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📓 August 1st (Unit 6: Eating well, Preview)

What we did in class:

-Activities 1 & 2 (campus) + Preview (page 62)
-Photo story (page 63)

-Activity 3 (campus)

Vocabulary (words that came up in class):

breed (noun) = the different kinds of animals
apartment building (noun)
tidy (adj) = well ordered and cared for ≠ messy (adj) = marked by confusion, disorder, or dirt
hunters (noun) = a person who hunts animals
gatherers (noun) = a person who looks for food in nature
nomads (noun) = a person who doesn’t have a fixed home but moves from place to place
starch (noun) = a substance in foods such as rice, bread, and potatoes
mess hall (noun) = a room or building where people, especially soldiers, eat together
chubby (adj) = pleasantly fat
gain weight (collocation)

📓 August 3rd (Unit 6: Eating well, Lesson 1)

What we did in class:

-Vocabulary: Food passions (page 64)
-Grammar: Used to (pages 64 & 65) + Activities 8 & 9 (campus)
-Conversation Model (page 66)

-Activity 6 (campus)
-Activity 7 (campus)
-Song: Used to

Vocabulary (words that came up in class):

cauliflower (noun) =

lettuce (noun)=
heart of palm (noun) =

sweetener (noun) =
thick ≠ thin
cut back on something (phrasal verb) = to reduce, decrease or discontinue something
lose weight (collocation)
sweet and sour [chicken]


USE: habits in the past (that you don’t have anymore)

+ used to + base form

- didn’t + use to + base form
? did + subject + base form
+ I used to drink a lot of coffee, but recently I’ve cut back.
- She didn’t use to go running, but now she runs three times a week.
? Did you use to walk to school when you were younger?
Yes, I did. OR Yes, I used to.
No, I didn’t. OR No, I didn’t use to.
What time did you use to wake up when you were in school?

We use Simple Present + adverbs of frequency to talk about habits in the present.
He usually drinks three cups of coffee every morning.

Activity 9: Role-play (comments)

-I’m on diet. → I’m on a diet.

-You can’t stand on cheese. → I can’t stand anything with cheese.
-Are you a big pizza addict? → Are you a big pizza eater?
-The last year I’m crazy about it. → Last year I was crazy about it.
-In the day, I drink coffee with milk. → During/Throughout the day, I drink coffee with milk.

📓 August 8th (Unit 6: Eating well, Lessons 2 & 3)

What we did in class:

-Vocabulary: Excuses for not eating something (page 66) + Activity 13 (campus)
-Grammar: Negative Yes/No questions (page 67) + Activity 15 (campus)
-Reading: How can it be? (page 68)

-Activity 10 (campus)
-Activity 12 (campus)
-Activity 14 (campus)
-(Optional) Extra Grammar Practice for Unit 6 (campus)

Vocabulary (words that came up in class):

choose (verb) vs. choice (noun)
brother-in-law (noun)
parents = mother and father
fridge (noun)
get a rash (collocation)
cable car (noun) = 🚠
steak (noun) → /steɪk/ NOT /stɪk/
child (singular) - children (plural)
takeout food (noun) = food that you take away and eat somewhere else
despite = used to show that something happened or is true although something else might
have happened to prevent it → Her voice was shaking despite all her efforts to control it.
squeeze (verb) = to force somebody/something/yourself into or through a small space
clue (noun) = a fact or a piece of evidence that helps you discover the answer to a problem
turn one’s back on something (idiom) = to reject somebody/something that you have
previously been connected with
argue (verb) = to give reasons why you think that something is right/wrong, true/not true,
etc., especially to persuade people that you are right
portion (noun) = an amount of food that is large enough for one person


We use negative yes/no questions when we want:

● to confirm information we think is true
● someone to agree with us
● to express surprise

Check the Grammar box on page 67 for examples.

We can use the formula for questions to build questions:
-Yes/No questions
Do you like chocolate? Yes, I do. // No, I don’t.

-Information questions
What kind of chocolate do you like? Dark chocolate.

-Subject questions
WHO/WHAT/WHICH + VERB (3rd person singular) + …?
Who likes chocolate? She does.

Activity 15: Role-play (comments)

-I love it the strawberry. → I love strawberries. OR I love them.

