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Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

Dynamics of Electrical Drives

It is convenient to represent the motor load system by an equivalent rotational
system shown below;

Motor Load

J = Polar moment of inertia of motor-load system referred to the motor
shaft, kg.m2.
ω = Instantaneous angular velocity of motor shaft, rad/sec.
T = Instantaneous value of developed motor torque, N.m.
TL = Instantaneous value of load (resisting) torque, referred to motor
shaft N.m.
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

The motor-load system can be described by the following fundamental torque

d d ωm dJ
T −=
T ( J ω=
m ) J + ωm
dt dt dt

This equation is applicable to variable inertia drives such as mine winders,

reel drives, industrial robots.

For drives with constant inertia;

d ωm
T= T  + J
Last equation shows that torque developed by motor T is counter balanced by
the load torque TL and the dynamic torque j(dω/dt)

The torque component j(dω/dt) is called the dynamic torque because it is

present only during the transient operation.
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

Drive accelerates or decelerates depending on whether the motor

torque T is greaser or less than TL.

During acceleration, motor should supply not only the load torque but
an additional torque component j(dω/dt) in order to overcome the
drive inertia. In drives with large inertia.

In drives requiring fast transient response, motor torque should be

maintained at the highest value and motor-load system should be
designed with a lowest possible inertia.

Energy associated with dynamic torque is stored in the form of

kinetic energy.

During deceleration, dynamic torque j(dω/dt) has a negative sign.

Therefore, it assists the motor developed torque T and maintains
drive motion by extracting energy from stored kinetic energy.
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

Speed Torque Conventions and Multi-Quadrant Operation

As shown below, there are four possible different modes of operation
for an electrical drive system.

Forward Forward
Braking Motoring


Reverse Reverse
Motoring Braking

Power developed by the motor is given by the product of speed and

Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

In quadrant I, both motor speed and developed torque are positive.

Therefore, the developed power is positive. Hence, machine works as
a motor supplying mechanical energy. Operation in this quadrant is
called forward motoring.
In quadrant II, motor speed is positive but the developed torque is
negative. Therefore, the developed power is negative. Hence,
machine works under braking torque opposing the motion. Operation
in this quadrant is called forward braking.

In quadrant III, both motor speed and developed torque are negative.
Therefore, the developed power power is positive. Hence, machine
works as a motor in the reverse direction and supplying mechanical
energy. Operation in this quadrant is called reverse motoring.

In quadrant IV, motor speed is negative and developed torque is

positive. Therefore, the developed power is negative. Hence, machine
runs as a motor in the reverse direction with a developed torque
opposing its motion. Operation in this quadrant is called reverse
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

Example (1)
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

Equivalent Values of Drive Parameters

Different parts of a load may be coupled through different
mechanisms, such as gears, V-belts and crankshaft.
These parts may have different speeds and different types of motions
such as rotational and translational.

Loads with Rotational Motion

Let us consider a motor driving two loads, one coupled directly to its
shaft and other through a gear with n and n1 teeth as shown below;

ωm ωm
Load J1
Motor TLO n ωm1
n1 TL1
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

Let the moment of inertia of motor and load directly coupled to its shaft be Jo,
motor speed and torque of the directly coupled load be ωm and TLo
Let the moment of inertia, speed and torque of the load coupled through a
gear be J1, ωm1 and respectively.
ωm 1 n
Now, = = a1 (1)
ωm n1

where a1 is the gear tooth ratio.

If the losses in transmission are neglected, then the kinetic energy to

equivalent inertia must be the same as kinetic energy of various moving parts.

1 1 1
= J ωm2 J o ωm2 + J 1ωm2 1 (2)
2 2 2
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

From Eqns. (1) and (2)

J= J o + a12 J 1 (3)

Power at the loads and motor must be the same. If transmission efficiency of
the gears be η1 then

T 1ωm 1
T= T o ω m + (4)
Where TL is the total equivalent torque referred to motor shaft.

From Eqns. (1) and (4)

aT (5)
 T o + 1 1
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

If in addition to load directly coupled to the motor with inertia Jo there are m
other loads with moment of inertias J1, J2, … Jm and gear teeth ratios of a1,
a2. ... am then

J = J o + a12 J 1 + a22 J 2 + ... + am2 J m (6)

If m loads with torques are coupled through gears with teeth ratios a1, a2,. ....
am and transmission efficiencies η1, η2, … , ηm in addition to one directly
coupled, then

aT a2T  2 amT m (7)

T  = T o + 1 1
+ + ... +
η1 η2 ηm
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

Loads with Translational Motion

Let us consider a motor driving two loads, one coupled directly to its shaft
and other through a transmission system converting rotational motion to
linear motion as shown.
Let moment of inertia of the motor and load directly coupled to it be Jo load
torque directly coupled to motor be TLo and the mass, velocity and force of
load with translational motion be M1 (kg), v1 (m/sec) and F1 (Newtons)
ωm ωm
Motor Load Rotational to linear
TLO motion transmission

