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When a photon scatters off a free electron initially at rest, the process is known as Compton
scattering. In this process, the photon transfers some of its energy and momentum to the
electron, causing it to recoil.

The change in wavelength of the photon due to Compton scattering is given by the formula:


where λ is the wavelength of the incident photon, λ′ is the wavelength of the scattered
photon, h is Planck’s constant, me is the mass of the electron, c is the speed of light, and θ
is the scattering angle.

(a) If the incident photon has a wavelength of 0.024 Å and the scattering angle is 30
degrees, we can use the above formula to calculate the wavelength of the scattered photon.
Substituting the known values, we find that Δλ=0.0048 Å. Therefore, the wavelength of the
scattered photon is λ′=λ+Δλ=0.0288 Å.

The energy transferred to the electron is equal to the difference between the initial and final
energies of the photon:


Substituting the known values, we find that ΔE=203.4 keV. This is the kinetic energy
imparted to the electron by the scattering process.

(b) If the scattering angle is 120 degrees instead of 30 degrees, we can repeat the above
calculations with this new value of θ. Substituting θ=120∘ into the formula for Δλ, we find
that Δλ=0.0083 Å. Therefore, the wavelength of the scattered photon is λ′=λ+Δλ=0.0323 Å.

Substituting this new value of λ′ into the formula for ΔE, we find that ΔE=231.2 keV. This
is the kinetic energy imparted to the electron by the scattering process when the scattering
angle is 120 degrees.

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