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Extension Answer Key

Extension 1 Extension 2
Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 1. f 3. b 5. d 7. e 1 1. tolerate 5. trend
2. c 4. g 6. a 2. instead of 6. cut back on
3. network 7. paid us a visit
2 1. activities 5. humorous 4. major 8. prevents
2. advertise 6. pollution
3. blame 7. quarrel 2 1. brilliant 5. odd
4. collection 8. native speaker 2. contestants 6. pay attention to
3. decreased 7. over the top
3 1. foreign language, pronounce 4. huge 8. glamorous
2. join, talk … into, worthwhile
3. championship, countless, sensible 3 1. advertising 7. willing
4. equality, doubtful 2. compete 8. effective
5. fluent, get the message across, accent, slang 3. sponsors 9. increase
4. products 10. purchase
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct 5. advert 11. profits
answers. 6. spectators
Grammar 4 1. owes, borrow
2. income, budget, get by, cut back on, expenses
1 1. had rented, will have found
3. controversial, misleading
2. had gone, have … ridden
3. Has … gone shopping, will have bought 5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct
4. had taken / was taking, will have repaired answers.
2 1. has just called Grammar
2. had finished solving the problem when the
bell rang 1 1. The salesperson told the customers that the
3. had been cleaning the garage for two hours shoes would be / had been on sale all day.
4. got to the station after the train had left 2. The teacher reminded the students to read
5. has been playing tennis since she was four the instructions.
years old 3. Ryan wondered why they hadn’t given him
an answer yet.
3 1. hasn’t come, will have recovered 4. Terry admitted that she had already seen
2. had looked, had … lost that film.
3. had been checking, had decided 5. The nurse informed the family that they could
4. will have closed, has … helped wait there.
5. had been travelling, Have … had
2 1. Cathy complained that nobody liked her new
4 1. have … been 5. had bought dress.
2. have … come 6. had been doing 2. I wondered why I had fallen in love with Ben.
3. has received 7. has … excited 3. My father ordered me to apologise to my sister
4. have been sending immediately.
4. The chef instructed the students to take out the
ingredients for the cake.
5. The president informed the citizens that they
had gone to war.
6. The policeman warned the driver not to drive
through a red light.
7. My parents promised me that I would get
a special birthday present.

3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct


Extension Answer Key

4 1. had run 4. had … left 2 1. A bonus has been offered to the salespeople by
2. to do 5. had asked the manager.
3. would call The salespeople have been offered a bonus by
the manager.
5 1. Joe asked Jessica where she wanted to go 2. The new computer game is being shown to
on holiday. Greg’s friends.
2. Jessica suggested that they (should) go to Greg’s friends are being shown the new
Greece. / Jessica suggested going to Greece. computer game.
3. Joe asked (her) if / whether she wanted to visit 3. The plants must be given some water.
Athens or an island. Some water must be given to the plants.
4. Jessica said that she had heard a lot of good
things about Crete from Eric. 3 1. was established 7. change
5. Joe agreed and said that he would call the 2. visit 8. happens
travel agent. 3. are displayed 9. lose
6. Jessica said that she would get more 4. have included 10. have been shown
information from Eric about his trip. 5. is considered 11. will … go away
6. create
Extension 3 4 1. will have / get … put
2. have just had / got … cleaned
Vocabulary 3. had … bake
1 1. Take off 6. are making / are going 4. had / got … replaced
2. disturbing to make a comeback 5 1. knows
3. was called off 7. in the spotlight
2. was elected
4. appeal to 8. book a ticket
3. had / got … arranged
5. overnight
4. had managed
2 1. b 3. f 5. a 7. c 5. convinced
2. d 4. e 6. h 8. g 6. is going to call / is calling
7. is going to do / is doing
3 1. never seen 4. spacious 8. refuses
2. Everyone 5. next week 9. has collected / has been collecting
3. Don’t give up. 6. stole 10. heard
11. are found / can be found
4 1. awards 5. publicity 12. has asked
2. prestigious 6. on stage 13. don’t mind
3. performances 7. unknown 14. are paid
4. show off 8. lucky break 15. had often complained
16. moved
5 1. autograph 4. outrageous 17. had … built
2. made it 5. trendsetters 18. is kept
3. interval

6 1. Enthusiastic 6. being around Extension 4

2. front-row seats 7. rehearse
3. atmosphere 8. lighting Vocabulary
4. encourage 9. costumes
5. cheer 10. packed
1 1. chairs 5. broke down
2. choose 6. safe
Grammar 3. many countries 7. fined
4. tent
1 1. The room was being used until four o’clock.
2. The pieces can be joined when they are pressed 2. 1. court, activists, dumps, convicted, illegal
together. 2. solar power, global warming, fuel, source,
3. No, it was / has been drunk by the children. pollute
4. It was broken when the house was being

