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"OK" "OK"
"Cancel" "Cancel"

"DOTA_Accept" "Accept"
"DOTA_Cancel" "Cancel"
"DOTA_Confirm" "Confirm"
"DOTA_Console" "Console"
"DOTA_Create" "Create"
"DOTA_Decline" "Decline"
"DOTA_Error" "Error"
"DOTA_Join" "Join"
"DOTA_Leave" "Leave"
"DOTA_New" "New"
"DOTA_Ok" "OK"
"DOTA_Sale" "Sale"
"DOTA_Sale_24" "24hr Sale"
"DOTA_Treasure" "Treasure"
"DOTA_Blog" "New In Dota 2"
"DOTA_Close" "Close"
"DOTA_Continue" "Continue"
"DOTA_Add" "Add"
"DOTA_Edit" "Edit"
"DOTA_Enable" "Enable"
"DOTA_Disable" "Disable"
"DOTA_Refresh" "Refresh"
"DOTA_Loading" "Loading"
"DOTA_None" "None"
"DOTA_Hide" "Hide"
"DOTA_Show" "Show"
"DOTA_Customize" "Customize"
"DOTA_AcceptChanges" "Accept Changes"
"DOTA_Search" "Search"
"DOTA_Start" "Start"
"DOTA_PleaseWait" "Please Wait..."
"DOTA_Previous" "Previous"
"DOTA_PreviousShort" "Prev"
"DOTA_Next" "Next"
"DOTA_Skip" "Skip"
"DOTA_Done" "Done"
"DOTA_TryAgain" "Try Again"
"DOTA_View_Details" "View Details"
"DOTA_More_Details" "More Details"
"DOTA_View_Details_Arrow" "View Details >>"
"DOTA_Combine" "Combine"
"DOTA_Claim" "Claim"
"DOTA_Vote" "Vote"
"DOTA_NowAvailable" "Now Available"
"DOTA_Coming_Soon" "Coming Soon"
"DOTA_Grant" "Grant"
"Movie_Playing" "Movie Playing"
"DOTA_Playtest" "Test"

"DOTA_SortBy" "Sort By"

"DOTA_SortOption_Relevance" "Most Relevant"
"DOTA_SortOption_Newest" "Newest"
"DOTA_SortOption_Oldest" "Oldest"
"DOTA_SortOption_Owned" "Owned"
"DOTA_SortOption_Price" "Price"
"DOTA_SortOption_PriceLowToHigh" "Price (Lowest First)"
"DOTA_SortOption_PriceHighToLow" "Price (Highest First)"
"DOTA_SortOption_Alphabetical" "Alphabetical"

"DOTA_FailedToGetData" "Failed to get data"

"DOTA_ErrorLoadingStats" "Error loading stats"

"Action_Use" "Use"
"Action_GoToPlayerCards" "Go To Player Cards"

"dota_team_radiant" "Radiant"
"dota_team_dire" "Dire"

"UI_On" "On"
"UI_Off" "Off"

"UI_OK" "OK"
"UI_Cancel" "Cancel"

"UI_month_0" "January"
"UI_month_1" "February"
"UI_month_2" "March"
"UI_month_3" "April"
"UI_month_4" "May"
"UI_month_5" "June"
"UI_month_6" "July"
"UI_month_7" "August"
"UI_month_8" "September"
"UI_month_9" "October"
"UI_month_10" "November"
"UI_month_11" "December"
"UI_month_short_0" "Jan"
"UI_month_short_1" "Feb"
"UI_month_short_2" "Mar"
"UI_month_short_3" "Apr"
"UI_month_short_4" "May"
"UI_month_short_5" "Jun"
"UI_month_short_6" "Jul"
"UI_month_short_7" "Aug"
"UI_month_short_8" "Sep"
"UI_month_short_9" "Oct"
"UI_month_short_10" "Nov"
"UI_month_short_11" "Dec"
"UI_day_1" "Sunday"
"UI_day_2" "Monday"
"UI_day_3" "Tuesday"
"UI_day_4" "Wednesday"
"UI_day_5" "Thursday"
"UI_day_6" "Friday"
"UI_day_7" "Saturday"
"UI_day_short_1" "Sun"
"UI_day_short_2" "Mon"
"UI_day_short_3" "Tue"
"UI_day_short_4" "Wed"
"UI_day_short_5" "Thu"
"UI_day_short_6" "Fri"
"UI_day_short_7" "Sat"
"UI_day_shorter_1" "Sun"
"UI_day_shorter_2" "Mo"
"UI_day_shorter_3" "Tu"
"UI_day_shorter_4" "We"
"UI_day_shorter_5" "Th"
"UI_day_shorter_6" "Fr"
"UI_day_shorter_7" "Sa"
"UI_abbreviation_day" "d"
"UI_abbreviation_hour" "h"
"UI_abbreviation_minute" "m"

"Unknown" "Unknown"
"UI_Yes" "Yes"
"UI_No" "No"
"UI_File_Filter_Any" "All files (*.*)"
"UI_File_Filter_PNG" "PNG files (*.png)"
"UI_File_Filter_SupportedImageFormats" "Image files (*.png;*.jpg;*.jpeg)"
"UI_FailedToLoadImageFile" "Failed to load image file"
"DOTA_MainMenu_Heroes" "Heroes"
"DOTA_MainMenu_Store" "Store"
"DOTA_MainMenu_Watch" "Watch"
"DOTA_MainMenu_Learn" "Learn"
"DOTA_MainMenu_Mods" "Arcade"

"DOTA_TabName_Heroes" "Heroes"
"DOTA_TabName_GlobalItems" "Global Items"
"DOTA_TabName_PlusStats" "Global Trends"
"DOTA_TabName_Armory" "Armory"

"DOTA_TabName_Featured" "Featured"
"DOTA_TabName_Treasury" "Treasury"
"DOTA_TabName_Browse" "Browse"
"DOTA_TabName_Plus" "Plus Rewards"

"DOTA_ConfirmQuit" "Confirm Quit"

"DOTA_ConfirmQuitDesc" "Do you really wish to quit Dota 2?"
"DOTA_ConfirmQuitDescUnsafe" "Leaving a game before it has finished may ruin
the game for other players. Do you really wish to quit Dota 2?"

"DOTA_InvalidPersonaName" "[unknown]"

"DOTA_Friends_WindowTitle" "FRIENDS"
"DOTA_Teams_WindowTitle" "TEAMS"
"DOTA_Profile_WindowTitle" "My Profile"
"DOTA_BattlePass_WindowTitle" "Battle Pass"
"DOTA_Plus_Profile_WindowTitle" "DOTA PLUS"
"DOTA_Plus_Profile_Header_Status" "Active"
"DOTA_FriendsCategory_ReadyToPlay" "In Open Games <font
"DOTA_FriendsCategory_PlayingDota" "In Dota <font
"DOTA_FriendsCategory_Online" "Online <font
"DOTA_FriendsCategory_Pending" "Pending <font
"DOTA_FriendsCategory_Offline" "Offline <font
"DOTA_Friends_Empty" "Your friends list is currently
"DOTA_Friends_Add_Friend_Tooltip" "Add Friend"
"DOTA_Friends_Add_Friend_Entry_Placeholder" "Enter Friend ID to
search for"
"DOTA_Friends_Add_Friend_Your_ID" "Your Friend ID is:"
"DOTA_Friends_ID" "Friend ID:"
"DOTA_Friends_FriendFilter_Tooltip" "Hide friends who have
not played Dota recently"

"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_WindowTitle" "Broadcaster Toasts"

"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_TextEntry" "Enter Toast Text:"
"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_ShowToast" "Show Toast"
"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_PreviewToast" "Preview Toast"
"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_DismissAll" "Dismiss All"
"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_TextEntryPlaceholder" "<text>"
"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_TableEntryPlaceholder" "<%XX>"
"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_AllowHtml" "Allow HTML?"
"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_SelectedFacts" "Facts For Selected
"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_SelectedStats" "Stats For Selected
"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_CustomStat" "Custom Stat:"
"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_CustomFact" "Custom Fact:"
"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_HeroAbilityMovies" "Ability Movies:"
"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_ItemMovie" "Item Movie:"
"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_HeroSearch" "Heroes"
"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_ItemSearch" "Items"
"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_GenericSearch" "Generic"
"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_PlayerSearch" "Players"
"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_Duration" "Duration"
"DOTA_BroadcasterToasts_LastToastTime" "Last Sent:
{s:time_since_last_message} ago"

"DOTA_TeamManagement_FullName" "Full Team Name"

"DOTA_TeamManagement_TeamTag" "Team Tag"
"DOTA_TeamManagement_Country" "Country"
"DOTA_TeamManagement_URL" "Team URL"
"DOTA_TeamKickLabel" "Kick"
"DOTA_TeamKickMember" "Kick Team Member"
"DOTA_TeamConfirmKickMember" "Kick
{g:dota_persona:kickee_account_id} from {s:team_name}?"
"DOTA_TeamCreateNewTeam" "Create New Team"
"DOTA_TeamsMyTeams" "My Teams"
"DOTA_OfficialTeamInfo" "My Pro Info"
"DOTA_TeamsManageTeams" "Manage Teams"
"DOTA_TeamImagesBrowse" "Browse"
"DOTA_TeamBaseLogo" "Team Base Logo"
"DOTA_TeamBannerLogo" "Team Banner Logo"
"DOTA_TeamSponsorLogo" "Team Sponsor Logo"
"DOTA_TeamInterfaceLogo" "Team Interface Logo"
"DOTA_TeamTeamID" "Team ID:"
"DOTA_TeamTeamAdmin" "Team Admin:"
"DOTA_TeamTeamRank" "Team Rank:"
"DOTA_TeamTeamRankCalibrating" "Calibrating"
"DOTA_TeamBasicInfo" "Basic Info"
"DOTA_TeamRoster" "Roster"
"DOTA_TeamImages" "Images"
"DOTA_TeamPlayerRoster" "Player Roster"
"DOTA_TeamInvitePlayer" "Invite Player"
"DOTA_TeamLeaveTeam" "Leave This Team"
"DOTA_TeamJoinTeam" "Join Team"
"DOTA_TeamDisbandTeam" "Disband Team"
"DOTA_TeamDisbandTeamTooltip" "Team Roster must be empty to
disband the team"
"DOTA_TeamInviteAPlayer" "Type a friends name..."
"DOTA_TeamManagement_SelectLogo" "Select a Logo"
"DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Confirm_Message" "Do
you wish to make {s:player_name} the Team Administrator? If you continue, you will
no longer be able to manage this team."
"DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Success_Message" "You
have successfully transferred Team Adminstrator."
"DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Failure_InvalidAccountType" "Inval
id Account Type"
"DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Failure_NotAdmin" "You
are not the current Administrator of this team."
"DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Failure_SameAccount" "You
are already the Administrator of this team."
"DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Failure_NotMemember" "The
new Administrator is not a member of this team."
"DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Failure_Message_Unspecified" "Failed to
change Team Admin"
"DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Notification_Header" "TEAM
"DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Notification_Message" "You
have been made the Administrator of Team {s:team_name}"
"DOTA_TeamMakeAdmin" "Make Admin"

"DOTA_PartyStartedFindingEventMatch_Notification_Header" "Siltbreaker
"DOTA_PartyStartedFindingEventMatch_Notification_Message" "{s:party_me
mber_name} has started Siltbreaker Campaign."
"DOTA_PartyStartedFindingEventMatch_Notification_ViewIntro" "View Intro"
"DOTA_PartyStartedFindingEventMatch_Notification_SkipIntro" "Skip Intro"
"Adventure Mode"

"DOTA_FriendsMenu_Tooltip_NoneReady" "Friends"

"DOTA_Profile_RemovedBackground" "Clear Background"

"DOTA_ProfileCard_StatTitle_SoloRank" "Solo MMR"

"DOTA_ProfileCard_StatTitle_PartyRank" "Party MMR"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_StatTitle_Wins" "Wins"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_StatTitle_Commends" "Commends"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_StatTitle_GamesPlayed" "Matches"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_StatTitle_FirstMatchDate" "First Match"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_StatTitle_PreviousSeasonRank" "Previous Rank"

"DOTA_ProfileCard_StatValue_Int" "{d:stat_value}"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_StatValue_Date" "{t:s:stat_value}"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_StatValue_String" "{s:stat_value}"

"DOTA_ProfileCard_SlotTab_Trophies" "Trophies"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_SlotTab_Items" "Armory"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_SlotTab_Heroes" "Heroes"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_SlotTab_Emoticons" "Emoticons"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_SlotTab_PlayerCards" "Player Cards"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_SlotTab_FavoriteTeam" "Favorite Team"

"DOTA_ProfileCard_Slot_Clear" "Clear"

"DOTA_ProfileCard_NoTrophies" "No trophies are available."

"DOTA_ProfileCard_NoItems" "No items are available."
"DOTA_ProfileCard_NoPlayerCards" "No player cards are available."
"DOTA_ProfileCard_NoFavoriteTeam" "You have not selected a favorite team."
"DOTA_ProfileCard_FavoriteTeamCLick" "Click to select"

"DOTA_ProfileCard_HeroHover" "Show on hover:"

"DOTA_ProfileCard_HeroOnly" "Hero Only"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_HeroShowWins" "Wins"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_HeroShowWinsAndLosses" "Win-Loss"

"DOTA_ProfileCard_ItemSearchPlaceholder" "Items by name"

"DOTA_ProfileCard_Event_ComingSoon" "Fall Season 2015 Has Ended"

"DOTA_ProfileCard_Event_NotOwned" "Fall Season 2015 Has Ended"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_Event_NeedsActivate" "Activate your Fall Season 2015
"DOTA_ProfileCard_Event_BuyCompendium" "Buy Fall Season 2015 Compendium"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_Event_Activate" "Activate Compendium"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_Event_BuyLevels" "Buy Levels"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_Event_SpendCoins" "Spend Coins"

"DOTA_ProfileCard_CompendiumLevel" "Compendium Level"

"DOTA_ProfileCard_CoinsBalance" "Coins Balance"
"DOTA_ProfileCard_WageredCoinsWon" "Wagered Coins Won"

"DOTA_ProfileCard_BattlePassLevel" "The International 2018 Battle Level"

"DOTA_Plus_ProfileCard_PlusClaimTeaser" "Claim your
{d:weekly_currency_reward} shards"
"DOTA_Plus_ProfileCard_PlusMemberTeaser" "Upgrade To Plus Today"
"DOTA_Plus_ProfileCard_Challenge_Title" "Win 3 Games This Week"
"DOTA_Plus_ProfileCard_Reward_Claimed" "Weekly Reward Claimed"
"DOTA_Plus_ProfileCard_TimeRemainingDays" "{i:days_left} days
"DOTA_Plus_ProfileCard_TimeRemainingHours" "{i:hours_left} hours
"DOTA_Plus_ProfileCard_TimeRemainingMinutes" "{i:minutes_left} minutes

"DOTA_Popup_PlusStatus_WelcomeHeader" "Welcome to Dota Plus!"

"DOTA_Popup_PlusStatus_ExpiredHeader" "Your Dota Plus Subscription Has
"DOTA_Popup_PlusStatus_WelcomeMessage" "Dota Plus helps you push your
skill boundaries on your favorite heroes, improve your overall Dota knowledge, and
keep current with the ever-changing meta�all without leaving the game."
"DOTA_Popup_PlusStatus_CurrencyBurstExplanation" "As a new Dota Plus
subscriber, you'll begin with a balance of shards to spend on Relics and other
exclusive Plus Rewards."
"DOTA_Popup_PlusStatus_GetStarted" "Get Started"
"DOTA_Popup_PlusStatus_ExpiredExplanation" "Your Dota Plus subscription
is no longer active as of {T:s:dota_plus_expiration_date}."
"DOTA_Popup_PlusStatus_RenewDescription" "Without an active subscription,
Dota Plus features are not available on your account. Your Hero Level progression
has been retained, but no further progress will be made while your subscription is
inactive. Please renew your subscription to reactivate Dota Plus features."
"DOTA_Popup_PlusStatus_Renew" "Renew"

"DOTA_BadgeLevel" "{d:badge_level}"

"DOTA_HeroTooltip_HeroName" "{s:hero_name}"
"DOTA_HeroTooltip_HeroRecord" "{s:hero_wins_string},

"DOTA_TooltipHeroPatchNotes_Title" "Recent Gameplay Changes"

"DOTA_PatchNotes_Header" "Gameplay Update"
"DOTA_PatchNotes_GeneralSection" "General Changes"
"DOTA_PatchNotes_ItemsSection" "Item Changes"
"DOTA_PatchNotes_HeroesSection" "Hero Changes"
"DOTA_PatchNotes_Info" "{s:patch_note_info}"
"DOTA_PatchNotes_HeroPatchNote" "{s:note} <span
"DOTA_PatchNotes_HeroPatchNote_WithInfo" "{s:note} <span
class=\"PatchNoteInfo\">({s:patch_note_info})</span> <span
"DOTA_PatchNotes_ReleaseDate" "Released {t:s:patch_date}"

"DOTA_Wins_Singular" "1 Win"

"DOTA_Wins_Plural" "{d:hero_wins} Wins"
"DOTA_Losses_Singular" "1 Loss"
"DOTA_Losses_Plural" "{d:hero_losses} Losses"

"DOTA_Profile_TotalGames" "Total Games"

"DOTA_Profile_Solo_MMR" "Solo MMR"
"DOTA_Profile_Team_MMR" "Team MMR"
"DOTA_Profile_Party_MMR" "Party MMR"
"DOTA_Profile_VictoryCount" "Victories"

"DOTA_Profile_Previous_BattlePass_TI6" "The International 2016 Battle Pass

"DOTA_Profile_Previous_BattlePass_Fall2016" "The Fall 2016 Battle Pass
"DOTA_Profile_Previous_BattlePass_Winter2017" "The Winter 2017 Battle Pass

"DOTA_Profile_BP_Rollup_Quest_Progress" "Quest Progress"

"DOTA_Profile_BP_Rollup_Quest_Completed" "Quests Completed"
"DOTA_Profile_BP_Rollup_Quest_Stars" "Stars"

"DOTA_Profile_BP_Rollup_Tips_Given" "Total Tips Given"

"DOTA_Profile_BP_Rollup_Tips_Received" "Total Tips Received"

"DOTA_Profile_BP_Rollup_Battle_Cup_Wins" "Battle Cup Wins"

"DOTA_Profile_BP_Rollup_Battle_Cup_Score" "Battle Cup Score"
"DOTA_Profile_BP_Rollup_Achievements_Completed" "Achievements Completed"
"DOTA_Profile_BP_Rollup_Achievements_Points" "Achievements Points Earned"
"DOTA_Profile_BP_Rollup_Predictions_Correct" "Predictions Correct"
"DOTA_Profile_BP_Rollup_Predictions_Earned" "Predictions Points Earned"

"DOTA_Profile_BP_Rollup_Bracket_Correct" "Correctly Predicted Brackets"

"DOTA_Profile_BP_Rollup_Bracket_Points" "Bracket Points Earned"

"DOTA_Profile_BP_Rollup_Fantasy_Score" "Fantasy Challenge Score"

"DOTA_Profile_BP_Rollup_Fantasy_Percentile" "Fantasy Challenge Percentile"

"DOTA_Profile_BP_Rollup_Fantasy_Card_Collection" "Player Card Collection"

"DOTA_Profile_ProfilePage" "Profile"
"DOTA_Profile_TrophyPage" "Trophies"
"DOTA_Profile_RecentGamesPage" "Recent Games"
"DOTA_Profile_HeroPage" "Heroes"
"DOTA_Profile_LeaguePassesPage" "Tickets"

"DOTA_Plus_Subscriber" "Dota Plus Subscriber"

"DOTA_Profile_Edit" "Edit Profile"

"DOTA_Profile_SaveChanges" "Save Changes"

"DOTA_Profile_PlayStyle" "Play Style"

"DOTA_Profile_MostRecent" "Most Recent {s:num_style_games} game(s)"
"DOTA_Profile_MostSuccessful" "Most Successful Heroes (All-Time)"
"DOTA_TheInternational" "The International"
"DOTA_Profile_LifetimeStats" "Lifetime Stats"
"DOTA_Profile_RecentActivity" "Recent Activity"

"DOTA_Profile_Fighting" "Fighting"
"DOTA_Profile_Fighting_Short" "Fight"
"DOTA_Profile_Fighting_TooltipTitle" "Fighting"
"DOTA_Profile_Fighting_Tooltip" "Players who Fight in many
battles with enemy heroes."

"DOTA_Profile_Farming" "Farming"
"DOTA_Profile_Farming_Short" "Farm"
"DOTA_Profile_Farming_TooltipTitle" "Farming"
"DOTA_Profile_Farming_Tooltip" "Players who Farm gold from
killing creatures."

"DOTA_Profile_Supporting" "Supporting"
"DOTA_Profile_Supporting_Short" "Support"
"DOTA_Profile_Supporting_TooltipTitle" "Supporting"
"DOTA_Profile_Supporting_Tooltip" "Players who Support their team
with healing, wards and items."

"DOTA_Profile_Pushing" "Pushing"
"DOTA_Profile_Pushing_Short" "Push"
"DOTA_Profile_Pushing_TooltipTitle" "Pushing"
"DOTA_Profile_Pushing_Tooltip" "Players who Push on towers,
helping to secure space."

"DOTA_Profile_Versatility" "Versatility"
"DOTA_Profile_Versatility_Short" "Vers"
"DOTA_Profile_Versatility_TooltipTitle" "Versatility"
"DOTA_Profile_Versatility_Tooltip" "Players who are Versatile and play
many different heroes."
"DOTA_Profile_Tooltip_Value" "{s:CurrentStatValue}"
"DOTA_Profile_Tooltip_Comparison" "{s:CurrentComparisonValue}"

"DOTA_Profile_StatsCompare" "Compare"
"DOTA_Profile_Self" "Me"

"DOTA_Profile_GPM" "Avg GPM"

"DOTA_Profile_XPM" "Avg XPM"
"DOTA_Profile_LH" "Avg Last Hits"
"DOTA_Profile_Denies" "Avg Denies"
"DOTA_Profile_NetWorth" "Avg Net Worth"
"DOTA_Profile_Damage" "Avg Damage"
"DOTA_Profile_Heals" "Avg Healing"
"DOTA_Profile_Rampages" "Rampages"
"DOTA_Profile_TripleKills" "Triple Kills"
"DOTA_Profile_FirstBlood" "First Blood Kills"
"DOTA_Profile_FirstBled" "First Bled"
"DOTA_Profile_CourierKills" "Couriers Killed"
"DOTA_Profile_Aegises" "Aegis Steals"
"DOTA_Profile_CheeseEaten" "Cheese Eaten"
"DOTA_Profile_CreepStack" "Camps Stacked"
"DOTA_Profile_RapiersPurchased" "Rapiers Purchased"

"DOTA_Profile_GPMValue" "{s:GPM}"
"DOTA_Profile_XPMValue" "{s:XPM}"
"DOTA_Profile_LHValue" "{s:LH}"
"DOTA_Profile_NetWorthValue" "{s:NetWorth}"
"DOTA_Profile_DamageValue" "{s:Damage}"
"DOTA_Profile_HealsValue" "{s:Heals}"
"DOTA_Profile_RampagesValue" "{d:Rampages}"
"DOTA_Profile_TripleKillsValue" "{d:TripleKills}"
"DOTA_Profile_FirstBloodValue" "{d:FirstBlood}"
"DOTA_Profile_FirstBledValue" "{d:FirstBled}"
"DOTA_Profile_CourierKillsValue" "{d:CourierKills}"
"DOTA_Profile_AegisesValue" "{d:Aegises}"
"DOTA_Profile_CheeseEatenValue" "{d:CheeseEaten}"
"DOTA_Profile_CreepStackValue" "{d:CreepStack}"
"DOTA_Profile_RapiersPurchasedValue" "{d:RapiersPurchased}"

"DOTA_Profile_GPMLocalValue" "{s:GPMLocal}"
"DOTA_Profile_XPMLocalValue" "{s:XPMLocal}"
"DOTA_Profile_LHLocalValue" "{s:LHLocal}"
"DOTA_Profile_NetWorthLocalValue" "{s:NetWorthLocal}"
"DOTA_Profile_DamageLocalValue" "{s:DamageLocal}"
"DOTA_Profile_HealsLocalValue" "{s:HealsLocal}"
"DOTA_Profile_RampagesLocalValue" "{d:RampagesLocal}"
"DOTA_Profile_TripleKillsLocalValue" "{d:TripleKillsLocal}"
"DOTA_Profile_FirstBloodLocalValue" "{d:FirstBloodLocal}"
"DOTA_Profile_FirstBledLocalValue" "{d:FirstBledLocal}"
"DOTA_Profile_CourierKillsLocalValue" "{d:CourierKillsLocal}"
"DOTA_Profile_AegisesLocalValue" "{d:AegisesLocal}"
"DOTA_Profile_CheeseEatenLocalValue" "{d:CheeseEatenLocal}"
"DOTA_Profile_CreepStackLocalValue" "{d:CreepStackLocal}"
"DOTA_Profile_RapiersPurchasedLocalValue" "{d:RapiersPurchasedLocal}"

"DOTA_Profile_ViewSteamProfile" "View Steam Profile"

"DOTA_Profile_SendMessage" "Send Message"

"DOTA_Profile_LeaguePassCount" "{d:league_pass_count}
Tournament Passes"
"DOTA_Profile_NoLeaguePasses" "No Tournament Passes"

"DOTA_Profile_ConductSummary" "Conduct Summary"

"DOTA_Profile_ConductSummary_Date" "Updated {s:conduct_summary_date}"
"DOTA_Profile_ConductSummary_ShowLatestButton" "Show Summary"

"dota_profile_teammate_stats_header_teammate" "Teammate"
"dota_profile_teammate_stats_header_games" "Games"
"dota_profile_teammate_stats_header_wins_losses" "W - L"
"dota_profile_teammate_stats_header_win_rate" "Win Rate"
"dota_profile_teammate_stats_header_rating" "Rating"
"dota_profile_teammate_stats_header_most_recent_match" "Last Match"
"dota_profile_content_tab_teammate_stats" "Teammates"

"DOTA_Profile_SuccessfulWinStreak" "Streak: {d:win_streak}"

"DOTA_Profile_SuccessfulWinRate" "Winrate: {d:win_rate}%"

"DOTA_Profile_Choose_Background" "Choose Background"

"DOTA_Profile_Featured_Heroes" "Featured Heroes"
"DOTA_Profile_Choose_Heroes_to_Feature" "Choose Heroes to Feature"
"DOTA_Profile_Choose_Hero_to_Feature" "Choose a Hero to Feature"
"DOTA_Profile_Other_Alltime_Stats" "Other All-Time Stats"
"DOTA_Profile_Last_Match" "Last Match"
"DOTA_Profile_Previous_Matches_Performance" "Previous Matches
"DOTA_Profile_Previous_Matches_Tooltip" "Performance this match
versus player's average play with this hero"
"DOTA_Profile_All_Recent_Matches" "All Recent Matches"
"DOTA_Profile_User_Feed" "User Feed"
"DOTA_Profile_Accomplishments" "Accomplishments"

"DOTA_Profile_View_Background_Tooltip" "View Background Image"

"DOTA_AHC_CurrentHero" "Current Hero"

"DOTA_AHC_CurrentHeroName" "{s:current_hero_name}"
"DOTA_AHC_InProgress" "In Progress"
"DOTA_AHC_CurrentHeroAttempts" "{s:current_hero_attempts}
"DOTA_AHC_CurrentHeroAverage" "World Average"
"DOTA_AHC_CurrentHeroAverageAttempts" "{f:1:current_hero_average_at
tempts} Attempts"
"DOTA_AHC_NextHero" "Next Hero"
"DOTA_AHC_NextHeroName" "{s:next_hero_name}"

"DOTA_AHC_ChallengeProgress" "Challenge Progress

"DOTA_AHC_HeroesCompleted" "Heroes Completed"
"DOTA_AHC_HeroesCompletedValue" "{d:heroes_completed} /
"DOTA_AHC_TotalAttempts" "Total Attempts"
"DOTA_AHC_TotalAttemptsValue" "{d:challenge_total_attempts}
"DOTA_AHC_EquivalentWorldAverage" "Equivalent World Average"
"DOTA_AHC_EquivalentWorldAverageValue" "{d:challenge_average_total_a
ttempts} Games"
"DOTA_AHC_LifetimeStats" "Lifetime Challenge
"DOTA_AHC_FullChallengesCompleted" "Full Challenges Completed"
"DOTA_AHC_FullChallengesCompletedValue" "{d:full_challenges_completed
"DOTA_AHC_BestFullChallenge" "Best Full Challenge"
"DOTA_AHC_BestFullChallengeValueNone" "N/A"
"DOTA_AHC_BestFullChallengeValue" "{d:best_full_challenge}
"DOTA_AHC_FullChallengeAverage" "Full Challenge World
"DOTA_AHC_FullChallengeAverageValue" "{f:2:full_challenge_average}
"DOTA_AHC_ChallengeReward" "Challenge Reward"
"DOTA_AHC_ChallengeTrophyName" "{s:challenge_trophy_nam
"DOTA_AHC_ChallengeTrophyLevel" "Level

"DOTA_RecentGames_Title" "Recent Games"

"DOTA_RecentGames_TimeStamp" "Date/Time"
"DOTA_RecentGames_HeroSelection" "Hero Played"
"DOTA_RecentGames_GameResult" "Result"
"DOTA_RecentGames_GameLength" "Duration"
"DOTA_RecentGames_Team" "Team"
"DOTA_RecentGames_GameType" "Type"
"DOTA_RecentGames_Items" "Items"

"DOTA_RecentGame_Timestamp_Entry" "{t:s:timestamp} {t:t:timestamp}"

"DOTA_RecentGame_Duration" "{t:d:duration}"

"DOTA_RecentGame_Downloading" "{s:DownloadPercent} Downloading"

"DOTA_RecentGame_Watch" "Watch Replay"
"DOTA_RecentGame_NoReplay" "No Replay"
"DOTA_RecentGame_Expired" "Replayed Expired"
"DOTA_RecentGame_Finding" "Finding..."
"DOTA_RecentGame_Download" "Download Match"
"DOTA_RecentGame_Pending" "Replay Pending"
"DOTA_RecentGame_Unavailable" "Replay Unavailable"
"DOTA_RecentGame_MatchID" "Match ID: #{s:match_id}"
"DOTA_RecentGame_Download_When_Ready" "Notify me when the Replay for this
game becomes available"
"DOTA_RecentGame_Replay" "Replay"

"DOTA_RecentGame_Watch_Error" "Watch Replay Error"

"DOTA_RecentGame_Watch_NoMatchInfo" "No Match Info"
"DOTA_RecentGame_Watch_Permission" "Access to this replay requires
purchasing and activating a ticket to the tournament."
"DOTA_RecentGame_Watch_Download" "Failed to download replay"
"DOTA_RecentGame_Watch_NoFile" "File not found"

"DOTA_No_Team_Name" "--"

"DOTA_TrophyCount" "{d:trophy_count} Trophy"

"DOTA_TrophiesCount" "{d:trophy_count} Trophies"
"DOTA_TrophyCount_Number" "{d:trophy_count}"
"DOTA_TrophyCount_NoNum" "Trophy"
"DOTA_TrophiesCount_NoNum" "Trophies"
"DOTA_Trophies_ViewMyCollection" "My Collection"
"DOTA_Trophies_ViewAll" "All"
"DOTA_Trophies_ViewActive" "Active"
"DOTA_Trophies_Info" "Earn Trophies to increase your Dota
Level.<br><br>Each trophy `tributes a different amount of Trophy Points toward your
next Dota level. Trophy Points are awarded whenever a trophy is earned, or is
upgraded to a new tier.<br><br>100 Trophy Points = 1 Dota Level."
"DOTA_About_Badges" "About Trophies"

"DOTA_TrophyName" "{s:trophy_name}"
"DOTA_TrophyCategory" "{s:trophy_category}"
"DOTA_TrophyDescription" "{s:trophy_description}"
"DOTA_TrophyXP" "{d:trophy_xp}<span
"DOTA_TrophyXPProgress" "{d:trophy_xp} / {d:total_trophy_xp}<span
"DOTA_NextTrophy" "Next Award"

"DOTA_TrophyDetails_Title" "{s:trophy_details_title}"
"DOTA_TrophyDetails_XP" "{d:trophy_details_xp}<span
"DOTA_TrophyDetails_Category" "{s:trophy_details_category}"
"DOTA_TrophyDetails_Desc" "{s:trophy_details_desc}"
"DOTA_TrophyDetails_PointsPerLevel" "Earn {d:trophy_points_per_level}
Trophy Points each time this levels up."
"DOTA_TrophyDetails_PointsPerInterval" "Earn
{d:trophy_points_per_level} Trophy Points every {d:trophy_points_interval_size}

"DOTA_Trophy_Upgraded" "Trophy Upgraded"

"DOTA_Trophy_Achieved" "Trophy Achieved"
"DOTA_TrophyPlusProfileXP" "+{d:trophy_xp} Trophy Points"

"DOTA_ProfileBadge_Upgraded" "Profile Badge Upgraded"

"DOTA_LearnTabName_Tutorials" "Tutorials"
"DOTA_LearnTabName_Items" "Items"
"DOTA_LearnTabName_HeroGuides" "Hero Guides"
"DOTA_LearnTabName_Training" "Training"
"DOTA_LearnTabName_GameplayUpdates" "Gameplay Updates"

"DOTA_Tutorial_Multiplayer_Match" "Multiplayer Match"

"DOTA_Tutorial_Co-op_Match" "Co-op Match"
"DOTA_Tutorial_Mechanics" "Mechanics"
"DOTA_Tutorial_Mechanics_Desc" "Learn the basics of Dota, from controlling
your hero to using the item shop, and more. After this short tutorial you will have
a general understanding of fundamentals of the game."
"DOTA_Tutorial_Strength_Desc" "In this match you'll play as Dragon Knight,
a melee strength hero. Strength heroes tend to have more health and health
regeneration than heroes of other classes, making them more resilient to both
physical attacks and spells. These heroes gain bonus attack damage for each
additional point in Strength."
"DOTA_Tutorial_Agility_Desc" "In this match you'll play as Sniper, a ranged
agility hero. Agility heroes tend to have more armor and attack speed than heroes
of other classes, making them perfect bearers of powerful attack damage items.
These heroes gain bonus attack damage for each additional point in Agility."
"DOTA_Tutorial_Intelligence_Desc" "In this match you'll play as Shadow
Shaman, a ranged intelligence hero. Intelligence heroes tend to have more mana and
mana regeneration than heroes of other classes, making them ideal for ability-
focused roles. These heroes gain bonus attack damage for each additional point in
"DOTA_Tutorial_HoverText" "Hover icon for description"
"DOTA_Tutorial_TopicsCovered" "Topics Covered"
"DOTA_Tutorial_Mechanics_Bullets" "- Purchasing Items from the Shop<br />-
Camera and Movement Control<br />- Basic Combat<br />- Leveling-Up Abilities<br />-
Ability Usage"

"DOTA_Tutorial_Co-op_Desc" "Now that you've got the basics of a few

heroes, it's time to jump into a game with real teammates battling to destroy an
enemy bot team's Ancient. Work together and communicate to drop those bots in the
lanes and smash their Ancient to pieces."
"DOTA_Tutorial_Multiplayer_Desc" "It's time. You're ready. Press the
button to jump into a real multiplayer match and join your new teammates in facing
off against five other players. Remember: everyone else is new at this, too. So
just relax. You're doing fine."

"DOTA_NewPlayerQuestion_Title" "WELCOME TO DOTA 2"

"DOTA_PlayerOriginQuestion_Question" "To improve your game experience,
please share your familiarity with Dota 2 and similar games:"
"DOTA_PlayerOriginQuestion_BeginnerButton" "I'm a beginner."
"DOTA_PlayerOriginQuestion_RTSButton" "I've played RTS games."
"DOTA_PlayerOriginQuestion_MOBAButton" "I've played a game similar to
Dota 2."
"DOTA_PlayerOriginQuestion_Dota2Button" "I've played Dota 2."
"DOTA_PlayerOriginQuestion_MOBAExplanation" "Select the game you are most
comfortable with:"
"DOTA_OtherGames_LOL" "League of Legends"
"DOTA_OtherGames_DOTA" "DotA 1"
"DOTA_OtherGames_HON" "Heroes of Newerth"
"DOTA_OtherGames_Smite" "Smite"
"DOTA_OtherGames_Other" "Another Game"
"DOTA_PlayerOriginQuestion_ConfirmationButton" "LET'S PLAY"
"DOTA_PlayerOriginQuestion_ConfirmationTutorial" "As a player new to Dota,
you may be interested in the tutorials under the Training section of the Play tab.
They're a great first step towards dominating other players around the globe."
"DOTA_PlayerOriginQuestion_ConfirmationSettings" "Your keybindings and
options are now set to the most commonly used settings for players with your
experience. You can customize these at any time by clicking on the settings icon."

"DOTA_Tutorial_SkipButton" "Skip Tutorial"

"DOTA_ConfirmSkip" "Skip Dota 2 Introduction?"
"DOTA_ConfirmSkipDesc" "Are you sure you want to the skip the tutorials for
Dota 2?"
"DOTA_Tutorial_Start_Quest" "START QUEST"
"DOTA_Tutorial_Quest0_Title" "QUEST 1"
"DOTA_Tutorial_Quest0_TitleDesc" "RANGED HERO"
"DOTA_Tutorial_Quest0DetailsDesc" "This Quest will take about\n 10 minutes
to complete."
"DOTA_Tutorial_QuestDetailsLearn" "You'll learn:"
"DOTA_Tutorial_Quest0DetailsLesson" "Hero Movement\nHero Leveling\nAbility
Usage\nItems\nBasic Combat\nLast Hitting"
"DOTA_Tutorial_Quest1_Title" "QUEST 2"
"DOTA_Tutorial_Quest1_TitleDesc" "LANE COMBAT"
"DOTA_Tutorial_Quest1DetailsDesc" "This Quest will take about\n 10 minutes
to complete."
"DOTA_Tutorial_Quest1DetailsLesson" "Ranged Combat \n AOE Abilities \n The
Minimap \n Towers \n Couriers and Stash \n Teleportation"
"DOTA_Tutorial_Quest2_Title" "QUEST 3"
"DOTA_Tutorial_Quest2_TitleDesc" "LANE COMBAT"
"DOTA_Tutorial_Quest2DetailsDesc" "This Quest will take about\n 10 - 15
minutes to complete."
"DOTA_Tutorial_Quest2DetailsLesson" "Laning Combat \n Defending and Attacking
Towers \n Starting Items"

"DOTA_Challenges_Title" "Learn"
"DOTA_ChallengeGroup_0_Title" "Mechanics"
"DOTA_ChallengeGroup_1_Title" "Guided Bot Matches"
"DOTA_ChallengeGroup_1_Desc" "Start Here!"
"DOTA_ChallengeGroup_2_Title" "Bot Matches"
"DOTA_ChallengeGroup_2_Desc" "Practice with and against AI-
controlled heroes in a stress free practice space."
"DOTA_ChallengeGroup_More" "More To Come"
"DOTA_ChallengeGroup_Locked" "Locked"

"DOTA_LearnMechanics_Title" "Mechanics"
"DOTA_LearnMechanics_SubTitle" "Learn the basics of Dota,
from controlling your hero, to using the item shop, and more. If you have never
played a game like Dota, start here."
"DOTA_Mechanics_0_Title" "Mechanics 1"
"DOTA_Mechanics_0_Desc" "Hero Movement\nHero
Leveling\nAbility Usage\nItems\nBasic Combat\nLast Hits"
"DOTA_Mechanics_1_Title" "Mechanics 2"
"DOTA_Mechanics_1_Desc" "Ranged Combat\nArea of
Effect Abilities\nThe Minimap\nTowers\nCouriers and the Stash\nTeleportation

"DOTA_LearnGuidedBotMatches_Title" "Guided Bot Matches"

"DOTA_LearnGuidedBotMatches_SubTitle" "Join and battle against AI-
controlled heroes as you learn to play Dota. We'll guide you step by step through
every stage of a full match as you build your hero into an unstoppable force."
"DOTA_GuidedBotMatches_0_Title" "Luna"
"DOTA_GuidedBotMatches_0_Desc" "Short Range Attack\nHigh
Attack Damage\nFast Movement\nModerately Fragile\nUses Agility Attribute"
"DOTA_GuidedBotMatches_1_Title" "Sven"
"DOTA_GuidedBotMatches_1_Desc" "Melee Attack\nBurst Attack
Damage\nHigh Durability\nVulnerable to Slows\nUses Strength Attribute"
"DOTA_GuidedBotMatches_2_Title" "Lina"
"DOTA_GuidedBotMatches_2_Desc" "Long Range Attack\nBurst
Ability Damage\nShort Cooldowns\nVery Fragile\nUses Intelligence Attribute"

"DOTA_LearnBotMatches_Title" "Bot Matches"

"DOTA_LearnBotMatches_SubTitle" "Practice with and against
AI-controlled heroes in a stress free practice space."
"DOTA_BotMatches_0_Title" "Easy Bots"
"DOTA_BotMatches_0_Desc" "Learn a new hero."
"DOTA_BotMatches_1_Title" "Medium Bots"
"DOTA_BotMatches_1_Desc" "Get comfortable."
"DOTA_BotMatches_2_Title" "Hard Bots"
"DOTA_BotMatches_2_Desc" "Challenge yourself."
"DOTA_BotMatches_3_Title" "Insane Bots"
"DOTA_BotMatches_3_Desc" "Hurt yourself."

"DOTA_Last_Hit_Trainer_Title" "Last Hit Trainer"

"DOTA_Last_Hit_Trainer_Mechanics_Desc" "Make the most of every creep and
push your GPM to the next level with the Last Hit Trainer. Take the time to
practice this vital mechanic anytime you want�even while queuing for a
game.<br><br>Try to get as many last hits in three minutes as possible. Use the
scoreboard and streak counter to help benchmark your progress."
"DOTA_Last_Hit_Trainer_Mechanics_Bullets" "Practice: <br />- Last-
hitting lane creeps to secure gold<br />- Denying lane creeps to gain an XP
"DOTA_StartLastHitTrainer" "Start Training"

"FileOpenDialog_Open" "Open"
"FileOpenDialog_Save" "Save"
"FileOpenDialog_Select" "Select"
"FileOpenDialog_FileType_Folder" "Folder"
"FileOpenDialog_Title" "Select File"
"FileOpenDialog_CurrentDirectoryLabel" "Look in:"
"FileOpenDialog_ColHead_Filename" "Filename"
"FileOpenDialog_ColHead_Size" "Size"
"FileOpenDialog_ColHead_Type" "Type"
"FileOpenDialog_ColHead_Date" "Date"
"FileOpenDialog_FilenameTextEntry_Label" "File name:"
"FileOpenDialog_FilenameFileTypeDropdown_Label" "File type:"

"DOTA_FindMatch" "Find Match"

"DOTA_FindingMatch" "Finding Match ( {s:find_match_time} )"
"DOTA_FindCustomGameMatch" "Play {s:active_event_custom_game}"
"DOTA_FindMatchTime" "{s:find_match_time}"
"DOTA_Searching" "Searching"
"DOTA_StartSoloBotMatch" "Start Bot Match"
"DOTA_StartSoloBotMatchTutorial" "Start Solo Bot Match"
"DOTA_StartCoopBotMatchTutorial" "Start Co-op Bot Match"
"DOTA_StartMultiplayerMatchTutorial" "Start Multiplayer Match"
"DOTA_StartMechanicsTutorial" "Start Mechanics Tutorial"

"DOTA_Create_Lobby" "Create Lobby"

"DOTA_Join_Lobby" "Join Lobby"
"DOTA_LobbyStartGame" "Start Game"
"DOTA_LobbyStartAutomaticSelectionPriority" "Start Pick/Side Selection"
"DOTA_ReturnToLobby" "Back to Lobby"

"DOTA_Lobby_Destroy_Header" "Destroy Lobby"

"DOTA_Lobby_Destroy_Text" "Are you sure you want to destroy the lobby?
All members will be kicked."

"DOTA_FindMatchStatus" "{s:searching_matchtype} / {s:searching_gamemodes}

/ {s:searching_region}"
"DOTA_FindMatchStatusWeekendTourney" "{s:searching_tourney_division}
Division / {s:searching_tourney_round} / {s:searching_region}"
"WeekendTourney_DivisionAndTier" "{s:tournament_division} Division - Tier
"WeekendTourney_TournamentID" "Tournament ID: {d:r:tournament_id}"

"DOTA_FindGameModesMany" "Game Modes: "

"DOTA_FindRegionsMany" "Regions: "

"DOTA_GameMode_AllPick" "All Pick"

"DOTA_GameMode_SingleDraft" "Single Draft"
"DOTA_GameMode_CaptainsMode" "Captains Mode"
"DOTA_GameMode_RandomDraft" "Random Draft"
"DOTA_GameMode_AbilityDraft" "Ability Draft"
"DOTA_GameMode_LeastPlayed" "Least Played"
"DOTA_GameMode_AllRandom" "All Random"
"DOTA_GameMode_LimitedHeroes" "Limited Heroes"
"DOTA_GameMode_CaptainsDraft" "Captains Draft"
"DOTA_GameMode_AllRandomDeathMatch" "All Random Death Match"
"DOTA_GameMode_AllDraft" "All Pick"
"DOTA_GameMode_Turbo" "Turbo"
"DOTA_GameMode_Mutation" "Mutation"

"DOTAAbilityDraft_Ultimates" "Ultimates can be drafted anytime it is

your turn.<br><br>Only one Ultimate Ability can be drafted. "
"DOTAAbilityDraft_Standard" "Once drafted, a Standard Ability
can be re-ordered by dragging the ability to another slot. <br><br> Certain
Abilities are not compatible with Ability Draft Mode and will be replaced by a
random Ability from another Hero."
"DOTAAbilityDraft_Standard_Label" "Standard Abilities"
"DOTAAbilityDraft_Ultimates_Label" "Ultimate Abilities"
"DOTAAbilityDraft_Picking_Next" "Drafting Next"

"DOTAAbilityDraft_Tooltip_Health" "Starting Health: <span

class=\"BaseAttributeValue\">{d:max_health}</span> ({s:health_regen} regen)"
"DOTAAbilityDraft_Tooltip_Mana" "Starting Mana: <span
class=\"BaseAttributeValue\">{d:max_mana}</span> ({s:mana_regen} regen)"
"DOTAAbilityDraft_Tooltip_Speed" "Movement Speed: <span

"DOTA_GameMode_0" "All Pick"

"DOTA_GameMode_1" "All Pick"
"DOTA_GameMode_2" "Captains Mode"
"DOTA_GameMode_3" "Random Draft"
"DOTA_GameMode_4" "Single Draft"
"DOTA_GameMode_5" "All Random"

"DOTA_GameMode_8" "Reverse Captains Mode"

"DOTA_GameMode_10" "Tutorial"
"DOTA_GameMode_11" "Mid Only"
"DOTA_GameMode_12" "Least Played"
"DOTA_GameMode_13" "Limited Heroes"

"DOTA_GameMode_15" "Custom Game Mode"

"DOTA_GameMode_16" "Captains Draft"

"DOTA_GameMode_18" "Ability Draft"

"DOTA_GameMode_19" "Frostivus"
"DOTA_GameMode_20" "All Random Death Match"
"DOTA_GameMode_21" "1v1 Mid"
"DOTA_GameMode_22" "All Pick"
"DOTA_GameMode_23" "Turbo"
"DOTA_GameMode_24" "Mutation"

"DOTA_GameMode_19_Generic" "Event Game"

// Messages related to purchase

"DOTA_ImmediatePurchase_SendFailed" "Failed to send purchase request. Dota
servers may be offline. You should try your purchase again later."
"DOTA_ImmediatePurchase_Timeout" "Timed out waiting for a response to the
purchase request. Please try again later."
"DOTA_ImmediatePurchase_InitFailed" "We were unable to initiate a purchase
with Perfect World at this time. Please try again later."
"DOTA_ImmediatePurchase_InsufficientFundsPW" "There are insufficient funds
in your Perfect World account to complete the purchase. Please recharge your
account and try again."
"DOTA_ImmediatePurchase_Success_Title" "Success"
"DOTA_ImmediatePurchase_Success_Text" "Purchase completed successfully!
Your items will appear in the Armory shortly."
"DOTA_ImmediatePurchase_Cancelled_Title" "Cancelled"
"DOTA_ImmediatePurchase_FailedCantDetermineSuccess" "The connection to the
Dota Servers was lost during the purchase process, however your purchase may have
succeeded. Please wait until the server connection is restored, then check your
Armory to determine if your purchase was successful. You will not be charged if the
purchase was unsuccessful."
"DOTA_ImmediatePurchase_UnbundleTimeout" "Timed out waiting for a response
to the unbundle request. Please try again later."
"DOTA_ImmediatePurchase_UnbundleFailure" "Unable to unpack your bundle.
Please try again later."
"DOTA_ImmediatePurchase_LateCancel" "Purchase was previously
cancelled. You have not been charged."
"DOTA_ConfirmPurchaseTitle" "Confirm Purchase"
"DOTA_ConfirmPurchaseText" "Do you want to purchase this item?"

"DOTA_PurchaseAsGift_Tooltip" "Purchase as a Gift for a friend."

"DOTA_PurchaseEventRewardLevel" "Level {d:event_reward_level}"

"DOTA_EventRewardAlreadyPassed_Title" "Level Already Achieved"

"DOTA_EventRewardAlreadyPassed_Message" "You have already reached this
level on your Battle Pass."
"DOTA_ViewEventReward" "View Reward"
"DOTA_ViewInArmory" "View in Armory"

"DOTA_PurchaseError_Title" "Cannot Purchase"

"DOTA_PurchaseError_SteamOverlayDisabled" "The purchase cannot be
completed because the Steam Overlay cannot be raised. In order to purchase, you
must enable the Steam Overlay in your Steam settings if you have it disabled. If
the overlay is already enabled but is not working, then please see this support FAQ
for help <a href=\"event:ExternalBrowserGoToURL('
"DOTA_PurchaseError_Ok" "Ok"
"DOTA_PurchaseError_OpenBrowser" "Buy In Browser"

"DOTA_PurchaseInProgress_Title" "Purchase In Progress"

"DOTA_PurchaseInProgress_Text" "Your purchase request is being
"DOTA_PurchaseFinalizing_Text" "Your purchase request is being
"DOTA_UnbundleInProgress_Title" "Unbundling In Progress"
"DOTA_UnbundleInProgress_Text" "Your bundle is being unpacked."
"DOTA_ConfirmUnbundleTitle" "Confirm Unbundle"
"DOTA_ConfirmUnbundleText" "You must unpack this bundle in order to
equip items in it. Continue?"
"DOTA_ConfirmOwnedItemUnbundleText" "Are you sure you want to unbundle
this item? You must unbundle it in order to use items in it."

"DOTA_RequestingBalance_Title" "Requesting Balance"

"DOTA_RequestingBalance_Text" "Requesting your Perfect World account

"DOTA_PartnerPurchaseRecharge_Title" "Balance Recharge"

"DOTA_PartnerPurchaseRecharge_Text" "Switching to recharging your
account balance..."
"DOTA_PartnerPurchase_Purchase" "{g:dota_item_price:item_def}"
"DOTA_PartnerPurchase_Recharge" "Recharge Account"
"DOTA_PartnerPurchase_Balance" "Balance: {m:balance}"
"DOTA_PartnerPurchase_ItemName" "{s:item_name}"
"DOTA_PartnerPurchase_ItemCount" "{d:item_count}"
"DOTA_PartnerPurchase_ItemPrice" "{m:item_price}"
"DOTA_PartnerPurchase_ItemName_Title" "Item"
"DOTA_PartnerPurchase_ItemCount_Title" "Quantity"
"DOTA_PartnerPurchase_ItemPrice_Title" "Price"

"DOTA_PartnerRecharge_Close" "Return to purchase"

"RequestBalanceBadAccount" "Failed to request account balance:

account not found."
"RequestBalanceAccountNotLinked" "Failed to request account balance: your
account is not linked to Perfect World."
"RequestBalanceUnsupportedPartner" "Failed to request account balance: your
account is not linked to a recognized partner"

"StoreCheckout_Error_Title" "Error"

"StoreCheckout_NoItems" "Your shopping cart is empty!"

"StoreCheckout_TooManyItems" "You have too many items in your shopping
"StoreCheckout_Loading" "Checking out..."
"StoreCheckout_Unavailable" "Checkout unavailable at this time."
"StoreCheckout_Cancelling" "Cancelling..."

"StoreCheckout_CannotPurchase" "Cannot Purchase Item"

"StoreCheckout_Fail" "The In-game Store is currently

"StoreCheckout_InvalidParam" "A programmer messed up! An invalid
parameter was passed to the game coordinator. Try the purchase again."
"StoreCheckout_InternalError" "There seems to have been an error
initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or
contact support for assistance."
"StoreCheckout_ContactSupport" "There was an error with your
transaction. Please contact support for assistance."
"StoreCheckout_NotApproved" "The game coordinator was unable to
approve your transaction with Steam. Please try the purchase again later."
"StoreCheckout_NotLoggedin" "You must be logged in to Steam in
order to complete a purchase."
"StoreCheckout_WrongCurrency" "This transaction's currency doesn't
match your wallet currency."
"StoreCheckout_NoAccount" "Your Steam account is currently
unavailable. Please try this purchase again later."
"StoreCheckout_InsufficientFunds" "You do not have enough funds to complete
the purchase."
"StoreCheckout_TimedOut" "This transaction has timed out.
Please try the purchase again."
"StoreCheckout_SteamAccountDisabled" "Your Steam account is disabled and
cannot make a purchase."
"StoreCheckout_SteamAccountNoPurchase" "Steam wallet transactions have
been disabled on this account."
"StoreCheckout_OldPriceSheet" "Your local product list is out of
date. Requesting a new one."
"StoreCheckout_TransactionNotFound" "This transaction's id wasn't found
by the game coordinator. Please try the purchase again."
"StoreCheckout_TransactionCancelled" "Transaction cancelled. You have
not been charged."
"StoreCheckout_TransactionCompleted" "Transaction completed!\nEnjoy your
"StoreCheckout_CompleteButUnfinalized" "Unable to confirm success. If
successful, your items will be delivered at a later date."
"StoreCheckout_NotEnoughRoom" "You don't have enough room in your
Armory to buy that many items."
"StoreCheckout_ContactSupport_Dialog_Title" "Warning"
"StoreCheckout_ContactSupport_Dialog_Btn" "Contact"
"StoreCheckout_LimitedQuantityItemsUnavailable" "An item you are
attempting to purchase has sold out or is currently unavailable."

"StoreCheckout_Nexon_InsufficientFunds" "You do not have enough funds to

complete the purchase."
"StoreCheckout_Nexon_FundsLocked" "Nexon cash lock is enabled."

"DOTA_AbilityTooltip_Name" "{s:name}"
"DOTA_AbilityTooltip_Level" "Level {s:level}"
"DOTA_AbilityTooltip_TargetType" "AFFECTS: {s:targettype}"
"DOTA_AbilityTooltip_CastType" "ABILITY: {s:casttype}"
"DOTA_AbilityTooltip_DamageType" "DAMAGE TYPE: {s:damagetype}"
"DOTA_AbilityTooltip_SpellImmunityType" "PIERCES SPELL IMMUNITY:
"DOTA_AbilityTooltip_DispelType" "DISPELLABLE: {s:dispeltype}"
"DOTA_AbilityTooltip_Description" "{s:description}"
"DOTA_AbilityTooltip_ScepterDescription" "{s:scepterdescription}"
"DOTA_AbilityTooltip_ExtraDescription" "{s:extradescription}"
"DOTA_AbilityTooltip_Attributes" "{s:attributes}"
"DOTA_AbilityTooltip_Cooldown" "{s:cooldown}"
"DOTA_AbilityTooltip_ManaCost" "{s:manacost}"
"DOTA_AbilityTooltip_Lore" "{s:lore}"
"DOTA_AbilityTooltip_UpgradeLevel" "Next Upgrade at Hero Level
"DOTA_AbilityTooltip_BuildHeader" "Ability Guide"
"DOTA_AbilityTooltip_BuildComment" "{g:dota_filtered_string:buildcomment}"

"DOTA_PendingInvites" "Party Invites"

"DOTA_PendingInvitesTooltip_None" "No outstanding invites"
"DOTA_PendingInvitesTooltip_1" "1 outstanding invite"
"DOTA_PendingInvitesTooltip_N" "{d:pending_invite_count} outstanding invites"
"DOTA_PendingInvitesTooltip_Leader" "Click to manage invites."
"DOTA_PendingInvitesTooltip_NonLeader" "Click to view invites."
"DOTA_PendingInvitesCancelAll" "Cancel All Invites"
"DOTA_PendingInvitesNotPartyLeader" "Only the party leader can manage

"DOTA_Party_Add_Friends" "Add friends to create a party"

"DOTA_ChatTab_NotInChannelMessage" "No one hears you."

"DOTA_ChatTab_ToggleGlobal" "Show messages from this channel in
all tabs."
"DOTA_ChatTab_ToggleWhispersGlobal" "Show whispers in all tabs."
"DOTA_ChatTab_ToggleSounds" "Play a sound when receiving a
message to this channel."
"DOTA_ChatTab_Close" "Close this tab."
"DOTA_ChatTab_Leave" "Leave this channel."
"DOTA_ChatTab_RegionRestriction" "For added privacy, no information beyond
names is available in the Regional channel members list."
"DOTA_JoinChatChannel_Title" "Join Channel"
"DOTA_JoinChatChannel_Description" "Create or join a chat
"DOTA_JoinChatChannel_ChannelName" "Channel Name"
"DOTA_JoinChatChannel_ChannelMemberCount" "Members"
"DOTA_JoinChatChannel_ChannelDistance" "Distance"

"DOTA_JoinChatChannel_Regional" "Regional"
"DOTA_JoinChatChannel_Custom" "User"
"DOTA_JoinChatChannel_CustomGame" "Custom Games"
"DOTA_JoinChatChannel_Private" "Private"

"DOTA_PrivateChatChannel" "Private Chat Channel"

"DOTA_JoinChatChannel_Locked" "Regional channels in this area are currently

"DOTA_JoinChatChannel_PrivateCreateFailed" "Failed to create Private
Chat Channel."
"DOTA_JoinChatChannel_PrivateJoinFailed" "You do not have permission to join
this Private Chat Channel."
"DOTA_JoinChatChannel_Kicked" "You have been removed from private channel

"DOTA_Chat_ChannelName" "{g:dota_filtered_string:channel_name}"
"DOTA_Chat_ChannelMemberCount" "{d:channel_member_count}"
"DOTA_Chat_ChannelMemberCount_Singular" "1 Member"
"DOTA_Chat_ChannelMemberCount_Plural" "{d:channel_member_count} Members"

"DOTA_Chat_ChannelDistance" "{s:channel_distance}km"
"DOTA_Chat_CustomGameChannelName" "{g:dota_custom_game_name:channel_name}"

"DOTA_EditChatTab_Title" "Modify Chat Tab"

"DOTA_EditChatTab_Description" "Select which chat messages should
be shown in this tab."
"DOTA_EditChatTab_AddNewChannel" "Add a new channel..."
"DOTA_EditChatTab_TabName" "Tab Name:"
"DOTA_EditChatTab_ChannelToggleDisabled" "{s:target} must always be in at
least one tab."
"DOTA_EditChatTab_Target" "{s:target}"

"DOTA_Chat_TimestampFormat" "{t:t:timestamp}"

"DOTA_Chat_Autocomplete_Title" "{s:autocomplete_title}"

"DOTA_Chat_Autocomplete_NoMatches" "No Matches"

"DOTA_Chat_Autocomplete_WhisperFriends" "Whisper a Friend"
"DOTA_Chat_Autocomplete_InviteFriends" "Invite a Friend"
"DOTA_Chat_Autocomplete_Channels" "Channels"

"DOTA_Chat_Autocomplete_Commands" "Commands"
"DOTA_Chat_Autocomplete_CommandName" "/{s:command_name}"
"DOTA_Chat_Autocomplete_CommandDescription" "{s:command_description}"

"dota_suggest_invite_format" "Please invite

{s:invite_persona} to the party."
"dota_suggest_invite_format_leader" "Please invite
{s:invite_persona} to the party. ( <a
class=\"InviteButton\">Send Invite</a> )"
"dota_suggest_invite_format_lobby" "Please invite
{s:invite_persona} to the lobby."
"dota_suggest_invite_format_lobby_leader" "Please invite
{s:invite_persona} to the lobby. ( <a
class=\"InviteButton\">Send Invite</a> )"

"DOTA_ChatMessage_Default" "<span
class=\"{s:target_class} {s:sender_class} {s:visitor_class}\"><span
class=\"ChatTarget\">[{s:target}]</span> <span
"DOTA_ChatMessage_Emote" "<span
class=\"{s:target_class} {s:sender_class} {s:visitor_class}\"><span
class=\"ChatTarget\">[{s:target}]</span> <span
"DOTA_ChatMessage_Default_NoTarget" "<span class=\"{s:target_class}
{s:sender_class} {s:visitor_class}\"><span class=\"ChatPersona\">{s:event_crest}
{s:battle_cup_icon}{s:persona}</span>: {g:dota_filtered_string:message}</span>"
"DOTA_ChatMessage_Emote_NoTarget" "<span class=\"{s:target_class}
{s:sender_class} {s:visitor_class}\"><span class=\"ChatPersona\">{s:event_crest}
{s:battle_cup_icon}{s:persona}</span> {g:dota_filtered_string:message}</span>"
"DOTA_ChatMessage_WhisperTo" "<span class=\"{s:target_class}
{s:sender_class} {s:visitor_class}\">To <span class=\"ChatPersona\">{s:event_crest}
{s:battle_cup_icon}{s:persona}</span>: {g:dota_filtered_string:message}</span>"
"DOTA_ChatMessage_WhisperFrom" "<span
class=\"{s:target_class} {s:sender_class} {s:visitor_class}\">From <span
"DOTA_ChatMessage_System" "<span
class=\"{s:target_class} {s:sender_class} {s:visitor_class}\"><span
class=\"ChatTarget\">({s:target})</span>: {g:dota_filtered_string:message}</span>"
"DOTA_ChatMessage_SystemTerse" "<span
class=\"{s:target_class} {s:sender_class}
"DOTA_ChatMessage_Hud" "<span
class=\"{s:target_class} {s:sender_class} {s:visitor_class}\">{s:hero_badge_icon}
{s:hero_icon}<span class=\"ChatTarget\">[{s:target}] <span
class=\"ChatPersona\"><span class=\"{s:player_color_class}\">{s:event_crest}
"DOTA_ChatMessage_HudAll" "<span
class=\"{s:target_class} {s:sender_class} {s:visitor_class}\">{s:hero_badge_icon}
{s:hero_icon}<span class=\"ChatTarget\"> <span class=\"ChatPersona\"><span
span></span></span>: {g:dota_filtered_string:message}</span>"
"DOTA_ChatMessage_HudTerse" "<span
class=\"{s:target_class} {s:sender_class}
"DOTA_ChatMessage_HudEmote" "<span
class=\"{s:target_class} {s:sender_class} {s:visitor_class}\">{s:hero_badge_icon}
{s:hero_icon}<span class=\"ChatPersona\">{s:event_crest}{s:battle_cup_icon}
{s:persona}</span> {g:dota_filtered_string:message}</span>"
"DOTA_ChatMessage_HudOtherChannel" "<span class=\"{s:target_class}
{s:sender_class} {s:visitor_class}\"><span class=\"ChatTarget\">[{s:target}] <span
class=\"ChatPersona\"><span class=\"{s:player_color_class}\">{s:event_crest}

"DOTA_ChatTarget_Format_Default" "{g:dota_filtered_string:target}"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Prompt_Default" "To
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Format_Whisper" "{s:persona}"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Prompt_Whisper" "To [{s:persona}]:"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Prompt_CustomGame" "To
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Format_CustomGame" "{g:dota_custom_game_name:custom_ga
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Prompt_PostGame" "To (Post Game):"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Format_PostGame" "Post Game"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Prompt_BattleCup" "To Battle Cup
({g:dota_battlecup_division:division} {i:skill_level}):"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Format_BattleCup" "Battle Cup
({g:dota_battlecup_division:division} {i:skill_level})"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Prompt_Trivia" "To Trivia ({s:language}):"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Format_Trivia" "Trivia ({s:language})"

"DOTA_ChatTarget_Party" "Party"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Lobby" "Lobby"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Team" "Team"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Guild" "Guild"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Fantasy" "Fantasy"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Console" "Console"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_HLTVSpectator" "Live Game"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Whisper" "Whisper"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Invalid" "No Channel"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_GameAll" "All"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_GameAllies" "Allies"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_GameCoaching" "Coaching"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_GameSpectator" "Spectator"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_GameEvents" "Game"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_PostGame" "Post Game"
"DOTA_ChatTarget_Trivia" "Trivia"

"DOTA_ChatTargetMenu_Title" "{s:target}"
"DOTA_ChatTargetMenu_ToggleEnabled" "{s:toggle_enabled}"
"DOTA_ChatTargetMenu_NotActive" "(Not Active)"

"DOTA_Chat_Placeholder" "Type here to chat. Use '/' for commands."

"DOTA_Chat_MissedMessages" "{s:missed_message_count}"

"DOTA_ChatMacro_MatchID" "Match {u:matchid}"

"DOTA_ChatMacro_MatchIDCommand" "match"
"DOTA_ChatMacro_TournamentID" "Tournament {u:tournamentid}"
"DOTA_ChatMacro_TournamentIDCommand" "tournament"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Party" "p"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Party_Name" "Party"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Party_Description" "Chat with your current party."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Lobby" "l"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Lobby_Name" "Lobby"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Lobby_Description" "Chat with your current lobby."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Channel" "c"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Channel_Name" "Channel"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Channel_Description" "Chat with a specific chat channel."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Whisper" "w"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Whisper_Name" "Whisper"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Whisper_Description" "Whisper privately with a friend."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Reply" "r"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Reply_Name" "Reply"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Reply_Description" "Respond to a whisper sent privately
from a friend."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Help" "?"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Help_Name" "Help"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Help_Description" "Show help for chat commands."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_InviteToParty" "partyinvite"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_InviteToParty_Name" "Invite to Party"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_InviteToParty_Description" "Invite a friend to join your
current party."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_LeaveParty" "leaveparty"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_LeaveParty_Name" "Leave Party"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_LeaveParty_Description" "Leave your current party."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_JoinChannel" "joinchannel"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_JoinChannel_Name" "Join Channel"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_JoinChannel_Description" "Join or create a chat channel."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_LeaveChannel" "leavechannel"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_LeaveChannel_Name" "Leave Channel"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_LeaveChannel_Description" "Leave a specific chat channel."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_GameAll" "all"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_GameAll_Name" "All"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_GameAll_Description" "Chat with all of the players in the
"DOTA_ChatCommand_GameAllies" "allies"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_GameAllies_Name" "Allies"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_GameAllies_Description" "Chat with your allies."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_GameCoaching" "coach"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_GameCoaching_Name" "Coaching"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_GameCoaching_Description" "Chat with your student or
"DOTA_ChatCommand_GameSpectator" "spectator"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_GameSpectator_Name" "Spectator"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_GameSpectator_Description" "Chat with other spectators."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Clear" "clear"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Clear_Name" "Clear"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Clear_Description" "Clear all visible chat in this tab."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_ShareProfile" "shareprofile"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_ShareProfile_Name" "Share Profile"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_ShareProfile_Description" "Share a link to your profile
in the current chat."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_FlipCoin" "flip"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_FlipCoin_Name" "Flip a Coin"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_FlipCoin_Description" "Randomly flip a coin to get heads
or tails."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_RollDice" "roll"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_RollDice_Name" "Roll Dice"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_RollDice_Description" "Randomly roll dice."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_ShareParty" "shareparty"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_ShareParty_Name" "Share Party"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_ShareParty_Description" "Share a link to join your party in
the current chat."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_ShareLobby" "sharelobby"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_ShareLobby_Name" "Share Lobby"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_ShareLobby_Description" "Share a link to join your lobby in
the current lobby."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Laugh" "laugh"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_Thanks" "thanks"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_ReadyCheck" "readycheck"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_ReadyCheck_Name" "Ready Check"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_ReadyCheck_Description" "Show a Ready Check to see who is

"DOTA_Chat_Autocomplete_PrivateChatInvite" "Invit
e a User"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatInvite" "priva
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatInvite_Name" "Private
Chat Invite"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatInvite_Description" "Invite a
user to this private chat channel using either a friend name or id."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatInvite_Fail_Message" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Invite:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">Failed to issue invite command</span>"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatInvite_Fail_UnknownUser" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Invite:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">Unknown User</span>"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatInvite_Fail_AlreadyMember" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Invite:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">User <span class=\"UserMessageUser\">%s</span> is already a
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatInvite_Fail_NoPermission" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Invite:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">You do not have permission to invite</span>"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatInvite_Fail_NoRoom" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Invite:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">This private chat room is at capacity</span>"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatInvite_Fail_Unknown" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Invite:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">Unknown Error</span>"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatInvite_Success" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Invite:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">Invited <span class=\"UserMessageUser\">%s</span> to the
"DOTA_Chat_Autocomplete_PrivateChatKick" "Kick a
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatKick" "priva
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatKick_Name" "Priva
te Chat Kick"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatKick_Description" "Remove a
user from this private chat channel using either a friend name or id."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatKick_Fail_Message" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Kick:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">Failed to issue kick command</span>"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatKick_Fail_UnknownUser" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Kick:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">Unknown User</span>"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatKick_Fail_NotAMember" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Kick:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">User <span class=\"UserMessageUser\">%s</span> is not a
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatKick_Fail_CantKickAdmin" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Kick:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">User <span class=\"UserMessageUser\">%s</span> is an admin
and cannot be kicked</span>"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatKick_Fail_NoPermission" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Kick:</span> <span class=\"UserMessage\">You
do not have permission to kick <span class=\"UserMessageUser\">%s</span></span>"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatKick_Fail_Unknown" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Kick:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">Unknown Error</font>"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatKick_Success" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Kick:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\"><span class=\"UserMessageUser\">%s</span> is no longer
invited to the channel</span>"
"DOTA_Chat_Autocomplete_PrivateChatPromote" "Promo
te a User"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatPromote" "priva
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatPromote_Name" "Priva
te Chat Promote"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatPromote_Description" "Promote a
user to having invite/kick permissions using either a friend name or id."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatPromote_Fail_Message" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Promote:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">Failed to issue promote command</span>"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatPromote_Fail_UnknownUser" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Promote:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">Unknown User</span>"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatPromote_Success" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Promote:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">Promoted <span class=\"UserMessageUser\">%s</span> to
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatPromote_Fail_NoPermission" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Promote:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">You do not have permission to promote <span
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatPromote_Fail_AlreadyAdmin" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Promote:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">User <span class=\"UserMessageUser\">%s</span> is already an
"DOTA_Chat_Autocomplete_PrivateChatDemote" "Demot
e a User"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatDemote" "priva
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatDemote_Name" "Private
Chat Demote"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatDemote_Description" "Demote a
user from having invite/kick permissions using either a friend name or id."
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatDemote_Fail_Message" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Demote:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">Failed to issue demote command</span>"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatDemote_Fail_UnknownUser" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Demote:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">Unknown User</span>"
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatDemote_Success" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Demote:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">Demoted <span class=\"UserMessageUser\">%s</span> to Basic
"DOTA_ChatCommand_PrivateChatDemote_Fail_NoPermission" "<span
class=\"UserMessageType\">Private Chat Demote:</span> <span
class=\"UserMessage\">You do not have permission to demote <span
"DOTA_Chat_Lobby_MVP_Vote_Message" "%s
has voted for you as Lobby MVP ( %d / 3 votes )"
"DOTA_Chat_Lobby_MVP_Awarded_Toast" "Your
team voted you as the Lobby MVP"
"DOTA_Chat_Lobby_MVP_Awarded_Local_Player" "Your
team voted you as the Lobby MVP"
"DOTA_Chat_Lobby_MVP_Awarded" "%s
has been selected as the Lobby MVP"
"You have voted for %s as Lobby MVP ( %d / 3 votes )"
"DOTA_Chat_Lobby_MVP_Vote_Notify_Generic" "%s has
received a vote for Lobby MVP ( %d / 3 votes )"
"{s:tipper} has tipped {s:recipient} {i:amount} Battle Points!"
"{s:commender} has commended you!"

"DOTA_Chat_UnknownCommandMessage" "Unknown chat command '{s:chat_command}'"

"DOTA_CoinFlip_Heads" "flipped a coin: <span

"DOTA_CoinFlip_Tails" "flipped a coin: <span
"DOTA_CoinFlip_UnableToFlip" "Unable to flip a coin in this chat channel."

"DOTA_RollDice_HasRolledRange" "rolls ({d:dice_min}-{d:dice_max}): "

"DOTA_RollDice_UnableToRoll" "Unable to roll a dice in this chat channel."

"DOTA_Chat_ShareProfileMessage" "My profile is: <span

"DOTA_Chat_UnableToShareProfile" "Unable to share your profile with this
chat channel."

"DOTA_Chat_SharePartyMessage" "Join my party: {s:share_party_link}"

"DOTA_Chat_UnableToShareParty" "Unable to share your party with
this chat channel."
"DOTA_ShareParty_Sent" "My Party"
"DOTA_ShareParty_Sent_Tooltip" "Other players can join your party
by clicking on this link."
"DOTA_ShareParty_Joined" "Joined"
"DOTA_ShareParty_Joined_Tooltip" "You've joined this party."
"DOTA_ShareParty_Requested" "Requested"
"DOTA_ShareParty_Requested_Tooltip" "You've requested to join this party. The
party leader will accept or decline your request."
"DOTA_ShareParty_Available" "Join Party"
"DOTA_ShareParty_Available_Tooltip" "Click here to request to join this

"DOTA_Chat_ShareLobbyMessage" "Join my lobby: {s:share_lobby_link}"

"DOTA_Chat_UnableToShareLobby" "Unable to share your lobby with
this chat channel."
"DOTA_ShareLobby_Sent" "My Lobby"
"DOTA_ShareLobby_Sent_Tooltip" "Other players can join your lobby
by clicking on this link."
"DOTA_ShareLobby_Joined" "Joined"
"DOTA_ShareLobby_Joined_Tooltip" "You are in this lobby."
"DOTA_ShareLobby_Available" "Join Lobby"
"DOTA_ShareLobby_Available_Tooltip" "Click here to join the lobby."
"DOTA_Chat_SuggestHero" "suggests picking <a
href=\"event:DOTASuggestedHeroActivated( {d:hero_id} )\">[{g:dota_hero_name:hero_id
"DOTA_Chat_SuggestHeroBan" "suggests banning <a
href=\"event:DOTASuggestedHeroActivated( {d:hero_id} )\">[{g:dota_hero_name:hero_id
"DOTA_Chat_SuggestHeroRole" "suggests picking a hero with <a
href=\"event:DOTASuggestedHeroRoleActivated( {s:hero_role} )\">[{s:localized_hero_r

"DOTA_Chat_RequestAbility" "would like to draft <span

class=\"RequestedAbility\" >[{g:dota_ability_name:ability_name}]</span>."

"DOTA_ChatHelp_Targets" "Targets"
"DOTA_ChatHelp_Commands" "Commands"
"DOTA_ChatHelp_NameFormat" "{s:command_name}:"
"DOTA_ChatHelp_CommandFormat" "/{s:command}"

"DOTA_Chat_JoinedParty" "Joined a party: {s:party_members}"

"DOTA_Chat_LeftParty" "Party disbanded."
"DOTA_Chat_MemberJoinedParty" "Player joined the party:
"DOTA_Chat_MemberLeftParty" "Player left the party:
"DOTA_Chat_InvitedToJoinParty" "Invited: {s:party_members}"
"DOTA_Chat_RequestedToJoinParty" "Requested to join: {s:party_members}"

"DOTA_Chat_PartyMemberSeparator" ", "

"DOTA_Chat_PublicChannelHeader" "Phone Number Not Registered"

"DOTA_Chat_PublicChannelNoPhone" "You must have a phone number registered
with Dota 2 to chat in public chat channels."
"DOTA_Chat_PublicChannelRegister" "Register Phone"
"DOTA_Chat_PublicChannelCancel" "Cancel"

"DOTA_Feature_Under_Construction_Title" "Under Construction"

"DOTA_Feature_Under_Construction_Text" "This feature is under construction
and not yet available."
"DOTA_Treasure_Purchase_Under_Construction_Text" "Purchases of treasures
is not yet available, however purchases from the Dota store are supported. See item
sets on the leftmost side of the available item set list."
"DOTA_Marketplace_Purchase_Under_Construction_Text" "Purchases from
Marketplace is not yet available, however purchases from the Dota store are
supported. See item sets on the leftmost side of the available item set list."

"DOTA_PartyJoinRequest_Title" "Join Party Request"

"DOTA_PartyJoinRequest_Description" "{g:dota_persona:b:inviter} requests to
join your party."
"DOTA_PartyMergeRequest_Title" "Merge Party Request"
"DOTA_PartyMergeRequest_Description" "{g:dota_persona:b:inviter} requests
that their party join your party."
"DOTA_PartyMergeRequestLowPriWarning" "Note: accepting this request will
cause your party to inherit low-priority status."
"DOTA_PartyInvite_Title" "Party Invitation"
"DOTA_Invite_IOfN" "{d:received_invite_index} of
"DOTA_PartyInvite_Description" "{g:dota_persona:b:inviter} has invited you to
a party."
"DOTA_PartyInvite_LowPriority_Title" "Low-Priority Party Invitation"
"DOTA_PartyInvite_LowPriority_Description" "{g:dota_persona:b:inviter} has
invited you to a low-priority party."
"DOTA_PartyInvite_BlockPartyLeader" "Block all communication from
"DOTA_LobbyInvite_BlockInviter" "Block all communication from this
"DOTA_PartyInvite_BlockNonFriendInvites" "Block invites from players not on
Friends List"
"DOTA_PartyInvite_BlockNonFriendInvitesDescription" "Can be toggled under
Options/Profile of the Settings panel"
"DOTA_PartyInvite_Expired" "The request has been rescinded or is no longer
"DOTA_PartyInvite_Coach" "Coach:"

"DOTA_PartyVisTooltip_TitleOpen" "Looking for party

"DOTA_PartyVisTooltip_TitleNotOpen" "Not looking for party
"DOTA_PartyVisTooltip_SoloNotOpen" "Click to change your
"DOTA_PartyVisTooltip_SoloOpen" "Friends can
request to join you.<br/>Click to change your status."
"DOTA_PartyVisTooltip_LeaderOpen" "Join requests from
party members' friends are accepted automatically.<br/>Click to turn off Open Party
"DOTA_PartyVisTooltip_LeaderOpenManualAccept" "Party members' friends can
request to join.<br/>Click to turn off Open Party status."
"DOTA_PartyVisTooltip_LeaderNotOpen" "Party members' friends
can request to join.<br/>Click to set Open Party status, increasing display
prominence to friends."
"DOTA_PartyVisTooltip_NotOpenHidden" "You are hiding
membership in this party from your friends, according to your privacy
settings<br/>Note: Other party members may allow their friends to see the party and
request to join."
"DOTA_PartyVisTooltip_NonLeaderOpen" "Join requests from
friends .<br/>Click to turn off Open Party status."
"DOTA_PartyVisTooltip_NonLeaderNotOpen" "Party members' friends
can request to join.<br/>Only party leader can accept join requests.<br/>Click to
set Open Party status, increasing display prominence to friends."

"DOTA_PartySettings" "Party settings"

"DOTA_PartySettings_OpenParty" "Open this party for join requests"
"DOTA_PartySettings_BroadcastToFriends" "Let my friends see when I am in a
"DOTA_PartySettings_OpenState_NotOpen" "The party leader has not marked
the party as open for join requests."
"DOTA_PartySettings_OpenState_NotOpenLeader" "This party is not open for
join requests."
"DOTA_PartySettings_OpenState_OpenButHiddenFromFriends" "This party is
open for join requests. You are not advertising this party to your friends, but it
may be visible to other party members' friends."
"DOTA_PartySettings_OpenState_Open" "This party is open for join requests and
is visible to your friends. It may also be visible to other party members'
"DOTA_LobbyInvite_Title" "Lobby Invitation"
"DOTA_LobbyInvite_Description" "{g:dota_persona:inviter} has invited you to a
"DOTA_PartyJoinedLobby_Title" "Joined Lobby"
"DOTA_PartyJoinedLobby_Generic" "{g:dota_filtered_string:party_leader}
has moved you into a lobby."
"DOTA_PartyJoinedLobby_Custom" "{g:dota_filtered_string:party_leader}
has moved you into a {s:custom_game} lobby."
"DOTA_PartyLeader" "Party Leader"

"Kicked From Lobby"
"You were kicked from the game lobby by the lobby leader."

