... 11

7 Barriers ............................................................................................................................ 13

8 Conclusion and Future Recommendations ................................................................ 13

7.1 Transport .................................................................................................................. 14

7.2 Open Burning ........................................................................................................... 15

7.3 Industries .................................................................................................................. 15

9 References ....................................................................................................................... 16

Air pollution in Punjab

List of Tables
Table 1: Air quality monitoring stations in Punjab under NAMP .............................................. 8
Table 2: Different pollutants and their impact on human health ............................................. 10
Table 3: Air quality and impact studies in Punjab ...................................................................... 11
Table 4: Interventions taken to curb air pollution in Punjab ..................................................... 12
Table 5: Auto Fuel Policy for India 2002....................................................................................... 14

List of Figures
Figure 1: Growth of Population (1961-2011), Per Capita income and Net State Domestic
Product (NSDP) at current prices for Punjab .................................................................... 5
Figure 2: Percentage Distribution of NSDP at factor cost by sectors in Punjab at current
prices ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3: Growth of Industrial sector (Small scale, Medium & Large scale industries) in
Punjab ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4: a) Growth of Vehicles b) Modal share of vehicles in Punjab ..................................... 7
Figure 5: Sector-wise emissions for criteria pollutants from different sources in Punjab in
2010 .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 6: For Punjab, Annual average of RSPM SO2 and NOx concentration for different
cities during 2007-2012 ....................................................................................................... 10
Figure 7: Sector-wise predicted emissions for criteria pollutants from different sources in
Punjab in 2030 and 2047 ..................................................................................................... 14

1 Air Environment
Punjab, predominately an agrarian state is also well known for its rapid industrialization in
the post-independence period. There were only few industrial units mainly food grains,
cotton grinning and brick kilns before independence era (Planning Commission, 2002). But
with the advent of green revolution and process of liberalization and economic reforms,
manufacturing sector geared up in Punjab. Majority of these industries use coal as a main
fuel which correspondingly resulted into increase in the levels of air pollution in the state
over the time period. RSPM (Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter) levels are above the
maximum permissible limits by CPCB in almost all the cities of Punjab. This chapter briefly
discusses the drivers and pressures responsible for the increasing levels of air pollutants in
the state and the status of air quality, its impacts and the steps/interventions taken to curb
this environmental issue.

2 Drivers and Pressures

Major sources of air pollution in Punjab include industries, vehicular sector and agricultural
burning (CPCB, 2010; Envis Punjab, 2015). However, growth of population and various
developmental activities in the state are the driving forces behind the deteriorated air
quality of the state.

2.1 Population and Economic Growth

Population in Punjab has grown over 2.5 times in past 50 years (Figure 1). While the rate of
population growth has stabilized over the years, the Net State Domestic Product (NSDP) for
Punjab has increased three fold during 2004-05 to 2012-13. Correspondingly per capita
income of the state at current prices has increased from INR 33103 in 2004-05 to INR 84526 in
2012-13. However, growing population base exerts huge demands on manufacturing sector
which in turn put pressures on quality of land, air and water resources.

Figure 1: Growth of Population (1961-2011), Per Capita income and Net State Domestic
Product (NSDP) at current prices for Punjab
Source: Statistical Abstract Pu njab (2013)

Air pollution in Punjab

Punjab has one of the highest per capita incomes in the country. However, tertiary sector has
now surpassed the primary sector in their contributions to the overall NSDP of the state
(Figure 2).

Figure 2: Percentage Distribution of NSDP at factor cost by sectors in Punjab at current

Source: Statistical Abstract Punjab (2013)

2.2 Industries
Industries are significant contributors for the deterioration of air quality in Punjab. In 2011-
12, around 13070 industrial units in Punjab were put under red category (highly polluting)
industries by the central government Around 1.68 million small scale industries and 425
large and medium scale industries are presently functioning in Punjab (GoP, Env. Statistics,
2011). Figure 3 shows the growth of small and medium/large scale industries in the state.
Decrease in the number is due to closure of some units in past few years. However the
number is significant in terms of functional units in the country.