M1 v1
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

If the transmission losses are neglected, then kinetic energy due to equivalent
inertia J must be the same as kinetic energy of various moving parts. Thus

1 1 1 (8)
= J ωm
J o ωm + M 1v 12

2 2 2
 v1 
or J= J o + M 1   (9)
 m

Similarly, power at the motor and load should be the same, thus if efficiency
of transmission be η1

T= T o ω m + 1 1

F1  v 1 
 T o +   (11)
η1  ωm 
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

If, in addition to one load directly coupled to the motor shaft, there are m
other loads with translational motion with velocities v1, v2, …, vm and masses
M1, M2, …, Mm respectively, then

2 2 2
 v1   v2  vm 
J =
Jo + M 1   +M2  + ... +M m   (12)
 m ω
 m ω
 m


F1  v 1  F2  v 2  Fm  v m 
T =
T o +  +   + ... +   (13)
η1  ωm  η 2  ωm  η ω
m  m 
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

Example (2)
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

Components of Load Torque

Load torque can be divided into following three components:

(i) Friction torque:
Friction will be present at the motor shaft and also in various parts
of the load.

(ii) Windage torque:

When a motor runs, wind generates a torque opposing the motion.
This is known as windage torque.

(ii) Torque required to do the useful mechanical work:

Nature of this torque depends on particular application. It may be
constant and independent of speed; it may be some function of
speed; it may depend on the position or path followed by load; it
may be time invariant or time variant; it may vary cyclically and its
nature may also change with the loads mode of operation.
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

Friction Torque

The below figure shows the friction torque as a function of the motor

ωm ωm



Tf Tf
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

Friction torque may be resolved into the following three components;

T f = Tv + T c + T s

Tv is called viscous friction and is given by

Tv = B ωm

Tc is called Coulomb friction. It is constant and independent of

the motor speed.

Ts is called static friction. It is present only at standstill and

may be neglected in the dynamic analysis.
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

Windage Torque

The below figure shows the variation of windage torque as a function

of motor speed. It is proportional to speed squared. Therefore,
windage torque can be expressed as;

Tw = C ωm2 Where C is constant.


Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

From the previous discussion, for finite speeds, the load torque can be
expressed as;

T  = T L + B ωm + T c + C ω 2

In many applications (c
T + C ω m )
is very small compared to B ωm
and negligible compared to TL.

In order to simplify the analysis, term (T c + C ωm2 ) is approximately

accounted by updating the value of viscous friction coefficient B.

With this approximation, the load torque can be approximated by;

d ωm
= + T L + B ωm
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

Load Equalization
In some drive applications, load torque fluctuates widely within short
intervals of time. Examples are; electric hammer, steel rolling mills
and reciprocating pumps.
In such drives if motor is required to supply peak torque demanded
by load, first motor rating has to be high. Secondly, motor will draw a
pulsed current from the supply.
When amplitude of pulsed current forms an appreciable proportion of
supply line capacity, it gives rise to line voltage fluctuations, which
adversely affect other loads connected to the line. It may also
adversely affect the stability of source.

Abovementioned problems of fluctuating loads are overcome by

mounting a flywheel on the motor shaft in non-reversible drives.
A motor provided with a flywheel stores some energy during light
load period and use it later during peak load period to assist the
motor developed torque.
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

Motor speed torque curve characteristic for a fluctuating load is shown below.
During load increase from minimum to maximum value motor speed drops as

ωm Speed Motor torque

Load torque




Tr Tmax T
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

Assuming a linear motor speed-torque characteristic in the region of interest,

the motor speed can be expressed as;


Where; ωmo no-load speed.

ωmr rated speed.
Tr rated torque.

Differentiating Eqn (14) and multiplying both sides by J gives;


or (16)
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

where (17)

τm is defined as the mechanical time constant of the motor. It is the time

required for the motor speed to change by (ωmo - ωmr) when motor torque is
maintained constant at rated value Tr.
The drive system dynamic equation is expressed as;

Substituting from Eqn (16);

Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

Consider now a periodic load torque, a cycle of which consists of one high
load period followed by a low load period as shown below;
Load Torque




Motor Torque


th t
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

For high load period the solution of the differential Eqn. (18)
can be expressed as;


At the end of the high load period the motor torque is increased to its
maximum value Tmax, therefore;


For low load period the solution of the differential Eqn. (18)
can be expressed as;

Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

At the end of the low load period the motor torque is decreased to its
minimum value Tmin, therefore;


From Eqn. (20), the time τm constant can be expressed as;


From Eqns. (17) and (22)

Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

Also from Eqn. (21)


From Eqns. (17) and (24)

Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

Example (3)
Electric Drives (ECE-C401) Dynamics of Electrical Drives

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