"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_ViewProfile" "View Profile"

"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_ChatWithPlayer" "Send Message"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_InviteToParty" "Invite to Party"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_SuggestInviteToParty" "Suggest Invite to Party"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_KickFromParty" "Kick from Party"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_SetPartyLeader" "Set Party Leader"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_LeaveParty" "Leave Party"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_CoachParty" "Coach this Party"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_StopCoachingParty" "Stop Coaching this
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_AddFriend" "Add Friend"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_RemoveFriend" "Remove Friend"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_AcceptFriendRequest" "Accept Friend Request"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_IgnoreFriendRequest" "Ignore Friend Request"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_Spectate" "Watch Game"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_Spectate_Live" "<img
src=\"file://{images}/dota_plus/dotaplus_logo_small.png\" />Watch Friend Live<img
src=\"file://{images}/dota_plus/dotaplus_logo_small.png\" />"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_Spectate_Live_Tooltip" "Watch game with no spectator
delay, but only from the perspective of your friend's team. Available exclusively
to Dota Plus members."
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_ViewTournament" "View Tournament
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_InviteToLobby" "Invite to Lobby"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_SuggestInviteToLobby" "Suggest Invite to Lobby"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_KickFromLobby" "Kick from Lobby"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_KickFromLobbyTeam" "Kick from Lobby Team"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_Trade" "Invite to Trade"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_Ignore" "Ignore User"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_Unignore" "Unignore User"
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_IgnoreSpam" "Ignore User and Report
"DOTA_PlayerContextMenu_MakeCaptain" "Make Captain"

"DOTA_FeaturedHero_UnableToLoad" "Unable to load featured

"DOTA_FeaturedHero_ViewGrid" "View Grid"

"DOTA_FeaturedHero_HeroName" "{s:hero_name}"
"DOTA_FeaturedHero_ItemName" "{g:dota_item_name:item_def}"

"DOTA_FeaturedHeroReason_NewHero" "Newly Released Hero"

"DOTA_FeaturedHeroReason_NewItem" "New {s:item_rarity}"
"DOTA_FeaturedHeroReason_FrequentlyPlayedHero" "Because You Played"
"DOTA_FeaturedHeroReason_FeaturedItem" "Featured Item"
"DOTA_FeaturedHeroReason_PopularItem" "Top Seller"
"DOTA_FeaturedHeroReason_SaleItem" "On Sale Now"

"DOTA_NewFeaturedHero_WinterWyvern" "Upon a chill wind, the

Eldwurm comes."

"DOTA_HeroSelectorCategory_Default" "All Heroes"

"DOTA_HeroSelectorCategory_NewItems" "New Items"
"DOTA_HeroSelectorCategory_Favorites" "Favorites"
"DOTA_HeroSelectorCategory_MostPlayed" "My Most Played"
"DOTA_HeroSelectorCategory_LeastPlayed" "My Least Played"
"DOTA_HeroSelectorCategory_HaveItems" "I Have Items For"

"DOTA_HeroSelectorCategory_PrimaryAttribute_Strength" "Strength"
"DOTA_HeroSelectorCategory_PrimaryAttribute_Agility" "Agility"
"DOTA_HeroSelectorCategory_PrimaryAttribute_Intelligence" "Intelligence"

"DOTA_HeroSelectorCategory_AttackRange_Melee" "Melee"
"DOTA_HeroSelectorCategory_AttackRange_Ranged" "Ranged"

"DOTA_HeroSelector_SelectHero_Label" "Pick"
"DOTA_HeroSelector_BanHero_Label" "Ban"

"DOTA_HeroSelector_ClearFilters_Button" "Clear

"DOTA_OwnedItemSet_Selector_Title" "Owned
"DOTA_EquippedItemSet_Selector_Title" "Equip
"DOTA_OwnedItemSet_Available_Title" "Avail
"DOTA_FeaturedItemSet_Selector_Title" "Featu
"{d:item_current_group} / {d:item_group_count}"

"DOTA_ConfirmLANLobby_title" "LOCAL
"A Local Host game is hosted on your machine. System requirements are higher when
hosting a local game."

"DOTA_ConfirmLANLobbyDisconnect_title" "Exit
Local Lobby?"
"DOTA_ConfirmLANLobbyDisconnect_desc" "This
lobby game is hosted on your machine, disconnecting will end the game for all
players. Continue?"
"DOTA_ConfirmLANLobbyDisconnect_ok" "Yes,

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_General" "GENERAL LOBBY SETTINGS"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Confirm" "{s:lobby_confirm_label}"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Required" "REQUIRED"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Game_Mode" "GAME MODE"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Region" "SERVER LOCATION"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Password" "LOBBY PASSWORD"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Game_Name" "GAME NAME"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Advanced" "ADVANCED LOBBY SETTINGS"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Competitive" "COMPETITIVE"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_SelectionPriority" "SELECTION PRIORITY"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Starting_Team" "STARTING TEAM"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Starting_Team_Random" "RANDOM"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Starting_Team_Radiant" "RADIANT"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Starting_Team_Dire" "DIRE"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Penalty_Radiant" "PENALTY - RADIANT"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Penalty_Dire" "PENALTY - DIRE"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Penalty_Level_0" "No Penalty"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Penalty_Level_1" "-30 sec Ban Phase"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Penalty_Level_2" "-70 sec Ban Phase"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Penalty_Level_3" "-110 sec Ban Phase"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_PreviousMatch" "Previous Match ID"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Penalty_Tooltip" "When in Captain's Mode, this

reduces the number of seconds in the Ban Phase for this team."
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_PreviousMatch_Tooltip" "Optional value to force
the previous match in a series. If left blank, this is automatically detected
based on the teams playing and the series win setting."

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Series_Type" "SERIES TYPE"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_No_Series" "NO SERIES"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Series_Best_of_3" "BEST OF 3"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Series_Best_of_5" "BEST OF 5"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Gameplay_Rules" "GAMEPLAY RULES"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Enable_Cheats" "ENABLE CHEATS"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_All_Chat" "ALL CHAT"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Fill_Bots" "FILL EMPTY SLOTS WITH

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Bot_Settings" "BOT SETTINGS"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Bots_Radiant" "RADIANT BOTS"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Bots_Radiant_Difficulty" "RADIANT DIFFICULTY"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Bots_Dire" "DIRE BOTS"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Bots_Dire_Difficulty" "DIRE DIFFICULTY"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Bots_Default" "Default Bots"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Bot_Difficulty" "BOT DIFFICULTY"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Bot_Difficulty_None" "NONE"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Bot_Difficulty_Passive" "PASSIVE"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Bot_Difficulty_Easy" "EASY"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Bot_Difficulty_Medium" "MEDIUM"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Bot_Difficulty_Hard" "HARD"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Bot_Difficulty_Unfair" "UNFAIR"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Bots_DevScript" "Local Dev Script"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Bots_Browse" "Browse on Workshop..."
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_1" "Laning"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_2" "Attack"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_3" "Roam"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_4" "Retreat"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_5" "Secret Shop"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_6" "Side Shop"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_7" "Rune"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_8" "Push Top"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_9" "Push Mid"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_10" "Push Bot"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_11" "Defend Top"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_12" "Defend Mid"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_13" "Defend Bot"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_14" "Assemble"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_15" "Assemble w/Humans"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_16" "Team Roam"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_17" "Farm"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_18" "Defend Ally"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_19" "Evasive"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_20" "Roshan"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_21" "Item"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_22" "Ward"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_23" "Companion"
"DOTA_Bot_Mode_24" "Boss"

"DOTA_Bot_Action_1" "Idle"
"DOTA_Bot_Action_2" "Moving"
"DOTA_Bot_Action_3" "Directly Moving"
"DOTA_Bot_Action_4" "Attacking - {s:action_target}"
"DOTA_Bot_Action_5" "Attack Moving"
"DOTA_Bot_Action_6" "Using Ability - {s:action_target}"
"DOTA_Bot_Action_7" "Getting Rune"
"DOTA_Bot_Action_8" "Picking up Item"
"DOTA_Bot_Action_9" "Dropping Item"
"DOTA_Bot_Action_10" "Using Shrine"
"DOTA_Bot_Action_11" "Delaying"

"DOTA_Bot_Top" "Top"
"DOTA_Bot_Mid" "Mid"
"DOTA_Bot_Bot" "Bot"

"DOTA_Bot_LaneDesires" "Lane Desires"

"DOTA_Bot_LanePush" "Push"
"DOTA_Bot_LaneDefend" "Defend"
"DOTA_Bot_LaneFarm" "Farm"

"DOTA_Bot_Power" "Power"

"DOTA_Bot_RunePowerup1" "PowerUp1: {s:rune_status_0}"

"DOTA_Bot_RunePowerup2" "Powerup2: {s:rune_status_1}"
"DOTA_Bot_RuneBounty1" "Bounty1: {s:rune_status_2}"
"DOTA_Bot_RuneBounty2" "Bounty2: {s:rune_status_3}"
"DOTA_Bot_RuneBounty3" "Bounty3: {s:rune_status_4}"
"DOTA_Bot_RuneBounty4" "Bounty4: {s:rune_status_5}"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Version" "VERSION"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Version_Latest" "LATEST"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Version_Tournament" "TOURNAMENT"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Spectator_Section" "SPECTATOR"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Dota_TV_Delay" "DOTA TV DELAY"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Dota_TV_Delay_2_Minutes" "2 Minutes"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Dota_TV_Delay_5_Minutes" "5 Minutes"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Dota_TV_Delay_10_Seconds" "10 Seconds"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Pause" "PAUSING"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Pause_Unlimited" "Unlimited"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Pause_Limited" "Limited"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Pause_Disabled" "Disabled"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Spectators" "SPECTATORS"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Spectators_Enabled" "ENABLED"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Spectators_Disabled" "DISABLED"

"dota_lobby_settings_hide_password" "Hide Password"

"dota_lobby_settings_local_host" "Local Host"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Visibility" "Lobby Visibility"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Visibility_Public" "Public"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Visibility_Friends" "Friends"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Visibility_Unlisted" "Unlisted"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Visibility_Tooltip" "Controls where the lobby is
visible. Public lobbies are visible in the lobby browser and in the friends list.
Friends lobbies are only visible to friends, though other players can be invited.
Unlisted lobbies are not visible in the browser or in the friends list."

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Tournament_None" "None"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Tournament" "League"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Tournament_Series" "Series"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Tournament_Game" "Game in Series"

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_SelectionPriorityRules_Manual" "Manual"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_SelectionPriorityRules_Automatic" "Automatic (Coin
"DOTA_Lobby_Selection_Priority_Rules_Tooltip" "<b>Manual</b>: Left team is
Radiant, Starting Team picks first.<br /><br /><b>Automatic</b>: Coin toss will be
used for the first game in a series and the winning team will have their choice of
Side or Pick. Priority switches back and forth for each subsequent game until the
final game in an odd-lengthed series where another coin toss is performed."

"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Team1" "{s:team1}"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Team2" "{s:team2}"
"DOTA_Lobby_Settings_Empty" "-"

"DOTA_Lobby_Selection_Priority_Status_Priority_CoinToss" "Priority determined

by: <b>Coin Toss</b>"
"DOTA_Lobby_Selection_Priority_Status_Priority_PreviousGame" "Priority
determined by: <b>Previous Game</b>"
"DOTA_Lobby_Selection_Priority_Status_Priority_First" "First Priority:
"DOTA_Lobby_Selection_Priority_Status_Priority_Second" "Second Priority:
"{s:automatic_selection_priority_first_priority_team_name} choice:
"{s:automatic_selection_priority_second_priority_team_name} choice:

"DOTA_Lobby_Selection_Priority_Choice_FirstPick" "First Pick"

"DOTA_Lobby_Selection_Priority_Choice_SecondPick" "Second Pick"
"DOTA_Lobby_Selection_Priority_Choice_Radiant" "Radiant"
"DOTA_Lobby_Selection_Priority_Choice_Dire" "Dire"
"DOTA_Lobby_Selection_Priority_Choice_Invalid" ""

"DOTA_TeamUnsetHeader" "Team not Selected"

"DOTA_TeamUnsetMessage" "At least one team does not have a team name/logo
set. Really start the match?"

"At least one of the teams does not match the team ids specified in the series
info. Unable to Start Match."

"DOTA_LeagueUnsetHeader" "League not Selected"

"DOTA_LeagueUnsetMessage" "No league is set for this lobby, but you're
able to set one. Really start the match?"

"DOTA_LobbyAllowSpectatingHeader" "Cannot start Lobby Game"

"DOTA_LobbyAllowSpectatingMessage" "The game must be set to watchable while
there are spectators in the lobby. Enable spectating in the Settings panel."

"dota_radiant" "The Radiant"

"dota_dire" "The Dire"
"dota_casters" "Broadcasters"

"dota_lobby_team_name_radiant" "{s:team_name_good_guys}"
"dota_lobby_team_name_dire" "{s:team_name_bad_guys}"
"dota_lobby_no_team" "No Team"

"dota_lobby_balanced_shuffle" "Balanced Shuffle"

"dota_lobby_swap_teams" "Swap Teams"
"dota_lobby_unassigned_players" "Unassigned Players"
"dota_lobby_broadcast_channels" "Toggle Broadcast Channels"
"dota_lobby_broadcast_channel_title" "Broadcast Channels"
"dota_lobby_settings" "Lobby Settings"
"dota_lobby_settings_edit" "Edit"
"dota_lobby_leave" "Leave This Lobby"

"dota_lobby_broadcast_default_channel_name" "Channel Name"

"dota_lobby_broadcast_join" "Join"
"dota_lobby_broadcast_leave" "Leave"
"dota_lobby_broadcast_create" "Create New Channel"
"dota_lobby_broadcast_no_channels" "No Broadcast Channels have been created"

"dota_popup_broadcast_channel_edit_title" "Customize Broadcaster Channel"

"dota_lobby_broadcast_default_channel_name_custom" "{s:custom_title}"
"dota_popup_broadcast_channel_edit_channel_name" "Channel Title"
"dota_popup_broadcast_channel_edit_country" "Country"
"dota_popup_broadcast_channel_edit_language" "Language"
"dota_popup_broadcast_channel_edit_save" "Save as default settings and
apply to empty channels upon joining"
"DOTA_Lobby_Broadcaster_Channel_Other_Language" "Other Language"
"dota_popup_report_player_title" "Report Player"
"dota_popup_commend_player_title" "Commend Player"
"dota_popup_tip_player_title" "Tip Player {i:tip_amount} Battle
"dota_popup_report_player_select_category" "Select a Category"
"dota_popup_report_player_comment" "More Information"
"dota_popup_report_player_comment_default" "Leave a comment..."

"dota_popup_reports_remaining" "Reports Remaining:

"dota_popup_reports_submitted" "Total Reports Submitted:

"dota_popup_commends_remaining" "Commends Remaining:

"dota_popup_commends_submitted" "Total Commends Submitted:

"lobby_slot_error_header" "Unable to switch slot"

"generic_gc_timeout" "Message timed out."
"lobby_slot_success_header" "Success"
"lobby_slot_denied" "You do not have permission to join
this slot."
"lobby_slot_cameramanalready" "Broadcaster Channels can only have one Camera
"lobby_slot_cameramanon" "You are now flagged as a camera man"
"lobby_slot_cameramanoff" "You are no longer a camera man"
"lobby_slot_error" "Failed to change lobby slot."
"lobby_create_timeout" "Create Lobby failed."

"find_match_error" "Cannot queue for matchmaking at

this time."

"DOTA_DialogVariableTest1" "Simple: {s:var}"

"DOTA_DialogVariableTest2" "Money value: {m:money}"
"DOTA_DialogVariableTest3" "Item link: {g:dota_item_link:item_def}"
"DOTA_DialogVariableTest4" "Item price: {g:dota_item_price:item_def}"
"DOTA_DialogVariableTest5" "Account ID Name: {g:dota_persona:account_id}, Pro
Name: {g:dota_persona:pro:account_id}"
"DOTA_DialogVariableTest6" "Simple with span: <span
"LobbySetting_GameMode" "Game Mode"
"LobbySetting_GameMode_Value" "{s:lobbysetting_gamemode}"

"LobbySetting_Bots" "Bots"
"LobbySetting_Bots_Value" "{s:lobbysetting_bots_radiant} /

"LobbySetting_Password" "Password"
"LobbySetting_Password_Value" "{s:lobbysetting_password}"

"LobbySetting_Server" "Server"
"LobbySetting_Server_Value" "{s:lobbysetting_server}"

"LobbySetting_Cheats" "Cheats"
"LobbySetting_Cheats_Value" "{s:lobbysetting_cheats}"

"LobbySetting_Spectators" "Spectators"
"LobbySetting_Spectators_Value" "{s:lobbysetting_spectators}"
"LobbySetting_Visibility" "Visibility"
"LobbySetting_Visibility_Value" "{s:lobbysetting_visibility}"

"LobbySetting_League" "League"
"LobbySetting_League_Value" "{s:lobbysetting_league}"

"dota_lobby_lan_title" "Local Server"

"dota_lobby_coaches_none" "Coaches: None"

"dota_lobby_coaches" "Coaches:"

"DOTA_Frontpage_LastMatch_Title" "Your Last Match"

"DOTA_Frontpage_LastMatch_Mode" "Mode"
"DOTA_Frontpage_LastMatch_KDA" "K / D / A"
"DOTA_Frontpage_LastMatch_Duration" "Duration"
"DOTA_Frontpage_LastMatch_Result" "Result"
"DOTA_Frontpage_LastMatch_Items" "Items"

"DOTA_Frontpage_LastMatch_Recent_Games" "All recent games"

"DOTA_Frontpage_WatchLive_Title" "Top Spectated Game Now"

"DOTA_Frontpage_FriendCustom_Title" "Custom Game"

"DOTA_Frontpage_FriendCustom_IsPlaying" "is playing"

"DOTA_Frontpage_ProPlaying_Title" "Pro Playing Live"

"DOTA_Frontpage_GameplayPatch_Title" "New Gameplay Patch"

"DOTA_Frontpage_GameplayPatch_Button" "View Patch Details"

"DOTA_Frontpage_ChangeLog_Title" "Changes To Dota 2"

"DOTA_Frontpage_ProCircuit_Stream" "Watch Stream"

"DOTA_Custom_Game" "Custom Game"

"DOTA_Custom_Game_About" "About"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Updates" "Updates"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Info" "Info"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_View_Details" "See Game Details"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Author" "by {g:dota_persona:author}"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Author_ShortFilm" "by
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Lobby_Count" "{d:lobby_count} lobby"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Lobby_Count_Plural" "{d:lobby_count} lobbies"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Friend_Lobbies_Alert" "You have {d:friend_count}
friend with an open game lobby."
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Friend_Lobbies_Alert_Plural" "You have {d:friend_count}
friends with open game lobbies."
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Quick_Join" "Quick Join"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_View_Lobbies" "View Lobbies"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_View_Lobby_List" "View Lobby List"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Lobby_List_Title" "Lobby List"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Browse_All" "Browse All Games"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Find_Lobby" "Find Lobby"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Create_Lobby" "Create Lobby"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Game_Page" "Game Page"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Download_Queued" "Download Queued"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Downloading" "Downloading..."
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Downloading_Percent" "Downloading -
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Needs_Update" "Needs Update"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Play" "Play
"DOTA_UI_Play" "Play"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Uninstall" "Uninstall"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Install" "Install"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Installed" "Installed"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Not_Installed" "Not Installed"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Connect" "Join Lobby"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_FileSize" "{d:file_size} MB"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Name" "{g:dota_filtered_string:game
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Created_By" "Created by
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Subscription" "{s:subscriptions_count}
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Subscriptions" "{s:subscriptions_count}
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Rating" "Rating"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Release_Date" "Released"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Playing_Now" "{s:player_count} Playing
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Ratings_Count" "({d:ratings_count})"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Description" "{g:dota_filtered_string:game
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Update_Note_Title" "{s:timestamp}"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Screenshots" "Screenshots"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Map_Label" "Map"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Map_AnyNumbered" "Any ({d:map_choices})"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Update" "Update"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Spectate" "Spectate"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Already_In_Lobby" "Finish your current game to start
this game mode."
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Dedicated_Servers" "Dedicated Servers"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Dedicated_Servers_I" "This custom game has dedicated
server support. Games played will be hosted by Valve on dedicated servers."
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Penalty_Support" "Penalties Enabled"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Penalty_Support_I" "This custom game has enabled
penalties for failing to ready up and abandoning games. Receiving a penalty will
prevent joining any custom games for the length of the penalty."
"custom_game_file_error" "Error accessing custom game
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Last_Updated" "Updated {t:r:t:last_updated}"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Last_Updated_String" "Updated
"DOTA_Custom_Game_LobbyCreated" "Created {t:r:t:last_updated} ago"

"DOTA_Custom_Game_Not_Updated_Recently" "Last Updated Before Dota 7.00"

"DOTA_Custom_Game_Not_Updated_RecentlyTT" "Dota 7.00 has changed user
interface and gameplay mechanics. Custom games uploaded prior to 7.00 may not work

"DOTA_Custom_Game_Of_The_Day" "Game of the Day"

"DOTA_Custom_Game_Friends_Playing" "Friends playing custom games"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Friends_In_Lobbies" "{d:friends_in_open_lobbies} in
open lobbies"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Friends_In_Game" "{d:friends_in_game} friends custom
"DOTA_Custom_Games_Friends_Play" "Custom Games Your Friends Play"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Invite_Friend" "Invite a Friend"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Tooltip_Subscribers" "{d:subscriber_count}
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Tooltip_Subscriber" "{d:subscriber_count} subscription"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Most_Popular" "Most Popular"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Friends_Ready" "Friends Ready To Play"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Friends_Who_Play" "Friends Who Play"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Friends_Playing_Now" "Friends Playing Now"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Workshop_Page" "Workshop Page"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Games_With_Lobbies" "Open Lobbies"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Games_With_LobbiesTT" "This is a list of game modes with
open lobbies with other players from all regions."
"DOTA_Custom_Game_LocalLobbiesList" "Local Lobbies"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_LocalLobbiesListTT" "This is a list of lobbies most
recently hosted in a region that you have a good connection to."

"DOTA_Custom_Game_Installed_Games" "Installed Games"

"DOTA_Custom_Game_Favorite_Games" "Show Favorites Only"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Add_Favorite" "Favorite"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_VotePrompt" "Should we help more people find
out about this game?"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_DetailsPrompt" "Visit this game's detail page to
learn more, install, and play."
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Vote_Box_Title" "Workshop Vote"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Vote_Box_Desc" "Help undiscovered games gain a
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Vote_Start" "Start voting"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_VoteThanks" "Thank you for voting!"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Vote_PrevLabel" "Prev Game"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Vote_NextLabel" "Next Game"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Vote_ControlsLabel" "Workshop Vote"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Vote_YesLabel" "Yes, promote it!"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Vote_NoLabel" "Nope, needs work."
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Vote_SkipLabel" "Skip this game, I got nothing."

"DOTA_Short_Film_VotePrompt" "Did you enjoy this short film?"

"DOTA_Short_Film_Vote_PrevLabel" "Prev Video"
"DOTA_Short_Film_Vote_NextLabel" "Next Video"
"DOTA_Short_Film_Vote_YesLabel" "Yes, I like it!"
"DOTA_Short_Film_Vote_NoLabel" "Nope, not really."
"DOTA_Short_Film_Vote_SkipLabel" "Skip this video, I got nothing."

"DOTA_Custom_Game_Vote_Up" "Good Game"

"DOTA_Custom_Game_Vote_Down" "Needs Work"

"DOTA_Custom_Game_Finished_Vote_Title" "Custom Game Vote"

"DOTA_Custom_Game_Finished_Vote_Question" "What do you think of this custom
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Finished_Vote_Skip" "Skip"

"DOTA_Custom_Game_Browse_Sort" "Sort:"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Sort_Most_Played" "Most Popular (This Week)"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Sort_Popular_Today" "Top Rated (Today)"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Sort_Popular_Week" "Top Rated (This Week)"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Sort_Top_Rated" "Top Rated (All Time)"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Sort_Date" "Publication Date"

"Video_Support_Coming_Soon" "Video support coming soon"

"DOTA_Custom_Game_Leave_Lobby" "Leave This Lobby"

"DOTA_Custom_Game_Suggested_Title" "Suggested Games"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Suggested_Info" "This list includes trending games
and games receiving positive votes.<br><br>The selection will change every 30
minutes, presenting everyone in the community the same 15 games at any given time."
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Addon_Restricted" "Unable to perform this operation
while running in addon restricted tools mode."
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Search" "Search custom games"

"DOTA_Custom_Game_Plus" "+"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Purchase" "Pass"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_ThankYou" "Pass Owned"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Purchase_Tooltip" "{s:ticket_item_description}"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Premium_Tooltip" "{s:u:ticket_item_name}
OWNED<br>Pass Valid Through

"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_Create_Button" "Create custom lobby"

"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_Settings_Title" "Create Lobby"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_Settings_Mode" "Game Mode"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_Settings_Map" "Map"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_LobbyName" "Optional Description"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_List_Desc" "A list of Private Lobbies
(password protected) and unfiltered active Custom Games"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_Public" "Public"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_Passworded" "Players can only join this
lobby via invites or by filtering the lobby list by password."
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_FilteredByPassword" "Filtered by password"

"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_Join_Failed_Title" "Join Failed"

"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_Join_Failed_Reason" "{s:join_error}"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_Join_Failed_Prompt" "Want to search for an open
{s:game_name} lobby now?"
"DOTA_Lobby_Failed_Pings" "Failed to gather ping information.
Please verify your internet connection is working and that the Dota 2 servers are

"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_Create_Private_Button" "Create private lobby"

"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_Find_Private_Button" "Find private lobby"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_Find_Private_Title" "Find Private Lobby"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_Find_Private_Desc" "Enter a password to find a private

"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_List_Game_Header" "Game"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_List_Name_Header" "Description"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_List_Players_Header" "Players"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_List_Map_Header" "Map"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_List_Region_Header" "Region"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_List_Connection_Header" "Connection"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_List_Status_Header" "Local Status"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_List_Game" "{g:dota_filtered_string:lobby_game
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_List_Lobby_Name" "{g:dota_filtered_string:lobby_name
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_List_Players" "{s:lobby_players} /
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_List_Map" "{g:dota_filtered_string:lobby_map}
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_List_Region" "{s:lobby_region}"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_List_Connection" "..."
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_List_Status" "{s:lobby_status}"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_List_Connect" "{s:connect_button_text}"
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_Game_Name" "{g:dota_filtered_string:game_name}
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_Map_Name" "Map:
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_Player_Count" "Players: {d:player_count} /
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_Player_Count_Short" "{d:player_count} /
"DOTA_Custom_Lobby_Visibility" "Lobby Visibility"
"DOTA_Custom_Join_Chat" "Join Chat"
"DOTA_Custom_Join_Chat_Member_Count" "({d:ChatMemberCount})"
"DOTA_Custom_Leave_Chat" "Leave Chat"
"DOTA_Custom_Game_Vote_Up_Tooltip" "Click to up-vote this game on the
Steam Workshop."

"DOTA_Page_Number" "Page:
{d:current_page} / {d:num_pages}"
"DOTA_TabName_ModsOverview" "Overview"
"DOTA_TabName_ModsSubscribed" "Library"
"DOTA_TabName_ModsLobbyList" "Lobby List"
"DOTA_TabName_ModsWorkshop" "Workshop"
"DOTA_TabName_ModsBrowse" "Browse"

"DOTA_TournamentBracket_TBD" "TBD"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_GSL1" "GSL Match 1"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_GSL2" "GSL Match 2"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_LosersMatchNew" "Losers Match"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_GrandFinals" "Grand Finals"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_UBFinals" "UB Finals"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_UBSemiFinals" "UB Semifinals"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_UBQuarterFinals" "UB Quarter Finals"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_LosersMatch" "Elimination Match"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Qualification1" "Qualification #1"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Qualification2" "Qualification #2"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_AllStar" "All-Star Match"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_TieBreaker" "Tiebreaker"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Group1" "Group A"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Group2" "Group B"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Group3" "Group C"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Group4" "Group D"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Group5" "Group E"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Group6" "Group F"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Group7" "Group G"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Group8" "Group H"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Match1" "Match 1"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Match2" "Match 2"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Match3" "Match 3"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Match4" "Match 4"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Match5" "Match 5"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Match6" "Match 6"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Match7" "Match 7"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Match8" "Match 8"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Match9" "Match 9"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Match10" "Match 10"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_LBR1" "LB Round 1"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_LBR2" "LB Round 2"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_LBR3" "LB Round 3"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_LBR4" "LB Round 4"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_LBR5" "LB Round 5"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_LBR6" "LB Round 6"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_LBFinals" "LB Finals"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_GroupNumber" "Group {i:group_num}"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_MatchList_Timestamp" "{T:l:timestamp}"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Sidebar_Watch" "Watch"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_MatchList_TBD" "TBD"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_MatchList_Game" "Game {i:game}"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Sidebar_Stage" "{s:stage}
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Sidebar_GameNumber" "Game {i:game_number}"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Sidebar_Live" "In Progress"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Sidebar_TimeRemaining" "Starts in {t:m:r:duration}"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Sidebar_Soon" "Starts Soon"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Sidebar_WinnerGoes" "Winner advances to
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Sidebar_LoserGoes" "Loser falls to
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Sidebar_LoserEliminated" "Loser gets eliminated"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Sidebar_WinnerChampion" "Winner becomes the Champion"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Sidebar_PreviousMatch" "{s:name}'s previous Match:
vs {s:prevopponent} {s:prevscore}"
"DOTA_MatchDetailsGame_DownloadProgress" "Downloading...
"DOTA_MatchDetailsGame_DecompressProgress" "Decompressing...
"DOTA_MatchDetailsGame_PoorNetwork" "Not Scored -- Poor
Network Conditions"
"DOTA_MatchDetailsGame_Leaver" "Not Scored --
Leaver Detected"
"DOTA_MatchDetailsGame_ServerCrash" "Not Scored -- Server
"DOTA_MatchDetailsGame_NeverStarted" "Not Scored --
Match Never Started"
"DOTA_WatchTournamentBracket_PrizePoolLabel" "Total Prize Pool"
"DOTATournamentSpoilerToolip" "Enabling Spoiler Block
will hide best-of results in the schedule pages and require you to manually reveal
match results in the tournament bracket."
"DOTATournamentUpcomingMatches" "Upcoming Matches"
"DOTATournamentUpcomingMatchesBlocked" "Upcoming Matches are
Spoiler Blocked"
"DOTATournamentMatchReveal" "Reveal"
"DOTATournamentBracketFormat" "Format"
"DOTATournamentBracketLANPlayoffs" "LAN Playoffs"
"DOTATournamentBracketLANGroupStage" "LAN Group Stage"
"DOTA_WatchTournamentBracket_StartDate" "Starting Date"
"DOTA_WatchTournamentBracket_EndDate" "End Date"
"DOTA_WatchTournamentBracket_Dates" "Dates"
"DOTA_WatchTournamentBracket_Location" "Location"
"DOTA_WatchTournamentBracket_Organizer" "Organizer"
"DOTA_WatchTournamentBracket_Tier" "Tier"
"DOTA_TournamentNewsDate" "{t:r:m:date}"
"DOTATournamentBracket_MatchDate" "{t:s:date}"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_RowRank" "{i:rank}"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_RowTeamName" "{s:team_name}"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_RowGamesPlayed" "{i:played}"
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_RowPoints" "{i:won} - {i:tied} -
"DOTA_TournamentBracket_Score" "{i:score}"
"DOTA_TournamentDetails_Spoiler" "Spoiler block"
"DOTA_TournamentDetails_SpoilerOff" "Spoiler block"
"DOTA_TournamentMatchList_All" "All days"
"DOTA_TournamentMatchListTime" "{t:s:time}"
"DOTA_TournamentMatchListTeam1" "{s:team1}"
"DOTA_TournamentMatchListTeam2" "{s:team2}"
"DOTA_TournamentMatchListScore" "{i:score1} -
"DOTA_TournamentButtonExpand" "Expand"
"DOTA_TournamentButtonHide" "Hide"
"DOTA_TournamentButtonWatch" "Watch"
"DOTA_TournamentButtonDetails" "Details"
"DOTA_TournamentButtonMatchDetails" "Match Details"
"DOTA_TournamentButtonMVPVote" "MVP"
"DOTATournamentBracketPlayoffs" "Playoffs"
"DOTATournamentBracketGroupPhase" "Group Stage"
"DOTATournamentBracketWildcards" "Wildcards"
"DOTATournamentDetailsPhase" "{s:phase}"
"DOTATournamentDetailsSchedule" "Schedule"
"DOTATournamentDetailsGrid" "Match Grid"
"DOTATournamentDetailsStandings" "Standings"
"DOTATournamentDetailsBracket" "Bracket"
"DOTATournamentDetailsDatesYearDiff" "{s:start_month}
{s:start_day}, {s:start_year} - {s:end_month} {s:end_day}, {s:end_year}"
"DOTATournamentDetailsDatesMonthDiff" "{s:start_month}
{s:start_day} - {s:end_month} {s:end_day}, {s:end_year}"
"DOTATournamentDetailsDatesDayDiff" "{s:start_month}
{s:start_day} - {s:end_day}, {s:end_year}"
"DOTATournamentDetailsDates" "{s:start_month}
{s:start_day}, {s:end_year}"
"DOTATournamentBracketOverview" "Overview"
"DOTATournamentBracketTeams" "Teams"
"DOTATournamentStageAndGame" "{s:stage_name} - Game
"DOTATournamentStage" "{s:stage_name}"
"DOTATournamentTeamUnknown" "TBD"
"DOTATournamentTeamVersus" "VS"
"DOTATournamentTeamGameInProgress" "In Progress - Watch
"DOTATournamentMatchListWatch" "Watch"
"DOTATournamentMatchListDetails" "Details"
"DOTATournamentMatchListWatchLive" "Watch Live"
"DOTATournamentGameWinner" "Winner"
"DOTATournamentMatch_BestOf2" "Best of Two"
"DOTATournamentMatch_BestOf3" "Best of Three"
"DOTATournamentMatch_BestOf4" "Best of Four"
"DOTATournamentMatch_BestOf5" "Best of Five"

"DOTAMVPVote_Title" "Vote For

"DOTAMVPVote_ResultsTitle" "MVP Vote Results"
"DOTAMVPVote_VoteButtonLabel" "Cast Vote"
"DOTAMVPVote_ToolTipText" "Display and vote
for the match MVP"
"DOTAMVPVote_FailedToDownloadResults" "An error occured while
attempt to download the MVP results."
"DOTAMVPVote_Place1" "2nd"
"DOTAMVPVote_Place2" "3rd"
"DOTAMVPVote_Place3" "4th"
"DOTAMVPVote_Place4" "5th"
"DOTAMVPVote_Place5" "6th"
"DOTAMVPVote_Place6" "7th"
"DOTAMVPVote_Place7" "8th"
"DOTAMVPVote_Place8" "9th"
"DOTAMVPVote_Place9" "10th"

"DOTAArcanaVote_Title" "Vote For Hero

"DOTAArcanaVote_TitleResults" "Arcana Vote Results"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TooltipRoundName" "{s:arcana_vote_round_na
"DOTAArcanaVote_TooltipResultsTitle" "Results"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TooltipActiveTitle" "In Progress"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TooltipSeedingTitle" "Seed"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TooltipHeroTitle" "Hero"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TooltipYourVotes" "Your Votes"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TooltipTotalVotes" "Total Votes"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TooltipTotalVotesPercent" "Percent"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TooltipSeeding0" "{d:hero_0_seeding}"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TooltipSeeding1" "{d:hero_1_seeding}"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TooltipVoteCount0" "{d:vote_0_count}"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TooltipVoteCount1" "{d:vote_1_count}"
"DOTAArcanaVote_Bye" "Bye"
"DOTAArcanaVote_Bye_Description" "This hero automatically
advances to the next round."
"DOTAArcanaVote_RoundName" "{s:arcana_vote_ro
"DOTAArcanaVote_InstructionsTitle" "Arcana Voting Overview"
"DOTAArcanaVote_VotesRemaining" "{d:arcana_votes_r
"DOTAArcanaVote_TotalVotes" "{d:total_arcana_v
"DOTAArcanaVote_VotesRemainingSubtitle" "Weekly Votes"
"DOTAArcanaVote_VotesRemainingFull" "{d:arcana_votes_remaini
ng}/{d:total_arcana_votes} Weekly Votes"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TimeRemainingDay" "{d:arcana_vote_time_rem
"DOTAArcanaVote_TimeRemainingDayAbbrev" "d"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TimeRemainingHour" "{d:arcana_vote_time_rem
"DOTAArcanaVote_TimeRemainingHourAbbrev" "h"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TimeRemainingMinute" "{d:arcana_vote_time_rem
"DOTAArcanaVote_TimeRemainingMinuteAbbrev" "m"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TimeRemainingSubtitle" "Until Voting Round
"DOTAArcanaVote_TimeStartsDay" "{d:arcana_vote_time_sta
"DOTAArcanaVote_TimeStartsDayAbbrev" "d"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TimeStartsHour" "{d:arcana_vote_time_sta
"DOTAArcanaVote_TimeStartsHourAbbrev" "h"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TimeStartsMinute" "{d:arcana_vote_time_start_mi
"DOTAArcanaVote_TimeStartsMinuteAbbrev" "m"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TimeUntilVotingStarts" "Voting Starts In"

"DOTAArcanaVote_SubmitVotes" "Submit Votes"

"DOTAArcanaVote_ViewBrackets" "View Brackets"
"DOTAArcanaVote_ZoomRegion" "Click a group to
zoom in"
"DOTAArcanaVote_NavigatedAwayTitle" "Submit Arcana Votes?"
"DOTAArcanaVote_NavigatedAwayBody" "You have voted for
Arcana but haven't submitted your votes. Submit them now?"
"DOTAArcanaVote_NavigatedAwayOk" "Submit Votes"
"DOTAArcanaVote_NavigatedAwayCancel" "Clear Votes"
"DOTAArcanaVote_TimeUntilRoundEnds" "Round Ends:"
"DOTAArcanaVote_WinnerTitle" "Winner"
"DOTAArcanaVote_ViewResults" "View Results"
"DOTAArcanaVote_NotStarted" "Arcana Voting Not
Started Yet"
"DOTAArcanaVote_ResultsHidden" "Voting for Arcana
is closed.\nResults will be revealed at The International."
"DOTAArcanaVote_CalibrationTimeRemaining" "Results will become visible
in {d:arcana_calibration_time_remaining_day}d
"DOTAArcanaVote_LeadingInVote" "Leading"
"DOTAArcanaVote_NewArcanaFeature" "New Arcana Vote
"DOTAArcanaVote_ViewResultsDescription" "You may now view arcana
vote results using the Previous Round / Next Round buttons at the top of the voting

"DOTAArcanaVote_RoundName1" "Group A First

"DOTAArcanaVote_RoundName2" "Group B First
"DOTAArcanaVote_RoundName3" "Group C First
"DOTAArcanaVote_RoundName4" "Group D First
"DOTAArcanaVote_RoundName5" "Group A Second
"DOTAArcanaVote_RoundName6" "Group B Second
"DOTAArcanaVote_RoundName7" "Group C Second
"DOTAArcanaVote_RoundName8" "Group D Second
"DOTAArcanaVote_RoundName9" "Round of 32"
"DOTAArcanaVote_RoundName10" "Sweet Sixteen"
"DOTAArcanaVote_RoundName11" "Quarterfinals"
"DOTAArcanaVote_RoundName12" "Semifinals"
"DOTAArcanaVote_RoundName13" "Finals"
"DOTAArcanaVote_Group_A" "Group A"
"DOTAArcanaVote_Group_B" "Group B"
"DOTAArcanaVote_Group_C" "Group C"
"DOTAArcanaVote_Group_D" "Group D"

"DOTAArcanaVoteMatch_Seeding0" "{d:hero_0_seeding
"DOTAArcanaVoteMatch_Seeding1" "{d:hero_1_seeding
"DOTAArcanaVoteMatch_VoteCount0" "{s:vote_0_percent}"
"DOTAArcanaVoteMatch_VoteCount1" "{s:vote_1_percent}"
"DOTAArcanaVoteMatch_VS" "VS"
"DOTAArcanaVoteMatch_LocalVoteCount0" "{d:local_vote_0_count}"
"DOTAArcanaVoteMatch_LocalVoteCount1" "{d:local_vote_1_count}"

"DOTA_ArcanaVoteFailed_Header" "Error Voting For

"DOTA_ArcanaVoteFailed_Body" "An error occurred while
submitting your Arcana votes. Please try again in a little while."
"DOTA_ArcanaVoteFailed_VotingNotEnabled" "Voting is not active for
this round."
"DOTAArcanaVote_FailedToLoad" "Failed to load Arcana
vote data. Try again later."

"DOTA_BattlePassLog_Title" "Battle Pass

Points Log"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_TotalPoints" "Total Points Received:
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_TotalLevel" "{d:total_battle_l
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_TitleBar_Date" "Date"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_TitleBar_Points" "Points"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_TitleBar_TotalPoints" "Total"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_TitleBar_BattleLevel" "Level"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_TitleBar_Description" "Description"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_UnknownPlayer" "Unknown Player"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_CompendiumActivated" "Activated Battle Pass"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_PointsItemActivated" "Used Battle Pass Point
Booster Item"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_WagerWon" "Won Wager in Match ID
href=\"event:UIPopupButtonClicked( DOTAShowMatchDetails({u:match_id}) )\">{u:match_
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_InGamePredictionCorrect" "Correct Prediction in Match
ID <a
href=\"event:UIPopupButtonClicked( DOTAShowMatchDetails({u:match_id}) )\">{u:match_
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_MysteryItemReceived" "Won Points in Rylai's Battle
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_CommunityGoalItemReceived" "Won Points in Lina's Battle
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_QuestCompletedRanked" "Completed Quest
Challenge \"{s:challenge_name}\", Stars: {d:rank}"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_QuestCompletedUnranked" "Completed Quest
Challenge \"{s:challenge_name}\""
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_QuestCompletedRankedRange" "Completed Quest
Challenge \"{s:challenge_name}\", Stars: {d:rankstart}-{d:rank}"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_UnknownQuest" "Unknown Challenge"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_TipGiven" "Gave Tip To
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_TipReceived" "Received Tip From
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_RecycledItem" "Recycled Item"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_AchievementCompleted" "Completed
Achievement \"{s:achievement}\""
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_CorrectPrediction" "Correctly Guessed
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_WeekendTourneyPayout" "Won Battle Cup Tournament"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_FantasyChallengeWinnings" "Fantasy Challenge Winnings:
Top {i:percentile} percent"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_BracketPrediction" "Bracket Predictions:
{i:correct_answers} correct answers"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_DailyQuestCompleted" "Daily Quest Completed"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_WeeklyQuestCompleted" "Weekly Quest Completed"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_EventReward" "Battle Pass Reward"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_WeeklyGame" "Won from Slark's
Riptide Rumble"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_ExploitCorrection" "Exploit Correction"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_HeroLevelCurve" "Hero Level Curve
Updated: {g:dota_hero_name:hero_id}"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SupportGrant" "Customer Support Grant"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SuccessfulPrediction" "Successful Pro Circuit
Prediction for {g:dota_league_name:league_id}"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_EventGameReward" "Found in The
Underhollow: Match ID <a
href=\"event:UIPopupButtonClicked( DOTAShowMatchDetails({u:match_id}) )\">{u:match_

"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_forest_1_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Howling Weald - 1 Star"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_forest_2_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Howling Weald - 2 Stars"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_forest_holdout_1_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Crossroads Garrison - 1 Star"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_forest_holdout_2_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Crossroads Garrison - 2 Stars"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_darkforest_rescue_1_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Bonemeal Ridge - 1 Star"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_darkforest_rescue_2_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Bonemeal Ridge - 2 Stars"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_darkforest_pass_1_Star" "Siltb
reaker: The Silkmire Pass - 1 Star"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_darkforest_pass_2_Star" "Siltb
reaker: The Silkmire Pass - 2 Stars"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_darkforest_death_maze_1_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Trial of Gallaron - 1 Star"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_darkforest_death_maze_2_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Trial of Gallaron - 2 Stars"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_underground_temple_1_Star" "Siltbreaker
: Temple of Ermacor - 1 Star"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_underground_temple_2_Star" "Siltbreaker
: Temple of Ermacor - 2 Stars"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_desert_start_1_Star" "Siltb
reaker: The Road to Kalabor - 1 Star"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_desert_start_2_Star" "Siltb
reaker: The Road to Kalabor - 2 Stars"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_desert_expanse_1_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Kalabor Waste - 1 Star"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_desert_expanse_2_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Kalabor Waste - 2 Stars"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_desert_chasm_1_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Shatterblast Canyon - 1 Star"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_desert_chasm_2_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Shatterblast Canyon - 2 Stars"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_desert_fortress_1_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Rhyzik's Stronghold - 1 Star"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_desert_fortress_2_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Rhyzik's Stronghold - 2 Stars"

"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_tundra_1_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Frostbite Tundra - 1 Star"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_tundra_2_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Frostbite Tundra - 2 Stars"
"Siltbreaker: Whitecap Lake - 1 Star"
"Siltbreaker: Whitecap Lake - 2 Stars"
"Siltbreaker: The Brumal Aerie - 1 Star"
"Siltbreaker: The Brumal Aerie - 2 Stars"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_plateau_1_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Iceblight Plateau - 1 Star"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_plateau_2_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Iceblight Plateau - 2 Stars"
"Siltbreaker: The Frozen Crag - 1 Star"
"Siltbreaker: The Frozen Crag - 2 Stars"
"Siltbreaker: Crypt of the Odobenus Legion - 1 Star"
"Siltbreaker: Crypt of the Odobenus Legion - 2 Stars"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_crypt_holdout_1_Star" "Siltb
reaker: The Odobenus Onslaught - 1 Star"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_crypt_holdout_2_Star" "Siltb
reaker: The Odobenus Onslaught - 2 Stars"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_reefs_edge_1_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Reef's Edge - 1 Star"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_reefs_edge_2_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Reef's Edge - 2 Stars"
"Siltbreaker: The Shoal - 1 Star"
"Siltbreaker: The Shoal - 2 Stars"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_dark_reef_a_1_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Sunken Passage - 1 Star"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_dark_reef_a_2_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Sunken Passage - 2 Stars"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_dark_reef_b_1_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Dark Reef Prison - 1 Star"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_dark_reef_b_2_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Dark Reef Prison - 2 Stars"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_silt_arena_1_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Siltbreaker's Vault - 1 Star"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_SiltbreakerReward_silt_arena_2_Star" "Siltb
reaker: Siltbreaker's Vault - 2 Stars"
"DOTA_BattlePassRollUp_Title" "Summary View"
"DOTA_BattlePassRollUp_TI6_SubTitle" "May 16, 2016 - August
30, 2016"
"DOTA_BattlePassRollUp_Fall2016_SubTitle" "October 05, 2016 -
January 02, 2017"
"DOTA_BattlePassRollUp_Winter2017_SubTitle" "January 26, 2017
- May 1, 2017"
"DOTA_BattlePassRollUp_TI7_SubTitle" "May 04, 2017 - October
1, 2017"

"DOTA_Bracket_UpperBracketRound1" "UB Round 1"

"DOTA_Bracket_UpperBracketRound2" "UB Round 2"
"DOTA_Bracket_UpperBracketFinals" "UB Finals"
"DOTA_Bracket_LowerBracketRound1" "LB Round 1"
"DOTA_Bracket_LowerBracketRound2" "LB Round 2"
"DOTA_Bracket_LowerBracketRound3" "LB Round 3"
"DOTA_Bracket_LowerBracketRound4" "LB Round 4"
"DOTA_Bracket_LowerBracketRound5" "LB Round 5"
"DOTA_Bracket_LowerBracketFinals" "LB Finals"
"DOTA_Bracket_GrandFinals" "Grand Finals"
"DOTA_Bracket_Winner" "Winner"
"DOTA_Bracket_LoserGameA" "Loser A"
"DOTA_Bracket_LoserGameB" "Loser B"
"DOTA_Bracket_LoserGameC" "Loser C"
"DOTA_Bracket_LoserGameD" "Loser D"
"DOTA_Bracket_LoserGameE" "Loser E"
"DOTA_Bracket_LoserGameF" "Loser F"
"DOTA_Bracket_LoserGameG" "Loser G"

"DOTA_Bracket_Round1" "First Round"

"DOTA_Bracket_Round2" "Quarter Finals"
"DOTA_Bracket_Round3" "Semi Finals"
"DOTA_Bracket_Finals" "Finals"

"DOTA_Bracket_HelpTitle" "Bracket
"DOTA_Bracket_HelpBody" "Fill out your
tournament bracket and earn increasing amounts of Battle Points for correct
predictions in the {g:dota_event_league_name:eventid}.<br><br>Review the matchups
and click on the team you think is going to win each series.<br><br>Make your
selections any time from {t:l:start_time} {t:T:start_time} until predictions close
on {t:l:lock_time} {t:T:lock_time}."

"DOTA_WatchTabName_Live" "Live"
"DOTA_WatchTabName_Featured" "Featured"
"DOTA_WatchTabName_Replays" "Replays"
"DOTA_WatchTabName_Tournaments" "Tournaments"
"DOTA_WatchTabName_Downloads" "Downloads"

"DOTA_Watch_Streams" "Streams"

"dota_watchtab_unread_tooltip" "{d:unread_count}
unseen replays"

"DOTA_WatchLive_Search" "Search for Heroes

to Watch"
"DOTA_WatchLive_DataPending" "Finding Live Games..."
"DOTA_WatchLive_DataError" "Error loading
live games"
"DOTA_WatchLive_NoGames" "No Live Games are
currently being played"
"DOTA_WatchLive_Connecting" "Waiting for Game
"DOTA_WatchLive_HeroFilter" "Filter:
"DOTA_WatchLive_CountSpec" "{i:num_spectating
} spectating"
"DOTA_WatchLive_CountFriends" "{i:num_friends_playing}
friends playing"
"DOTA_WatchLive_ParticipantsVs" "<font
color='#ffffff'>{s:team_1}</font> <font color='#888888'>vs.</font> <font
"DOTA_WatchLive_ParticipantsMMR" "<font
color='#888888'>Ranked Game</font>"
"DOTA_WatchLive_ParticipantsUnranked" "<font
color='#888888'>Unranked Game</font>"
"DOTA_WatchLive_Participants1" "{s:friend_1}"
"DOTA_WatchLive_Participants2" "{s:friend_1} and
"DOTA_WatchLive_Participants3" "{s:friend_1},
{s:friend_2}, and {s:friend_3}"
"DOTA_WatchLive_Participants4Plus" "{s:friend_1},
{s:friend_2}, {s:friend_3}, and {i:friend_count_over_3} more..."
"DOTA_WatchLive_MatchType_MM_Kills" "{s:game_mode}{s:time}"
"DOTA_WatchLive_MatchType_MM" "{s:game_mode}"
"DOTA_WatchLiveDotaTV" "Watch in DotaTV"
"DOTA_WatchLivePurchase" "Get Tournament
Pass {g:dota_item_price:ticket_itemdef}"
"DOTA_WatchLiveSpectatorFriends1" "{g:dota_persona:spectat
or_friend_1} spectating"
"DOTA_WatchLiveSpectatorFriends2" "{g:dota_persona:spectat
or_friend_1} and {g:dota_persona:spectator_friend_2} spectating"
"DOTA_WatchLiveSpectatorFriends3" "{g:dota_persona:spectat
or_friend_1}, {g:dota_persona:spectator_friend_2}, and
{g:dota_persona:spectator_friend_3} spectating"
"DOTA_WatchLiveSpectatorFriends4Plus" "{g:dota_persona:spectat
or_friend_1}, {g:dota_persona:spectator_friend_2},
{g:dota_persona:spectator_friend_3}, and {i:spectator_friend_count_over_3} other
friends spectating"
"DOTA_WatchLiveSpectatorCount" "{i:spectator_coun
t} spectating"
"DOTA_WatchLivePreGame" "Pre-Game"
"DOTA_WatchLive_ElapsedTime" "Elapsed Time:"
"DOTA_WatchLive_Spectating" "Spectating:"
"DOTA_WatchLive_WatchLabel" "WATCH:"
"DOTA_WatchLive_ThirdParty" "THIRD PARTY"
"DOTA_WatchLive_Fullscreen" "FULLSCREEN"
"DOTA_WatchLive_BattleCupBracket" "BATTLE CUP BRACKET"
"DOTA_WatchLive_Steam" "STEAM"
"DOTA_WatchLive_InGame" "IN-GAME"
"DOTA_WatchLive_Purchase" "Ticket
"DOTA_WatchLive_Activate" "Activate Ticket"
"DOTA_WatchLive_FriendsOnly" "Friends"
"DOTA_WatchLive_BotScriptOnly" "Workshop Bots"
"DOTA_WatchLive_InDraft" "In Draft Phase"

"DOTA_WatchLive_Game_ProInfo" "{g:dota_persona:pro:acc
ount_id} {s:hero_name}"
"DOTA_WatchLive_Game_TeamInfo" "<font
color='#ffffff'>{s:team_1_name}</font> vs <font
"DOTA_WatchLive_Game_AverageMMR" "{i:avg_mmr} avg MMR"
"DOTA_WatchLive_Game_TimeAndScore" "{t:d:duration} /
{i:radiant_score} - {i:dire_score}"
"DOTA_WatchLive_Game_Tier" "{s:weekend_tourne
y_division} - Tier {i:weekend_tourney_skill_level}"
"DOTA_WatchLive_Game_LoadMore" "Load More"

"DOTA_WatchLive_Broadcaster0" "Watch
"DOTA_WatchLive_Broadcaster1" "Watch
"DOTA_WatchLive_Broadcaster2" "Watch
"DOTA_WatchLive_Broadcaster3" "Watch
"DOTA_WatchLive_Broadcaster4" "Watch
"DOTA_WatchLive_Broadcaster5" "Watch
"DOTA_WatchLive_Broadcaster6" "Watch
"DOTA_WatchLive_Broadcaster7" "Watch
"DOTA_WatchLive_Broadcaster8" "Watch
"DOTA_WatchLive_Broadcaster9" "Watch

"DOTA_WatchReplays_TournamentsHeader" "POPULAR TOURNAMENT

"DOTA_WatchReplays_FriendsHeader" "FRIEND MATCHES"
"DOTA_WatchReplays_Popular" "POPULAR MATCHES"
"DOTA_WatchReplays_SavedForLater" "SAVED TO WATCH LATER"
"DOTA_WatchReplays_ParticipantsVs" "{s:team_1} vs
"DOTA_WatchReplays_MatchType_League" "{s:league_name}"
"DOTA_WatchReplays_MatchType_Public" "Match {s:match_id} -
"DOTA_WatchReplays_Recommendations" "{i:recommendations}"
"DOTA_WatchReplays_Recommendations1" "{g:dota_persona:friend_
1} + {i:recommendations}"
"DOTA_WatchReplays_Recommendations2" "{g:dota_persona:friend_
1}, {g:dota_persona:friend_2} + {i:recommendations}"
"DOTA_WatchReplays_Recommendations3Plus" "{g:dota_persona:friend_1} +
{i:friend_count_over_1} more friends + {i:recommendations}"
"DOTA_WatchReplays_Friends1" "{g:dota_persona:b:frien
d_1} played"
"DOTA_WatchReplays_Friends2" "{g:dota_persona:b:frien
d_1} and {g:dota_persona:friend_2} played"
"DOTA_WatchReplays_Friends3Plus" "{g:dota_persona:b:frien
d_1}, {g:dota_persona:b:friend_2} and {i:friend_count_over_2} more friends"
"DOTA_WatchReplays_Views" "{i:views} views"
"DOTA_WatchReplays_Price" "{g:dota_item_pric
"DOTA_WatchReplays_Duration" "{s:minutes}:
"DOTA_WatchReplays_Tag" "\"{s:recommendati

"DOTA_WatchReplaysConextMenu_Watch" "Watch"
"DOTA_WatchReplaysConextMenu_DownloadWatch" "Download and
Watch Now"
"DOTA_WatchReplaysConextMenu_DownloadWatchLater" "Download and Watch
"DOTA_WatchReplaysConextMenu_WatchLater" "Watch Later"
"DOTA_WatchReplaysConextMenu_WatchLaterClear" "Clear from Watch Later"
"DOTA_WatchReplaysConextMenu_NoMatchDetails" "No Match Details"

"DOTA_WatchReplays_Game1" "Game 1"

"DOTA_WatchReplays_Game2" "Game 2"
"DOTA_WatchReplays_Game3" "Game 3"
"DOTA_WatchReplays_Game4" "Game 4"
"DOTA_WatchReplays_Game5" "Game 5"

"DOTA_WatchReplays_Pending" "Pending..."
"DOTA_WatchReplays_Downloading" "Downloading...
"DOTA_WatchReplays_Decompressing" "Decompressing...

"DOTA_WatchReplayError" "Error Watching

"DOTA_WatchReplayError_Incompatible" "This Replay is not
compatible with this version of Dota."
"DOTA_WatchReplayError_DoesNotExist" "This Match does not

"DOTA_WatchTournaments_Search" "Search for

"DOTA_WatchTournaments_PrizePoolLabel" "prize pool"
"DOTA_WatchTournaments_PrizePoolTicketPrice" "Ticket
"DOTA_WatchTournaments_PrizePoolActivate" "Activate Ticket"
"DOTA_WatchTournaments_LiveGames" "- LIVE GAMES IN
"DOTA_WatchTournaments_View" "View"
"DOTA_WatchTournaments_Region_NA" "North America"
"DOTA_WatchTournaments_Region_SA" "South America"
"DOTA_WatchTournaments_Region_EU" "Europe"
"DOTA_WatchTournaments_Region_RU" "Russia"
"DOTA_WatchTournaments_Region_CN" "China"
"DOTA_WatchTournaments_Region_SEA" "Southeast Asia"

"DOTA_WatchTournaments_FeaturedTitle" "{s:tournament_featured_
"DOTA_WatchTournaments_FeaturedDates" "{s:tournament_featured_
start} - {s:tournament_featured_end}"
"DOTA_WatchTournaments_FeaturedDescription" "{s:tournament_featured_
"DOTA_WatchTournaments_FeaturedTeams" "Teams"
"DOTA_WatchTournaments_PrizePool" "Prize Pool:"
"DOTA_WatchTournaments_PrizePoolAmt" "{s:tournament_featured_
"DOTA_WatchTournaments_Purchase" "Tournament Pass -

"DOTA_WatchTournament_TournamentName" "{s:tournament_name}"
"DOTA_WatchTournament_Price" "{s:price}"
"DOTA_WatchTournament_BestOf1" "Single Match"
"DOTA_WatchTournament_BestOf3" "Best of 3"
"DOTA_WatchTournament_BestOf5" "Best of 5"
"DOTA_WatchTournament_Website" "View Tournament
"DOTA_WatchTournament_Compendium" "Compendium"
"DOTA_WatchTournament_BattlePassSummary" "Battle Pass Summary"
"DOTA_WatchTournament_Page" "Page {i:page_cur}
/ {i:page_max}"
"DOTA_WatchTournament_Spectators" "{i:spectators}
"DOTA_WatchTournament_Recent" "Recent Games"
"DOTA_WatchTournament_Live" "Live Games in

"DOTA_WatchTournament_MatchDetails" "Match Details"

"DOTA_Tournament_Major" "Major Championship"

"DOTA_Tournament_DPC" "Dota Pro Circuit"
"DOTA_Tournament_Premium" "Premium"
"DOTA_Tournament_Professional" "Professional"
"DOTA_Tournament_Amateur" "Amateur"
"DOTA_Tournament_Media_Coverage" "Media Coverage"

"DOTAWatchDownloads_MatchID" "MatchID {s:match_id}"

"DOTAWatchDownloads_Count" "Replays on disk:
"DOTAWatchDownloads_Size" "{i:disk_space}MB"
"DOTAWatchDownloads_Teams" "{s:team_1} vs
"DOTAWatchDownloads_TeamsSeries" "{s:team_1} vs
{s:team_2} - Game {i:game_number} of {i:game_count}"
"DOTAWatchDownloads_Delete" "Delete?"
"DOTAWatchDownloads_Search" "Search for
"DOTAWatchDownloads_NoMatchDetails" "No Match Details"

"DOTAWatchDownloads_DeleteTitle" "Delete Replay?"

"DOTAWatchDownloads_DeleteBody" "Are you sure you
want to delete this replay? You may not be able to re-download it."

"DOTA_Replays_Search" "Search for

"DOTA_ReplayDownload_Error" "Error downloading
replay: {s:download_error}"

"DOTA_Watch_GameStatus" "Watch Game Status"

"DOTA_Watch_Pending" "Waiting to watch game..."
"DOTA_Watch_GameServerNotFound" "The game server hosting this
game was not found."
"DOTA_Watch_Unavailable" "Could not watch this game at
this time."
"DOTA_Watch_LobbyNotFound" "Lobby not found."
"DOTA_Watch_MissingLeagueSubscription" "This game is a league game that
requires a subscription to watch."

"vs" "VS"

"dota_matchmaking_language_title" "Select Matchmaking Language"

"dota_matchmaking_language_primary_label" "Your primary matchmaking language
"dota_matchmaking_language_primary" "{s:environment_language}"

"dota_matchmaking_language_primary_invalid" "Your language,

{s:environment_language}, is not available as a matchmaking language in Dota 2."
"dota_matchmaking_language_select_secondary" "If you wish, you can choose
a secondary language:"
"dota_matchmaking_language_select_primary" "Please select a
matchmaking language:"
"dota_matchmaking_language_no_selection" "No Selection"
"dota_matchmaking_language_english" "English"
"dota_matchmaking_language_russian" "Russian"
"dota_matchmaking_language_chinese" "Chinese"
"dota_matchmaking_language_schinese" "Chinese"
"dota_matchmaking_language_korean" "Korean"
"dota_matchmaking_language_koreana" "Korean"
"dota_matchmaking_language_spanish" "Spanish"
"dota_matchmaking_language_portuguese" "Portuguese"

"client_version_out_of_date_title" "Update Required"

"client_version_out_of_date" "Game client is out of date. Please
close Dota 2 and restart to get the latest version."

"client_report_warning_title" "Ban Imminent"

"client_report_warning_body" "An extremely high number of reports or
excessive negative behavior has been detected on your account. Further reports or
negative behavior may result in a 6-month ban."

"dota_matchmaking_region_title" "Select Matchmaking Regions"

"dota_matchmaking_region_title_confirm" "Confirm Matchmaking Regions"
"dota_matchmaking_region_auto" "Automatically pick the best
region based on my location."

"dota_matchmaking_region_select" "Select up to three

matchmaking regions. Select only the regions closest to you for the best

"limited_heroes_abandon_header" "Limit
ed Heroes Mode"
"limited_heroes_abandon_explanation" "There is no
penalty for leaving a Limited Heroes mode match, as your hero will be replaced by a
bot. Leaving any other game mode may result in placement in the low-priority

"Abandon Game"
"Are you sure you want to abandon this game?"
"Yes, Abandon game."

"Leave Game"
"Are you sure you want to leave this game?"
"Yes, Leave game."

"dota_accept_match_title" "Your Game is Ready"

"dota_accept_match_readyup_title" "Waiting for Players"
"dota_accept_match_accept" "Accept"
"dota_accept_match_accept_low_pri" "Accept Low-Priority Match"
"dota_accept_match_accept_button" "{s:accept}"
"dota_accept_match_decline" "Decline Match"
"dota_accept_match_subtitle" "{s:subtitle}"
"dota_accept_match_decline_info" "By declining a match your
account will be restricted from finding a match for some amount of time."

"dota_finding_match_players" "( {s:searching_player_count}

searching )"
"dota_finding_match_time" "find match time:
"dota_finding_match_accept_count" "accepted match:
{s:match_num_accepted} / {s:match_num_total}"

"Normal Match"
"Ranked Match"
"Ranked Challenge Match"
"Ranked Match with Roles"
"International Ranked"
"Bot Match"
"Bot Match ( Passive )"
"Bot Match ( Easy )"
"Bot Match ( Medium )"
"Bot Match ( Hard )"
"Bot Match ( Unfair )"
"Team Ranked Match"
"1v1 Match"
"Battle Cup"
"Battle Cup Quarter Finals"
"dota_finding_weekendtourney_semifinals" "Battl
e Cup Semi Finals"
"Battle Cup Grand Final"
"Lobby Game"
"Game is safe to leave"
"Connected to game"
"Connected to local game"
"Connecting to game..."
"Game in progress"
"Game is finished"
"Waiting for other players"
"A player declined the match"
"Waiting for host"
"Finding server"

"ranked_disabled" "Ranked Matchmaking is temporarily

"ranked_mmr" "Your Matchmaking Rank"
"ranked_mmr_solo_label" "Solo"
"ranked_mmr_solo_value" "{i:solo_mmr}"
"ranked_mmr_solo_calibrating" "TBD - {i:solo_calibrating_games} Games
"ranked_mmr_solo_no_data" "Requires
{i:solo_calibrating_required_games} Games to Calibrate"
"ranked_mmr_party_label" "Party"
"ranked_mmr_party_value" "{i:party_mmr}"
"ranked_mmr_party_calibrating" "TBD - {i:party_calibrating_games}
Games Remaining"
"ranked_mmr_party_no_data" "Requires
{i:party_calibrating_required_games} Games to Calibrate"
"ranked_mmr_locked_explain" "Ranked Matchmaking:\nUnlocked
after {i:ranked_required_games_for_unlock} matchmade games.\n\nA more competitive
mode that tracks and displays each player's MMR (matchmaking ratings). Playing
Ranked Matchmaking requires that a phone number is tied to your Steam account, and
each phone number can only enable Ranked Matchmaking for a single Dota account."

"ranked_phone_status_none_button" "MANAGE STEAM PHONE NUMBER"

"ranked_phone_status_none_label" "You need a phone number associated
with Steam in order to activate Ranked Matchmaking."
"ranked_phone_status_steam_button" "ASSOCIATE PHONE WITH DOTA"
"ranked_phone_status_steam_label" "Ranked Matchmaking requires a
unique phone number associated to your Dota account."
"ranked_phone_status_anchored_label" "Ranked Matchmaking is active on
your account via associated phone number. &nbsp; <a
href=\"event:DOTAUnanchorPhone()\">Remove Phone</a>"

"ranked_phone_anchor_result_header" "Dota Phone

"ranked_phone_anchor_result_error_unknown" "Unknown error
occurred during phone association."
"ranked_phone_anchor_result_error_no_steam_phone" "You must first add and
verify a phone to your Steam account before associating it with your Dota account."
"ranked_phone_anchor_result_error_already_in_use" "Your Steam-associated
phone number is already in use on another Dota account and cannot be used on this
account unless it is removed from that account and a cooldown has passed."
"ranked_phone_anchor_result_error_cooldown_active" "Your Steam-associated
phone number has been recently used on a different Dota 2 account and under
cooldown from being used on a new account."

"ranked_phone_anchor_unanchor_popup_header" "Dota Phone

"ranked_phone_anchor_unanchor_popup_description" "Are you sure you want
to do remove your phone number from your Dota account? The phone number will still
be associated with your Steam account, but you will be unable to use this phone
number on a different Dota account for the next 3 months and will be unable to play
Ranked Matchmaking on this account until a phone number is associated again."
"ranked_phone_anchor_unanchor_result_header" "Dota Phone Removal"
"ranked_phone_anchor_unanchor_result_error_unknown" "Unknown error occurred
during phone removal."

"seasonal_ranked_disabled" "Season Ranked

Matchmaking is temporarily disabled."
"seasonal_ranked_mmr_2017" "International 2017
"seasonal_ranked_mmr_solo_label" "Solo"
"seasonal_ranked_mmr_solo_value" "{i:seasonal_solo_mmr}
<i>&nbsp;(Peak: {i:seasonal_solo_mmr_peak}, Games:
"seasonal_ranked_mmr_solo_calibrating" "TBD -
{i:seasonal_solo_calibrating_games} Games Remaining"
"seasonal_ranked_mmr_solo_no_data" "Requires
{i:seasonal_solo_calibrating_required_games} Games to Calibrate"
"seasonal_ranked_mmr_party_label" "Party"
"seasonal_ranked_mmr_party_value" "{i:seasonal_party_mmr}
<i>&nbsp;(Peak: {i:seasonal_party_mmr_peak}, Games:
"seasonal_ranked_mmr_party_calibrating" "TBD -
{i:seasonal_party_calibrating_games} Games Remaining"
"seasonal_ranked_mmr_party_no_data" "Requires
{i:seasonal_party_calibrating_required_games} Games to Calibrate"
"seasonal_ranked_mmr_locked_explain" "Season Ranked
Matchmaking:<br /><br />Available exclusively to owners of the <a
href=\"javascript:GoToBattlePass();\">International Battle Pass</a>, each
participating player has a separate Season MMR that lasts for the duration of the
Battle Pass. At the end of the season, if you have 40 games played you'll be given
the option to replace your Ranked MMR with whatever Season MMR you reach during the
"seasonal_all_draft_tooltip" "Only the Ranked All Pick
mode is available in Season Ranked Matchmaking."
"seasonal_ranked_leaderboards_button" "View Friend/Global

"seasonal_ranked_transfer_party" "Transfer to Party Ranked

"seasonal_ranked_transfer_solo" "Transfer to Solo Ranked
"seasonal_ranked_transfer_already" "Already transferred."
"seasonal_ranked_transfer_not_enough_games" "Can't transfer, under 40
games played."

"seasonal_ranked_transfer_confirmation_title" "Transfer
International Ranked MMR"
"seasonal_ranked_transfer_confirmation_solo" "Are you sure you
want to replace your Ranked Solo MMR with your International Solo MMR from this
season? Once done this cannot be undone."
"seasonal_ranked_transfer_confirmation_party" "Are you sure you
want to replace your Ranked Party MMR with your International Ranked MMR from this
season? Once done this cannot be undone."
"seasonal_ranked_transfer_confirmation_success" "Successfully
transferred your International Ranked MMR to your Ranked MMR."
"seasonal_ranked_transfer_confirmation_failure" "Error when trying
to transfer International Ranked MMR."

"ranked_lane_selection_locked_explain" "Ranked Role Selection

Matchmaking:<br /><br />Available exclusively to owners of the <a
href=\"javascript:GoToBattlePass();\">International Battle Pass</a>, each
participating player can select a role before matchmaking and the matchmaker will
form a team with all the roles represented."

"event_custom_game_points_label" "Current Points"

"event_custom_game_points" "{d:active_event_custom_game_
"event_custom_game_points_left_label" "Points to Next Reward"
"event_custom_game_points_left" "{d:active_event_custom_
"event_custom_game_claim_reward" "Claim Reward"
"event_custom_game_claim_reward_point_cost" "Spend
{d:active_event_custom_game_points_per_reward} Points"
"event_custom_game_point_daily_bonus" "Daily Bonus Active"
"event_custom_game_next_daily_bonus" "Next Daily Bonus:
"event_custom_game_point_daily_bonus_info" "For the first game of the day in
which you survive until at least round five, you will receive a large daily bonus,
alongside a multiplier for all points earned normally in that game. <br><br>Current
Bonus: 35,000 points + 6x Score Multiplier."
"event_custom_game_end_date" "Event Ends {t:s:t:event_end_time}"
"event_custom_game_expiration_date" "Claim Rewards Until

"competitive_team_identity_checkbox" "Play as {s:team_identity_tag}"

"ranked_mmr_team_label" "Team"
"ranked_mmr_team_value" "{d:team_identity_rank}"
"ranked_mmr_team_calibrating" "TBD - {i:team_calibrating_games}
Games Remaining"
"ranked_mmr_team_no_data" "Requires
{i:team_calibrating_required_games} Games to Calibrate"

"ranked_mmr_solo_calibration_games" "{i:solo_calibrating_games} Solo

Ranked Calibration Games Remaining"
"ranked_mmr_party_calibration_games" "{i:party_calibrating_games} Party
Ranked Calibration Games Remaining"
"ranked_calibration_games" "{i:calibration_games_remaini
ng} Ranked Calibration Games Remaining"

"matchmaking_account_disabled" "You have been too

disruptive and will not be able to chat or join the matchmaking queue. Time
remaining: {t:r:e:match_denied_time}"

"matchmaking_match_disabled_party" "{s:match_denied_player_name}
will prevent matching due to failing to ready-up or abandoning his or her last
game. Time remaining: {t:r:e:match_denied_time}"
"matchmaking_low_priority_party" "{s:match_denied_p
layer_name} will only allow low priority matchmaking due to abandoning games or
receiving excessive reports. Victories remaining: {d:match_denied_games}"

"matchmaking_match_disabled_local" "Matching disabled due to

excessive reports, failing to ready-up or abandoning. Time remaining:
"matchmaking_low_priority_local" "You will only be
able to match in the low priority matchmaking pool due to abandoning games or
receiving excessive reports. Victories remaining: {d:match_denied_games}"

"custom_game_disabled_local" "You are prevented from

playing custom games due to failing to ready up or abandoning custom games that
have leaver penalties enabled. Time remaining: {t:r:e:match_denied_time}"

"dota_ready_up_count" "{s:ready_up_ready} /

"dota_play_normal_match" "Unranked"
"dota_play_ranked_match" "Ranked"
"dota_play_ranked_lane_selection_match" "Ranked Roles"
"dota_play_seasonal_ranked_match" "International Ranked"
"dota_play_practice_1v1" "Practice 1v1"
"dota_play_practice_with_bots" "Practice with Bots"
"dota_play_lobby_games" "View Lobbies"
"dota_play_lobbies_section" "Custom Lobbies"
"dota_play_create_lobby" "Create"
"dota_play_browse_lobbies" "Browse"

"dota_play_practice_1v1_playtab" "PRACTICE 1v1"

"dota_play_mutation" "MUTATION"
"dota_play_event_custom_game" "PRACTICE 1v1"

"dota_play_1v1_desc" "Practice your solo

midlane game against one other player. Practice ends when one player dies twice or
loses a tower."
"dota_play_practice_1v1_party_warning" "Parties are not allowed in
1v1 matchmaking"

"dota_play_mutation_desc" "An Unranked Match with

several rotating modifications to the game."
"dota_play_mutation_current" "Current mutations:"
"dota_play_mutation_time_new" "Time until new mutations: "
"dota_play_mutation_time_remaining" "{i:mutations_hours} Hours,
{i:mutations_minutes} Minutes"

"dota_play" "Play Dota"

"dota_play_searching" "Finding Match"
"dota_play_host_loading" "Host Loading..."
"dota_play_connecting_to_server" "Connecting..."
"dota_play_lobby_find_server" "Finding Server"
"dota_reconnect" "Reconnect"
"dota_reconnecting" "Reconnecting..."
"dota_abandon_game" "Abandon"
"dota_safe_leave_game" "Leave Game"
"dota_disconnect" "Disconnect"
"dota_play_unavailable" "Unavailable"
"dota_leaver_consequence_tooltip_header" "Consequences"
"dota_leaver_consequences" "{s:leaver_consequences}
"dota_leaver_consequences_details" "{s:leaver_consequences_detai
"dota_leaver_view_tooltip" "View Details"
"dota_waiting_for_match_ready" "Accepted
( {d:ready_up_accepted} / {d:ready_up_total} )"
"dota_play_returning_to_queue" "Returning to Queue"

"dota_play_custom_game_desc" "Fight your way through

hordes of enemies and other players as one of 8 teams of 3 players. Earn Battle
Points by finding treasure or being the last team remaining!"

"dota_leaver_consequence_header_failure_to_reconnect" "Failure
to reconnect will result in the following consequences:"
"dota_leaver_consequence_header_leave_match" "Leaving
this match will result in negative consequences"
"dota_leaver_consequence_LetDownTeammates" "Your
teammates will play at a disadvantage."
"dota_leaver_consequence_SmallMatchmakingCooldown" "You
will be prevented from matchmaking for a period of time."
"dota_leaver_consequence_CreditWithAbandon" "You
will receive an abandon."
"dota_leaver_consequence_ForcedLossForLeaver" "You
will receive a loss."
"Everyone in your party will receive a loss."
"dota_leaver_consequence_ForcedLossForLeaversTeam" "Your
team, %s1, will receive a loss."
"dota_leaver_consequence_MMRLossForLeaver" "Your
MMR will decrease."
"dota_leaver_consequence_MMRLossForLeaversParty" "The MMR
of everyone in your party will decrease."
"dota_leaver_consequence_MMRLossForLeaversTeam" "The MMR
of your team, %s1, will decrease."
"dota_leaver_consequence_MatchDiscardedForOtherPlayers" "The
match will not be scored for other players."
"dota_leaver_consequence_NotDecrementLowPriGamesRemaining" "You
will not be credited with having completed the match."

"dota_reconnect_popup_title" "Reconnect?"
"dota_reconnect_popup_message" "Placeholder text -
would you like to reconnect to the game?"

"dota_matchmaking_regions_refresh" "Refresh Pings"

"dota_matchmaking_regions_retry" "Retry"
"dota_matchmaking_region_ping" "{s:region_ping}"
"dota_matchmaking_region_offline" "Offline for Maintenance"
"dota_matchmaking_region_unknown_ping" "Ping: Unknown"
"dota_matchmaking_region_ping_time" "Ping: {i:ping_ms}ms"
"dota_matchmaking_region_ping_time_approx" "Ping: ~{i:ping_ms}ms"
"dota_matchmaking_region_ping_time_min" "Ping: >{i:ping_ms}ms"
"dota_matchmaking_region_ping_calculating" "Ping: Calculating..."
"dota_matchmaking_region_ping_failed" "Ping: FAILED"
"dota_matchmaking_region_or" "Or"

"DOTA_VAC_Verification_Header" "Valve Anti-

Cheat (VAC)"
"DOTA_VAC_Verification_Header_Solo" "Unable to join
matchmaking because an issue with your computer is blocking the VAC system. Please
ensure that you are not using any programs that may interfere with VAC and confirm
that Steam is correctly installed."
"DOTA_VAC_Verification_Header_Party" "Unable to join
matchmaking because an issue with your computer is blocking the VAC system of one
or more of your party members. Please ensure that your party members are not using
any programs that may interfere with VAC and confirm that they have Steam correctly
"DOTA_VAC_Verification_Button1" "More Info"
"DOTA_VAC_Verification_Button2" "Close"
"dota_matchmaking_regions_button" "{s:regions_selected}"

"dota_region_automatic" "Region: Auto"

"dota_regions_selected" "Regions: "
"dota_lobby_region_invalid" "None"

"dota_play_no_language_selected" "SELECT LANGUAGE"

"dota_play_language" "{s:match_language}"
"dota_play_language_many" "LANGUAGES:

"Your match was ready, but you failed to respond and have been removed from the
matchmaking pool."