Figure 3: Growth of Industrial sector (Small scale, Medium & Large scale industries) in
Source: GoP, Env. Statistics, 2011, Dep tt. Of Ind u stries 2006, Planning Com m ission (2002), Pu njab

Air pollution in Punjab

2.3 Transport
Transport sector is one of the most important contributors to air pollution more specifically
in the urban areas. Figure 4a shows that number of registered vehicles in the State has
reached to approximately 63 lakhs in 2012 which is almost double of the figure a decade ago.
(29 lac to 63 lac). Cars and two wheelers are contributing the most in this growth of
vehicular fleet (Figure 4 b). In terms of vehicular population in 2012, Punjab is among the
top ten states in the country.

Figure 4: a) Growth of Vehicles b) Modal share of vehicles in Punjab

Source: MoPN G 2013

2.4 Agricultural residue burning

Air pollution through agricultural residue burning during the months of Mar-Apr and Oct-
Nov largely affects both the states of Punjab and Haryana. Around 16 million tonnes of
paddy and 8 million tonnes of wheat straw are burnt in the agricultural fields every year
leading to air pollution in the state and nearby areas (Envis Centre, 2014).

3 Baseline Emissions
Statewise emission assessment study (TERI, 2015) shows sector-wise emissions for the
Punjab state (Figure 5). Industrial combustion contributes 47% of the PM10 emissions
followed by brick and open burning. Almost 56 % of NOx emissions are contributed by
transport sector in Punjab including both road transport and mode of transportation used
during agricultural activities.

Air pollution in Punjab

Figure 5: Sector-wise emissions for criteria pollutants from different sources in Punjab in

4 State of air quality

Currently Punjab has 24 air quality monitoring stations in 11 cities under the National
ambient air quality Programme (NAMP) of CPCB (CPCB, 2014) as shown in Table 1. There
are 12 monitoring station each in industrial and residential areas.

Table 1: Air quality monitoring stations in Punjab under NAMP

Residential (R)/
Cities in Punjab Location
Amritsar R.O. Focal Point Industrial
A-1,Platers Residential
Bhatinda Bathinda Milk Producers, Dabwali Road Industrial
Dera Bassi Punjab Chem and Crop Protection, Bhanakarpur Industrial
Winsome Yarns Ltd., Barwala Road Industrial
Pathankot/Dera C-PYTE Building Residential
Gobindgarh Modi Oil and General Mills, Mandi Residential
Raj Steel Rolling Mills, Mandi Industrial
United Rolling Mills, Mandi Gobindgarh Residential
Jalandhar Municipal Council Tubewell No. 27 Residential
Regional Office Residential
Punjab Maltex , Kapurthala Road Industrial
Focal Point Industrial
Khanna Markfed Vanaspati, Khanna Industrial
AS School, Khanna Residential
Ludhiana Bharat Nagar Chowk Residential
Nahar Spining Mills, Dholewal Chowk Industrial
Ludhiana Coop. Milk Producer, Ferozpur Rd Industrial
PPCB Office Building, Vishavkarma Chowk Residential
Naya Nangal Punjab Alkalis & Chemicals Ltd Residential

Air pollution in Punjab

M/s NFL Guest House,Naya Nangal Residential

Patiala Ceylon Industries, Factory Area, Patiala Industrial
Fire Brigade Station, Bahera Road, Patiala Residential
Batala Regional Office, PPCB Industrial
Source: CPCB, 2014

Figure 6 shows annual average concentration of RSPM, NOx and SO2 during 2007-2012
across different cities in Punjab.

It is evident that at all the air quality monitoring stations, RSPM is above the annual average
standard of 60 μg/m3 prescribed by CPCB. Ludhiana, Amritsar, Gobindgarh and Khanna
cities show RSPM concentrations more than 180 μg/m3, which is thrice the prescribed
standard. SO2 and NOx concentration in Punjab are well below the standards prescribed by

Annual Average Standard: 60 µg/m3

Annual Average Standard: 40 µg/m3

Air pollution in Punjab

Annual Average Standard: 50 µg/m3

Figure 6: For Punjab, Annual average of RSPM SO2 and NOx concentration for different
cities during 2007-2012
Source: CPCB, 2014; CPCB, 2012; CPCB, 2009; CPCB, 2007

5 Impact
Air pollution has been known to have significant impacts on human health and the nearby
environment. It increases an individual’s medical expenditure and affects his /her working
capacity too. The widely known impacts of various air pollutants are given in Table 2.