Extension Answer Key

3 1. intercity, overcrowded 3 1. hard-working

2. cut down, destroyed 2. make a living
3. approached, greenhouse effect 3. works well under pressure
4. charged with, trial 4. team player
5. inactive, avoids 5. odd jobs
6. ban, wildlife 6. got … training
7. misbehaved, unexpected 7. in charge of
8. shown the ropes
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct 9. shifts
answers. 10. well paid
Grammar 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct
1 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. b

2 1. will be, leave

5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct
2. would have chosen, hadn’t met
3. will start, finishes / has finished Grammar
4. don’t have, can’t / won’t concentrate
5. want, should meet 1 1. I envy people whose clothes are always the
6. did, would … like latest fashion.
2. Last year, the hotel where we stayed was
3 1. If I had the money, I would upgrade my laptop. destroyed in a fire. / The hotel where we stayed
2. If she hadn’t rushed, she wouldn’t have broken was destroyed in a fire last year.
her leg. 3. Sam, who is usually punctual, has started
3. I wish I could join you tonight. coming to work late.
4. This shop has the book that / which I want
4 1. I had apologised to Sally to read.
2. I get the results, I’ll call you 5. Do you remember the time when / that it
3. we save enough money, we won’t travel abroad snowed here?
4. I had had your number, I could / would have
called you 2 1. The football players, who have a big match next
5. you could join us week, train every afternoon. / The football
players, who train every afternoon, have a big
5 1. had chosen match next week.
2. will feel 2. The Empire State Building, which is a very tall
3. makes building, is in New York City. / The Empire
4. were State Building, which is in New York City,
5. would participate is a very tall building.
6. had bought 3. I discovered the virus, which came from Jerry’s
7. would / could have baked e-mail, on my computer. / I discovered the virus
8. will pick up which came from Jerry’s e-mail on my
9. finishes / has finished computer.
10. would buy 4. The racing car driver whose car crashed into
6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct a wall escaped without any injuries.
5. Susan left her laptop on the park bench, where
she had been sitting.
6. The shop assistant folded the clothes which /
Extension 5 that the customer had tried on.
7. Our neighbours, who have lived next to us for
Vocabulary 20 years, are selling their house. / Our
neighbours, who are selling their house, have
1 1. reliable 5. overtime lived next to us for 20 years.
2. rise 6. staff 8. I learned how to surf last summer when I was
3. confident 7. common sense in Hawaii.
4. organised 8. see the point

2 1. d 3. a 5. g 7. f
2. c 4. e 6. b 8. h

Extension Answer Key

3 1. The people with whom I work are friendly. 3 1. You don’t have to make reservations.
2. The building at which you are looking is 2. He must have forgotten about our meeting.
very old. 3. It might rain tonight.
3. The test for which we are studying hard will be 4. Brian can perform amazing magic tricks.
challenging. 5. Everyone must participate.
4. The boy at whom the teacher was shouting was 6. Could I use your phone?
very upset.
4 1. may not / might not come
4 1. when / that 7. where 2. should / must / have to
2. who / that 8. which 3. can’t / mustn’t be
3. where 9. who 4. may / might be
4. whose 10. which 5. shouldn’t / don’t have to / needn’t
5. who / that 11. that / which 6. might / may fall
6. who 7. might / may be
8. will have to leave
5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct 9. won’t be able to return
answers. 10. must be
11. should / ought to consider
Extension 6 5 1. shouldn’t exercise so soon after her accident
Vocabulary 2. must have met you before
3. may / might have been delayed
1 1. ran over 5. campaign 4. mustn’t text while driving
2. distracted 6. worldwide 5. could have eaten out but we decided to stay
3. boot 7. vulnerable in instead
4. poll 8. one-way

2 1. a 3. c 5. g 7. f
2. e 4. b 6. d

3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct


4 1. motorists 6. lane
2. rush hour 7. junction
3. exit 8. slowed down
4. motorway 9. head-on collision
5. traffic jam 10. stuck

5 1. fatal 5. zebra crossing

2. inexperienced 6. dead end
3. speed limit 7. seat belt
4. cautious
1 1. can’t / mustn’t
2. may not / might not
3. needn’t / don’t have to / shouldn’t / oughtn’t to
4. should / ought to
5. must / have to
6. must
7. can’t
8. couldn’t

2 1. must / may / might have heard

2. may / might rain
3. should / could have given
4. could have taken
5. needn’t / don’t have to explain

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