"dota_all_chat_label" "[ALL]"
"dota_all_chat_label_prefix" "[ALL] "
"dota_chatwheel_unlock_level" "Level {d:unlock_event_level}"
"dota_chatwheel_event_reward_title" "Chat Wheel Items"
"dota_chatwheel_unlock_popup_title" "You Unlocked New Chat Wheel
"dota_chatwheel_customize" "Customize Chat Wheel"

"dota_settings_hotkeys" "Hotkeys"
"dota_settings_advancedhotkeys" "Advanced Hotkeys"
"dota_settings_options" "Options"
"dota_settings_audio" "Audio"
"dota_settings_about" "About"
"dota_settings_voice" "Voice"
"dota_settings_voice_level" "Current recording
"dota_settings_voice_steam_link" "Recording device settings
are configured using <a href=\"event:DOTAShowSteamVoiceSettings()\">Steam voice
"dota_settings_volume" "Volume"
"dota_settings_video" "Video"
"dota_settings_resetkeys" "Reset Hotkeys..."
"dota_settings_advancedkeys" "To Advanced Hotkeys"
"dota_settings_basickeys" "To Basic Hotkeys"
"dota_settings_returntohotkeys" "Return to Hotkeys"
"dota_settings_legacykeys" "Use Legacy Keys"
"dota_settings_per_unit_hotkeys" "Unit Specific Hotkeys"
"dota_settings_enable_quickcast" "Enable Quickcast"
"dota_settings_enable_item_quickcast" "Enable Advanced
Quickcast/Autocast Hotkeys"
"dota_settings_enable_item_quickcast_tooltip" "Enable Settings UI to allow
you to explicitly bind Quickcast and Autocast ability and item keybinds."
"dota_settings_abilities" "Abilities"
"dota_settings_abilities_hero" "Hero"
"dota_settings_abilities_neutrals" "Neutrals"
"dota_settings_abilities_courier" "Courier"
"dota_settings_abilities_primary1" "1"
"dota_settings_abilities_primary2" "2"
"dota_settings_abilities_primary3" "3"
"dota_settings_abilities_secondary1" "4"
"dota_settings_abilities_secondary2" "5"
"dota_settings_abilities_neutral1" "1"
"dota_settings_abilities_neutral2" "2"
"dota_settings_abilities_neutral3" "3"
"dota_settings_abilities_neutral4" "4"
"dota_settings_abilities_courier1" "1"
"dota_settings_abilities_courier2" "2"
"dota_settings_abilities_courier3" "3"
"dota_settings_abilities_courier4" "4"
"dota_settings_abilities_courier5" "5"
"dota_settings_abilities_courier6" "6"
"dota_settings_abilities_ultimate" "U"
"dota_settings_cast" "Cast"
"dota_settings_autocast" "Autocast"
"dota_settings_quickcast" "Quickcast"
"dota_settings_mirror" "Copy Hotkeys from Hero
"dota_settings_abilitylearn" "Learn Ability"
"dota_settings_upgradestats" "Upgrade Stats"
"dota_settings_upgradetalents" "Upgrade Talents"
"dota_settings_unitactions" "Unit Actions"
"dota_settings_shopactions" "Shop Actions"
"dota_settings_hotkeysoptions" "Hotkeys Options"

"dota_settings_advancedoptions_title" "Advanced Options"

"dota_settings_advancedoptions" "To Advanced Options"
"dota_settings_basicoptions" "To Basic Options"
"dota_settings_miscoptions" "Miscellaneous"
"dota_settings_attack" "Attack Move / Force
"dota_settings_move" "Move"
"dota_settings_move_direction" "Directional Move"
"dota_settings_patrol" "Patrol"
"dota_settings_stop" "Cancel Current Action"
"dota_settings_holdposition" "Hold Position"
"dota_settings_selecthero" "Select Hero"
"dota_settings_selectall" "Select All Controlled
"dota_settings_selectallothers" "Select All Other Units"
"dota_settings_selectcourier" "Select Courier"
"dota_settings_courierdeliver" "Courier Deliver Items"
"dota_settings_courierhaste" "Courier Shield"
"dota_settings_useactionitem" "Action Item"
"dota_settings_toggleautoattack" "Toggle Autoattack"
"dota_settings_herotaunt" "Taunt Item"
"dota_settings_items" "Items"
"dota_settings_openshop" "Open Shop"
"dota_settings_purchasequickbuy" "Purchase Quickbuy"
"dota_settings_purchasesticky" "Purchase Sticky"
"dota_settings_grabstashitems" "Take Stash Items"
"dota_settings_interface" "Interface"
"dota_settings_camera" "Camera"
"dota_settings_cameraactions" "Camera Actions"
"dota_settings_cameraup" "Camera Up"
"dota_settings_cameradown" "Camera Down"
"dota_settings_cameraleft" "Camera Left"
"dota_settings_cameraright" "Camera Right"
"dota_settings_cameragrip" "Camera Grip"
"dota_settings_plus" "Dota Plus"
"dota_settings_recentevent" "Show Recent Event"
"dota_settings_camera_hold_select_to_follow" "Hold Select Hero to Follow"
"dota_settings_camera_saved_position_1" "Position 1"
"dota_settings_camera_saved_position_2" "Position 2"
"dota_settings_camera_saved_position_3" "Position 3"
"dota_settings_camera_saved_position_4" "Position 4"
"dota_settings_camera_saved_position_5" "Position 5"
"dota_settings_camera_saved_position_6" "Position 6"
"dota_settings_camera_saved_position_7" "Position 7"
"dota_settings_camera_saved_position_8" "Position 8"
"dota_settings_camera_saved_position_9" "Position 9"
"dota_settings_camera_saved_position_10" "Position 10"
"dota_settings_camera_saved" "Saved Camera Positions"
"dota_settings_spectator_camera_saved" "Saved Spectator Camera Positions"
"dota_settings_spectator_camera_saved_position_1" "Position 1"
"dota_settings_spectator_camera_saved_position_2" "Position 2"
"dota_settings_spectator_camera_saved_position_3" "Position 3"
"dota_settings_spectator_camera_saved_position_4" "Position 4"
"dota_settings_spectator_camera_saved_position_5" "Position 5"
"dota_settings_spectator_camera_saved_position_6" "Position 6"
"dota_settings_spectator_camera_saved_position_7" "Position 7"
"dota_settings_spectator_camera_saved_position_8" "Position 8"
"dota_settings_spectator_camera_saved_position_9" "Position 9"
"dota_settings_spectator_camera_saved_position_10" "Position 10"
"dota_settings_inspectheroinworld" "Showcase View"
"dota_settings_chat" "Chat"
"dota_settings_phrases" "Phrases"
"dota_settings_chatwheel_page" "Customize Chat Wheels"
"dota_settings_chatteam" "Chat to Team"
"dota_settings_chatglobal" "Chat to Everyone"
"dota_settings_chatvoice_party" "Voice Chat ( PARTY )"
"dota_settings_chatvoice_team" "Voice Chat ( TEAM )"
"dota_settings_chatwheel_show" "Chat Wheel"
"dota_settings_chatwheel2_show" "Chat Wheel #2"
"dota_settings_chatwheel_tab" "Primary"
"dota_settings_chatwheel2_tab" "Secondary"
"dota_settings_herochatwheel_show" "Hero Chat Wheel"
"dota_settings_chat_ptt" "Push To Talk"
"dota_settings_chat_openmic" "Open Mic"
"dota_settings_playeractions" "Player Actions"
"dota_settings_activateglyph" "Activate Glyph"
"dota_settings_activateradar" "Activate Scan"
"dota_settings_scoreboardtoggle" "Scoreboard"
"dota_settings_pause" "Pause"
"dota_settings_screenshot" "Screenshot"
"dota_settings_console" "Console"
"dota_settings_death_summary" "Death Summary"
"dota_settings_dota_alt" "Alt Modifier"
"dota_settings_controlgroups" "Control Groups"
"dota_settings_controlgroupsadditional" "More Control Groups"
"dota_settings_controlgroupcycle" "Next Unit"
"dota_settings_controlgroupcycleprev" "Prev Unit"
"dota_settings_group1" "Group 1"
"dota_settings_group2" "Group 2"
"dota_settings_group3" "Group 3"
"dota_settings_group4" "Group 4"
"dota_settings_group5" "Group 5"
"dota_settings_group6" "Group 6"
"dota_settings_group7" "Group 7"
"dota_settings_group8" "Group 8"
"dota_settings_group9" "Group 9"
"dota_settings_group10" "Group 10"
"dota_settings_advancedpanel_goto" "Advanced"
"dota_settings_spectatorpanel_goto" "Spectator"
"dota_settings_standardpanel_goto" "Standard"
"dota_settings_spectatorandreplay" "Spectator/Replay Controls"
"dota_settings_spectatorandreplay_pt2" "Spectator/Replay Controls
"dota_settings_spectatorcameraup" "Spectator Camera Forward"
"dota_settings_spectatorcameradown" "Spectator Camera Back"
"dota_settings_spectatorcameraleft" "Spectator Camera Left"
"dota_settings_spectatorcameraright" "Spectator Camera Right"
"dota_settings_spectatorcameragrip" "Spectator Camera Grip"
"dota_settings_leftclick_cameragrip" "Left-Click Activates Camera
"dota_settings_spectatorpause" "Spectator Pause"
"dota_settings_spectatorchat" "Spectator Chat"
"dota_settings_spectatorscoreboard" "Spectator Scoreboard"
"dota_settings_spectatorbroadcastermenu" "Open Broadcaster Menu"
"dota_settings_spectatorincreasereplayspeed" "Increase Replay Speed"
"dota_settings_spectatordecreasereplayspeed" "Decrease Replay Speed"
"dota_settings_spectatorstatsharvest" "Spectator Harvest Stats"
"dota_settings_spectatorstatsitem" "Spectator Item Stats"
"dota_settings_spectatorstatsgold" "Spectator Gold Graph"
"dota_settings_spectatorstatsxp" "Spectator XP Graph"
"dota_settings_spectatorstatsfantasy" "Spectator Fantasy Stats"
"dota_settings_spectatorstatswinchance" "<img
src=\"file://{images}/dota_plus/dotaplus_logo_small.png\" />Spectator Win Chance"
"dota_settings_spectatorfowboth" "Spectator FOW Both Teams"
"dota_settings_spectatorfowradient" "Spectator FOW Radiant"
"dota_settings_spectatorfowdire" "Spectator FOW Dire"
"dota_settings_statsdropdown" "Stats Dropdown"
"dota_settings_spectatordropdown_sort" "Change Sorting"
"dota_settings_spectatordropdown_close" "Clear Category"
"dota_settings_spectatordropdown_kda" "Kills / Deaths / Assists"
"dota_settings_spectatordropdown_lasthits_denies" "Last Hits / Denies"
"dota_settings_spectatordropdown_level" "Hero Level"
"dota_settings_spectatordropdown_xp_per_min" "XP Per Minute"
"dota_settings_spectatordropdown_gold" "Current Gold"
"dota_settings_spectatordropdown_totalgold" "Net Worth"
"dota_settings_spectatordropdown_gold_per_min" "Gold Per Minute"
"dota_settings_spectatordropdown_buyback" "Buyback Status"
"dota_settings_spectatordropdown_fantasy" "Fantasy Scores"
"dota_settings_coaching" "Coaching"
"dota_settings_spectatorcoach_viewtoggle" "Coach Toggle Student Perspective"
"dota_settings_keyboardtemplate" "Select a Keyboard Template"
"dota_settings_or" "Or"
"dota_settings_cancel" "Cancel"
"dota_settings_apply" "Apply"
"dota_settings_game" "Game"
"dota_settings_summoned_unit_autoattack" "Summoned Unit Auto Attack:"
"dota_settings_autoattack_match_standard_unit_settings" "Same as Hero"
"dota_settings_autoattack" "Auto Attack:"
"dota_settings_autoattack_never" "Never"
"dota_settings_autoattack_after_spellcast" "Standard"
"dota_settings_autoattack_always" "Always"
"dota_settings_disable_autoattack_during_stop" "Disable Autoattack When Stop
is Held"
"dota_settings_toggle_autoattack_automatically_during_orders" "Toggle
Autoattack Automatically"
"dota_settings_quickcast_onkeydown" "Quickcast On Key Down"
"dota_settings_autopurchase" "Auto Purchase Items"
"dota_settings_autoselect" "Auto Select Summoned
"dota_settings_continue_click_after_cast_cancel" "Move after
Ability Target Cancelled"
"dota_settings_continue_click_after_cast_cancel_tooltip" "When using right-
click to cancel targeting an ability, move to the clicked location in addition to
cancelling the ability."
"dota_settings_doubletapself" "Double Tap Ability to Self
"dota_settings_smart_doubletap" "Smart Double Tap"
"dota_settings_unifiedorders" "Unified Orders with CTRL"
"dota_settings_teleportrequireshalt" "Teleport Requires Hold/Stop"
"dota_settings_channelrequireshalt" "Channeled Abilities Require
"dota_settings_force_right_click_attack" "Right-Click to Force Attack"
"dota_settings_herofinder" "Holding ALT Highlights
"dota_alt_shows_neutral_spawn_boxes" "Holding ALT Shows Neutral
"dota_alt_shows_tower_attack_range" "Holding ALT Shows Tower
Attack Range"
"dota_settings_rangefinder" "Show Ability
Rangefinder While Casting"
"dota_settings_name_over_healthbar" "Display Names Over
"dota_settings_showheronames" "Hero Names"
"dota_settings_alwaysshownames" "Player Names"
"dota_settings_dontshownames" "Nothing"
"dota_settings_showhitpoints" "Show Hitpoints Over Player
"dota_settings_forceshophotkeys" "Shop Always Uses Hotkeys"
"dota_settings_shop_search_autofocus" "Shop Search Gets Focus On Open"
"dota_settings_usebroadcastermenu" "Use Broadcaster Stats"
"dota_settings_hud_color" "HUD Color Scheme"
"dota_settings_hud_color_normal" "Default Colors"
"dota_settings_hud_color_colorblind" "Colorblind Mode"
"dota_settings_hud_color_selffocus" "Differentiate Ally
"dota_settings_hud_healthbar_disable_status_display" "Disable Status Text"
"dota_settings_hud_disable_damage_numbers" "Hide Damage Numbers"
"dota_settings_reducedflash" "Reduced Flash"
"dota_settings_minimap" "Minimap"
"dota_settings_minimap_preview" "Preview"
"dota_settings_minimap_AltDown" "Alt Preview"
"dota_settings_minimapsimplecolors" "Use Simple Colors in
"dota_settings_minimaphidebackground" "Hide Minimap Background"
"dota_settings_minimapsimplebackground" "Use Simple Minimap
"dota_settings_minimapshowheroicon" "Use Alt to show Hero icons"
"dota_settings_minimapextralarge" "Use Extra Large Minimap"
"dota_settings_minimapalwaysshowname" "Invert Alt Toggle"
"dota_settings_minimapflip" "Show Minimap on the
"dota_settings_cameradecel" "Camera Deceleration"
"dota_settings_cameraspeed" "Camera Speed"
"dota_settings_camerareversegrip" "Reverse Camera Grip"
"dota_settings_cameraedgepan" "Edge Pan"
"dota_settings_camerascreenshake" "Enable Screen Shake"
"dota_settings_cameraresetonspawn" "Center Camera on Hero on
"dota_settings_cameradeadcolorshift" "Camera Color-shift when
"dota_settings_profile" "Profile"
"dota_settings_social" "Social"
"dota_settings_hideprofile" "Hide Dota and Steam
"dota_settings_exposematchdata" "Expose Public Match
"dota_settings_ignorenonfriendparties" "Block party invites from
"dota_settings_ignorenonfriendguilds" "Block guild invites from
"dota_settings_hide_party_unless_open" "Hide party status when not
in an Open Party"
"dota_settings_open_party_manual_accept_invites" "Do not auto-accept invites
when in Open Party"
"dota_settings_allowtradeinvitesheader" "Trade invites from:"
"dota_settings_trade_guildandfriends" "Guildmates and Friends"
"dota_settings_trade_friends" "Friends Only"
"dota_settings_trade_anyone" "Anyone"
"dota_settings_network" "Network"
"dota_settings_networkhud" "Display Network
"dota_settings_networkquality" "Network Quality: "
"dota_settings_networkquality_low" "I have a Low-end Network"
"dota_settings_networkquality_high" "I have a High-end Network"
"dota_settings_usenativeresolution" "Use my monitor's current
"dota_settings_customresolution" "Use advanced settings"
"dota_settings_resolution" "Resolution"
"dota_settings_rendering" "Rendering"
"dota_settings_aspectratio" "Aspect Ratio"
"dota_settings_aspectratio43" "4:3"
"dota_settings_aspectratio169" "16:9"
"dota_settings_aspectratio1610" "16:10"
"dota_settings_resolution_size" "Size:"
"dota_settings_resolution_display_mode" "Display Mode:"
"dota_settings_fullscreen" "Exclusive Fullscreen"
"dota_settings_coop_fullscreen" "Desktop-friendly Fullscreen"
"dota_settings_window" "Windowed"
"dota_settings_borderless" "Borderless Window"
"dota_settings_videodefaults" "Reset to defaults"
"dota_settings_fullscreenbrightness" "Brightness"
"dota_settings_basicvideosettings" "Use basic settings"
"dota_settings_fastestvideo" "Fastest"
"dota_settings_appearancevideo" "Best Looking"
"dota_settings_advancedvideosettings" "Use advanced settings"
"dota_settings_antialiasing" "Anti-Aliasing"
"dota_settings_specular" "Specular"
"dota_settings_bloom" "Specular and Light
"dota_settings_waterquality" "High Quality Water"
"dota_settings_fog" "Atmospheric Fog /
"dota_settings_animateportrait" "Animate Portrait"
"dota_settings_additivelight" "Additive Light Pass"
"dota_settings_worldlight" "World Lighting"
"dota_settings_ambientocclusion" "Ambient Occlusion"
"dota_settings_ambientcreatures" "Ambient Creatures"
"dota_settings_ambient_cloth" "Ambient Cloth Simulation"
"dota_settings_normal_maps" "Normal Maps"
"dota_settings_parallax_mapping" "Ground Parallax"
"dota_settings_dashboard_renderquality" "High Quality Dashboard"
"dota_settings_vsync" "VSync"
"dota_settings_exp_lag_limiter" "Experimental Input Lag
"dota_settings_renderquality" "Game Screen Render Quality"
"dota_settings_shadowquality" "Shadow Quality"
"dota_settings_shadowquality_off" "Off"
"dota_settings_shadowquality_ultra" "Ultra"
"dota_settings_texturequality" "Texture Quality"
"dota_settings_texturequality_low" "Low"
"dota_settings_texturequality_med" "Med"
"dota_settings_texturequality_high" "High"
"dota_settings_particlequality" "Effects Quality"
"dota_settings_particlequality_low" "Low"
"dota_settings_particlequality_med" "Med"
"dota_settings_particlequality_high" "High"
"dota_settings_grassquality" "Grass"
"dota_settings_tree_wind" "Tree Wind"
"dota_settings_computeshader" "Compute Shaders"
"dota_settings_computeshader_tooltip" "Only supported on Vulkan and
DirectX 11.\nCompute shaders improve performance under most configurations."
"dota_settings_fps_max" "Maximum frames per
second allowed"
"dota_settings_fps_max_tip" "Extended values can be
provided with the +fps_max launch option.\nValues out of range for the slider will
disable the slider."
"dota_settings_mastervolume" "Master Volume"
"dota_settings_gamevolume" "Game Sounds"
"dota_settings_musicvolume" "Music"
"dota_settings_voicevolume" "Voice"
"dota_settings_gamevoicevolume" "Unit Speech"
"dota_settings_openmic" "Enable Open Mic to
communicate with party members"
"dota_settings_openmicthreshold" "Open Mic Threshold"
"dota_settings_voice_always_sample_mic" "Streamlined Push To Talk"
"dota_settings_voice_always_sample_mic_tooltip" "Keeps the recording device
active to avoid gameplay freezes on some hardware."
"dota_settings_audiodefaults" "Audio Defaults"
"dota_settings_defaultaudio" "Default"
"dota_settings_sounddevice" "Sound Device:"
"dota_settings_speakerconfig" "Speaker Configuration:"
"dota_settings_headphones" "Headphones"
"dota_settings_2speakers" "2 Speakers"
"dota_settings_4speakers" "4 Speakers"
"dota_settings_5speakers" "5.1 Speakers"
"dota_settings_7speakers" "7.1 Speakers"
"dota_settings_captions" "Use Captions"
"dota_settings_force_default_respawn_stinger" "Always use default respawn
"dota_settings_force_default_death_stinger" "Always play default
death music"
"dota_settings_lowlatency_audio" "Autodetect Audio Latency"
"dota_settings_playsoundinbackground" "Play Sound in Desktop"
"dota_settings_chatsounds" "Chat Message Sound"
"dota_settings_mutecobroadcasters" "Mute Co-Broadcasters"
"dota_settings_highqualityaudio" "High Quality Audio"
"dota_settings_enhancestereo" "Enhanced Stereo"
"dota_settings_unitspeeh" "Unit Speech"
"dota_settings_unitspeech_off" "Off"
"dota_settings_unitspeech_events" "Events"
"dota_settings_unitspeech_all" "All"
"dota_settings_quicktargetattack" "Quick Attack"
"dota_settings_quickmove" "Quick Move"
"dota_settings_targetedattackmove" "Smart Attack Move"
"OS_Default_Device" "Default Device"
"dota_settings_chat_whispers" "Display Steam messages as
"dota_settings_chat_join_regional" "Join regional chat channel
on startup"
"dota_settings_chat_allow_global" "Channel messages appear in
other channel tabs"
"dota_settings_chat_mute_everyone" "Mute all incoming chat"
"dota_settings_chat_mute_enemies" "Mute chat from enemies"
"dota_settings_match_solo_queue" "Strict Solo Ranked
"dota_settings_match_solo_queue_tooltip" "Do not match with or against
parties when playing ranked games."
"dota_settings_no_mode_resolutions" "No supported resolutions"
"dota_settings_fullscreen_focus_behavior" "Desktop-friendly fullscreen
minimizes on focus loss"
"dota_settings_render_system" "Rendering API in use:"
"dota_settings_next_render_system" "Rendering API for next
"dota_settings_render_system_reset" "If the game does not launch
properly after changing this setting you can add -safe_mode to your launch options
to have Dota start with a default rendering API."
"dota_settings_cur_render_system_tooltip" "The rendering API in use may
differ from what was requested if the requested renderer is not supported, failed
to initialize, was overridden by launch options or requires optional DLC to be
"dota_settings_render_system_tooltip" "Changes to this setting will
not take effect until the next launch.\nIf you have rendering API launch options
like -dx9, -dx11, -gl or -vulkan they lock this setting.\nTools mode will also lock
the setting."
"dota_settings_render_system_recommended" "recommended"
"dota_settings_render_system_needs_dlc" "DLC installation required"
"dota_settings_application" "Application"
"dota_settings_enable_console" "Enable console"
"dota_settings_enable_console_tooltip" "Changes to this setting will
not take effect until the next launch.\nIf you have launch options like -dev or -
console that enable the console they override this setting."
"dota_settings_activate_window_on_match_found" "Bring Dota 2 to front when
match found"
"dota_settings_activate_window_on_hero_picking_start""Bring Dota 2 to front
for pick phase and game start"
"dota_settings_activate_window_on_unpause" "Bring Dota 2 to front
when unpaused"
"dota_settings_binding_options" "Binding Options"
"dota_settings_allow_gui_key_to_bind" "Allow Windows / Command key
to be bound"
"dota_settings_button_code_is_scan_code" "Bind keys based on keyboard
"dota_settings_button_code_is_scan_code_tooltip" "Changing this may
require you to update your bindings"
"dota_settings_armory_automatically_add_new_item_to_collection" "Automatical
ly Add New Items to Collection"
"dota_settings_hide_tips_on_loading_screens" "Hide Tips on Loading
"dota_settings_default_spoiler_block_on" "Default Tournament Spoiler Block
to On"
"dota_settings_minimap_misclick_time" "Minimap Misclick Protection
"dota_settings_ability_self_cast_timeout" "Double-Tap Self Cast Timeout"
"dota_settings_camera_disable_zoom" "Disable Camera Zoom"
"dota_settings_minimap_size" "Minimap Size"
"dota_settings_minimap_size_smallest" "Small"
"dota_settings_minimap_size_largest" "Large"
"dota_settings_minimap_hero_size" "Minimap Hero Size"
"dota_settings_minimap_hero_scalar" "Dynamically Scale Hero Icons
in Minimap"
"dota_settings_minimap_hero_spread" "Spread Out Hero Icons"
"dota_settings_camera_zoom_in" "Camera Zoom In"
"dota_settings_camera_zoom_out" "Camera Zoom Out"
"DOTA_Settings_chooseunit" "Choose a Unit"
"dota_settings_player_auto_repeat_right_mouse" "Auto-repeat Right Mouse"
"dota_settings_auto_cursor_scale" "Automatically choose
cursor size"
"dota_settings_cursor_scale" "Cursor Size"
"dota_settings_cursor_scale_overridden" "If the -
cursor_scale_percent launch option is used it overrides cursor size settings"
"dota_settings_hud_query_panel" "Unit query
overrides hero control console"
"dota_settings_hud_query_panel_tooltip" "Selecting another unit
will show their details in the main HUD instead of in a separate display"
"dota_settings_help_tips" "Show Help Tips"
"dota_settings_help_tips_tooltip" "Help tips are overlays that
highlight and explain features in the user interface."
"dota_settings_help_tips_reset" "Reset"
"dota_settings_help_tips_reset_tooltip" "Mark all previously
dismissed Help Tips as not yet seen so that they will show up again."
"dota_settings_help_tips_reset_success_title" "Help Tips Reset"
"dota_settings_help_tips_reset_success_text" "Previously dismissed Help
Tips have been reset and will show again."
"dota_settings_plus_use_assistant" "Use Plus Assistant rather
than the default guides"
"DOTA_Keybind_ARROW" "Arrow (Default)"
"DOTA_Keybind_WASD" "WASD"
"DOTA_Keybind_MMO" "MMO"
"DOTA_Keybind_LEGACY" "Legacy Keys"
"DOTA_Keybind_LOL" "League of Legends"
"DOTA_Keybind_HON" "Heroes of Newerth"
"DOTA_Keybind_SMITE" "Smite"

"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_LearnAbility" "Enter Learn Ability mode when you have

skillpoints to spend."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_LearnStats" "Open the talent tree panel."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_HeroAttack" "Move to a location but attack any enemy
unit you see on the way / Attack a friendly unit if it's deniable."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_HeroMove" "Move to a location, or follow a unit
without attacking it."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_HeroMoveDirection" "Move in a direction without
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_HeroPatrol" "Add a patrol waypoint."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_HeroStop" "Interrupt your current action."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_HeroHold" "Interrupt your current action and hold your
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_HeroSelect" "Select your Hero."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_SelectAll" "Select all units under your control."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_SelectAllOthers" "Select all other units you control.
(Your Hero will not be selected.)"
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_CourierSelect" "Select the Courier."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_CourierDeliver" "Have the Courier deliver the items
from your stash to you."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_CourierHaste" "Activate the courier shield on your
courier when available."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_UseActionItem" "Use Action Item."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_HeroTaunt" "Use your Hero Taunt. Available as an
equippable item."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ShopToggle" "Open the Shop Panel."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_PurchaseQuickbuy" "Purchase the next item in your
Quickbuy area if you can afford it."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_PurchaseSticky" "Purchase the item that is in the
Sticky area if you can afford it."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_GrabStashItems" "Transfer all items from your Stash to
your Hero."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_RecentEvent" "Move the camera to the most recent event
in the world."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_InspectHeroInWorld" "View a unit from an up-close
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ChatTeam" "Send a message to everyone on your team."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ChatGlobal" "Send a message to everyone in your
current game. (Will add a SHIFT modifier to the Chat Team hotkey)"
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ChatVoiceParty" "Use your microphone to communicate
with all party members. If set to use open mic, this will also work in the
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ChatWheel" "Opens Chat Wheel for easy communication of
commonly used phrases."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_HeroChatWheel" "Opens the Hero Chat Wheel to have your
current hero speak specific phrases."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_CameraGrip" "Hold down and drag on the world to move
the camera."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ActivateGlyph" "Activates the Glyph of Fortification
to make your team's structures invulnerable for 5 seconds."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ActivateRadar" "Activates Scan."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ScoreboardToggle" "Open the in-game scoreboard."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_Pause" "Pause and Unpause a game in progress."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ScreenshotSettings" "Take a screenshot of the current
game view."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_Console" "Open the console. (For advanced users only)"
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_DeathSummary" "Show the Death Summary"
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_DotaAlt" "Rebind the Alt modifier"
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_Group" "Select a preset control group of units. To
define a control group, select the desired units and holding CTRL + one of these
group hotkeys."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_Legacy" "Use hotkeys from Dota 1. Ability hotkeys
will vary per Hero."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_PerUnitHotkeys" "Enable different ability hotkeys per
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_Quickcast" "Quickcast abilities trigger as soon as the
hotkey is pressed at the current location of the mouse cursor.<br><br>Can enable UI
to bind specific keys for Quickcast and Autocast under Advanced Hotkeys options"
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_Quickcast_Items" "Quickcast items trigger as soon as
the hotkey is pressed at the current location of the mouse cursor.<br><br>Can
enable UI to bind specific keys for Quickcast under Advanced Hotkeys options"
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_Autocast" "Toggle to automatically cast an ability
when it is ready. Applies to a limited number of abilities."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_Cast" "Hotkeys to cast a Hero ability."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_AbilityCast" "Hotkeys to use a hero ability."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_AbilityQuickcast" "A Quickcast ability will trigger as
soon as the hotkey is pressed at the current location of the mouse cursor."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ItemCast" "Hotkeys to use an item in your inventory."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ItemQuickcast" "A Quickcast item will trigger as soon
as the hotkey is pressed at the current location of the mouse cursor."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ChatVoiceTeam" "Use your microphone to communicate
with all team members."
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_CameraSavedPosition" "Quickly move the camera to a
saved location. Hold Control and the assigned key to save the location."

"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_Autoattack" "Autom
atically move to and attack enemies that are nearby."

"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_AutoattackSummon" "Use the same

setting as the selected Hero Autoattack option."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_AutoattackNever" "Never attack a
new target without explicitly targeting it."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_AutoattackAfterSpell" "Attack any nearby
target unless you have just moved, denied a creep, or pressed the stop or hold
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_AutoattackAlways" "Automatically attack
any enemy in range."
"Dota_Settings_Tooltip_Disable_Autoattack_During_Stop" "While the Stop key is
held, selected units will not auto-attack."
"Dota_Settings_Tooltip_Toggle_Autoattack_Automatically_During_Orders" "Hold
forces Autoattack:Never. Stop forces Autoattack: Always. Attack orders will clear
the setting back to the value in the options."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_QuickcastOnKeyDown" "The quickcast
ability will trigger when the key is pressed down, instead of when released up."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_AutoPurchase" "Buy
the next item in the suggested items list when you can afford it."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_AutoSelectSummons" "When new units are
summoned by the Hero, they are added to your selection group."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_DoubleTap" "Doubl
e-clicking an ability or item, or double-tapping the hotkey will cast it on
yourself when available."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_Smart_Doubletap" "Holding down Alt
when pressing an ability or item will trigger a double-tap if possible."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_UnifiedOrders" "Holdi
ng down CTRL when issuing an order will send it to all units you control."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_TeleportStop" "Movin
g or casting a spell won't cancel a teleport in progress. Applies only to Teleport
Scrolls or Boots of Travel."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_ChannelStop" "Moving or
casting a spell won't cancel a channel in progress. Applies to all Channeled Items
and Abilities except Teleport Scrolls and Boots of Travel."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_Force_Right_Click_Attack" "Right-
clicking on a friendly unit will cause your hero to attempt to attack that unit."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_BroadcasterStats" "When spectating a
game, show the stats dropdown that the broadcaster is using."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_Deceleration" "The
speed at which the camera comes to rest after moving. Larger number equates to a
faster stop."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_Screenshake" "Some spells
and stuns shake the camera."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_CameraRespawn" "Refocus the
camera on your Hero as soon as it has respawned."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_Camera_Hold_Select_To_Follow" "Hold select hero to
follow your hero."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_HideProfile" "Your
Dota 2 Profile will not be accessible by anyone. Your Steam Profile will not be
accessible from Dota 2."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_ShareMatchData" "Exposes match
data from your public games to third party entities."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_NetworkQuality" "If you have
a low end network connection, setting this to 'LOW' may help your network
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_MinimapSimple" "Minimap
colors are determined by team rather than individual players."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_InvertToggle" "Switch
Minimap icon type between selected default and ALT modified version."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_MinimapDrawHeroes" "When holding ALT, show
an icon of the Hero in the Minimap instead of the Hero's name."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_MinimapNamesIcon" "Always display the Hero
icon or Hero name in the Minimap, holding ALT will temporarily show X and O."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_ShopHotkeys" "Hotkeys in the
shop will override any keys that have been assigned to other functions when the
shop is open."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_QuickTargetAttack" "Pressing the attack key will
trigger an attack at the location of the mouse cursor."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_QuickMove" "Pressing the move key
will trigger a move command at the location of the mouse cursor."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_TargetedAttackMove" "When issuing an Attack
Move order, the selected unit(s) will target the enemy nearest to the cursor,
instead of the unit nearest to its current location."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_LeftClickCameraGrip" "When checked, you must
use the left mouse button in addition to the Camera Grip key to start camera
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_AutoRepeatRightMouse" "When holding down the
right mouse button, right click repeatedly."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_ShopSearchFocusOnOpen" "When enabled, opening
the shop will immediately clear and give focus to the Search box."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_PlusUseAssistant" "When enabled, Plus
Assistant will be used by rather than the default guides."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_BroadcastChannelChat" "By default, display messages
received from one channel in all other channel tabs."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_ALTHero" "Draw a green arrow over
your Hero when ALT is held down."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_ALTNeutral" "Show the spawnboxes for
Neutral camps when ALT is held down."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_ALTTower" "Show the Tower's attack
range when ALT is held down."

"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_Bringtofront" "If on the desktop when a

match is found, bring the Dota 2 client to the front."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_Bringtofront_Picking" "If on the desktop when
the hero picking phase begins, bring the Dota 2 client to the front."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_Bringtofront_Unpause" "If on the desktop when
the game is unpaused, bring the Dota 2 client to the front."

"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_RangeFinder" "Display a range indicator on

the ground for spells."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_Differentiate" "Ally healthbars display as
yellow to further differentiate them from your own green healthbar."

"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_Expose" "Allow third-party services to

access your match data."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_HideParty" "Show as playing alone to people in your
friends list, unless in an Open Party."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_AutoAccept" "Require friends and mutual friends
joining an Open Party to request an invite first."

"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_MinimapMisclick" "Time in seconds that input isn't

registered when the mouse first enters the minimap area."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_SelfCastTimeout" "Time in seconds between an ability
being clicked or press twice in a row to register as casting on yourself. Default
is 0.60"

"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_MinimapDynamicScale" "Scale Minimap Icons down as

they get close to each other. Doesn't scale Hero icons, only directional icons."

"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_NetworkInformation" "Display FPS, ping & packet-

loss in-game."
"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_AutoAddArmory" "When you received or purchase new
items, automatically add them to the Collection view under the Armory."

"DOTA_Settings_LegacyKeysActive" "Legacy Keys from Dota 1 are currently

enabled. To customize individual hotkeys, first turn off Legacy Keys under Advanced

"DOTA_create_bot_practice_desc" "Use matchmaking to find

teammates and play a game against bots."
"DOTA_Lobby_BotScript" "Bot Script"
"DOTA_Lobby_BotScriptURL" "View on Workshop"
"DOTA_Lobby_BotDifficulty" "Bot Difficulty"
"DOTA_Lobby_BotDifficulty_no_bot" "No Bot"
"DOTA_Lobby_BotDifficulty_passive" "Passive"
"DOTA_Lobby_BotDifficulty_easy" "Easy"
"DOTA_Lobby_BotDifficulty_medium" "Medium"
"DOTA_Lobby_BotDifficulty_hard" "Hard"
"DOTA_Lobby_BotDifficulty_unfair" "Unfair"
"DOTA_Lobby_BotTeam" "Pick Team"

"DOTA_create_bot_practice_solo" "Solo"
"DOTA_create_bot_practice_solo_desc" "Practice by yourself against
Bots in a local game. Doesn't use matchmaking and you can leave any time."
"DOTA_create_bot_practice_coop" "Co-Op"
"DOTA_create_bot_practice_coop_desc" "Use matchmaking to play with
others against Bots. <font color='#dd6666'>NOTE:</font> Abandoning this Bot game
will result in a penalty."

"DOTA_Lobby_BotDifficulty_bot_passive" "Passive Bot"

"DOTA_Lobby_BotDifficulty_bot_easy" "Easy Bot"
"DOTA_Lobby_BotDifficulty_bot_medium" "Medium Bot"
"DOTA_Lobby_BotDifficulty_bot_hard" "Hard Bot"
"DOTA_Lobby_BotDifficulty_bot_unfair" "Unfair Bot"

"dota_lobby_host" "Lobby Host:


"dota_lobby_title" "{g:dota_filtered_string:lobby_name
"dota_lobby_title_local_game" "Local Lobby"
"dota_lobby_title_default" "Lobby"

"lobby_row_player_name" "{s:player_name}"
"dota_lobby_row_game_name" "{s:game_name}"
"dota_lobby_row_slots" "{s:slots}"
"dota_lobby_row_game_mode" "{s:game_mode}"
"dota_lobby_row_region" "{s:region}"

"dota_lobby_row_join" "Join"
"dota_lobby_row_leave" "Leave"
"dota_lobby_coaches_title" "Coaches"

"dota_lobby_browser_all_game_modes" "All Game Modes"

"dota_lobby_browser_title" "Browse Dota Lobbies"
"dota_lobby_browser_num_available" "( {d:lobbies_available} available )"

"dota_lobby_browser_no_lobbies" "No Lobbies Found"

"dota_lobby_browser_no_matching_lobbies" "No Lobbies that match your search"
"dota_lobby_browser_updating" "Updating Lobby List..."
"dota_lobby_browser_search_placeholder" "Search Lobbies"
"dota_lobby_browser_game_mode" "Game Mode"
"dota_lobby_browser_refresh" "Refresh"
"dota_lobby_browser_filter_title" "Filter Lobbies"
"dota_lobby_submit_filter" "Submit"

"dota_lobby_browser_header_name" "Lobby Name"

"dota_lobby_browser_header_slots" "Slots"
"dota_lobby_browser_header_game_mode" "Game Mode"
"dota_lobby_browser_header_region" "Region"
"dota_lobby_browser_region" "Region"
"dota_lobby_browser_lobby_name" "Lobby Name"
"dota_lobby_browser_all_regions" "All Regions"

"dota_popup_lobby_password_title" "Enter Lobby Password"

"DOTA_AttackCapability_Melee" "Melee"
"DOTA_AttackCapability_Ranged" "Ranged"

"DOTA_Item_OnMarket" "Market"
"DOTA_Items_DefaultSet" "Default Set"
"DOTA_Items_SetEquipped_Label" "Equipped"

"DOTA_NotEquippedItem_Label" "Not Equipped"

"DOTA_EquippedItem_Label" "Equipped"
"DOTA_NotShuffledItem_Label" "Not In Shuffle"
"DOTA_ShuffledItem_Label" "In Shuffle"
"DOTA_PreviewingItem_Label" "Previewing"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_Rarity" "{s:equipped_econ_set_rarity}"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_SetName" "{s:equipped_econ_set_name}"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_DefaultSet" "Default Set"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_PartialSet" "Partial Set"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_Style" "{i:equipped_econ_set_style_count}

"DOTA_EquippedItem_Button_Details" "{s:equipped_details_button_text}"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_Button_SingleItemShuffle" "Equip"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_Customize" "Customize"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_CustomSet" "Custom Set"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_Equip" "Equip"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_Unequip" "Unequip"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_Unpack_And_Equip" "Unpack and Equip"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_AddToShuffle" "Add to Shuffle"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_RemoveFromShuffle" "Remove From Shuffle"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_Unpack_And_AddToShuffle" "Unpack and Add to Shuffle"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_Details" "{s:equipped_econ_set_type_name}
"DOTA_EquippedItem_Purchase_Button" "Purchase"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_Marketplace_Button" "Market"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_BundleName" "In
Bundle \"{s:equipped_econ_set_bundle}\""
"DOTA_EquippedItem_FilterText" "Previewing"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_SaleAmount" "-{i:equipped_econ_set_sale_amount}
"DOTA_EquippedItem_RegularSetPrice" "{s:equipped_econ_regular_set_price}"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_SetPrice" "{s:equipped_econ_set_price}"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_TreasurePrice" "{s:equipped_econ_treasure_price}"

"DOTA_HeroDemo_Button" "Demo {s:econ_item_category_name}"

"DOTA_HeroDemo_Button_Tooltip" "Launch into Demo mode to check out
this item set or hero's abilities"
"DOTA_HeroDemo_Button_Return" "Return to Demo"
"DOTA_HeroDemo_Button_Return_Tooltip" "Return to Demo mode and load
whichever item set or hero you've selected"
"DOTA_HeroDemo_Button_DBQuit" "Quit Demo"

"DOTA_HeroDemo_Button_Hero" "Demo Hero"

"DOTA_HeroDemo_Button_Arcana" "Demo Arcana"
"DOTA_HeroDemo_Button_ToLoadout" "Go to Loadout"

// NOTE: These 3 are placed in the equipped_econ_set_type_name dialog

"DOTA_EquippedItem_Bundle" "Bundle"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_ItemSet" "Set"
"DOTA_EquippedItem_Item" "Item"

"DOTA_OwnedItemDetails_Rarity" "{s:item_rarity}"
"DOTA_OwnedItemDetails_ItemName" "{g:dota_filtered_string:item_name}"
"DOTA_OwnedItemDetails_DefaultSet" "Default Set"
"DOTA_OwnedItemDetails_Style" "{i:item_style_count} Style(s)"
"DOTA_OwnedItemDetails_BundleName" "In Bundle \"{s:item_bundle}\""

"DOTA_EconItemSet_Name" "{s:econ_set_name}"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_Rarity" "{s:econ_set_rarity}"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_Status" "{s:econ_set_status}"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_Price" "{s:econ_set_price}"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_SaleAmount" "-{i:econ_sale_amount}%"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_DeveloperOnly" "Not Public"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_TestItem" "Test Item"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_Tooltip_IsBundle" "This is a bundle containing other items"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_Tooltip_IsTreasure" "This is a treasure"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_Tooltip_MultipleStyles" "Has multiple styles"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_Tooltip_AutoStyle" "Active style determined by gameplay"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_Tooltip_MultipleTeams" "Has different styles for Radiant
and Dire"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_Tooltip_HasEmptySocket" "Has empty sockets"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_Tooltip_HasCommonGem" "Has one or more gems"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_Tooltip_HasRareGem" "Has one or more rare gems"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_Tooltip_BattlePass" "Part of {g:dota_event_name:event_id}"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_Tooltip_DotaPlus" "Part of Dota Plus"

"DOTA_EconItemSet_Tooltip_RaresTradeableImmediately" "Ultra-Rare is tradeable

and marketable immediately"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_Tooltip_RaresTradeableJuly" "Ultra-Rare is tradeable and
marketable after June 30th"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_Tooltip_RaresTradeableAugust" "Ultra-Rare is tradeable and
marketable after August 1st"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_Tooltip_Exclusive_To_TI6_BattlePass_Owners" "Cache items
are exclusive and will not be available for purchase elsewhere after The
"Prestige items are exclusive and will not be available for purchase elsewhere
after The International."

"DOTA_EconItemSet_Tooltip_Exclusive_To_TI7_BattlePass_Owners" "Cache items

are exclusive and will not be available for purchase elsewhere after The

"Limited Marketability"
"DOTA_EconItemSet_Tooltip_Prestige_Exclusive_To_TI7_BattlePass_Owners" "Exclu
sive Reward"

"DOTA_LoadoutSet_Tooltip_InBundle" "This set is contained within a bundle"

"DOTA_LoadoutSet_Tooltip_PartialSet" "This contains only part of the full
item set"

"DOTA_HeroRole_Carry" "Carry"
"DOTA_HeroRole_Support" "Support"
"DOTA_HeroRole_Nuker" "Nuker"
"DOTA_HeroRole_Disabler" "Disabler"
"DOTA_HeroRole_Jungler" "Jungler"
"DOTA_HeroRole_Durable" "Durable"
"DOTA_HeroRole_Escape" "Escape"
"DOTA_HeroRole_LaneSupport" "Lane Support"
"DOTA_HeroRole_Pusher" "Pusher"
"DOTA_HeroRole_Initiator" "Initiator"

"DOTA_HeroComplexity" "Complexity"
"DOTA_HeroComplexity_Description_1" "This hero's ability mechanics are
fairly straightforward to execute."
"DOTA_HeroComplexity_Description_2" "This hero's ability mechanics
require a moderate degree of skill, coordination, and timing to execute."
"DOTA_HeroComplexity_Description_3" "This hero's ability mechanics
require a high degree of skill, coordination, and timing to execute."

"DOTA_HeroRole_Description_Carry" "Will become more useful later in

the game if they gain a significant gold advantage."
"DOTA_HeroRole_Description_Support" "Can focus less on amassing gold
and items, and more on using their abilities to gain an advantage for the team."
"DOTA_HeroRole_Description_Nuker" "Can quickly kill enemy heroes
using high damage spells with low cooldowns."
"DOTA_HeroRole_Description_Disabler" "Has a guaranteed disable for one
or more of their spells."
"DOTA_HeroRole_Description_Jungler" "Can farm effectively from neutral
creeps inside the jungle early in the game."
"DOTA_HeroRole_Description_Durable" "Has the ability to last longer in
"DOTA_HeroRole_Description_Escape" "Has the ability to quickly avoid
"DOTA_HeroRole_Description_LaneSupport" "Helpful during early-game laning
protecting your team's carry and allowing them to farm."
"DOTA_HeroRole_Description_Pusher" "Can quickly siege and destroy
towers and barracks at all points of the game."
"DOTA_HeroRole_Description_Initiator" "Good at starting a teamfight."

"DOTA_HeroGrid_OptionCategory_Role" "Roles:"
"DOTA_HeroGrid_OptionCategory_Attributes" "Attributes:"
"DOTA_HeroGrid_OptionCategory_AttackType" "Attack Type:"

"DOTA_HeroLoadout_PreviousHeroName" "{s:previous_hero_name}"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_NextHeroName" "{s:next_hero_name}"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_CurrentHeroName" "{s:hero_name}"

"DOTA_HeroLoadout_AttackType" "{s:hero_attack_type}"

"DOTA_HeroLoadout_HeroFilterName" "Hero"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_GlobalFilterName" "Global"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_ArcanaFilterName" "Arcana"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_ImmortalFilterName" "Immortal"

"DOTA_HeroLoadout_Search" "Search for {s:hero_name}


"DOTA_HeroLoadout_Shuffle_Count" "Item(s) In Shuffle

"DOTA_HeroLoadout_Add_All_To_Shuffle" "Add All To Shuffle"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_Clear_Shuffle" "Clear Shuffle"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_Loadout" "Loadout"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_About" "About"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_Guides" "Guides"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_Roles" "Roles"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_Biography" "Biography"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_Stats" "Stats"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_Trends" "Trends"

"DOTA_HeroLoadout_OwnedItems" "Owned"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_AvailableItems" "Available"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_ViewOnStore" "(View On Store)"

"DOTA_HeroLoadout_StrengthAttribute" "{s:base_str} +
{s:str_per_level} per level"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_AgilityAttribute" "{s:base_agi} +
{s:agi_per_level} per level"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_IntelligenceAttribute" "{s:base_int} + {s:int_per_level}
per level"

"DOTA_HeroCustomize_Title" "Customize Hero"

"DOTA_HeroCustomize_OwnedItems" "Owned Items"
"DOTA_HeroCustomize_Slot" "Slot"
"DOTA_HeroCustomize_SlotName" "{s:slot_name}"
"DOTA_HeroCustomize_SlotEquippedItemName" "{s:equipped_item_name}"
"DOTA_HeroCustomize_DefaultItemName" "Default Item"
"DOTA_HeroCustomize_PreviewItemName" "{s:preview_item_name}"
"DOTA_HeroCustomize_PreviewStyle" "{s:preview_style_name}"
"DOTA_HeroCustomize_PreviewItemSlot" "{s:preview_item_slot}"
"DOTA_HeroCustomize_Rarity" "{s:preview_item_rarity}"
"DOTA_HeroCustomize_StyleLocked" "Prerequisite Needed To Equip"
"DOTA_HeroCustomize_SelectItemsInSet" "Select Set Items"

"DOTA_HeroCard_Suggested" "Suggested"
"DOTA_HeroCard_SuggestedBan" "Ban Suggested"
"DOTA_HeroCard_AllHeroChallenge" "All Hero Challenge"
"DOTA_HeroCard_DailyQuest" "Daily Quest"
"DOTA_HeroCard_BonusHero" "Bonus Hero"

"DOTA_UIEconItem_StyleIndex" "{i:style_index}"

"dota_ready_up_num_accepted" "{i:num_accepted} / {i:total_players}

"returning_top_of_queue" "Returning to matchmaking with high
"returning_to_lobby" "Returning to lobby to find more
"ready_up_party_failed" "A member of your party failed to
accept the match..."

"GC_reconnecting" "Restoring connection to the Dota 2

game coordinator..."
"GC_nosteam" "Lost connection to Steam"
"GC_steamoffline" "Offline Mode"
"GC_searching" "Searching for the Dota 2
game coordinator..."
"GC_noconnection" "Not connected to the Dota 2 game
"GC_connecting" "Connecting to the Dota 2
game coordinator..."
"GC_connected" "Connected to the Dota 2 game
"GC_down" "Dota 2 game coordinator
temporarily offline."
"GC_updating" "Dota 2 game coordinator is
currently being updated..."
"GC_logging_in" "Connected to the Dota 2 game
coordinator; logging in..."
"GC_steamupdating" "The Steam servers are
currently being updated..."
"GC_Network_Full" "Dota 2 game coordinator currently
"GC_Queue_Position" "Dota 2 game coordinator
currently full. Queue position: {i:gc_queue_position}"
"GC_Queue_Wait_Time" "Dota 2 game coordinator currently
full. Queue position: {i:gc_queue_position}, Estimated wait time:
"GC_Wait_Time" "Estimated wait time: %s1"
"GC_Wait_Time_Unknown" "Unknown"
"GC_suspended" "Account Suspended after
external tools attached to Dota 2 were detected by the Valve Anti-Cheat system."
"dota_practice_vs_bots" "Begin Practice vs Bots"
"dota_practice_vs_bots_desc" "Play a practice match versus Bots. This
doesn't use matchmaking and you can leave the match at any time"
"dota_practice_vs_bots_difficulty" "Bot Difficulty"

"dota_cannot_request_steamdatagram_ticket" "Steam datagram ticket is

missing, and we cannot request a new one at this time. {s:reason}"

"dota_practice_vs_bots_team" "Play as which team?"

"DOTA_practice_vs_bots_team_radiant" "Radiant"
"DOTA_practice_vs_bots_team_dire" "Dire"
"DOTA_practice_vs_bots_team_random" "Random"

"DOTA_BotScripting_Title" "Bot Scripts on the Workshop"

"DOTA_BotScripting_LastUpdated" "Last Updated: <span
"DOTA_BotScripting_Subscribers" "Subscribers: <span
"DOTA_BotScripting_Upvotes" "Upvotes: <span
"DOTA_BotScripting_WorkshopPage" "Workshop Page"

"DOTA_BotScripting_SortUpvotes" "Upvotes"
"DOTA_BotScripting_SortSubscriptions" "Subscriptions"
"DOTA_BotScripting_SortTrending" "Trending"
"DOTA_BotScripting_SortLastUpdated" "Last Updated"
"DOTA_BotScripting_SortPlaytime" "Playtime"

"DOTA_BotScripting_Subscribe" "Subscribe"
"DOTA_BotScripting_Use" "Use"
"DOTA_BotScripting_Unsubscribe" "Unsubscribe?"
"DOTA_BotScripting_DownloadPending" "Download Pending..."

"DOTA_EmoticonUpsell" "Emoticons are unlocked by purchasing specific hero

items or league tickets."

"DOTA_CurrentTime" "{t:t:current_time}"
"DOTA_MonthlyPlayers" "{s:users_last_month}"
"DOTA_MonthlyPlayersLabel" "Unique Players in the Last Month"

"DOTA_CurrentPlayers" "{s:current_users}"
"DOTA_CurrentPlayersLabel" "Players In Game Now"

"DOTA_Search_NoResults" "No Results"

"DOTA_Search_ItemShortDescription" "<span
class=\"ItemRarityColor\">{s:item_rarity}</span> {s:item_slot}"

"join_error_already_in_game" "Unable to join practice lobby, as you are

already in a game."
"join_error_invalid_lobby" "The lobby you specified no longer
"join_error_incorrect_password" "Incorrect password."
"join_error_access_denied" "Access denied."
"join_error_generic" ""
"join_error_in_team_party" "Unable to join practice lobby. You must
disband your team party before joining practice games."
"join_error_lobby_full" "Lobby is full."
"join_error_timed_out" "Request timed out."
"join_error_custom_game_cooldown" "You are currently prevented from joining
custom games for leaving games with penalties or failing to ready up. Time left:

"DOTA_Friends_Ready_To_Play" "Open Games"

"DOTA_Friend_Finding_Match" "Finding Match..."
"DOTA_Friend_In_Match" "In Match"
"DOTA_Friend_Solo_Open_Party" "{s:player_name} is looking to play"
"DOTA_Friend_In_Party_Open" "{s:player_name} is in an open party"
"DOTA_Friend_Solo_Open_Party_Self" "You are looking for party members"
"DOTA_Friend_In_Open_Party_Self" "You are in an open party"
"DOTA_Friends_In_Party_Open" "{d:num_friends} friends in open party"
"DOTA_Friend_Lobby_Mode_Self" "You are in a {s:game_mode} Lobby"
"DOTA_Friend_Lobby_Mode_1_Friend" "{s:player_name} in {s:game_mode} Lobby"
"DOTA_Friend_Lobby_Mode_N_Friends" "{d:num_friends} friends in {s:game_mode}
"DOTA_Friend_Lobby_Mode_Small" "{s:game_mode} Lobby"
"DOTA_Friend_Lobby_Players" "{d:player_count} / {d:max_player_count}"
"DOTA_Friend_Lobby_Join_Button" "{s:join_button_text}"
"DOTA_Friend_Lobby_Friend_Count" "+{d:extra_friend_count}"
"DOTA_Friend_Game_Mode_Self" "You are in a {s:game_mode} game"
"DOTA_Friend_Game_Mode_1_Friend" "{s:player_name} playing {s:game_mode}"
"DOTA_Friend_Game_Mode_N_Friends" "{d:num_friends} friends playing
"DOTA_Friend_Invite_To_Party" "Invite to party"
"DOTA_Friend_SuggestInviteToParty" "Suggest invite to party"
"DOTA_Request_Join_Party" "Request to join party"
"DOTA_Request_Merge_Parties" "Request to merge parties"
"DOTA_Request_Merge_Parties_NotLeader" "The party leader can request to
merge parties."
"DOTA_Friend_PartyInvitePending" "Party invite pending"
"DOTA_Friend_PartyInvitePending_Leader" "Party invite pending<br/>Click to
cancel invite"
"DOTA_Friend_PartyMergeRequestPending" "Party join request pending"
"DOTA_Friend_PartyMergeRequestPending_Leader" "Party join request
pending<br/>Click to cancel request"
"DOTA_Friend_JoinParty" "Join Party"
"DOTA_Friend_Watch" "Watch"

"DOTA_Teams_NoInfo" "No Information Entered"

"Looking to play"

"DOTA_PartyMerge_Error_Title" "Party join/merge failed"

"DOTA_PartyMerge_Error_NOT_LEADER" "Party operations can only be performed by
the party leader"
"DOTA_PartyMerge_Error_TOO_MANY_PLAYERS" "Parties cannot be joined because
there are too many players."
"DOTA_PartyMerge_Error_TOO_MANY_COACHES" "Parties cannot be joined because
there are too many coaches."
"DOTA_PartyMerge_Error_ENGINE_MISMATCH" "Parties cannot be joined because
they are playing different versions of Dota"
"DOTA_PartyMerge_Error_NO_SUCH_GROUP" "Party no longer exists."
"DOTA_PartyMerge_Error_OTHER_GROUP_NOT_OPEN" "Party is not open for
join/merge requests."

"DOTAPartyOpenMicMuteTooltip" "Mute Party Open Mic"

"DOTAPartyOpenMicUnMuteTooltip" "Unmute Party Open Mic"

"DOTA_Feed_Timestamp_Recently" "Just now"

"DOTA_Feed_Timestamp_MinutesAgo" "{i:value} minutes ago"
"DOTA_Feed_Timestamp_HourAgo" "{i:value} hour ago"
"DOTA_Feed_Timestamp_HoursAgo" "{i:value} hours ago"
"DOTA_Feed_Timestamp_Yesterday" "Yesterday"
"DOTA_Feed_Timestamp_Date" "{s:month} {s:day}"

"DOTA_Feed_Say_Something" "Say something on your feed..."

"DOTA_Feed_Title" "Friend Feed"

"dota_lobby_type_practice_game_mode_custom" "Custo
m Game"
"dota_lobby_type_weekend_tourney" "Battl
e Cup"
"dota_lobby_type_weekend_tourney_quarterfinals" "Quarter
"dota_lobby_type_weekend_tourney_semifinals" "Semi
"dota_lobby_type_weekend_tourney_finals" "Grand
"Co-op Bot"
"dota_lobby_type_competitive" "Ranke
"dota_lobby_type_casual_1v1" "1v1
"dota_lobby_type_competitive_seasonal" "Seaso
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_rules_header" "Full rules
+ rewards"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_rules_faq_button" "Rewards /
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_schedule_division" "Division"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_schedule_next_begins" "Next Tournament
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_schedule_last_week_info" "Last week"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_schedule_last_week_teams" "Teams"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_schedule_last_week_winners""Cup winners"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_schedule_2_week_streak" "2 Week Streak"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_schedule_3_week_streak" "3 Week Streak"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_schedule_4_week_streak" "4 Week Streak"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_set_up_now" "Set up your
team now"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_get_started" "Get
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_friends_leaderboard_header""Friends Leaderboard"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_friends_recent_header" "Recent
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_no_recent_tournaments" "No recent
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_no_leaderboard_data" "Be the first of your
friends to enter the Battle Cup!"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_battle_cup" "Battle Cup"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_summer_2016" "Summer
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_fall_2016" "Fall 2016"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_winter_2017" "Winter
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_cup_wins" "Cup Wins"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_my_stats" "My Stats"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_current_tier" "Current
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_highest_tier_played" "Highest Tier
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_battlecups_entered" "Battle Cups
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_qf_wins" "Quarter
Final Wins"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_sf_wins" "Semifinal
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_wins" "Battl
ecup Wins"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_cup_score" "Total Cup
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_roster" "Roster"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_eliminated_in" "Eliminated In"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_champions" "Champions"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_finals" "Finals"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_semifinals" "Semifinals"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_quarterfinals" "Quarter Finals"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_show_bracket" "View
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_tier" "Tier
"DOTAWeekend_Tourney_Watch_Live" "WATCH
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_schedule_total_players" "Total Players"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_schedule_signing_up" "Signing Up"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_schedule_this_week_info" "NOW OPEN"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_stats_header_label" "Last week's stats"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_stats_worldwide_label" "Worldwide"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_stats_players_label" "Players"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_tier_n" "Tier {i:tier}"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_tier_all" "All tiers"
"dota_weekend_tourney_hub_join_now" "Join Now"
"DOTA_Lobby_No_Players_Title" "NO PLAYERS ON A TEAM"
"DOTA_Lobby_No_Players_Desc" "You must have at least one player on the
Radiant or Dire team."

"DOTA_BattleCup_Loading" "Loading"

"dota_match_result_won" "Won"
"dota_match_result_lost" "Lost"
"dota_match_result_none" "???"

"dota_social_feed_loading" "Loading..."
"dota_social_feed_comments_failed" "Failed to load comments..."
"dota_social_feed_comment_placeholder" "Write a comment..."

"DOTA_LoadingPlayerUnknown" "-"
"DOTA_LoadingPlayerLoading" "Loading..."
"DOTA_LoadingPlayerFullyConnected" "Ready"
"DOTA_LoadingPlayerFailed" "Failed"
"DOTA_LoadingBanPhase" "Ban Phase"
"DOTA_LoadingPickPhase" "All Pick"
"LoadingScreenTimer" "{t:d:countdown_timer_seconds}"
"HeroSelectionTimer" "{i:timer_seconds}"
"LoadingScreenGameMode" "{s:game_mode}"
"LoadingScreenMatchID" "MatchID: {s:match_id}"
"LoadingScreenMapInfo" "Map: {s:map_name}"
"LoadingScreenPlayersInfo" "Players:
"LoadingScreenSpectatorsInfo" "Spectators:
"LoadingScreenCastersInfo" "Broadcasters:
"LoadingScreen_TipText" "{s:tip}"

"custom_end_screen_victory_message" "{s:winning_team_name} Victory!"

"custom_end_screen_legend_player" "Player"
"custom_end_screen_legend_level" "Level"
"custom_end_screen_legend_hero" "Hero"
"custom_end_screen_legend_kills" "K"
"custom_end_screen_legend_deaths" "D"
"custom_end_screen_legend_assists" "A"
"custom_end_screen_legend_items" "Items"
"custom_end_screen_legend_gold" "Gold"
"custom_end_screen_legend_team_score" "Score"
"custom_scoreboard_hero_name_and_desc" "Lvl {i:hero_level} {s:hero_name}"
"CustomEndScreenClose" "Close"

"DOTA_Armory_Categories" "Categories"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Heroes" "Heroes"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Companions" "Companions"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Couriers" "Couriers"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Pets" "Pets"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_World" "World"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Wards" "Wards"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Weather" "Weather Effects"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Terrain" "Terrain"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Effigies" "Effigies"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_EffigyBlocks" "Effigy Blocks"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_EffigyReforgers" "Effigy Reforgers"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Creeps" "Creeps"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Interface" "Interface"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Emoticons" "Emoticons"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_LoadingScreens" "Loading Screens"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_HUDs" "HUDs"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_CursorPacks" "Cursor Packs"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Leagues" "League Items"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Charms" "Charms"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_CharmFragments" "Charm Fragments"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Audio" "Audio"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_VoicePacks" "Voice Packs"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_MegaKills" "Mega Kills"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_AnnouncerPacks" "Announcer Packs"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Music" "Music"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_All" "All"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_AllNew" "All ({d:armory_new_items})"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Other" "Other"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Event" "International 2018"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Treasures" "Treasures"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Gifts" "Gifts"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Bundles" "Bundles"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Compendiums" "Battle Passes"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Tools" "Tools"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_CompendiumLevels" "Levels"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_CompendiumCoins" "Coins"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_CouriersAndWards" "Couriers & Wards"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_TreasuresAndCharms" "Treasures & Charms"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_ScratchPad" "Collection"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_In_ScratchPad" "In Collection:"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_ScratchPad_Remove" "Clear"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Recent" "Recent Items"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Today" "Today"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_ThisWeek" "Past Week"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_ThisMonth" "Past Month"
"DOTA_Armory_Category_Older" "Older"
"DOTA_Armory_Collection_Info" "Use your Collection to create a
customizable view to quickly find your favorite items.<br><br>Drag and drop items
onto this panel to add them to your Collection view. To clear an item from your
Collection, drag it outside of the Collection view.<br><br>Items in your Collection
appear in both your Collection and your Armory."
"DOTA_Armory_Capacity_Info" "If you use over 100% of your Armory
space, your Armory will Overflow.<br><br>While your Armory is Overflowing, you will
be restricted from the following activities:<br><br>- Receiving item drops<br>-
Opening item bundles<br>- Purchasing new items<br><br>You can reclaim space in your
armory by using Recycling or Deleting items, or by gifting items you no longer want
to your friends, all of which can be accessed by right-clicking on their icons."

"DOTA_Armory_ImportToCollection" "Add All Items to My Collection"

"DOTA_Armory_Category_View" "Group by Type"

"DOTA_Armory_ActiveFilterLabel" "Filter:"
"DOTA_Armory_Filter" "Set Filter"
"DOTA_Armory_EditFilter" "Edit Filter"
"DOTA_Armory_ClearFilter" "Clear Filter"
"DOTA_Armory_SortBy" "Sort by:"
"DOTA_Armory_SortBy_Rarity" "Rarity"
"DOTA_Armory_SortBy_Quality" "Quality"
"DOTA_Armory_SortBy_Name" "Name"
"DOTA_Armory_SortBy_Recent" "Date Acquired"
"DOTA_Armory_SortBy_Sockets" "Number of Sockets"

"DOTA_Armory_Search" "Search for Armory Items"

"DOTA_Armory_Capacity" "Armory {d:armory_percent_capacity}
% Full"
"DOTA_Armory_ContextMenu_Preview" "Item Details"
"DOTA_Armory_ContextMenu_PreviewBundle" "Preview Bundle"
"DOTA_Armory_ContextMenu_PreviewSet" "Preview Full Set"
"DOTA_Armory_ContextMenu_Equip" "Equip Item"
"DOTA_Armory_ContextMenu_Unequip" "Unequip Item"
"DOTA_Armory_ContextMenu_EquipSet" "Equip Set"
"DOTA_Armory_ContextMenu_AddShuffle" "Add To Shuffle"
"DOTA_Armory_ContextMenu_RemoveShuffle" "Remove From Shuffle"
"DOTA_Armory_ContextMenu_Socketing" "Socketing"
"DOTA_Armory_ContextMenu_GiftWrap" "Gift Wrap Item"
"DOTA_Armory_ContextMenu_Delete" "Delete"
"DOTA_Armory_ContextMenu_Tags" "Tags..."
"DOTA_Armory_ContextMenu_AddToCollection" "Add to Collection"
"DOTA_Armory_ContextMenu_RemoveFromCollection" "Remove from Collection"

"DOTA_Armory_ContextMenu_EffigyPose" "Pose..."
"DOTA_Armory_ContextMenu_EffigyReforge" "Reforge..."

"DOTA_Armory_Filter_Tradeable" "TRADEABLE"
"DOTA_Armory_Filter_Equipped" "EQUIPPED"
"DOTA_Armory_Filter_Duplicate" "DUPLICATE"
"DOTA_Armory_Filter_HasSockets" "HAS SOCKETS"
"DOTA_Armory_Filter_IsJunk" "MARKED AS JUNK"
"DOTA_Armory_Filter_WillExpire" "WILL EXPIRE"
"DOTA_Armory_Filter_IsBundle" "IS BUNDLE"
"DOTA_Armory_Filter_IsGift" "GIFTED TO ME"
"DOTA_Armory_Filter_Rarity" "RARITY"
"DOTA_Armory_Filter_Quality" "QUALITY"
"DOTA_Armory_Filter_Tags" "TAGS"
"DOTA_Armory_Filter_InScratchpad" "IN COLLECTION"

"DOTA_Armory_Tag1_Default" "Tag 1"

"DOTA_Armory_Tag2_Default" "Tag 2"
"DOTA_Armory_Tag3_Default" "Tag 3"
"DOTA_Armory_Tag4_Default" "Tag 4"
"DOTA_Armory_Tag5_Default" "Tag 5"
"DOTA_Armory_Tag6_Default" "Tag 6"
"DOTA_Armory_Tag7_Default" "Tag 7"
"DOTA_Armory_Tag8_Default" "Tag 8"

"DOTA_Armory_Filter_Delete" "Delete Filter"

"DOTA_Armory_Filter_CreateNew" "New Filter..."
"DOTA_Armory_Filter_FilterName" "Filter Name"
"DOTA_Armory_Filter_Required" "REQUIRED"

"DOTA_EffigyEditor_CreateEffigy" "Create Effigy"

"DOTA_EffigyEditor_PoseEffigy" "Pose Effigy"
"DOTA_EffigyEditor_ReforgeEffigy" "Reforge Effigy"
"DOTA_EffigyEditor_Model" "Hero"
"DOTA_EffigyEditor_Loadout" "Go to Loadout"
"DOTA_EffigyEditor_Inscription" "Inscription:"
"DOTA_EffigyEditor_Animation" "Animation:"
"DOTA_EffigyEditor_Frame" "Select Frame:"

"DOTA_EffigyEditor" "Effigy Editor"

"DOTA_EffigyEditor_ConfirmCreate" "Creating a Heroic Effigy
will consume the Effigy Block. After creation, it can only be modified by using an
Effigy Reforger. Are you sure you wish to continue?"
"DOTA_EffigyEditor_ConfirmReforge" "Reforging a Heroic Effigy
will consume an Effigy Reforger. Are you sure you wish to continue?"
"DOTA_EffigyEditor_Error" "Failed to generate
Heroic Effigy."
"DOTA_EffigyEditor_ErrorReforge" "Failed to reforge Heroic
"DOTA_EffigyEditor_ErrorPose" "Failed to pose Heroic Effigy
of Fame."
"DOTA_EffigyEditor_Success" "Your Heroic Effigy has
been successfully created."
"DOTA_EffigyEditor_SuccessReforge" "Your Heroic Effigy has been
successfully reforged."
"DOTA_EffigyEditor_SuccessPose" "Your Heroic Effigy has
been successfully posed."

"DOTA_Effigy_AcceptCustomize" "Accept Effigy Loadout"

"DOTA_Effigy_CancelCustomize" "Cancel Effigy Loadout"

"dota_page_match_details_loading" "Loading Match..."

"dota_page_match_details_not_found" "Match Data Not Found"
"dota_page_match_details_victory" "Winner: {s:winner}"

"dota_page_match_details_battle_pass_replay" "This replay is available for

an additional 3 months due to one of the players having a Battle Pass active during
the match."

"dota_page_match_details_legend_player" "Player"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_level" "Level"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_hero" "Hero"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_kills" "K"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_deaths" "D"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_assists" "A"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_items" "Items"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_backpack_items" "Backpack"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_gold" "Gold"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_permanent_buffs" "Buffs"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_last_hits" "LH"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_denies" "DN"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_gold_per_min" "GPM"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_xp_per_min" "XPM"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_net_worth" "Net"
"dota_page_match_details_radiant_score" "Score: <font
"dota_page_match_details_dire_score" "Score: <font
"dota_page_match_details_legend_hero_damage" "DMG"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_hero_healing" "HEAL"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_tower_damage" "BLD"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_mmr" "MMR"

"dota_page_match_details_legend_winner_tooltip" "Winning Team"

"dota_page_match_details_legend_kills_tooltip" "Kills"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_deaths_tooltip" "Deaths"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_assists_tooltip" "Assists"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_net_worth_tooltip" "Net Worth"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_support_gold_tooltip""Gold Spent"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_camps_stacked_tooltip" "Neutral Camps
"dota_page_match_details_legend_last_hits_tooltip" "Creep Last Hits"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_denies_tooltip" "Creep Denies"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_gold_per_min_tooltip""Gold Per Minute"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_xp_per_min_tooltip" "Experience Per
"dota_page_match_details_legend_ability_build" "Ability Build"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_experience" "Experience"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_win_probability" "Win Probability"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_hero_damage_tooltip" "Damage done to other
"dota_page_match_details_legend_hero_healing_tooltip""Amount of Healing done
to Teammates"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_tower_damage_tooltip""Damage done to towers
and barracks"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_mmr_tooltip" "Rank Change"

"dota_page_match_details_header_league_name" "League Name"

"dota_page_match_details_header_custom_game_map_name""Map Name"
"dota_page_match_details_header_match_id" "Match ID"
"dota_page_match_details_header_game_mode" "Game Mode"
"dota_page_match_details_header_duration" "Duration"
"dota_page_match_details_header_timestamp" "Match Date / Time"

"dota_page_match_details_header_total" "Total"

"dota_page_match_details_leave" "Leave Match"

"dota_page_match_details_team_view" "Back to Team View"
"dota_page_match_details_return_to_details" "Return to Match

"dota_page_match_details_radiant_kills" "Radiant Heroes Killed"

"dota_page_match_details_dire_kills" "Dire Heroes Killed"

"dota_page_match_details_victim0_count" "<font
"dota_page_match_details_victim1_count" "<font
"dota_page_match_details_victim2_count" "<font
"dota_page_match_details_victim3_count" "<font
"dota_page_match_details_victim4_count" "<font

"dota_page_match_details_item_count" "<font

"dota_page_match_details_voting_votes" "{i:num_votes} votes"

"dota_page_match_details_match_discussion" "Match Discussion"
"dota_page_match_details_comment_placeholder" "Write a
"dota_page_match_details_comment_loading_comments" "Loading
"dota_page_match_details_comment_no_comments" "No comments
posted for this match"

"dota_page_match_details_replay_existence_unknown" "Looking for

"dota_page_match_details_replay_existence_cdn_found" "Download
"dota_page_match_details_replay_existence_not_found" "Replay
"dota_page_match_details_replay_existence_downloading" "Downl
"dota_page_match_details_replay_existence_decompressing" "Decompressi
"Watch Replay"
"Watch Highlights"
"dota_page_match_details_replay_existence_wrong_engine" "Sourc
e 1 Replays are unavailable in Source 2"

"dota_page_post_game_replay_you_will_be_notified" "You will be

notified when the Replay is available under the Save for Later section of the Watch
"dota_page_post_game_replay_not_expected" "Replay will
not be available for this match."
"dota_page_post_game_replay_available_toast" "A replay
you requested is now available"

"dota_page_post_game_play_style" "Play Style in this

"dota_page_post_game_vs_previous_local" "vs YOUR AVERAGES FOR
"dota_page_post_game_vs_previous" "vs THEIR AVERAGES FOR
"dota_page_post_game_performance_label" "average"

"dota_page_post_game_graph_team_net_worth" "Team XP and

Net Worth"
"dota_page_post_game_player_net_worth" "Player Net
"dota_page_post_game_player_level" "Player
"dota_page_post_game_player_items" "Player
"dota_page_post_game_support_items" "Support

"dota_page_post_game_stat_player_level" "Lvl {i:level} "

"dota_page_match_details_legend_picks" "Pick"
"dota_page_match_details_legend_picks_tooltip" "Order that each player
picked their hero, including an icon if they randomed the hero or chose a bonus
"dota_post_game_radiant_victory" "Radiant Victory"
"dota_post_game_dire_victory" "Dire Victory"

"dota_post_game_radiant_team_name_victory" "{s:radiant_team_name}
"dota_post_game_radiant_team_name" "{s:radiant_team_name}"
"dota_post_game_dire_team_name_victory" "{s:dire_team_name}
"dota_post_game_dire_team_name" "{s:dire_team_name

"dota_post_game_stats_kills" "Kills:"
"dota_post_game_stats_xpm" "XPM:"
"dota_post_game_stats_gpm" "GPM:"
"dota_post_game_stats_deaths" "Deaths:"
"dota_post_game_stats_assists" "Assists:"

"dota_post_game_bot" "Bot"
"dota_post_game_stats_bot_difficulty_passive" "Bot Difficulty: Passive"
"dota_post_game_stats_bot_difficulty_easy" "Bot Difficulty: Easy"
"dota_post_game_stats_bot_difficulty_medium" "Bot Difficulty: Medium"
"dota_post_game_stats_bot_difficulty_hard" "Bot Difficulty: Hard"
"dota_post_game_stats_bot_difficulty_unfair" "Bot Difficulty: Unfair"

"dota_post_game_dark_moon_victory" "Dark Moon Averted!"

"dota_post_game_dark_moon_defeat" "Defeated on Round

"dota_post_game_dark_moon_legend_kills" "Kills"
"dota_post_game_dark_moon_legend_deaths" "Deaths"
"dota_post_game_dark_moon_legend_saves" "Saves"
"dota_post_game_dark_moon_legend_bags" "Bags"
"dota_post_game_dark_moon_legend_heals" "Healing"

"dota_post_game_frostivus_2017_title" "Frostivus
"dota_post_game_frostivus_2017_rank" "Rank"
"dota_post_game_frostivus_2017_player" "Player"
"dota_post_game_frostivus_2017_score" "Score"

"dota_profile_content_tab_activity_feed" "Activity Feed"

"dota_profile_content_tab_recent_games" "Recent Games"
"dota_profile_content_tab_all_hero_challenge" "All-Hero Challenge"
"dota_profile_content_tab_official_info" "Pro Info"

"dota_profile_recent_games_option_show_practice_matches" "Show Practice

"dota_profile_recent_games_option_show_custom_games" "Show Custom Games"
"dota_profile_recent_games_option_show_event_games" "Show Event Games"
"dota_profile_recent_games_option_show_ranked_mmr_change" "Show Ranked MMR

"dota_profile_recent_game_header_timestamp" "Date / Time"

"dota_profile_recent_game_header_hero_name" "Hero Played"
"dota_profile_recent_game_header_result" "Result"
"dota_profile_recent_game_header_duration" "Duration"
"dota_profile_recent_game_header_type" "Type"

"dota_profile_recent_game_result_win" "Win"
"dota_profile_recent_game_result_loss" "Loss"
"dota_profile_recent_game_result_notscored" "Not Scored"
"dota_profile_recent_game_result_uncalibrated_ranked" "Calibrating"
"dota_profile_recent_game_result_win_ranked" "{i:ranked_mmr} (+
"dota_profile_recent_game_result_loss_ranked" "{i:ranked_mmr}
"dota_profile_recent_game_result_abandon" "Abandon"
"dota_profile_recent_game_result_abandon_ranked" "Abandon

"dota_profile_recent_game_icon_source1" "S1"

"dota_profile_hero_with_index" "{d:hero_index} {s:hero_name}"

"dota_profile_hero" "{s:hero_name}"

"dota_profile_oi_player_name" "DISPLAY NAME"

"dota_profile_oi_player_name_sub" "It should be recognizable to players
throughout the world, and should not contain any team or sponsor affiliations."
"dota_profile_oi_team" "TEAM"
"dota_profile_oi_team_sub" "If you play for a Dota Team in an
official capacity, please select it. This team's tag will be prefixed on your
name. Pro Players have their teams assigned automatically."
"dota_profile_oi_sponsor" "SPONSOR"
"dota_profile_oi_sponsor_sub" "Sponsors will be appended to your name."
"dota_profile_oi_country" "COUNTRY"
"dota_profile_oi_role" "ROLE"
"dota_profile_oi_role_sub" "If you play a specific role,
please select it. Core includes players who play carry, mid, and off-lane."
"dota_profile_oi_preview" "This is how your name will be
displayed on leaderboards and in league games:"
"dota_profile_oi_preview_warning" "This information can only be edited once
every two weeks, so please make sure it is accurate before updating it!"
"dota_profile_name_locked" "Name is locked"
"dota_profile_team_locked" "Team is locked"
"dota_profile_team_locked_pro" "Team is auto-assigned for pro

"dota_profile_oi_submit_info" "Submit"
"dota_profile_oi_cancel" "Cancel"
"dota_profile_oi_submit_pending" "Submitting..."
"dota_profile_oi_submit_success" "Success!"
"dota_profile_oi_submit_failure" "Error - Please try again."
"dota_profile_oi_account_locked" "Name and Team are locked from editing
until {t:s:locked_until}"

"dota_role_core" "Core"
"dota_role_support" "Support"
"dota_role_offlane" "Offlane"

"dota_postgame_overview" "Overview"
"dota_postgame_scoreboard" "Scoreboard"
"dota_postgame_graphs" "Graphs"
"dota_postgame_draft" "Draft"

"Dota_PostGame_RateGuide" "Was this guide helpful?"

"Dota_PostGame_FavoriteGuide" "Add guide to favorites"
"Dota_PostGame_EventPoints" "Event Points"
"Dota_PostGame_HeroLevel" "Hero Level"
"Dota_PostGame_WonGame" "Won Game"
"Dota_PostGame_LostGame" "Lost Game"
"Dota_PostGame_CompletedQuest" "Completed Quest"
"Dota_PostGame_StartingXP" "Starting XP"
"Dota_PostGame_EndingXP" "Total"
"Dota_PostGame_GemProgress" "Gem Progress"
"Dota_PostGame_DOTA" "Dota"

"dota_replay_manager_error_not_found" "Couldn't find replay on CDN."

"dota_replay_manager_error_existing_partial" "Couldn't delete existing
partial replay file."
"dota_replay_manager_error_creation_failure" "Couldn't create partial replay
"dota_replay_manager_error_disk_full" "Couldn't allocate space for replay
"dota_replay_manager_error_chunk_failed" "Failure downloading replay file."
"dota_replay_manager_error_write_failure" "Couldn't write to partial replay
"dota_replay_manager_error_partial_compressed_open_failure" "Couldn't open
compressed replay file."
"dota_replay_manager_error_partial_decompressed_open_failure" "Couldn't open
decompressed replay file."
"dota_replay_manager_error_partial_decompression_failure" "Failed to
decompress replay file."
"dota_replay_manager_error_partial_decompression_write_failure" "Failed to
write decompressed replay file."
"dota_replay_manager_error_already_pending" "Download is already
"dota_replay_manager_error_download_timed_out" "Timed out trying to download
replay file."
"dota_replay_manager_error_decompress_timed_out" "Timed out trying to
decompress replay file."