Table 1: Different pollutants and their impact on human health

Impact on Human Health
Respiratory problems, Cardiovascular problems, Throat and eye
Particulate Matter
irritation, skin diseases, Cancer

Respiratory problems
At 15 µg/m3 central nervous system get affected
Throat irritation at 8-12 mg/m3, eye irritation at 10mg/m3 and
immediate coughing at 20 mg/m3

Source: Envis Centre, Pu njab

A number of epidemiological studies have been carried out worldwide to study the
relationships between air pollution and mortality rates. In Punjab also, following studies
(Table 3) have been carried out to study the impact of air pollution on human health and

Air pollution in Punjab

Table 2: Air quality and impact studies in Punjab


Kumar R., et al., 2015 The association between air quality in Ludhiana city of Punjab
as indicated by visibility (haze) and daily mortality was found
to be statistically significant.

For every 1 km decrease in visibility at midday, mortality due to

natural causes increased by 2.4%.

Kumar et al., 2012 Total annual welfare loss in terms of health damages due to air
pollution caused by burning of rice straw in rural Punjab
amounts to 76 million.

Gupta S., et al., 2013 There exists a significant correlation between air pollution and
respiratory, heart, skin, and TB diseases in both urban areas of
Mandi Gobindgarh and nearby rural area.
The effect of pollution is more pronounced in urban areas of

One among every ten persons is affected by one of these above

mentioned disease.

Nautiyal J. et al., 2007 The population in Gobindgarh (Industrial town) shows a higher
prevalence of symptoms of angina and cardiovascular disease
considered in the study as compared to Morinda (Non-
Industrial) area. This result is attributed to higher levels of PM

These studies show that air quality in Punjab is strongly related to increasing health
problems. However, studies are mainly concentrated on Mandi-Gobindgarh (second big
industrial town in Punjab), but cover a wide range of respiratory diseases and their
relationship with deteriorating air quality.

6 Response
Various interventions have been taken by Punjab government, Central Government,
different Ministries at different time periods in order to control air pollution in Punjab. They
are put in chronological order in Table 4

Air pollution in Punjab

Table 3: Interventions taken to curb air pollution in Punjab

Year Interventions
2013 GoP declared whole state of Punjab as “Air Pollution Control Area under section 19(1) of
Air Act 1981".
Under this Govt has prohibited the indiscriminate burning of left over paddy and wheat
straw as air pollution caused by these activities have established co-relation with the
increase in eye irritation, respiratory diseases and one’s working capacity

Formulation of “Policy for Management and Utilization of Paddy straw in Punjab 2013”.
Under this policy, utilization of paddy straw for power generation as a renewable resource
has been suggested.

Punjab Pollution Control Board persuaded major air pollution source viz. Rolling mills
and forging units in Mandi Gobindgarh and Khanna to switch over to greener fuels such
as CNG/ RLNG. More than 200 units have taken this initiative.
2012 Implementation of Bharat Stage III fuel norms for passenger cars, heavy diesel vehicles
and 2/3 wheelers

421 PUC (Pollution Checking Centers) have been set up by Transport Department
2009 Revision of air quality standards by CPCB-
The earlier standards for residential areas have been uniformly applied for industrial areas
also for PM10, carbon monoxide and ammonia.
More stringent limits have been set for SO2 and NOx for residential areas also.
Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) has been introduced being more relevant for public health
2005-10 Introduction of PET coke as an authorized fuel for use in boiler furnaces
2004-05 On the basis of NAMP data, CPCB has identified Gobindgarh, Ludhiana and Jalandar
cities of Punjab as polluted cities with major pollutant of concern are particulate matter
both PM10 and PM2.5.
Action plans have been formulated for Ludhiana and Mandi Gobindgarh cities
2000 Introduction of lead free petrol
1996 Emission standards for brick kilns
1995 Banning of burning of rice husk in boiler furnaces in loose form (except in Fluidized Bed
Combustion System)
1994 Banning of rubber burning, process wastes containing sulfur and toxic substances in any
National Ambient Air Quality Standards(NAAQS), Issued by CPCB vide Gazette
Notification of April
1986 Initiation of air quality monitoring at 5 locations
Implementation of Environment Act 1986, Motor Vehicles Act 2000 in Punjab
1981 Implementation of Air Act 1981
1975 Establishment of PPCB (Punjab, Pollution Control Board)

