Chapter VII

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Rainfall patterns in selected areas of Bohol were the main concern of this study.

Rainfall patterns are consists of the statistical data: sum, mean, maximum rainfall, standard

deviations, wet days and dry days. Thus, getting the comparison through graphs and

tabulations are also recommended. The methodology involved fact-finding of information;

system design; exploring the functionality of the Netbeans Platform; construction of the

system's design: encoding, compiling, debugging and running; testing the workability of the

system. To let the user interact with the system, user mannual was written. The result of the

study showed that the workability of the system was used in getting the rainfall patterns. The

Netbeans application was responsible in the creation of interfaces, coding of programs,

statistical calculations with the statistical tools and graphs using Java language.

Furthermore, rainfall patterns in selected areas of Bohol were compared. The

comparison showed that among the nine selected sites of Bohol, the site that has the the

highest amount of total sum for the period from year 1978 to 1984 was Bilar, then, followed

by Camen-Central. The site with the lowest total sum was Loon. It is because, Loon has an

incomplete number of days for the period. The highest the total sum and with complete

number of days, the highest the daily mean, monthly mean, and annual mean. For the wet

and dry days, the highest number of wet days was Bilar while the highest number of dry

days was Las Salinas which was also these two sites has the complete number of days for the


The rainfall patterns was concluded among the nine sites of Bohol: Bilar, Camen-

Central, Gabi, Garcia-Hernandez, Guindulman, Las Salinas, Loon, Tubigon and Talibon. As

the rainfall records for the period was added, Bilar has the highest amount of total rainfall for

the period (1978-1984). Since, Bilar has complete number of days. The Bilar station

contained a good rainfall records that resulted with statistical data. The Carmen-Central has

the second highest amount of total rainfall records. But 4th of the ranking wet days. This site

has also complete number of days records for the period. For the third site, Gabi has more

lacking months for the year 1978 and 1981. All the rainfall data for the other years was

affected since, the total sum was smaller than the other. Since, there were lacking months,

the number of days for supposed record was incomplete. Though this site has incomplete

days records but the 4th of the highest amount of total rainfall for the period which means

that there were great amount of rainfall in some particular days.

There were sites that has corrections for the total sum for the period (1978-1984) for

the reason of incomplete days. The following sites were: Gabi, Garcia-Hernandez, Loon,

Talibon and Tubigon. Among these sites, the highest correction for the year 1978 was Gabi

followed by Garcia-Hernandez, then, Loon. In year 1979, the highest was Loon followed by

Tubigon, last was Talibon. In 1980, the highest was Talibon, second was Garcia-Hernandez

and last was Loon. For the year 1981, the highest was Gabi, second was Talibon and last was

Loon. There were no corrections for 1982. In 1983, there were two sites with corrections. In

first rank, it was Tubigon then, Loon. For the last year of the period (1984), there were three

sites with corrections. The highest was Gabi followed by Talibon, last was Tubigon.

Garcia-Hernandez was the 5th of total rainfall records among the nine sites from the

highest with lacking of months in the year 1978 and 1980. In 1979, no data. In this year,

there was no reason for planting since, there's no rainfall occurred.

Guindulman was the fourth of the highest total rainfall for the period. It has complete

days and it's good to plant for all the years since for the period, it has a complete number of

days with rainfall records. The site of Las Salinas ranked as the 6 th highest total rainfall

amount for the period and it has a complete number of days with records. Loon has the

smallest amount of total rainfall for the period among the nine sites. Because there were

years that has lacking of months and almost all of the rainfall for the period were small

amounts. Talibon was the 7th of the rank and there were also lacking of days. Tubigon

occurred as the 8th of the rank and has incomplete number of days with records.

If the rainy days occure, the sites to be compared for rainfall patterns must not near to

each other to avoid closer or the same rainfall amounts. This is the reason why the nine sites

were selected among all of the sites in Bohol.

On the case of system's design, the application of Netbeans is an overall package

which can stand alone by only with one portable language which is Java. The Java language

was also tasked to manipulate in terms of all the program coding and handling errors. Thus,

the combination of the two tools resulted into a workable system. Furthermore, it was tested

that if the Netbeans application was not installed by the needed packages the functionality of

the project will nnot result into a workable system.


The researcher recommended to study more about rainfall patterns in some areas of

Bohol. Since, the study have undergone already the nine sites of Bohol some areas may need

to be studied. As what the researcher observed about Bilar, Carmen-Central, Guindulman

and Las Salinas the rainfall patterns were good to determine. These sites have complete

number of days with records. The Bilar corresponds to the average weather of Bohol. In

terms of weather planting in Bilar, from 1978 to 1984, recommended for planting is in the

month of June to December because these months has the most rainy days.

Moreover, the researcher recommended to append more handling errors for some

parts of the system, to improvise the design. For future related studies, it is recommended to

use the application of Libre Office Calc in terms of graphs and calculations. Netbeans

Platform was quite simple in terms of designing of interfaces. So, for a better design

especially for IT students, it is better to use design languages such as HTML, PHP and CSS.

But the researcher assured that the Netbeans application was working well.


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