"dota_page_match_details_replay_error_not_found" "Replay not found on


"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_name" "{g:dota_filtered_string:item_name}
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_description" "{g:dota_filtered_string:item_descr
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_set" "Part of: <font
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_rarity_label" "Rarity: "
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_rarity" "{s:item_rarity}"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_slot" "Slot: {s:item_slot}"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_gift_received_date" "Received:
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_gift_dedication" "{g:dota_filtered_string:gift_dedic
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_delete_restriction" "Not deletable"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_expiry_restriction" "Expires:
{t:T:expires_after_date_time} {t:s:expires_after_date_time}"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_trade_restriction_permanent" "Not Tradeable or
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_battle_pass_accessible" "Available During This Battle
Pass Season"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_seasonal_accessible" "Available until the end of the
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_trade_restriction_date" "Tradeable and Marketable
After: {t:s:tradable_after_date_time}"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_trade_cooldown_date" "On Trade Cooldown Until:
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_market_restriction_permanent" "Not Marketable"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_gift_restriction_permanent" "Not Giftable"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_gift_allowed" "May be gifted"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_gift_restriction_date" "Not Giftable until:
{t:T:giftable_after_date_time} {t:s:giftable_after_date_time}"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_gem_type" "{s:gem_type}"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_gem_strange_count" "{d:strange_count}"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_gem_description" "{s:gem_description}"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_partner" "{s:partner}"

"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifiers" "Modifiers"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_animation" "Animation"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_announcer" "Announcer"
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"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_health_bar" "Health Bar"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_ability_name" "Ability Name"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_loading_screen" "Loading Screen"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_cursor_pack" "Cursor Pack"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_portrait" "Portrait"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_ambient_effects" "Ambient Effects"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_strange_control_point" "Ambient Effects"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_kill_effects" "Kill Effects"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_spell_effects" "Custom Effects"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_model" "Model"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_scale" "Scale"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_wearable" "Wearable"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_courier" "Courier"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_flying_courier" "FlyingCourier"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_pet" "Pet"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_weather" "Weather"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_sound" "Sound"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_soundscape" "Soundscape"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_voice" "Voice"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_icon" "Icon"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_modifier_map_override" "Map Override"

"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_tournament_drop" "Tournament Drop"

"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_leaguename" "{s:league_name}"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_matchevent" "{s:tournament_event}"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_matchid" "MATCH ID: {s:tournament_matchID}"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_matchdate" "RECIEVED: {t:l:tournament_date}"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_team1_name" "{s:team1_name}"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_unknown_team" "Unknown Team"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_team2_name" "{s:team2_name}"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_VS" "VS"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_event_description" "{s:event_description}"
"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_recycle_description" "Can {s:recycle_description}"

"DOTA_tooltip_econ_item_tags" "Tags"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_original_name_label" "Original Name:"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_reset_name" "Reset to Original Name"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_edit_name" "Create Custom Name"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_emoticons_label" "Emoticons:"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_style_label" "Styles:"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_autostyle_reason" "Activates When
"DOTA_econ_item_details_autostyle_label" "Active style will be determined by
"DOTA_econ_item_details_gift_label" "Gift From:"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_original_item_name" "{s:original_item_name}"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_item_name" "{g:dota_filtered_string:item
"DOTA_econ_item_details_item_creation_date" "Released:
"DOTA_econ_item_details_set_includes" "Includes the following:"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_item_set" "Part of: <font
"DOTA_econ_item_details_rarity_label" "Rarity: "
"DOTA_econ_item_details_item_rarity" "{s:item_rarity}"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_item_slot" "Slot: {s:item_slot}"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_emoticon_text" "{s:emoticon_text}"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_tool_header" "Tool"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_apply_tool" "{s:tool_use_name}"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_auto_style_description" "The styles on this item will
change automatically based on game state."
"DOTA_econ_item_details_gem_type" "{s:gem_type}"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_gem_strange_count" "{d:strange_count}"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_gem_description" "{s:gem_description}"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_empty_socket" "Empty Slot"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_available_gem_count" "Available Common Gems:
"DOTA_econ_item_details_available_rare_gem_count" "Available Rare Gems:
"DOTA_econ_item_details_add_socket" "Add Socket"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_add_gem" "Add Gem"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_extract_rare_gems" "Destroy Item And Extract
Rare Gems"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_extract_gem" "Extract Gem"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_replace_gem" "Replace Gem"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_extract_gem_short" "Extract"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_reset_gem" "Reset"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_gift_header" "Gift"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_gift_clear_attributes" "Clear Gift"
"DOTA_ItemRemoveGifter_Attributes_Title" "Confirm Removal of Gift
"DOTA_ItemRemoveGifter_Attributes" "Permanently remove the gift
information from this item?"
"DOTA_ItemChangeGifter_Attributes_Processing_Title" "Removing Gift
"DOTA_ItemChangeGifter_Attributes_Processing_Text" "Please wait a
moment as the item details are updated."
"DOTA_ItemRemoveGifter_Attributes_Succeeded" "You have successfully
removed the gift information from this item."
"DOTA_econ_item_details_bundle_header" "Items In Bundle"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_equip_header" "Equip State: {s:item_equip_state}"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_toggle_equip_state" "{s:item_toggle_equip_state}"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_rare_sockets_header" "Rare Sockets"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_sockets_header" "Common Sockets"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_styles_header" "Styles"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_style_name" "{s:style_name}"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_style_selected" "Selected"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_style_available" "Select"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_style_locked" "Locked"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_style_unlock" "Unlock"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_auto_style" "Dynamic Style"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_tooltip_lock_reason_title" "Unlock Prerequisite(s):"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_tooltip_lock_reason" "{s:style_lock_reason}"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_tooltip_auto_style_title" "Style Activates When:"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_tooltip_auto_style" "{s:auto_style_reason}"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_properties_header" "Properties"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_description_header" "Description"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_description_reset" "Reset"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_description_edit" "Edit"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_go_to_loadout" "{s:item_owner_type} Loadout"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_modifiers" "Modifiers"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_ability_icons" "Ability Icons"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_dynamic_styles" "Dynamic Styles"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_dynamic_styles_help" "Dynamic Styles are
automatically applied during gameplay."
"DOTA_econ_item_details_items_in_set" "Items In Set"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_contained_within" "Purchasing Options"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_owning_bundle_item_name" "{s:item_owning_bundle_n
"DOTA_econ_item_details_unbundle" "Unbundle"
"DOTA_econ_item_details_auto_style_reason" "Active When

"DOTA_store_item_details_included" "Included in this Bundle"

"DOTA_store_item_details_associated_league_name" "{s:league_name}"
"DOTA_store_item_details_associated_prize_pool" "Current Prize Pool:"
"DOTA_store_item_details_associated_prize_pool_amount" "{s:prize_po
"DOTA_store_item_details_associated_prize_pool_contrib" "{s:revenue_
share_percent}% of the proceeds of each sale contributes to the prize pool"
"DOTA_StoreItemDetails_Search" "Search for Available Items"

"GameUI_Language_English" "English"
"GameUI_Language_German" "German"
"GameUI_Language_French" "French"
"GameUI_Language_Italian" "Italian"
"GameUI_Language_Korean" "Korean"
"GameUI_Language_Spanish" "Spanish"
"GameUI_Language_Simplified_Chinese" "Simplified Chinese"
"GameUI_Language_Traditional_Chinese" "Traditional Chinese"
"GameUI_Language_Russian" "Russian"
"GameUI_Language_Thai" "Thai"
"GameUI_Language_Japanese" "Japanese"
"GameUI_Language_Portuguese" "Portuguese"
"GameUI_Language_Polish" "Polish"
"GameUI_Language_Danish" "Danish"
"GameUI_Language_Dutch" "Dutch"
"GameUI_Language_Finnish" "Finnish"
"GameUI_Language_Norwegian" "Norwegian"
"GameUI_Language_Swedish" "Swedish"
"GameUI_Language_Hungarian" "Hungarian"
"GameUI_Language_Czech" "Czech"
"GameUI_Language_Romanian" "Romanian"
"GameUI_Language_Turkish" "Turkish"
"GameUI_Language_Brazilian" "Portuguese-Brazil"
"GameUI_Language_Bulgarian" "Bulgarian"
"GameUI_Language_Greek" "Greek"
"GameUI_Language_Ukrainian" "Ukrainian"

"DOTA_Voice_Party" "Voice Party"

"custom_game_mismatch_title" "Custom Game Data Mismatch"

"custom_game_mismatch_desc" "The custom game archive does not match
between the game server and client."
"custom_game_lobby_mismatch" "Custom game archive does not match the lobby

"custom_game_team_select" "Team
"custom_game_team_select_timer" "{i:countdow
"custom_game_team_select_shuffle" "Shuffle"
"custom_game_team_select_auto_start" "Auto-Start"
"custom_game_team_select_starting" "Starting"
"custom_game_team_select_unassigned_players" "Unassigned Players"
"custom_game_team_select_lock_start" "Lock + Start"
"custom_game_team_select_cancel_unlock" "Cancel + Unlock"
"custom_game_team_select_join" "Join"
"custom_game_team_select_empty_slot" "Empty Slot"
"custom_game_team_select_auto_assign" "Auto Assign"

"custom_game_default_gameinfo_text" "Check back soon

for more information about this custom game!"

"CouldntFindCompendium" "Couldn't load the compendium test file:

"CompendiumPageError_Pages" "Couldn't find a 'pages' block in the
compendium data file."
"CompendiumPageError_Template" "Couldn't find a 'template' entry for
compendium page '{s:s1}' (page number {s:s2})"
"CompendiumPageError_Template2" "Couldn't find a template called '{s:s1}' in
compendium page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_Image" "Couldn't find an image called '{s:s1}'
in compendium page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_Text" "Couldn't find a text block called
'{s:s1}' in compendium page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_Video" "Couldn't find a video called '{s:s1}' in
compendium page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_Scrollbar" "Couldn't find a scrollbar called '{s:s1}' in
compendium page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_Selection" "Couldn't find a selection called '{s:s1}' in
compendium page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_PageNames" "Embedded page '{s:s1}' uses the same
name as another page. Page names must be unique."
"CompendiumPageError_CustomText" "Error in custom text block '{s:s1}' in
compendium page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_CustomImg" "Error in custom image block '{s:s1}'"
"CompendiumPageError_CustomBar" "Error in custom progressbar block '{s:s1}'
in compendium page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_CustomEle" "Failed to instantiate custom element
'{s:s1}' in compendium page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_CTFont" "Invalid font '{s:s1}' specified in compendium
page '{s:s2}'. Valid fonts:\ntext, textbold, title"
"CompendiumPageError_CTAlign" "Invalid alignment '{s:s1}' specified in
compendium page '{s:s2}'. Valid alignments:\n left, right, center"
"CompendiumPageError_CTDepth" "Invalid depth '{s:s1}'. Valid depths:\n front,
"CompendiumPageError_LinePos" "Line '{s:s1}' doesn't have both 'start' and
'end' position blocks."
"CompendiumPageError_CTPoints" "Invalid selection index '{s:s1}' in
'points' section of custom text '{s:s2}'."
"CompendiumPageError_CTPoints2" "Invalid selection index '{s:s1}' in
'points' section of custom text '{s:s2}'. No selection found with that index."
"CompendiumPageError_SelDesc" "Couldn't find a 'description' key for
selection '{s:s1}' in compendium page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_Points" "Missing (or zero) 'points' specified for
selection '{s:s1}' in compendium page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_SelType" "Missing 'choice_type' for selection '{s:s1}'
in compendium page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_BarType" "Missing 'data' for progressbar '{s:s1}' in
compendium page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_NoTime" "Missing or invalid 'time' specified for
selection '{s:s1}' in '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_ElementType" "Missing or invalid 'elementtype' for
element '{s:s1}' in compendium page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_SelTimer" "Unknown timer named '{s:s1}' in
compendium page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_BadElement" "Unknown SF element named '{s:s1}' in
compendium page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_SelNoTimer" "No timers found in compendium page '{s:s1}'
(it has selections, which need a timer)"
"CompendiumPageError_SelUnknown" "Invalid 'choice_type' of '{s:s1}' for
selection '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_BarUnknown" "Invalid 'data' of '{s:s1}' for selection
"CompendiumPageError_InvalidEquation" "Invalid equation specified:
'{s:s1}' for '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_SelChoices" "Missing 'choices' block for selection
'{s:s1}' in compendium page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_NoHero" "Couldn't find Hero with a Hero ID of '{s:s1}'
for selection '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_Unknown" "Internal compendium logic error. Contact Valve
to resolve this."
"CompendiumPageError_ImageDL" "Failed to start downloading compendium image
'{s:s1}' ({s:s2})"
"CompendiumPageError_ImageDLErr" "Failed to download compendium image '%s'
"CompendiumPageError_BtnNoElem" "No 'selection_elements' block found for
button '{s:s1}' in compendium page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_BtnBadVal" "Selection value '{s:s1}' in button '{s:s2}'
isn't in the choices list for that selection index"
"CompendiumPageError_BtnBadSel" "'selection_force_to' setting in element
'{s:s1}' isn't in the choices list for selection '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_BtnSelIdx" "Button '{s:s1}' in compendium page
'{s:s2}' has missing or invalid 'selection_index'"
"CompendiumPageError_CmdSelIdx" "Element '{s:s1}' in compendium page
'{s:s2}' has missing or invalid command 'selection_index' or
"CompendiumPageError_ImgSelIdx" "Invalid 'selection_index' of '{s:s1}' in
image '{s:s2}'."
"CompendiumPageError_ImgShowSelIdx" "Invalid 'show_selection_index' of
'{s:s1}' in image '{s:s2}'."
"CompendiumPageError_ImgSelVal" "Invalid selection choice '{s:s1}' in
'show_selection_images' section of image '{s:s2}'."
"CompendiumPageError_ImgBadStyle" "Bad image style '{s:s1} for image
"CompendiumPageError_DynTxtSel" "Text '{s:s1}' on page '{s:s2}' contains
invalid % selection_X %. No preregistered selection with that index."
"CompendiumPageError_NoTxtList" "Couldn't find a textlist named '{s:s1}'
on page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_TOCPage" "table_of_contents_page page '{s:s1}' doesn't
"CompendiumPageError_SelIndex" "Selection '{s:s1}' in compendium page
'{s:s2}' has missing or invalid 'selection_index'"
"CompendiumPageError_SelUsed" "Selection '{s:s1}' in compendium page '{s:s2}'
doesn't have a unique 'selection_index'"
"CompendiumPageError_SelVal" "Selection '{s:s1}' in compendium page '{s:s2}'
has choices with the same values"
"CompendiumPageError_SelValInv" "Selection '{s:s1}' in compendium page
'{s:s2}' has a choice with a value <= 0. Choice values must be greater than 0."
"CompendiumPageError_SelTTVal" "Selection '{s:s1}' in compendium page
'{s:s2}' has a tooltip_data entry with a value that isn't in its choices list."
"CompendiumPageError_NoAnswer" "Selection '{s:s1}' in compendium page
'{s:s2}' has no 'answer' or 'answers' key in its 'result' section"
"CompendiumPageError_MissAnswer" "Selection '{s:s1}' in compendium page
'{s:s2}' has an 'answer' or 'answers' key that doesn't match any of its choices"
"CompendiumPageError_Timer" "Timer '{s:s1}' has an invalid epoch
"CompendiumPageError_UnknownAction" "Object '{s:s1}' references unknown
action '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_SameElement" "Visibility system found multiple
elements named '{s:s1}' on page '{s:s2}'"
"CompendiumPageError_DupeKey" "Keyvalues block '{s:s1}' contains multiple
keys with the same name of '{s:s2}'."
"CompendiumError_Template" "Couldn't find a template named '{s:s1}'"
"CompendiumError_DupeTemplate" "Found multiple templates named '{s:s1}'"
"CompendiumError_NoDefines" "Template '{s:s1}' requires defines, but
instance '{s:s2}' of it doesn't have a 'defines' block."
"CompendiumError_MissingDef" "Derived instance '{s:s1}' doesn't contain a
define called '{s:s2}', but the template it derives from requires it."
"CompendiumError_BadDef" "Derived instance '{s:s1}' contains a
required define named '{s:s2}' that doesn't start with '%def', which is required."
"CompendiumError_FailedPanoramaGen" "Failed to generate panorama layout for
page '{s:s1}'."
"CompendiumError_FailedXMLWrite" "Failed to write XML for page '{s:s1}' to
file named '{s:s2}'."
"CompendiumError_FailedCSSWrite" "Failed to write CSS for page '{s:s1}' to
file named '{s:s2}'."
"CompendiumError_XMLLoadFail" "Error loading XML for page '{s:s1}' in
file named '{s:s2}'."
"CompendiumError_XMLParseFail" "Error parsing XML for page
'{s:s1}' in file named '{s:s2}'."
"Compendium_DefaultText_TimerTitle_Active" "SELECTIONS CLOSE IN"
"Compendium_DefaultText_TimerTitle_Expired" "SELECTIONS ARE CLOSED"
"Compendium_DefaultText_CD_Days" "Days"
"Compendium_DefaultText_CD_Hours" "Hours"
"Compendium_DefaultText_CD_Minutes" "Minutes"
"Compendium_DefaultText_CD_Seconds" "Seconds"
"Compendium_GenerateFail" "Failed to generate resource file '{s:s1}'."
"Compendium_PreparePublish" "Prepare For Publishing"
"Compendium_LeagueID" "League ID"
"Compendium_InvalidLeagueID" "Invalid or No League ID specified."
"Compendium_PublishError" "Failed to copy '{s:s1}' to compendium
directory at '{s:s2}'."
"Compendium_PublishFinishedTitle" "Publish Succeeded"
"Compendium_PublishFinished" "Compiled files have now been copied to the
datafile directory.\n\nUpload all .vxml_c, .vtex_c, and .vcss_c files when you
submit your compendium to the league web page."
"Compendium_Downloading" "Downloading Compendium..."
"Compendium_DLFailed" "Download Failed"
"Compendium_DLFailed_Desc" "Unable to download the Compendium.\n\nPlease
try again later."
"Compendium_Error" "Compendium Error"
"Compendium_Error_Desc" "There's a problem with the Compendium. We're
working on it right now.\n\nPlease try again later."
"Compendium_Unsupported" "Compendium Unsupported"
"Compendium_Unsupported_Desc" "This Compendium is an older version that is
not currently supported."
"Compendium_Retry" "Retry"
"Compendium_preview_mode" "PREVIEW MODE ONLY"
"Battle_Passs_preview_mode" "PREVIEW MODE"
"Compendium_preview_click" "Click for more Information"
"Compendium_TOC" "Table of Contents"
"Compendium_level" "LEVEL"
"Compendium_to_next_level" "TO NEXT LEVEL"
"Compendium_LevelupPts_Singular" "1 Pt"
"Compendium_LevelupPts_Plural" "{d:next_comp_level} Pts"
"Compendium_TestingBadLeagueID" "Missing or invalid 'league_id' key
in the Compendium datafile."

"DOTA_GlobalItems_CouriersAndWards" "Couriers & Wards"

"DOTA_GlobalItems_Companions" "Companions"
"DOTA_GlobalItems_Couriers" "Couriers"
"DOTA_GlobalItems_Pets" "Pets"

"DOTA_GlobalItems_World" "World"
"DOTA_GlobalItems_Wards" "Wards"
"DOTA_GlobalItems_Effigies" "Effigies"
"DOTA_GlobalItems_Weather" "Weather Effects"
"DOTA_GlobalItems_Emblem" "Emblems"
"DOTA_GlobalItems_Terrain" "Terrain"
"DOTA_GlobalItems_Radiant_Creeps" "Radiant Creeps"
"DOTA_GlobalItems_Dire_Creeps" "Dire Creeps"
"DOTA_GlobalItems_Interface" "Interface"
"DOTA_GlobalItems_Emoticons" "Emoticons"
"DOTA_GlobalItems_CursorPacks" "Cursor Packs"
"DOTA_GlobalItems_LoadingScreens" "Loading Screens"
"DOTA_GlobalItems_HUDs" "HUDs"

"DOTA_GlobalItems_Audio" "Audio"
"DOTA_GlobalItems_Announcers" "Announcer Packs"
"DOTA_GlobalItems_MegaKill" "Mega-Kill Packs"
"DOTA_GlobalItems_Music" "Music"

"NetGraph_FPS" "fps: {d:fps}"

"NetGraph_Ping" "ping: {d:ping}ms"
"NetGraph_Loss" "loss: {d:loss}%"
"NetGraph_BPS" "kbps: {d:kbps}"

"DisconnectTimeoutLabel" "Warning: Connection Problem"

"DisconnectTimeout" "Timeout in {d:timeout}"

"DOTA_HUD_NetGraph_Left_1" "FPS / Ping"

"DOTA_HUD_NetGraph_Left_2" "Loss / kbps"
"DOTA_HUD_NetGraph_Loss_2" "Loss In/Out"

"DOTA_HUD_Net_Advantage" "Net Worth Advantage"

"DOTA_Hud_ChannelBar" "Channeling {s:seconds_left}"

"DOTA_Hud_StunBar" "{s:state}"
"DOTA_Hud_SpecItemHeroName" "Lvl <font
color='#FFFFFF'>{d:player_level}</font> {g:dota_hero_name:hero_id}"

"DOTA_Hud_Paused" "Game is paused"

"DOTA_Hud_Unpausing" "Game is unpausing"

"DOTA_ClientVersion" "Version: <span

"DOTA_GameplayVersion" "Gameplay Version: <span

"DOTA_Notifications_ViewAll" "View All"

"DOTA_Notifications_ViewRecent" "View Recent"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_View" "View"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_Ti6BracketPredictions" "Bracket Predictions for The
International 2016"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_Ti6FantasyLeague" "Fantasy Challenge for The
International 2016"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_ImprovedSpectatorChat" "Global Live Spectator Chat"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_Ti6MainEventPredictions" "Tournament Predictions for The
International 2016"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_Ti6PlayerCards" "Player Cards for The
International 2016"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_Ti6Casters" "Casters for The
International 2016"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_TI7Groups" "TI7 Groups Revealed"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_BattleCupRescheduled" "The Battle Cup has been
"DOTA_ChangeLog_Ti6GroupStage" "Group Stage for The
International 2016 Announced"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_VRHub" "Dota VR Hub Now Available"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_Ti6BracketPredictionsAvail" "Bracket Predictions Now
"DOTA_ChangeLog_MiniGameplayPatch" "Minor Gameplay Patch"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_InputDelay" "Input Delay Improvement"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_QualifierPredictions" "Qualifier Predictions"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_GameplayPatch" "New Gameplay Patch"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_PostGame" "New Post-Game Summary"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_UnderlordReleased" "New Hero: Underlord"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_TeammateStats" "Teammate Stats Now Available"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_LearnItems" "Shop Items Page"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_GameplayPatch700" "7.00 - New Gameplay Update"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_NewHUD" "7.00 - New HUD"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_NewPregame" "7.00 - New Pregame"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_BotAPI" "7.00 - Community Bots"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_HeroRemodels" "7.00 - Hero Remodels"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_TrueSightEpisode3" "True Sight Episode 3 Now Available"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_KievMajorInvites" "Kiev Major Team Invites"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_FreeWeekendBattleCup" "Free Weekend Battle Cup"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_KievTrueSightHeader" "New True Sight Episode"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_KievTrueSightTitle" "The Kiev Major Grand Finals"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_KievTrueSightText" "Venture backstage with Team OG and as they battle through the best-of-five Grand Finals at The Kiev Major."
"DOTA_ChangeLog_AllStarVoting" "TI7 All Star Game Voting Now Available"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_HeroGuides" "New In-Game Hero Guide Viewer and Editor"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_LastHitTrainer" "New Last Hit Trainer"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_ProfilePageUpdated" "Improved Player Profile Page"

"DOTA_ChangeLog_BattleCupPartyBuilder" "Battle Cup Party Builder"

"DOTA_ChangeLog_Halloween_Quest_Available" "Bonus Quest Path"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_TI6Rollup" "The International 2016 Battle Pass
"DOTA_ChangeLog_Fall2016Fantasy" "The Fall 2016 Fantasy Challenge"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_Fall2016PlayerCards" "Fall 2016 Player Cards"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_Fall2016Casters" "Boston Major Casters"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_Fall2016MainEventPredictions" "Boston Major Predictions"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_Fall2016BracketPrediction" "Boston Major Bracket
"DOTA_ChangeLog_MonkeyKingReleased" "7.00 - New Hero: Monkey King"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_MatchmakingUpdate" "Matchmaking Update"

"DOTA_ChangeLog_Winter2017MainEventPredictions" "Kiev Major Predictions"

"DOTA_ChangeLog_Winter2017Casters" "Kiev Major Casters"

"DOTA_ChangeLog_TI7BracketPrediction" "The International 2017 Bracket


"DOTA_ChangeLog_PlayerCards" "Player Cards Now Available"

"DOTA_ChangeLog_FavoriteTeam" "Favorite Team Now Available"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_Predictions" "Predictions Now Available"

"DOTA_GlobalLiveSpectatorChat_Title" "New Feature - Global

Live Spectator Chat"
"DOTA_GlobalLiveSpectatorChat_Details" "You don't need to be at
KeyArena to take in the The International alongside a crowd of thousands. In-game
spectator chat now has increased capacity, and can support large numbers of viewers
in a single channel. You may also access the spectator chat channel in the new Live
Game tab in the dashboard chat window."

"DOTA_Credits" "Acknowledgements"
"DOTA_Credits_EnglishVoices" "English Voice Cast"
"DOTA_Credits_RussianVoices" "Russian Voice Cast"
"DOTA_Credits_DefaultAnnouncer_Extra" "& The Default Announcer"
"DOTA_Credits_SecretShopkeeper_Extra" "& The Secret Shopkeeper"
"DOTA_Credits_WarlockGolem_Extra" "& Warlock's Golem"
"DOTA_Credits_Juggernaut_Bladeform" "as The Call of the Bladeform Legacy"

"DOTA_Trading_UI_Body_Outgoing" "Waiting for {s:player_name} to respond to

your request..."

"DOTA_GiftWrap_Item" "Gift wrapping {g:dota_item_name:gift_item_def}."

"DOTA_GiftWrap_ConfirmDedication_Title" "Confirm Dedication"
"DOTA_GiftWrap_ConfirmDedication_Message" "Are you sure you want to dedicate
the gift with '{s:gift_dedication}'?"
"DOTA_GiftWrap_Success_Header" "Success"
"DOTA_GiftWrap_Success" "Your gift has been
"DOTA_GiftWrap_Error_RateLimitedNormal" "You may only gift
{d:gift_limit_count} items within {d:gift_limit_hours} hours. You have already sent
this many gifts, please wait before sending this gift."
"DOTA_GiftWrap_Error_RateLimitedCharge" "At your battle point level
you may only gift {d:gift_limit_count} non-tradable items within
{d:gift_limit_hours} hours. This gift could not currently be sent."
"DOTA_GiftWrap_Error_RateLimitedChargeNone" "At your battle point level
you may not gift non-tradable items. This gift could not currently be sent."
"DOTA_GiftWrap_NoFriends" "Gifts can only be sent to people on your
friends list. Add some people to your list!"
"DOTA_GiftWrap_Error_LockedOnOpen" "Cannot open this gift, either this
account or the sender's account is currently trade locked."

"DOTA_Recycling" "Recycling"
"DOTA_Recycling_Action" "Recycle"
"DOTA_Recycling_DragItems" "Drag unwanted items here"
"DOTA_Recycling_Outputs" "Receive"
"DOTA_Recycling_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to recycle these

"DOTA_ConsumeSubscriptionPrepaidTime_Title" "Prepaid Time"

"DOTA_ConsumeSubscriptionPrepaidTime_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to add
this prepaid time to your account?"

"DOTA_Crafting" "Crafting"

"DOTA_Crafting_Fall_2015" "Fall 2015"

"DOTA_Crafting_Compendium" "Compendium"
"DOTA_Crafting_Title" "Fall 2015 Compendium Crafting"
"DOTA_Crafting_Description" "Opening a Coin Treasure will award a
Bronze, Silver, or Gold item. You can then combine three lower tier items into one
higher tier item, or swap two gold items for a different one."
"DOTA_Crafting_Chart_Link" "View Tier Chart in<br>Fall 2015
"DOTA_Crafting_Treasure_Link" "View Coin Treasure"

"DOTA_Crafting_Winter_2016" "Winter 2016"

"DOTA_Crafting_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to craft these

items into something new?"

"DOTA_CraftingResult_OfferingDisabled" "This crafting recipe is currently

disabled. Try again later."
"DOTA_CraftingResult_InvalidItems" "Failed: invalid items."
"DOTA_CraftingResult_InternalError" "Failed: internal error."
"DOTA_CraftingResult_MissingLeague" "Failed: you must own the compendium to
use this recipe."
"DOTA_CraftingResult_MissingEvent" "Failed: you must own the event to use
this recipe."

"DOTA_Compendium_Coins_Increased" "Your Compendium Coins have Increased"

"DOTA_Compendium_Coin_Bank" "{d:coin_bank}"
"DOTA_Compendium_Coin_Plus" "+"
"DOTA_Compendium_Coins_Gained" "{d:coins_gained}"
"DOTA_Compendium_Level_Number" "{d:compendium_level}"
"DOTA_Compendium_Level_Points" "{d:compendium_points}"

"DOTA_Treasure_Purchase" "Purchase Treasure"

"DOTA_Treasure_PurchasePW" "Purchase
"DOTA_Treasure_EventPurchase" "Compendium Reward"
"DOTA_Treasure_CharmPurchase" "Purchase Charm"
"DOTA_Treasure_InfuserPurchase" "Purchase Infuser"
"DOTA_Treasure_InfusersOwned" "Infusers Owned:"
"DOTA_Treasure_MarketPurchase" "On the Market"
"DOTA_Treasure_SearchPlaceholder" "Search for Treasures"
"DOTA_Treasure_ViewAll" "View All Treasures"
"DOTA_Treasure_QuantityOption" "Qty: {d:quantity}"
"DOTA_Treasure_Gift" "Gift"
"DOTA_Treasure_Open" "Open"
"DOTA_Treasure_OpenPW" "Receive
"DOTA_Treasure_OpenAnother" "Open Another"
"DOTA_Treasure_OpenQuantity" "{d:owned_quantity}"
"DOTA_Treasure_Owned" "Owned"
"DOTA_Treasure_Received" "Received"
"DOTA_Treasure_Autographed" "Autograph"
"DOTA_Treasure_AutographName" "{s:treasure_autograph_name}"
"DOTA_Treasure_AutographDetails" "Items received from an Autographed
treasure come with an attached Autograph Rune. A portion of the proceeds from an
Autographed treasure go directly to the person that autographed it."
"DOTA_Treasure_BonusReward" "Bonus Reward"
"DOTA_Treasure_HelpHeader" "Each treasure contains
{d:items_per_treasure} of these items"
"DOTA_Treasure_HelpHeaderPW" "Current item available from this
"DOTA_Treasure_HelpHeaderPWNotPurchasable" "Not your current item from this
"DOTA_Treasure_HelpHeaderGrantsAll" "Each treasure contains all of these

"DOTA_Treausre_HelpNoDupe" "Until it's purchased and opened,

you won't know which one you'll receive. If you buy more than one, you won't
receive duplicates until you own one of each non-rare item."
"DOTA_Treasure_HelpDupe" "Until it's purchased and opened,
you won't know which one you'll receive. If you buy more than one, you may receive
"DOTA_Treasure_HelpPW" "After receiving this item, a
different item from this treasure will become available.\n"
"DOTA_Treasure_HelpPWNotPurchasable" "{g:dota_item_name:peek_item_def} is
currently available from this treasure. After receiving it, another item from the
treasure will become available."
"DOTA_Treasure_HelpRares" "Also, if you're very lucky, in
addition to the normal items you receive, you may also receive one of the rare
bonus items."
"DOTA_Treasure_HelpRaresPW" "Also, in addition to the normal
items you receive, you may also receive one of the rare bonus items."
"DOTA_Treasure_HelpGrantAll" "You will receive all of these items when
you open this treasure."
"DOTA_Treasure_EventLevelsRequired" "<span
class=\"LevelAmount\">{d:event_levels_required} Levels</span> needed for next
"DOTA_Treasure_EventRequired" "<span class=\"LevelAmount\">Level
{d:event_reward_level}</span> Battle Pass reward"
"DOTA_Treasure_UnclaimedEventRewards_Singular" "<span
class=\"LevelAmount\">{d:unclaimed_event_rewards_count} Unclaimed</span> Battle
Pass Treasure"
"DOTA_Treasure_UnclaimedEventRewards_Plural" "<span
class=\"LevelAmount\">{d:unclaimed_event_rewards_count} Unclaimed</span> Battle
Pass Treasures"
"DOTA_Treasure_PurchaseEvent" "Purchase Battle Pass"
"DOTA_Treasure_PurchaseEventLevels" "Purchase Levels"
"DOTA_Treasure_ViewEvent" "View Battle Pass"
"DOTA_Treasure_ClaimEventRewards" "Claim Treasures"
"DOTA_Treasure_ViewTreasure" "View Treasure"
"DOTA_Treasure_ZoomOut" "Zoom Out"

"DOTA_Treasure_FilterAvailable" "Available"
"DOTA_Treasure_FilterOwned" "Unopened
"DOTA_Treasure_FilterAll" "All"

"DOTA_Treasure_OpenTreasure" "Open Treasure"

"DOTA_Treasure_OpenNoDupe" "Each treasure you open will
contain {d:items_per_treasure} of the normal items shown. You will not receive
duplicates until you get one of each. If lucky, you may also receive one of the
rare items."
"DOTA_Treasure_OpenDupe" "Each treasure you open will
contain {d:items_per_treasure} of the normal items shown. You may receive
duplicates. If lucky, you may also receive one of the rare items."
"DOTA_Treasure_OpenFailed_NoItem" "Unable to find a treasure to open in
your inventory."
"DOTA_Treasure_OpenFailed_NoItemsReceived" "Unable to get the list of
items received from the treasure."
"DOTA_Treasure_OpenSuccess" "Congratulations! You received:"

"DOTA_OpenTreasureTooltip_NormalTitle" "Contains the following items:"

"DOTA_OpenTreasureTooltip_NoDupeDescription" "You will not receive
duplicates until you get one of each."
"DOTA_OpenTreasureTooltip_DupeDescription" "You may receive
duplicates before getting one of each."
"DOTA_OpenTreasureTooltip_RareTitle" "With a chance to receive bonus
"DOTA_OpenTreasureTooltip_UnitName" "{g:dota_item_unit_name:item_def}"
"DOTA_OpenTreasureTooltip_ItemName" " - {g:dota_item_name:item_def}"
"DOTA_OpenTreasureTooltip_ExtraItems" "... and
{d:extra_items_count} more!"

"DOTA_AASystem_Green" "Accumulated online game time: {s:playtime}.

You are currently playing within healthy time-limits. Enjoy the game!"
"DOTA_AASystem_Yellow" "Accumulated online game time: {s:playtime}.
You have exceeded healthy game time limits. Please take care to rest!"
"DOTA_AASystem_Red" "Accumulated online game time:
{s:playtime}. You have exceeded healthy game time limits. It is recommended that
you sign offline and rest!"

"DOTA_AntiAddiction_Initial_With_ID_18Plus" "Last time online: %s1\

nLast IP Address: %s2"
"DOTA_AntiAddiction_Initial_With_ID_Under_18" "You are under 18. The anti
addiction system is in effect.\nLast time online: %s1\nLast IP Address: %s2"
"DOTA_AntiAddiction_Initial_No_ID" "Your account is not
registered.\nLast time online: %s1\nLast IP Address: %s2"
"DOTA_AntiAddiction_Blocked_Time_Exceeded" "Exceeded allowable play
time due to Anti Addiction system. Shutting down."

"DOTA_AntiAddiction_Initial_No_ID_Popup" "Your account is not fully

registered. Would you like to enter your information now?"
"DOTA_AntiAddiction_CompleteInfoNow" "Enter Information"
"DOTA_AntiAddiction_CompleteInfoNotNow" "Not Now"

"DOTA_AntiAddiction_Initial_DateFormat" "%s1Y%s2M%s3D

"DOTA_AntiAddiction_Label_Green" "Game Time: {s:playtime}

( Healthy )"
"DOTA_AntiAddiction_Label_Yellow" "Game Time: {s:playtime}
( Unhealthy )"
"DOTA_AntiAddiction_Label_Red" "Game Time: {s:playtime}
( Exceeded )"

"DOTA_Workshop_Browse" "Browse"

"DOTA_Workshop_TextureName_color" "Color"
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureName_trans" "Transparency"
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureName_normal" "Normal"
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureName_detailmask" "Detail Mask"
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureName_diffusemask" "Diffuse/Fresnel Mask"
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureName_metalnessmask" "Metalness Mask"
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureName_selfillummask" "Self-Illumination Mask"
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureName_specmask" "Specular Intensity
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureName_rimmask" "Rimlight Intensity
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureName_basetintmask" "Base Tint Mask"
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureName_specexp" "Specular Exponent"

"DOTA_Workshop_Model" "Model"
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureDetails_color" "Color map"
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureDetails_trans" "Determines where
the texture is opaque (white is opaque, black is invisible)"
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureDetails_normal" "Normal map"
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureDetails_detailmask" "Determines the
visibility of the detail map (only if Valve has enabled a detail map on the
material). If you want your item to react to a hero's existing arcana, ability or
ambient texture effects, you will need to specify the effects display area using
this mask."
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureDetails_diffusemask" "Determines the
visibility of the color warp effect (only if the material has the color warp
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureDetails_metalnessmask" "Determines where color
is suppressed to simulate a metallic look"
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureDetails_selfillummask" "Determines where the
surface is self-illuminated independent of environment lighting (self-illum color
comes from the color texture)"
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureDetails_specmask" "Determines the
brightness of the highlights, multiplied by specular intensity from the material"
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureDetails_rimmask" "Determines the
highlighting on the edges of the model (rim lighting, also known as fresnel
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureDetails_basetintmask" "Determines how
much color the specular highlights get from the color texture"
"DOTA_Workshop_TextureDetails_specexp" "Determines the
size of the specular highlight, acts as scale of specular exponent value from the
"DOTA_Workshop_CustomSkeleton" "Model Uses
a Custom Skeleton"
"DOTA_Workshop_CustomSkeleton_Desc" "Indicates you are
using a skeleton different from the Valve skeleton. This will prevent the Valve-
provided default animations from being applied to your model."

"DOTA_Workshop_Materials" "Materials"
"DOTA_Workshop_Meshes" "Meshes"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animations" "Animations"
"DOTA_Workshop_Misc" "Misc/Attachments"
"DOTA_Workshop_ImportP4" "Import (P4)"
"DOTA_Workshop_ImportNoP4" "Import (No P4)"
"DOTA_Workshop_SaveSettings" "Save Settings"
"DOTA_Workshop_LoadSettings" "Load Settings"

"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_TeamLogo" "Team Logo"

"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_TeamLogo_Desc" "A logo for a
professional Dota team"
"DOTA_Workshop_LogoMarketingImage" "Team Logo"
"DOTA_Workshop_LogoMarketingImage_Desc" "An image or logo
to be used in association with your team. Must be square and at least 600x600, and
should have a transparent background suitable for overlay on other images. You must
have the rights to use this image."
"DOTA_Workshop_BannerMarketingImage" "Team
"DOTA_Workshop_BannerMarketingImage_Desc" "A banner to be
used in association with your team. Must be at least 932x128. You must have the
rights to use this image."

"DOTA_HUD_Charms_CurrentStreak" "Current Streak:


"DOTA_Workshop_Ready" "Ready"
"DOTA_Workshop_Optional" "Optional"
"DOTA_Workshop_Required" "Required"
"DOTA_Workshop_UsingDefault" "Optional (Using default)"
"DOTA_Workshop_IgnoringDefault" "Optional (Ignoring default)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Required_Texture" "Required (Textures will be resized to:
"DOTA_Workshop_Required_Geometry" "Required (Max Triangle count: %s1)"
"DOTA_Workshop_NotRequired_Geometry" "(Max Triangle count: %s1)"
"DOTA_Workshop_NotRequired_Texture" "(Textures will be resized to: %s1)"
"DOTA_Workshop_ItemName" "Item Name"
"DOTA_Workshop_ItemName_Desc" "This is the output filename for your
item. It isn't seen by players, and must be less than 50 characters long."
"DOTA_Workshop_GenericModelName_Desc" "This is the name of your imported
content, it is used internally at Valve so please use a unique or descriptive name.
It isn't seen by players, and must be less than 50 characters long."
"DOTA_Workshop_UnknownLOD" "Unknown Geometry File"
"DOTA_Workshop_LOD0Title" "Portrait Geometry"
"DOTA_Workshop_FlyingCourier_LOD0Title" "Flying Portrait Geometry"
"DOTA_Workshop_LOD0Desc" "This is the optional .DMX or .FBX
file that contains the higher resolution skinned geometry for your item. It will be
used in portrait, loadout and showcase views. Please check the mesh for missing
back faces that will be noticable in loadout or the portrait. If this entry is
blank, in-game geometry will be used instead."
"DOTA_Workshop_LOD1Title" "In-Game Geometry"
"DOTA_Workshop_FlyingCourier_LOD1Title" "Flying In-Game Geometry"
"DOTA_Workshop_Courier_Ward_LOD1Desc" "This is the .DMX
or .FBX file that contains the skinned geometry for your item. It will be used in-
game. The model must be in its bind pose with no animation."
"DOTA_Workshop_LOD1Desc" "This is the .DMX or .FBX file that
contains the skinned geometry for your item. It will be used in-game. If skinned to
a Valve skeleton, the model must be in Valve's default bind pose with no animation
and the joints must exactly match the scale, positions and rotations of Valve's
"DOTA_Workshop_Texture_Title" "Texture Files"
"DOTA_Workshop_Texture_Desc" "This is the set of four .TGA files that
combine to texture this geometry file. Browse and select any one of the _color,
_normal, _mask1, or _mask2 .TGA files, and we'll look for the rest in the same
"DOTA_Workshop_Texturing" "Texturing Help"
"DOTA_Workshop_Modelling" "Modelling Help"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation" "Animation Help"
"DOTA_Workshop_LoopingAnim" "This is a looping animation - the
first and last frames should be identical in order to seamlessly loop."
"DOTA_Workshop_RunAnim" "This is a run animation - motion
will be extracted from the bone named 'root' (base of skeleton if not present)."
"DOTA_Workshop_DeltaAnim" "This is a delta animation - it
will be played back layered over another animation. (First frame defines neutral
"DOTA_Workshop_AttackAnim" "This is an attack animation - it
must be %1 seconds long, and the attack point occurs at %2 seconds into it."
"DOTA_Workshop_ParticleSnapshot" "This is an effects mesh - it should have
at most %1 vertices, and their order may affect the effect visuals."
"DOTA_Workshop_TriangleLimit" "This mesh must have at most %1 triangles
after triangulation."
"DOTA_Workshop_AbilityIconsHelp" "Ability Icons Help"
"DOTA_Workshop_DisableNICE" "Disable Texture Filtering"
"DOTA_Workshop_DisableNICE_Desc" "On some textures, the NICE filter we use
can result in mipmaps that don't maintain some specific texture detail. If you see
this happening with your textures, try turning this option on and see if the
textures are more readable."
"DOTA_Workshop_Reimport" "Update"
"DOTA_Workshop_Models_Title" "Models"
"DOTA_Workshop_Materials_Title" "Materials"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachments_Title" "Attachments"
"DOTA_Workshop_Marketing_Title" "Marketing"
"DOTA_Workshop_Marketing_Desc" "A .PSD file containing a selection
of marketing images to use when promoting your submission. Click the Marketing Help
link to see the requirements, and suggested format, of your .PSD file."
"DOTA_Workshop_Marketing_Help" "Marketing Help"
"DOTA_Workshop_EffectsModel_Title" "Effects Mesh"
"DOTA_Workshop_EffectsModel_Desc" "This model will have Valve's default
ambient particle system attached to it in-game. This is the .DMX or .FBX file that
contains vertices specifying where the particle system should be attached along the
profile of the weapon."
"DOTA_Workshop_Images_Title" "Images"
"DOTA_Workshop_AbilityIcons_Title" "Ability Icons"
"DOTA_Workshop_MoreInfoURL" "(More Information)"

"DOTA_Workshop_HudSkin_Intro" "HUD Skins are a set of images that

combine to replace the in-game HUD."
"DOTA_Workshop_HudSkin_Desc" "A set of .PNG files that were produced
by the HUD Skin Photoshop export tool. Browse and select any of the .PNG files, and
we'll find the rest. They must be in the directory structure created by the export
"DOTA_Workshop_HudSkin_Help" "HUD Skin Help"

"DOTA_Workshop_CursorPack_Intro" "Cursor Packs are a set of images

that combine to replace the in-game cursors."
"DOTA_Workshop_CursorPack_Desc" "A set of .BMP files that represent
the variety of cursors for the UI. Also necessary are raw .PNG source for the same
cursors. Browse for the icon.png that will be your pack's inventory icon and we'll
find the other files."
"DOTA_Workshop_CursorPack_Help" "Cursor Pack Help"

"DOTA_Workshop_LoadingScreen" "Loading Screen"

"DOTA_Workshop_LoadingScreen_Intro" "An image that replaces the default Dota
2 Loading Screen"
"DOTA_Workshop_LoadingScreen_Desc" "Browse for loadingscreen.png."
"DOTA_Workshop_LoadScreen_Preview_Title" "Preview aspect ratio cropping"
"DOTA_UI_LoadScreen_16_9" "16:9 Aspect Ratio"
"DOTA_UI_LoadScreen_16_10" "16:10 Aspect Ratio"
"DOTA_UI_LoadScreen_4_3" "4:3 Aspect Ratio"

"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_MusicPack" "Music Pack"

"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_MusicPack_Desc" "A replacement for all the
music in the game, including the main menu and all music heard while in a match."

"DOTA_Workshop_Music_Section_UI" "UI Tracks"

"DOTA_Workshop_Music_Section_PreGame" "Pre-Game Tracks"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_Section_Laning" "Laning Tracks and
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_Section_Battle" "Battle Tracks"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_Section_Roshan" "Roshan Track"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_Section_Smoke" "Smoke Track"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_Section_Gank" "Gank Stingers"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_Section_Killed" "Killed Track"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_Section_EndOfMatch" "End of Match Stingers"

"DOTA_Workshop_MusicMarketingImage" "Music Pack Artwork"

"DOTA_Workshop_MusicMarketingImageDesc" "An image or logo to be
used in association with your music pack. Must be square and at least 600x600, and
should have a transparent background suitable for overlay on other images. You must
have the rights to use this image."

"DOTA_Workshop_Music_ui_startup" "UI Startup"

"DOTA_Workshop_Music_ui_main" "UI Main"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_ui_main_alt" "UI Main Alternate"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_ui_hero_select" "Hero Select"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_countdown" "Countdown"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_laning_01_layer_01" "Laning #1, Layer 1"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_laning_01_layer_02" "Laning #1, Layer 2"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_laning_01_layer_03" "Laning #1, Layer 3"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_laning_02_layer_01" "Laning #2, Layer 1"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_laning_02_layer_02" "Laning #2, Layer 2"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_laning_02_layer_03" "Laning #2, Layer 3"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_laning_03_layer_01" "Laning #3, Layer 1"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_laning_03_layer_02" "Laning #3, Layer 2"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_laning_03_layer_03" "Laning #3, Layer 3"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_battle_01" "Battle #1"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_battle_01_end" "Battle #1 End"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_battle_02" "Battle #2"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_battle_02_end" "Battle #2 End"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_battle_03" "Battle #3"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_battle_03_end" "Battle #3 End"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_roshan" "roshan"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_roshan_end" "roshan_end"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_smoke" "smoke"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_smoke_end" "smoke_end"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_smoke_end_hero" "smoke_end_hero"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_ganked_sml_01" "ganked_sml_01"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_ganked_med_01" "ganked_med_01"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_ganked_lg_01" "ganked_lg_01"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_killed" "killed"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_respawn" "respawn"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_radiant_win" "radiant_win"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_radiant_lose" "radiant_lose"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_dire_win" "dire_win"
"DOTA_Workshop_Music_dire_lose" "dire_lose"

"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_attack_default" "Attack"
"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_attack_enemy" "Attack (Enemy)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_attack_illegal" "Attack (Illegal)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_attack_team" "Attack (Team)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_buy" "Buy"
"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_cannot_buy" "Cannot Buy"
"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_coach" "Coach"
"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_default" "Default"
"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_default_enemy" "Default (Enemy)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_default_team" "Default (Team)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_invisible" "Invisible"
"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_item_drop" "Item Drop"
"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_learn_ability" "Learn Abiltiy"
"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_move" "Move"
"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_spell_default" "Spell"
"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_spell_enemy" "Spell (Enemy)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_spell_illegal" "Spell (Illegal)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_spell_team" "Spell (Team)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Cursor_spell_walkto" "Spell (Walk To)"

"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Emoticon" "Chat Emoticon"

"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Emoticon_Desc" "An animated chat
"DOTA_Workshop_ChatEmoticon_Image" "Emoticon Image"
"DOTA_Workshop_ChatEmoticon_Keyword" "Emoticon Keyword"
"DOTA_Workshop_ChatEmoticon_Keyword_Desc" "Proposed chat emoticon
"DOTA_Workshop_ChatEmoticon_AnimationSpeed" "Frame Time"
"DOTA_Workshop_ChatEmoticon_AnimationSpeed_Desc" "Frame time, in
milliseconds. Most emoticons use 100 milliseconds per frame."
"DOTA_Workshop_ChatEmoticon_DefaultFrame" "Default Frame"
"DOTA_Workshop_ChatEmoticon_DefaultFrame_Desc" "The frame to show when
the emoticon is not animating. In the range from 0 to the number of frames minus
one. Use -1 to automatically chose the last frame. If not specified, will use the
first frame (0)."

"DOTA_Workshop_Emoticon" "Emoticon"
"DOTA_Workshop_EmoticonAlt" "Additional

"DOTA_Workshop_Error_ImageExactWidth" "Bad image width:

%1 (Must be %2px)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Error_ImageExactHeight" "Bad image height:
%1 (Must be %2px)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Error_EmoticonHeight" "Bad image height:
%1 (Emoticon height must be %2px)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Error_EmoticonWidth" "Bad image width:
%1 (Emoticon width must be a multiple of %2px)"

//WORKSHOP ATTACHMENTS - if you don't see the strings you need to edit, also check
the dota_english in the resource directory.
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachments_Desc" "Attachment points are points
on the model that the game can use to position certain effects. Each attachment
point has both a position and an angle, which it derives from a bone in your model.
For each required attachment point, specify the bone name. Once we've built your
imported model, the preview will show you the attachment point so you can verify
its position."
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachments_UIBlock" "Attachments %s1"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_HitLocation" "Hit Location Bone name"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_HitLocation_Desc" "Specifies where on the
model that incoming enemy projectiles should travel to. A good position is above
the center of the model, such as the center of the head in a humanoid."
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_LeftEye" "Left Eye Bone name"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_LeftEye_Desc" "Specifies where on the
model to place Unusual particle effects intended for the Left Eye of a creature.
Only attach to an eye joint that does not animate or to the head joint. Position on
the Left Eye with the red tx arrow pointing forward."
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_RightEye" "Right Eye Bone name"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_RightEye_Desc" "Specifies where on the model
to place Unusual particle effects intended for the Right Eye of a creature. Only
attach to an eye joint that does not animate or to the head joint. Position on the
Right Eye with the red tx arrow pointing forward."
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_AttackPoint" "Attack Point Bone name"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_AttackPoint_Desc" "For ranged attack
units, this specifies where their attack projectiles should start. For melee units,
this is where we spawn hit effects, like blood splashes."
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_AttackPoint2" "Offhand Attack Point
Bone name"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_AttackPoint2_Desc" "When an OFFHAND ATTACK
animation is used instead of the base ATTACK, this attack point will be used to
spawn hit effects & projectiles."
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Mouth" "Mouth Bone name"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Mouth_Desc" "Specifies where on the
model to place particle effects intended for the mouth of the unit."
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Tail" "Tail Bone name"

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Ambient_Particle" "Ambient Particle Bone

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Ambient_Particle_Desc" "Specifies where on the
model the default ambient particles should be placed."

//Bowstring Attachments
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_BowTop" "Bowstring Top Attachment point"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_BowTop_Desc" "Specifies where on the model
that the top of the bowstring particle effect should attach."
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_BowMid" "Bowstring Midpoint Attachment
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_BowMid_Desc" "Specifies where on the model
the middle of the bowstring particle effect should be. Used to bend the bowstring
for firing."
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_BowBot" "Bowstring Bottom Attachment point"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_BowBot_Desc" "Specifies where on the model
that the bottom of the bowstring particle effect should attach."

//Earth Spirit Weapon Attachments

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_LowerStaff" "Earth Spirit Lower Staff
Attachment point"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_LowerStaff_Desc" "Specifies where on the staff
model the lower particle effect should attach."
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_UpperStaff" "Earth Spirit Upper Staff
Attachment point"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_UppperStaff_Desc" "Specifies where on the staff
model the upper particle effect should attach."

//Terrorblade Demon Wing attaches

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Wing_Right" "Right Wing1 Inner"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Wing_Right2" "Right Wing2 Middle"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Wing_Right3" "Right Wing3 Outer"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Wing_Left" "Left Wing1 Inner"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Wing_Left2" "Left Wing2 Middle"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Wing_Left3" "Left Wing3 Outer"

//Autofill Particle Attachments for models that use the default skeleton
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Head_Particle_Autofill_Desc" "This attachment
specifies the position for default head ambient particles. The bone for the head
attachment has been filled in. You will have the option to reposition this
attachment after compiling."

//Autofill Attachments for Models with custom skeleton option

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_HitLocation_Autofill_Desc" "Specifies where

on the model incoming enemy projectiles should travel to. A good position is above
the center of the model. The default skeleton bone for this attachment has been
filled in. If you are using a custom skeleton, you will need to change the bone
name. You will have the option to reposition this attachment after compiling."

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_AttackPoint_Autofill_Desc" "For ranged attack

units, this specifies where their attack projectiles should start. For melee units,
this is where we spawn hit effects, like blood splashes. The default skeleton bone
for this attachment has been filled in. If you are using a custom skeleton, you
will need to change the bone name. You will have the option to reposition this
attachment after compiling."

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_AttackPoint2_Autofill_Desc" "When an offhand

animation is used instead of the base attack, this attack point will be used to
spawn hit effects & projectiles. The default skeleton bone for this attachment has
been filled in. If you are using a custom skeleton, you will need to change the
bone name. You will have the option to reposition this attachment after compiling."

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Mouth_Autofill_Desc" "Specifies
where the default particles for a creature's bite attack or mouth projectile attack
should originate. The default skeleton bone for this attachment has been filled in.
If you are using a custom skeleton, you will need to change the bone name. If there
is no mouth joint, use the head joint and then position the attachment onto the
creature's mouth with the red tx arrow pointing forward. You will have the option
to reposition this attachment after compiling."

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Eye_Autofill_Desc" "Specifies where

on the model to place default particle effects intended for each eye of a creature.
The default skeleton bones for these attachments have been filled in. If you are
using a custom skeleton, you will need to change the bone names. If there are no
eye joints, use the head joint and then position the attachments onto each of the
creature's eyes with the red tx arrow pointing forward. You will have the option to
reposition these attachments after compiling."

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Wing_Particle_Autofill_Desc" "These attachments

specify positions for default Wing Particle Effects. The default skeleton bones for
wing attachments have been filled in. If you are using a custom skeleton, you will
need to change the bone names. You will have the option to reposition these
attachments after compiling."

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Tail_Autofill_Desc" "The default skeleton bone

for this attachment has been filled in. If you are using a custom skeleton, you
will need to change the bone name. You will have the option to reposition this
attachment after compiling."

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_RightHand" "Right Hand Bone Name"

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_RightHand_Autofill_Desc" "Specifies where
the default ambient particles for a creature's right hand should originate. The
default skeleton bone for this attachment has been filled in. If you are using a
custom skeleton, you will need to change the bone name. You will have the option to
reposition this attachment after compiling."

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_LeftHand" "Left Hand Bone Name"

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_LeftHand_Autofill_Desc" "Specifies where
the default ambient particles for a creature's left hand should originate. The
default skeleton bone for this attachment has been filled in. If you are using a
custom skeleton, you will need to change the bone name. You will have the option to
reposition this attachment after compiling."


"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Lycan_Ult_Jaw" "Lower Jaw Particle Bone
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Lycan_Ult_Jaw_Autofill_Desc" "This attachment
determines where the Wolf's default saliva particles originate. The default
skeleton bone for this attachment has been filled in. If you are using a custom
skeleton, you will need to change the bone name. You will have the option to
reposition this attachment after compiling."

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Lycan_Ult_Mane" "Mane Particle Bone Name"

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Lycan_Ult_Mane_Autofill_Desc" "This attachment
determines where the Wolf's default ambient mane particles originate. The default
skeleton bone for this attachment has been filled in. If you are using a custom
skeleton, you will need to change the bone name. You will have the option to
reposition this attachment after compiling."

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Tail1" "Tail 1 Bone name"

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Tail2" "Tail 2 Bone name"

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Warlock_Golem_Mane_Particle_01" "Mane 1 Particle
Bone Name"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Warlock_Golem_Mane_Particle_02" "Mane 2 Particle
Bone Name"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Warlock_Golem_Mane_Particle_03" "Mane 3 Particle
Bone Name"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Warlock_Golem_Mane_Particle_04" "Mane 4 Particle
Bone Name"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Warlock_Golem_Mane_Particle_05" "Mane 5 Particle
Bone Name"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Warlock_Golem_Mane_Particle_06" "Mane 6 Particle
Bone Name"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Warlock_Golem_Mane_Particle_07" "Mane 7 Particle
Bone Name"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Warlock_Golem_Mane_Particle_08" "Mane 8 Particle
Bone Name"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Warlock_Golem_Mane_Particle_09" "Mane 9 Particle
Bone Name"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Warlock_Golem_Mane_Particle_R" "Mane Right
Particle Bone Name"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Warlock_Golem_Mane_Particle_L" "Mane Left
Particle Bone Name"
"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Warlock_Golem_Mane_Particle_Desc""The default
attachment bone names and positions for Warlock Golem's default mane flame
particles have already been filled in. If you are using a custom skeleton, you will
need to change the bone names. The central mane attachment bones need to be in
order starting at the head. You will have the option to reposition attachments
after compiling. However, the ambient flame particles will display at origin in the
workshop tool. We will enable the particle positions if we decide to ship the item
or remove the mane particles if you don't wish to use them."

//Autofill Attachments for Models with default-only skeleton

"Specifies where on the model incoming enemy projectiles should travel to. A good
position is above the center of the model. The default skeleton bone for this
attachment has been filled in. You will have the option to reposition this
attachment after compiling."

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_AttackPoint_Autofill_Default_Desc" "For
ranged attack units, this specifies where their attack projectiles should start.
For melee units, this is where we spawn hit effects, like blood splashes. The
default skeleton bone for this attachment has been filled in. You will have the
option to reposition this attachment after compiling. "

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_AttackPoint2_Autofill_Default_Desc" "When
an offhand animation is used instead of the base attack, this attack point will be
used to spawn hit effects & projectiles. The default skeleton bone for this
attachment has been filled in. You will have the option to reposition this
attachment after compiling."

"Specifies where the default particles for a creature's bite attack or mouth
projectile attack should originate. The default skeleton bone for this attachment
has been filled in. You will have the option to reposition this attachment after

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_LeftEye_Autofill_Default_Desc" "Speci
fies where on the model to place default particle effects intended for the Left Eye
of a creature. The default skeleton bone for this attachment has been filled in.
You will have the option to reposition this attachment after compiling."

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_RightEye_Autofill_Default_Desc" "Specifies
where on the model to place default particle effects intended for the Right Eye of
a creature. The default skeleton bone for this attachment has been filled in. You
will have the option to reposition this attachment after compiling."

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Wing_Particle_Autofill_Default_Desc" "Attachments
for default Wing Particle Effects. The default skeleton bones for these attachments
have been filled in. You will have the option to reposition attachments after

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Head_Autofill_Default_Desc""The default skeleton

bone for this attachment has been filled in. You will have the option to reposition
this attachment after compiling."

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Body_Autofill_Default_Desc""The default skeleton

bone for this attachment has been filled in. You will have the option to reposition
this attachment after compiling."

"DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Reset" "Reset"

"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Title" "Animations"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Desc" "Animations are .DMX, or .FBX
files, each containing a single animation for your model."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_UIBlock" "Animations %s1"

"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_Anim" "Animation:"
"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_Gesture" "Overlay:"
"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_Skin" "Texture:"
"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_Model" "Model:"
"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_Attachment" "Highlight Attachment:"
"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_NoAttachment" "None"
"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_ShowReference" "Show Reference Model"
"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_ToggleLOD" "Show Low-Res Model"
"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_TogglePedestal" "Toggle Pedestal"
"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_ToggleUI" "Toggle UI"
"DOTA_Workshop_PreviewAspectRatio" "Aspect Ratio"

"DOTA_Workshop_ImportError_Validation" "Validation Failed"

"DOTA_Workshop_Error_TooManyBones" "%1 contains %2 bones, a maximum of
%3 bones are are allowed."

"DOTA_Workshop_Error_VMTCount" "The %s1 model is using more than

one material. Only one material is allowed for all the LODs in a model.\nMaterials
"DOTA_Workshop_Error_TextureNameA" "Cannot recognise the chosen .TGA file
name. Textures must end with one of the following suffixes: _color, _normal,
_mask1, _mask2"
"DOTA_Workshop_Error_TextureNameB" "Cannot find a matching .TGA file with
the following suffix:\n %s1"

"DOTA_Workshop_RequiredFileError" "Required File Not Found!"

"DOTA_Workshop_RequiredFile_Name" "Cannot find a required file with the
following name:\n %s1"

"DOTA_Workshop_ZipError" "File Error!"

"DOTA_Workshop_ZipError_Desc" "Failed to create temporary submission
zip file at: %s1"

"DOTA_Workshop_Error" "Import Error"

"DOTA_Workshop_Error_Unskinned" "%1: Couldn't find any bones in the
wearable that correspond to bones in the hero model. Wearable items must be skinned
to the hero's bones to be submitted."
"DOTA_Workshop_Error_NoManifest" "Zip file does not contain manifest.txt."

"DOTA_Workshop_Quicksave_Fail" "Save Failed"

"DOTA_Workshop_Quicksave_Fail_Desc" "Failed to save import state at %s1"
"DOTA_Workshop_Quickload_Fail" "Load Failed"
"DOTA_Workshop_Quickload_Fail_Desc" "Failed to load: save file not found at
"DOTA_Workshop_NotInTest" "Cannot Publish In Dota 2 Test"
"DOTA_Workshop_NotInTest_Desc" "Please use the main Dota 2 client
to interact with the Steam Workshop."

"DOTA_Workshop_Import" "Import"
"DOTA_Workshop_Importing" "Importing"
"DOTA_Workshop_Import_Success" "IMPORT SUCCESSFUL"
"DOTA_Workshop_Import_Failed" "IMPORT FAILED"
"DOTA_Workshop_OutOfBudget" "%1 is outside triangle budget:\n
%2 contains %3 triangles, when the budget only allows %4."

"DOTA_Workshop_Ward_Model" "Ward Model"

"DOTA_Workshop_Mat0Title_Ward" "Observer Texture Files"
"DOTA_Workshop_Mat0Desc_Ward" "This is the _color .TGA file that
textures the geometry files as an Observer Ward. _normal, _mask1, and _mask2 .TGA
files are optional for Wards. If we find them in the same directory, we'll use
"DOTA_Workshop_Mat1Title_Ward" "Sentry Texture Files"
"DOTA_Workshop_Mat1Desc_Ward" "This is the _color .TGA file that
textures the geometry files as a Sentry Ward. _normal, _mask1, and _mask2 .TGA
files are optional for Wards. If we find them in the same directory, we'll use

"DOTA_Workshop_Mat0Title" "Material Files"

"DOTA_Workshop_Mat0Desc" "This is the set of files that
combine to texture your geometry files."

"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Spawn" "Spawn"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Spawn2" "Spawn 2"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_FlyingCourier_Spawn" "Flying Spawn"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Spawn_Desc" "It may help to have the
unit's face angled slightly upward to read better from above in game view."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Idle" "Idle"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_FlyingCourier_Idle" "Flying Idle"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Idle_Desc" "It may help to have the
unit's face angled slightly upward to read better from above in game view. If
available, separate portrait or loadout idles can be submitted with the face at a
normal angle."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_HeroSummons_Idle_Desc" "It may help to have the
unit's face or prominent features angled slightly upward to read better from above
in game view. If available, separate portrait or loadout idles can be submitted
with the face or features at a normal angle."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_IdleAlt" "Alternate Idle"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_IdleAlt_Desc" "It may help to have the
unit's face angled slightly upward to read better from above in game view. If
available, separate portrait or loadout idles can be submitted with the face at a
normal angle."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_IdleRare" "Rare Idle"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_FlyingCourier_IdleRare" "Flying Rare Idle"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_IdleRare_Desc" "It may help to have the
unit's face angled slightly upward to read better from above in game view. If
available, separate portrait or loadout idles can be submitted with the face at a
normal angle."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Run" "Run"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_FlyingCourier_Run" "Flying Run"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Run_Desc" "It may help to have the
unit's face angled slightly upward to read better from above in game view."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_FlyingCourier_Run_Desc" "Try using a long
animation containing several flying cycles with slight variations in translations
and rotations to make the unit look like it's slightly drifting and floating rather
than flying locked in a straight line. It may help to have the unit's face angled
slightly upward to read better from above in game view."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_RunAlt" "Alternate Run"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_RunAlt_Desc" "It may help to have the
unit's face angled slightly upward to read better from above in game view."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_HeroSummons_Run_Desc" "It may help to have the
unit's face angled slightly upward to read better from above in game view."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_RunRare" "Rare Run"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_FlyingCourier_RunRare" "Flying Rare Run"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_RunRare_Desc" "It may help to have the
unit's face angled slightly upward to read better from above in game view."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_RunHaste" "Haste Run"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_FlyingCourier_RunHaste" "Flying Haste Run"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_RunHaste_Desc" "A body attitude that's
more angled or streamlined than the regular run can help convey the increase in
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_RunInjured" "Injured Run"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_RunInjured_Desc" "It may help to have the
unit's face angled slightly upward to read better from above in game view."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Die" "Die"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Courier_Die_Desc" "It is not necessary to
animate a ground courier sinking into the ground after it dies. This is only
necessary for the flying courier death animation."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_FlyingCourier_Die" "Flying Die"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_FlyingCourier_Die_Desc" "If your flying courier
crashes into the ground on death, let it remain still for a few seconds and then
animate it slowly sinking into the ground."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Die2" "Alternate Die"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Attack" "Attack"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Attack_Desc" "Custom attack
animations must match the timing of the unit's default attack animations."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_AttackB" "Alternate Attack"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_AttackB_Desc" "An alternate attack
animation to randomly play instead of the ATTACK animation."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Attack_Bite" "Alternate Bite Attack"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Attack_Bite_Desc" "An alternate bite
attack animation to randomly play instead of the ATTACK animation."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Attack2" "Offhand Attack"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Attack2_Desc" "An alternate attack
animation to randomly play instead of the ATTACK animation. Hit effects /
projectiles will spawn from the OFFHAND ATTACK POINT attachment instead of the base
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Attack2B" "Offhand Alternate Attack"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Attack2B_Desc" "An alternate attack
animation to randomly play instead of the ATTACK animation. Hit effects /
projectiles will spawn from the OFFHAND ATTACK POINT attachment instead of the base
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Flail" "Flailing"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Flail_Desc" "A looping animation
used when the unit is disabled and being moved (i.e. while cycloned, black holed,
launched into the air)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Disabled" "Disabled / Stunned"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_TurnPoseCenter" "Turn Pose Center"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_FlyingCourier_TurnPoseCenter" "Flying Turn Pose
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_TurnPoseCenter_Desc" "A single frame pose of
the unit facing forward. Generally you can simply re-use frame 0 of the run
animation. If set, you will need to provide Left and Right turn poses."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_TurnPoseLeft" "Turn Pose Left"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_FlyingCourier_TurnPoseLeft" "Fying Turn Pose Left"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_TurnPoseLeft_Desc" "A single frame pose of
the unit turning left. As the unit turns left, we'll blend between this pose and
the Center pose. If set, you will need to provide Center and Right turn poses."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_TurnPoseRight" "Turn Pose Right"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_FlyingCourier_TurnPoseRight""Flying Turn Pose Right"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_TurnPoseRight_Desc" "A single frame pose of
the unit turning right. As the unit turns right, we'll blend between this pose and
the Center pose. If set, you will need to provide Center and Left turn poses."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_PortraitIdle" "Portrait Idle"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_FlyingCourier_PortraitIdle" "Flying Portrait Idle"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_PortraitIdle_Desc" "If you've raised the
head for the in-game idle, have the unit's face at a normal angle to read best in
the portrait. Consider toning down the body movement of the unit so that it doesn't
drift too far out of the portrait frame."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_PortraitRare" "Rare Portrait Idle"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_FlyingCourier_PortraitRare" "Flying Rare Portrait
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_PortraitRare_Desc" "If you've raised the
head for the in-game idle, have the unit's face at a normal angle for the portrait.
Consider toning down the body movement of the unit so that it doesn't drift too far
out of the portrait frame."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_LoadoutIdle" "Loadout Idle"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_FlyingCourier_LoadoutIdle" "Flying Loadout Idle"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_LoadoutIdle_Desc" "If you've raised the
head for the in-game idle, have the unit's face at a normal angle to read best in
the loadout."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_LoadoutRare" "Rare Loadout Idle"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_FlyingCourier_LoadoutRare" "Flying Rare Loadout
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_LoadoutRare_Desc" "If you've raised the
head for the in-game idle, have the unit's face at a normal angle for the loadout
and make the start and end poses of this animation match the regular loadout idle
start and end poses for smooth transitions."

"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_BackLeftIdle" "Back Left Idle"

"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_LeftIdle" "Left Idle"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_RightIdle" "Right Idle"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_BackRightIdle" "Back Right Idle"

"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_BackLeftAttack" "Back Left Attack"

"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_LeftAttack" "Left Attack"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_RightAttack" "Right Attack"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_BackRightAttack" "Back Right Attack"

"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_BackLeftDie" "Back Left Die"

"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_LeftDie" "Left Die"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_RightDie" "Right Die"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_BackRightDie" "Back Right Die"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Center_Desc" "Consider this as the
center animation. It will be combined with left and right versions of the same
animation so that the unit can smoothly track another units position"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_BackLeft_Desc" "This is a complete
animation that must have the same number of frames as your center version. However
the unit should twist to aim 179 degrees to the left. I.e. the bottom of the model
should remain facing forward but the upper part should rotate almost completely
backwards to the left."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Left_Desc" "This is a complete animation
that must have the same number of frames as your center version. However the unit
should twist to aim 90 degrees to the left. I.e. the bottom of the model should
remain facing forward but the upper part should rotate directly to the left."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Right_Desc" "This is a complete
animation that must have the same number of frames as your center version. However
the unit should twist to aim 90 degrees to the right. I.e. the bottom of the model
should remain facing forward but the upper part should rotate directly to the
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_BackRight_Desc" "This is a complete animation
that must have the same number of frames as your center version. However the unit
should twist to aim 179 degrees to the right. I.e. the bottom of the model should
remain facing forward but the upper part should rotate almost completely backwards
to the right."
"DOTA_Workshop_LD_Trueform_Ability1" "Summon Spirit Bear"
"DOTA_Workshop_LD_Trueform_Ability1_Desc" "40 frames long, the summon
takes place on frame 15."
"DOTA_Workshop_LD_Trueform_Ability2" "Rabid"
"DOTA_Workshop_LD_Trueform_Ability2_Desc" "30 frames long, the summon
takes place on frame 0."
"DOTA_Workshop_LD_Trueform_Ability4" "Battlecry"
"DOTA_Workshop_LD_Trueform_Ability4_Desc" "40 frames long, the summon
takes place on frame 15."
"DOTA_Workshop_LD_Trueform_AbilityUlt" "Druid Form"
"DOTA_Workshop_LD_Trueform_AbilityUlt_Desc" "Morph back into Druid
Form. 70 frames total, should disappear beneath the ground on frame 58."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Victory" "Victory"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Defeat" "Defeat"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_IdleOutOfRange" "Idle (Out of range)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_IdleOutOfRange_Desc_SB" "This Idle is used
when Lone Druid is too far from his bear for it to attack."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_RunOutOfRange" "Run (Out of range)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_RunOutOfRange_Desc_SB" "This Run is used when
Lone Druid is too far from his bear for it to attack."
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Die_Forward" "Die Forward"
"DOTA_Workshop_Animation_Die_Special" "Die Special"


"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_Desc_Default" "Preview the

imported item and the currently selected wearable items in game."

"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_Desc_Leshrac_Item" "Select animations

starting with 'staff_' in the list below to see Leshrac holding the weapon in this
model viewer. To preview an entire Leshrac set that includes a weapon, prepare the
other items first, then submit the weapon as your primary item and add the other
wearables before previewing in game."

"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_Desc_Nightstalker_Item" "You will

need to select and preview the full sets of day and night wearables separately.
Access the night version of Night Stalker from the model drop-down menu below
before selecting night wearables. Night items will display correctly in loadout
once you click the up/down arrow button to change the hero. You will be able to see
night items in game once you enable the 'Hunter in the Night' ability and switch
the game to night using the 'Toggle Day/Night' button or
'dota_daynightcycle_toggle' in the console."
"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_Desc_Death_Prophet_Item" "Default
cloth simulation won't be applied to models on this page but should be active in
the preview loadout and in game."

"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_Desc_Undying_Flesh_Golem_Item" "Flesh
Golems can only use Valve's default skeleton, joint positions, cloth and
animations. Attack and cast animations may not play correctly for in-game preview.
You will be able to preview more animations on this page using the animation drop-
down list, though animation layers and cloth will not be enabled. Animation layers
and cloth will be added later by Valve if the item ships."

"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_Desc_Veno_Ward_Item" "Venomancer Plague

Wards can only use Valve's default skeleton, joint positions, and animations.
Except for the loadout animation, the animations will preview in this model viewer
with the head in one position while the base rotates, which is required for this
ward's new aiming system."

"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_Desc_Shaman_Ward_Item" "Shadow Shaman

Serpent Wards can only use Valve's default skeleton, joint positions, and
animations. Except for the loadout animation, the animations will preview in this
model viewer with the head in one position while the base rotates, which is
required for this ward's new aiming system."

"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_Desc_DragonKnight_Dragon_Item" "Elder
Dragons can only use Valve's default skeleton, joint positions, cloth and
animations. Attack and cast animations may not play correctly for in-game preview.
You will be able to preview more animations on this page using the animation drop-
down list, though animation layers and wing cloth will not be enabled. Animation
layers and cloth will be added later by Valve if the item ships. Test the attack
animation on this page to ensure that the mouth of your dragon mesh opens

"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_Desc_Lone_Druid_True_Form_Item" "Lone
Druid Trueforms can only use Valve's default skeleton, joint positions, cloth and
animations. Attack and cast animations may not play correctly for in-game preview.
You will be able to preview more animations on this page using the animation drop-
down list, though animation layers and cloth will not be enabled. Animation layers
and cloth will be added later by Valve if the item ships."

"DOTA_Workshop_Preview_Desc_Visage_Familiar_Item" "Visage
Familiars can only use Valve's default skeleton, joint positions, and animations.
Attack animations may not play correctly for in-game preview. You will be able to
preview more animations on this page using the animation drop-down list, though
animation layers will not be enabled. Animation layers will be added later by Valve
if the item ships."


//Death Prophet
"DOTA_Workshop_Death_Prophet_Legs" "Skirt/Legs"
//displays in workshop drop-down list
"DOTA_Workshop_Death_Prophet_Leg_Mesh" "Main Item
"DOTA_Workshop_Death_Prophet_Leg_Mesh_Desc" "This is the
.DMX or .FBX file that contains the higher resolution skinned geometry for your
item. It will be used in portrait, loadout and showcase views. Do not include
custom shred mesh. Try to copy the skirt mesh weighting from Valve's hero reference
file to ensure correct behavior of the cloth simulation."
"DOTA_Workshop_Death_Prophet_Vortex" "Optional
Shred/Vortex Mesh"
"DOTA_Workshop_Death_Prophet_Vortex_Mesh_Desc" "This is
optional custom scrolling shred/vortex geometry to accompany the skirt. It uses the
scrolling settings for the default shreds. If you are not submitting custom shreds,
leave this entire section empty. If the default grey shreds are needed, Valve can
add these."
"DOTA_Workshop_Death_Prophet_Vortex_Mesh" "Mesh"

//Undying Golem
"DOTA_Workshop_Undying_Flesh_Golem_Mesh_Lod1_Desc" "CUSTOM
ANIMATIONS. This is the .DMX or .FBX file that contains the skinned geometry for
your item that will be displayed in-game. If you choose to skin mesh to the cloth
joints, you will not be able to test Golem cloth simulation in the workshop tool.
Valve's cloth simulation will be added later if the item ships. Because this model
uses Valve's default 62 bone Golem skeleton, it is allowed to exceed the current 60
bone limit. The model must be in its bind pose with no animation. The joints must
exactly match the scale, positions and rotations of Valve's bind pose."

//Lone Druid True Form

"DOTA_Workshop_Lone_Druid_True_Form_Mesh_Lod1_Desc" "Lone Druid
True Forms can only use Valve's default skeleton, joint positions, cloth and
animations. This is the .DMX or .FBX file that contains the skinned geometry for
your item that will be displayed in-game. If you choose to skin mesh to the cloth
joints, you will not be able to test True Form cloth simulation in the workshop
tool. Valve's cloth simulation will be added later if the item ships. The model
must be in its bind pose with no animation. The joints must exactly match the
scale, positions and rotations of Valve's bind pose."

//Dragon Knight Dragon

"DOTA_Workshop_Dragon_Knight_Dragon_Mesh_Lod1_Desc" "Elder
Dragons can only use Valve's default skeleton, joint positions, cloth and
animations. This is the .DMX or .FBX file that contains the skinned geometry for
your item that will be displayed in-game. Please model a mouth that can open and
weight the lower jaw to the jaw bone since the dragon needs to open its mouth for
attacks. The model must be in its bind pose with no animation. The joints must
exactly match the scale, positions and rotations of Valve's bind pose."
"DOTA_Workshop_Dragon_Knight_Dragon_Mesh_Lod0_Desc" "This is the
.DMX or .FBX file that contains the higher resolution skinned geometry for your
item. It will be used in portrait, loadout and showcase views. If this entry is
blank, in-game geometry will be used instead."

//Visage Familiar
"DOTA_Workshop_Visage_Familiar_Mesh_Lod1_Desc" "Custom Familiars
can only use Valve's default skeleton, joint positions and animations. This is
the .DMX or .FBX file that contains the skinned geometry for your item that will be
displayed in-game. The model must be in its bind pose with no animation. The joints
must exactly match the scale, positions and rotations of Valve's bind pose."
//No Anim Valve Joints Generic
"DOTA_Workshop_No_Anim_Mesh_Lod1_Desc" "This ability model can
only use Valve's default skeleton and animations. This is the .DMX or .FBX file
that contains the skinned geometry for your item that will be displayed in-game.
The model must be in its bind pose with no animation. The joints must exactly match
the scale, positions and rotations of Valve's bind pose."

// Techies
"DOTA_Workshop_Techies_Squee" "Squee"
"DOTA_Workshop_Techies_Spoon" "Spoon"
"DOTA_Workshop_Techies_Spleen" "Spleen"
"DOTA_Workshop_Techies_Cart" "Cart"
"DOTA_Workshop_Techies_Bomb" "Bomb"
"DOTA_Workshop_Techies_Sign" "Sign"

// Jakiro
"DOTA_Workshop_Jakiro_Left_Head" "Left Head"
"DOTA_Workshop_Jakiro_Right_Head" "Right Head"
"DOTA_Workshop_Jakiro_Wings" "Wings"

"DOTA_Workshop_AmbientLight" "Ambient
"DOTA_Workshop_AmbientLightScale" "Ambient
Light Brightness"
"DOTA_Workshop_Automate" "Autom
atically Advance to Completion"
"DOTA_Workshop_CloneCamera" "Clone
Camera View"
"DOTA_Workshop_Copy" "Copy"
"DOTA_Workshop_PasteAll" "Paste
"DOTA_Workshop_PasteVisuals" "Paste
"DOTA_Workshop_BackgroundColor" "Background Color"
"DOTA_Workshop_BackgroundTexture" "Background Texture"
"DOTA_Workshop_Camera" "Camera"
"DOTA_Workshop_CameraRoll" "Camera Roll"
"DOTA_Workshop_CameraFOV" "Camera FOV"
"DOTA_Workshop_EditAngles" "Edit Angles"
"DOTA_Workshop_EditAttachments" "Edit Attachments"
"DOTA_Workshop_EditGeneric" "Preview Model"
"DOTA_Workshop_EditOrigin" "Edit Origin"
"DOTA_Workshop_EditTarget" "Edit Target"
"DOTA_Workshop_EditPortrait" "Edit Portrait"
"DOTA_Workshop_GameDay" "Day"
"DOTA_Workshop_GameNight" "Night"
"DOTA_Workshop_ImportError" "Import Error"
"DOTA_Workshop_ImportLog" "Import Log"
"DOTA_Workshop_ImagePreview" "Image Preview"
"DOTA_Workshop_Next" "Next"
"DOTA_Workshop_ValveSelectItemID" "Select Item ID"
"DOTA_Workshop_PickType" "Pick Type"
"DOTA_Workshop_Portrait" "Portrait"
"DOTA_Workshop_Prev" "Previous"
"DOTA_Workshop_Preview" "Preview"
"DOTA_Workshop_PreviewInGame" "Preview In Game"
"DOTA_Workshop_SelectInputs" "Select Inputs"
"DOTA_Workshop_SelectWearables" "Select Wearables"
"DOTA_Workshop_ShadowColor" "Shadow Color"
"DOTA_Workshop_EntityShadowScale" "Shadow Scale"
"DOTA_Workshop_ShowLowResModel" "Show Low-Res Model"
"DOTA_Workshop_ShowPedestal" "Show Pedestal"
"DOTA_Workshop_ShowReferenceModel" "Show Reference
"DOTA_Workshop_ShowParticles" "Show
"DOTA_Workshop_ShowDefaultParticles" "Show Base
"DOTA_Workshop_SpotLight" "Spot Light"
"DOTA_Workshop_SpotlightDistance" "Spotlight Distance"
"DOTA_Workshop_SpotlightSize" "Spotlight Size"
"DOTA_Workshop_SpotLightScale" "Spotlight
"DOTA_Workshop_Submit" "Submit"
"DOTA_Workshop_Texture" "Texture"
"DOTA_Workshop_TurnTable" "TurnTable"
"DOTA_Workshop_WorkshopImportDialog" "Workshop Import
"DOTA_Workshop_Reset_To_Default" "Reset To
"DOTA_Workshop_PreviewStyle" "Style"

"DOTA_Workshop_SubmitNew" "Submi
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmitUpdate" "Submit

"DOTA_Workshop_SelectImportType" "What are

you publishing?"
"DOTA_Workshop_SelectImportType_Desc" "Please
select your import type from the options below."
"DOTA_Workshop_SelectHero" "Selec
t Hero"
"DOTA_Workshop_SelectSlot" "Selec
t Slot"
"DOTA_Workshop_Select" "Selec
"DOTA_Workshop_NoSlots" "No
Available Slots"
"DOTA_Workshop_SelectHeroWearable" "Wearable
"DOTA_Workshop_SelectSubGroup" "Selec
t %1 Group"
"DOTA_Workshop_SelectTemplate" "Selec
t %1 Template"
"DOTA_Workshop_NoTemplates" "No

"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionTypeImagesTitle" "What type of

image are you publishing?"
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_HeroItem" "Hero
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_HeroItem_Desc" "Wearable or
ability model - Attaches to a hero's base model or replaces a model associated with
spells or abilities."
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Courier" "Courier"
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Courier_Desc" "Two models
with the animations required to operate in-game as a team's ground & flying
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Ward" "Ward"
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Ward_Desc" "A model with the
animations required to operate in-game as an observer & sentry ward."
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_HudSkin" "Hud Skin"
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_HudSkin_Desc" "A set of
images designed to replace the in-game HUD."
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_LoadingScreen" "Loading Screen"
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_LoadingScreen_Desc" "An image to
replace the loading screen."
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Animation" "Animation"
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Animation_Desc" "Animations that
replace one or more of a Hero's existing animations."
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Images" "Images..."
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Images_Desc" "Submissions
comprised of images such as Loading Screens, Chat Emoticons, Cursors and Team
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_AbilityIcons" "Ability
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_AbilityIcons_Desc" "A set of images
designed to replace a Hero's ability icons."
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_ChatEmoticon" "Chat
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_ChatEmoticon_Desc" "An animated chat
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_CursorPack" "Cursor Pack"
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_CursorPack_Desc" "A pack of cursors
that replace the HUD defaults."
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_ContractOnly" "Contract-
Only Submission"
"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_ContractOnly_Desc" "For use only if
you have been contacted by Valve."