Source: Envis Centre, 2014;

Apart from these steps, a lot of other measures are been taken in Punjab to curb the
pollution levels. Pulverized coal and furnace oil is promoted mainly in these highly
polluting areas. A regular check on installation of air pollution control equipment (APCE)
for old and newly constructed units is carried out. All the large and medium category
industries have APCE. For small scale industries, 925 units were running without APCE in
2002-03 which has now reduced to only 84. CNG has been introduced as an alternative fuel

Air pollution in Punjab

in autorickshaw especially in Amritsar, Jalandhar and Punjab. Awareness programs have

been conducted by the Punjab government for different target groups time to time.

7 Barriers
Air pollution from natural sources was evident since the beginning in Punjab majorly from
open burning activities but has become an alarming problem in past few decades due to
industrialization in the state. Although control measures have been introduced in the state
from time to time to combat the pollution levels but the pace at which the emission levels
have increased is very high compared to that of control measures. There are financial and
technological barriers for this slow pace of control actions. In case of emissions from open
agricultural burning, farmers are not left with any other option than burning the left over
paddy and wheat as they do not have enough money to buy better technology equipment.

Air pollution control equipment (APCE) have been made mandatory for all industries but
there are lot of small scale industries like brick kilns which are held accountable due to their
mobile nature. Government is promoting to put advanced fixed structure technologies in the
state. But better technologies like tunnel kiln and VSBK (Vertical shaft Brick Kilns) are not
economically viable to be installed across the entire state. Capacity of vigilance authorities to
keep a check on the efficiencies of the equipment in other industries is not enough.
Moreover, awareness regarding importance of protecting environment is still very less
among the common people. People prefer luxury and comfort by travelling in personal
vehicles than public transport which has eventually increased the number of vehicles on

8 Conclusion and Future Recommendations

Transport sector, industrial combustion and open burning are major contributors of
deteriorated air quality in state of Punjab. Nearly all the cities of Punjab are violating the
particulate matter levels as prescribed by Central Pollution Control Board. These high
pollutant concentrations are posing health impacts to the public. Thus, it is imperative to
control pollution levels in the state by controlling emissions from the respective sources.

In the business as usual (BAU) scenario, the future emissions from these sectors will grow
manifold (Figure 7) if proper stringent measures are not being taken on time. In 2030, it is
predicted that NOx emissions from road transport sector will increase four times the current
emissions. Also, particulate emissions, especially PM2.5 would increase majorly from brick,
open burning and transport sector. Further, in 2047, total emissions for all the pollutants are
expected to increase three fold. Particulate emissions from brick sector are going to increase
five times. This is mainly because of the high growth rate of construction sector and use of
old technologies of firing bricks with no air pollution control equipment.

Air pollution in Punjab

Figure 7: Sector-wise predicted emissions for criteria pollutants from different sources in
Punjab in 2030 and 2047
Source: TERI, 2015

Following recommendations are provided for major polluting sectors of Punjab-

7.1 Transport
In transport sector, one of the methods to control air pollution is to have stringent norms for
emissions and fuel quality.

 An Auto Fuel Policy was formulated in the year 2002 (Table 5), to lay down a roadmap
for introduction of cleaner fuels and vehicles.

Table 5: Auto Fuel Policy for India 2002

Passenger cars, light commercial vehicles 2/3 wheelers
and heavy duty vehicles
Entire Country Bharat Stage (BS) II – 1.4.2005 BS II – 1.4.2005
BS III – 1.4.2010 BSIII preferably from
13 cities BS II- 1.4.2003 1.4.2008 but not later than
BS III – 1.4.2005 1.4.2010
BS IV – 1.4.2010

Source: MOPN G (2002)

 Following this roadmap, 13 selected cities were moved to BS-IV norms in 2010 and rest
of the country on BS III norms. But this is ambiguous since same NAAQS standards are
followed throughout the country but different fuel quality standards are prescribed.

