STP and MArketing Mix

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Marketing Objectives:

Marketing objectives of e-Tiles is to promote the business as a well-known brand in the mind
of our customer’s other objectives are as below:

To gain the 100% customers loyalty by providing the high-quality product.

To create awareness, we will spend 60,000 on advertisement in year 1 and in next
year’s we will increase the budget of advertisement by 5%.
Aware the people of our target market and develop the customer’s interest for
using our product and create trust for our organization.


Our target markets are local authorities, schools, and commercial organizations responsible
for maintaining public spaces. Local authorities with large public parks or playgrounds that
needs repair or replacement is the ideal customer for our product, and we will segment the
market according to their size, budget, and willingness to adopt environmentally friendly

Geographic Segmentation:

As schools, public parks, and city councils are available in every part of UK so we can easily
market our product nationwide. However, our focus is on the densely populated areas, such
as urban areas, cities, and towns where schools and public institutions, and public parks are
more prominent.

Psychographic/Lifestyle Segmentation:

Psychographic/lifestyle segmentation for this product is based on the target audience's values and
interests. The product we offer is tailored to the needs of schools, public institutions, and councils
that place a high value on safety, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. A sustainable lifestyle and
environmental consciousness are likely to be among the target audience's interests. Additionally,
they may place a high value on the safety and well-being of children. Moreover, eco-friendly
products should be targeted to customers who are passionate about the environment and who
utilize sustainable and eco-friendly products.
Behavioral Segmentation:

The buying habits of the target market are the basis for the behavioral segmentation for
this product. The target market is likely to be making purchases on behalf of an organization because
the products are meant for use in public institutions. Cost, safety, and durability are just a few
examples of the variables that may affect a buyer's decision. The product may also attract those that
are seeking a much more sustainable and eco - friendly option.

Target Market:

Target Market for our e-tiles are public institutions, including schools, city councils and other
public organizations who are responsible for maintaining the public places.
We target different groups of people who are responsible for safety, maintenance, of public
places such as sidewalks, parks, and playgrounds.
We target customers who are proactive about safety measures and are willing to invest in a
safer and more sustainable environment.


” Sustainable safety for a better tomorrow.”

We position our e-Tiles in the mind of consumer as our product is,

Environment friendly made of 100% recycled plastic.

Cost effective.
Easy to install,
More durable as compared to a traditional floor made of concrete or asphalt.
Available in different colors, styles, and sizes.

Point of difference:
Our point of difference is that we provide Environment friendly tiles made of 100% recycled
Point of parity and point of difference.

Point of parity Point of difference

 Tiles  Environment friendly

 Durability  Cost effective.

 Sustainability

 Easy to Install

 Customization

 Zero Vandalism

Marketing Mix:

1. Product:

We are introducing plastic or rubber tiles made of 100% recycled plastic. We offer e-tiles in different
colors and designs according to the need and preferences of customers.

2. Price:

The price that we charge for our product or service is one of the most important business
decisions we make. When we set our price, we make sure that the price and sales levels will
allow our business to be profitable.

We are using a market penetration strategy for our e-tiles, because it is a good approach to
introduce our product in market and gain market share.

Our price for one plastic tile is 20£

Size of our tile is 1 Square Meter
Break Even Point:

3. Placement:
As schools, public parks, and city councils are available in every part of the UK we can easily
market our product nationwide. We sell our product directly to schools, local authorities, city
councils, commercial organizations responsible for public places.

4. Promotion:

Promotion plays a very important role in creating a perception of your company and your
services which you are delivering. We will promote the services of the company by using the
following marketing tactics to attract the potential customers:

The goal of our promotion strategy for e-Tiles is to increase awareness of different decisions
makers in different public institutions like in schools, city councils, and other pertinent
stakeholders. Our main objective is to draw attention to the distinctive features and
advantages of our e-Tiles, such as its durability as compared to a traditional floor made of
concrete or asphalt, Environment friendly made of 100% recycled plastic, Easy to Install,
Cost effective, dependability, affordability, and sustainability.

The following promotional strategies we use to achieve our promotional goal.

Digital Marketing: To reach decision-makers in public institutions, a digital

marketing campaign will be launched. To make sure the product is seen by potential
customers, this may include search engine optimization, email marketing, and social
media advertising.
Word of Mouth: Many people got to know about any offering and believe it only
because of the spread word of mouth. We aim to provide the best services to our
customers, more than they exacted which will return us with an excellent word of
mouth which will attract new customers that will be consisting of their friends,
relatives, and family members.
Trade show and Exhibition. The product will be displayed at relevant and important
trade shows and exhibitions to attract potential customers. These events provide
chances to interact with decision-makers and inform them of the product's advantages.
Public Relation. A PR campaign will be launched to increase the product's visibility
in the media. Press releases, media appearances, and other strategies to promote the
product in the media may fall under this category.
Interview direct consumers: we interview different parents and ask how they feel
about our product.

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