"DOTA_Workshop_ContractOnly_Prompt" "Contract-
Only Submission"
"DOTA_Workshop_ContractOnly_Prompt_Question" "Have you been
contacted by Valve to submit a contract-only submission?"

"DOTA_Workshop_Err_MissingInput" "Missing required

input: '%1'"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_InvalidChars" "Unsupported
characters (Only lowercase alphanumeric and underscores allowed)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_NonexistentFile" "Nonexistent file:
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_FileDoesNotExist" "Source file '%1'
does not exist"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_FileTooBig" "Source file '%1'
is too large (%2 KB, max is %3 KB)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_FailedToCopy" "Failed to copy to
destination '%1'"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_FailedToWrite" "Failed to write
to destination '%1'"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_FailedToCompile" "Failed to compile '%1'"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_SerializeVMDL" "Internal Error
(VMDL serialization)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_ZipExists" "Internal Error
(Unique zip already exists)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_AddToZip" "Failed to
add file to zip: %1"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_InvalidFileType" "Unsupported file
type. The extension of the file for input '%1' does not match one of the supported

"DOTA_Workshop_BrowseForInputFile" "Select
Input File"
"DOTA_Workshop_BrowseForZipCaption" "Select Zip"
"DOTA_Workshop_BrowseForZipFilter" "Workshop
"DOTA_Workshop_BrowseForSessionCaption" "Select
Workshop Session"
"DOTA_Workshop_BrowseForPreviousSessionCaption" "Select Workshop
Session (Cancel for empty session)"
"DOTA_Workshop_BrowseForSessionFilter" "Workshop
"DOTA_Workshop_BrowseForGeoFilter" "Models"
"DOTA_Workshop_BrowseForImageFilter" "Image"
"DOTA_Workshop_BrowseForAnimFilter" "Animations
"DOTA_Workshop_BrowseForPsdFilter" "PSD"
"DOTA_Workshop_BrowseForPngFilter" "PNG"
"DOTA_Workshop_BrowseForBmpFilter" "BMP"
"DOTA_Workshop_BrowseForWavFilter" "WAV"
"DOTA_Workshop_DifferentTemplate_Title" "Session
"DOTA_Workshop_DifferentTemplate_Text" "WARNING:
Session uses a different template (%1) than the specified workshop item (%2)"

"DOTA_Workshop_ImportS1Mask1" "Import
Source1-Style Mask #1"
"DOTA_Workshop_ImportS1Mask1_Details" "Splits a
Source1-Style Mask #1 (detail, diffuse, metalness, selfillum) into Source2-style
"DOTA_Workshop_ImportS1Mask2" "Import
Source1-Style Mask #2"
"DOTA_Workshop_ImportS1Mask2_Details" "Splits a
Source1-Style Mask #2 (spec, rim, basetint, specexp) into Source2-style components"
"DOTA_Workshop_Imported_S1Mask_Title" "Imported
Source1-Style Mask"
"DOTA_Workshop_Imported_S1Mask_Text" "The
following file(s) were written: %1"
"DOTA_Workshop_Imported_S1MaskOverwrite_Title" "Overwrite Files?"
"DOTA_Workshop_Imported_S1MaskOverwrite_Text" "WARNING\nAre you
sure you want to overwrite the following files?\n%1"

"DOTA_Workshop_ImportS1Normal" "Impor
t Source1-Style Normal"
"DOTA_Workshop_ImportS1Normal_Details" "Imports a
Source1-Style Normal (inverts green channel) and saves it in a new file next to the
"DOTA_Workshop_Imported_S1Normal_Title" "Imported
Source1-Style Normal"
"DOTA_Workshop_Imported_S1Normal_Text" "The
following file was written: %1"
"DOTA_Workshop_Imported_S1NormalOverwrite_Title" "Overwrite File?"
"DOTA_Workshop_Imported_S1NormalOverwrite_Text" "WARNING\nAre you
sure you want to overwrite the following file?\n%1"

"DOTA_Workshop_ImportS1Color" "Import
Source1-Style Color"
"DOTA_Workshop_ImportS1Color_Details" "Imports a
Source1-Style Color (split transparency into a separate image) and save them in new
files next to the original"
"DOTA_Workshop_Imported_S1Color_Title" "Imported
Source1-Style Color"
"DOTA_Workshop_Imported_S1Color_Text" "The
following files were written:\n%1\n%2"
"DOTA_Workshop_Imported_S1ColorOverwrite_Title" "Overwrite Files?"
"DOTA_Workshop_Imported_S1ColorOverwrite_Text" "WARNING\nAre you
sure you want to overwrite the following files?\n%1\n%2"

"DOTA_Workshop_CreateNewItem" "Create New Item"

"DOTA_Workshop_LoadSession" "Load
"DOTA_Workshop_SaveSession" "Save
"DOTA_Workshop_LoadSessionError" "Error
Loading Session"
"DOTA_Workshop_SaveSessionError" "Error
Saving Session"
"DOTA_Workshop_SaveSessionPrompt_Title" "Save
"DOTA_Workshop_SaveSessionPrompt_Text" "Save your
current session?"
"DOTA_Workshop_SaveSessionPrompt_Text_PostSubmit" "Would you like to
save this session for use when re-uploading?"

"DOTA_Workshop_Err_S1Mask" "Failed to Process

Source1-Style Mask"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_S1Normal" "Failed to Process
Source1-Style Normal"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_SessionSaveKV3" "Internal Error (KV3
Save: %1)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_SessionTooBig" "Total submission size
is too large (%1 KB, max is %2 KB)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_SessionSaveNoTemplate" "Internal Error (No
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_SessionLoadKV3" "Internal Error: (KV3
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_SessionLoadBadData" "Internal Error (Bad
Data Load: %1)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_SessionLoadBadTemplate" "Unrecognized
template name: '%1'"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_Misc" "Internal Error
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_BadCfg" "Internal
Error (Missing Expected '%1': %2)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_BadUI" "Internal Error
(Misconfigured UI, Expected '%1': %2)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_BadSession" "Internal Error
(Misconfigured Session, Expected '%1': %2)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_BadPath" "Bad Path
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_ZipWithoutManifest" "Non-Workshop Zip
(No manifest)"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_Model_Portrait_NotEdited" "Portrait for
model %1 has not been configured."
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_BadImageFile" "Bad Image '%1'"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_BadExtension" "Unsupported
extension: %1 (%2 required)"
"DOTA_Workshop_UnresolvedErrors" "Cannot Submit -
Unresolved Errors"
"DOTA_Workshop_UnresolvedErrors_Title" "Unresolved
Workshop Errors"
"DOTA_Workshop_NoSubmitUnresolvedErrors" "You must resolve
all errors before submitting."

"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_WindowTitle" "Workshop
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Title" "Title:"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Description" "Description
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_PreviewImage" "Preview
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_UploadSize" "Upload
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_ChangeLog" "Change
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_AddonFolder" "Addon
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Visibility" "Visibility"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Visibility_Public" "Public"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Visibility_FriendsOnly" "Friends-Only"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Visibility_Hidden" "Hidden"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_AcceptAgreement" "I accept
the terms of the Steam Workshop Contribution Agreement."
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_ViewAgreement" "View
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Cancel" "Cance
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_CancelTitle" "Cancel File
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_CancelQuestion" "Are you
sure you want to cancel file upload?"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Submit" "Submi
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_PrimaryOwnerPreview" "Only the
primary owner can change the preview image"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_BrowseForImage" "Browse for
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_ImageInstruction" "Drag an image
here or click the Browse button\nImage will be scaled to %1"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_UpdateNotesInstruction" "Type your update
notes for this change here"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_ChooseImage" "Choose
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_ImageFilter" "Image
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_CancelUpload" "Cancel File
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_CancelUploadText" "Are you sure you
want to cancel file upload?"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_RetrievingInfo" "Retrieving
file information..."
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Submitting" "Submitting
To Workshop"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_StatusWindowTitle_Addon" "Workshop Manager
[Dota Addons]"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_StatusWindowTitle_Items" "Workshop Manager
[Dota Items]"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Success" "Succe
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_SuccessMessage" "The item
has been uploaded to the Steam Workshop!"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Updating" "Updating,
please wait..."
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_SuccessTextNeedsToAccept" "The item has been
uploaded to the Workshop, but to make it visible to other users you must accept the
latest Workshop Legal Agreement on the Workshop webpage."

"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_FolderChangeTitle" "Continue with

"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_FolderChange" "Addon
source folder change detected for %1!\nPrevious source folder was \"%2\".\nNew
addon folder is \"%3\".\nContinue with Upload?"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_UGCError" "An error
occurred while attempting to download a file from the UGC server!"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_NoAddonsFolder" "Unable to
find addons folder!"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_VPKCreateFailure" "Unable to create
VPK file for custom game folder %1"

"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_SuccessTitle" "Success"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_SuccessText" "The item
has been updated on the Steam Workshop!"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_PackagingSubmission" "Packaging
Submission Data"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Err_NoAddonDir" "Failed to
create new workshop item (%1), cannot find addons directory."
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Err_VPKAddFailed" "Failed to create
new workshop item (%1), could not add .vpk to local directory."
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Err_InvalidZip" "Invalid Zip
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Err_MoveZipFailure" "Failed to
create new workshop item (%1), could not move zip to upload directory. (From '%2'
to '%3')"

"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_ErrDialog" "Publish
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Err_Title" "Please
enter a title"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Err_NoDesc" "Please
enter a description"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Err_DescTooLong" "The
description is too long, limit to %1 characters"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Err_NoChange" "Please
enter a description for the change"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Err_ChangeTooLong" "The change notes
are too long, limit to %1 characters"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Err_NoFile" "Please
select a file"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Err_NoPreview" "Please
select a preview image"
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Err_NoAgreemenet" "You must agree to
the workshop agreement."
"DOTA_Workshop_Publish_Err_NoVisibility" "Select a
visibility option for your item."

"DOTA_Workshop_PublishFailure_SteamAPI" "Publish
Failure: Failed To Submit Item"
"DOTA_Workshop_PublishFailure_SteamAPIResult" "Publish Failure:
Unknown Error"
"DOTA_Workshop_PublishFailure_Password" "Publish
Failure: Invalid Password"
"DOTA_Workshop_PublishFailure_LimitedAccount" "Publish Failure:
Limited Account<br>(See <a href='
"DOTA_Workshop_PublishFailure_NoConnection" "Publish
Failure: No Connection"
"DOTA_Workshop_PublishFailure_Generic" "Publish
Failure: Error Code %1"
"DOTA_Workshop_PublishFailure_FailedToWritePreviewImage" "Failed to write
preview image to '%1'"

"DOTA_Workshop_UnrecognizedTemplate" "Unrecognized workshop

"DOTA_Workshop_UnrecognizedTemplate_BadTags" "No template
matching tags: %1"
"DOTA_Workshop_Err_FailedToLoadMaterialTemplate" "Unable to load
material template: '%1'"
"DOTA_Workshop_Error_FailedToLoadCompiledModel" "Unable to load
model: %1"
"DOTA_Workshop_Error_FailedToLoadTexture" "Unable to load
image file: %1"
"DOTA_Workshop_Error_ImageSize" "%1:
Image is an invalid size: %3. Target size is %4.\nImage dimensions must be power of
2, equal to or greater than the target size, and the same width to height ratio.\
nImages larger than the target size will automatically be resized to match the
target size."

"DOTA_Workshop_Items_Err_EmptyName" "New item

name cannot be empty"
"DOTA_Workshop_Items_Err_LongName" "New item
name is too long"
"DOTA_Workshop_Items_Err_UpdateNeedsSelection" "Must select an
item to update"
"DOTA_Workshop_Items_Err_Name_In_Use" "Item name
'%1' already used by item %2"

"DOTA_Workshop_OpenInItemEditor" "Open in Item Editor"

"DOTA_Workshop_Automatically_Close_Importer" "Automatically Close Importer on
"DOTA_Workshop_GenerateIconImages" "Generate Default Icon Images"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemImport_PrefabType_Label" "Prefab Type:"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemImport_HeroName_Label" "Hero:"
"DOTA_Workshop_ItemImport_WearableSlot_Label" "Wearable Slot:"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemImport_CreateItem_Name" "Item Name:"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemImport_CreateItem_Description" "Description:"
"DOTA_Workshop_ItemImport_CreateItem_ReserveDefIndexFromGC" "Reserve
Index from GC"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemImport_UpdateItem_Label" "Existing Item

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemImport_UpdateItem_Find_Label" "Find:"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemImport_CreateItem_SetPaymentRule" "Create Payment Rule %1"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemImport_UpdateItem_SetPaymentRule" "Update Payment Rule %1"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemImport_LoadItems_Progress" "%1 Item Definitions"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemImport_CreateNewItem_ReserveTestItemIndex_Failed" "No
local Test Item Indices Available!"
"There is no free item index to assign to this item! You need to remove some of the
existing local test items, the max count is %s1!"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_CreateItem_WaitingForGC_Title" "GC Request"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_CreateItem_WaitingForGC" "Waiting for the GC..."

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_Create_Button" "Create Item File"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_Recreate_Button" "Recreate Item File"
"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_Update_Button" "Update Item File"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_Create_IDLabel_Test" "New Test Item:

"New Test Item: %1 '%2'"
"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_Create_IDLabel_GCReserved" "New Item: %1 '%2'"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_Update_IDLabel" "Update Item: %1 '%2'"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_Update_UICheckBoxes_Label" "Update %1"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_Update_UICheckBox_Visuals" "Visuals"
"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_Update_UICheckBox_Particles" "Particles"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_FileName_Created" "Item created: %1"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_FileName_Updated" "Item Updated: %1"

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_CreateKeyValues_Failed" "CreateKVForItem '%1'

"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_InvalidInputs" "Invalid inputs for file: %1"
"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_ImportFailed" "Import failed for file: %1"
"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_ImportSessionEmpty" "Import session is empty for
file: %1"
"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_UpdateExisting_Invalid_Item_Definition" "Can't
update existing with INVALID_ITEM_DEFINITION"
"DOTA_Workshop_ItemSubmit_UpdateExisting_Note" "Recreating test item %1 '%2'"

"DOTA_Workshop_Items_Loading" "Loading..."
"DOTA_Workshop_Items_No_Free_Item_Index_Title" "No Free Item Index!"
"DOTA_Workshop_Items_No_Free_Item_Index_Label" "There is no free item
index to assign to this item!"

"DOTA_Workshop_Items_Duplicate_Item_Title" "This Item Already

"DOTA_Workshop_Items_Duplicate_Item_Label" "You cannot create an
item that already exists (the items have the same name)."

"DOTA_Workshop_ExtraMiscTags" "Extra Tags"

"DOTA_Workshop_ExtraBrandingTags" "Branding Tags"
"DOTA_Workshop_Tags_SingleItem" "Single Item"
"DOTA_Workshop_Tags_Warhammer" "Warhammer"
"DOTA_Workshop_Tags_Spring2017" "Sprin
g 2017"
"DOTA_Workshop_Tags_Frostivus2017_HeroItems" "Frostivus 2017 -
Hero Items"
"DOTA_Workshop_Tags_Frostivus2017" "Frostivus
2017 - I accept the Frostivus 2017 Contest rules and would like to participate."
"DOTA_Workshop_Tags_Frostivus2017_URL" "<a
href=\"\">Frostivus 2017 Contest

"DOTA_Workshop_CourierIconControls" "Courier Settings"

"DOTA_Workshop_CourierIconType" "Type"
"DOTA_Workshop_CourierIconWalking" "Walking"
"DOTA_Workshop_CourierIconFlying" "Flying"
"DOTA_Workshop_CourierIconTeam" "Team"
"DOTA_Workshop_CourierIconRadiant" "Radiant"
"DOTA_Workshop_CourierIconDire" "Dire"
"DOTA_Workshop_WardIconControls" "Ward Settings"
"DOTA_Workshop_WardIconType" "Type"
"DOTA_Workshop_WardIconObserver" "Observer"
"DOTA_Workshop_WardTypeSentry" "Sentry"

"DOTA_Filter_Field_Category" "Tags"
"DOTA_Armory_Tags_Popup_Title" "Set Tags"
"DOTA_Armory_Tags_Popup_Info" "Renaming a Tag slot does not clear
previous items which have had the tag set. Those items will inherit the new name."

"DOTA_Armory_Attributes" "Attributes"

"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_Unknown" "You have

received an item!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_Dropped" "You have
received an item!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_Crafted" "You have
crafted an item!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_Traded" "You have
traded for an item!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_Purchased" "You
have purchased an item!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_FoundInCrate" "You have
received an item!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_Gifted" "You have
received a gift!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_Support" "Customer
Support granted you an item!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_Promotion" "You
received a store promotion item!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_Earned" "You have
earned an item!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_Refunded" "You
were refunded an item!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_GiftWrapped" "You gift
wrapped an item!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_Foreign" "You found
an item in another game!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_CollectionReward" "You
redeemed a collection reward!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_PreviewItem" "You are
testing a new item!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_PreviewItemPurchased" "You have
purchased an item!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_PeriodicScoreReward" "You have earned
an item!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_Recycling" "You
have crafted an item!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_TournamentDrop" "You have
received a tournament drop!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_RecipeOutput" "You have
crafted an item!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_CommunityMarketPurchase" "You have
purchased an item!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_GemExtract" "You have
extracted an item!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_CompendiumReward" "You have
claimed a Battle Pass Reward!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_CompendiumDrop" "You have
received a Battle Pass Drop!"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Header_SeasonalItemGrant" "You have
received a seasonal item!"

"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_SeasonalExpiration" "This item will

expire at the end of the season on {t:s:item_expiration_date}."

"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Label_IOfN" "{d:item_i} of {d:item_n}"

"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Button_Accept" "Accept"
"DOTA_Popup_Item_Received_Button_AcceptAll" "Accept All ({d:item_n})"

"DOTA_Popup_CardPack_WaitingToOpen" "Please Wait..."

"DOTA_Popup_CardPack_ErrorUnknown" "Unknown Error when
trying to open Player Card Pack.\n\nPlease try again."
"DOTA_Popup_CardPack_ErrorFailedToFindPack" "Failed to find the
Player Card Pack that you are trying to open."
"DOTA_Popup_CardPack_ErrorNotCardPack" "Attempted to open an
item that was not a Player Card Pack."
"DOTA_Popup_CardPack_ErrorFailedCardCreate" "Failed to create Player
"DOTA_Popup_CardPack_ClickToOpen" "Click to open"
"DOTA_Popup_CardPack_Opening" "Opening Pack..."

"DOTA_Popup_CardPack_Model_Winter2017" "Winter 2017 Battle

"DOTA_Popup_CardPack_Model_TI7" "International
2017 Battle Pass"
"DOTA_Popup_CardPack_Model_TI8" "International
2018 Battle Pass"
"DOTA_Popup_CardPack_Model_PackCount" "Premium Pack of Five"
"DOTA_Popup_CardPack_Model_MainTitle" "Player Cards"
"DOTA_Popup_CardPack_Model_SubTitle" "For use in
<i>Fantasy</i> Challenge Game"
"DOTA_Popup_CardPack_Model_MoreInfo" "Contains one <font
color='#AEAEAE'>Silver</font> or <font color='#A97B2A'>Gold</font> card with Stats
"DOTA_Popup_CardPack_Model_MoreInfoPrem" "Contains four <font
color='#AEAEAE'>Silver</font> and one <font color='#A97B2A'>Gold</font> card"

"DOTA_PlayerCardBonus" "{s:bonus_name}: <font

"DOTA_PlayerCardGoldCount" "{i:gold_count} Gold"
"DOTA_PlayerCardSilverCount" "{i:silver_count} Silver"
"DOTA_PlayerCardGold" "Gold Card"
"DOTA_PlayerCardSilver" "Silver Card"
"DOTA_PlayerCardPlayer" "Player"
"DOTA_PlayerCardTeam" "Team"
"DOTA_PlayerCardAngleTI6" "International
2016 Player Card"
"DOTA_PlayerCardAngleFall2016" "Fall 2016 Player
"DOTA_PlayerCardsRecycleConfirmTitle" "Recycle Player Card?"
"DOTA_PlayerCardsRecycleConfirmBody" "This will destroy this
player card in exchange for {i:card_dust_amount} card dust.<br><br>Proceed?"
"DOTA_PlayerCardsRecycleConfirmBodyMultiple" "This will destroy all Common
cards where you also have a Silver or Gold of that player, or have multiple
identical Commons. It will generate {i:card_dust_amount} card
"DOTA_PlayerCardsRecycleConfirmBodyInUse" "This will destroy this
player card in exchange for {i:card_dust_amount} card dust.<br><br><font
color='#ff0000'>This card is in use in a Fantasy Roster!</font><br><br>Proceed?"
"DOTA_PlayerCardsRecycleConfirmBodyInUseMultiple" "This will destroy all
Common cards where you also have a Silver or Gold of that player. It will generate
{i:card_dust_amount} card dust.<br><br><font color='#ff0000'>One or more of these
cards are in use in a Fantasy Roster!</font><br><br>Proceed?"
"DOTA_PlayerCardsRecycleResultErrorTitle" "Error Recycling Player Card"
"DOTA_PlayerCardsRecycleResultErrorUnknown" "Unknown error when
recycling player card. Please try again."
"DOTA_PlayerCardsRecycleResultErrorFindCard" "Error finding player card to
"DOTA_PlayerCardsRecycleResultErrorNotCard" "Item to recycle was not
a player card."
"DOTA_PlayerCardsRecycleResultErrorDustCreate" "Failed to create dust when
attempting to recycle player card."
"DOTA_PlayerCardsRecycleResultErrorLocked" "This card has been used
in a locked day's roster."
"DOTA_PlayerCardsRecycleResultSuccessTitle" "Recycled Player Card"
"DOTA_PlayerCardsRecycleResultSuccess" "Successfully recycled
player card into {i:card_dust_amount} card dust."
"DOTA_PlayerCardsBuyPackResultErrorTitle" "Error Buying Player Card
"DOTA_PlayerCardsBuyPackResultErrorUnknown" "Unknown error when
buying a player card pack with card dust. Please try again."
"DOTA_PlayerCardsBuyPackResultErrorInsufficientDust" "Insufficient card dust
to buy a player card pack."
"DOTA_PlayerCardsBuyPackResultErrorNotDust" "Could not find card
dust item."
"DOTA_PlayerCardsBuyPackResultErrorPackCreate" "Failed to create player card
pack. No card dust has been spent."
"DOTA_PlayerCardBonusStatName0" "Kills"
"DOTA_PlayerCardBonusStatName1" "Deaths"
"DOTA_PlayerCardBonusStatName2" "Creep Score"
"DOTA_PlayerCardBonusStatName3" "GPM"
"DOTA_PlayerCardBonusStatName4" "Tower Kills"
"DOTA_PlayerCardBonusStatName5" "Roshan Kills"
"DOTA_PlayerCardBonusStatName6" "Teamfight"
"DOTA_PlayerCardBonusStatName7" "Obs Wards
"DOTA_PlayerCardBonusStatName8" "Camps Stacked"
"DOTA_PlayerCardBonusStatName9" "Runes Grabbed"
"DOTA_PlayerCardBonusStatName10" "First Blood"
"DOTA_PlayerCardBonusStatName11" "Stuns"
"DOTA_PlayerCardBonusTooltip" "This stat is receiving
a bonus from the player card"

"DOTA_PlayerCard_RosterLabel" "Active Roster"

"DOTA_PlayerCard_RosterDesc" "Card is active in an
upcoming fantasy roster"

"DOTA_PlayerCard_LockedLabel" "Locked Roster"

"DOTA_PlayerCard_LockedDesc" "Card has been used in a
previous fantasy roster."

"DOTA_PlayerCardsOpenPack" "Open Player Card

"DOTA_PlayerCardsOpenPremiumPack" "Open Premium Pack"
"DOTA_PlayerCardsBuyPack" "Buy Player Card
Pack - {m:pack_price}"
"DOTA_PlayerCardsPackCount" "{i:pack_count}"
"DOTA_PlayerCardsPackPremiumCount" "{i:premium_pack_count}"
"DOTA_PlayerCardsPackCountFrozen" "{i:pack_count_frozen}"
"DOTA_PlayerCardsPremiumPackCountFrozen" "{i:premium_pack_count_frozen
"DOTA_PlayerCardsPackUnopenedPacks" "Unopened Packs"
"DOTA_PlayerCardsPackUnopenedPremiumPacks" "Unopened Premium Packs"
"DOTA_PlayerCardsDustCount" "{i:dust_amount}
Player Card Dust"
"DOTA_PlayerCardsDustCountCurrent" "Currently have
{i:dust_amount} Player Card Dust"
"DOTA_PlayerCardsCreatePack" "{i:dust_price} Dust for
"DOTA_PlayerCardsCreatePremiumPack" "{i:premium_dust_price}
Dust for Premium Pack"
"DOTA_PlayerCardsPurchaseSpecificPlayer" "{i:specific_dust_price} Dust
for Specific Player Card"
"DOTA_PlayerCardsRecycle" "Recycle Card"
"DOTA_PlayerCardsRecycleQ" "Recycle: <font
color='#C899FF'>{i:dust_value} Dust</font>"
"DOTA_PlayerCard_FantasyLabel" "Use Your Player
Cards in your "
"DOTA_PlayerCard_TeamSelectionLabel" "Select Team Effects"
"DOTA_PlayerCard_TeamSelectionTooltipNew" "You can select a
Favorite Team, which allows you to bind it as a spray, show up in the fan count
when spectating in DotaTV, display it in your profile, and unlocks a team effigy
banner. After you've collected a full set for the team, custom teleport effects are
enabled, with higher-quality versions enabled after collecting a full silver or
gold set for that team."
"DOTA_PlayerCard_Fantasy" "Fantasy Team"
"DOTA_PlayerCard_Return" "Return to All
Player Cards"
"DOTA_PlayerCard_Dupe" "Duplicate Card"
"DOTA_PlayerCard_Dupe_Tooltip" "You already own
this card, it can safely be recycled for dust"
"DOTA_PlayerCard_PacksRemaining" "{i:packs_remaining}
Packs Remaining"
"DOTA_PlayerCard_OpenAnother" "Open Another Pack"
"DOTA_PlayerCard_StatInfo" "Gold and Silver
Cards always have different Stat Bonuses, even if you already own one of that
player. Recycle with care."
"DOTA_PlayerCard_NoTeams" "You have
{i:pack_count} Player Card Packs and {i:premium_pack_count} Premium Card Packs.\n\
nThey will be available to open when the final team lineup is established for The
International 2018, after the completion of the Regional Qualifiers."
"DOTA_PlayerCardsRecycleCommonsButton" "Recycle Duplicate
"DOTA_PlayerCardsSelectTeam" "Select a Team..."
"DOTA_PlayerCardsSelectPlayer" "Select a
"DOTA_PlayerCardsPurchaseSpecific" "Purchase Card for
{i:dust_cost} Dust"

"DOTA_AllStars_Header" "At this year's

International, the All-Star Game will feature a $100,000 USD prize pool and a
traditional 5v5 game of Dota.<br><br>Battle Pass owners can select a player for
each position -- the teams will be built from the top two vote-getters in each
"DOTA_AllStars_PositionCarry" "Carry"
"DOTA_AllStars_PositionSupport" "Support"
"DOTA_AllStars_Select" "Select Player..."
"DOTA_AllStars_LockCountdown" "{i:days}D {i:hours}H
{i:minutes}M until selections are locked."
"DOTA_AllStars_Locked" "Selections are
now locked."
"DOTA_AllStars_SubmitSuccess" "Selections submitted."
"DOTA_AllStars_SubmitFail_Unknown" "Unknown error
submitting selections."

"DOTA_FavoriteTeam_TPHeader" "Teleport Effect"

"DOTA_FavoriteTeam_ProfileHeader" "Profile Icon"
"DOTA_FavoriteTeam_EmoticonHeader" "Emoticon"
"DOTA_FavoriteTeam_FanHeader" "Fan Counter"
"DOTA_FavoriteTeam_EffigyHeader" "Effigy Flag"
"DOTA_FavoriteTeam_Spray" "Spray"

"DOTA_PlayerCard_RecycleDisabled" "This card cannot be

recycled. It has already been used in a locked day's fantasy roster."

"DOTA_FantasyDayHeader" "Complete your

Fantasy lineup for each day of {g:dota_event_league_name:eventid}"
"DOTA_FantasyWildCard" "Wild\nCard"
"DOTA_FantasyGroupStage" "Group\nStage"
"DOTA_FantasyMainEvent" "Main\nEvent"
"DOTA_FantasyLockTime" "Selections lock
each day at 9:00 a.m. EEST"
"DOTA_FantasyLockTimeTI7" "Selections lock
each day at 9:00 a.m. PDT"
"DOTA_FantasyLockTimeTI8" "Selections lock
each day at 9:00 a.m. PDT"
"DOTA_FantasyCores" "Cores"
"DOTA_FantasyOfflane" "Offlane"
"DOTA_FantasySupports" "Supports"
"DOTA_FantasyScore" "Score"
"DOTA_FantasySelectCard" "Select Card"
"DOTA_FantasyChangeCard" "Change Card"
"DOTA_FantasyLeaderboardHeaderFriends" "Friends"
"DOTA_FantasyLeaderboardHeaderGlobal" "Global Top 100"
"DOTA_FantasyLeaderboardScore" "Total Score"
"DOTA_FantasyLeaderboardFullFriends" "View full friend
"DOTA_FantasyLeaderboardFullGlobal" "View full global
"DOTA_FantasyScoreDay" "Score For This
"DOTA_FantasyScoreTotal" "Total Score to
"DOTA_FantasyScorePercentile" "Percentile"
"DOTA_FantasyPosition" "Fantasy Position"
"DOTA_FantasyHelp" "Fantasy\
"DOTA_FantasyCoreTooltip" "Core includes
players in carry and mid roles"
"DOTA_FantasyOfflaneTooltip" "Offlane includes
players who take the off lane"
"DOTA_FantasySupportTooltip" "Support includes
players who support their Core players"
"DOTA_FantasyLockUntilTimeH" "Locks in\
n{i:lock_number} hours"
"DOTA_FantasyLockUntilTimeD" "Locks in\
n{i:lock_number} days"
"DOTA_FantasyCoreNotScheduled" "This player is
currently not scheduled to play on this day"

"DOTA_FantasyHelpTitle1" "Open Player Card

"DOTA_FantasyHelpText1" "Each pack
contains five cards, one of which is guaranteed Silver or Gold. Silver player
cards have three random stat bonuses. Gold have five bonuses."
"DOTA_FantasyHelpTitle2" "Put Player Cards
into your Fantasy Roster"
"DOTA_FantasyHelpText2" "For each day of
{g:dota_event_league_name:eventid}, set a Fantasy Roster made up of two Core Player
Cards, one Offlane Player Card, and two Support Player Cards."
"DOTA_FantasyHelpTitle3" "Score Fantasy
"DOTA_FantasyHelpText3" "Player Cards on
your Roster score you fantasy points based on how well they do in that day's
matches at {g:dota_event_league_name:eventid}."
"DOTA_FantasyHelpTitle4" "Earn Battle
"DOTA_FantasyHelpText4" "After
{g:dota_event_league_name:eventid} concludes, you will earn Battle Points based on
how many fantasy points you've scored relative to the rest of the community."

"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsHeader" "Fantasy Challenge

"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub1" "Scoring Stats"
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub1Text1" "+ 0.3 points per Kill"
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub1Text2" "+ 3 points minus 0.3
points per death"
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub1Text3" "+ 0.003 points per Last
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub1Text4" "+ 0.002 points per GPM"
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub1Text5" "+ 1 point per killing
blow on a Tower"
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub1Text6" "+ 1 point per killing
blow on Roshan"
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub1Text7" "+ 3 points times
teamfight participation percentage"
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub1Text8" "+ 0.5 points per
Observer Ward placed"
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub1Text9" "+ 0.5 points per Camp
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub1Text10" "+ 0.25 points per Rune
taken or bottled"
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub1Text11" "+ 4 points for the
killing blow on First Blood"
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub1Text12" "+ 0.05 points per
second of Stun"
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub2" "Player Cards"
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub2Text1" "Every Player Card Pack
contains five cards, including one Silver or Gold card."
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub2Text2" "Silver and Gold Card
stat bonuses randomly range from +5% to +25%."
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub2Text3" "Silver Cards have three
bonuses, Gold Cards have five bonuses."
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub2Text4" "Multiple cards of the
same player cannot be used on the same day."
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub2Text5" "Each day's roster is
unique, and a single player card can be used on any number of days."
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub3" "Scoring Matches"
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub3Text1" "Matches at
{g:dota_event_league_name:eventid} count towards fantasy points."
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub3Text2" "The highest scoring two
games of a best-of-three count towards a player's score."
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub3Text3" "The highest scoring
three games of a best-of-five count towards a player's score."
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub3Text4" "Rosters lock at the
start of each day at 9:00 a.m. PDT."
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub4" "Player Card Packs"
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub4Text1" "Additional Player Card
Packs are available as rewards for reaching certain Battle Pass levels."
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub4Text2" "Player cards and Player
Card Packs expire with the expiration of {g:dota_event_league_name:eventid} Battle
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub5" "Rewards"
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub5Text1" "The top 10% of all
scoring Fantasy Teams receive 16,000 Battle Points"
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub5Text2" "The top 25% of all
scoring Fantasy Teams receive 8,000 Battle Points"
"DOTA_FantasyHelpDetailsSub5Text3" "The top 50% of all
scoring Fantasy Teams receive 4,000 Battle Points"

"DOTA_FantasySelectHeader" "Select a Player

Card for this Slot"
"DOTA_FantasyTextFilter" "Filter by Player
"DOTA_FantasyDropdownFilter" "ALL TEAMS"

"DOTA_FantasyRosterLocked" "Roster Locked"

"DOTA_Event_Level" "Level"
"DOTA_Event_LevelPts" "{i:pts_to_next_level} PTS TO NEXT LEVEL"

"DOTA_PreviewEmoticons_Title" "Emoticons"
"DOTA_PreviewSounds_ExampleSounds" "Example Sounds"
"DOTA_PreviewMusic" "Preview Music"

"DOTA_EventName_International2013" "The International 2013"

"DOTA_EventName_International2014" "The International 2014"
"DOTA_EventName_International2015" "The International 2015"
"DOTA_EventName_FallMajor2015" "Fall 2015"
"DOTA_EventName_WinterMajor2016" "Winter 2016 Battle Pass"
"DOTA_EventName_International2016" "The International 2016 Battle Pass"
"DOTA_EventName_FallMajor2016" "Fall 2016 Battle Pass"
"DOTA_EventName_WinterMajor2017" "Winter 2017 Battle Pass"
"DOTA_EventName_NewBloom2017" "Dark Moon"
"DOTA_EventName_International2017" "The International 2017 Battle Pass"
"DOTA_EventNameShort_International2017" "The International 2017"
"DOTA_EventName_Frostivus2017" "Frostivus Festival"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_International_2017" "The International 2017 Battle Pass"
"DOTA_EventName_PlusSubscription" "Dota Plus"
"DOTA_Event_PlusSubscription_RarityName" "Dota Plus Access"
"DOTA_Event_PlusSubscription_RestrictionDesc" "Available With Dota Plus"
"DOTA_Refresh_Challenges" "Refresh Challenges"
"DOTA_DB_HeroPageChallengeNote" "Challenges will expire after two
weeks. Refresh to receive new challenges after the time expires."
"DOTA_DB_HeroPageGetInitialChallenges" "Click to retrieve challenges

"DOTA_ti7_campaign" "Multiplayer
"DOTA_campaign_ti7_name" "Siltbreaker"
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_sub" "A Dota Multiplayer
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_acti_title" "ACT I: The Sands of Fate"
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_acti_time" "Arriving Later This Month"
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_acti_intro" "In the deepest recesses of
Dark Reef prison, a dormant evil stirs�the fiendish Siltbreaker�waking to thoughts
of freedom and a campaign of retribution to come. Only in the heart of the Kalabor
Desert might we find the means to stop him... Our final chance to seize a shard of
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_acti_intro_active" "As the fiend
Siltbreaker plots an escape from Dark Reef prison, his enemies in the Conclave of
the Brine assemble a band of warriors to take up arms against him. For the
adventurers who answer the Conclave's call, the road to Dark Reef begins near the
sands of Kalabor, where Siltbreaker's twisted creation, Rhyzik the Corruptor,
gathers strength to aid his master's plans..."

"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_zonestar_pop" "Complete a zone

with higher star values for better rewards"
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_zonestar_totalcount" "Total Stars
Earned: {i:total_stars}"
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_zonestar_boosted_reward" "x2"
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_zonestar_boost_level" "165"
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_zonestar_boost_status" "Bonus
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_zonestar_killstats" "Kills"
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_zonestar_dmgstats" "Damage"
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_zonestar_healstats" "Healing"
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_zonestar_deadstats" "My Deaths"
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_zonestar_teamdeadstats" "Team
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_easy_mode" "Adventure Mode is for
players who wish to experience the full Campaign with less challenge.<br><br>Star
Ratings are not achieved and no rewards are given. <br><br>Artifacts do not drop in
Adventure Mode."

"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_gotime" "Play Siltbreaker: Act

"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_storytime" "View Story"
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_doitnow" "Begin Campaign"

"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_actii_gotime" "Play Siltbreaker: Act II"

"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_actii_title" "ACT II: A Vault in the Deep"
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_actii_time" "Coming in July"
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_actii_intro" "Rhyzik the Corruptor has
fallen, and the Conclave's defenders now turn to the true task at hand: the
impossible journey into Dark Reef Prison. As they step through the wisp emissary's
portal, daylight breaks across a frozen waste. The path ahead will traverse a
bitter precipice overlooking Reef's Edge, and then the depths beneath which
Siltbreaker's vault awaits..."
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_info_header" "Gather Your Allies"
"DOTA_ti7_campaign_bp_tab_info_body" "This summer, all Battle Pass
owners are invited to undertake a cooperative adventure into the blackest depths of
Dark Reef. Coming soon, this all-new campaign calls upon you to party up with three
friends or queue-met allies to battle through a diverse landscape of loathsome
monsters, cunning traps, and other lethal terrors. You'll earn spins on the Wheel
of Rewards as you play, with a crack at the exclusive Desert Sands Baby Roshan and
other prizes."
"DOTA_Item_Desert_Sands_Baby_Roshan" "Desert Sands Baby Roshan"
"DOTA_Item_Extremely_Rare_Reward" "Extremely Rare Reward"
"DOTA_campaign_siltbreaker_play_now" "Play it now"
"DOTA_campaign_siltbreaker_desc" "Battle through a diverse
landscape of loathsome monsters, cunning traps, and other lethal terrors."

"DOTA_campaign_easymode_desc" "Rewards Disabled in

Adventure Mode"

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_WorldOverview" "Zone Details"

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone" "{s:zone_nam
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Kills" "Kills"
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Deaths" "Deaths"
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_GoldBags" "Gold Bags"
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Potions" "Potions"

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_GoldBagsGot" "Gold Bags

Picked Up"
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_PotionsGot" "Potions
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_ItemsGot" "Items Picked Up"
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Reviving" "Time Spent

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_ZoneLeaderboards_Live" "Live Games"

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_ZoneLeaderboards_Replays" "Friends Replays"
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_ZoneLeaderboards_FriendStats" "Friends Zone
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_ZoneLeaderboards_Criteria" "Zone Star Requirements"
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_ZoneLeaderboards_Incomplete" "Zone Not

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone01_1_Req" "- Find the Crossroads Garrison in

under <font color='#DAFCD9'>9:00</font>.<br>- Hunt at least <font
color='#DAFCD9'>8</font> Berzerker Hellbears.<br>- Your team must have no more than
<font color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone01_2_Req" "- Find the Crossroads Garrison in
under <font color='#DAFCD9'>6:30</font>.<br>- Hunt at least <font
color='#DAFCD9'>12</font> Berzerker Hellbears. <br>- Your team must have no more
than <font color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone01_3_Req" "- Find the Crossroads Garrison in
under <font color='#DAFCD9'>3:00</font>.<br>- Hunt at least <font
color='#DAFCD9'>16</font> Berzerker Hellbears. <br>- Your team must have <font
color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone02_1_Req" "- Defeat Lucius Longclaw in under

<font color='#DAFCD9'>9:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone02_2_Req" "- Defeat Lucius Longclaw in under
<font color='#DAFCD9'>7:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone02_3_Req" "- Defeat Lucius Longclaw in under
<font color='#DAFCD9'>5:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have <font
color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone04_1_Req" "- Find the Orb of Passage in under

<font color='#DAFCD9'>7:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone04_2_Req" "- Find the Orb of Passage in under
<font color='#DAFCD9'>5:30</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone04_3_Req" "- Find the Orb of Passage in under
<font color='#DAFCD9'>3:30</font>.<br>- Your team must have <font
color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone03_1_Req" "- Rescue Captain Lightfoot in

under <font color='#DAFCD9'>10:00</font>.<br>- Rescue <font
color='#DAFCD9'>4</font> trapped soldiers.<br>- Your team must have no more than
<font color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone03_2_Req" "- Rescue Captain Lightfoot in
under <font color='#DAFCD9'>7:00</font>.<br>- Rescue <font color='#DAFCD9'>8</font>
trapped soldiers.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone03_3_Req" "- Rescue Captain Lightfoot in
under <font color='#DAFCD9'>5:00</font>.<br>- Rescue <font
color='#DAFCD9'>11</font> trapped soldiers.<br>- Your team must have <font
color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone05_1_Req" "- Find the exit to The Silkmire

Pass in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>12:00</font>.<br>- Destroy <font
color='#DAFCD9'>35</font> Brood Sacs.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone05_2_Req" "- Find the exit to The Silkmire
Pass in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>9:00</font>.<br>- Destroy <font
color='#DAFCD9'>50</font> Brood Sacs.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone05_3_Req" "- Slay <font
color='#DAFCD9'>Ankaboot</font>.<br>- Find the exit to The Silkmire Pass in under
<font color='#DAFCD9'>9:00</font>.<br>- Destroy <font color='#DAFCD9'>65</font>
Brood Sacs.<br>- Your team must have <font color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone06_1_Req" "- Find the exit to Kalabor in

under <font color='#DAFCD9'>14:00</font>.<br>- Find <font color='#DAFCD9'>3</font>
hidden treasures in the Temple.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone06_2_Req" "- Find the exit to Kalabor in
under <font color='#DAFCD9'>10:00</font>.<br>- Find <font color='#DAFCD9'>5</font>
hidden treasures in the Temple.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone06_3_Req" "- Find the exit to Kalabor in
under <font color='#DAFCD9'>7:00</font>.<br>- Find <font color='#DAFCD9'>6</font>
hidden treasures in the Temple.<br>- Your team must have <font
color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone07_1_Req" "- Reach Kalabor in under <font

color='#DAFCD9'>9:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone07_2_Req" "- Reach Kalabor in under <font
color='#DAFCD9'>5:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone07_3_Req" "- Reach Kalabor in under <font
color='#DAFCD9'>3:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have <font
color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone08_1_Req" "- Defeat the Centaur Warlords and

find the Northern Outpost in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>14:00</font>.<br>- Defeat
<font color='#DAFCD9'>4</font> of the Giant Sandswarm Burrowers.<br>- Your team
must have no more than <font color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone08_2_Req" "- Defeat the Centaur Warlords and
find the Northern Outpost in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>10:00</font>.<br>- Defeat
<font color='#DAFCD9'>6</font> of the Giant Sandswarm Burrowers.<br>- Your team
must have no more than <font color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone08_3_Req" "- Defeat the Centaur Warlords and
find the Northern Outpost in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>7:00</font>.<br>- Defeat
<font color='#DAFCD9'>8</font> of the Giant Sandswarm Burrowers.<br>- Your team
must have <font color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone09_1_Req" "- Defeat the Buzzick Captains and

find Rhyzik's Lair in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>4:00</font>.<br>- Your team must
have no more than <font color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone09_2_Req" "- Defeat the Buzzick Captains and
find Rhyzik's Lair in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>2:30</font>.<br>- Your team must
have no more than <font color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone09_3_Req" "- Defeat the Buzzick Captains and
find Rhyzik's Lair in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>1:30</font>.<br>- Your team must
have <font color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone10_1_Req" "- Defeat Rhyzik in under <font

color='#DAFCD9'>11:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone10_2_Req" "- Defeat Rhyzik in under <font
color='#DAFCD9'>7:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Zone10_3_Req" "- Defeat Rhyzik in under <font
color='#DAFCD9'>4:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have <font
color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_forest" "Howling Weald"

"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_forest_holdout" "Crossroads Garrison"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_darkforest_rescue" "Bonemeal Ridge"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_darkforest_pass" "The Silkmire Pass"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_darkforest_death_maze" "Trial of Gallaron"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_underground_temple" "Temple of Ermacor"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_desert_start" "The Road to Kalabor"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_desert_expanse" "Kalabor Waste"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_desert_chasm" "Shatterblast Canyon"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_desert_fortress" "Rhyzik's Stronghold"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_completed" "Completed Act I"

"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_tundra" "Frostbite Tundra"

"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_ice_lake" "Whitecap Lake"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_aerie" "The Brumal Aerie"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_clifftop" "Azura Overlook"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_plateau" "Iceblight Plateau"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_crag" "The Frozen Crag"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_crypt" "Crypt of the Odobenus Legion"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_crypt_holdout" "The Odobenus Onslaught"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_reefs_edge" "Reef's Edge"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_shoal" "The Shoal"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_dark_reef_a" "Sunken Passage"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_dark_reef_b" "Dark Reef Prison"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_silt_arena" "Siltbreaker"
"DOTA_TI7_EventZone_completed_act_2" "Completed Act II"

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone01_1_Req" "- Find White Cap Lake in

under <font color='#DAFCD9'>9:00</font>.<br>- Eliminate at least <font
color='#DAFCD9'>10</font> Frostbitten Shamans.<br>- Your team must have no more
than <font color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone01_2_Req" "- Find White Cap Lake in
under <font color='#DAFCD9'>7:30</font>.<br>- Eliminate at least <font
color='#DAFCD9'>20</font> Frostbitten Shamans.<br>- Your team must have no more
than <font color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone01_3_Req" "- Find White Cap Lake in
under <font color='#DAFCD9'>4:00</font>.<br>- Eliminate at least <font
color='#DAFCD9'>30</font> Frostbitten Shamans.<br>- Your team must have <font
color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone02_1_Req" "- Save at least <font

color='#DAFCD9'>10</font> penguins.<br>- Eliminate at least <font
color='#DAFCD9'>1</font> Alpine Growler.<br>- Your team must have no more than
<font color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone02_2_Req" "- Save at least <font
color='#DAFCD9'>20</font> penguins.<br>- Eliminate at least <font
color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> Alpine Growlers.<br>- Your team must have no more than
<font color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone02_3_Req" "- Save all <font
color='#DAFCD9'>30</font> penguins.<br>- Eliminate all <font
color='#DAFCD9'>3</font> Alpine Growlers.<br>- Your team must have <font
color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone03_1_Req" "- Defeat Karaul Silverwing

in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>7:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than
<font color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone03_2_Req" "- Defeat Karaul Silverwing
in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>5:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than
<font color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone03_3_Req" "- Defeat Karaul Silverwing
in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>3:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have <font
color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone04_1_Req" "- Find the entrance to the

Frozen Crag in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>10:00</font>.<br>- Hunt at least <font
color='#DAFCD9'>4</font>Ice Giants.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone04_2_Req" "- Find the entrance to the
Frozen Crag in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>8:00</font>.<br>- Hunt at least <font
color='#DAFCD9'>6</font>Ice Giants.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone04_3_Req" "- Find the entrance to the
Frozen Crag in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>4:00</font>.<br>- Hunt at least <font
color='#DAFCD9'>8</font>Ice Giants.<br>- Your team must have <font
color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone05_1_Req" "- Defeat Storegga in under

<font color='#DAFCD9'>8:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone05_2_Req" "- Defeat Storegga in under
<font color='#DAFCD9'>6:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone05_3_Req" "- Defeat Storegga in under
<font color='#DAFCD9'>4:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have <font
color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone06_1_Req" "- Reach the Throne Room in

under <font color='#DAFCD9'>14:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than
<font color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone06_2_Req" "- Reach the Throne Room in
under <font color='#DAFCD9'>10:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than
<font color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone06_3_Req" "- Reach the Throne Room in
under <font color='#DAFCD9'>6:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have <font
color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone07_1_Req" "- Escape the Throne Room in

under <font color='#DAFCD9'>6:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than
<font color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone07_2_Req" "- Escape the Throne Room in
under <font color='#DAFCD9'>4:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than
<font color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone07_3_Req" "- Escape the Throne Room in
under <font color='#DAFCD9'>2:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have <font
color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone08_1_Req" "- Find a path through Reef's

Edge in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>6:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more
than <font color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone08_2_Req" "- Find a path through Reef's
Edge in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>4:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more
than <font color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone08_3_Req" "- Find a path through Reef's
Edge in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>2:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have <font
color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone09_1_Req" "- Defeat the Giant Amoeboid

in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>7:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than
<font color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone09_2_Req" "- Defeat the Giant Amoeboid
in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>4:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than
<font color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone09_3_Req" "- Defeat the Giant Amoeboid
in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>2:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have <font
color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone10_1_Req" "- Find Siltbreaker's chamber

in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>10:00</font>.<br>- Unlock at least <font
color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> prison cells.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone10_2_Req" "- Find Siltbreaker's chamber
in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>6:00</font>.<br>- Unlock at least <font
color='#DAFCD9'>4</font> prison cells.<br>- Your team must have no more than <font
color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone10_3_Req" "- Find Siltbreaker's chamber
in under <font color='#DAFCD9'>4:00</font>.<br>- Unlock at least <font
color='#DAFCD9'>6</font> prison cells.<br>- Your team must have <font
color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone11_1_Req" "- Defeat Siltbreaker in

under <font color='#DAFCD9'>11:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than
<font color='#DAFCD9'>5</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone11_2_Req" "- Defeat Siltbreaker in
under <font color='#DAFCD9'>7:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have no more than
<font color='#DAFCD9'>2</font> deaths."
"DOTA_TI7_CampaignDetails_Act2_Zone11_3_Req" "- Defeat Siltbreaker in
under <font color='#DAFCD9'>4:00</font>.<br>- Your team must have <font
color='#DAFCD9'>no</font> deaths."

"DOTA_TI8_Ticket_Location" "Rogers Arena - Vancouver, Canada"

"DOTA_TI8_Ticket_Dates" "8/20/2018 - 8/25/2018"

"DOTA_TI8_Ticket_Waves_Tooltip" "Tickets to attend the International are

offered in two waves:<br>� Wave 1 sales begin at 10:00 AM PDT on Friday, March
23.<br>� Wave 2 sales begin at 10:00 PM PDT on Friday, March 23."
"DOTA_TI8_Ticket_Wave1" "Wave 1"
"DOTA_TI8_Ticket_Wave2" "Wave 2"
"DOTA_TI8_Ticket_SalesStart" "Ticket sales start in"
"DOTA_TI8_Ticket_CallToAction" "Prepare your account at"
"DOTA_TI8_Ticket_CallToAction2" "Buy tickets at"

"DOTA_Event2018_EventGamePointsCapLeft" "WEEKLY POINTS TILL CAP"

"DOTA_Event2018_EventGameExplainPointsCap" "Earn Battle Points for the
International 2018 Battle Pass by playing The Underhollow, up to a weekly cap.
Unlock a higher cap and bigger multiplier by progressing in your Battle Pass."

"DOTA_Underhollow_YellowTeamVictory" "Yellow Team Victory!"

"DOTA_Underhollow_OrangeTeamVictory" "Orange Team Victory!"
"DOTA_Underhollow_BlueTeamVictory" "Blue Team Victory!"
"DOTA_Underhollow_GreenTeamVictory" "Green Team Victory!"
"DOTA_Underhollow_BrownTeamVictory" "Brown Team Victory!"
"DOTA_Underhollow_CyanTeamVictory" "Cyan Team Victory!"
"DOTA_Underhollow_OliveTeamVictory" "Olive Team Victory!"
"DOTA_Underhollow_PurpleTeamVictory" "Purple Team Victory!"

"DOTA_Underhollow_Leaderboard" "LEADERBOARD"
"DOTA_Underhollow_Kills" "KILLS"
"DOTA_Underhollow_Elims" "ELIMS"
"DOTA_Underhollow_Saves" "SAVES"
"DOTA_Underhollow_MyRewards" "YOUR REWARDS"

"DOTA_Underhollow_PointsMultiplier" "Points Multiplier: "

"DOTA_Underhollow_BattlePointsEarned" "Battle Points Earned: "
"DOTA_Underhollow_BattlePointsRemaining" "Battle Points Remaining: "
"DOTA_Underhollow_TotalPoints" "= {d:final_reward} BP"

"POINTS POSSIBLE THIS WEEK: {d:event_game_points_earned} /
"30 BP"
"20 BP"
"300 BP"
"750 BP"
"{d:num_earned} X "

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_PrizePool" "Current Prize Pool"

"DOTA_Purchase_Popup_Title" "{s:purchase_item_title}"
"DOTA_Purchase_Popup_Body" "{s:purchase_item_body}"
"DOTA_Purchase_Popup_Purchase_Button" "Purchase"
"DOTA_Purchase_Popup_SaleAmount" "-{i:item_sale_amount}%"
"DOTA_Purchase_Popup_RegularSetPrice" "{m:item_regular_price}"
"DOTA_Purchase_Popup_SetPrice" "{m:item_price}"
"DOTA_Purchase_Popup_Marketplace_Button" "Market"
"DOTA_Purchase_Popup_Shards_Button" "Shards"

"DOTA_Generic_Popup_Title" "{s:generic_popup_title}"
"DOTA_Generic_Popup_Body" "{s:generic_popup_body}"
"GenericConfirmText_Label" "Enter
'{s:confirmation_code}' to confirm."

"DOTA_Home_Fall_BattlePass_NotOwned" "The Fall 2016

Battle Pass is Here"
"DOTA_Home_Fall_BattlePass_NeedsActivate" "You own a Fall 2016 Battle
"DOTA_Home_Winter2017_BattlePass_NotOwned" "The Winter
2017 Battle Pass is Here"
"DOTA_Home_Winter2017_BattlePass_NeedsActivate" "You own a Winter 2017
Battle Pass"

"DOTA_Home_BattlePass_NotOwned" "{g:dota_event_name:even
tid} is Here"
"DOTA_Home_BattlePass_NotOwned_Button" "Look Inside"
"DOTA_Home_BattlePass_NeedsActivate" "{g:dota_event_name:eventid}
"DOTA_Home_BattlePass_NeedsActivate_Button" "Activate Now"
"DOTA_Home_BattlePass_ResetTime" "Resets in: {i:reset_days}D
{i:reset_hours}H {i:reset_minutes}M"
"DOTA_Home_BattlePass_EndTime" "{i:end_days}D {i:end_hours}H
"DOTA_Home_BattlePass_Unclaimed_Singular" "{d:unclaimed_rewards}
Unclaimed Reward"
"DOTA_Home_BattlePass_Unclaimed_Plural" "{d:unclaimed_rewards}
Unclaimed Rewards"
"DOTA_Home_BattlePass_UnclaimedDescription" "Click here to claim
them from the reward path."
"DOTA_Home_BattlePass_ShortFilmContest" "Short Film Contest"
"DOTA_Home_BattlePass_PredictionResetTime" "Resets in:
{i:prediction_reset_days}D {i:prediction_reset_hours}H

"DOTA_Home_BattlePass_PurchaseLevels" "Purchase Levels"

"DOTA_Home_BattlePass_PurchaseBP" "Purchase Battle Pass"

"BattlePass_LevelUp_Header" "Congratulations!"
"BattlePass_LevelUp_Body" "Your Battle Pass has now reached:"

"DOTA_Home_Plus_MemberSince" "Since"
"DOTA_Home_Plus_MemberDate" "{t:r:m:plus_membership_start_date}
"DOTA_Home_Plus_HighestLevelHero" "Highest Level Hero"
"DOTA_Home_Plus_BestHeroLevel" "Level {d:plus_best_hero_level}"

"DOTA_ItemPicker_Title" "Select an Item"

"DOTA_ItemPicker_Action" "Select"

"DOTA_ItemRedemption_Title" "{g:dota_item_name:header_ite
m_def} Redemption"
"DOTA_ItemRedemption_Action" "Redeem"
"DOTA_ItemRedemption_ConfirmTitle" "Item Redemption"
"DOTA_ItemRedemption_ConfirmMessage" "Are you sure you'd like to redeem
your {g:dota_item_name:redeem_item_def} for a
"DOTA_ItemRedemption_Error" "Failed to redeem this item."

"DOTA_GemCombine_Title" "Select Gem"

"DOTA_GemCombine_Text" "Select a gem to combine with
the {g:dota_item_name:header_item_def} gem"
"DOTA_GemCombine_Action" "Combine"
"DOTA_GemCombiner_ConfirmTitle" "Confirm Gem Combine"
"DOTA_GemCombiner_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to
combine this item with the {g:dota_item_name:combine_item}?"

"DOTA_ItemNameChange_Tooltip" "Use a Name Tag to give this item a

custom name. A Name Tag is not required to reset an item to its original name."
"DOTA_ItemDescChange_Tooltip" "Use a Description Tag to give this
item a custom description. A Description Tag is not required to reset an item to
its original description."

"DOTA_ItemChangeName_NeedTool_Title" "Purchase a Name Tag?"

"DOTA_ItemChangeName_NeedTool" "You need a Name Tag to
change the item name. Would you like to purchase one?"
"DOTA_ItemChangeName_EnterAttribute_Title" "Enter New Item Name"
"DOTA_ItemChangeName_EnterAttribute_Body" "Type in the new name you want for
the item. Changing the name will consume one Name Tag tool."
"DOTA_ItemChangeName_Processing_Title" "Processing Name Change"
"DOTA_ItemChangeName_Processing_Text" "The name is being changed on the
"DOTA_ItemChangeName_TooLong_Title" "Item Name Too Long"
"DOTA_ItemChangeName_TooLong_Body" "The entered item name is too long.
Please try again and enter a smaller name."
"DOTA_ItemChangeName_Succeeded" "The name was successfully
changed on the item."
"DOTA_ItemChangeName_Error" "An error occurred while
attempting to change the item name."

"DOTA_ItemChangeDescription_NeedTool_Title" "Purchase a Description

"DOTA_ItemChangeDescription_NeedTool" "You need a
Description Tag to change the item description. Would you like to purchase one?"
"DOTA_ItemChangeDescription_EnterAttribute_Title" "Enter New Item
"DOTA_ItemChangeDescription_EnterAttribute_Body" "Type in the new
description you want for the item. Changing the description will consume one
Description Tag tool."
"DOTA_ItemChangeDescription_Processing_Title" "Processing Description
"DOTA_ItemChangeDescription_Processing_Text" "The description is being
changed on the item..."
"DOTA_ItemChangeDescription_TooLong_Title" "Item Description Too
"DOTA_ItemChangeDescription_TooLong_Body" "The entered item description
is too long. Please try again and enter a smaller description."
"DOTA_ItemChangeDescription_Succeeded" "The description was
successfully changed on the item."
"DOTA_ItemChangeDescription_Error" "An error occurred while
attempting to change the item description."

"DOTA_ItemRemoveAttribute_Failed_Title" "Failed To Modify Item"

"DOTA_ItemRemoveName_Title" "Remove Name?"

"DOTA_ItemRemoveName" "Remove the custom name from
this item, restoring its original name?\n"
"DOTA_ItemRemoveName_Succeeded" "The custom name was
successfully removed from this item."
"DOTA_ItemRemoveName_CannotBeRemoved" "The custom name cannot be removed
from this item."
"DOTA_ItemRemoveName_Failed" "An error occurred while attempting
to remove the item's name."

"DOTA_ItemRemoveDescription_Title" "Remove Description?"

"DOTA_ItemRemoveDescription" "Remove the custom
description from this item, restoring its original description?\n"
"DOTA_ItemRemoveDescription_Succeeded" "The custom description
was successfully removed from this item."
"DOTA_ItemRemoveDescription_CannotBeRemoved" "The custom description
cannot be removed from this item."
"DOTA_ItemRemoveDescription_Failed" "An error occurred while
attempting to remove the item's description."

"DOTA_ItemRemoveGift_Title" "Remove Gift Information?"

"DOTA_ItemRemoveGift" "Remove the gift information
from this item?\n"
"DOTA_ItemRemoveGift_Succeeded" "The gift information was
successfully removed from this item."
"DOTA_ItemRemoveGift_CannotBeRemoved" "The gift information cannot be
removed from this item."
"DOTA_ItemRemoveGift_Failed" "An error occurred while attempting
to remove the item's gift information."

"DOTA_StyleUnlock_Title" "{g:dota_item_name:header_ite
m_def} Style Unlock"
"DOTA_StyleUnlock_Action" "Unlock"
"DOTA_StyleUnlock_ConfirmTitle" "Style Unlock"
"DOTA_StyleUnlock_ConfirmMessage" "Are you sure you would like to
consume your {g:dota_item_name:redeem_item_def} to unlock a style on your
"DOTA_StyleUnlock_EquipInfused" "Would you like to use a
{g:dota_item_name:redeem_item_def} to infuse your
"DOTA_StyleUnlock_Error" "Failed to unlock a style on
this item."
"DOTA_StyleUnlock_Timeout" "Failed to connect to the GC.
Try again later."
"DOTA_StyleUnlock_Text" "Select an item to apply this
style unlock to"
"DOTA_StyleUnlock_NoValidItems" "You do not have any items in
your armory that can use this style unlock."
"DOTA_StyleUnlock_UnpackBundle" "This bundle contains items
that can have styles unlocked. Would you like to unpack this bundle?"
"DOTA_StyleUnlock_UnpackBundleError" "This bundle contains items that
can have styles unlocked. However you must first unpack this bundle before you can
unlock these styles."
"UnlockStyle_Failed_PreReq" "This style cannot be
unlocked. You need to unlock the prerequisite style {s:unlock_prereq_style} first."
"UnlockStyle_Failed_CantAfford" "This style cannot be
unlocked. You need to must own {d:unlock_price} {s:unlock_item_name}(s) to pay for
the unlock."
"UnlockStyle_Failed_CantAffordAttrib" "This style cannot be unlocked. You
do not meet the attribute requirements."
"UnlockStyle_Failed_CantAffordGem" "This style cannot be unlocked. The
item does not contain a gem that meets the requirements."
"UnlockStyle_Failed_NoCompendiumLevel" "This style cannot be unlocked. You
do not own a compendium at a high enough level to meet the requirements."
"UnlockStyle_Failed_AlreadyUnlocked" "This style has already been
"UnlockStyle_Succeeded" "The style has been unlocked
and may now be applied to the item."
"DOTA_StyleUnlock_UnlockAll" "Unlock All"

"DOTA_SetStyle_ErrorWhileConnected" "Cannot change style while

connected to a game."
"DOTA_ReforgeItem_NoValidItems" "You do not have any items in
your armory that can use this reforger."
"DOTA_ReforgeItem_Title" "{g:dota_item_name:header_ite
"DOTA_ReforgeItem_Action" "Reforge"
"DOTA_ReforgeItem_Text" "Select an item to apply this
reforger to"

"DOTA_Socketing_Tooltip" "Sockets are a way to augment

your item by placing gems in them. Use Artificer's Chisels to add common sockets,
and Artificer's Hammers to extract common gems from sockets."
"DOTA_RareSocketing_Tooltip" "Rare sockets contain item
augmentations that can only be obtained by receiving rare drops from chests. Use
Master Artificer's Hammers to extract rare gems, however this will destroy the item
in the process."
"DOTA_Socketing_ExtractRareGems_Tooltip" "Extracting rare gems requires a
Master Artificer's Hammer, however this will destroy the item in the process.
Clicking Extract Rare Gems will give you an option to purchase a hammer if you
don't have any."
"DOTA_Socketing_AddSocket_Tooltip" "Adding a common socket requires an
Artificer's Chisel. Clicking Add Socket will give you an option to purchase one if
you don't have any."
"DOTA_Socketing_ExtractGem_Tooltip" "Removing a common gem requires an
Artificer's Hammer. If you do not have an Artificer's Hammer, clicking Extract Gem
will give you an option to purchase one."
"DOTA_Socketing_ExtractOrResetGem_Tooltip" "Resetting a gem will
clear the gem's tracking statistic counter. Removing a gem requires an Artificer's
Hammer. Clicking Extract will give you an option to purchase one if you don't have
"DOTA_Socketing_Replace_Tooltip" "Replacing a rare gem will destroy
the existing gem in the socket."
"DOTA_Socketing_HasHeroRestriction_Title" "Gem Has Hero Restrictions"
"DOTA_Socketing_HasRequiredSlot" " (required slot:
"DOTA_Socketing_HasHeroRestriction_Body" "This gem can only be used with
{g:dota_hero_name:socket_required_hero}{s:required_item_slot}. Are you sure you
want to extract it?"
"DOTA_Socketing_HasHeroRestriction_Tooltip" "This gem can only be used
with {g:dota_hero_name:socket_required_hero}."
"DOTA_Socketing_HasNoHeroRestriction_Tooltip" "This gem can be used with
any hero."
"DOTA_Socketing_LockedSlot" "Locked Slot"
"DOTA_Socketing_LockedSlotUnlockedAt" "Unlocked at Hero Level

"DOTA_AddSocket_ConfirmTitle" "Add Socket"

"DOTA_AddSocket_NeedChisels" "You need an Artificer's Chisel to
add a socket. Would you like to purchase one?"
"DOTA_AddSocket_NeedChisels_Title" "Purchase a Chisel?"
"DOTA_AddSocket_ToolIsInvalid" "Socketing tool is invalid."
"DOTA_AddSocket_ItemCannotBeSocketed" "This item cannot have a socket
added to it."
"DOTA_AddSocket_Fail_Title" "Cannot Add Socket"
"DOTA_AddSocket_Failed" "Failed to add a socket to
the item!"
"DOTA_AddSocket_Succeeded" "A socket was successfully
added to the item."
"DOTA_AddSocket_Title" "Adding Socket"
"DOTA_AddSocket_Text" "The socket is being added to
the item..."
"DOTA_AddSocket_DoesntOwnEvent" "You must own the event this
item is associated with."

"DOTA_AddGemToSocket_NeedGems" "You have no gems that fit

this socket."
"DOTA_AddGemToSocket_Gem_Not_Removable_Title" "Gem Not Removable"
"DOTA_AddGemToSocket_Gem_Not_Removable" "This socket contains a gem which
cannot be removed."
"DOTA_AddGemToSocket_Title" "Adding Gem To Socket"
"DOTA_AddGemToSocket_Text" "The gem is being added to
the item socket..."
"DOTA_AddGemToSocket_Succeeded" "The gem was successfully
"DOTA_AddGemToSocket_Failed" "Error inserting the gem into the
item socket!"
"DOTA_SelectGem_Title" "Select Gem To Place In
"DOTA_SelectGem_Text" "NOTE: Gems inserted into an
item will be bound to the item and can only be removed with an Artificer's Hammer."
"DOTA_SelectGem_Action" "Select"

"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_NeedMasterHammers" "You need a Master

Artificer's Hammer to remove this gem. The hammer will also destroy the item the
gem is attached to. Would you like to purchase one?"
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_NeedHammers" "You need a Artificer's Hammer to
remove this gem. Would you like to purchase one?"
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_NeedHammers_Title" "Purchase a Hammer?"
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_Title" "Removing Gem From Socket"
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_Text" "The gem is being removed
from the item socket..."
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_Fail_Title" "Cannot Remove Gem"
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_Fail_Unremovable" "This gem is not removable."
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_RequiresMasterHammer" "You need to use a Master
Artificer's Hammer to remove this gem."
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_Confirm_Title" "Confirm Gem Removal"
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_Safe_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to remove
the gem from this item? One charge on the hammer will be consumed."
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_Confirm_Styles_Affected" "Are you sure you want
to remove the gem from this item? One charge on the hammer will be consumed. <span
class=\"CriticalText\">Styles on this item are unlocked by this gem and removing
the gem will remove access to those styles.</span>"
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to destroy
this item and release its gems? One charge on the hammer will be consumed."
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_Confirm_Code" "destroy"
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_Confirm_Immortal" "Are you sure you want to
destroy this IMMORTAL item and release its gems? One charge on the hammer will be
consumed. <span class=\"CriticalText\">This item is very rare and will be destroyed
by this action.</span>"
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_Confirm_Arcana" "Are you sure you want to destroy
this ARCANA item and release its gems? One charge on the hammer will be consumed.
<span class=\"CriticalText\">This item is very rare and will be destroyed by this
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_Failed" "An error occurred attempting to
remove the gem from the socket."
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_Rare_Failed" "An error occurred attempting to
extract all rare gems and destroy the item."
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_ItemIsInvalid" "There is an error with the item
containing the gems."
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_HammerIsInvalid" "There is an error with the
hammer being used to extract the gems."
"DOTA_RemoveGemFromSocket_HammerCannotRemoveGem" "The gem is not allowed
to be removed from the socket by this hammer."

"DOTA_ResetGemInSocket_Confirm_Title" "Confirm Gem Reset"

"DOTA_ResetGemInSocket_Confirm_Body" "Resetting a gem will return any
Inscribed counts to 0. Counts removed in this way cannot be recovered. Are you sure
you want to continue?"
"DOTA_ResetGemInSocket_Title" "Resetting Gem Counter"
"DOTA_ResetGemInSocket_Text" "The counter on the gem is being
reset to 0..."
"DOTA_ResetGemInSocket_Succeeded_Title" "Gem Reset Succeeded"
"DOTA_ResetGemInSocket_Succeeded" "The counter on the gem has
successfully been reset to 0"
"DOTA_ResetGemInSocket_Failed" "Error resetting the counter
on the gem!"

"DOTA_HeroRelicsTitle" "Relics"

"DOTA_GenericConfirmText_Label" "Type '{s:confirmation_code}'

in the text box to continue."
"DOTA_GCRequest_Timeout" "Timed out communicating with
Valve servers. Try again later."

"DOTA_Armory_Coin_Treasure_Tier1" "Gold Tier"

"DOTA_Armory_Coin_Treasure_Tier2" "Silver Tier"
"DOTA_Armory_Coin_Treasure_Tier3" "Bronze Tier"

"DOTA_Armory_DeleteItem_Header" "Delete Item"

"DOTA_Armory_DeleteItem_Body" "Are you sure you want to delete
your {g:dota_item_name:selected_item_def}? This cannot be undone."

"Dota_Test_Build" "Test Build"

"DOTA_TributeTreasure_Title" "Tribute Upgrade Infuser"

"DOTA_TributeTreasure_Description" "Use a Tribute Upgrade Infuser to
permanently unlock special ambient effects on items contained within this
"DOTA_TributeTreasure_GuaranteedDescription" "Treasures until next
infuser: "
"DOTA_TributeTreasure_Button" "Apply Infuser"

"DOTA_Winter2016_InfusedTreasure_Title" "Winter 2016 Infuser"

"DOTA_Winter2016_InfusedTreasure_Description" "Use a Winter 2016 Infuser to
permanently unlock special ambient effects on some of the items contained within
this treasure."

"DOTA_Treasure_ShowInfused" "Show Infused"

"DOTA_Treasure_HideInfused" "Hide Infused"
"DOTA_Treasure_Infusable" "Infusable"
"DOTA_Treasure_Infused" "and Infuse"
"DOTA_Treasure_InfuserCount" "You currently have {d:infuser_count}

"DOTA_CoinTreasure_Title" "Fall 2015 Compendium Crafting"

"DOTA_CoinTreasure_Description" "Opening a Coin Treasure will award
a Bronze, Silver, or Gold tier item. You can combine three lower tier items into a
higher tier item, or swap two gold items for a different one."
"DOTA_CoinTreasure_CraftingButton" "Go to Crafting"
"DOTA_CoinTreasure_RewardsButton" "Go to Reward Chart"

"DOTA_NestedTreasureII_Title" "New Bonus Reward"

"DOTA_NestedTreasureII_Title2" "Set Redemption Token"
"DOTA_NestedTreasureII_Description" "Each time you open the Nested
Treasure II you have the chance of receiving a Set Redemption Token. If you're
lucky enough to get a Token, activate it from your armory to claim your choice of
ANY non-rare set featured within the Nested Treasure II."
"DOTA_SoaringCacheTreasure_Title" "Earn a Bonus Cache!"
"DOTA_SoaringCacheTreasure_Description" "For every five Soaring Caches you
open before January 1st, you'll earn one BONUS CACHE that contains compendium
levels or a rare item."
"DOTA_FlutteringCacheTreasure_Title" "Earn a Bonus Cache!"
"DOTA_FlutteringCacheTreasure_Description" "For every five Fluttering
Caches you open before January 1st, you'll earn one BONUS CACHE that contains
compendium levels or a rare item."
"DOTA_SoaringCacheTreasure_BonusButton" "View Bonus Cache"
"DOTA_SoaringCacheTreasure_Bonus" "Bonus"
"DOTA_CacheTreasure_UntilReward" "Open {d:action_score} more to get
a Bonus Cache"
"DOTA_CacheTreasure_Open3" "Open {d:action_score} more
and gain a compendium level"
"DOTA_CacheTreasure_Open7" "Open {d:action_score} more
and gain three compendium levels"
"DOTA_CacheTreasure_MissingCompendium_Fall2015" "You must own a Fall
Season Compendium 2015 in order to purchase these treasures."
"DOTA_CacheTreasure_MissingCompendium_Winter2016" "You must own a
Winter 2016 Battle Pass in order to purchase these treasures."
"DOTA_CacheTreasure_MissingCompendium_Spring2016" "You must own an
International 2016 Battle Pass in order to purchase this item."
"DOTA_CacheTreasure_MissingCompendium_TI2017" "You must own an
International 2017 Battle Pass in order to purchase this item."
"DOTA_CacheTreasure_MissingCompendium_Fall2016" "You must own a Fall
2016 Battle Pass in order to purchase these treasures."
"DOTA_CacheTreasure_MissingCompendiumOK" "More Details"

"DOTA_TI7CollectorsCacheTreasure_Title" "Cache Set Redemption

"DOTA_TI7CollectorsCacheTreasure_Description" "After opening 10 caches,
you'll earn an International Set Redemption Token that you can activate from your
armory to claim your choice of ANY non-rare set featured within the Collector's

"DOTA_SplashAd_FallMajorCompendium_Title" "Get the Fall Season

"DOTA_SplashAd_FallMajorCompendium_Description" "Earn exclusive items
and sets, take on new challenges, and win big with Coin Wagers. Only

"DOTA_SplashAd_FallMajorSoaringCache_Title" "Fall Compendium

Soaring Cache"
"DOTA_SplashAd_FallMajorSoaringCache_Description" "Available exclusively
to Compendium owners. Open a Soaring Cache to claim new sets created by the
community. Plus, every fifth you open will yield a Bonus Cache!"

"DOTA_Leaf_Halloween2015_Title" "Haunted
"DOTA_Leaf_Halloween2015_SubTitle" "A New Custom Game from
"DOTA_Leaf_Halloween2015_Desc" "Two teams of five
fight for territorial control, in an all-out battle for dominance."

"DOTA_Leaf_Halloween2015_Capture" "Capture"
"DOTA_Leaf_Halloween2015_Control" "Control"
"DOTA_Leaf_Halloween2015_Tricks" "Trick"
"DOTA_Leaf_Halloween2015_Win" "Victory"

"DOTA_Leaf_Halloween2015_Capture_Desc" "Capture Control Points

(CPs) by standing on them. Earn points for your team when you own three or more
CPs.<br><br> The more CPs you own, the faster you earn points."

"DOTA_Leaf_Halloween2015_Control_Desc" "Slow down or block

enemies capturing a point by standing on the contested CP.<br><br>Use the Glyph of
Fortification to temporarily block enemy captures."
"DOTA_Leaf_Halloween2015_Tricks_Desc" "Step on trap triggers
to fight enemies from afar.<i> Watch out!</i> Spike Traps and Pendulum Traps will
also hurt you and your teammates.<br><br>For every 1000 points the enemy earns,
friendly Behemoths spawn to fight for you."
"DOTA_Leaf_Halloween2015_Win_Desc" "<font
color='#DAFCD9'>The first team to 5000 points wins the game.</font><br><br>Slay
your enemies to collect treats that restore your health, mana, or grant additional

"DOTA_Leaf_Halloween2015_Play" "Go to Haunted


"FrontPage_Halloween2015_Haunted_Colosseum_Header" "New Custom Game"

"FrontPage_Halloween2015_Haunted_Colosseum_Title" "Haunted Colosseum"
"FrontPage_Halloween2015_Haunted_Colosseum_Desc" "A New Custom Game from

"FrontPage_Winter2016_Header" "Introducing the

Winter 2016 Battle Pass"
"FrontPage_Winter2016_Title" "Includes the 2016
Shanghai Major Compendium"
"FrontPage_Winter2016_Desc" ""

"FrontPage_TI6_Header" "Introducing
The International 2016 Battle Pass"
"FrontPage_TI6_Title" "Includes
the The International 2016 Compendium"
"FrontPage_TI6_Desc" ""

"FrontPage_Debut_Arc_Warden_Intro" "Introducing"
"FrontPage_Debut_Arc_Warden_Header" "New Hero"
"FrontPage_Debut_Arc_Warden_Title" "Arc Warden"
"FrontPage_Debut_Arc_Warden_Desc" "A splintered
fragment of the same primordial power as the Ancients themselves, Zet the Arc
Warden has pledged to see the clash between Radiant and Dire finally end, by
reunification or annihilation."

"FrontPage_Debut_Arcana_Zeus_Header" "New Arcana"

"FrontPage_Debut_Arcana_Zeus_Title" "Tempest Helm of
the Thundergod"
"FrontPage_Debut_Arcana_Zeus_Desc" "The faithless
shall tremble as true thunder rolls across the fields of battle!"
"FrontPage_Debut_Underlord_Title" "Underlord"
"FrontPage_Debut_Underlord_Header" "New Hero"
"FrontPage_Debut_Underlord_Desc" "Conjure waves of
abyssal flame to immolate enemies held paralyzed in your spiteful grip. Feast upon
the carnage of battle, gaining strength as foes perish around you, their attacks
diminished by your very presence. Tear a rift in reality to teleport yourself and
your teammates across the map, delivering bloody retribution to any who would defy
the will of Vrogros the Underlord."

"FrontPage_Debut_Underlord_Cell_Desc" "The abyssal

invader steps through his Dark Rift, eager for new lands to conquer. Underlord
arrives, bringing with him a new Post-Game Summary and the addition of Teammate
"FrontPage_New_Update" "New Update"
"FrontPage_Update_Dark_Rift" "Dark Rift Update"

"FrontPage_Debut_MonkeyKing_Desc" "Always in search

of a good fight, Monkey King travels atop the trees aiming to spring from leafy
cover and surprise his enemies. Calling upon an army of monkey soldiers to
overwhelm opponents, this agile trickster revels in the chaos of battle, ready to
slam his legendary staff down on any hopes of escape."
"FrontPage_Debut_Read_Comic" "Read the Comic"

"FrontPage_Title_Terrain" "New
"FrontPage_Title_New_BP_Feature" "New
Battlepass Feature"

"FrontPage_Title_Io_Arcana" "Io Arcana"

"FrontPage_Title_Io_Arcana_Desc" "Available to all
Battle Pass owners over level 245, the Benevolent Companion Arcana imbues Io with
the form and function of the best friend anyone could ask for."

"FrontPage_700_Title" "The Next

Chapter Has Begun"
"FrontPage_700_Text" "This
release marks the debut of the new hero Monkey King as well as intoducing new Hero
Talent Trees and much much more."

"FrontPage_BattlePassBundle_Weekend" "This Weekend

"FrontPage_BattlePassBundle_Title" "Battlepass
"FrontPage_BattlePassBundle_Savings" "70% off"
"FrontPage_BattlePassBundle_Includes" "Bundle Includes"
"FrontPage_BattlePassBundle_2017_treasure1" "+ 4x IMMORTAL
"FrontPage_BattlePassBundle_2017_treasure2" "+ 4x IMMORTAL

"FrontPage_BattlePassBundle_Savings_75" "75% off"

"FrontPage_BattlePassBundle_7_Treasure1" "<span
class=\"TreasureAmount\">7x</span><br>Immortal Treasure I"
"FrontPage_BattlePassBundle_7_Treasure2" "<span
class=\"TreasureAmount\">7x</span><br>Immortal Treasure II"
"FrontPage_Fall_2016_BattlePass_Desc" "Filled with quests,
treasures, and rewards, the Fall 2016 Battle Pass is your companion for the Dota
2016 fall season."
"FrontPage_Winter_2017_BattlePass_Desc" "Filled with quests,
treasures, and rewards, the Winter 2017 Battle Pass is your companion for the Dota
2017 winter season."
"FrontPage_Fall_2016_Treasure2_Desc" "Now available for Battle
Pass owners to earn as a Battle Level reward or purchase in the Dota 2 store.
Contains item sets for Lion, Silencer, Storm Spirit, Dark Seer, and Treant
Protector, as well as escalating odds to unlock a Very Rare Spirit Breaker item set
or Extremely Rare Juggernaut item set that includes a new critical attack
"FrontPage_Fall_2016_New_Fall" "New for Fall"
"FrontPage_New_Winter" "New for Winter"
"FrontPage_Fall_2016_Treasure3_Desc" "Now available for Battle
Pass owners to earn as a Battle Level reward or purchase in the Dota 2 store.
Contains item sets for Ember Spirit, Templar Assassin, Lich, Bloodseeker, and
Winter Wyvern, as well as escalating odds to unlock a Very Rare Undying item set
that includes a special Flesh Golem or Extremely Rare Shadow Fiend item set."
"FrontPage_Fall_2016_Treasure4_Desc" "Now available for Battle
Pass owners to earn as a Battle Level reward or purchase in the Dota 2 store.
Contains item sets for Wraith King, Meepo, Invoker, Nature's Prophet, and Luna, as
well as escalating odds to unlock a Rare Lycan item set or Extremely Rare Alchemist
item set that includes a new Unstable Concoction spell effect."