 Recently auto fuel vision committee was set up in 2013 to recommend the future
roadmap on advancement of fuel quality and vehicular emission standards 2025. It has
recommended introduction of BS-IV by 2017, BS-V by 2020 and BS-VI by 2024 across the
country (TERI, 2014).

 However, looking at the growth rate of vehicular sector, more stringent steps should be
taken. Instead of following chronological order for the norms, BS-V fuels should be
considered by enabling the Indian refineries to leapfrog from BS-II to BS-V.

Air pollution in Punjab

 An effective inspection and maintenance system should be enforced by the Government

in the state.

 Old vehicles should be banned in the state.

 Government should conduct programs at community level to sensitize the public about
the growing levels of the pollution due to vehicles and promote public transport

7.2 Open Burning

Open Burning from left over paddy and wheat straw is a major concern for Punjab state as
air pollution caused by these activities is found to be corelatedwith the increase in eye
irritation and respiratory diseases in the state.

 Government should ensure regular vigilance of open burning activities. Some penalty
should be enforced in order to bring out this step in action.

 New sustainable technologies should be introduced in the state.

7.3 Industries

In this sector, industrial combustion is mainly contributing to the emissions in the state.

 Cleaner fuels should be used to curb the emission levels.

 Instalment of APCEs in all industrial units should be made mandatory for all the

 Efficiency of installed APCE’s should be checked at regular levels.

 In order to have more regular control, number of air quality monitoring stations in the
state should be increased.

 In brick sector, government should emphasize on adoption of cleaner technologies like

Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln (VSBK) and tunnel kilns.

 Registration of brick kilns should be made mandatory as due to the mobile nature of few
brick making technologies, the exact number of brick kilns is never accurate.

Air pollution in Punjab

9 References
CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board). 2008. National Ambient Air Quality Status 2007.
[NAAQMS//2008-09]. New Delhi: CPCB.

CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board). 2009. National Ambient Air Quality Status 2008.
[NAAQMS//2009-10]. New Delhi: CPCB.

CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board). 2011. National Ambient Air Quality Status and
Trends 2009. [NAAQMS//2010-11]. New Delhi: CPCB.

CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board). 2012. National Ambient Air Quality Status and
Trends 2010. [NAAQMS//2011-12]. New Delhi: CPCB.

CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board). 2014. National Ambient Air Quality Status and
Trends 2011. [NAAQMS//2013-14]. New Delhi: CPCB.

CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board). 2014. National Ambient Air Quality Status and
Trends 2012. [NAAQMS//2014-15]. New Delhi: CPCB.

Gupta S., et al., 2013 “Air pollution in Punjab with special ref to Mandi-Gobindgarh and
surrounding areas: and analytical study” IOSR J of Env Sci Toxic & Food Tech, 4(1), 30-45

Kumar R., et al., 2015 “Association of air pollution and mortality in the Ludhiana city of
India: A time series study” Indian Journal of Public Health, 54(2)

Nautiyal J. et al., 2007 “Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Health in Mandi-Gobindgarh,

Punjab, India - A Pilot Study” Int. J. Environ .Res. Public health, 4 (4), 262-282

Kumar P, & Kumar S., 2012. “Valuing the Health Effects of air pollution from agricultural
residue burning”. ACIAR: Policy Instruments to address air pollution issues in
agriculture – Implications for happy Seeder technology in India

MoPNG (Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas), Energy Statistics 2013.

Statistical Abstract Punjab 2013. Issues by Economic advisor to Government of Punjab

Environment Statistics of Punjab 2011.Published by Economic and Statistical Organization,

Government of Punjab.

Planning Commission 2002, Industrial Development.

Envis Centre Punjab,

http://punenvis.nic.in/index2.aspx?slid=58&mid=1&langid=1&sublinkid=931, Accessed
on 26 Jan, 2015.

Ministry of petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG) 2002. Auto Fuel Policy. MoPNG, New

Air pollution in Punjab

TERI, 2002. Study on Performance Evaluation of Air Pollution Control System, Modification
thereon and Review of Emission Standards for Brick Kilns.The Energy and Resources
Institute, New Delhi.

TERI, 2015. Understanding Energy Risks in India: Towards a Safe and Informed Energy
Program, done for Atomic Energy Commission.

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