"FrontPage_Winter_2017_Treasure2_Name" "Winter 2017 Treasure 2"

"FrontPage_Winter_2017_Treasure2_Desc" "Now available for Battle
Pass owners to earn as a Battle Level reward or purchase in the Dota 2 store.
Contains item sets for Silencer, Lifestealer, Underlord, Lina, Death Prophet,
Broodmother, Batrider, and Keeper of the Light, as well as escalating odds to
unlock a Very Rare Sniper item set or Extremely Rare Disruptor item set."

"FrontPage_Winter_2017_Treasure3_Name" "Winter 2017 Treasure

"FrontPage_Winter_2017_Treasure3_Desc" "Now available for Battle
Pass owners to earn as a Battle Level reward or purchase in the Dota 2 store.
Contains item sets for Nyx Assassin, Razor, Gyrocopter, Windranger, Weaver, Chen,
and Naga Siren, as well as escalating odds to unlock a Very Rare Rubick item set or
Extremely Rare Dragon Knight item set."

"FrontPage_Title_Reef_Terrain_Name" "Reef's Edge"

"FrontPage_Title_Campaign_Title" "Multiplayer

"FrontPage_Details_Siltbreaker_Intro" "Later this month,

embark on the very first four-player Dota Campaign�new for owners of the
International 2017 Battle Pass."
"FrontPage_Details_Terrain_Reef_Details" "The chaos of battle
sinks to new levels in these aquatic trappings. Reach Battle Level 150 to unlock
this exclusive Terrain."

"FrontPage_Treasure_Emerald_Revival_Name" "Treasure of the

Emerald Revival"
"FrontPage_Treasure_Emerald_Revival_Desc" "Now available for
purchase in the Dota 2 store. Contains item sets for Naga Siren, Necrophos, Monkey
King, Enigma, Rubick, Shadow Fiend, Abaddon, and Clockwerk, as well as escalating
odds to unlock a Very Rare Terrorblade item set."
"FrontPage_Singles_Day_Treasure_Name" "Treasure of the Venerable
"FrontPage_Treasure_Singles_Day_Desc" "Contains item sets for
Witch Doctor, Winter Wyvern, Omni Knight, Chen, Phoenix, Timbersaw, Shadow Demon,
Spirit Breaker, Spectre, and Viper."

"FrontPage_Frostivus_2017_Treasure_Name" "Frostivus 2017

"FrontPage_Frostivus_2017_Treasure_Desc" "Win three games of
Dota before the end of the Frostivus season to receive one free Frostivus 2017

"FrontPage_Frostivus_Treasure_Name" "Frostivus 2017 Treasure"

"FrontPage_Frostivus_Treasure_Desc" "Contains unique Frostivus
season sets for many of your favorite heroes!"

"FrontPage_Frostivus_2017_Game_Mode_Name" "Frostivus Festival"

"FrontPage_Frostivus_2017_Game_Mode_SubTitle" "Celebrate the
"FrontPage_Frostivus_2017_Game_Mode_Desc" "Queue up to enter
the fray and compete against friends and strangers alike in a madcap series of
Frostivus Festival mini-games!"
"FrontPage_Frostivus_2017_Play_Game_Button" "Play now"

"FrontPage_Emblems_Dueling_Fates_Name" "Emblems of the Dueling


"Tempest Helm of the Thundergod"
"Debut_Arcana_Zeus_Subtitle" "Item for
"Forged by the Hammers of Celestarr, this mighty helm feels at home resting
across the brow of the Lord of Heaven himself."
"Debut_Arcana_Zeus_Equip" "When
equipped, this item grants these custom upgrades to Zeus"
"Debut_Arcana_Zeus_Feature1" "New base
model, texture, and all-new animations"
"Debut_Arcana_Zeus_Feature2" "New effect,
sound, and kill effect for Thundergod's Wrath"
"Debut_Arcana_Zeus_Feature3" "Special
Blink effect and sound when using a Blink Dagger"
"Debut_Arcana_Zeus_Feature4" "Custom
Portrait, hero icon, minimap icon, and ability icons"
"Debut_Arcana_Zeus_Feature5" "Altered
"Debut_Arcana_Zeus_Feature6" "Animated
chat emoticon"
"Debut_Arcana_Zeus_Feature7" "A tempest-
cloud chariot to carry His Majesty"
"Debut_Arcana_Zeus_Exalted" "Purch
ase by December 31st 2015, to receive as 'EXALTED' Quality"

"Debut_Journey_Terrain_Title" "New
Custom Terrain"
"Debut_Journey_Terrain_Subtitle" "The King's
New Journey"

"Debut_Journey_Terrain_Text" "Replace
your old stomping grounds with the lands of The King's New Journey, a brand-new
equippable terrain now available for purchase."

"Arcana for Monkey King"
"Debut_Arcana_MonkeyKing_Subtitle" "item
for Monkey King"
"Great Sage's Reckoning"
"Relive three epic trials from his earliest adventures with the Great Sage's
"Debut_Arcana_MonkeyKing_Equip" "When
equipped, this item grants these custom upgrades to Monkey King"
"Debut_Arcana_MonkeyKing_Feature1" "New
base model, texture, and all-new animations"
"Dynamic Style that changes according to the level of Wukong's Ultimate"
"Debut_Arcana_MonkeyKing_Feature3" "A
cloud-riding run animation when travelling vast distances in a short period of
"Custom Portrait per Form, hero icon, minimap icon"
"Altered Voice and additional voice responses for style changes and cloud
"Animated chat emoticon"
"Custom Taunt"
"Debut_Arcana_MonkeyKing_Exalted" "Purch
ase by January 31st 2017, to receive as 'EXALTED' Quality"

"Debut_Arcana_MonkeyKing_Prev" "Previous
"Debut_Arcana_MonkeyKing_Next" "Next Form"

"Debut_Arcana_MonkeyKing_Form1" "Form
"Debut_Arcana_MonkeyKing_Form2" "Form
"Debut_Arcana_MonkeyKing_Form3" "Form
"Debut_Arcana_MonkeyKing_Form4" "Form

"Timeless Tale"
"Rumble in the Deep"
"Immortal Path"
"King's Crucible"

"The oldest tales say he hatched from a magic stone, bursting one day from a
massive boulder that had borne silent witness to the entirety of creation. But only
children and fools put stock in such things."
"To seek a weapon worthy of his talents, Sun Wukong called upon the King of
the Eastern Seas, known to hoard many great treasures lost to the lands above. He
would find it is not treasure alone hiding in the blackest depths."
"Not content to live as the greatest warrior of his own time, Sun Wukong
traversed the path to the underworld to steal his name from the Book of Life and
Death and become a living legend for all of time. But nothing comes without its
"Seeking to restore balance to nature and prevent further crimes, Sun
Wukong's enemies conspired to lock him in a furnace, intending to purge his
heavenly powers in the purifying flames of the Eternal Crucible. The flames only
made him stronger."

"A New Chapter is Beginning"
"Find out more"

"Monkey King has Arrived"
"New Hero to the Dota Universe"

"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Subtitle" "item
for Juggernaut"
"Bladeform Legacy"
"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Equip" "When
equipped, this item grants these custom upgrades to Juggernaut:"
"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Feature1" "New
base model and textures with custom dragon ambient effects"
"Custom kill effect that triggers after lethal crits or Omnislash, or on
Triple Kills and higher"
"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Feature3" "All-
new effects for: Blade Dance, Bladefury (works with existing custom Bladefury
effects), and Omnislash"
"Custom Portrait, hero icon, ability icons, and minimap icon"
"Altered Voice"
"Animated Dragon Spirit chat emoticon"
"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Feature7" "A
Dragon Spirit ancestor to aid the Juggernaut in times of need"
"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Feature8" "All-
new animations for: Loadout, Alternate Run, Teleport, Victory"
"Alternate Unlockable <font color='#C83638'><i><b>Bladeform
Origins</b></i></font> Style"
"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Feature10" "Gem
that tracks number of heroes killed during Omnislash"
"Overhead effect that shows number of Omnislash kills tracked on gem"
"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Exalted" "Purch
ase by March 31, 2017 to receive 'EXALTED' Quality"

"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Title" "Bladeform Legacy"

"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Lore" "Yurnero's mask
has been cleaved in two, awakening the ancient souls that once laid dormant inside
it. These spirits have become one with Yurnero, giving him both the wisdom and fury
of his ancestors. This symbiotic relationship has transformed the Juggernaut into
something new and terrifying... a celestial force of nature."
"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Lore_FrontPage" "Yurnero's mask has been
cleaved in two, awakening the ancient souls that once laid dormant inside it."

"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Title_Front_Page" "Bladeform Legacy:

Two Styles"

"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Form1" "Style
"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Form2" "Style

"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Style1" "View Legacy Style"

"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Style2" "View Origins Style"

"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Style1_Name" "Bladeform Legacy"

"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Style2_Name" "Bladeform Origins"

"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Style1_Lore" ""
"Debut_Arcana_Juggernaut_Style2_Lore" "Kill 10 enemies with
Omnislash to unlock the <b><i>Bladeform Origins</i></b> form."

"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Subtitle" "item
for Pudge"
"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Arcana_Subtitle" "Feast of
"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Equip" "When
equipped, this item grants these custom upgrades to Pudge:"
"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Feature1" "New
base model and textures with custom Arcana pedestal"
"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Feature8" "All-
new effects for: Dismember and Hook Streak Counter"
"Custom milestone counter effects for Hook Streaks"
"Custom Dismember flesh effects for different heroes"
"Custom portrait, hero icon, ability icons, and minimap icon"
"Animated chat emoticon"
"Altered Voice with hundreds of new responses"
"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Feature10" "All-new
animations for: Loadout, Alternate Run, Rare Idles, Long- and short-range
Dismember, Hook Streaks, and more"
"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Feature11" "All-new
Taunt animation"
"Celebrate Pudge's slim Arcana Vote victory over Rubick with an Alternate
Unlockable <font color='#dfef4a'><i><b>Grand Abscession</b></i></font> Style �
earned by defeating an enemy Rubick's team in 12 games"
"Custom Emoticon"
"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Exalted" "Purchase by
May 4, 2018 to receive 'EXALTED' Quality"

"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Title" "Feast of Abscession"

"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Lore" "An animate mass of
defiled chains has tried to putrefy Pudge's resilient heaps of flesh. Enchanted at
the forge of the benevolent Crella of Vennepra, but turned to dark purpose by the
rhythm of the Dirge, the Chains of Abscession have finally found a victim�and new
master�impervious to their virulent decay."

"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Title_Front_Page" "New Arcana"

"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Title_Front_Page_foot_title" "Feast of
Abscession: Two Styles"
"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Lore_FrontPage" "An animate mass of defiled chains
has tried to putrefy Pudge's resilient heaps of flesh..."

"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Form1" "Style 1"

"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Form2" "Style 2"

"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Style1" "View Feast of Abscession"

"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Style2" "View Grand Abscession"

"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Style1_Name" "Feast of Abscession"

"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Style2_Name" "Grand Abscession"

"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Style1_Lore" ""
"Debut_Arcana_Pudge_Style2_Lore" "Win 12 games with Rubick on the
enemy team to unlock the <b><i>Grand Abscession</i></b> form."

"Debut_Arcana_MonkeyKing_NewHero" "New Hero"

"Debut_Arcana_MonkeyKing_BaseStyle" "Base"
"Debut_Arcana_MonkeyKing_OceanStyle" "Ocean"
"Debut_Arcana_MonkeyKing_UnderworldStyle" "Underworld"
"Debut_Arcana_MonkeyKing_FurnaceStyle" "Furnace"

"Debut_DuelingFates_Title" "Dueling
"Debut_DuelingFates_SubTitle" "The 7.07 update"
"Debut_DuelingFates_Bundle_Title" "Emblems of the
Dueling Fates Bundle"
"Debut_DuelingFates_Bundle_SubTitle" "Immortal Bundle"

"Debut_DuelingFates_DarkWillow_Mireska" "Mireska the"

"Debut_DuelingFates_DarkWillow_Name" "Dark Willow"
"Debut_DuelingFates_AlsoAvailable" "Also Available:"
"Debut_DuelingFates_BundleName" "Emblems of the Dueling
Fates Bundle"
"Debut_DuelingFates_33Off" "33% Off"
"Debut_DuelingFates_SaleDate" "until Nov 30, 2017"

"Debut_DuelingFates_DarkWillow_Bundle" "Sunbreeze
Birthright & <br>Taunt: Thorns and All"
"Debut_DuelingFates_DarkWillow_Bundle_Desc" "item and Custom
Taunt for Dark Willow"
"Debut_DuelingFates_PartOf" "Included in
the Emblems of the Dueling Fates Bundle:"

"Debut_DuelingFates_DarkWillow_Item_Desc1" "The Sunbreeze

Birthright � Immortal belt item with ambient effects and a custom effect for Dark
Willow's Bramble Maze ability"
"Debut_DuelingFates_DarkWillow_Item_Desc2" "Etienne's Revenge
� Immortal off-hand item with ambient effects and a custom effect and sound for
Pangolier's Swashbuckle ability"
"Debut_DuelingFates_DarkWillow_Item_Desc3" "Pholi the Squire
� Faithful Courier and self-appointed squire to Dont� the Pangolier"
"Debut_DuelingFates_DarkWillow_Item_Desc4" "Curious Snaptrap
� A strain of wards once grown only by Revtel royalty"

"Debut_DuelingFates_DarkWillow_Item_Desc5" "Two new taunts

for the arriving heroes � 'Thorns and All' for Dark Willow & 'Foolish Gallantry'
for Pangolier"

"Debut_DuelingFates_TheresMore" "The Emblems

of the Dueling Fates Bundle also includes:"

"Debut_DuelingFates_Pangolier_Donte" "Dont� the"

"Debut_DuelingFates_Pangolier_Bundle" "Etienne's Revenge
& <br>Taunt: Foolish Gallantry"
"Debut_DuelingFates_Pangolier_Bundle_Desc" "item and Custom
Taunt for Pangolier"

"FrontPage_Debut_Armadillo_Desc" "Eager to dash into

danger at a moment's notice, the Pangolier thrives on disrupting enemy movements
and placing himself in the midst of chaos. Artfully guiding his blade between
cracks in armor and shrugging off attacks with his protective scales, this graceful
swordsman is always ready to roll into battle."

"FrontPage_VideoStream_Live" "Live"
"FrontPage_VideoStream_Teams" "{s:team_1} vs
"FrontPage_VideoStream_GameState" "{s:stage_name}"
"FrontPage_VideoStream_GameState_Series" "{s:stage_name} - Game
{i:game_number} / {i:games_total}"
"FrontPage_VideoStream_Watch" "Watch In-Game"
"FrontPage_VideoStream_WatchInBrowser" "Watch in Browser"
"FrontPage_VideoStream_PrevDayWatchInBrowser" "Watch Earlier Matches
in Browser"
"FrontPage_VideoStream_BroadcastInProgress" "Broadcast is
Currently in Progress"
"FrontPage_VideoStream_BroadcastWillResume" "Broadcast will
Resume when Matches are in Progress"
"FrontPage_VideoStream_WatchLiveInGame" "Watch Live In-
"FrontPage_VideoStream_BroadcastUpcoming" "Broadcast Coverage
"FrontPage_VideoStream_BroadcastUpcomingTime" "{t:r:m:upcoming_broadca
"FrontPage_VideoStream_BroadcastUpcomingSoon" "Soon"
"FrontPage_VideoStream_UpcomingMatch" "<span
class=\"UpcomingMatchPrefix\">Next Match:</span> {s:stage_name} - {s:team_1} vs
"FrontPage_VideoStream_UpcomingMatchSpoilerBlock" "<span
class=\"UpcomingMatchPrefix\">Next Match:</span> {s:stage_name}"
"FrontPage_VideoStream_ViewBrackets" "View Current

"FrontPage_VideoStream_Boston2016_Line1" "Main Event:

December 7 - December 10, 2016"
"FrontPage_VideoStream_Boston2016_Line2" "Wang Theatre,
Boston, United States"

"FrontPage_VideoStream_Manila2016_Line1" "Main Event: June

6 - June 12, 2016"
"FrontPage_VideoStream_Manila2016_Line2" "Mall of Asia
Arena, Manila, Philippines"

"FrontPage_VideoStream_International2016_Line1" "<b><font
color='#838383'>Wild Card:</font></b> Aug 2, 2016 <b><font color='#838383'>Group
Stage:</font></b> Aug 3 - Aug 5, 2016"
"FrontPage_VideoStream_International2016_Line2" "<b><font
color='#838383'>Main Event:</font></b> Aug 8-Aug 13, 2016 <i><font
color='#838383'>Key Arena - Seattle, WA</font></i>"

"FrontPage_VideoStream_Kiev2017_Line1" "Group Stage:

April 24 - April 25, 2017"
"FrontPage_VideoStream_Kiev2017_Line2" "Main Event: April
27 - April 30, 2017"

"FrontPage_VideoStream_International2017_Line1" "Group Stage: August 2 -

August 5, 2017"
"FrontPage_VideoStream_International2017_Line2" "Main Event: August 7 -
August 12, 2017"

"FrontPage_Dotapit_5_Treasure_Title" "Treasure of the

Glacial Abyss"
"FrontPage_Dotapit_5_Treasure_Description" "10% of the
proceeds of each sale contributes towards Dota Pit Season 5"

"FrontPage_Winter_2017_Treasure2_Header" "New Treasure"

"FrontPage_Winter_2017_Treasure2_Title" "Winter 2017 Treasure

"FrontPage_Winter_2017_Treasure3_Header" "New Treasure"

"FrontPage_Winter_2017_Treasure3_Title" "Winter 2017 Treasure

"FrontPage_DAC_2017_Treasure_Header" "New Treasure"

"FrontPage_DAC_2017_Treasure_Title" "DAC 2017 Treasure"
"FrontPage_DAC_2017_Treasure_Description" "20% of the proceeds of each
sale contributes towards the DAC 2017 Prize Pool."

"FrontPage_NewHeroItems" "New Hero Items"

"FrontPage_Elemental_Fury_Music_Pack_Header" "New Music Pack"

"FrontPage_Elemental_Fury_Music_Pack_Title" "Elemental
"FrontPage_Elemental_Fury_Music_Pack_Description" "Composed by
community artist Daniel Sadowski"
"DOTA_ViolatorNew" "NEW"
"DOTA_ViolatorUpdated" "UPDATED"

"DOTA_SplashAd_AxeImmortal_Title" "The International

Axe Immortal"
"DOTA_SplashAd_AxeImmortal_Body" "The new Axe
Immortal is now available to International 2015 Compendium Owners.<br>Plus everyone
who receives the Axe Immortal will also receive a bonus Soaring Cache!"

"DOTA_SplashAd_FallMajorCompendium_AddedTitle" "Gain access to

exclusive content and gameplay"
"DOTA_SplashAd_FallMajorCompendium_List1" "<font color='#B3E432'>-
</font> Complete Challenges to Earn Coins"
"DOTA_SplashAd_FallMajorCompendium_List2" "<font color='#B3E432'>-
</font> Wager Coins on Your Victories"
"DOTA_SplashAd_FallMajorCompendium_List3" "<font color='#B3E432'>-
</font> Redeem Coins for Exclusive Rewards"
"DOTA_SplashAd_FallMajorCompendium_Purchase" "Get started now for
only <font color='#FFFFFF'>{g:dota_item_price:compendium_itemdef_lvl1}</font>"

"DOTA_SplashAd_WinterMajorBattlePass_AddedTreasure3" "Winter Treasure III

"DOTA_SplashAd_WinterMajorBattlePass_AddedTreasure3Desc" "The third
Treasure for the Winter Battle Pass has been released. Available only to owners of
this season's Battle Pass, it includes 7 sets including the Ultra Rare 'Secrets of
the Merqueen', a new set for Death Prophet."
"DOTA_SplashAd_WinterMajorBattlePass_AddedTreasure3Desc_Owns" "The third
Treasure for the Winter Battle Pass has been released. This Treasure includes 7
sets including the Ultra Rare 'Secrets of the Merqueen', a new set for Death
Prophet. If you had previously earned this Treasure, it is now unlocked in your

"DOTA_SplashAd_WinterMajorBattlePass_AddedTreasure4" "Winter Treasure IV

Released & Compendium Additions"
"DOTA_SplashAd_WinterMajorBattlePass_AddedTreasure4Desc" "The final
Treasure for the Winter Battle Pass has arrived. Available only to owners of the
Winter Battle Pass, it contains seven hero sets, including the Ultra Rare Darkclaw
Emissary set for Dazzle. Additionally, the Shanghai Major Compendium has been
updated with Team information as well as Predictions. Earn Battle Points by
correctly predicting different outcomes of the Shanghai Major!"
"DOTA_SplashAd_WinterMajorBattlePass_AddedTreasure4Desc_Owns" "The final
Treasure for the Winter Battle Pass has arrived. Inside are seven hero sets,
including the Ultra Rare Darkclaw Emissary set for Dazzle. If you had previously
earned this Treasure, it is now unlocked in your Armory. Additionally, the
Shanghai Major Compendium has been updated with Team information as well as
Predictions. Earn Battle Points by correctly predicting different outcomes of the
Shanghai Major!"

"DOTA_SplashAd_WinterMajorBattlePass_AddedTitle" "Exclusive Gameplay,

Content, and Rewards"
"DOTA_SplashAd_WinterMajorBattlePass_List1" "<font
color='#8AAED0'>-</font> Earn Rewards by playing the Winter Season Quests"
"DOTA_SplashAd_WinterMajorBattlePass_List2" "<font
color='#8AAED0'>-</font> Wager and Win games to Level Up your Battle Pass"
"DOTA_SplashAd_WinterMajorBattlePass_List3" "<font
color='#8AAED0'>-</font> Includes the Winter Compendium with information and
activites related to the Shanghai Major"

"DOTA_SplashAd_WinterMajorBattlePass_View" "Go to my Battle

"DOTA_SplashAd_WinterMajorBattlePass_Preview" "Preview Battle Pass"

"DOTA_RecentArmoryItems_Header" "Now in your ARMORY"

"DOTA_RecentArmoryItems_Title_New" "New"
"DOTA_RecentArmoryItems_Title_Recent" "Recent"
"DOTA_RecentArmoryItems_Title_RecentlyUnbundled" "Recently Unbundled"
"DOTA_RecentArmoryItems_ItemType" "{s:item_type}"
"DOTA_RecentArmoryItems_PartOfSet" "Part of <span
"DOTA_RecentArmoryItems_EmptyTitle" "No Recent Items"
"DOTA_RecentArmoryItems_EmptyMessage" "View your full Armory by clicking
the sword and shield icon."
"DOTA_RecentArmoryItems_ItemStrangeGemType" "{s:gem_description} -

"DOTA_Store_FailedToLoad" "Failed to load store information. Try again

"DOTA_Store_TopSellers" "Top Sellers"
"DOTA_Store_NewReleases" "New Releases"
"DOTA_Store_SpotlightTreasure" "Treasure Spotlight"
"DOTA_Store_SpotlightSale" "Spotlight Sale"
"DOTA_Store_SpotlightDuration" "Ends in {t:r:m:spotlight_end_time}"
"DOTA_Store_ViewBundle" "View Bundle"

"DOTA_SeasonPass_SecondaryTabHeader_Home" "Home"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_SecondaryTabHeader_Campaign" "Quests"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_SecondaryTabHeader_CampaignDetails" "Campaign"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_SecondaryTabHeader_Rewards" "Rewards"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_SecondaryTabHeader_Wagering" "Wagering"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_SecondaryTabHeader_Tournament" "Compendium"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_SecondaryTabHeader_Achievements" "Achievements"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_SecondaryTabHeader_BattleCup" "Battle Cup"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_SecondaryTabHeader_DoubleDown" "Rank Double Down"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_SecondaryTabHeader_ProCircuitPredictions" "Pro Circuit

"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_Overview" "Overview"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_Recap" "Recap"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_PlayerCards" "Player Cards"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_Predictions" "Predictions"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_Bracket" "Bracket"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_Fantasy" "Fantasy"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_FavTeam" "Favorite Team"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_Teams" "Teams"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_Players" "Players"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_Casters" "Talent"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_AllStars" "All Stars"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_Qualifiers" "Qualifiers"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_GroupStage" "Group Stage"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_Playoffs" "Playoffs"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_RegionalPredictions" "Regional
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_InvitePredictions" "Invite
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_Invites" "Invites"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_TI6ComingSoon" "The International 2016"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_International2017ComingSoon" "TI7"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_FallComingSoon" "The Boston Major"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_Winter2017ComingSoon" "The Kiev Major"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_TrueSight" "True Sight"
"DOTA_Compendium_SecondaryTabHeader_ManilaPredictions" "Manila >>"
"DOTA_Compendium_MakePrediction" "Make Prediction"
"DOTA_Compendium_ChangePrediction" "Change
"DOTA_Compendium_ShowRanking" "Show Current
"DOTA_Compendium_RevealStandings" "Reveal current
"DOTA_Compendium_HideStandings" "Hide
current Standings"
"DOTA_Compendium_ChooseTeam" "Choose a Team"
"DOTA_Compendium_ChoosePlayer" "Choose a
"DOTA_Compendium_ChooseHero" "Choose a Hero"
"DOTA_Compendium_ChooseBackground" "Choose a
"DOTA_Compendium_ChooseOption" "Choose an
"DOTA_Compendium_Heroes" "HEROES"
"DOTA_Compendium_Teams" "TEAMS"
"DOTA_Compendium_Players" "PLAYERS"
"DOTA_Compendium_Header_Tournament" "TOURNAMENT"
"DOTA_Compendium_PredictionsStartIn" "Predictions open
"DOTA_Compendium_PredictionsLockIn" "Predictions lock
"DOTA_Compendium_PredictionsLocked" "Predictions are
"DOTA_Compendium_Invites_Countdown" "{i:days} days \
"DOTA_Compendium_Invites_ToBeDetermined" "TBD"
"DOTA_Compendium_Invites_OpenQualifiers" "Open Qualifiers
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_ResetTime" "{i:reset_days}D
{s:reset_hours}H {s:reset_minutes}M {s:reset_seconds}S"
"DOTA_Compendium_Rank" "Rank"
"DOTA_Compendium_Prediction" "Prediction"
"DOTA_Compendium_Amount" "Amount"
"DOTA_Compendium_Votes" "Votes"
"DOTA_Compendium_Currently" "Current Result: <span
"DOTA_Compendium_Winter2016Finals" "Grand Finals March 6th"
"DOTA_Compendium_InvitePredictions" "Each correct prediction
grants 500 Battle Points, for up to 6000 total."
"DOTA_Compendium_NA" "North America"
"DOTA_Compendium_EU" "Europe"
"DOTA_Compendium_CN" "China"
"DOTA_Compendium_SEA" "Southeast Asia"
"DOTA_Compendium_CIS" "CIS"
"DOTA_Compendium_SA" "South America"
"DOTA_Predictions_NA" "Americas Regional Qualifier"
"DOTA_Predictions_EU" "Europe Regional Qualifier"
"DOTA_Predictions_CN" "China Regional Qualifier"
"DOTA_Predictions_SEA" "Southeast Asia Regional Qualifier"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_First_NA_Team" "First Place"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_First_EU_Team" "First Place"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_First_CN_Team" "First Place"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_First_SEA_Team" "First Place"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Second_NA_Team" "Second Place"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Second_EU_Team" "Second Place"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Second_CN_Team" "Second Place"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Second_SEA_Team" "Second Place"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Third_NA_Team" "Wildcard"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Third_EU_Team" "Wildcard"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Third_CN_Team" "Wildcard"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Third_SEA_Team" "Wildcard"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Second_Qualifier" "Qualifier Team #2"
"DOTA_Compendium_DirectInvites" "Direct Invites"
"DOTA_Compendium_RegionalQualifiers" "Regional Qualifiers"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament" "Total number of

<b>Games Played</b> at the Main Event"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_a1" "77 to 81"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_a2" "82 to 87"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_a3" "88 to 92"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_a4" "93 to 97"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_a5" "98 to 102"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_a6" "103 to 107"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_a7" "108 to 112"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_b1" "41 to 47"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_b2" "48 to 50"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_b3" "51 to 53"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_b4" "54 to 60"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_c1" "31 to 34"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_c2" "35 to 38"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_c3" "39 to 42"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_c4" "43 to 47"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_d1" "41 to 44"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_d2" "45 to 49"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_d3" "50 to 54"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Games_In_Tournament_d4" "55 to 60"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Heroes_Picked" "Total number of heroes

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Heroes_Picked_a1" "0 to 60"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Heroes_Picked_a2" "61 to 70"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Heroes_Picked_a3" "71 to 80"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Heroes_Picked_a4" "81 to 90"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Heroes_Picked_a5" "91 to 100"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Heroes_Picked_a6" "101+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Heroes_Banned" "Total number of heroes

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Heroes_Banned_a1" "0 to 60"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Heroes_Banned_a2" "61 to 70"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Heroes_Banned_a3" "71 to 80"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Heroes_Banned_a4" "81 to 90"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Heroes_Banned_a5" "91 to 100"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Heroes_Banned_a6" "101+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_In_Game" "Most <b>Combined

Total Kills</b> in a game"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_In_Game_a1" "0 to 50"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_In_Game_a2" "51 to 60"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_In_Game_a3" "61 to 70"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_In_Game_a4" "71 to 80"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_In_Game_a5" "81 to 90"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_In_Game_a6" "91 to 100"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_In_Game_a7" "101 to 110"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_In_Game_a8" "111 to 120"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_In_Game_a9" "121+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Longest_Game" "<b>Longest</b> game of

the tournament"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Longest_Game_a1" "00:00 to 39:59"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Longest_Game_a2" "40:00 to 49:59"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Longest_Game_a3" "50:00 to 59:59"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Longest_Game_a4" "60:00 to 69:59"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Longest_Game_a5" "70:00 to 79:59"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Longest_Game_a6" "80:00 to 89:59"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Longest_Game_a7" "90:00 to 99:59"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Longest_Game_a8" "100:00+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Shortest_Game" "<b>Shortest</b> game of

the tournament"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Shortest_Game_a1" "00:00 to 9:59"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Shortest_Game_a2" "10:00 to 14:59"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Shortest_Game_a3" "15:00 to 19:59"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Shortest_Game_a4" "20:00 to 24:59"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Shortest_Game_a5" "25:00 to 29:59"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Shortest_Game_a6" "30:00+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_Game_Hero" "Most <b>Kills</b>

by a hero in a game"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_Game_Hero_a1" "0 to 10"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_Game_Hero_a2" "11 to 13"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_Game_Hero_a3" "14 to 16"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_Game_Hero_a4" "17 to 19"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_Game_Hero_a5" "20 to 22"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_Game_Hero_a6" "23 to 25"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_Game_Hero_a7" "26+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Deaths_Game_Hero" "Most
<b>Deaths</b> by a hero in a game"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Deaths_Game_Hero_a1" "0 to 5"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Deaths_Game_Hero_a2" "6 to 8"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Deaths_Game_Hero_a3" "9 to 11"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Deaths_Game_Hero_a4" "12 to 14"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Deaths_Game_Hero_a5" "15 to 17"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Deaths_Game_Hero_a6" "18 to 20"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Deaths_Game_Hero_a7" "21+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Assists_Game_Hero" "Most
<b>Assists</b> by a hero in a game"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Assists_Game_Hero_a1" "0 to 15"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Assists_Game_Hero_a2" "16 to 19"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Assists_Game_Hero_a3" "20 to 23"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Assists_Game_Hero_a4" "24 to 27"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Assists_Game_Hero_a5" "28 to 31"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Assists_Game_Hero_a6" "32 to 35"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Assists_Game_Hero_a7" "36+"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_GPM_Game_Hero" "Highest
<b>GPM</b> by a hero in a game"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_GPM_Game_Hero_a1" "0 to 499"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_GPM_Game_Hero_a2" "500 to 599"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_GPM_Game_Hero_a3" "600 to 699"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_GPM_Game_Hero_a4" "700 to 799"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_GPM_Game_Hero_a5" "800 to 899"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_GPM_Game_Hero_a6" "900 to 999"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_GPM_Game_Hero_a7" "1000+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Picked_Hero" "Most <b>Picked</b>

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Banned_Hero" "Most <b>Banned</b>
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Highest_Winrate" "Hero with highest
<b>Win Rate</b><br /><i>(minimum 5 games played)</i>"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_KPG" "Hero with highest
<b>Kill</b> avg<br /><i>(minimum 5 games played)</i>"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_APG" "Hero with highest
<b>Assist</b> avg<br /><i>(minimum 5 games played)</i>"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Least_DPG" "Hero with lowest
<b>Death</b> avg<br /><i>(minimum 5 games played)</i>"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_CSPG" "Hero with highest
<b>Last Hit</b> avg<br /><i>(minimum 5 games played)</i>"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_GPM" "Hero with highest
<b>GPM</b> avg<br /><i>(minimum 5 games played)</i>"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_XPM" "Hero with highest
<b>XPM</b> avg<br /><i>(minimum 5 games played)</i>"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_Game" "Hero with most
<b>Kills</b> in a game"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_CS_Game" "Hero with most
<b>Last Hits</b> in a game"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Kills_Team" "Team with most

<b>Kills</b> in a game"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Deaths_Team" "Team with fewest
<b>Deaths</b> in a game"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Assists_Team" "Team with
most <b>Assists</b> in a game"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Longest_Match" "Team that
wins the <b>Longest</b> game"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Shortest_Match" "Team that wins
the <b>Shortest</b> game"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Flexible_Team" "Team that picks
the <b>Most</b> different heroes"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Least_Flexible_Team" "Team that picks
the <b>Fewest</b> different heroes"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Least_Flexible_Team_Min" "Team that picks
the <b>Fewest</b> different heroes (minimum 10 games played)"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_KPG_Team" "Team with
highest <b>Kill</b> avg"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Longest_Team" "Team with
highest <b>Game Length</b> avg"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_KPG_Player" "Player with highest

<b>Kill</b> avg"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Kills_Player" "Player with most
<b>Kills</b> in a game"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Least_DPG_Player" "Player with lowest
<b>Death</b> avg"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_APG_Player" "Player with highest
<b>Assist</b> avg"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Assists_Player" "Player with most
<b>Assists</b> in a game"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_CSPG_Player" "Player with highest
<b>Last Hit</b> avg"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_CS_Player" "Player with most
<b>Last Hits</b> in a game"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_GPM_Player" "Player with most
<b>GPM</b> in a game"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_GPM_Avg_Player" "Player with highest
<b>GPM</b> avg"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Most_Versatile_Player" "Player that plays the
<b>Most</b> different heroes"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool" "Final Prize Pool

Prediction<br>Locks in {i:lock_days}D {i:lock_hours}H {i:lock_minutes}M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_PoolLocked" "Final Prize Pool
Prediction<br>Prediction Locked"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a1" "Less than $15M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a2" "$15M - $16M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a3" "$16M - $17M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a4" "$17M - $18M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a5" "$18M - $19M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a6" "$19M - $20M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a7" "$20M - $21M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a8" "$21M - $22M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a9" "$22M - $23M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a10" "$23M - $24M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a11" "$24M - $25M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a11a" "$25M - $26M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a12" "$26M - $27M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a13" "$27M - $28M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a13a" "$28M - $29M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a14" "$29M - $30M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a15" "$30M - $32M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a16" "$32M - $36M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a17" "$36M - $40M"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Final_Prize_Pool_a18" "More than $40M"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Denies_First_Player_To_Reach" "First
player to get 15 denies."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_First_Triple_Kill_Player" "Player with the

first Triple Kill."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Longest_Kill_Streak_Player" "Player who gets

the longest Kill Streak."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Least_Deaths_Player" "Player with the
least Deaths."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Total_Kill_Count" "Total number of

player deaths at game end."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Total_Kill_Count_a1" "0 to 25"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Total_Kill_Count_a2" "26 to 40"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Total_Kill_Count_a3" "41 to 55"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Total_Kill_Count_a4" "56+"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalKillsByTimeEarly" "Total number of
player deaths by 10:00."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalKillsByTimeEarly_a1" "0-5"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalKillsByTimeEarly_a2" "6-10"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalKillsByTimeEarly_a3" "11-15"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalKillsByTimeEarly_a4" "16+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalKillsByTimeMid" "Total number of

player deaths by 25:00."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalKillsByTimeMid_a1" "0-15"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalKillsByTimeMid_a2" "16-25"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalKillsByTimeMid_a3" "26-35"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalKillsByTimeMid_a4" "36+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalSmokeGankKillsByTimeEarly" "Total
number of smoke gank kills by 10:00."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalSmokeGankKillsByTimeEarly_a1" "0"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalSmokeGankKillsByTimeEarly_a2" "1"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalSmokeGankKillsByTimeEarly_a3" "2"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalSmokeGankKillsByTimeEarly_a4" "3+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalSmokeGankKillsByTimeMid" "Total
number of smoke gank kills by 25:00."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalSmokeGankKillsByTimeMid_a1" "0-2"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalSmokeGankKillsByTimeMid_a2" "3-5"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalSmokeGankKillsByTimeMid_a3" "6-8"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalSmokeGankKillsByTimeMid_a4" "9+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalSmokeGankKillsByTimeEnd" "Total
number of smoke gank kills at game end."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalSmokeGankKillsByTimeEnd_a1" "0-4"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalSmokeGankKillsByTimeEnd_a2" "5-8"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalSmokeGankKillsByTimeEnd_a3" "9-12"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalSmokeGankKillsByTimeEnd_a4" "13+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Max_Kill_Count_Team" "Team with the

most Kills at game end."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Tiny_Combo_Count" "Number of Tiny

Avalanche/Toss combos."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Tiny_Combo_Count_a1" "0 to 6"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Tiny_Combo_Count_a2" "7 to 12"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Tiny_Combo_Count_a3" "13 to 18"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Tiny_Combo_Count_a4" "19+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_CourierSnipe" "Will there be a

Courier Snipe?"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_RoshanKillCount" "Total number of Roshan

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_RoshanKillCount_a1" "0 to 2"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_RoshanKillCount_a2" "3"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_RoshanKillCount_a3" "4"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_RoshanKillCount_a4" "5+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_HighestRoshanKillCount_Team" "Team with

the most Roshan Kills."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstRoshanKill_Team" "Team with the
first Roshan Kill."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstTowerKill_Team" "Team with the
first Tower Kill."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstBarracksKill_Team" "Team with the first
Barracks Kill."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TowerKillBeforeTime" "Will a tower be killed
before 10:00?"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TowerDeny" "Will a tower be

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TowersKilledAtTime" "Total number of Towers

Killed before 25:00."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TowersKilledAtTime_a1" "0-5"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TowersKilledAtTime_a2" "6-10"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TowersKilledAtTime_a3" "11-15"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TowersKilledAtTime_a4" "16+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Last_Death_Player" "Last player to be


"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_AegisSnatch" "Will there be an Aegis


"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstBloodBeforeTime" "When will First

Blood happen?"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstBloodBeforeTime_a1""0-3 mins"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstBloodBeforeTime_a2""3-6 mins"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstBloodBeforeTime_a3""6-9 mins"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstBloodBeforeTime_a4""9+ mins"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_HighestTotalDamageByATeam" "Highest
total damage of either team at game end"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_HighestTotalDamageByATeam_a1" "0-50,000 dmg"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_HighestTotalDamageByATeam_a2" "50,001-100,000
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_HighestTotalDamageByATeam_a3" "100,001+ dmg"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalRunesPickedUpTeamByTime" "Team with

the most runes picked up by 10:00."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_MostWardsPlacedByTimePlayer" "Player who

places the most observer wards by 15:00."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_MostWardsPlacedTeam" "Team who places

the most observer wards by game end."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_MostDewardsByTimePlayer" "Player with most

de-wards by 15:00."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_HighestPhysicalAttack" "Highest amount of

physical damage a hero will do to another in one hit."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_HighestPhysicalAttack_a1" "0-500"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_HighestPhysicalAttack_a2" "501-750"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_HighestPhysicalAttack_a3" "751-1,000"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_HighestPhysicalAttack_a4" "1,001+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TotalPhysicalDamagePlayer" "Player with

highest total physical damage done to heroes at game end."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_HighestNetworthByTimeEarly" "Player with
highest net worth by 10:00."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_HighestNetworthByTimeMid" "Player with

highest net worth by 25:00."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_HighestNetworthByTimeEnd" "Player with

highest net worth at game end."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_HighestMagicPureDamageByTimeEarly" "Player with

highest total magic or pure damage done to heroes by 10:00."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_HighestMagicPureDamageByTimeMid" "Player with

highest total magic or pure damage done to heroes by 25:00."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_HighestMagicPureDamageByTimeEnd" "Player with

highest total magic or pure damage done to heroes at game end."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstTowerKillTime" "Time of first Tower

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstTowerKillTime_a1" "Before 5:00"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstTowerKillTime_a2" "5:01-8:00"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstTowerKillTime_a3" "8:01-11:00"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstTowerKillTime_a4" "11:01-14:00"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstTowerKillTime_a5" "14:00+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstBarracksKillTime" "Time of first Barracks

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstBarracksKillTime_a1" "Before 20:00"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstBarracksKillTime_a2" "20:01-30:00"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstBarracksKillTime_a3" "30:01-40:00"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstBarracksKillTime_a4" "40:01+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_First_Player_To_Last_Hit_Count" "First
player to get 50 Last Hits."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Max_Hit_Count_At_Time_Player" "Player with

the most Last Hits at 7:00."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Max_Kill_Count_At_Time_Player" "Player with

the most Kills at 10:00."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Winning_Team" "Which team will


"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_GameDuration" "How long will the

game be?"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_GameDuration_a1" "Less than 30:00"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_GameDuration_a2" "30:01-37:00"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_GameDuration_a3" "37:01-44:00"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_GameDuration_a4" "44:01-60:00"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_GameDuration_a5" "60:01+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_AncientCampsStackedByTime" "Number of
ancient camps stacked by 30:00."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_AncientCampsStackedByTime_a1" "0-5"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_AncientCampsStackedByTime_a2" "6-10"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_AncientCampsStackedByTime_a3" "11-15"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_AncientCampsStackedByTime_a4" "16-20"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_AncientCampsStackedByTime_a5" "21+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TPCancelledByTimeEarly" "Will there be a

teleport cancelled by stun by 10:00?"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TPCancelledByTimeMid" "Total number of

teleports cancelled by stun by 25:00."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_FirstPlayerBuyBlink" "First player to

buy a Blink Dagger."

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_BlinkDaggersByTimeMid" "Total number of

blink daggers purchased by 25:00."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_BlinkDaggersByTimeMid_a1" "0-2"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_BlinkDaggersByTimeMid_a2" "3-4"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_BlinkDaggersByTimeMid_a3" "5+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TreeCutCountByTimeMid" "Total number of

trees destroyed by 30:00."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TreeCutCountByTimeMid_a1" "0-50"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TreeCutCountByTimeMid_a2" "51-175"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TreeCutCountByTimeMid_a3" "176-300"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_TreeCutCountByTimeMid_a4" "301+"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_RewardsInfoHeader" "Rewards increase based on

how many predictions you get correct."
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_RewardsInfoA" "1-2 = 100pts<br />3-4 =
500pts<br />5-8 = 2,000pts"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_RewardsInfoB" "9-11 = 5,000pts<br />12-14 =
10,000pts<br />15 = 20,000pts"

"DOTA_InGamePrediction_NoPredictionsSubmitted" "No prediction

"DOTA_InGamePrediction_NoResultsYet" "No Results Yet"
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_LockedResult" "Final"

"DOTA_InGamePrediction_Predictions" "Predictions"
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_Results" "Result"
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_Leading" "Current"
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_YourPrediction" "Your Pick"
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_NumberOfTies" "{d:TieCount}-Way
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_NoResult" "None"
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_InProgress" "In Progress"
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_Correct" "Correct"
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_Incorrect" "Incorrect"
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_Winning" "Winning"
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_Losing" "Losing"
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_Select" "Select"
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_DropDownSelect" "Select..."
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_PredictionUpdateTitle" "Prediction Updated"
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_Previous" "Previous"
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_NewValue" "New Value"
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_Finished" "Finished"
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_Title" "Predictions"
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_VotingIsOpen" "Close in
{d:prediction_time_min}m {d:prediction_time_sec}s"
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_VotingIsClosed" "Selections Are

"DOTA_InGamePrediction_ErrorTitle" "Error Submitting

"DOTA_InGamePrediction_UnknownErrorInSubmission" "Unknown error occurred
when submitting prediction choices."
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_SubmittedVoteTooLate" "Voting has closed; your
selection was discarded."
"DOTA_InGamePrediction_SubmittedVoteTooLateTitle" "Prediction Selection

"DOTA_SeasonPass_Friends_Leaderboard" "Friends
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Friends_Leaderboard_Name" "Friends"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Friends_Leaderboard_BattleLevel" "Battle Level"

"DOTA_SeasonPass_Friends_MMR_Leaderboard" "Friends"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Friends_MMR_Leaderboard_Name" "Name"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Friends_MMR_Leaderboard_MMR" "Season MMR"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Global_MMR_Leaderboard" "Global"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Global_MMR_Leaderboard_Name" "Name"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Global_MMR_Leaderboard_MMR" "Season MMR"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_MMR_Leaderboard_Title" "International
Season MMR Leaderboards"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_MMR_Leaderboard_Explanation" ""
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Friends_MMR_TBD" "TBD
({d:games_remaining} Games)"

"{i:o:friend_rank} of {i:friend_count} Friends"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Wagering_Personal" "Personal"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Wagering_Friends" "Friends"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Wagering_Winnings" "Total Winnings"

"DOTA_SeasonPass_Wagering_Desc1" "Get Weekly

"DOTA_SeasonPass_Wagering_Desc2" "Wager Tokens"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Wagering_Desc3" "Win Battle
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Wagering_Desc4" "Level Up"

"DOTA_SeasonPass_Achievements_Earned" "Earned:"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Achievements_Of" "of"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Achievements_Achievements" "Achievements"

"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Quest_Rewards" "Quest Rewards"

"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Treasure_Rewards" "Treasure Rewards"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Prestige_Rewards" "Prestige Rewards"

"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Common" "Common"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Uncommon" "Uncommon"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Rare" "Rare"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Very_Rare" "Very Rare"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Extremely_Rare" "Extremely Rare"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Ultra_Rare" "Ultra Rare"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Cosmically_Rare" "Cosmically Rare"

"DOTA_SeasonPass_Fall_Treasure1" "Fall 2016

Treasure I"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Fall_Treasure2" "Fall 2016
Treasure II"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Fall_Treasure3" "Fall 2016
Treasure III"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Fall_Treasure4" "Fall 2016
Treasure IV"

"DOTA_SeasonPass_Winter_Treasure1" "Winter 2017

Treasure I"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Winter_Treasure2" "Winter 2017
Treasure II"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Winter_Treasure3" "Winter 2017
Treasure III"

"DOTA_SeasonPass_international2017_Treasure1" "The
International 2017 Treasure I"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_international2017_Treasure2" "The
International 2017 Treasure II"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_international2017_Treasure3" "The
International 2017 Treasure III"

"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Coming_Soon" "Coming Soon"

"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Trophies" "Trophies"

"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Expire_Date" "March 30th, 2016"

"DOTA_SeasonPass_PreviousReward" "{s:previous_rewar
"DOTA_SeasonPass_NextReward" "{s:next_reward}"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_WagerXP" "{d:wager_xp
"DOTA_SeasonPass_QuestXP" "{d:quest_xp
"DOTA_SeasonPass_AchievementXP" "{d:achievem
"DOTA_SeasonPass_AccountLevel" "Level
"DOTA_SeasonPass_NoReward" "N/A"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Seasonal_Reward" "You unlocked a
new Battle Pass reward!"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Seasonal_Reward_Subtitle" "Battle Pass
rewards activate automatically and last for the duration of the Battle Pass"

"DOTA_SeasonPassAchievement_Name" "{s:achievement_na
"DOTA_SeasonPassAchievement_Description" "{s:achievement_descript
"DOTA_SeasonPassAchievement_Status" "{u:achievement_st
"DOTA_SeasonPassAchievement_Reward" "{u:achievement_re
"DOTA_SeasonPassAchievement_PTS" "PTS"
"DOTA_SeasonPassAchievement_Achievements_Current" "{u:current}"
"DOTA_SeasonPassAchievement_Achievements_Total" "{u:total}"
"DOTA_SeasonPassAchievement_Achievements_Points" "{u:points}"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Prediction_Remaining_Time" "Locks in \
n{i:reset_days}D {i:reset_hours}H {i:reset_minutes}M"

"DOTA_Wheel_ItemCategory" "{s:category}"
"DOTA_Wheel_Set" "Set"
"DOTA_Wheel_Arcana" "Arcana"
"DOTA_Wheel_Infuser" "Infuser"
"DOTA_Wheel_Treasure" "Treasure"
"DOTA_Wheel_Courier" "Courier"
"DOTA_Wheel_Effigy" "Effigy"
"DOTA_Wheel_ImmortalTreasure" "Immortal"
"DOTA_Wheel_FallTreasure" "Fall Treasure"
"DOTA_Wheel_WinterTreasure" "Winter Treasure"
"DOTA_Wheel_Announcer" "Announcer"
"DOTA_Wheel_DarkMoonSet" "Dark Moon"
"DOTA_Wheel_BabyRoshan" "Roshan"
"DOTA_Wheel_Sorry" "We are
sorry, we cannot give you a reward at this time."
"DOTA_Wheel_Spin_Later" "A connection to
the Game coordinator could not be established. Please try again later."

"I'm going on a quest!"
"Complete the final Quest of any of the main Paths of Power"
"The Complete Package"
"DOTA_WinterMajor2016_Achievement_Complete_All_Questlines_Description" "Compl
ete the final Quest of all three main Paths of Power"
"No Bloodstone Unturned"
"Complete all 45 Quests on the three main Paths of Power"
"Luck is a skill"
"Win a wager"
"I've got a feeling"
"Win 3000 BP by wagering"
"The Oracle"
"Win 12000 BP by wagering"
"Commendable Notion"
"Tip a player at the end of a game"
"Total Conscientiousness"
"Tip 10 players across your games"
"Mission Ready"
"Complete 5 weekly challenges"
"Not such a chore"
"Complete 10 weekly challenges"
"I do all I can"
"Complete 16 weekly challenges"

"Another day, another hero"
"Complete 10 daily hero challenges"
"I never played this guy before"
"Complete 25 daily hero challenges"
"No such thing as Least Played"
"Complete 50 daily hero challenges"

"Treasure I Initiate"
"DOTA_WinterMajor2016_Achievement_Open_5_Treasure_I_Description" "Open
5 Treasure I"
"Treasure I Completionist"
"Open 10 Treasure I"
"Treasure II Initiate"
"Open 5 Treasure II"
"Treasure II Completionist"
"Open 10 Treasure II"
"Treasure III Initiate"
"Open 5 Treasure III"
"Treasure III Completionist"
"Open 10 Treasure III"
"Treasure IV Initiate"
"Open 5 Treasure IV"
"Treasure IV Completionist"
"Open 10 Treasure IV"
"DOTA_WinterMajor2016_Reward2_Name" "Winter Fountain
Healing Effect Level 1"
"DOTA_WinterMajor2016_Reward3_Name" "Winter Teleport
Effect Level 1"
"DOTA_WinterMajor2016_Reward10_Name" "Winter Blink
Dagger Effect"
"DOTA_WinterMajor2016_Reward24_Name" "Winter Force
Staff Effect"
"DOTA_WinterMajor2016_Reward20_Name" "Winter Teleport
Effect Level 2"
"DOTA_WinterMajor2016_Reward25_Name" "Winter Eul's
Scepter Effect"
"DOTA_WinterMajor2016_Reward32_Name" "Winter Teleport
Effect Level 3"
"DOTA_WinterMajor2016_Reward34_Name" "Winter Fountain
Healing Effect Level 2"
"DOTA_WinterMajor2016_Reward58_Name" "Winter Fountain
Healing Effect Level 3"
"DOTA_WinterMajor2016_Surprise_Item" "Rylai's Winter
"DOTA_Popup_Go_To_Wheel" "Spin the
"DOTA_RewardPath_Level" "{i:level}"
"DOTA_Compendium_EventEnds" "Winter 2016
Battle Pass expires on March 30th, 2016"
"DOTA_Compendium_EventHasEnded" "Winter 2016
Battle Pass has expired"
"DOTA_Compendium_EventEnds_Profile" "Battle Pass

"DOTA_Fall2016_BattlePass_EndDate" "The Fall Major

2016 Battle Pass Event Ends Monday January 2nd, 2017"
"DOTA_Fall2016_BattlePass_Ended" "The Fall Major
2016 Battle Pass has ended"
"DOTA_Winter2017_BattlePass_EndDate" "The Winter Major
2017 Battle Pass Event Ends Monday May 1st, 2017"
"DOTA_Winter2017_BattlePass_Ended" "The Winter Major
2017 Battle Pass has ended"

"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_EndDate" "The International

2016 Battle Pass Event Ends August 31, 2016"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_EndDate_Purchase" "Last day to
purchase Battle Pass Levels is August 13, 2016"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_Ended" "The
International 2016 Battle Pass has ended"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_Level1Rewards" "Level 1 Rewards"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_Level225Rewards" "Unlocks New Quest
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_BattlePointLog" "Battle Point Log"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_Purchase" "Purchase"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_PurchaseLevels" "Purchase Levels"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_Gift" "Gift a
Battle Pass"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_MyQuests" "My Quests"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_CommunityChallenges" "Community Challenges"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_Friends" "Friends"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_ArcanaVote" "Arcana Vote"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_ArcanaVoteNow" "Vote Now"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_ArcanaVoteStandings" "View Standings"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_ArcanaVoteMostContested" "Most Contested"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_ArcanaVoteCalibrating" "Vote totals will
be displayed once enough votes have been made."
"DOTA_TI8_BattlePass_ArcanaViewBracket" "View Bracket"

"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_QuestUpsell" "Quests
Require Battle Pass to Select"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_QuestActivate" "Activate
your Battle Pass to play Quests"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_ArcanaUpsell" "Requires
Battle Pass to Vote"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_ArcanaActivate" "Activate
Battle Pass to Vote"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_RepeatingRewards_Title" "Repeating
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_RepeatingRewards_Description" "Players who
continue to level their Battle Pass will receive one Immortal Treasure every 10

"DOTA_TI7_BattlePass_RepeatingRewards_Title" "Repeating
"DOTA_TI7_BattlePass_RepeatingRewards_Description" "Players who
continue to level their Battle Pass will receive one Immortal Treasure every 10
Levels, three Premium Player Card Packs every 30 levels, and one Trust of the
Benefactor every 50 levels."

"DOTA_TI8_BattlePass_RepeatingRewards_Title" "Repeating
"DOTA_TI8_BattlePass_RepeatingRewards_Description" "Players who
continue to level their Battle Pass will receive one Immortal Treasure every 10
Levels, three Premium Player Card Packs every 30 levels, and one Trust of the
Benefactor every 50 levels."

"DOTA_TI8_EventGame_Title" "Welcome to The

"DOTA_TI8_EventGame_Description" "Deep below the confines of
Roshan's infamous pit, a wheel of the world's rarest cheese�Roshefort�slowly comes
of age. Driven into a ravenous frenzy by just a whiff of the ripening Roshefort,
Roshan has descended into the labyrinth in search of this bimillennial
repast.<br><br>Now it's time to journey into the Underhollow yourself to risk
Roshan's wrath and battle through an eight-team dungeon clash filled with monsters,
traps, and more. Navigate the treacherous caverns with your team to earn the Gold
and XP needed to destroy your opponents�you'll have to step carefully and work
together for any chance to be the last team standing.<br><br>For those able to
outlast their enemies, or bold enough to claim the Roshefort wheel, an influx of
Battle Points awaits."
"DOTA_TI8_EventGame_ShortDescription" "Battle through an eight-team
dungeon clash and fight to be the last ones standing! Slay monstrous hordes,
sidestep cunning traps, and destroy your opponents�all for a chance to earn Battle

"DOTA_TI8_EventGame_BP_Earned" "Battle Points

"DOTA_TI8_EventGame_BP_EarnedValue" "{d:event_game_points_ea
rned} / {d:event_game_point_cap}"

"DOTA_TI8_EventGame_BP_PointMultiplier" "Point Multiplier:"

"DOTA_TI8_EventGame_BP_PointMultiplierValue" "{s:event_game_point_multipli
"DOTA_TI8_EventGame_PlayButton" "Play The Underhollow"
"DOTA_TI8_EventGame_RefreshTime" "Available Points Refresh in

"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_SilverTier" "Silver Tier"

"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_GoldTier" "Gold Tier"
"DOTA_TI6_BattlePass_MaximumTier" "Aegis Tier"

"DOTA_SurpriseWheel_Title" "Rylai's Battle Blessing"

"DOTA_SurpriseWheel_Instructions" "Pull the lever and release to spin the
"DOTA_SurpriseWheel_SpinAgain" "Spin Again"

"DOTA_BattlePass_Expired" "You are viewing an earlier Battle


"I'm going on a quest!"
"Complete the final Quest of any of the main Quest Paths"
"The Complete Package"
"DOTA_SpringMajor2016_Achievement_Complete_All_Questlines_Description" "Compl
ete the final Quest of all three main Quest Paths"

"No Bloodstone Unturned"
"Complete all 45 Quests on the three main Quest Paths with at least 1 star"
"No Bloodstone Unturned 2"
"Complete all 45 Quests on the three main Quest Paths with at least 2 stars"
"No Bloodstone Unturned 3"
"Complete all 45 Quests on the three main Quest Paths with 3 stars"

"Luck is a skill"
"Win a wager"
"I've got a feeling"
"Win 6000 BP by wagering"
"The Oracle"
"Win 20000 BP by wagering"

"Commendable Notion"
"Tip a player at the end of a game"
"Total Conscientiousness"
"Tip 50 players across your games"

"Representative Dotacracy"
"Cast a vote in the Arcana vote"
"Dota Arcana Committee"
"Cast votes in the Arcana vote 10 of the 12 weeks."

"Make Room on the Shelf"
"Redeem any Level Reward"

"The True Spirit of Dota"
"Gift a Battle Pass to a friend and have them unwrap it."

"Fiery Soul"
"Play Lina's game once"

"Maiden's Blessing"
"Spin CM's wheel once"

"Weekly Challenge"
"Complete weekly challenge"

"Mission Ready"
"Complete 10 weekly challenges"
"Not such a chore"
"Complete 15 weekly challenges"
"I do all I can"
"Complete 20 weekly challenges"

"Daily Challenge"
"Complete daily hero challenge"

"Another day, another hero"
"Complete 20 daily hero challenges"
"I never played this guy before"
"Complete 40 daily hero challenges"
"No such thing as Least Played"
"Complete 70 daily hero challenges"

"Battle Predictor"
"Correctly Guess 1 Regional Qualifier Battle Prediction"
"Battle Augur"
"DOTA_SpringMajor2016_Achievement_10_Correct_Predictions_Description" "Corre
ctly Guess 10 Regional Qualifier Battle Predictions"
"Battle Prophet"
"DOTA_SpringMajor2016_Achievement_30_Correct_Predictions_Description" "Corre
ctly Guess 30 Regional Qualifier Battle Predictions"

"Group Stage Connoisseur"
"Correctly Guess 10 Group Stage Battle Predictions"

"Game Genius"
on" "Correctly Guess 10 Main Event Battle Predictions"
"Perfect Predictor"
on" "Correctly Guess 50 Main Event Battle Predictions"
"Main Event Maestro"
ion" "Correctly Guess 100 Main Event Battle Predictions"

"Treasure I Initiate"
"DOTA_SpringMajor2016_Achievement_Open_7_Treasure_I_Description" "Open
6 Treasure I"
"Treasure I Completionist"
"Open 15 Treasure I"

"Treasure II Initiate"
"Open 6 Treasure II"
"Treasure II Completionist"
"Open 15 Treasure II"

"Treasure III Initiate"
"Open 6 Treasure III"
"Treasure III Completionist"
"Open 15 Treasure III"

"Cache Initiate"
"Open 1 Collector's Cache"
"Cache Collector"
"Open 7 Collector's Caches"
"Cache Completionist"
"Open 13 Collector's Caches"

"Carafe Initiate"
"Open 1 Trove Carafe"
"Carafe Completionist"
"Open 5 Trove Carafes"

"Luckvase Initiate"
"Open 1 Lockless Luckvase"
"Luckvase Completionist"
"Open 4 Lockless Luckvase"

"Stayed on the Path"
"Complete the final Quest of any of the main Quest Paths"
"Triple Threat"
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Complete_All_Questlines_Description" "Compl
ete the final Quest of all three main Quest Paths"

"Every Single One"
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Complete_All_Quests_Description" "Compl
ete all 45 Quests on the three main Quest Paths with at least 1 star"
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Complete_All_Quests_3_Star_Name" "Going
Star Crazy"
"Complete all 45 Quests on the three main Quest Paths with 3 stars"

"Still Got It"
"Win a wager"
"Hot Hand"
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Win_6000xp_Wagering_Description" "Win
6000 BP by wagering"
"No Such Thing as a Gamble"
"Win 15000 BP by wagering"

"Commendable Notion"
"Tip a player at the end of a game"
"Total Conscientiousness"
"Tip 50 players across your games"

"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Complete_4_Weekly_Missions_Name" "Missi
on Ready"
"Complete 4 weekly challenges"
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Complete_8_Weekly_Missions_Name" "Not
Such a Chore"
"Complete 12 weekly challenges"
"I Do All I Can"
"Complete 20 weekly challenges"

"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Complete_10_Daily_Missions_Name" "Comfo
rt Picks"
"Complete 10 daily hero challenges"
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Complete_25_Daily_Missions_Name" "Expan
ded Repertoire"
"Complete 40 daily hero challenges"
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Complete_50_Daily_Missions_Name" "Play
Them as They Come"
"Complete 75 daily hero challenges"

"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Get_30_BattlePoints_Name" "Battle Cup

"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Get_30_BattlePoints_Description" "Earn 30
Battle Points in the Battle Cup"
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Get_100_BattlePoints_Name" "Battle Cup
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Get_100_BattlePoints_Description" "Earn 100
Battle Points in the Battle Cup"
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Get_250_BattlePoints_Name" "Battle Cup
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Get_250_BattlePoints_Description" "Earn 250
Battle Points in the Battle Cup"
"Treasure I Initiate"
"Open 5 Treasure I"
"Treasure I Completionist"
"Open 10 Treasure I"

"Treasure II Initiate"
"Open 5 Treasure II"
"Treasure II Completionist"
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Open_10_Treasure_II_Description" "Open
10 Treasure II"

"Treasure III Initiate"
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Open_5_Treasure_III_Description" "Open
5 Treasure III"
"Treasure III Completionist"
"Open 10 Treasure III"

"Treasure IV Initiate"
"Open 5 Treasure IV"
"Treasure IV Completionist"
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Open_10_Treasure_IV_Description" "Open
10 Treasure IV"

"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Use_2_Infusers_Name" "Custo
m Mods"
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Use_2_Infusers_Description" "Use 2
Fall Infusers"
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Use_5_Infusers_Name" "Infus
er User"
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Use_5_Infusers_Description" "Use 5
Fall Infusers"
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Use_20_Infusers_Name" "Parti
cle Party"
"DOTA_FallMajor2016_Achievement_Use_20_Infusers_Description" "Use
20 Fall Infusers"

"Group Stage Connoisseur"
"Correctly Guess 25 Group Stage Battle Predictions"

"Game Genius"
" "Correctly Guess 10 Main Event Battle Predictions"
"Perfect Predictor"
" "Correctly Guess 30 Main Event Battle Predictions"
"Main Event Maestro"
" "Correctly Guess 50 Main Event Battle Predictions"

"Stayed on the Path"
"Complete the final Quest of any of the main Quest Paths"
"Triple Threat"
"DOTA_WinterMajor2017_Achievement_Complete_All_Questlines_Description" "Compl
ete the final Quest of all three main Quest Paths"

"Every Single One"
"Complete all 45 Quests on the three main Quest Paths with at least 1 star"
"Going Star Crazy"
"Complete all 45 Quests on the three main Quest Paths with 3 stars"

"Still Got It"
"Win a wager"
"Hot Hand"
"Win 6000 points by wagering"
"No Such Thing as a Gamble"
"Win 15000 points by wagering"

"Commendable Notion"
"Tip a player at the end of a game"
"Total Conscientiousness"
"Tip 50 players across your games"

"Mission Ready"
"Complete 4 weekly challenges"
"Not Such a Chore"
"Complete 12 weekly challenges"
"I Do All I Can"
"Complete 20 weekly challenges"

"Comfort Picks"
"Complete 10 daily hero challenges"
"Expanded Repertoire"
"Complete 40 daily hero challenges"
"Play Them as They Come"
"Complete 75 daily hero challenges"

"DOTA_WinterMajor2017_Achievement_BattleCup_Score_30_Name" "Battle Cup

"DOTA_WinterMajor2017_Achievement_BattleCup_Score_30_Description" "Earn a
Battle Cup Score of 30"
"DOTA_WinterMajor2017_Achievement_BattleCup_Score_100_Name" "Battle Cup
"DOTA_WinterMajor2017_Achievement_BattleCup_Score_100_Description" "Earn a
Battle Cup Score of 100"
"DOTA_WinterMajor2017_Achievement_BattleCup_Score_250_Name" "Battle Cup
"DOTA_WinterMajor2017_Achievement_BattleCup_Score_250_Description" "Earn a
Battle Cup Score of 250"

"Treasure I Initiate"
"DOTA_WinterMajor2017_Achievement_Open_8_Treasure_I_Description" "Open
8 Treasure I"
"Treasure I Completionist"
"Open 16 Treasure I"

"Treasure II Initiate"
"Open 8 Treasure II"
"Treasure II Completionist"
"Open 16 Treasure II"

"Treasure III Initiate"
"Open 7 Treasure III"
"Treasure III Completionist"
"Open 14 Treasure III"

"Group Stage Connoisseur"
"Correctly Guess 25 Group Stage Battle Predictions"

"Game Genius"
on" "Correctly Guess 10 Main Event Battle Predictions"
"Perfect Predictor"
on" "Correctly Guess 30 Main Event Battle Predictions"
"Main Event Maestro"
on" "Correctly Guess 50 Main Event Battle Predictions"

"The Dark Moon Rises"
"Earn 35000 Dark Moon Points"
"In Selemene's Defense"
"Earn 175000 Dark Moon Points"
"Waves of Joy"
"Earn 350000 Dark Moon Points"

"Stayed on the Path"
"Complete the final Quest of any of the main Quest Paths"
"Triple Threat"
"Complete the final Quest of all three main Quest Paths"

"Every Single One"
"Complete all 45 Quests on the three main Quest Paths with at least 1 star"
"Going Star Crazy"
"Complete all 45 Quests on the three main Quest Paths with 3 stars"

"Still Got It"
"Win a wager"
"Hot Hand"
"Win 6000 points by wagering"
"No Such Thing as a Gamble"
"Win 15000 points by wagering"
"Commendable Notion"
"Tip a player during a game"
"Total Conscientiousness"
"Tip 50 players across your games"

"Mission Ready"
"Complete 4 weekly challenges"
"Not Such a Chore"
"Complete 12 weekly challenges"
"I Do All I Can"
"Complete 20 weekly challenges"

"Comfort Picks"
"Complete 10 daily hero challenges"
"Expanded Repertoire"
"Complete 40 daily hero challenges"
"Play Them as They Come"
"Complete 75 daily hero challenges"

"DOTA_International2017_Achievement_BattleCup_Score_30_Name" "Battl
e Cup Hopeful"
"DOTA_International2017_Achievement_BattleCup_Score_30_Description" "Earn a
Battle Cup Score of 30"
"DOTA_International2017_Achievement_BattleCup_Score_100_Name" "Battl
e Cup Challenger"
"DOTA_International2017_Achievement_BattleCup_Score_100_Description" "Earn a
Battle Cup Score of 100"
"DOTA_International2017_Achievement_BattleCup_Score_250_Name" "Battl
e Cup Stalwart"
"DOTA_International2017_Achievement_BattleCup_Score_250_Description" "Earn a
Battle Cup Score of 250"

"Treasure I Initiate"
"Open 6 Treasure I"
"Treasure I Completionist"
"Open 12 Treasure I"

"Treasure II Initiate"
"Open 6 Treasure II"
"Treasure II Completionist"
"Open 12 Treasure II"

"Treasure III Initiate"
"Open 6 Treasure III"
"Treasure III Completionist"
"Open 12 Treasure III"

"Trove Carafe Initiate"
"Open 8 Trove Carafe"
"Trove Carafe Completionist"
"Open 16 Trove Carafe"

"DOTA_International2017_Achievement_Trivia_Score_1000_Name" "Lucky
"DOTA_International2017_Achievement_Trivia_Score_1000_Description" "Earn 1000
Trivia Points"
"DOTA_International2017_Achievement_Trivia_Score_5000_Name" "Knowledge
is Power"
"DOTA_International2017_Achievement_Trivia_Score_5000_Description" "Earn 5000
Trivia Points"
"DOTA_International2017_Achievement_Trivia_Score_10000_Name" "Trivi
a Knight"
"DOTA_International2017_Achievement_Trivia_Score_10000_Description" "Earn
10000 Trivia Points"

"The True Spirit of Dota"
"Gift a Battle Pass to a friend and have them unwrap it"

"Group Stage Connoisseur"
"Correctly Guess 25 Group Stage Battle Predictions"

"Game Genius"
tion" "Correctly Guess 10 Main Event Battle Predictions"
"Perfect Predictor"
tion" "Correctly Guess 30 Main Event Battle Predictions"
"Main Event Maestro"
tion" "Correctly Guess 50 Main Event Battle Predictions"

"Representative Dotacracy"
"Cast a vote in the Arcana vote"
"Dota Arcana Committee"
"Cast votes in the Arcana vote 10 of the 12 weeks"

"Siltbreaker: Act I"

"Secret Recipe"
tion" "Find all 11 Gastromancer Notes in Siltbreaker: Act I"

"I Got This Many"
"Earn 20 Stars in a single playthrough of Siltbreaker: Act I"
"More Is Better"
"Earn 25 Stars in a single playthrough of Siltbreaker: Act I"
"No Star Too Far"
"Earn 30 Stars in a single playthrough of Siltbreaker: Act I"

"Thrice Went Round"
"Complete Siltbreaker: Act I with 3 different heroes"
"The Eightfold Path"
"Complete Siltbreaker: Act I with 8 different heroes"
" "Mob Boss"
" "Complete Siltbreaker: Act I with 14 different heroes"

"From the Great Mystery"
"Find the Secretive Shopkeeper"

"Siltbreaker: Act II"

"Secret Recipe"
tion" "Find all 7 Gastromancer Notes in Siltbreaker: Act II"

"I Got This Many"
"Earn 20 Stars in a single playthrough of Siltbreaker: Act II"
"More Is Better"
"Earn 25 Stars in a single playthrough of Siltbreaker: Act II"
"No Star Too Far"
"Earn 30 Stars in a single playthrough of Siltbreaker: Act II"

"Thrice Went Round"
"Complete Siltbreaker: Act II with 3 different heroes"
"The Eightfold Path"
"Complete Siltbreaker: Act II with 8 different heroes"
" "Mob Boss"
" "Complete Siltbreaker: Act II with 14 different heroes"

"From the Great Mystery"
"Find the Secretive Shopkeeper"

"Jailhouse Poet"
"Find all 11 Warden Notes in Siltbreaker: Act II"

"Ride a Penguin for at least 18 seconds in Siltbreaker: Act II"

ame" "Skinny Dipping"
esc" "Complete Siltbreaker: Act II without purchasing any Artifacts"

"Mission Ready"
"Complete 4 weekly challenges"
"Not Such a Chore"
"Complete 8 weekly challenges"
"I Do All I Can"
"Complete 12 weekly challenges"

"Told You So"
"Successfully predict 5 Pro Circuit or TI winners"

"Believe Me Now?"
"Successfully predict 25 Pro Circuit or TI winners"

"Time Traveler"
"Successfully predict 50 Pro Circuit or TI winners"

"DOTA_International2018_Achievement_Mutation_Name_A" "First Mutation"

"DOTA_International2018_Achievement_Mutation_Desc_A" "Win 1 Mutation

"DOTA_International2018_Achievement_Mutation_Name_B" "Third Eye Open"

"DOTA_International2018_Achievement_Mutation_Desc_B" "Win 5 Mutation

"DOTA_International2018_Achievement_Mutation_Name_C" "Masterful
"DOTA_International2018_Achievement_Mutation_Desc_C" "Win 10 Mutation

"DOTA_International2018_Achievement_CavernChallenge_Name_A" "Subterranea
n Savant"
"DOTA_International2018_Achievement_CavernChallenge_Desc_A" "Explore 10
Cavern Rooms"

"DOTA_International2018_Achievement_CavernChallenge_Name_B" "Maze
"DOTA_International2018_Achievement_CavernChallenge_Desc_B" "Explore 30
Cavern Rooms"

"DOTA_International2018_Achievement_CavernChallenge_Name_C" "Underground
"DOTA_International2018_Achievement_CavernChallenge_Desc_C" "Explore 87
Cavern Rooms"

"Chicken Chaser"
"Find a treasure full of fowl in The Underhollow"

"Lactose Tolerant"
"Claim the Big Cheese in The Underhollow"

"Miner Threat"
"Eliminate 10 other players in The Underhollow"

"Cavern Crusader"
"Eliminate 20 other players in The Underhollow"

"Ambush Artist"
"Eliminate 30 other players in The Underhollow"

"Anyone Else There?"
"Be the last team standing in The Underhollow"

"Cave Dweller"
"Win 5 matches of The Underhollow"

"Lord of the Hollow"
"Win 10 matches of The Underhollow"

"Artifact Coins: "

"Work together to defend the temple against the Dark Moon Horde."
"Survive the advancing waves to earn special event points."
"Claim a reward each time you earn 35000 points."

"Political Capital: Vote for the Arcana"
"Sixteen Additional Arcana Votes"
"Fountain Effect Level 1"
"Fountain Effect Level 2"
"Fountain Effect Level 3"
"Teleport Effect Level 1"
"Teleport Effect Level 2"
"Teleport Effect Level 3"
"Blink Effect Level 1"
"Blink Effect Level 2"
"Level Up Effect"
"Bottle Effect"
"Eul's Scepter Effect"
"Mekansm Effect"
"Mjollnir Effect"
"Phase Boots Effect"
"Radiance Effect"
"Force Staff Effect"

"Rylai's Battle Blessing"
"The International 2016 Multikill Banner"
"High Roller - 500 Token Increase"
"Higher Roller - 500 Token Increase"
"Highest Roller - 1000 Token Increase"

"Blink Effect"

"Dagon Effect"
"Scythe of Vyse Effect"

"Dark Moon Reward"
"Event Finished"

"Treasures can be Recycled for 20,000 Dark Moon Points"

"Vote for the Arcana"
"Sixteen Additional Arcana Votes"
"Sixteen Additional Arcana Votes"
"Fountain Effect Level 1"
"Fountain Effect Level 2"
"Fountain Effect Level 3"
"Teleport Effect Level 1"
"Teleport Effect Level 2"
"Teleport Effect Level 3"
"Blink Effect Level 1"
"Blink Effect Level 2"
"Level Up Effect"
"Bottle Effect"
"Eul's Scepter Effect"
"Mekansm Effect"
"Mjollnir Effect"
"Phase Boots Effect"
"Radiance Effect"
"Force Staff Effect"
"Dagon Effect"
"Shivas Effect"
"Seasonal Creep Deny Effect"
"Seasonal Creep Deny Effect 2"

"Rank Double Down - Token Increase"
"Unlock Chat Wheel Sounds"

"Rylai's Battle Blessing"
"1000 Base Wagering Tokens"
"High Roller - 500 Token Increase"
"Higher Roller - 500 Token Increase"
"Highest Roller - 1000 Token Increase"

"DOTA_TI2017_Splash_Io_Arcana" "Io Arcana"

"DOTA_TI2017_Splash_Io_Arcana_Exclusive" "Exclusive Reward"
"DOTA_TI2017_Splash_Io_Arcana_Exclusive_Info" "This item will never be
tradeable or purchasable on the marketplace.<br />Unlock it before The
International ends."
"DOTA_TI2017_Splash_Io_Arcana_Level" "Surprise Level 245
"DOTA_TI2017_Splash_Io_Arcana_Upgrade" "Upgrade Battle Pass"
"DOTA_TI2017_Splash_Io_Arcana_View_Video" "View Video"
"DOTA_TI2017_Splash_Io_Arcana_Claim" "Claim Arcana"

"DOTA_TI2017_Splash_Kunkka" "Kunkka Prestige Item"

"DOTA_TI2017_Splash_Kunkka_Quest" "Includes Quest Path and
Unlockable Style"
"DOTA_TI2017_Splash_Kunkka_Level" "Level 225 Reward"
"DOTA_TI2017_Splash_Kunkka_Claim" "Claim Item"
"DOTA_TI7_Kunkka_Cell_Header" "Level 225 Reward"
"DOTA_TI7_Kunkka_Cell_Title" "Kunkka Prestige Item"
"DOTA_TI7_Kunkka_Cell_Text" "Exclusive Reward - This item
will never be tradeable or purchasable on the marketplace."

"DOTA_TI8_Lion_Cell_Header" "Level 255 Reward"

"DOTA_TI8_Lion_Cell_Title" "Lion Prestige Item & Unlockable
"DOTA_TI8_Lion_Cell_Text" "Exclusive Reward - This item
will never be tradeable or purchasable on the marketplace."


"DOTA_DB_CustomGame_Intro" "For millennia, Selemene's

chosen have guarded against the advent of a Dark Moon. But as first night of the
new moon falls, Nightsilver's champions have been cursed into arcane slumber,
rendered helpless behind the temple walls.

With Selemene's influence at its weakest, and twisted shades of the familiar
creeping across her domain, the Moon Goddess beckons five new protectors to stand
together against the corruption of the Dark Moon Horde."

"DOTA_Special_Event" "Special Event"

"DOTA_TI2018_Splash_Lion" "Lion Prestige Item"

"DOTA_TI2018_Splash_Lion_Level" "Level 255 Reward"
"DOTA_TI2018_Splash_Lion_Includes" "Includes Unlockable Style"

"DOTA_TI2018_Splash_RetroImmortals" "Promise of Eminent Revival"

"DOTA_TI2018_Splash_RetroImmortals_Level" "Level 615 Reward"
"DOTA_TI2018_Splash_RetroImmortals_Includes" "Includes Five Immortals with
Unlockable Styles"
"DOTA_TI2018_Splash_RetroImmortals_Text" "Includes Five Retro-Themed
Immortals with Unlockable Styles"

// HUD
"DOTA_Hud_Health" "{u:health} <span class='MaxHealthLabel'>/
"DOTA_Hud_Mana" "{u:mana} <span class='MaxManaLabel'>/
"DOTA_Hud_HealthRegen" "{s:health_regen}"
"DOTA_Hud_ManaRegen" "{s:mana_regen}"
"DOTA_Hud_BuybackCooldown" "{s:buyback_cooldown}"
"DOTA_Hud_BuybackLabel" "Buyback"
"DOTA_Hud_NoBuybackLabel" "No Buyback"
"DOTA_Hud_BuybackOnCooldown" "Buyback on Cooldown"
"DOTA_Hud_NeedMoreGold" "Need More Gold"
"DOTA_Hud_XP" "{d:r:current_xp} / {d:r:xp_to_level}"
"DOTA_Hud_Level_Up" "Level up +{d:points_to_spend}"
"DOTA_Hud_Lifetime" "{s:lifetime}"
"DOTA_Hud_AttackDamage" "Attack damage: {s:attack_damage}"
"DOTA_Hud_SpellDamageAmp" "Spell Damage Amp: {s:spell_damage_amp}%"
"DOTA_Hud_PhysicalArmor" "Physical Armor: {s:physical_armor}"
"DOTA_Hud_DamageResistance" "Damage Resistance: {d:damage_resistance}%"
"DOTA_Hud_MagicResistance" "Magical Damage Resistance:
"DOTA_Hud_AttributeTooltip_Title" "{s:attribute_name}"
"DOTA_Hud_AttributeTooltip_Primary" "Primary Attribute"
"DOTA_Hud_AttributeTooltip_Damage" "- Each point increases damage by
"DOTA_Hud_StrTooltip_HP" "- Each point increases hit
points by 20"
"DOTA_Hud_StrTooltip_HPRegen" "- Each point increases hit point
regen by 0.03"
"DOTA_Hud_AgiTooltip_Armor" "- Every 7 points increase
armor by 1"
"DOTA_Hud_AgiTooltip_AttackSpeed" "- Each point increases attack
speed by 1"
"DOTA_Hud_IntTooltip_Mana" "- Each point increases mana
by 12"
"DOTA_Hud_IntTooltip_ManaRegen" "- Each point increases mana
regen by 0.04"
"DOTA_Hud_IntTooltip_SpellDamage" "- Every 16 points increases spell
damage by 1%"
"DOTA_Hud_Attribute_PointsPerLevel" "- Points gained per Hero level:
"DOTA_Hud_Attributes_Level" "Attributes Level:
"DOTA_HUD_RespawnTime" "{d:respawn_time}"
"DOTA_HUD_RespawnOutOfLives" "Cannot respawn, team is out of
"DOTA_HUD_GlyphCooldown" "Cooldown: {s:cooldown_time}"
"DOTA_HUD_RadarCooldown" "Cooldown: {s:cooldown_time}"
"DOTA_HUD_ReliableGold" "Reliable Gold:
"DOTA_HUD_UnreliableGold" "Unreliable Gold:
"DOTA_HUD_DeathCost" "Death Cost: {d:death_cost}"
"DOTA_HUD_DeathTime" "Death Time: {d:death_time}"
"DOTA_HUD_BuybackCost" "Buyback Cost:
"DOTA_HUD_BuybackCooldownReady" "Buyback Cooldown: Available"
"DOTA_HUD_BuybackCooldownNotReady" "Buyback Cooldown:
"DOTA_HUD_BuybackCost_Needed" "{d:buyback_gold_needed} Needed For
"DOTA_HUD_BuybackCost_Surplus" "{d:buyback_gold_surplus}
"DOTA_HUD_Item_Owned_By" "Owned by: {s:owned_by}"
"DOTA_HUD_Item_Tooltip_Sell_Price" "Sell Price: {u:sell_price}"
"DOTA_HUD_Item_Tooltip_Sell_Price_Time" "Sell Price: {u:sell_price}
( {s:sell_time} )"
"DOTA_HUD_Item_Tooltip_Disassemble" "Can be Disassembled"
"DOTA_HUD_Item_Tooltip_Disassemble_Time" "Can be Disassembled
( {s:disassemble_time} )"
"DOTA_HUD_Shop_Item_Complete" "Cost to Complete:

"DOTA_HUD_Wagering_Header" "Choose Amount to Wager"

"DOTA_HUD_Wagering_HeaderUnowned" "Activate a Battle Pass to Enable
"DOTA_HUD_Wagering_TimeLeftHeader" "Wagering Time:"
"DOTA_HUD_Wagering_TimeLeft" "{i:wagering_time}s"
"DOTA_HUD_Wagering_YourCoins" "Available Tokens: {d:your_coins}"
"DOTA_HUD_Wagering_Winnings" "Winnings: {i:winnings} Points"
"DOTA_HUD_Wagering_WinningsComplete" "Potential Winnings: {i:winnings}
"DOTA_HUD_Wagering_WagerTT" "Winnings from your wager:
"DOTA_HUD_Wagering_YourCoinsTT" "Tokens replenished to
{i:periodic_coins}: {t:r:m:time_to_reset}"
"DOTA_HUD_Wagering_PremiumDisabled" "The {i:wagering_premium} wagering
tier is unlocked when you reach the Wagering Upgrade 1 reward."
"DOTA_HUD_Wagering_TokenHeader" "Battle Point Tributes"
"DOTA_HUD_Wagering_SpentTokenTitle" "Use Battle Point Tribute Token?"
"DOTA_HUD_Wagering_SpentToken" "This will consume this token
and increase the wagers of your entire team. You currently have
{i:wager_tokens_remaining} tokens. Proceed?"
"DOTA_HUD_Wagering_SpentToken1" "This will consume this token
and increase the wagers of your entire team. You currently have
{i:wager_tokens_remaining} token. Proceed?"

"DOTA_HUD_Voice_PartyOverlay" "Party"
"DOTA_HUD_Voice_PartyOverlayMixed" "P<span
"DOTA_HUD_Voice_PartyMutedOverlay" "Muted"
"DOTA_HUD_Voice_PartyMutedOverlayMixed" "M<span

"DOTA_HUD_DVR_CurrentTime" "{s:current_time}" //
"DOTA_HUD_DVR_TotalTime" "{s:total_time}" //
"DOTA_HUD_DVR_PlaybackSpeed" "{s:playback_speed}x"

"DOTA_HUD_Scoreboard_SwapHero" "Swap Hero"

"DOTA_HUD_Killcam_AttackDmg" "Attack Damage"
"DOTA_HUD_Swap_Confirm_Header" "Swap Hero?"
"DOTA_HUD_Swap_Confirm_Message" "Do you wish to swap your
hero for {s:swap_hero_name}?"
"DOTA_HUD_Killcam_KilledBy" "Killed By:"
"DOTA_HUD_Spec_Items_Items" "ITEMS"
"DOTA_HUD_InvokerSpellCard_Hide_Names" "Hide Names"
"DOTA_HUD_InvokerSpellCard_Show_Names" "Show Names"

"DOTA_HUD_QuickStats_K" "K:"
"DOTA_HUD_QuickStats_D" "D:"
"DOTA_HUD_QuickStats_A" "A:"

"DOTA_HUD_QuickStats_KDA" "K / D / A "

"DOTA_HUD_QuickStats_CS" "LH / DN"
"DOTA_HUD_QuickStats_NW" "NW"
"DOTA_HUD_QuickStats_Historic" "Goal"
"DOTA_HUD_QuickStats_Current" "Current"
"DOTA_HUD_QuickStats_Stat" "Stat"

"DOTA_HUD_QuickStats_LastHitAbbr" "LH:"
"DOTA_HUD_QuickStats_DenyAbbr" "D:"

"DOTA_HUD_GG_GameWillEnd" "Game Will End"

"DOTA_HUD_GG_LoseIn" "You will lose in"


"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_RemainingTokens" "Remaining Tokens"
"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_TokensResetIn" "Tokens Reset In "
"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_TokensResetIn_End" ""
"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_PeriodicTokens" "({i:periodic_coins} tokens)"
"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_TotalPointsWon" "Total Points Won"
"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_SuccessRate" "Success Rate"
"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_TotalTokensWagered" "Total Tokens Wagered"
"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_TotalPointsTipped" "Total Points Tipped"
"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_AverageWinnings" "Average Points Won"
"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_TeamBonusTokens" "Tribute Tokens
"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_Details" "Details"

"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_TeamBonusTokens_Info" "As you increase your Battle

Level, you'll also earn Battle Point Tributes that let you add bonus tokens to the
wagers of everyone on your team. Available in 250, 500, and 1000-token
amounts.<br><br>These tributes are single-use and do not replenish each week."

"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_TotalTokensWagered_Rollup" "Total Wagered"

"DOTA_Compendium_MainPage_Wagering_Info_Short" "Battle Point Tributes let

you add bonus tokens to the wagers of everyone on your team. Available in 250, 500,
and 1000-token amounts.<br><br>These tributes are single-use and do not replenish
each week."

"DOTA_Compendium_MainPage_Wagering_Info" "Wager tokens to win Battle Points!

<br><br>Higher Battlepass levels increase your weekly amount of tokens.<br><br>As
you increase your Battle Level, you'll also earn Battle Point Tributes that let you
add bonus tokens to the wagers of everyone on your team. Available in 250, 500, and
1000-token amounts.<br><br>These tributes are single-use and do not replenish each

"DOTA_Compendium_MainPage_ProPred_Info_Short" "Predict the outcome of Pro

Circuit Matches to earn extra points towards your Battle Level."

"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_TokensOver" "All Tokens have been distributed

for this Battle Pass"
"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_TokensPopup_Title" "Bonus 2000 Token Refresh"
"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_TokensPopup" "To mark the coming end of the
Winter 2016 Battle Pass everyone has had their Wagering Tokens refreshed to 2000
tokens. Make the most of your time remaining and wager big to win big! <br><br>
The Battle Pass expires on March 30th, 2016"

"DOTA_Manila_Major_Popup_Title" "Manila Major Tickets"

"DOTA_Manila_Major_Popup" "Tickets for The Manila
Major�the third and final Major this season in advance of The International 2016
are on sale now. <br><br> This Major will be produced by PGL, with the main event
to take place June 7 � 12 in the Mall of Asia Arena in Manila, Philippines.
<br><br> Get your tickets today!"
"DOTA_Buy_Tickets_Popup" "Purchase Tickets"
"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_HowTo1" "Each week you will
receive an allowance of {i:periodic_coins} Tokens to wager on your games. Unspent
Tokens will not roll over to the following week's balance, so lay them on the
"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_HowTo2" "Once in game, determine
your wager amount within the 40-second wagering period."
"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_HowTo3" "Achieve victory to
double your wagered amount as Battle Points."
"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_HowTo4" "Each Token won converts
to one Battle Point."

"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_RemainingTokensLong" "Tokens remaining"

"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_ResetsIn" "Tokens remaining this week"
"DOTA_Compendium_Wagering_RemainingMMRWagers" "Tokens remaining"

"DOTA_Compendium_ProCircuitPredictions_TokensLeft" "Tokens remaining"

"DOTA_Compendium_ProCircuitPredictions_Show" "Show Predictions"
"DOTA_Compendium_ProCircuitPredictions_Starts" "Starts in:
{i:prediction_start_days}D {i:prediction_start_hours}H

"DOTA_Profile_HeroStatsPage" "Stats"

"dota_post_game_chat_header" "Chat"

"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_Hero" "Hero"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_GamesPlayed" "Total"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_Wins" "Wins"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_Losses" "Losses"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_WinRate" "Win Rate"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_Rating" "Rating"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_HeroMMR" "Hero MMR"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_BestWinStreak" "Best"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_CurrentWinStreak" "Current"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_AvgKills" "K"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_AvgDeaths" "D"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_AvgAssists" "A"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_AvgGPM" "GPM"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_AvgXPM" "XPM"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_BestKills" "K"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_BestAssists" "A"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_BestGPM" "GPM"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_BestXPM" "XPM"

"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_Header_Hero" " "

"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_Header_Games" "Games"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_Header_Ratings" " "
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_Header_WinStreaks" "Win Streaks"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_Header_Averages" "Averages"
"DOTA_HeroStatColumn_Header_BestRecords" "Best Records"

"DOTA_HeroStat_MostRecentForHero" "Most Recent 20 {s:hero_name} Games"

"DOTA_HeroStat_Games" "Games"
"DOTA_HeroStat_WinPercent" "Win %"
"DOTA_HeroStat_PickPercent" "Pick %"
"DOTA_HeroStat_BanPercent" "Ban %"
"DOTA_HeroStat_Wins" "Wins"
"DOTA_HeroStat_Losses" "Losses"
"DOTA_HeroStat_Streak" "Streak"
"DOTA_HeroStat_StreakDesc" "Streak (Best)"
"DOTA_HeroStat_WinRate" "Win Rate"
"DOTA_HeroStat_Rating" "Rating"
"DOTA_HeroStat_Kills" "Kills"
"DOTA_HeroStat_Deaths" "Deaths"
"DOTA_HeroStat_Assists" "Assists"
"DOTA_HeroStat_GPM" "GPM"
"DOTA_HeroStat_XPM" "XPM"
"DOTA_HeroStat_LH_Short" "Last Hits"
"DOTA_HeroStat_Denies" "Denies"
"DOTA_HeroStat_NW" "Net Worth"
"DOTA_HeroStat_Yours" "Yours"
"DOTA_HeroStat_Averages" "Averages"

"DOTA_HeroStatTooltip_WinPercent" "Win Percent: "

"DOTA_HeroStatTooltip_PickPercent" "Pick Percent: "
"DOTA_HeroStatTooltip_BanPercent" "Ban Percent: "

"DOTA_HeroStat_WonMatch" "Won Match"

"DOTA_HeroStat_LastMatch" "Lost Match"

"DOTA_HeroStat_GameType" "{s:tooltip_game_mode}"
"DOTA_HeroStat_GameType_Ranked" "{s:tooltip_game_mode}, Ranked"

"DOTA_HeroStat_AveragesAllPlayers" "Averages For All Players at Your

Skill Level"
"DOTA_HeroStat_TalentPicksAllPlayers" "Talent Picks for All Players at
Your Skill Level"
"DOTA_HeroStat_AveragesAllPlayersLowerSkill" "Averages For All
Players Below Your Skill Level"
"DOTA_HeroStat_TalentPicksAllPlayersLowerSkill" "Talent Picks for All Players
Below Your Skill Level"
"DOTA_HeroStat_AveragesAllPlayersHigherSkill" "Averages For All
Players Above Your Skill Level"
"DOTA_HeroStat_TalentPicksAllPlayersHigherSkill" "Talent Picks for All
Players Above Your Skill Level"
"DOTA_HeroStat_LastUpdatedTalents" "Last Updated:
"DOTA_HeroStat_LastUpdatedHeroes" "Last Updated:

"DOTA_HeroStat_PlusStillLoadingOrUnavailable" "Hero data is still loading

or is temporarily unavailable."
"DOTA_HeroStat_StatsAtSkillLevel" "Stats and Talents for
{s:skill_hero_average_header} Players"
"DOTA_HeroStat_ChooseRankTier" "Choose a Rank
Tier for which to View Stats"
"DOTA_HeroStat_ImmortalsCombined" "Due to a small sample
size, stats for Immortal players are included with Divine players."

"DOTA_XPBar_Tooltip_Default" "{s:xp_amount} Experience Points"

"DOTA_XPBar_Tooltip_GameCompletion" "{s:xp_amount} Experience Points received
from finishing a game"
"DOTA_XPBar_Tooltip_Quest" "{s:xp_amount} Experience Points
received from a Quest"
"DOTA_XPBar_Tooltip_Wager" "{s:xp_amount} Experience Points
received from Wagering"
"DOTA_XPBar_Tooltip_ReceivedTip" "{s:xp_amount} Experience Points received
as a Tip from another player"
"DOTA_XPBar_Tooltip_SendingTip" "{s:xp_amount} Experience Points
you will spend to Tip another player"
"DOTA_XPBar_Tooltip_Achievement" "{s:xp_amount} Experience Points received
from Achievements"

"DOTA_PointsGained" "+{d:points_gained}"
"DOTA_ExperienceReceived" "Experience Received"
"DOTA_GameCompleted" "Game Experience"
"DOTA_QuestCompleted" "Quest Completed"
"DOTA_WagerWinnings" "Wager Winnings"
"DOTA_ReceivedTip" "Tip Received"
"DOTA_SendingTip" "Tip Sent"
"DOTA_AchievementCompleted" "Achievement Completed"
"DOTA_TotalExperienceEarned" "Total Points Received"

"DOTA_StandardResults" "End Game"

"DOTA_CompendiumResults" "{s:season_name} Results"
"DOTA_EventResults" "{s:season_name} Results"

"DOTA_TipPlayer" "Tip a Player"

"DOTA_TipHelp_Title" "How Tipping Works"
"DOTA_TipHelp_Text" "Tip another player 50pts from your
current winnings. Once you achieve a level you will not lose it by tipping a
"DOTA_TipHelp_TextDisabled" "Tip another player 50pts from your
current winnings. Once you achieve a level you will not lose it by tipping a
player.<br><br>This feature is only enabled for Battle Pass owners."
"DOTA_TipNotification" "tipped"
"DOTA_AlreadyTipped" "You have already tipped a player in this

"DOTA_GameEnd_CompendiumLevel" "Level"
"DOTA_GameEnd_QuestWinnings" "Quest"
"DOTA_GameEnd_WagerWinnings" "Wager"
"DOTA_GameEnd_Tip" "Tip"

"DOTA_GameEnd_Teammates" "Teammates"
"DOTA_GameEnd_Opponents" "Opponents"

"DOTA_EventProgress_EventLevel" "Points"
"DOTA_EventProgress_QuestWinnings" "Quest"
"DOTA_EventProgress_GameWinnings" "Game"

"DOTA_EventGoal_Title" "Community Goal"

"DOTA_EventGoal_Progress" "{d:goal_value} of {d:goal_target_value}"

"DOTA_EventGoal_SupportMissions_Description" "When the community completes

{d:goal_target_value} Quests along this Path, a new style will be unlocked for 'The
Serakund Tyrant' Completion Reward for all players who complete the Path."
"DOTA_EventGoal_CarryMissions_Description" "When the community
completes {d:goal_target_value} Quests along this Path, a new style will be
unlocked for the 'Legacy of the Eldwurm Crest' Completion Reward for all players
who complete the Path."
"DOTA_EventGoal_SoloMissions_Description" "When the community completes
{d:goal_target_value} Quests along this Path, a new style will be unlocked for the
'Regime of the Enthaleen Dragon' Completion Reward for all players who complete the

"dota_game_end_victory_title_radiant" "Radiant Victory"

"dota_game_end_victory_title_dire" "Dire Victory"
"dota_game_end_victory_title_team" "{s:victory_title_team} Victory"

"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Title_LowPri" "Low-Priority Penalty Assessed"

"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Title_FirstTime" "Your First Conduct Summary"
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Title_Review" "Your Conduct Summary"
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Title_New" "Updated Conduct Summary"
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Reason_LowPri_Abandons" "You abandoned too many
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Reason_LowPri_Reports" "You received an excessive
number of reports."
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Reason_FirstTime" "Periodically we'll give you a
summary of how your actions are affecting other players."
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_TimePeriod" "Summary of {d:number_of_games} Games"
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_LastIncludedMatch" "Generated {s:ending_date} after
Match {s:ending_matchid}."
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Reports_Good" "You received 0-
{d:reports_good_max} reports."
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Reports_GoodPct" "{d:reports_good_pctile}% of
players have a low report rate like you."
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Reports_Bad" "Reported in {d:reports_matches}
matches by {d:reports_parties} different parties."
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Reports_BadPct" "Report rate is higher than
{d:reports_percentile}% of players."
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Abandons" "Abandons"
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Abandon" "Abandon"
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Commends" "Commends"
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Commend" "Commend"
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Reports" "Reports"
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Abandons_None" "You didn't abandon any matches."
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Abandons_1" "You abandoned 1 match."
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Abandons_N" "You abandoned {d:num_abandons}
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Abandons_Pct" "Abandon rate is higher than
{d:abandons_percentile}% of players."
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Commends_None" "You didn't receive any
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Commends_1" "You received 1 commendation."
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Commends_N" "You received {d:num_commends}
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_LearnMore" "<a
href=\"event:DOTAConductScorecardLearnMore()\">Learn more</a>"
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_GreatJob" "Great job!"
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_GreatJobOverall" "Thank you for having good player
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_OldDataWarning" "You have played one or more
matches since this summary was generated.<br/>Your conduct summary is updated every
10 games."
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_Grade" "Overall Conduct"
"DOTA_ConductScorecard_GradeDetails" "The lifetime conduct of your

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_TierTooltipBronze" "As an owner of this

season's Battle Pass, the following features have been added to your experience:
<br> Battle Pass Badge <br> Profile Battle Pass Status"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_TierTooltipSilver" "Silver Tier: <br>
Upgraded Battle Pass Badge <br> Upgraded Profile Status <br> Upgraded Battle Pass
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_TierTooltipGold" "Gold Tier: <br>
Upgraded Battle Pass Badge <br> Upgraded Profile Status <br> Upgraded Battle Pass
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_TierTooltipMax" "Max Tier: <br> Upgraded
Battle Pass Badge <br> Upgraded Profile Status <br> Upgraded Battle Pass Dashboard"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Halloween2016_Expire" "Path available from October
28 - November 14, 2016"

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_CurrentQuest" "Current Active Quest"

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Level" "Level"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_PointsPerLevel" "{i:points_per_level}
Points = 1 Level"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_PointsToNext" "Points to next level"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Rewards" "Rewards"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ChooseQuest" "Select a Path"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ChangeQuest" "You can change your
Path at any time."
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ViewQuests" "View All Paths"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_QuestIntroTitleLabel" "Winter 2016 Battle Pass
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_QuestIntroCampaignTitleLabel" "The Path of Power"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_QuestIntroLore" "'All things must end if
there is to be a new beginning. This wearisome war a stubborn gatekeeper denying
what solace the Self seeks. Fulfill these instructions and be rewarded for your
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Note" "Our advantage
<br> wanes <br><br>Awaken the Master"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Underlord" "When at last the
beast was rent in two, the Three began to falter. The horde was gone, Quath's
people lived still, and the power of the Aldwyn Scrolls was extinguished.

<br><br>The heroes of Quath had saved the city from the abyssal invaders, but
little else was certain. With Stonehall in ruins and its War Council scattered or
dead, the guiding leash on the Legions had been severed. Soon other Legion
Commanders would lay claim to territory, titles�even crowns�and start settling old

<br><br>But with the influx of Stonehall's survivors, and the handful of ex-
legion amongst them, perhaps the Quathan Elders could truly reform the ancient
Guard, a new generation of warriors to follow in the steps of three Initiates who
had sacrificed the philosopher's path to defend their homeland.

<br><br>As for Legion Commander Tresdin, that was the last Quath would see of
her. She rode out the south gate at dawn, a small band of troops trailing her
banners. She would take no part in politics or mortal wars. She had been awakened
to the true battle, one waged by larger powers for higher stakes. Though she did
not know her destination, the horde commander had betrayed his master � Tresdin
finally had a name to seek: Vrogros the <b>Underlord</b>

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ChooseQuestDetails" "Paths may be changed at

any point from this Quests tab or during in-game Hero selection."
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_CompleteQuest" "Complete a Quest and
Win the Game"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_CompleteQuestDetails" "You must win a game for the
Quest to complete. Each success grants Battle Points which increase your Battle
Level. Complete the Three-Star objective for full Battle Points."
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Quest_EarnSets" "Complete a Path to earn
an exclusive set"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Quest_EarnSetsDetails" "Completing the last
Quest in a Path grants the reward. Complete the Quest Path with at least 40 Stars
to unlock a special style for the reward."
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Winter_2016" "Winter 2016"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Fall_2016" "Fall 2016"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Winter_2017" "Winter 2017"

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Loadscreen" "Winter 2016 Loading Screen"

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Emoticon" "Winter 2016 Emoticon Pack"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Infuser" "Treasure Upgrade Infuser -
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Fountain" "Fountain Healing Effect"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_TP" "Hero Teleport Effect"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Courier1" "Axolotl Courier"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Courier2" "Axolotl Courier: Style 2"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Courier3" "Axolotl Courier: Style 3"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Courier4" "Axolotl Courier: Style 4"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Ward" "Ward of the Phoenix"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Blink" "Blink Dagger Effect"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Effigy" "Winter 2016 Effigy"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Taunt1" "Undying Taunt: Funk of the
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Taunt2" "Venomancer Taunt:
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Forcestaff" "Force Staff Effect"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Cyclone" "Eul's Scepter Effect"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Mek" "Mekansm Effect"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Maelstrom" "Maelstrom & Mjollnir Effect"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Radiance" "Radiance Effect"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Phase" "Phase Boots Effect"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Multikill" "Multikill Banner"

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_Prestige_Rewards_Legion" "Prestige Item - Legacy of

the Fallen Legion"

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Fountain" "Fountain Healing

Effect<br><font color='#888888'>Level <font color='#A9372E'>2</font> / <font
color='#A9372E'>77</font> / <font color='#A9372E'>146</font></font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_1000" "The International 2016 -
Battle Level 1000 <br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Loadscreen" "The International 2016
Loading Screen Pack <br><font color='#888888'>Level <font
color='#A9372E'>4</font> / <font color='#A9372E'>44</font></font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Emoticon" "<b>The International
2016 Emoticon Pack </b><br>

<i>Emoticon Pack II </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font


<i>Emoticon Pack III </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font


"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_TP" "Hero Teleport Effect

<br><font color='#888888'>Level <font color='#A9372E'>6</font> / <font
color='#A9372E'>68</font> / <font color='#A9372E'>197</font></font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Blink" "Blink Dagger Effect
<br><font color='#888888'>Level <font color='#A9372E'>16</font> / <font
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Courier" "Onibi Evolving Courier
<br><font color='#888888'>Level <font color='#A9372E'>5</font> / <font
color='#A9372E'>12</font> / <font color='#A9372E'>18</font> / <font
color='#A9372E'>30</font> / <font color='#A9372E'>40</font> / <font
color='#A9372E'>62</font> / <font color='#A9372E'>74</font>

/ <font color='#A9372E'>101</font> / <font color='#A9372E'>116</font> / <font

color='#A9372E'>134</font> / <font color='#A9372E'>185</font> / <font
color='#A9372E'>205</font> / <font color='#A9372E'>255</font> / <font
color='#A9372E'>285</font> / <font color='#A9372E'>315</font>

/ <font color='#A9372E'>525</font> / <font color='#A9372E'>625</font> / <font

color='#A9372E'>725</font> / <font color='#A9372E'>825</font> / <font
color='#A9372E'>925</font> / <font color='#A9372E'>2000</font></font>"

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Ward" "Smeevil's Penance

Evolving Ward <br><font color='#888888'>Level <font color='#A9372E'>36</font> /
<font color='#A9372E'>56</font> / <font color='#A9372E'>86</font> / <font
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Taunt" "<b>The International
2016 Taunts</b><br>

<i>RazorFlip! </i><br><font color='#888888'> Slark - Level <font


<i>Ogre Hop </i><br><font color='#888888'> Alchemist - Level <font


<i>To Hell and Back! </i><br><font color='#888888'> Lion - Level <font


<i>Make It Rain </i><br><font color='#888888'> Nature's Prophet - Level <font


<i>The Master Juggler </i><br><font color='#888888'> Invoker - Level <font


<i>Party On? Party Off! </i><br><font color='#888888'> Leshrac - Level <font


<i>You Prefer Arrows? </i><br><font color='#888888'> Windranger - Level <font

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Weather" "<b>Weather Effect

<i>Spring </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font


<i>Ash </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font


"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Effigy" "<b>The International

2016 Effigy Block </b><br>

<i>Effigy Block II </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font

<i>Effigy Block III </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Multikill" "Multikill
Banner<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font color='#A9372E'>59</font>"

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_River" "<b>River Vial</b><br>

<i>Chrome </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font


<i>Dry </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font


<i>Slime </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font


<i>Oil </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font


<i>Electrify </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font


<i>Potion </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font


<i>Blood </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font


"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_WagerBonus" "<b>Wagering Max


<i>+500 Tokens </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font


<i>+500 Tokens </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font


<i>+1000 Tokens </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Colleseum" "Colleseum
Terrain<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font color='#A9372E'>125</font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Level" "Level-Up
Effect<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font color='#A9372E'>131</font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Bottle" "Bottle
Effect<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font color='#A9372E'>161</font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Cyclone" "Eul's Scepter
Effect<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font color='#A9372E'>176</font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Forcestaff" "Force Staff
Effect<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font color='#A9372E'>194</font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Mek" "Mekansm
Effect<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font color='#A9372E'>265</font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Maelstrom" "Maelstrom &
Mjollnir Effect<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Radiance" "Radiance
Effect<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font color='#A9372E'>674</font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Phase" "Phase Boots
Effect<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font color='#A9372E'>775</font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_BattleCupTicket" "Weekend Battle
Cup Ticket (x5)<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_ti6_Prestige_Rewards_Legion" "<b>Legion Commander
Prestige Item</b><br><font color='#888888'>Includes a new Quest path for Legion
Commander</font><br><br><font color='#A9372E'>Level 225</font>"

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_fall2016_Prestige_Rewards_Colleseum" "Seasonal
Terrain: Autumn<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_fall2016_Prestige_Rewards_LoadScreens" "Fall 2016
Battle Pass Loading Screen<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font
color='#96C68C'>1</font> / <font color='#96C68C'>17</font> / <font
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_fall2016_Prestige_Rewards_BattleCupTicket" "Weekend
Battle Cup Ticket<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font
color='#96C68C'>1</font> / <font color='#96C68C'>29</font>"

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_fall2016_Prestige_Rewards_Infuser" "Treasure Upgrade

Infuser - Fall 2016<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_fall2016_Prestige_Rewards_LoadScreen1" "Loading
Screen I<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font color='#96C68C'>1</font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_fall2016_Prestige_Rewards_LoadScreen2" "Loading
Screen II<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font color='#96C68C'>17</font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_fall2016_Prestige_Rewards_LoadScreen3" "Loading
Screen III<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font color='#96C68C'>21</font>"

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_fall2016_Prestige_Rewards_Emoticon" "Fall 2016

Emoticon Pack<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font color='#96C68C'>2</font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_fall2016_Prestige_Rewards_Fountain" "Fountain
Healing Effect<br><font color='#888888'>Level <font color='#96C68C'>3</font> /
<font color='#96C68C'>37</font> / <font color='#96C68C'>58</font></font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_fall2016_Prestige_Rewards_TP" "Hero Teleport
Effect <br><font color='#888888'>Level <font color='#96C68C'>4</font> / <font
color='#96C68C'>31</font> / <font color='#96C68C'>52</font></font>"
"Wibbley Courier <br><font color='#888888'>Level <font
color='#96C68C'>7</font> / <font color='#96C68C'>20</font> / <font
color='#96C68C'>40</font> / <font color='#96C68C'>60</font></font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_fall2016_Prestige_Rewards_Ward" "Starecrow
Ward<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font color='#96C68C'>8</font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_fall2016_Prestige_Rewards_Blink" "Blink Dagger
Effect <br><font color='#888888'>Level <font color='#96C68C'>9</font></font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_fall2016_Prestige_Rewards_Effigy" "<b>Fall 2016
Effigy Block </b><br>

<i>Effigy Block I </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font


<i>Effigy Block II </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font


<i>Effigy Block III </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_fall2016_Prestige_Rewards_Forcestaff" "Force Staff
Effect<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font color='#96C68C'>24</font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_fall2016_Prestige_Rewards_Taunt" "<br>Fall 2016

<i>Centaur Taunt: A Leg to Stand On</i><font color='#888888'> Level <font


<i>Brewmaster Taunt: Drunken Antics </i><font color='#888888'> Level <font


"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_fall2016_Prestige_Rewards_Taunt_Centaur" "Centaur Taunt:

A Leg to Stand On <font color='#888888'> Level <font
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_fall2016_Prestige_Rewards_Taunt_Brew" "Brewmaster Taunt:
Drunken Antics <font color='#888888'> Level <font color='#96C68C'>28</font></font>"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_fall2016_Prestige_Rewards_Cyclone" "Eul's
Scepter Effect<br><font color='#888888'>Level </font><font

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_HeroRole_Carry" "Carry"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_HeroRole_Support" "Support"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_HeroRole_Solo" "Solo"

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_QuestIntroStart" "Start"
"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_CommunityGoal" "Community Goal"

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_CommunityGoalNumbers" "{d:current_goal_progress} of

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_BonusChallenges" "Bonus Challenges"

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_HomeCampaign" "Quests"

"DOTA_DB_Page_QuestReward" "{d:point_reward}"

"DOTA_DailyHero_Challenge" "DAILY HERO

"DOTA_DailyHero_Reward" "{d:daily_hero_poi

"DOTA_Weekly_Challenge" "WEEKLY CHALLENGE"

"DOTA_Weekly1_Challenge_Reward" "{d:weekly_1_point
"DOTA_Weekly2_Challenge_Reward" "{d:weekly_2_point

"DOTA_HUD_QuestPicker_ActiveQuestName" "CURRENT QUEST"

"DOTA_HUD_QuestPicker_CompletionReward" "COMPLETION REWARD:"
"DOTA_Challenge_Requires_Hero" "REQUIRED HERO:"
"DOTA_Challenge_CompletedHero" "COMPLETED WITH:"
"DOTA_Tooltip_Challenge_Completed" "COMPLETED!"

"DOTA_Tooltip_Challenge_Progress" "{d:progress} of
{d:complete_limit}<span class=\"ChallengeProgressText\"> Completed</span>"
"DOTA_Weekly1Challenge_Progress" "{d:weekly_1_progress} of
"DOTA_Weekly2Challenge_Progress" "{d:weekly_2_progress} of

"DOTA_SeasonPass_VoteForArcana" "Vote For Arcana"

"DOTA_BattlePass_DailyChallengeMO" "Complete the Hero challenge

before tomorrow's Hero."
"DOTA_BattlePass_Weekly1ChallengeMO" "Complete this challenge
before next week's challenge starts."
"DOTA_BattlePass_Weekly2ChallengeMO" "Complete this challenge
before next week's challenge starts."

"DOTA_BattlePass_FirstTime_Welcome" "Welcome to the Winter 2016

Battle Pass Preview"
"DOTA_BattlePass_FirstTime_Activate" "Activate your Winter 2016
Battle Pass"
"DOTA_BattlePass_FirstTime_Choose" "Choose Your Path"

"DOTA_BattlePass_FirstTime_GoToQuests" "Go to Quests"

"DOTA_BattlePass_FirstTime_NotOwned" "With a variety of in-game

Quests to challenge and expand your Dota skills, a friendly wagering system to
raise the stakes, and a host of exclusive treasures and rewards to be earned, the
Battle Pass is your battleground companion for the Dota 2016 winter
season.<br><br>Take a look around!"

"DOTA_BattlePass_FirstTime_NotActivated" "You are just one step away from

taking advantage of the many features of the Winter Battle Pass!"

"DOTA_BattlePass_FirstTime_Owned" "Choose one of three Paths to begin

your journey. Complete a Quest and emerge victorious to earn Battle Points. "

"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_Intro" "Behold the

complete gallery of rewards you can earn with
{g:dota_event_name:event_id}.<br><br>New rewards will be granted as you accrue
Battle Points and increase your Battle Level. Earn more points by advancing in the
Cavern Crawl, winning wagers, making correct predictions, and stacking up
achievements.<br><br>While it is the rare and valorous hero who completes the
collection, all who undertake the journey can see their progress here."

"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_TI6BP_Intro" "Behold the complete gallery of

rewards you can earn with <br>The International 2016 Battle Pass.<br><br><font
color='#A9372E'>EARN NEW REWARDS</font> each time you increase your Battle
Level.<br><br><font color='#A9372E'>INCREASE YOUR LEVEL</font> by completing
Quests, winning in-game Wagers, and earning Achievements.<br><br><font
color='#A9372E'>FAST-FORWARD</font> your progress�buy levels at any time while
contributing to The International 2016 Prize Pool!"

"DOTA_Fall2016_BattlePassRewards_Intro" "Behold the complete gallery of

rewards you can earn with the Fall 2016 Battle Pass.<br><br><font
color='#94D53F'>EARN NEW REWARDS</font> each time you increase your Battle
Level.<br><br><font color='#94D53F'>INCREASE YOUR LEVEL</font> by completing
Quests, winning in-game Wagers, and earning Achievements.<br><br>While it is the
rare and valorous hero who completes the collection, all who undertake the journey
can see their progress here."

"DOTA_Winter2017_BattlePassRewards_Intro" "Behold the complete gallery of

rewards you can earn with the Winter 2017 Battle Pass.<br><br><font
color='#6299CF'>EARN NEW REWARDS</font> each time you increase your Battle
Level.<br><br><font color='#6299CF'>INCREASE YOUR LEVEL</font> by completing
Quests, winning in-game Wagers, and earning Achievements.<br><br>While it is the
rare and valorous hero who completes the collection, all who undertake the journey
can see their progress here."

"DOTA_International2017_BattlePassRewards_Intro" "Behold the complete

gallery of rewards you can earn with The International 2017 Battle
Pass.<br><br><span class='bp_text_accent_color'>EARN NEW REWARDS</span> each time
you increase your Battle Level.<br><br><span class='bp_text_accent_color'>INCREASE
YOUR LEVEL</span> by completing Quests, winning in-game Wagers, and earning
Achievements.<br><br>While it is the rare and valorous hero who completes the
collection, all who undertake the journey can see their progress here."

"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_Intro_Header" "Battle Pass Rewards"

"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_InitialPurchase" "Battle Pass Initial Purchase
"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_InitialPurchase_Text" "Purchase of The
International 2017 Battle Pass grants all of the items above, as well as a Tier 1
Chat Badge and 16 Arcana votes per weekly round."

"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_Prestige" "Battle Pass Level Rewards"

"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_Prestige_TI6_Text" "Prestige Rewards cannot be
directly purchased�they can only be acquired by increasing your Battle Level."

"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_Prestige_Text" "Level Rewards can only be

acquired by increasing your Battle Level."

"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_BabyRoshan" "<font color=\"#88FCBD\"><b>Jade

Baby Roshan</b></font><br>Cosmically Rare Reward potentially gained by exploring
<b><i>Cavern Crawl</i></b> rooms."
"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_CavernPoints" "<font
color=\"#88FCBD\"><b>Battle Points</b></font><br>There are <font
color=\"#88FCBD\"><b>42x 350-point</b></font> rewards and <font
color=\"#88FCBD\"><b>9x 2,000-point</b></font> rewards to be discovered in
<b><i>Cavern Crawl</i></b> rooms."
"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_Level75" "Level 75"
"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_Level225" "Level 225"
"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_Level255" "Level 255"
"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_Level615" "Level 615"

"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_15Level_Text" "Each treasure also has a

very rare chance of instantly increasing your Battle Level by 15."
"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_SpinWheel_Text" "As you increase your Battle
Level, you'll earn spins on Rylai's Wheel of Winter Blessing�with Hero Sets,
Couriers, and Treasures in the mix, the maiden has gone mad with munificence!"
"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_ItemCount" "x{i:item_count}"
"DOTA_UnspentTokensTooltip" "Unspent Tokens will not roll
over to the following week's balance, so lay them on the line!"

"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_RecycleNote" "The contents of all

Winter Treasures can be recycled for 500 Battle Points."
"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_RecycleNote_ti6" "The contents of all Immortal
Treasures can be recycled for <b>2000</b> Battle Points."
"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_RecycleNote_fall2016" "The contents of all Fall
2016 Battle Pass Treasures can be recycled for <b>500</b> Battle Points."

"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_RecycleNote_winter2017" "The contents of all Winter

2017 Battle Pass Treasures can be recycled for <b>500</b> Battle Points."
"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_RecycleNote_international2017" "The
contents of all the Battle Pass Treasures for the International 2017 can be
recycled for <b>2000</b> Battle Points."
"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_RecycleNote_international2018" "The
contents of all the Battle Pass Treasures for the International 2018 can be
recycled for <b>2000</b> Battle Points."

"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_QuestNote" "Complete the final Quest on

a Quest Path to receive that Path's reward. <br>Complete all fifteen Quests on the
Path at Three-Star difficulty to unlock a special style for the reward."
"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_QuestNote_fall2016" "Complete the
final Quest on a Quest Path to receive that Path's reward. <br>Complete the Quest
Path with at least 40 Stars to unlock a special style for the reward."

"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_QuestNote_winter2017" "Complete the

final Quest on a Quest Path to receive that Path's reward. <br>Complete the Quest
Path with at least 40 Stars to unlock a special style for the reward."

"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_QuestNote_international2017" "Complete
the Quest Paths to receive that Path's reward."

"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_Cavern_international2018" "Explo
re the 3 areas of the Cavern Crawl to unlock the area's reward."
"Cavern Crawl Rewards"

"Jade Baby Roshan"
"A Cosmically Rare courier won by exploring the Cavern Crawl."

"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_SpinWheel_Text_ti6" "As you increase your Battle

Level, you'll earn spins on Rylai's Wheel of Battle Blessing�with Hero Sets,
Couriers, and Treasures in the mix, the maiden has gone mad with munificence!"
"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_LinaBlaze_Text_ti6" "As Battle Pass owners
collectively accomplish the Community Challenge objectives, you'll be granted
additional fireballs to drop in Lina's Battle Blaze, where you can win additional
Battle Points."

"DOTA_BattlePass_ti6_TreeGame" "Clearcut Challenge Helper"

"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_LCQuestReward" "Quest Path with the Legion

Commander Prestige Item at Level 225 <br><br> COMING SOON"
"DOTA_BattlePassRewards_Clinkz" "Complete the final quest on
the Path of the Rogue to Unlock"

"DOTA_BattleCup_Champion_Stage" "Champion"
"DOTA_BattleCup_Tier" "{d:tier}"
"DOTA_BattleCup_Name" "Name"
"DOTA_BattleCup_Score" "Tier Cup Score"

"DOTA_Compendium_View_Brackets" "View Brackets"

"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_Header" "Shanghai So Far - Qualifiers"

"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_Region0" "Americas"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_Region1" "China"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_Region2" "Europe"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_Region3" "Southeast Asia"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_RRGroupA" "Round Robin - Group A"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_RRGroupB" "Round Robin - Group B"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_BracketWinner" "Winners Bracket"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_BracketLoser" "Losers Bracket"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewDates" "Dates"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_MainEvent" "Main Event"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_PrizePool" "Current Total Prize Pool"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_LastYearPrizePool" "Last Year's Prize Pool: $
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewDetails" "Main event March 2nd - March 6th,
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewVenue" "Venue"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewVenueDetails" "Mercedes Benz Arena,
Shanghai, China"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewFormat" "Format"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewFormatDetails" "Seeding Stage: 4 groups of 4
teams. Top 2 of each go to Upper Bracket."
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewFormatDetailsCont" "Main Event: 16 teams
Double Elimination."
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewTeams" "Teams"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewTeamDetails" "8 Invited teams and 8
Qualified teams."
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_Story1Header" "Frankfurt Report"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_ReadMore" "Read more..."
"DOTA_MoviePurchaseCompendium" "Purchase the Fall Major
Battle Pass to have access to all three episodes of True Sight!"
"DOTA_MovieStreamEpisode" "Episode 3"
"DOTA_MovieStreamCountdown" "Available in {s:hours}H
"DOTA_MovieStreamWatchEp1" "Watch Episode 1"
"DOTA_MovieStreamWatchEp2" "Watch Episode 2"
"DOTA_MovieStreamWatchEp3" "Watch Episode 3 Now"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_Story1Body" "In November 2015, sixteen of the
world's best teams competed in the Frankfurt Major, the first Valve Major event
held outside of The International, for a total prize pool of $3,000,000. Eight
teams received direct invites to the event�seven of the top eight teams from The
International 2015, and Vega Squadron, who had just come from a convincing first
place finish at ESL One New York in which they took down the daunting trio of EG,
Secret, and IG.

Another eight teams punched their tickets by advancing through the Regional
Qualifiers, most notably team Monkey Business (later renamed to OG) securing first
place in the European Qualifiers, and Team Unknown finishing second in the Americas
Qualifier after surviving the Open qualifiers, where over 500 teams competed for a
single spot.

From the start of the group stage, The International 2015 Champions EG had little
difficulty topping their group, with fan favorites Team Secret and Vici Gaming
following suit. Less expected, Team Mineski from South East Asia scored a clutch
victory over EHOME, earning them a second-place finish in their group and a seed in
the upper bracket of the playoffs.

Once in the main event, the four favorites�EG, Secret, VG, and CDEC�advanced easily
to the Upper Bracket Semifinals, where the two western teams would eventually
eliminate their Chinese counterparts to set up a much-anticipated EG vs. Secret
Upper Bracket Finals. Down in the lower bracket, EHOME and OG�two teams surprised
to find themselves one series from elimination�soared through their matches until
meeting each other in Round 5 of the lower bracket matches. Despite a very even
match, OG managed to take the series 2-1. With that victory as a springboard, OG
had all the confidence needed to best EG, who had lost their series against Secret,
and project themselves into the Grand Finals, ultimately being crowned Frankfurt
Major Champions after a convincing 3-1 victory over the mighty Team Secret."

"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_Story2Header" "After the Major"

"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_Story2Body" "After The Frankfurt Major, the
competition didn't stop. Just one week after the confetti fell, teams were
competing at the LAN finals of Dreamleague Season 3, where OG showed their
Frankfurt victory was no fluke, taking the top spot again by defeating a renovated
Team Empire, who in turn would proceed to take first place at Dreamhack Moscow only
weeks later.

In December, we saw the final competitive matches of the 6.85 patch, with Team
Liquid quickly declaring themselves a team to watch by taking top honors in The
Defense Season 5. Also not to be forgotten, TI5 champions Evil Geniuses took the
gold in the always-entertaining fourth version of The Summit, finishing just below
a solid Virtus.Pro squad.

Ringing in the new year was a new patch, bringing new winners and new losers along
with it. Fans who enjoyed The International 2013 will be excited to hear that
Alliance is back�not only back to the roster that won it all at Benaroya Hall, but
also back to the winner's podium. After taking consecutive championships at World
Cyber Arena and Starladder I-League, netting almost $500,000 in the process,
Alliance is not a team to be ignored or forgotten.

The stage is set in Shanghai for an amazing tournament. Every team dreams of
joining OG in the elite club of Major winners, but only one can make that dream a
reality. That is, unless OG manage to prove the throne is theirs alone to occupy."

"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_Story3Header" "Gameplay Updates"

"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_Story3Body" "The 6.85 patch was released on
September 24, 2015, and shaped the meta for the following 83 days into a highly
teamfight-oriented playstyle, favoring early-game carries and semi-carries as well
as BKB-piercing teamfight heroes. The Frankfurt Major, played on this patch,
featured Tusk (56.6%) and Winter Wyvern (49.5%) as the most-picked heroes, while
Doom (72.7%) was by far the most-banned hero of the tournament. Keeping with the
concept of strong teamfighting, the most successful heroes with more than 20 games
in the tournament were Earthshaker (17-11) and Undying (18-12), with a special
mention to Bounty Hunter, who won 9 of the 12 matches in which he was picked.

Patch 6.86 arrived on December 16th, adding the new hero Arc Warden to public
games, and adding Earth Spirit, Terrorblade, and Oracle to competitive play. With
the introduction of new items like Aether Lens and Faerie Fire, multiple hero
revamps, as well as new mechanics that make it more difficult for most heroes to
flash-farm stacked camps, different heroes have come to the forefront of the meta
game�Invoker and Gyrocopter being two heroes frequently picked or banned. The
addition of two jungle camps revitalized jungling heroes, putting Chen and
Enchantress as the respective #1 and #3 heroes with the highest win rate of those
with over 50 games played.

With early pressure heroes like Zeus and Death Prophet making appearances, split-
pushers like Nature's Prophet abundantly featuring in the most-picked category, and
late game powerhouses like Spectre and Sven finding new life as some of the most
successful heroes, it is fair to say the meta game has not yet settled, and we will
surely find lots of surprising developments this March at the Shanghai Major."

"DOTA_CompendiumCasters_Host" "Host"
"DOTA_CompendiumCasters_Commentator" "Commentator"
"DOTA_CompendiumCasters_Analyst" "Analyst"
"DOTA_CompendiumCasters_CommentatorAnalyst" "Commentator / Analyst"
"DOTA_CompendiumCasters_CoHost" "Co-Host"
"DOTA_CompendiumCasters_Inerviewer" "Interviewer"
"DOTA_CompendiumCasters_Statistics" "Statistics"

"DOTA_CompendiumCasters_Language" "Language"
"DOTA_CompendiumCasters_Desc" "The Winter Major will be
broadcast in several languages.\nHere are the commentators, interviewers, and other
on-camera staff in each language."
"DOTA_CompendiumCastersTI_Desc" "The International 2017
will be broadcast in English, Russian and Chinese."
"DOTA_CompendiumCasters_Title" "{g:dota_event_league_na
me:event_id} will be broadcast in English, Russian and Chinese."

"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_Invited" "Direct Invite"

"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_First" "First Appearance"
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_Favorite" "Favorite"
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_NewMember" "New Member"
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_SubMember" "Sub"
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_TournamentFinish" "{i:o:tournament_finish}
Place Finish"
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_FallMajorHeader" "Performance in Fall Major"
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_OtherTournaments" "Other Tournament
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_Tournaments" "Tournaments"
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_RecentGames" "Recent Games"
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_TopGames" "Top Games"

"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_Game_Date" "Date"
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_Game_Time" "Time"
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_Game_Result" "Result"
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_Game_Tournament" "Tournament"
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_Game_Duration" "Duration"
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_Game_Type" "Type"
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_Game_Series" "Series Game"
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_Game_Watch" "Watch"
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_Game_Details" "Details"
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_Game_ResultWin" "<font
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_Game_ResultLose" "<font
"DOTA_CompendiumTeam_Game_SeriesGame" "Game {i:series_game} of

"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_Name" "name"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_Description" "description"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_HeroName" "hero"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_HeroID" "heroid"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_Rarity" "rarity"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_Prefab" "type"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_Keyword" "keyword"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_Tool" "tool"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_Brand" "brand"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_Event" "event"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_Public" "public"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_Hidden" "hidden"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_Recent" "recent"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_Giftable" "giftable"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_SocketRequiredHero" "socket_required_hero"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_SocketGemItemDef" "socket_gem_item_def"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_Sale" "sale"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_Slot" "slot"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_LootList" "loot_list"
"DOTA_EconItemSearchPrefix_ShardPurchaseable" "shards"

"DOTA_StoreBrowse_AnyHero" "Any"
"DOTA_StoreBrowse_HeroName" "{g:dota_hero_name:hero_id}"
"DOTA_StoreBrowse_Search_Results" "Found {d:search_result_count}
"DOTA_StoreBrowse_Search_Placeholder" "Enter keywords to search."
"DOTA_StoreBrowse_Category_ProGear" "Pro Gear"
"DOTA_StoreBrowse_Category_Sale" "On Sale"

"DOTA_StoreItem_InBundle" "In Bundle"

"DOTA_StoreItem_InTreasure" "In Treasure"
"DOTA_StoreItem_DotaPlus" "Join"
"DOTA_StoreItem_AlreadyOwned" "You already own this item."

"DOTA_SettingsHeroSelectorDefault" "Default"
"DOTA_SettingsHeroSelectorNeutral" "Neutral"
"DOTA_SettingsHeroSelectorButton" "{s:settings_current_hero}"
"DOTA_ClearHeroAbilityBindings" "Clear"
"npc_dota_neutral_default" "Neutrals"

"DOTA_HeroSetItemCount" "{d:set_item_count} Items"

"DOTA_HeroLoadout_Instructions" "Hover to Preview, Click to Equip"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_BaseSet" "Default"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_UnknownSet" "Customized Set"
"DOTA_HeroLoadout_FullSets" "Full Sets"

"DOTA_SplashAd687_Title" "Gameplay Update is LIVE"

"DOTA_SplashAd687_Text" "Includes changes to Ranked All Pick, the addition of
a minimap Scan ability, seven new items, and a host of gameplay balance

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_CollectorsCache_Title" "The International 2016 Collector's

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_CollectorsCache_Exclusive_Header" "Exclusive"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_CollectorsCache_Exclusive_Text" "Cache items will not be
available for purchase elsewhere after The International."
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_CollectorsCache_Community_Header" "Hero Debut"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_CollectorsCache_Community_Text" "16 new community-created
sets�including multiple sets for heroes previously unrepresented in the Dota 2
Workshop�as well as a chance at three rare items."
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_CollectorsCache_Contribute_Header" "Contribute"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_CollectorsCache_Contribute_Text" "25% of each purchase
goes directly towards the prize pool for The International 2016."

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI7_CollectorsCache_Title" "The International 2017 Collector's

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI7_CollectorsCache_Exclusive_Header" "Contains 23 Exclusive
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI7_CollectorsCache_Exclusive_Text" "Cache items will not be
available for purchase elsewhere after The International."
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI7_CollectorsCache_Alt_Header" "Earn bonus rewards"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI7_CollectorsCache_Alt_Text" "Open 10 = Choose any standard
cache set.<br />Open 20 = Get 20 Battle Pass levels."
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI7_CollectorsCache_Contribute_Header" "Contribute"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI7_CollectorsCache_Contribute_Text" "25% of each purchase
goes directly towards the prize pool for The International 2017."

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI8_CollectorsCache_Title" "The International 2018 Collector's

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI8_CollectorsCache_Exclusive_Header" "Contains 17 Exclusive
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI8_CollectorsCache_Exclusive_Text" "Cache items will not be
available for purchase elsewhere after The International."
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI8_CollectorsCache_Alt_Header" "Earn bonus rewards"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI8_CollectorsCache_Alt_Text" "Open treasures to earn up to 27
Battle Pass Levels."
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI8_CollectorsCache_Contribute_Header" "Contribute"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI8_CollectorsCache_Contribute_Text" "25% of each purchase
goes directly towards the prize pool for The International 2018."

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI8_CollectorsCache2_Title" "The International 2018

Collector's Cache II"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI8_CollectorsCache2_Exclusive_Header" "Contains 14 Exclusive
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI8_CollectorsCache2_Alt_Text" "Open treasures to earn up to
21 Battle Pass Levels."
"DOTA_TI8_CollectorsCache2_Title" "Collector's Cache II"

"DOTA_SplashAd_Immortal_Gardens_Level_Label" "Level"
"DOTA_SplashAd_Immortal_Gardens_Reward_Label" "Reward"
"DOTA_SplashAd_Immortal_Gardens_ItemName" "Immortal Gardens Terrain"
"DOTA_SplashAd_Immortal_Gardens_Title" "Limited Availability"
"DOTA_SplashAd_Immortal_Gardens_Title_Support" "Unlock it before The
International ends. This item will never be tradeable or purchasable on the

"DOTA_SplashAd_LegionCommander_Level_Label" "Level"
"DOTA_SplashAd_LegionCommander_Reward_Label" "Reward"
"DOTA_SplashAd_LegionCommander_ItemName" "Legion Commander Prestige Item"
"DOTA_SplashAd_LegionCommander_Title" "Limited Availability"
"DOTA_SplashAd_LegionCommander_Title_Support" "Unlock it before The
International ends. This item will never be tradeable or purchasable on the

"DOTA_SplashAd_EventEndReminder_Title1" "Last Chance"

"DOTA_SplashAd_EventEndReminder_Title2" "Available until August 13th"
"DOTA_SplashAd_EventEndReminder" "The International Main Event is nearly
upon us, and the ability to purchase Battle Pass Levels and the Collector's Cache
will end when the Grand Finals conclude on August 13th, 2016. This will be the last
opportunity to acquire these exclusive items that are not tradable or purchasable
on the marketplace."
"DOTA_SplashAd_PurchaseCache" "Purchase Collector's Cache"

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_Immortals_2_Title" "Immortal Treasure II"

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_Immortals_2_Available" "Now Available"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_Immortals_2_Escalating" "This treasure features escalating
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_Immortals_2_Escalating_Desc" "Each Immortal Treasure II
you open increases your chances of receiving the corresponding rare, very rare, or
ultra-rare items."
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_Immortals_3_Title" "Immortal Treasure III"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_Immortals_3_Available" "Now Available"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_Immortals_3_Escalating" "This treasure features escalating
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_Immortals_3_Escalating_Desc" "Each Immortal Treasure III
you open increases your chances of receiving the corresponding rare, very rare, or
ultra-rare items."

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI7_Trove_Title" "Trove Carafe 2017"

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI7_Trove_Sub" "Available Autographed by your favorite Dota

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI8_Immortals_2_Text" "Featuring new Immortal items for Dark

Seer, Juggernaut, Omniknight, Doom, Viper, Jakiro, Wraith King, and Outworld

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_Weekend_Battle_Bundle" "Battle Level Bundle"

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_Weekend_Sale_Title" "Weekend Sale"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_Weekend_Ends_Monday" "Deal Ends Monday"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_Weekend_Levels" "<span class=\"Red\">50</span>-Battle
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_Weekend_Treasures" "<span class=\"Red\">2</span>-IMMORTAL
TREASURE I<br /><span class=\"Red\">2</span>-IMMORTAL TREASURE II<br /><span
class=\"Red\">2</span>-COLLECTOR'S CACHE"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_Weekend_Savings" "Save over 60%"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_Weekend_Limit" "Limit one per customer"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_Weekend_BattlePassOwnershipRequired" "Must Own Battle

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI7_Weekend_Ends_Monday" "This Weekend Only"

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI7_Weekend_Levels" "<span class=\"Red\">+80</span> Battle
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI7_Weekend_Treasures" "<span class=\"Red\">+4x</span>
Immortal Treasure I<br /><span class=\"Red\">+4x</span> Immortal Treasure II<br />"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI7_Weekend_Savings" "Save 70%"

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI7_Roshan_Title" "Level 2000 Collector's Baby Roshan Statue"

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI7_Roshan_Subheading" "With custom in-game Roshan"

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI8_Weekend_Levels" "<span class=\"Red\">+100</span> Battle

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI8_Weekend_Treasures" "<span class=\"Red\">+7x</span>
Immortal Treasure I<br /><span class=\"Red\">+7x</span> Immortal Treasure II<br />"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI8_Weekend_Savings" "Save 75%"

"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_LuckvaseAndCarafe_Autographs_Title" "Autographed Treasures

Now Available"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_LuckvaseAndCarafe_Autographs_Message" "Support your
favorite <a
href=\"event:UIPopupButtonClicked( DOTAShowCompManila2016CastersPage() )\">broadcas
t talent from The International 2016</a>!"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_LuckvaseAndCarafe_LocklessLuckvase" "Lockless Luckvase"
"DOTA_SplashAd_TI6_LuckvaseAndCarafe_TroveCarafe" "Trove Carafe"

"DOTA_SplashAd_WarhammerTreasure_Title" "Warhammer: Treasure of the Old

"DOTA_SplashAd_WarhammerTreasure_Message" "Contains thirteen Warhammer-themed
sets from the Dota 2 Workshop."
"DOTA_SplashAd_Title_Fall_2016_Treasure_3" "Fall 2016 Treasure III"
"DOTA_SplashAd_Title_Fall_2016_Treasure_4" "Fall 2016 Treasure IV"
"DOTA_SplashAd_Title_Fall_2016_Treasure_5" "Last Chance"
"FrontPage_Fall_2016_Treasure5_Desc" "The end of the Fall 2016 Event is
nearly upon us, and the ability to purchase the Fall 2016 Treasures and Battle Pass
will end on January 3rd."

"DOTA_ApplyingEventLevels_Title" "Unlocking Levels"

"DOTA_ApplyingEventLevels_Text" "Applying Battle Pass Levels to your

"DOTA_Spring2016_QuestIntroTitleLabel" "The International 2016

Battle Pass Quests"
"DOTA_Spring2016_QuestIntroCampaignTitleLabel" "The Three Faces"
"DOTA_Spring2016_QuestIntroLore" "They poured from the
crumbling garrison upon the hillside, a horde of foul creatures crashing against
the towering walls of Quath. Not one in twenty cleared the gate's descent, but to
defeat so few took bitter toll. Surrounded still by greater horrors, the Elders
seek salvation in the rituals of the Aldwyn Scrolls."

"DOTA_Fall2016_QuestIntroTitleLabel" "Fall 2016 Battle Pass

"DOTA_Fall2016_QuestIntroCampaignTitleLabel" "The Battle's Approach"
"DOTA_Fall2016_QuestIntroLore" "Disrupt your enemy's
battle plans to make them fear the fog on the Path of the Saboteur. Control the map
and guide the flow of battle to ensure your team's rapid rise on the Path of the
Protector. Gather increasing items of mythic power to spearhead the final thrust on
the Path of the Dominator."

"DOTA_Winter2017_QuestIntroTitleLabel" "Winter 2017 Battle Pass Quests"

"DOTA_Winter2017_QuestIntroCampaignTitleLabel" "The Trials Ahead"
"DOTA_Winter2017_QuestIntroLore" "Disrupt your enemy's battle plans to
make them fear the fog on the Path of the Inquisitor. Control the map and guide the
flow of battle to ensure your team's rapid rise on the Path of the Paragon. Gather
increasing items of mythic power to spearhead the final thrust on the Path of the

"DOTA_Spring2016_Community_Challenge_IntroTitle" "All Together Now"

"DOTA_Spring2016_Community_Challenge_IntroText" "Throughout the duration
of the Battle Pass, a series of Community Quests will be available to all pass
owners. Completing the challenge objectives in your winning matches will contribute
to the community progress bar."
"DOTA_Spring2016_Community_Challenge_RewardsTitle" "Something for
"DOTA_Spring2016_Community_Challenge_RewardsText" "Every time the
community collectively accomplishes enough challenges to fill the bar, all Battle
Pass owners will receive three fireballs to drop in Lina's Battle Blaze. Each
fireball offers the chance to win bonus Battle Points to help get cooking on your
Level Rewards."
"DOTA_Spring2016_Community_Challenge_HowToPlayTitle" "Lina's Battle
"DOTA_Spring2016_Community_Challenge_HowToPlayText" "Once a community
challenge has been collectively accomplished, select where you want to drop your
fireballs in Lina's Battle Blaze to earn bonus Battle Points and get cooking on
your Level Rewards."

"DOTA_International2017_QuestIntroTitleLabel" "The International Battle

Pass Quests"
"DOTA_International2017_QuestIntroCampaignTitleLabel""The Waves of Sorrow"
"DOTA_International2017_QuestIntroLore" "Disrupt your enemy's plans and
guide the flow of battle on the Path of the Navigator. Gather increasing items of
mythic power to crush all who stand against you on the Path of the Wavebreaker.
Assemble your allies to control the map and strike fear into your enemies on the
Path of the Rising Tide."

"DOTA_Spring2016_Community_Challenge_PageHeader" "Community Challenges"

"DOTA_Spring2016_Community_Challenge_GoalNow" "Current Challenge"
"DOTA_Spring2016_Community_Challenge_GoalTitle" "{s:goal_name}"
"DOTA_Spring2016_Community_Challenge_GoalText" "{s:goal_description}"
"DOTA_Spring2016_Community_Challenge_GoalProgress" "Community Progress:
"DOTA_Spring2016_Community_Challenge_GoalBox" "The Path of Global Intrigue"

"DOTA_Spring2016_PachinkoInferno_BallsRemain" "You have

{d:lina_plays_available} fireballs to drop"
"DOTA_Spring2016_PachinkoInferno_BallsRemain_Home" "{d:lina_plays_available}"
"DOTA_Spring2016_PachinkoInferno_BallsRemain_Home_Desc" "You have fireballs
to drop"
"DOTA_Spring2016_PachinkoInferno_PlayButton" "Play Lina's Battle Blaze"

"DOTA_International2017_WeeklyGame_HowToPlayTitle" "Slark's
Riptide Rumble"
"DOTA_International2017_WeeklyGame_HowToPlayText" "\nSelect a
starting point for the bubble, and see where it ends up!\n\nEvery week, 10 players
will win the incredibly rare Sunken Relic!"
"DOTA_International2017_WeeklyGame_HowToPlayTextNeeded" "Play three
matches this week to earn a go at Slark's Riptide Rumble and a chance at the
extremely rare International 2017 Sunken Relic emblem effect."
"DOTA_International2017_WeeklyGame_HowToPlayTextPending" "By playing three
matches this week, you've earned a try at Slark's Riptide Rumble and a chance at
the extremely rare International 2017 Sunken Relic emblem effect. Come back at the
end of the week to play!"
"DOTA_International2017_WeeklyGame_HowToPlayTextAvail" "By playing
three matches last week, you've earned a try at Slark's Riptide Rumble and a chance
at the extremely rare International 2017 Sunken Relic emblem effect. Play now!"
"DOTA_International2017_WeeklyGame_TimeLeft" "{i:wg_days_left}D
{i:wg_hours_left}H {i:wg_minutes_left}M Remaining"

"DOTA_ArcanaVote_IntroTextTitle" "Join the community in deciding which hero

will receive the next Arcana."
"DOTA_ArcanaVote_SubHead01" "Vote each week"
"DOTA_ArcanaVote_IntroText01" "Each week, a selection of heroes will compete
in head-to-head elimination runoffs to determine who advances to the next round.
The hero that survives undefeated will be selected for an Arcana set. Click on the
hero icons to mark your choices, then press the Submit Votes button to cast your
"DOTA_ArcanaVote_SubHead02" "Distribute votes as you please"
"DOTA_ArcanaVote_IntroText02" "Every Battle Pass owner receives sixteen votes
per week that can be distributed however you like�use your votes on multiple
matchups or stuff the ballot on a single one. Your voice, your choice. Unused votes
do not roll over to the following week, so make sure to visit the polls regularly."
"DOTA_ArcanaVote_SubHead03" "Earn additional votes"
"DOTA_ArcanaVote_IntroText03" "Players who reach Battle Level
{d:reward_level_1} will receive an additional sixteen votes for a weekly total of
32, and Battle Level {d:reward_level_2} will raise that limit to 48. After the
final count is tallied, the winner of the final matchup will be announced at
"DOTA_ArcanaVote_StartVoting" "Start Voting"
"DOTA_ArcanaVote_ViewFullBracket" "View Full Bracket"
"DOTAArcanaVote_PreviousResults" "Previous Round"
"DOTAArcanaVote_NextResults" "Next Round"

"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewDetails_TI6" "Wildcards: August 2nd,

2016 \nGroup Stage: August 3rd - August 5th, 2016\nMain Event: August 8th - August
13th, 2016"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewVenueDetails_TI6" "KeyArena - Seattle, United
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewFormatDetails_TI6" "Wildcard: Four teams in
a best-of-three double elimination playoff. Top two advance to Group Stage.\nGroup
Stage: Two best-of-two groups of eight teams. Top four teams in each group advance
to Upper Bracket, bottom four advance to Lower Bracket."
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewFormatDetailsCont_TI6" "Main Event: 16 teams in
best-of-three double elimination playoff. Lower bracket first round is best-of-one,
Grand Finals are best-of-five."
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewTeamDetails_TI6" "8 Invited teams and 8
Qualified teams."

"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewDetails_TI8" "Open Qualifiers: June 14th -

June 17th \nRegional Qualifiers: June 18th - June 25th \n\nGroup Stage: August 15th
- August 18th \nMain Event: August 20th - August 25th"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewVenueDetails_TI8" "Rogers Arena - Vancouver,
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewFormatDetails_TI8" ""
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewFormatDetailsCont_TI8" ""
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewTeamDetails_TI8" ""

"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewDetails_Boston" "Group Stage: December 3rd -

December 4th, 2016\nMain Event: December 7th - December 10th, 2016"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewVenueDetails_Boston" "Wang Theatre - Boston,
United States"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewFormatDetails_Boston" "16 teams in best-of-
three single-elimination playoff. Grand Finals are best-of-five."
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewFormatDetailsCont_Boston" "Seeding will be
determined in the group stage."

"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewDetails_Kiev" "Main Event: April 27th -

April 30th, 2017"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewVenueDetails_Kiev" "National Palace of Arts
- Kiev, Ukraine"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewFormatDetails_Kiev" "16 teams in best-of-
three single-elimination playoff. Grand Finals are best-of-five."
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_OverviewFormatDetailsCont_Kiev""Seeding will be
determined in the group stage."

"DOTA_BattlePass_PrizePool" "25% of all Battle Pass

sales go directly to {g:dota_event_name_short:event_id} prize pool."

"DOTA_TI7BP_purchase_pool_contribution" "25% of all Battle Pass sales

go directly to The International 2017 prize pool."
"DOTA_TI7BP_purchase_pool_contribution_levels" "25% of all Battle Pass Level
sales go directly to The International 2017 prize pool."
"DOTA_TI7BP_Lvl1000_Register" "Register for Delivery"

"DOTA_PurchaseBattlePass_Price" "Purchase
"DOTA_PurchaseBattlePassAsGift_Price" "Purchase Gift

"DOTA_ActivateBattlePass" "Activate Battle Pass"

"DOTA_ActivateBattlePass_Question" "Would you like to activate this Battle
Pass on your account right now?"
"DOTA_ActivateBattlePass_NotActivated" "Not Activated"
"DOTA_ActivateBattlePass_NotActivated_Message" "This Battle Pass is now
stored in your Armory."
"DOTA_ActivateBattlePass_Failed" "Failed to activate this Battle Pass.
This is most likely due to a loss in connection to the Dota Game Coordinator. The
Battle Pass is now stored in your Armory."
"DOTA_ActivateBattlePass_InProgress_Title" "Activating Battle Pass"
"DOTA_ActivateBattlePass_InProgress_Text" "Activating this Battle Pass on
your account."

"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Treasure1" "{g:dota_event_nam
e_short:event_id} Treasure I"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Treasure2" "{g:dota_event_nam
e_short:event_id} Treasure II"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Treasure3" "{g:dota_event_nam
e_short:event_id} Treasure III"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_TreasureCache" "{g:dota_event_nam
e_short:event_id} Collector's Cache"

"DOTA_PurchaseBattlePassLevels" "Purchase Battle Pass Levels"

"DOTA_ActivateBattlePassLevels" "Activate Battle Pass Levels"
"DOTA_ActivateLevels" "Activate Levels"
"DOTA_SaveForLater" "Save for Later"
"DOTA_CurrentLevel" "Current Level"
"DOTA_AfterPurchase" "After Purchase"
"DOTA_PurchaseBattlePassLevels_Question" "How many levels would you like to
"DOTA_ActivateLevelsImmediately_Title" "Activate on my account
"DOTA_ActivateLevelsImmediately_Description" "After applying these levels,
you can claim your rewards from the main battle pass screen."
"DOTA_SaveForLater_Title" "Save for later."
"DOTA_SaveForLater_Description" "The levels will remain as items in your
Armory. From there, you can gift them to friends or apply them to your account
"DOTA_LevelCount" "{d:level_count} Levels"
"DOTA_TotalLevels" "Total Levels"
"DOTA_TotalPrice" "Total Price"
"DOTA_ApplyLevelsFailedMessage" "We were unable to apply the levels to your
account.\n\nThis is likely due to a loss of connection to the Dota Game
Coordinator. The levels will remain as items in your Armory where you can apply
them manually, or they will be automatically applied once the connection is
"DOTA_BattlePassLevelPurchaseUnavailable_Title" "Battle Pass Ended"
"DOTA_BattlePassLevelPurchaseUnavailable_Message" "Levels are no longer
available for purchase for this Battle Pass."

"DOTA_SeasonPass_Spring2016_Rewards_Expire" "The
International 2016 Battle Pass Event ends on:"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Spring2016_Rewards_Expired" "The
International 2016 Battle Pass expired on:"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Spring2016_Rewards_Expire_Date" "Augus
t 31st, 2016"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Fall2016_Rewards_Expire" "The Fall
2016 Battle Pass Event ends on:"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Fall2016_Rewards_Expired" "The
Fall 2016 Battle Pass expired on:"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Fall2016_Rewards_Expire_Date" "January
2nd, 2017"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Fall2016_Rewards_Ended" "The Fall
2016 Battle Pass has ended"

"DOTA_SeasonPass_Winter2017_Rewards_Expire" "The
Winter 2017 Battle Pass Event ends on:"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Winter2017_Rewards_Expired" "The Winter
2017 Battle Pass expired on:"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Winter2017_Rewards_Expire_Date" "May 1st,
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Winter2017_Rewards_Ended" "The
Winter 2017 Battle Pass has ended"

"DOTA_SeasonPass_International2017_Rewards_Expire" "The
International 2017 Battle Pass Event ends on:"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_International2017_Rewards_Expired" "The
International 2017 Battle Pass expired on:"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_International2017_Rewards_Expire_Date" "Septe
mber 18th, 2017"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_International2017_Rewards_Ended" "The
International 2017 Battle Pass has ended."
"DOTA_SeasonPass_International2017_BattlePass_EndDate" "Ends
September 1st, 2017"

"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Expire" "{g:dota_event_name:even
t_id} Event ends on:"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Expired" "{g:dota_event_name:even
t_id} expired on:"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_Rewards_Ended" "{g:dota_event_nam
e:event_id} has ended."

"DOTA_TI7_BattlePass_EndDate_Purchase" "Last day to

purchase Battle Pass Levels is August 12, 2017"
"DOTA_TI7_BattlePass_Level225Reward_Soon" "Prestige Item for
Kunkka<br>and new quest path"
"DOTA_TI7_BattlePass_Level225Reward" "Prestige Item for
"DOTA_TI7_BattlePass_Level165Reward_Soon" "<font
color=\"#62BECF\"><b>Coming Soon</b></font><br>Siltbreaker<br>Event bonus"
"DOTA_TI7_BattlePass_Level165Reward" "Double Treasures
for 3 star completion of Siltbreaker Zones"
"DOTA_TI7_BattlePass_Level245_Label" "<i>Benevolent
Companion</i><br>Io <font color=\"#ABE45B\">Arcana</font>"

"DOTA_TI8_BattlePass_Level255Reward_Soon" "Prestige Item for

Lion<br><font color=\"#11492b\">Coming Soon</font>"
"DOTA_TI8_BattlePass_Level255Reward" "Prestige Item for
"DOTA_TI8_BattlePass_Level160Reward_Soon" "Underhollow
bonus<br><font color=\"#11492b\">Coming Soon</font>"
"DOTA_TI8_BattlePass_Level150Reward" "Underhollow
Bonuses:<br>Point Cap Raised to: 3000<br>Point Multiplier: 1.5x"
"DOTA_TI8_BattlePass_Level252Reward" "Underhollow
Bonuses:<br>Point Cap Raised to: 4000<br>Point Multiplier: 2x"
"DOTA_TI8_BattlePass_Level75Reward_Soon" "Meepo Announcer
Pack<br><font color=\"#11492b\">Coming Soon</font>"
"DOTA_TI8_BattlePass_Level615Reward_Soon" "Promise of Eminent
Revival<br><font color=\"#11492b\">Coming Soon</font>"

"DOTA_GoToCurrentLevel" "Go To My Current Level"

"DOTA_ClaimLevelRewardsFailed" "Failed to claim a reward at this level.
This is likely due to a loss of connection to the Dota Game Coordinator. Try again
later!\n\nError Code: {d:error_code}"
"DOTA_ClaimLevelRewardsFailed_EventExpired" "This event has expired, so
rewards are no longer claimable."
"DOTA_JumpToReward" "Jump To: {s:reward_name}"
"DOTA_MultipleRewards" "Level {d:reward_level} Rewards"

"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_includes" "Includes access to the

following features:"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_includes2" "And the following
"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_includes3" "Includes
everything in the basic bundle"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_includes4" "+<br>The
following rewards:"

"dota_spring2016_purchase_feature_questlines" "3 New Quest Paths"

"dota_spring2016_purchase_feature_wagering" "Wagering &
"dota_spring2016_purchase_feature_challenges" "Community Challenges"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_feature_ranked_mm" "Peak Rank Challenge"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_feature_arcana_vote" "Arcana Voting"

"dota_spring2016_basic_bundle" "BASIC BUNDLE"

"dota_spring2016_mega_bundle" "MEGA BUNDLE"

"dota_spring2016_purchase_when_available" "* When Available"

"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_reward_treasure_1" "Immortal Treasure I"

"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_reward_treasure_2" "Immortal Treasure II *"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_reward_treasure_3" "Immortal Treasure III
"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_reward_courier_1" "Evolving Courier Base
"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_reward_ward_1" "Evolving Ward Base
"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_reward_weather_1" "Weather Effect I -
"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_reward_taunt_1" "Taunt: Vengeful Spirit
- \"The Royal Raspberry\""
"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_reward_hud" "The International
2016 HUD"

"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_reward_cursor" "The
International 2016 Cursor Pack"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_reward_emoticon_1" "Emoticon
Pack I"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_reward_loading_screen_1" "Loading Screen
"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_reward_effigy_1" "Effigy
Block Level I"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_reward_spring_terrain" "Seasonal
Terrain - Spring"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_reward_music_pack" "The
International 2016 Music Pack"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_reward_announcer" "Crystal
Maiden Announcer Pack"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_basic_reward_league_ticket" "Battle Cup Entry
Ticket *"

"dota_spring2016_purchase_bundle_reward_fountain" "Fountain
Effect I"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_bundle_reward_cm_wheel" "Spinning
Rylai's Wheel x 7"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_bundle_reward_loading_screen_2" "Loading Screen
Portfolio II"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_bundle_reward_loading_screen_3" "Loading Screen
Portfolio III"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_bundle_reward_courier_2" "Evolving
Courier Style Upgrades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_bundle_reward_teleport" "Teleport
Effect I"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_bundle_reward_taunt_2" "Taunt:
Slark - \"RazorFlip!\""
"dota_spring2016_purchase_bundle_reward_taunt_3" "Taunt:
Alchemist - \"Ogre Hop\""
"dota_spring2016_purchase_bundle_reward_taunt_4" "Taunt: Lion
- \"To Hell and Back!\""
"dota_spring2016_purchase_bundle_reward_immortal_treasure_1_x5" "Immor
tal Treasure I x 4"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_bundle_reward_arcana_vote" "Arcana Vote Power
"dota_spring2016_purchase_bundle_reward_blink" "Blink
Effect I"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_bundle_reward_emoticon_2" "Emoticon
Pack II"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_bundle_reward_ward_2" "Evolving
Ward Style Upgrade 1"
"dota_spring2016_purchase_bundle_reward_weather_2" "Weather
Effect II"

"dota_ti7_purchase_basic_includes" "Includes access to the

following features:"
"dota_ti7_purchase_basic_includes2" "And the following rewards:"
"dota_ti7_purchase_basic_includes3" "Includes everything in the
basic bundle"
"dota_ti7_purchase_basic_includes4" "+<br>The following rewards:"

"dota_ti7_purchase_feature_campaign" "Multiplayer Campaign *"

"dota_ti7_purchase_feature_quests" "Team & Classic Quests"
"dota_ti7_purchase_feature_towers" "Prestige Towers"
"dota_ti7_purchase_feature_trivia" "Queue Trivia"
"dota_ti7_purchase_feature_fav_team" "Favorite Team Features"
"dota_ti7_purchase_feature_battle_cup" "Battle Cup Access"
"dota_ti7_purchase_feature_wagering" "Token Wagering & Battle
Point Tribute"
"dota_ti7_purchase_feature_compendium" "The International
"dota_ti7_purchase_feature_ranked_mm" "Seasonal Matchmaking"
"dota_ti7_purchase_feature_arcana_vote" "Arcana Voting"
"dota_ti7_purchase_feature_double_down" "Rank Double Down"
"dota_ti7_purchase_feature_relic" "Slark's Riptide Rumble"

"dota_ti7_basic_bundle" "BASIC BUNDLE"

"dota_ti7_mega_bundle" "MEGA BUNDLE"

"dota_ti7_purchase_when_available" "* When Available"

"dota_ti7_purchase_basic_reward_treasure_1" "Immortal Treasure I"

"dota_ti7_purchase_basic_reward_treasure_2" "Immortal Treasure II *"
"dota_ti7_purchase_basic_reward_treasure_3" "Immortal Treasure III *"
"dota_ti7_purchase_basic_reward_courier_1" "Evolving Courier Level 1"
"dota_ti7_purchase_basic_reward_ward_1" "Evolving Ward Level 1"

"dota_ti7_purchase_basic_reward_cursor" "The International

2017 Cursor Pack"
"dota_ti7_purchase_basic_reward_spring_terrain" "Seasonal Terrain -
"dota_ti7_purchase_basic_reward_music_pack" "The International
2017 Music Pack"
"dota_ti7_purchase_basic_reward_league_ticket" "Battle Cup Entry
"dota_ti7_purchase_basic_reward_player_cards_ten" "5x Player Card Packs"

"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_immortal_I" "+4x Immortal Treasure I"

"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_announcer" "Kunkka & Tidehunter
Announcer Pack *"
"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_player_cards_35" "35x Player Card Packs"
"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_tribute_bonus" "6x 250 Battle Point
"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_chat_wheel" "Chat Wheel Sound Five
Pack I"
"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_emoticons" "Emoticon Pack I &
"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_taunt_1" "Jakiro Taunt - \"Fluid
"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_taunt_2" "Clinkz Taunt
- \"Xylobones\""
"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_taunt_3_a" "Techies Taunt
-\"We Have Liftoff\""
"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_chrome_vial" "Chrome River Vial"
"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_cm_wheel" "4x Crystal Maiden Wheel
"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_ward_2" "Evolving Ward Level 2 &
"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_courier_2" "Evolving Courier Level
"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_arcana_vote" "2x Arcana Vote Power
"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_fountain" "Fountain Effect
"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_teleport" "Teleport Effect
"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_blink" "Blink Effect I"
"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_level" "Level Up Effect"
"dota_ti7_purchase_bundle_reward_euls" "Eul's Scepter Effect"
"dota_ti7_purchase_learn_more" "Learn More"
"dota_ti7_purchase_preview" "Preview
Battle Pass"

"dota_ti8_purchase_basic_includes" "Includes access to the

following features:"
"dota_ti8_purchase_basic_includes2" "And the following rewards:"
"dota_ti8_purchase_basic_includes3" "Includes everything in the
basic bundle"
"dota_ti8_purchase_basic_includes4" "+<br>The following rewards:"

"dota_ti8_basic_bundle" "BASIC BUNDLE"

"dota_ti8_mega_bundle" "MEGA BUNDLE"

"dota_ti8_purchase_learn_more" "Learn More"

"dota_ti8_purchase_preview" "Preview
Battle Pass"

"dota_ti8_purchase_basic_reward_cursor" "The International

2018 Cursor Pack"
"dota_ti8_purchase_basic_reward_music_pack" "The International
2018 Music Pack"
"dota_ti8_purchase_basic_reward_player_cards_ten" "5x Player Card Packs"

"dota_ti8_purchase_basic_reward_treasure_1" "Immortal Treasure I"

"dota_ti8_purchase_basic_reward_treasure_2" "Immortal Treasure II *"
"dota_ti8_purchase_basic_reward_treasure_3" "Immortal Treasure III *"
"dota_ti8_purchase_basic_reward_ingametipping" "In-game Tipping"
"dota_ti8_purchase_basic_reward_taunt_1" "Taunt: Phoenix - \"Cold
"dota_ti8_purchase_feature_cavern" "Cavern Crawl"
"dota_ti8_purchase_feature_trivia" "Queue Time Trivia"
"dota_ti8_purchase_feature_propred" "Pro Circuit Predictions"
"dota_ti8_purchase_feature_wagering" "Token Wagering & Battle
Point Tribute"
"dota_ti8_purchase_feature_challenge_mode" "Team Challenge"
"dota_ti8_purchase_feature_arcana_vote" "Arcana Voting"
"dota_ti8_purchase_basic_reward_compendium" "The International
"dota_ti8_purchase_feature_fav_team" "Favorite Team Features"
"dota_ti8_purchase_feature_gamemode" "Underhollow"
"dota_ti8_purchase_bundle_reward_courier_2" "Evolving Courier Level
"dota_ti8_purchase_bundle_reward_arcana_vote" "+2x Arcana Vote Power
"dota_ti8_purchase_bundle_reward_fountain" "Fountain Effect
"dota_ti8_purchase_bundle_reward_teleport" "Teleport Effect
"dota_ti8_purchase_bundle_reward_blink" "Blink Effect I"
"dota_ti8_purchase_bundle_reward_level" "Level Up and Eul's
Scepter Effect"
"dota_ti8_purchase_bundle_reward_immortal_I" "+4x Immortal Treasure I"
"dota_ti8_purchase_bundle_reward_announcer" "Meepo Announcer Pack *"
"dota_ti8_purchase_bundle_reward_player_cards_35" "40x Player Card Packs"
"dota_ti8_purchase_bundle_reward_chrome_vial" "Chrome River Vial"
"dota_ti8_purchase_bundle_reward_cm_wheel" "5x Crystal Maiden Wheel
"dota_ti8_purchase_bundle_reward_taunt_2" "Taunt: Enigma - \"Enigmatic
"dota_ti8_purchase_bundle_reward_taunt_3_a" "Taunt: Weaver
- \"Exterminated\""
"dota_ti8_purchase_bundle_reward_tribute_bonus" "6x 250 Battle Point
"dota_ti8_purchase_bundle_reward_chat_wheel_1" "2x Chat Wheel Spray
"dota_ti8_purchase_bundle_reward_chat_wheel_2" "Chat Wheel Sound Pack"
"dota_ti8_purchase_bundle_reward_teamchallenge" "+3x Team Challenge
"dota_ti8_purchase_when_available" "* When Available"
"dota_ti8_purchase_feature_sprays" "Favorite Team Spray*"
"dota_ti8_purchase_feature_mutation" "Mutation Mode"
"dota_ti8_purchase_feature_rolemm" "Role Based Matchmaking"
"dota_ti8_purchase_feature_courierward" "New Courier and Ward"
"dota_ti8_purchase_feature_taunt" "Phoenix Taunt"

"dota_store_battle_pass_cell_header" "New
Battle Pass"
"dota_store_battle_pass_points_cell_header" "Upgra
de Your Battle Pass"

"dota_spring2016_purchase_pool_contribution" "25% of all Battle Pass

sales go directly to The International 2016 prize pool."
"dota_spring2016_purchase_pool_contribution_levels" "25% of all Battle Pass
Level sales go directly to The International 2016 prize pool."
"dota_spring2016_purchase_learn_more" "Learn
"dota_spring2016_purchase_preview" "Previ
ew Battle Pass"

"DOTA_TournamentGroup_Rank" "Rank"
"DOTA_TournamentGroup_Team" "Team"
"DOTA_TournamentGroup_GamesPlayed" "Games"
"DOTA_TournamentGroup_Record" "Record"
"DOTA_TournamentGroup_Score" "Points"

"DOTA_Predictions_HeroPredictions" "Hero Predictions"

"DOTA_Predictions_TeamPredictions" "Team Predictions"
"DOTA_Predictions_PlayerPredictions" "Player Predictions"
"DOTA_Predictions_TournamentPredictions" "Tournament Predictions"

"dota_spring2016_tree_game_banner" "Do Your Part!"

"dota_spring2016_tree_score" "Score:{d:trees_cut}"
"dota_spring2016_tree_lifetime_score" "Total:{d:lifetime_trees_cut}"

"DOTA_GiftRestrictions_Title" "Gift Restrictions"

"DOTA_GiftRestrictions_LoadingFailed" "Unable to load gift
"DOTA_GiftRestrictions_NoUnavailableFriends" "All of your friends are
available for gifting. Gift away!"
"DOTA_GiftRestrictions_SenderRestricted" "You are currently prevented
from sending gifts. {s:sender_restricted_message}"
"DOTA_GiftRestrictions_UnavailableFriends" "Several of your friends
are currently unavailable to receive gifts:"
"DOTA_GiftRestrictions_FriendshipAge_Default" "Since you do not have a <a
href=\"\">Mobile Authenticator</a> on your
account, you may only gift to players you have been friends with for at least
{t:d:T:friendship_age_requirement}. With a <a
href=\"\">Mobile Authenticator</a> on your
account, this limit decreases to {t:d:T:friendship_age_requirement_two_factor}.
Please read our <a href=\"\">blog post</a>
for more details."
"DOTA_GiftRestrictions_FriendshipAge_TwoFactor" "Since you have a <a
href=\"\">Mobile Authenticator</a> on your
account, you may gift to any players that you have been friends with for at least
"DOTA_GiftRestrictions_FriendshipAge_PerfectWorld" "You may gift to any
players that you have been friends with for at least
"DOTA_GiftRestrictions_LearnMore" "Learn more about gift restrictions on <a
href=\"\">Steam's Help
"DOTA_GiftRestrictions_Loading" "Retrieving Gift Information"

"DOTA_TI6_CollectorsCache_HeaderText" "Earn Battle Points as you open

Collector's Caches."
"DOTA_TI6_CollectorsCache_FooterText" "Cache items are exclusive and will not
be available for purchase elsewhere after The International."

"DOTA_SpringCleaning2018" "New Update"

"DOTA_SpringCleaning2018_Title" "Spring Cleaning 2018"
"DOTA_SpringCleaning2018_Text" "Check out all the new quality of life
additions and bug fixes."

"DOTA_TI7_CollectorsCache_Header" "Exclusive Treasure"

"DOTA_TI7_CollectorsCache_Title" "Collector's Cache"
"DOTA_TI7_CollectorsCache_Text" "Cache items are exclusive and will not be
available for purchase elsewhere after The International."

"DOTA_Singles_Day_Treasure_HeaderText" "Exclusive Emoticons"

"DOTA_Singles_Day_Treasure_BodyText" "Receive an exclusive Emoticon Pack for
opening 9 treasures"
"DOTA_Singles_Day_Treasure_FooterText" "These emoticons will be available
only before November 13th, 2017"

"DOTA_TI7_Immortal2_Header" "Immortal Treasure 2"

"DOTA_TI7_Immortal2_Text" "Featuring eight new Immortal items."
"DOTA_TI7_Immortal3_Text" "Featuring seven new Immortal items."

"DOTA_AutographedTreasures_Title" "Autographed Treasures"

"DOTA_AutographedTreasures_SubHead" "SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE DOTA
"DOTA_AutographedTreasures_Description" "Select a personality while
purchasing an Autographed Treasure. The item you receive will feature their
autograph, and a portion of the proceeds will go to them."

"DOTA_SpectatorLobby_AnyLanguage" "Any"
"DOTA_SpectatorLobby_WatchLiveMatch" "<span
class=\"WatchingLive\">LIVE</span> Match"
"DOTA_SpectatorLobby_WatchMatchReplay" "Match <span
"DOTA_SpectatorLobby_WatchStream" "Live <span
"DOTA_SpectatorLobby_WatchNone" "Deciding..."
"DOTA_SpectatorLobby_UnableToJoin" "Unable to join the lobby.
"DOTA_SpectatorLobby_UnableToCreate" "Unable to create a lobby at
this time."
"DOTA_SpectatorLobby_FailedToLeave" "Unable to leave this lobby."

"DOTA_SpectatorLobbyWatchingResult_Success" "Success"
"DOTA_SpectatorLobbyWatchingResult_NoGameDetails" "Unable to get
information about the selected match. Try again later."
"DOTA_SpectatorLobbyWatchingResult_NoLobby" "You are not currently in a
spectator lobby."
"DOTA_SpectatorLobbyWatchingResult_NotConnected" "You are not currently
connected to the Game Coordinator. Try again later."
"DOTA_SpectatorLobbyWatchingResult_NotLobbyLeader" "Only the lobby leader
can change what the lobby is watching."
"DOTA_SpectatorLobbyWatchingResult_Timeout" "Timed out trying to connect
to the Game Coordinator. Try again later."
"DOTA_SpectatorLobbyWatchingResult_GCRejected" "The Game Coordinator refused
your request to change what the lobby is watching."
"DOTA_SpectatorLobbyWatchingResult_Failed" "Failed to change what the
lobby is watching."

"DOTA_SpectatorLobbyBrowser_Join" "Join a Spectator Lobby"

"DOTA_SpectatorLobbyBrowser_Error" "Unable to load spectator lobbies. Try
again later."

"DOTA_SpectatorLobby_Create" "Create a Spectator Lobby"

"DOTA_SpectatorLobby_Public_Title" "Public"
"DOTA_SpectatorLobby_Public_Description" "Anyone can join"
"DOTA_SpectatorLobby_Private_Title" "Private"
"DOTA_SpectatorLobby_Private_Description" "Password protected"

"DOTA_FriendCount_Singular" "1 Friend"

"DOTA_FriendCount_Plural" "{d:friend_count} Friends"

"DOTA_DownloadingReplay" "Downloading Replay..."

"DOTA_DecompressingReplay" "Decompressing Replay..."

"DOTA_VR_Muted" "Muted"
"DOTA_VR_AimAtScreen" "Aim at the screen to start."
"DOTA_VR_WatchDota" "Watch Dota"
"DOTA_VR_TournamentMatches" "Tournament Matches"
"DOTA_VR_FriendMatches" "Friend Matches"
"DOTA_VR_MyMatches" "My Matches"
"DOTA_VR_LobbyLeader" "Lobby Leader"
"DOTA_VR_LobbyMembers" "Lobby Members ({d:member_count})"
"DOTA_VR_PrivateLobby" "Private Lobby"
"DOTA_VR_PublicLobby" "Public Lobby"
"DOTA_VR_LobbyPassword" "Lobby Password"
"DOTA_VR_HeroLoadoutButton" "HERO\nSHOWCASE"
"DOTA_VR_TriggerExplore" "Press trigger to explore inside the map"
"DOTA_VR_SelectAppearance" "Select Appearance"
"DOTA_VR_EnterPassword" "Enter Lobby Password"
"DOTA_VR_Volume" "Volume"
"DOTA_VR_LobbyVoiceChat" "Lobby Voice Chat"
"DOTA_VR_CasterVoice" "Caster Voice"
"DOTA_VR_Microphone" "Microphone"
"DOTA_VR_OpenMic" "Open Mic"
"DOTA_VR_PushToTalk" "Push Grip To Talk"
"DOTA_VR_PushToTalkSplit" "Press grip button\nto talk"
"DOTA_VR_Controls_BackToLobby" "BACK TO\nLOBBY"
"DOTA_VR_Controls_Appearance" "APPEARANCE"
"DOTA_VR_Controls_Scale" "SCALE"
"DOTA_VR_Controls_DirectedCamera" "DIRECTED\nCAMERA"
"DOTA_VR_Controls_Recenter" "RECENTER"
"DOTA_VR_Controls_Teleport" "TELEPORT"
"DOTA_VR_Controller_PushToTalk" "Grip to\nTalk"
"DOTA_VR_Controller_RotateHero" "Grip to\nRotate Hero"
"DOTA_VR_PurchasingUnavailable_Title" "Purchasing Unavailable"
"DOTA_VR_PurchasingUnavailable_Message" "Purchasing items is not currently
supported in the Dota VR Hub."
"DOTA_VR_ContextMenuHeroSlot_Instructions" "Click to Equip"
"DOTA_VR_EquippedItems" "Equipped Items"
"DOTA_VR_StorePreview" "Store Preview"
"DOTA_VR_DemoTitle" "{s:demo_name} Demo"
"DOTA_VR_DemoGameInfo" "Upper Bracket Semifinals - Game 1"

"DOTA_GameItems_Shops" "Shops"
"DOTA_GameItems_AllShops" "All Shops"
"DOTA_GameItems_ItemDetails" "Item Details"
"DOTA_GameItems_AvailableAtMainShop" "Available at Home Shop"
"DOTA_GameItems_AvailableAtSideShop" "Available at Side Shop"
"DOTA_GameItems_AvailableAtSecretShop" "Available at Secret Shop"
"DOTA_GameItems_RequiresSecretShop" "Requires Secret Shop"

"DOTA_XboxDVR_Title" "Performance Recommendation"

"DOTA_XboxDVR_Explain" "Your operating system has Xbox Game DVR
enabled which has been reported to cause performance problems in games such as
reduced or capped fps, crashing, or freezing.\n\nWould you like to learn how Xbox
Game DVR can be disabled on your system?"

"DOTA_XboxDVR_Fix" "Your computer has Xbox Game DVR enabled.

These features have been reported to cause performance problems in games such as
reduced FPS, crashing, or freezing.\n\nWould you like to disable these features?"

"DOTA_DVRDisabled_Title" "Changes Applied"

"DOTA_DVRDisabled_Msg" "This will take effect after your next system

"DOTA_HUD_TimeTooltip" "{s:day_night} {d:hour}

"DOTA_HUD_SharedContentSharedBy" "Shared By: {s:shared_names}"

"DOTA_HUD_SharedUnits" "When enabled, allow {s:player_name} to issue

orders to non-hero units under your control."
"DOTA_HUD_SharedHero" "When enabled, allow {s:player_name} to issue
orders to your Hero."
"DOTA_HUD_DisableHelp" "When disabled, prevent {s:player_name} from
using certain abilities on your Hero."
"DOTA_HUD_AltAttribHint" "Hold ALT to view attributes"

"DOTA_HUD_UpgradeCourier" "Upgrade Courier"

"DOTA_TrueSight_Episode2" "Episode 2"

"DOTA_TrueSight_Countdown" "Premieres in {i:hours}H {i:minutes}M"
"DOTA_TrueSight_WatchLive" "Watch Live Now"
"DOTA_TrueSight_AvailableNow" "Available Now"

"DOTA_TrueSight_EnglishSubtitled" "English (Subs)"

"DOTA_SavedSets_Create_Title" "Create Custom Set"

"DOTA_SavedSets_Edit_Title" "Edit Custom Set"
"DOTA_SavedSets_SaveAsCustomSet" "Save as Custom Set"
"DOTA_SavedSets_SetName" "Set Name:"
"DOTA_SavedSets_SetItems" "Set Items:"

"DOTA_SavedSets_Confirm_Title" "Delete Saved Set"

"DOTA_SavedSets_Confirm_Description" "Are you sure you'd like to delete
the saved set '{s:saved_set_name}' for {g:dota_hero_name:hero_id}? The items from
the set will not be deleted."
"DOTA_SavedSets_Delete" "Delete"
"DOTA_SavedSets_Create" "Create"
"DOTA_SavedSets_Save" "Save"

"DOTA_HUD_Pregame_TeamComposition_Title" "Team Composition"

"DOTA_HUD_Pregame_TeamComposition_MeleeHeroes" "Melee: <span
"DOTA_HUD_Pregame_TeamComposition_RangedHeroes" "Ranged: <span

"DOTA_HUD_Pregame_PlusSuggestedHeroList_Title" "Assistant Suggestions"

"DOTA_HUD_Pregame_MatchDuration_Title" "Estimated Match Duration"

"DOTA_HUD_Pregame_LaneShort_Safe" "Safe"
"DOTA_HUD_Pregame_LaneShort_Middle" "Mid"
"DOTA_HUD_Pregame_LaneShort_Off" "Off"
"DOTA_HUD_Pregame_LaneShort_Roam" "Roam"
"DOTA_HUD_Pregame_LaneShort_Jungle" "Jungle"

"DOTA_HeroInspect_BanDescription" "Nominate a Hero for Banning"

"DOTA_HeroInspect_PickDescription" "Choose your Hero"

"DOTA_InvokerSpellCard_Title" "Spells"

"DOTA_MinimapLane_Top" "Top Lane"

"DOTA_MinimapLane_Mid" "Mid Lane"
"DOTA_MinimapLane_Bottom" "Bottom Lane"
"DOTA_MinimapLane_Jungle" "Jungle"

"DOTA_MinimapLane_Dire" "(Dire)"
"DOTA_MinimapLane_DireSafe" "(Dire Safe Lane)"
"DOTA_MinimapLane_DireOfflane" "(Dire Offlane)"
"DOTA_MinimapLane_Radiant" "(Radiant)"
"DOTA_MinimapLane_RadiantSafe" "(Radiant Safe Lane)"
"DOTA_MinimapLane_RadiantOfflane" "(Radiant Offlane)"
"DOTA_PlayerMMR" "MMR: {s:player_mmr}"
"DOTA_BattlePassLevel" "Battle Level: {d:battle_pass_level}"

"DOTA_KillGraph_Title" "Health Graph"

"DOTA_KillGraph_Damage" "{i:value} Damage"
"DOTA_KillGraph_Healing" "{i:value} Healing"

"DOTA_StatBranch_Title" "Select a talent"

"DOTA_StatBranch_TooltipTitle" "Talent Tree"

"DOTA_HUD_AttackSpeed" "Attack Speed:"
"DOTA_HUD_Damage" "Damage:"
"DOTA_HUD_AttackRange" "Attack Range:"
"DOTA_HUD_MoveSpeed" "Move Speed:"
"DOTA_HUD_SpellAmp" "Spell Amp:"
"DOTA_HUD_ManaRegenDetail" "Mana Regen:"
"DOTA_HUD_HealthRegenDetail" "Health Regen:"

"DOTA_HUD_Armor" "Armor:"
"DOTA_HUD_PhysicalResist" "Physical Resist:"
"DOTA_HUD_MagicResist" "Magic Resist:"
"DOTA_HUD_StatusResist" "Status Resist:"
"DOTA_HUD_Evasion" "Evasion:"

"DOTA_HUD_StrengthGain" " (Gains {s:strength_per_level} per lvl)"

"DOTA_HUD_AgilityGain" " (Gains {s:agility_per_level} per lvl)"
"DOTA_HUD_IntelligenceGain" " (Gains {s:intelligence_per_level} per
"DOTA_HUD_PrimaryAttributeStrength" "= {d:primary_attribute_damage} Damage
(Primary Role Bonus)"
"DOTA_HUD_PrimaryAttributeAgility" "= {d:primary_attribute_damage} Damage
(Primary Role Bonus)"
"DOTA_HUD_PrimaryAttributeIntelligence" "= {d:primary_attribute_damage}
Damage (Primary Role Bonus)"
"DOTA_HUD_StrengthDetails" "= {d:strength_hp} HP, {s:strength_hp_regen}% HP
Regen and {s:strength_magic_resistance}% Magic Resistance"
"DOTA_HUD_AgilityDetails" "= {s:agility_armor} Armor,
{d:agility_attack_speed} Attack Speed and {s:agility_movement_speed}% Movement
"DOTA_HUD_IntelligenceDetails" "= {d:intelligence_mana} Mana,
{s:intelligence_mana_regen}% Mana Regen and {s:intelligence_spell_amp}% Spell Amp"

"DOTA_NewMusicPack" "New Music Pack"

"DOTA_TeamInvite_OpenQualifier" "Open Qualifier"

"DOTA_TeamInvite_OpenQualifier1" "Open Qualifier #1"
"DOTA_TeamInvite_OpenQualifier2" "Open Qualifier #2"
"DOTA_TeamInvite_OpenQualifier3" "Open Qualifier #3"
"DOTA_TeamInvite_OpenQualifier4" "Open Qualifier #4"
"DOTA_TeamInvite_OpenQualifier5" "Open Qualifier #5"
"DOTA_TeamInvite_OpenQualifier6" "Open Qualifier #6"
"DOTA_TeamInvite_OpenQualifier7" "Open Qualifier #7"
"DOTA_TeamInvite_OpenQualifier8" "Open Qualifier #8"
"DOTA_TeamInvite_ChapionsCup" "Battle Cup Champions"
"DOTA_TeamInvite_DirectInvite" "Direct Invite"

"DOTA_HeroStats_Castegory_Attributes" "Attributes"
"DOTA_HeroStats_Castegory_Attack" "Attack"
"DOTA_HeroStats_Castegory_Defense" "Defense"
"DOTA_HeroStats_Castegory_Mobility" "Mobility"
"DOTA_HeroStats_Castegory_HealthMana" "Health & Mana"

"DOTA_HeroStats_Strength_Name" "Strength"
"DOTA_HeroStats_Strength_Desc" "Each point of
Strength grants 18 Health, 0.55% Health Regen Amplification and 0.08% Magic
"DOTA_HeroStats_Strength_PrimaryAttribute" "Strength heroes gain
25% more bonuses from strength."
"DOTA_HeroStats_Agility_Name" "Agility"
"DOTA_HeroStats_Agility_Desc" "Each point of Agility
grants 1 Attack Speed, 0.16 Armor and 0.05% Movement Speed."
"DOTA_HeroStats_Agility_PrimaryAttribute" "Agility heroes gain 25% more
bonuses from agility"
"DOTA_HeroStats_Intelligence_Name" "Intelligence"
"DOTA_HeroStats_Intelligence_Desc" "Each point of
Intelligence grants 12 Mana, 1.8% Mana Regen Amplification and 0.07% Spell
"DOTA_HeroStats_Intelligence_PrimaryAttribute" "Intelligence heroes gain 25%
more bonuses from intelligence"

"DOTA_HeroStats_Damage_Name" "Damage"
"DOTA_HeroStats_Damage_Desc" "Amount of damage a hero does per
"DOTA_HeroStats_AttackRate_Name" "Attack Rate"
"DOTA_HeroStats_AttackRate_Desc" "Speed at which the hero attacks"
"DOTA_HeroStats_AttackRange_Name" "Attack Range"
"DOTA_HeroStats_AttackRange_Desc" "Distance from which the hero can
"DOTA_HeroStats_ProjectileSpeed_Name" "Projectile Speed"
"DOTA_HeroStats_ProjectileSpeed_Desc" "Travel speed of attack projectile
used by ranged heroes"

"DOTA_HeroStats_Armor_Name" "Armor"
"DOTA_HeroStats_Armor_Desc" "Armor determines how much
damage a hero deflects from <font color=\"#71a9ea\">Physical</font> attacks."
"DOTA_HeroStats_MagicResistance_Name" "Magic Resistance"
"DOTA_HeroStats_MagicResistance_Desc" "Magic Resistance determines how
much damage a hero deflects from <font color=\"#ffffff\">Magical</font> attacks."

"DOTA_HeroStats_MovementSpeed_Name" "Movement Speed"

"DOTA_HeroStats_MovementSpeed_Desc" "Speed at which a hero moves across
the map"
"DOTA_HeroStats_TurnRate_Name" "Turn Rate"
"DOTA_HeroStats_TurnRate_Desc" "Speed at which a hero turns
in place"
"DOTA_HeroStats_SightRange_Name" "Vision Range"
"DOTA_HeroStats_SightRange_Desc" "Distance a hero can see if not
blocked by an obstacle -- values normally differ during Daytime / Nighttime"

"DOTA_HeroStats_MaxHealth_Name" "Max Health"

"DOTA_HeroStats_HealthRegen_Name" "Health Regen"
"DOTA_HeroStats_Health_Desc" "Health determines how much damage
a hero can take before dying. Each point of strength increases a hero's max health
and health regen."
"DOTA_HeroStats_MaxMana_Name" "Max Mana"
"DOTA_HeroStats_ManaRegen_Name" "Mana Regen"
"DOTA_HeroStats_Mana_Desc" "Mana determines how many
abilities a hero can use. Each point of intelligence increases a hero's max mana
and mana regen."

"DOTA_Trivia_AnswerLetterNone" "--"
"DOTA_Trivia_AnswerLetter0" "A"
"DOTA_Trivia_AnswerLetter1" "B"
"DOTA_Trivia_AnswerLetter2" "C"
"DOTA_Trivia_AnswerLetter3" "D"

"DOTA_Trivia_Title" "Queue Time Trivia"

"DOTA_Trivia_Points" "Points:"
"DOTA_Trivia_Points_Tooltip_Title" "Trivia Points"
"DOTA_Trivia_Points_Tooltip_Text" "Compete with your Party to see who can
earn the most Trivia Points while you're in the queue.<br><br>Each correct answer
is worth 100 Trivia Points, and if less than 50% of players in the world answer
correctly, then you will also receive bonus points for the question's
difficulty.<br><br>Earn Battle Pass Achievements for winning enough Trivia Points
over the course of the event."
"DOTA_Trivia_ToggleChat" "Toggle Trivia Chat"
"DOTA_Trivia_ToggleAutoplaySounds" "Trivia Sounds Play Automatically"

"DOTA_Trivia_LoadingNextQuestion" "Loading the next question"

"DOTA_Trivia_ErrorDisplayingQuestion" "Error displaying question"
"DOTA_Trivia_NotInQueue" "Not in Matchmaking Queue"
"DOTA_Trivia_WaitingToConnect" "Waiting to connect"
"DOTA_Trivia_Connecting" "Connecting"
"DOTA_Trivia_Disabled" "Trivia is currently
"DOTA_Trivia_NoBattlePass" "Trivia is only available for
Battle Pass owners"

"DOTA_Trivia_AttemptUpcoming" "Next attempt in

"DOTA_Trivia_QuestionUpcoming" "Next question in

"DOTA_Trivia_TimeRemaining" "Time Remaining"

"DOTA_Trivia_AnswerCorrect" "Correct"
"DOTA_Trivia_AnswerIncorrect" "Incorrect"
"DOTA_Trivia_AnswerNotSubmitted" "No Answer Submitted"

"DOTA_Trivia_PartyResults" "Party Results"

"DOTA_Trivia_WorldResults" "World Results"

"DOTA_Trivia_BasePointsGained" "+
{d:correct_answer_base_trivia_points} Trivia Points"
"DOTA_Trivia_DifficultyBonus" "Difficulty Bonus: +

"DOTA_Trivia_Question_AbilityIcon" "Which hero has this

"DOTA_Trivia_Question_AbilityCooldown" "What is the cooldown of
"DOTA_Trivia_Question_AbilityManaCost" "What is the mana cost of
"DOTA_Trivia_Question_HeroAttributes" "What hero has the following
"DOTA_Trivia_Question_HeroStats" "What hero has the following
base stats?"
"DOTA_Trivia_Question_HeroMovementSpeed" "What is the base movement speed
for {g:dota_hero_name:hero_id}?"
"DOTA_Trivia_Question_TalentTree" "What hero has this talent
"DOTA_Trivia_Question_ItemPrice" "What is the cost of
"DOTA_Trivia_Question_AbilitySound" "What ability plays this
"DOTA_Trivia_Question_HeroAttackSound" "What hero has this attack
"DOTA_Trivia_Question_InvokerSpells" "What spell is Invoked by
this combination?"
"DOTA_Trivia_Question_AbilityName" "What is the name of this
"DOTA_Trivia_Question_ItemComponents" "What item is made from these
"DOTA_Trivia_Question_ItemLore" "What item has the
following lore?"

"DOTA_Tooltip_RoshanTimer_BaseTime" "Roshan may respawn in:"

"DOTA_Tooltip_RoshanTimer_VisibleTime" "Roshan will respawn in:"

"DOTA_Tooltip_RiverVial_Active" "{g:dota_item_name:itemdef}"
"DOTA_Tooltip_RiverVial_Locked" "{g:dota_item_name:itemdef} -
Level {d:grant_level}"


"DOTA_HUD_Double_Down_Dialog_Title" "Spend Double Down Token?"

"DOTA_HUD_Double_Down_Dialog_Text" "This will consume a wager and
double your rank gain or loss for this match. You currently have
{i:rank_wagers_remaining} wagers remaining. Proceed?"
"DOTA_HUD_Double_Down_Dialog_Text1" "This will consume a wager and
double your rank gain or loss for this match. You currently have
{i:rank_wagers_remaining} wager. Proceed?"

"DOTA_HUD_Double_Down_Dialog_Option0" "Yes - Announce It!"

"DOTA_HUD_Double_Down_Dialog_Option1" "Yes"

"DOTA_HUD_Double_Down_Dialog_Cancel" "No"

"DOTA_Home_BattlePass_DoubleDown_ResetTime" "Resets in:

{i:rank_reset_days}D {i:rank_reset_hours}H {i:rank_reset_minutes}M"

"DOTA_Home_BattlePass_DoubleDown_InfoIcon" "Double down on how much MMR

you're willing to put on the line!<br><br>At the start of a Ranked match, you'll
have the option to double your potential MMR loss or gain. <br><br>Higher
Battlepass Levels award more weekly Tokens."

"DOTA_Home_BattlePass_ProCircuitPredictions_InfoIcon" "Predict who will win

Pro Circuit matches in the lead up to The International 2018. Successful
predictions will reward you with more Battle Points"

"DOTA_HUD_Pregame_Towers_TowerHeader" "Team Tower Showdown"

"DOTA_BattlePass_Reward_UnlockLevelTooltip" "Unlocked at Battlepass

Level {i:unlock_level}"
"DOTA_BattlePass_Reward_UnlockLevelTooltip_Single" "Level {i:unlock_level}"

"DOTA_HUD_DireKilledCourier" "Dire courier killed"

"DOTA_HUD_RadiantKilledCourier" "Radiant courier killed"
"DOTA_HUD_DireKilledCourierNoItems" "Dire courier killed<br />no
"DOTA_HUD_RadiantKilledCourierNoItems" "Radiant courier killed<br
/>no items"

"DOTA_HUD_HeroSelection_AllPick_Draft" "Ban Phase"

"DOTA_Hero_Selection_RADIANT_Phase_Pick" "<font
color='#009900'>RADIANT</font> PICK"
"DOTA_Hero_Selection_DIRE_Phase_Pick" "<font
color='#CC0000'>DIRE</font> PICK "

"DOTA_Siltbreaker_UnopenedTreasure" "You have earned a

Siltbreaker Treasure"
"DOTA_Siltbreaker_EarnedRewards" "Available Artifacts"
"DOTA_Siltbreaker_OpenTreasure" "View Treasure"
"DOTA_Siltbreaker_ClickForZoneDetails" "Click a zone for more
"DOTA_Siltbreaker_DamageThousands" "{d:damage}k"
"DOTA_Siltbreaker_HealingThousands" "{d:healing}k"
"DOTA_Siltbreaker_PersonalBest" "Personal Best"
"DOTA_Siltbreaker_BonusReward" "= 2x Treasures"

"DOTA_Campaign_Artifacts_Title" "Artifacts"
"DOTA_Campaign_Artifacts_Desc1" "Find rare in-game drops as
you explore and defeat enemies. Artifacts drop to specific players."
"DOTA_Campaign_Artifacts_Desc2" "Equip Artifacts to take
advantage of special attributes & bonuses."
"DOTA_Campaign_Artifacts_Desc3" "Access Artifacts you find
every time you play the campaign."
"DOTA_Campaign_Artifacts_Desc4" "* Artifacts you find cannot
be lost or given away. They will always be available to you in your games"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Qualifier_NA" "NA Qualifiers Slot 1"

"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Qualifier_NA_2" "NA Qualifiers Slot 2"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Qualifier_NA_3" "NA Qualifiers Slot 3"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Qualifier_EU" "EU Qualifiers Slot 1"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Qualifier_SA" "SA Qualifiers Slot 1"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Qualifier_CIS" "CIS Qualifiers Slot 1"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Qualifier_SEA" "SEA Qualifiers Slot 1"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Qualifier_SEA_2" "SEA Qualifiers Slot 2"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Qualifier_China" "China Qualifiers Slot 1"
"DOTA_Compendium_Predictions_Qualifier_China_2" "China Qualifiers Slot 2"

"DOTA_ExitFullscreen" "Press ESC to Exit Fullscreen"

"DOTA_International2017_GroupStageBegins" "Group Stage Begins"

"DOTA_International2017_Teams_Header" "The Teams"

"DOTA_International2017_Teams_Title" "The Top 18 Teams in the
"DOTA_International2017_Format_Header" "Format & Schedule"
"DOTA_International2017_Format_Title" "View Schedule"
"DOTA_International2017_AllStar_Header" "All-Star Vote"
"DOTA_International2017_AllStar_Title" "Choose Your Favorite
"DOTA_International2017_Talent_Header" "Talent & Casters"
"DOTA_International2017_Talent_Title" "Day[9] to Host"
"DOTA_Unternational2017_ShortFilm_Header" "Short Film Contest"
"DOTA_Unternational2017_ShortFilm_Title" "Vote Now"
"DOTA_International2017_NewcomerStream_Header" "Newcomer Stream"
"DOTA_International2017_NewcomerStream_Title" "Watch and Learn"
"DOTA_International2017_Archives_Header" "The Archives"
"DOTA_International2017_Archives_Title" "Highlights From Past
"DOTA_International2017_BabyRosh_Header" "Level 2000 Reward"
"DOTA_International2017_BabyRosh_Title" "Baby Roshan statue"
"DOTA_International2017_NewPlayer_Header" "Play With Friends"
"DOTA_International2017_NewPlayer_Title" "Welcoming New Players"
"DOTA_International2017_TroveCarafe_Header" "Trove Carafe 2017"
"DOTA_International2017_TroveCarafe_Title" "Available Autographed"

"DOTA_NewPlayerHeroPick_Title" "WELCOME TO DOTA 2"

"DOTA_NewPlayerHeroPick_Body" "For your first
{d:new_player_total_games} games you can select from all heroes except for the few
that have the highest Complexity rating. In {d:games_remaining} more games all
heroes will be available for you to pick from."

"DOTA_NewPlayerHeroPick2_Title" "WELCOME TO DOTA 2"

"DOTA_NewPlayerHeroPick2_Body" "Now that you've played
{d:new_player_total_games} games, all heroes are unlocked for you to play!"

"DOTA_TI7_SplashAd_EventEndReminder_Title2" "Available until August 12th"

"DOTA_TI7_SplashAd_EventEndReminder" "The International is nearly upon us, and
the ability to purchase Battle Pass Levels and the Collector's Cache will end soon
after the Grand Finals conclude on August 12th, 2017. This will be the last
opportunity to acquire these exclusive items that will not be tradable or
purchasable on the marketplace."
"DOTA_TI7_SplashAd_EventEndReminder_Terrain" "Reef's Edge Terrain"

"DOTA_International2017_Champions_Header" "The International Champions"

"DOTA_International2017_Champions_Title" "Congratulations to Team Liquid"
"DOTA_International2017_Champions_Body" "Team Liquid performs the first-
ever Grand Finals sweep in The International's history."

"DOTA_EventPointsPurchaseFailed_Title" "Purchase Failed"

"DOTA_EventPointsPurchaseFailed_NotEnoughPoints" "Your account does not
have enough points to make this purchase."
"DOTA_EventPointsPurchaseFailed_NotAllowed" "You cannot spend
Shards without activating a paid Dota Plus membership."
"DOTA_EventPointsPurchaseFailed_GenericError" "Your purchase was not
successful at this time. Try again in a few minutes. (Error Code {d:error_code})"

"DOTA_CountdownOK" "OK ({d:seconds})"

"DOTA_PlayNow" "Play Now"

"DOTA_Play_Turbo" "Play Dota Turbo"
"DOTA_Play_Turbo_Title" "A game of Dota in half the time"
"DOTA_Play_Turbo_Text" "More gold & XP, streamlined couriers; weaker towers
and a quicker play time."
"DOTA_Play_AbilityDraft" "Ability Draft Updated"
"DOTA_Play_AbilityDraft_Title" "Build the ultimate hero"
"DOTA_Play_AbilityDraft_Text" "Reworked draft screen and fifteen heroes

"DOTA_Play_Frostivus" "Special Event"

"DOTA_Play_Frostivus_Title" "Play Frostivus Festival"
"DOTA_Play_Frostivus_Text" "The Frostivus truce is on, and now the real
fun begins. Can you survive a gauntlet of Festival games to rule this year's

"DOTA_Play_LastHitTrainer" "New Training Mode"

"DOTA_Play_LastHitTrainer_Title" "Play The Last Hit Trainer"
"DOTA_Play_LastHitTrainer_Text" "Practice last-hitting with your favorite
hero while you queue and never miss out on that gold again!"

"DOTA_Awolnation_Music_Pack_Header" "New Music Pack"

"DOTA_Awolnation_Music_Pack_Title" "Magic Sticks of Dynamite Music
"DOTA_Awolnation_Music_Pack_Text" "Composed by AWOLNATION"

"DOTA_SeasonRank_Tooltip_Title" "Seasonal Rank Medals"

"DOTA_SeasonRank_Tooltip_Text1" "The peak of your skill this season is
displayed by a rank medal."
"DOTA_SeasonRank_Tooltip_Text2" "Each medal has five stars of progress before
promotion to the next rank medal."
"DOTA_SeasonRank_Tooltip_Text3" "Players earn medals by playing in Ranked
games. Medals are a reflection of the highest rank you�ve earned.\nMedals are
visible to all players before and during each match.\nAt the conclusion of each
season medals are retired and displayed beside the new medal for the season."

"DOTA_SeasonRank_Tooltip_Text4" "The strongest players of each region

display their numerical leaderboard position below the rank medal."

"DOTA_Click_Learn_More" "Click Here to Learn More"

"DOTA_Dueling_Fates" "Dueling Fates"
"DOTA_707_Update" "The 7.07 Update"
"DOTA_708_Update" "7.08 Gameplay Update"
"DOTA_709_Update" "7.09 Gameplay Update"
"DOTA_710_Update" "7.10 Gameplay Update"
"DOTA_711_Update" "7.11 Gameplay Update"
"DOTA_712_Update" "7.12 Gameplay Update"
"DOTA_713_Update" "7.13 Gameplay Update"
"DOTA_713b_Update" "7.13b Gameplay Update"
"DOTA_714_Update" "7.14 Gameplay Update"
"DOTA_715_Update" "7.15 Gameplay Update"
"DOTA_716_Update" "7.16 Gameplay Update"
"DOTA_717_Update" "7.17 Gameplay Update"
"DOTA_718_Update" "7.18 Gameplay Update"

"DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_NetworkLatency" "If you have a network connection with

packet loss, setting this to 'LOW' will increase latency but improve overall

"DOTA_Popup_RankCalibration_Congrats" "Congratulations!"
"DOTA_Popup_RankCalibration_NowReached" "You have now reached:"

"DOTA_HeroChallenges_Title" "Challenges"
"DOTA_HeroChallenges_Preview" "PREVIEW"
"DOTA_GetNewChallenges" "Refresh Challenges"

"DOTA_HeroRelics_PurchaseFailed_Title" "Purchase
"DOTA_HeroRelics_PurchaseFailed_NotEnoughPoints" "You do not have
enough Shards to make this purchase."
"DOTA_HeroRelics_PurchaseFailed_FailedToSend" "Unable to connect
to the Game Coordinator to make this purchase. Please try again later."
"DOTA_HeroRelics_PurchaseFailed_InternalServerError" "Internal server error.
Please try again later."
"DOTA_HeroRelics_PurchaseFailed_PurchaseNotAllowed" "You cannot spend
Shards without activating a paid Dota Plus membership."
"DOTA_HeroRelics_PurchaseFailed_InvalidRelic" "Unable to
purchase this type of relic."
"DOTA_HeroRelics_PurchaseFailed_AlreadyOwned" "You already own a
relic of this type."
"DOTA_HeroRelics_PurchaseFailed_UnknownError" "Unknown error.
Please try again later."

"DOTA_HeroRelics_PurchaseSuccess_Title" "Relic Purchased"

"DOTA_HeroRelics_PurchaseSuccess_Message" "You recieved a
{g:dota_gem_name:gem_id} gem!"

"DOTA_HeroRelics_About_Title" "About
Hero Relics"
"DOTA_HeroRelics_About_Description" "Hero
Relics allow Dota Plus members to track extra stats for their heroes. Every hero
has a unique set of relics to collect, and once collected, relics start to track
stats immediately."
"DOTA_HeroRelics_About_HowToObtain_Title" "How to Get
"DOTA_HeroRelics_About_HowToObtain_Description" "Dota Plus
members can spend Shards to purchase hero relics. There are two types of relics
available for purchase:"
"DOTA_HeroRelics_About_HowToObtain_Normal" "Commo
n Relics"
"DOTA_HeroRelics_About_HowToObtain_Normal_Description" "You may
purchase a roll for a random Hero Relic for
{g:dota_shards_value:random_relic_price}. These rolls will usually grant you a
common Hero Relic, though rarely you may receive a Rare Hero Relic instead. You may
also purchase common relics directly for {g:dota_shards_value:normal_relic_price}."
"DOTA_HeroRelics_About_HowToObtain_Rare" "Rare
"DOTA_HeroRelics_About_HowToObtain_Rare_Description" "Rare Relics can
be purchased directly for {g:dota_shards_value:rare_relic_price}, or you may
sometimes receive them from random rolls."

"DOTA_HeroLevelReward_Tier" "New Hero Level Tier: {s:tier_name}"

"DOTA_HeroLevelReward_Currency" "{d:currency_amount} Shards"
"DOTA_HeroLevelReward_ChatWheel" "Unlock Hero Chat

"DOTA_ReadyCheck" "Ready Check"

"DOTA_ReadyCheck_Ready" "Ready"
"DOTA_ReadyCheck_NotReady" "Not Ready"
"DOTA_ReadyCheck_Requested" "{g:dota_persona:initiator_account_id}
requested a Ready Check."
"DOTA_ReadyCheck_Countdown" "{d:countdown_seconds} Seconds Remaining"
"DOTA_ReadyCheck_Responses" "{d:acknowledged_member_count} of
{d:total_member_count} Responded"

"DOTA_ReadyCheck_Error_Title" "Unable to Start Ready Check"

"DOTA_ReadyCheck_Error_AlreadyInProgress" "A Ready Check is already in
"DOTA_ReadyCheck_Error_NotInParty" "Can't start a Ready Check if not in a
"DOTA_ReadyCheck_Error_SendError" "Unable to send the Ready Check request
to the Game Coordinator. Please try again later."
"DOTA_ReadyCheck_Error_UnknownError" "An unknown error occurred when
trying to send the ready check."

"DOTA_ReadyCheck_Chat_Requested" "{s:party_members} requested a <span

class=\"ReadyCheckTitle\">Ready Check</span>."
"DOTA_ReadyCheck_Chat_Finished_Ready" "<span
class=\"ReadyCheckTitle\">Ready Check</span> complete. All players are <span
"DOTA_ReadyCheck_Chat_Finished_NotReady_Singular" "<span
class=\"ReadyCheckTitle\">Ready Check</span> complete. {s:party_members} is <span
class=\"ReadyCheckNotReady\">Not Ready</span>."
"DOTA_ReadyCheck_Chat_Finished_NotReady_Plural" "<span
class=\"ReadyCheckTitle\">Ready Check</span> complete. {s:party_members} are <span
class=\"ReadyCheckNotReady\">Not Ready</span>."
"DOTA_ReadyCheck_Chat_Ready" "{s:party_members} is <span
"DOTA_ReadyCheck_Chat_NotReady" "{s:party_members} is <span
class=\"ReadyCheckNotReady\">Not Ready</span>."

"DOTA_Party_CustomGame_Cooldown_Title" "Custom Game Restricted"

"DOTA_Party_CustomGame_Cooldown_Body" "One or more members of the
party are restricted from playing custom games at this time."


"DOTA_HUD_PlusHeroChallengeHelp" "Earn XP towards your hero by
choosing and completing a challenge and winning a ranked or unranked matchmade
game.<br><br>Challenges will expire after two weeks. Refresh to receive new
challenges after the timer expires."
"DOTA_HUD_PlusHeroChallengeInstructions" "LOCK IN TO CHOOSE A CHALLENGE"

"DOTA_TalentPickRate_Help_Tooltip" "Pick rates are shown as grey bars behind

the talent names on the left. The percentage on the right indicates how much higher
the win rate is using that talent."
"DOTA_LastUpdated_Help_Tooltip" "Talent stats, Average K/D/A, NW, and
LH/DN Data are calculated from the 48 hours of matches prior to the \"Last
Updated\" date and time."

"DOTA_KillGraph_DamageExplanation" "<span
class=\"PhysicalDamageLabel\">Physical damage</span> is caused by attacks and some
abilities. Reduced by Armor.<br><br><span class=\"MagicalDamageLabel\">Magical
damage</span> is caused by abilities and items. Reduced by Magic
Resistance.<br><br><span class=\"PureDamageLabel\">Pure damage</span> is caused by
a few abilities. Pure damage is not reduced."

"DOTA_KillGraph_Physical_Damage" "{i:value} Physical Damage"

"DOTA_KillGraph_Magical_Damage" "{i:value} Magical Damage"
"DOTA_KillGraph_Pure_Damage" "{i:value} Pure Damage"
"DOTA_KillGraph_Removal_Damage" "{i:value} HP Removal"

"DOTA_Plus_Death_Screen" "Death Summary"

"DOTA_Plus_Death_Screen_DamageByType" "DAMAGE BY TYPE"
"DOTA_Plus_Death_Screen_Physical" "PHYSICAL"
"DOTA_Plus_Death_Screen_Magical" "MAGICAL"
"DOTA_Plus_Death_Screen_Pure" "PURE"
"DOTA_Plus_Death_Screen_Total" "Total Damage"
"DOTA_Plus_Death_Screen_DamageByHero" "DAMAGE BY HERO"
"DOTA_Plus_Death_Screen_PhysicalDamage" "Physical Damage"
"DOTA_Plus_Death_Screen_MagicalDamage" "Magical Damage"
"DOTA_Plus_Death_Screen_PureDamage" "Pure Damage"

"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_Title" "BECOME A DOTA PLUS MEMBER"

"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_DetailText" "Enhance your Dota experience with Dota
Plus, a diverse array of tools to help you push the limits on your favorite heroes
while tracking your accomplishments, collecting a wealth of knowledge to improve
your skills, and keeping current with the constantly evolving metagame."
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_Title_Subscriber" "YOUR DOTA PLUS SUBSCRIPTION"
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_DetailText_Subscriber_Expiry" "Your subscription
will expire on: {T:s:plus_subscription_end_date}"
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_DetailText_Subscriber_Recurring" "Your subscription
for {d:plus_subscription_duration_months} month(s) will renew on
{T:s:plus_subscription_end_date} for {s:plus_subscription_renew_price}."
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_Cancel" "Cancel Subscription"


"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_MoreChoices" "MORE PURCHASE OPTIONS"
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_Gifting" "GIFTING"
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_Buy_OneMonth" "Buy 1 Month"
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_OneMonth_Detail" "<span
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_Buy_SixMonths" "Buy 6 Months"
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_SixMonths_Detail" "<span
class=\"price\">{s:six_month_price}</span> <span
class=\"discount\">{s:six_month_discount} discount</span>"
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_Buy_TwelveMonths" "Buy 12 Months"
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_TwelveMonths_Detail" "<span
class=\"price\">{s:twelve_month_price}</span> <span
class=\"discount\">{s:twelve_month_discount} discount</span>"
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_Buy_OneMonth_Recurring" "Monthly Subscription"
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_OneMonth_Detail_Recurring" "<span
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_Buy_SixMonths_Recurring" "6 Month Subscription"
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_SixMonths_Detail_Recurring" "<span
class=\"price\">{s:six_month_price_recurring}</span> <span
class=\"discount\">{s:six_month_discount_recurring} discount</span>"
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_Buy_TwelveMonths_Recurring" "Annual Subscription"
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_TwelveMonths_Detail_Recurring" "<span
class=\"price\">{s:twelve_month_price_recurring}</span> <span
class=\"discount\">{s:twelve_month_discount_recurring} discount</span>"
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_Gift_OneMonth" "Gift 1 Month"
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_Gift_SixMonths" "Gift 6 Months"
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_Gift_TwelveMonths" "Gift 12 Months"

"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_Self_Title" "Purchase a Membership"

"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_Gift_Title" "Gift a Membership"

"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_FirstTimeBonus_Line1" "Up to 20,000+ Shards earned

during Welcome Quests"
"DOTA_Plus_PurchaseDialog_FirstTimeBonus_Line2" "For first time subscribers
to purchase Plus Rewards"
"DOTA_PlusStore_MyShards" "My Shards"
"DOTA_PlusStore_ExclusiveSets_Title" "Exclusive"
"DOTA_PlusStore_ExclusiveSets_Subtitle" "New Hero Sets"
"DOTA_PlusStore_LegacySets_Title" "Legacy"
"DOTA_PlusStore_LegacySets_Subtitle" "Returning Hero Sets"
"DOTA_PlusStore_HeroRelics_Title" "Hero Relics"
"DOTA_PlusStore_HeroRelics_Subtitle" "State Your Stats"
"DOTA_PlusStore_Tools_Title" "Tools"
"DOTA_PlusStore_Tools_Subtitle" "Customize Your Gear"

"DOTA_PlusStore_HeroRelicsOwned" "Relics Owned"

"DOTA_PlusStore_HeroRelicsOwnedCount" "{d:owned_relic_count} /
{d:total_relic_count} Owned"
"DOTA_PlusStore_RandomRelic" "Random Relic"
"DOTA_PlusStore_BackToAllHeroes" "Back to All Heroes"
"DOTA_PlusStore_RelicOwned" "Owned"
"DOTA_PlusStore_CurrentRelics" "Current Hero Relics"

"DOTA_PurchaseRandomRelic_Description" "Spend
{g:dota_event_points_value:random_relic_purchase_shards} to purchase a random hero
relic for {g:dota_hero_name:hero_id}. If you already own the relic you receive, it
will automatically be recycled. Common relics recycle for
{g:dota_event_points_value:relic_recycle_shards}, and rare relics recycle for
"DOTA_PurchaseRandomRelic_NewRelic" "Received a New Relic"
"DOTA_PurchaseRandomRelic_DuplicateRelic" "Received a Duplicate Relic"
"DOTA_PurchaseRandomRelic_DuplicateRelic_Message" "RECYCLED FOR
"DOTA_PurchaseRandomRelic_PurchaseAnother" "Purchase Another"
"DOTA_PurchaseRandomRelic_Failed" "Failed"
"DOTA_PurchaseRandomRelic_TryAgain" "Try Again"

"DOTA_PlusRewards_TierName" "{s:tier_name} Tier"

"DOTA_PlusRewards_LevelName" "Level {d:level}"
"DOTA_PlusRewards_HeroChatWheel" "Hero Chat Wheel"
"DOTA_PlusRewards_HeroProgressionRewards" "Hero Progression Rewards"
"DOTA_PlusRewards_HeroBadge" "Hero Badge"

"DOTA_Plus_UpsellText" "Subscribe to Dota Plus"

"DOTA_Plus_Challenge_Expiration" "Challenges will expire after two weeks.
Refresh to receive new challenges after the time expires."
"DOTA_Plus_Challenge_Days" "Days"
"DOTA_Plus_Challenge_Hours" "Hours"
"DOTA_Plus_Challenge_Minutes" "Minutes"
"DOTA_Plus_Relic_Shop" "Relic Shop"
"DOTA_Plus_Relic_Random_QuestionMark" "?"
"DOTA_Plus_LearnMore" "Learn More"
"DOTA_Plus_NextRewards" "Next Rewards"
"DOTA_Plus_MaximumLevel" "Maximum Level"
"DOTA_Plus_LevelProgress" "Level Progress"
"DOTA_Plus_XPProgress" "{d:current_level_xp} /
{d:xp_to_next_level} XP"
"DOTA_Plus_XP" "XP"
"DOTA_Plus_Currency" "Shards"
"DOTA_Plus_HeroBadgeInfo" "Hero Leveling is disabled when
Dota Plus is not active. If you reactivate your Dota Plus subscription, then your
Hero Levels will resume from where they stopped."
"DOTA_Plus_RewardsLog" "Rewards Log"
"DOTA_Plus_Features" "Features"

"DOTA_PlusPostGame_HeroProgress" "Hero Progress"

"DOTA_PlusPostGame_LevelProgress" "Level Progress"
"DOTA_PlusPostGame_CurrentLevel" "Level {d:current_level}"
"DOTA_PlusPostGame_MatchFinished" "Match Finished"
"DOTA_PlusPostGame_Win" "Win"
"DOTA_PlusPostGame_ChallengeCompleted" "Challenge Completed"
"DOTA_PlusPostGame_Total" "Total"
"DOTA_PlusPostGame_XPValue" "{d:xp_value}xp"
"DOTA_PlusPostGame_LevelUp" "Level Up!"
"DOTA_PlusPostGame_RelicsProgress" "Relics Progress"
"DOTA_PlusPostGame_BattlePassProgress" "Battle Pass Progress"
"DOTA_PlusPostGame_ShardValue" "+{d:shard_value}"
"DOTA_PlusPostGame_VictoryPrediction" "Victory Predicted"

"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_Progress" "Battle Pass Progress"

"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_LevelProgress" "Level Progress"
"DOTA_BattlePass_BPProgress" "{d:current_level_bp} /
"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_CurrentLevel" "Level {d:current_level}"
"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_WagerWon" "Wager Won"
"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_TipsReceived" "Tips Received"
"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_CavernChallengeCompleted" "Cavern Challenge
"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_DailyChallengeCompleted" "Daily Challenge
"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_WeeklyChallengeCompleted" "Weekly Challenge
"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_Total" "Total"
"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_BPValue" "{d:bp_value}"
"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_LevelUp" "Level Up!"

"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_WagerProgress" "Wagers"
"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_TipProgress" "Tips"
"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_DailyChallengeProgress" "Daily Challenge"
"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_CavernCrawlProgress" "Cavern Crawl"
"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_WeeklyChallengeProgress" "Weekly Challenge"
"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_Complete" "Complete"
"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_WeeklyChallenge_Progress" "{d:weekly_p
rogress} / {d:weekly_complete_limit}"
"DOTA_BattlePassPostGame_WeeklyChallenge_Increment" "+{d:weekly_increment}"

"DOTA_PlusUpsell_Title" "Available to Dota

Plus Subscribers"
"DOTA_PlusUpsell_HeroLeveling_Title" "Hero Leveling"
"DOTA_PlusUpsell_HeroLeveling_Description" "Play Matches as your
favorite heroes to earn higher levels. Show off your hero badge, receive new chat
wheel lines, and earn Shards to spend on Plus Rewards."
"DOTA_PlusUpsell_HeroChallenges_Title" "Hero Challenges"
"DOTA_PlusUpsell_HeroChallenges_Description" "Each hero can complete up to
3 challenges every two weeks to earn XP. Earn 1-3 stars depending on how well you
did, and receive more XP for more stars."
"DOTA_PlusUpsell_HeroRelics_Title" "Hero Relics"
"DOTA_PlusUpsell_HeroRelics_Description" "Purchase Hero Relics with
Shards to track 14 different stats per hero. Show off your stats in-game with
overhead messages."
"DOTA_PlusUpsell_StatComparison_Title" "Compare Stats"
"DOTA_PlusUpsell_StatComparison_Description" "View your hero's average
GPM, XPM, Last Hits, and Denies, and compare those to others at different ranks.
How well do you stack up?"
"DOTA_PlusUpsell_TalentPicks_Title" "Talent Picks"
"DOTA_PlusUpsell_TalentPicks_Description" "See the most popular talent
picks and how successful they are. Compare your choices from those of players at
all different ranks."
"DOTA_PlusUpsell_HeroStats_Title" "Advanced Stats"
"DOTA_PlusUpsell_HeroStats_Description" "View your winrate with
this hero as an ally or as an enemy. Track your peak farm and highest damage and
"DOTA_PlusUpsell_GlobalTrends_Title" "Global Trends"
"DOTA_PlusUpsell_GlobalTrends_Description" "Keep up to date with
the latest meta. Track the currently most successful, most picked, and most banned

"DOTA_PlusUpsell_Subscribe" "Subscribe to Dota Plus"

"DOTA_PlusUpsell_LearnMore" "Learn More"
"DOTA_PlusUpsell_SubscribeNow" "Subscribe Now"

"DOTA_PlusDebut_Introducing" "Introducing"
"DOTA_PlusDebut_Subtitle" "Hero Leveling | Assistant\nAnalytics | Plus
"DOTA_PlusDebut_PriceDuration" "Per Month"


"DOTA_Plus_ChallengeComplete" "COMPLETE!"

"DOTA_Plus_RewardLog_Title" "DOTA PLUS REWARD LOG"

"DOTA_Plus_RewardLog_TotalShards" "{d:current_balance} SHARDS"
"DOTA_Plus_RewardLog_TitleBar_Date" "DATE"
"DOTA_Plus_RewardLog_TitleBar_Description" "DESCRIPTION"
"DOTA_Plus_RewardLog_TitleBar_Shards" "SHARDS"
"DOTA_Plus_RewardLog_TitleBar_Total" "TOTAL"

"DOTA_Plus_RewardLog_EventReward" "Reward"
"DOTA_Plus_RewardLog_HeroLevelUp" "{g:dota_hero_name:heroID} Hero Level
{d:level} Reward"
"DOTA_Plus_RewardLog_WeeklyBonus" "Weekly Bonus"
"DOTA_Plus_RewardLog_SubscriptionActivated" "Activated Dota Plus"
"DOTA_Plus_RewardLog_RedeemedPrize" "Claimed Item:
"DOTA_Plus_RewardLog_RelicClaimed" "Claimed Relic:
"DOTA_Plus_RewardLog_RandomRelicClaimed" "Randomed Relic:
"DOTA_Plus_RewardLog_RelicRecycled" "Recycled Relic:
"DOTA_Plus_RewardLog_CharmReward" "Victory Prediction Reward"

"DOTA_PlusWelcome_Title" "Welcome Quests"

"DOTA_PlusWelcome_Description" "Explore Dota Plus and earn
{g:dota_shards_value:total_reward} by completing these quests."
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_Part1" "Part 1"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_Part2" "Part 2"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_Part3" "Part 3"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_ClaimFailed" "Failed to claim this reward. Try again
later. (Error Code: {d:error_code})"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_Finished_Title" "Congratulations"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_Finished_Message" "You've completed all of the Dota Plus
Welcome Quests. We hope you enjoy Dota Plus!"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_Part2Locked" "Complete all of the quests in Part 1 to
unlock Part 2."
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_Part3Locked" "Complete all of the quests in Part 2 to
unlock Part 3."
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_QuestsAvailable_Singular" "{d:welcome_quests_available}
Welcome Quest Available"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_QuestsAvailable_Plural" "{d:welcome_quests_available}
Welcome Quests Available"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_QuestsUnclaimed_Singular" "Claim
{d:welcome_quests_unclaimed} Quest Reward"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_QuestsUnclaimed_Plural" "Claim {d:welcome_quests_unclaimed}
Quest Rewards"

"DOTA_PlusWelcome_SelectPlusGuide_Name" "Selec
t the Plus Assistant Guide"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_SelectPlusGuide_Description" "Open the
shop during a match and change your selected guide to the Plus Assistant."
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_PickSuggestedHero_Name" "Pick a Plus
Suggested Hero"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_PickSuggestedHero_Description" "When
selecting a hero, choose one recommended by the Plus Assistant."
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_ViewPostGameAnalytics_Name" "View Post-
Game Analytics"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_ViewPostGameAnalytics_Description" "After a match is
complete, view the Damage tab to analyze your damage output or the Performance tab
to compare your results against averages for your rank."
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_ViewHeroTrends_Name" "View
Hero-Specific Global Rank Trends"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_ViewHeroTrends_Description" "On any
hero's page, view the Trends tab to see how players of different ranks perform."
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_EquipSeasonalTerrain_Name" "Equip the
Seasonal Terrain"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_EquipSeasonalTerrain_Description" "Equip the
Seasonal Terrain in your Armory. Plus Members always have access to the current
Seasonal Terrain."
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_PurchaseRelic_Name" "Buy a
Relic from Plus Rewards"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_PurchaseRelic_Description" "Buy a
random or rare Hero Relic for any hero. Purchasing is accessible on the hero page
or on the Plus Rewards page."
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_UseSpectatorWinProbatility_Name" "Use
Spectator Win Probability Graph"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_UseSpectatorWinProbatility_Description" "While spectating
a match, view the Win Probability graph accessible via a button on the top right of
the screen."
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_UseDeathSummary_Name" "Use
the Death Summary"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_UseDeathSummary_Description" "After dying
in a match or while spectating a player that died, click the Death Summary button
to see a detailed analysis of how they died."
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_UseHeroChatWheel_Name" "Use the
Hero Chat Wheel"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_UseHeroChatWheel_Description" "In a match,
use the hotkey for the Hero Chat Wheel to view voice lines you can send from your
hero. These lines unlock as you increase in Hero Level."
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_BuyLegacySet_Name" "Buy a
Legacy Set from Plus Rewards"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_BuyLegacySet_Description" "Purch
ase any Legacy Set from the Plus Rewards section of the store."
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_FollowLaneSuggestor_Name" "Follo
w the Assistant's Lane Suggestion"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_FollowLaneSuggestor_Description" "After
picking your hero in a match, look at the suggested lanes from the Plus Assistant
and choose the recommended lane on the minimap."
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_PlayBattleCup_Name" "Play
in a Battle Cup"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_PlayBattleCup_Description" "Participate
in a weekend Battle Cup."
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_EarnWeeklyReward_Name" "Earn the
weekly victory reward"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_EarnWeeklyReward_Description" "Win 3 games
in a single week and claim the Shard reward from the Plus Card below your profile
on the home page."
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_BeatComparativeStat_Name" "Beat
One In-Game Comparative Stat at 10 Minutes"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_BeatComparativeStat_Description" "At 10
minutes into a match, be ahead of your rank's averages on KDA, LH/DN, or Net
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_CompleteAChallenge_Name" "Compl
ete One Challenge"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_CompleteAChallenge_Description" "Complete a
hero challenge for any hero. Challenges only count if you also win the match."
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_MakeRelicProgress_Name" "Make
Progress on a Relic"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_MakeRelicProgress_Description" "After
purchasing a relic, play the hero in a match and make progress on that relic's
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_ReachHeroLevel_Name" "Reach
Hero Level 3 on Any Hero"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_ReachHeroLevel_Description" "Play
matches and complete Challenges for a single hero to raise their level to Hero
Level 3."
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_BecomeDotaPlusMember_Name" "Become a
Dota Plus Member"
"DOTA_PlusWelcome_BecomeDotaPlusMember_Description" "Welcome to
Dota Plus! Click the button to claim your first reward."

"DOTA_PlusDBPage_Title" "Dota Plus"

"DOTA_PlusDBPage_RewardLog" "Reward Log"
"DOTA_PlusDBPage_SubscribedOn" "Subscribed on:
"DOTA_PlusDBPage_RenewsOn" "Renews on: {T:s:plus_subscription_end_date}"
"DOTA_PlusDBPage_ExpiresOn" "Expires on: {T:s:plus_subscription_end_date}"
"DOTA_PlusDBPage_Manage" "Manage Subscription"
"DOTA_PlusDBPage_Subscribe" "Subscribe"

"Confirm Relic Purchase"
"DOTA_Plus_RelicPurchaseConfirm" "Are
you sure you want to purchase the {s:relic_desc} Relic for {d:relic_price} Shards?"

"DOTA_PurchaseItemWithEventPoints_Title" "Purchase Items"

"DOTA_PurchaseItemWithEventPoints_Item" "Item"
"DOTA_PurchaseItemWithEventPoints_Balance" "Current Balance:
"DOTA_PurchaseItemWithEventPoints_Quantity" "Quantity"
"DOTA_PurchaseItemWithEventPoints_Price" "Price"
"DOTA_PurchaseItemWithEventPoints_Total" "Total:"
"DOTA_PurchaseItemWithEventPoints_Info" "Purchased items are not
tradeable or marketable."

"DOTA_TeamChallenge_Title" "Team Challenge"

"DOTA_TeamChallenge_Success" "SUCCESS"
"DOTA_TeamChallenge_Failure" "FAILED"
"DOTA_TeamChallenge_Reward" "+{d:reward_amount}BP"

// TI8
"TI8_ChallengeMode_ButtonLabel" "Activate Team Challenge"
"TI8_ChallengeMode_TokenLabel" "{d:team_challenge_tokens} Team Challenge
"TI8_ChallengeMode_Desc" "Spend a team challenge token to play a more
difficult ranked match than normal.<br>Your whole team will earn extra rank and
{d:team_challenge_reward_amount} battle points if you win!<br>You must queue as a
group of 5 to play Team Challenge and the player who selects find match will spend
the token.<br><br>You have {d:team_challenge_tokens} team challenge tokens."
"DOTA_TI8_ChallengeMode_Tooltip" "Ranked Match Team Challenge Token"
"DOTA_TI8_ChallengeMode_Tooltip_x10" "Ranked Match Team Challenge Token x10"

"DOTA_TI8BP_purchase_pool_contribution" "25% of all Battle Pass sales

go directly to The International 2018 prize pool."
"DOTA_TI8BP_purchase_pool_contribution_levels" "25% of all Battle Pass Level
sales go directly to The International 2018 prize pool."
"DOTA_TI8BP_Lvl1000_Register" "Register for Delivery"
"DOTA_TI8_BattlePass_EndDate_Purchase" "Last day to
purchase Battle Pass Levels is August 26, 2018"
"DOTA_TI8BP_Lvl1000_Register_Soon" "Registration Coming
"DOTA_TI8_Meepo_Announcer_Pack" "Meepo Announcer
"DOTA_TI8_Prestige_Item" "Prestige Item"
"DOTA_TI8_Eminent_Revival" "Promise of
Eminent Revival"

"DOTA_TI8_PredictionToken_Tooltip" "Pro Circuit Predictions Unlocked"

"DOTA_TI8_TipUpgrade_50" "Tipping Upgrade: 50 Battle Points Per Tip
"DOTA_TI8_TipUpgrade_100" "Tipping Upgrade: 100 Battle Points Per Tip
"DOTA_TI8_TipUpgrade_200" "Tipping Upgrade: 200 Battle Points Per Tip

"DOTA_LaneSelectionDescription" "Queue for a Ranked All Pick match as a

specific role. Your team will include one Safe Lane, one Mid Lane, one Off Lane,
and two Support players."
"DOTA_LaneSelectionLabel" "Lane Selection"
"DOTA_LaneSelectionSafelane" "Safe Lane"
"DOTA_LaneSelectionMidlane" "Mid Lane"
"DOTA_LaneSelectionOfflane" "Off Lane"
"DOTA_LaneSelectionOther" "Support"
"DOTA_LaneSelectionNone" "<Select Lane>"
"DOTA_LaneSelection_FasterQueue" "Faster Queue Time"

"DOTA_EventName_International2018" "The International 2018 Battle Pass"

"DOTA_EventNameShort_International2018" "The International 2018"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_International2018_Rewards_Expire_Date" "Augus
t 26th, 2018"
"DOTA_SeasonPass_International2018_BattlePass_EndDate" "Ends
August 26th, 2018"

"DOTACavernCrawl_Section_Support" "Suppo
"DOTACavernCrawl_Section_Utility" "Utili
"DOTACavernCrawl_ZoomRegion" "Click
An Area To Zoom In"
"DOTACavernCrawl_ViewFullMap" "View
Full Map"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_CavernCrawlSmallTreasure" "Cavern
Crawl Reward"
"DOTA_BattlePassLog_CavernCrawlLargeTreasure" "Cavern
Crawl Reward"
"DOTACavernCrawl_InventoryTitle" "Inven
"DOTACavernCrawl_LegendTitle" "Legen
"DOTACavernCrawl_LegendCaveIn_Title" "Cave-
"DOTACavernCrawl_LegendLockedDoor_Title" "Locked
"DOTACavernCrawl_LegendKey_Title" "Key"
"DOTACavernCrawl_LegendTreasure_Title" "Battl
e Points"
"DOTACavernCrawl_LegendFlare_Title" "Rocke
t Flare"
"DOTACavernCrawl_LegendStyle_Title" "Style
"DOTACavernCrawl_LegendUltraRare_Title" "Ultra
Rare Reward"
"DOTACavernCrawl_LegendWand_Title" "Nethe
rswap Wand"
"DOTACavernCrawl_LegendCaveIn_Desc" "Cave-
ins block travel and cannot be cleared."
"DOTACavernCrawl_LegendLockedDoor_Desc" "Locke
d Doors block travel but can be unlocked with Keys."
"DOTACavernCrawl_LegendKey_Desc" "Keys
are used to open Locked Doors."
"DOTACavernCrawl_LegendTreasure_Desc" "Unear
th 350- and rare 2,000-point rewards."
"DOTACavernCrawl_LegendFlare_Desc" "Rocke
t Flares are used to scout unexplored rooms."
"DOTACavernCrawl_LegendWand_Desc" "Nethe
rswap Wands swap a hero with a random one."
"DOTACavernCrawl_LegendStyle_Desc" "Unloc
ks a style on the final reward set."
"DOTACavernCrawl_LegendUltraRare_Desc" "Grant
s the ultra rare <font color='#88FCBD'>Jade Baby Roshan!</font>"
"Cavern Crawl"
"DOTACavernCrawl_Description" "Win
games with the revealed heroes to explore a randomly-generated cave system in
search of rare rewards. Loot rooms after winning to collect treasures and reveal
heroes in new hallways. Go far enough and you'll find up to three exclusive item
sets. Room treasures also include style unlocks for the sets, bonus Battle Points,
and utility items to help you on your journey."
"DOTACavernCrawl_ClaimInstructions" "Click
Rewards To Claim"

"DOTACavernCrawl_Tooltip_LockedDoor" "Locke
d Door - Use Key To Unlock"
"DOTACavernCrawl_Tooltip_CaveIn" "Cave-
In - Impassable"
"Win with {g:dota_hero_name:hero_id}"

"Cavern Crawl Completed"
"DOTACavernCrawl_ProgressDescriptionTitle" "Caver
n Crawl Progress"
"DOTACavernCrawl_Progress_ChallengeComplete" "Challenge
Completed: {s:update_description}"
"DOTACavernCrawl_Progress_ChallengeAvailable" "New
Challenge: {s:update_description}"
"DOTACavernCrawl_Progress_ClaimingReward" "Received
Reward: {s:update_description}"
"DOTACavernCrawl_Progress_ClaimingItem" "Recei
ved Cavern Item: {s:update_description}"
"Unnecessary Challenge: {s:update_description}"

"DOTACavernCrawl_RewardName_Key" "Key"
"DOTACavernCrawl_RewardName_RocketFlare" "Rocket
"DOTACavernCrawl_RewardName_NetherswapWand" "Netherswap
"DOTACavernCrawl_RewardName_SmallTreasure" "350 Battle
"DOTACavernCrawl_RewardName_LargeTreasure" "2000 Battle
"DOTACavernCrawl_RewardName_CarryStyleUnlock" "Desolate
Conquest Style Unlock"
"DOTACavernCrawl_RewardName_SupportStyleUnlock" "Vigil of the
Penitent Scholar Style Unlock"
"DOTACavernCrawl_RewardName_UtilityStyleUnlock" "Violent
Precipitate Style Unlock"
"DOTACavernCrawl_RewardName_CarryFinalTreasure" "Desolate Conquest
"DOTACavernCrawl_RewardName_SupportFinalTreasure" "Vigil of
the Penitent Scholar Set"
"DOTACavernCrawl_RewardName_UtilityFinalTreasure" "Violent
Precipitate Set"
"DOTACavernCrawl_RewardName_JadeBabyRoshan" "Jade
Baby Roshan"
"DOTACavernCrawl_ChallengeName_LockedDoor" "Locked Door"
"DOTACavernCrawl_ChallengeName_CaveIn" "Cave-In"

"DOTA_CavernCrawl_RewardsClaimedTitle" "Rewards Claimed"

"DOTACavernCrawl_InventoryInstructions" "Click on an item to
select it, then click on a room or hallway to use that item."

"DOTACavernCrawl_PregameTitle" "Cavern Crawl Active"

"DOTACavernCrawl_PregameDesc" "Win with heroes that have Cavern
icons to earn rewards."

"DOTACavernCrawl_FailedToLoad" "Failed to load Cavern Crawl

data. Try again later."

"DOTACavernCrawl_ShowMap" "Show"

"DOTACavernCrawl_Start" "Start"

"DOTACavernCrawl_IntroTitle" "Welcome To The Cavern Crawl"

"DOTACavernCrawl_IntroDesc" "A minigame for The International
2018 Battle Pass"
"DOTACavernCrawl_DescLine1" "Win games with heroes marked with
the Cavern Crawl icon to win rewards."
"DOTACavernCrawl_DescLine2" "Use this button to view the
current state of your Cavern Crawl."
"DOTACavernCrawl_DescLine3" "Use this button to filter out
heroes which are not active Cavern Crawl heroes."

"DOTA_HeroSelectorCategory_Cavern" "Cavern"

"DOTA_PrizeRewardMeter_FirstPrize" "$24.78M"
"DOTA_PrizeRewardMeter_SecondPrize" "$30M"
"DOTA_PrizeRewardMeter_Reward" "+10,000 Pts"
"DOTA_CompendiumRecap_PrizePoolReward_Desc" "10,000 Battle Points
will be awarded to all players if the prize pool exceeds last year's. Another
10,000 Battle Points will be awarded if the prize pool exceeds $30,000,000."

"DOTA_ChangeLog_TI8CavernChallenge" "Cavern Crawl For The International 2018

Battle Pass"
"DOTA_ChangeLog_TI8Tipping" "New Tipping System For The
International 2018"

// Spray Wheel

"dota_settings_spraywheel_show" "Spray Wheel"

"dota_settings_spraywheel_page" "Customize Spray Wheel"
"DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_SprayWheel" "Opens the Spray Wheel to spray images on
the ground."
"dota_spraywheel_event_reward_title" "Spray Wheel Images"
"dota_spraywheel_event_reward_title_short" "Spray Image"
"dota_spraywheel_unlock_popup_title" "You Unlocked New Spray Wheel
"dota_spraywheel_customize" "Customize Spray Wheel"
"DOTA_FavoriteTeamSpray_Tooltip" "Favorite Team Spray"

"DOTA_SeasonPass_SecondaryTabHeader_Underhollow" "Underhollow

"DOTA_SeasonPass_SecondaryTabHeader_Tipping" "Tipping"

"DOTA_Scoreboard_Tipping" "Tipping"
"DOTA_Scoreboard_Tip" "Tip"
"DOTA_Scoreboard_TipsAvailable" "{d:tips_available} Available"
"DOTA_Scoreboard_TipCooldown" "{s:tip_cooldown} Cooldown"

"DOTA_Tipping_About_Header" "About Tipping"

"DOTA_Tipping_About_Line1" "Access the in-game scoreboard to tip players
in your matches whenever they do something worthy of recognition."
"DOTA_Tipping_About_Line2" "Each tip is worth 25 Battle Points at the
start. You can upgrade your tips along the Battle Pass rewards path to give 50,
100, or 200 Battle Points."
"DOTA_Tipping_About_Line3" "Each Battle Pass owner can give ten tips per
week, with a maximum of three per match."
"DOTA_Tipping_About_Line4" "Tipping does not cost your own Battle Points,
so try to spend all ten each week."

"DOTA_Tipping_MyTips" "My Tips"

"DOTA_Tipping_Connections" "Connections"
"DOTA_Tipping_TipsReceived" "Tips Received"
"DOTA_Tipping_TotalTipsReceived" "Total Tips Received"
"DOTA_Tipping_TipsGivenThisWeek" "Tips Given this Week"
"DOTA_Tipping_RefreshTime" "Refresh in
"DOTA_Tipping_ReturnToStart" "Return to Start"

"dota_mutation_tooltip_title" "Active Mutations:"

"DOTA_ti8_campaign" "Multiplayer Adventure"

"DOTA_campaign_ti8_name" "The Underhollow"
"DOTA_ti8_campaign_bp_tab_subtitle" "Roshefort Rumble"

"DOTA_DB_SeasonPass_International_2018" "The International 2018 Battle Pass"

"DOTA_TI8_BattlePass_Level225Reward_Soon" "Prestige Item for Lion - Coming
"DOTA_TI8_BattlePass_Level75RewardLine_Soon" "Meepo Announcer Pack -
Coming Soon"
"DOTA_TI8_BattlePass_Level615RewardLine_Soon" "Promise of Eminent Revival -
Coming Soon"

"DOTA_TI8_BattlePass_PlusReward" "These rewards are available only to Dota

Plus subscribers."

"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_CavernChallenge_Title" "Cavern Crawl"

"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_CavernChallenge_Text" "Navigate the caverns beneath the
riverlands to unearth exclusive item sets and rewards."
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_Sprays_Title" "Reaction Sprays"
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_Sprays_Text" "It's not what you say, but how you say it.
Express yourself effectively with new reaction sprays."
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_Tipping_Title" "In-Game Tipping"
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_Tipping_Text" "Pull some free points from the ether of
battle and bestow them upon worthy friends and foes."
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_ChatWheelSounds_Title" "Seasonal Chat Wheel Sounds"
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_ChatWheelSounds_Text" "Speak your mind in battle with a
gaggle of new seasonal sounds."
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_TeamChallengeMode_Title" "Team Challenge Mode"
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_TeamChallengeMode_Text" "Party up and match against much
tougher foes for a chance to earn a dramatic MMR boost."
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_ProCircuitPredictions_Title" "Pro Circuit Predictions"
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_ProCircuitPredictions_Text" "Make your Pro Circuit picks
on the go with new web-based predictions."
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_CustomLaneCreeps_Title" "Custom Lane Creeps"
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_CustomLaneCreeps_Text" "Swap your standard lane creeps
out for the new Cavernite Radiant and Dire creeps."
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_RankedRoles_Title" "Ranked Roles Queue"
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_RankedRoles_Text" "Select your lane role before
matchmaking in this special queue so teammates know what you want to play."
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_Mutations_Title" "Mutations Mode"
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_Mutations_Text" "The laws of Dota reality are broken,
and random gameplay modifiers have beset this unranked mode."
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_Underhollow_Header" "New Game Mode"
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_Underhollow_Header_Available" "Now Available"
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_Underhollow_Title" "The Underhollow - Coming Soon"
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_Underhollow_Text" "Roshan is on the rampage, driven into
a frenzy and after the world's rarest cheese."
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_Terrain_Title" "The Emerald Abyss"
"DOTA_TI8_FrontPage_Terrain_Text" "Follow the river's path down into a new
battlefield. Available at level 160 in the Battle Pass."
"DOTA_TI8_ShardReward_Text" "5000 Shards"

"DOTA_PlusPickBanWinStats_Hero" "Hero"
"DOTA_PlusPickBanWinStats_Start" "Start"
"DOTA_PlusPickBanWinStats_Trend" "Trend"
"DOTA_PlusPickBanWinStats_End" "End"
"DOTA_PlusPickBanWinStats_Change" "Change"
"DOTA_PlusPickBanWinStats_PickPercent" "Pick Percent"
"DOTA_PlusPickBanWinStats_WinPercent" "Win Percent"
"DOTA_PlusPickBanWinStats_BanPercent" "Ban Percent"
"DOTA_PlusPickBanWinStats_Header" "Trends for the Last 8 Weeks"

"DOTA_BattlePass_AchievementsTooltip_Title" "Achievements"
"DOTA_BattlePass_AchievementsTooltip_Completed" "Achievements Completed"
"DOTA_BattlePass_AchievementsTooltip_BattlePointsEarned" "Battle
Points Earned"

"DOTA_BattlePass_DailyHero_Abbreviation" "DH"

"DOTA_BattlePass_DPCPredictionsTooltip_Title" "Dota Pro Circuit


"DOTA_BattlePass_ArcanaVoteTooltip_Title" "Arcana Vote"

"DOTA_BattlePass_CavernCrawlTooltip_Title" "Cavern Crawl"

"DOTA_BattlePass_CavernCrawlTooltip_RoomsCompleted" "Rooms Completed"
"DOTA_BattlePass_CavernCrawlTooltip_BattlePointsEarned" "Battle Points
"DOTA_BattlePass_CavernCrawlTooltip_SetsEarned" "Sets Earned"

"DOTA_BattlePass_TippingTooltip_Title" "Tipping"

"DOTA_BattlePass_UnderhollowTooltip_Title" "Underhollow"
"DOTA_BattlePass_UnderhollowTooltip_BattlePointsEarned" "Battle Points
Earned This Week"

"DOTA_LiveSpectating_Error_Generic" "Encountered
server error trying to watch friend live."
"DOTA_LiveSpectating_Error_NoPlus" "You must be a
Dota Plus member to use this feature."
"DOTA_LiveSpectating_Error_NotFriends" "You must be
friends to use this feature."
"DOTA_LiveSpectating_Error_LobbyNotFound" "Could not find game for
"DOTA_LiveSpectating_Error_SpectatorInLobby" "You must leave your
current game/lobby to watch live."
"DOTA_LiveSpectating_Error_WrongLobbyType" "You can only
watch friends live in active matchmaking games."
"DOTA_LiveSpectating_Error_PlayerNotPlayer" "Your friend must
be on either Radiant or Dire to watch their game live."
"DOTA_LiveSpectating_Error_TooManySpectators" "There are no more
friend spectator slots available in this match."
"DOTA_LiveSpectating_Error_FriendsOnBothSides" "You cannot live
spectate a game if you have friends on both teams."

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