-I will call to a Rappi for the ice-cream.
-Didn’t you like a red beef? → Didn’t you like red meat?
-/steak/ → /steɪk/ NOT /stɪk/
-If I have the possible to choose, I don’t choose meat. → If I have the possibility to choose, I
don’t choose meat.
-Didn’t you like pasta seafood? → Didn’t you like seafood pasta?
-How I say…? → How can I say…? OR How do I say…?
-I never try that. → I’ve never tried that.
-I’m a really sushi lover.
-I eat more early. I’ll pass. → I ate earlier. I’ll pass.
-I’m allergic about shellfish. → I’m allergic to shellfish.

📓 August 10th (Unit 6: Eating well, Lesson 4 - Unit 7: About personality, Preview)

What we did in class:

-Now You Can (page 69)
-Vocabulary: Food descriptions + Listening + Now You Can(pages 70 & 71)
-Preview (page 74)

-Activity 23 (campus)
-(Optional) Extra Practice for Unit 6 (campus)

Vocabulary (things that came up in class):

to be on a diet (collocation)
snack (verb) = to eat snacks between or instead of main meals
fast (verb) = to eat little or no food for a period of time, especially for religious or medical
more or less NOT more and less
desert (the Sahara) /ˈdezət/ vs. dessert (chocolate cake) /dɪˈzɜːt/
It looks tempting. // It doesn’t look tempting.
appealing (adj) = attractive or interesting

❕AUGUST 15TH: HOLIDAY! (no class)

📓 August 17th (Unit 7: About personality, Photo Story & Lesson 1)

What we did in class:

-Photo Story (page 75)
-Conversation Model (page 77) + Activity 3 (campus)
-Grammar: Participial adjectives (Activity 8, campus)
-Grammar: Gerunds and infinitives (pages 76-77) + Activities 10, 11 & 12 (campus)

-Activity 2 (campus)
-Activity 5 (campus)
-Activity 6 (campus)
-Activity 7 (campus)

Vocabulary (things that came up in class):

velvet (noun) =
He doesn’t have another shirt. (NOT He hasn’t another shirt.)
down in the dumps (idiom) = very unhappy, depressed
accomplish (verb) = to succeed in doing or completing something
[household] chore (noun) = a task that you do regularly
I feel like going to Brazil. (NOT I feel like going on Brazil.)


-ing → how the thing is

-ed → how the thing makes me feel

interest (verb) → interested (adj) or interesting (adj)

The book is interesting. I am interested in the book.

bore (verb) → bored (adj) or boring (adj)

Getting stuck in traffic is so boring. I get so bored when I’m stuck in traffic.


-Verbs that are always followed by an infinitive (to + base form)

would like → She would like to travel around the world.
want → I want to break free.
need → He needs to buy a new pair of shoes.
-Verbs that are always followed by gerund (-ing)
enjoy → I enjoy playing tennis.
avoid → Last year, he avoided eating sweets.
feel like → I don’t feel like dancing.

-Verbs that can be followed by a gerund or an infinitive (with no change in meaning)

like → She likes to play tennis. OR She likes playing tennis.
love → He has always loved to swim. OR He has always loved swimming.
prefer → They prefer to travel by train. OR They prefer travelling by train.

Check the Grammar Box on page 76 for the full list.

📓 August 22nd (Unit 7: About personality, Lessons 1 & 2)

What we did in class:

-Grammar: Gerunds and infinitives (pages 76-77) + Gerunds & infinitives game (campus) +
Activity 13 (campus)
-Grammar: Gerunds as objects of prepositions (page 78) + Activity 15 (campus)

-Activity 14 (campus)
-Activity 14 extra (campus)

Vocabulary (things that came up in class):

acquaintance (noun) = a person that you know but who is not a close friend → /əˈkweɪntəns/
socialize (verb) → /ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz/
advantage (noun) → /ədˈvæntɪdʒ/
household chores (noun) = a task that you do regularly around the house
flashy (adj) = (of things) attracting attention by being bright, expensive, large, etc.
cheer someone up (phrasal verb) = to make somebody feel better/happier
upset (adj) = unhappy because of something unpleasant that has happened
the same old grind (idiom) = the same routine → /ɡraɪnd/
seldom (adverb) = rarely

Activity 13: Role-play (comments):

-We have to wear some formal dressing clothes/dresses.
I have to wear a formal dress.
→ The dress code is formal.

-I was very happy to about this party.

I was very happy to hear about this party.

-It was be very amazing.

It was amazing.
It will be amazing.

-I want to buy a dress color blue.

a blue dress
-For a party birthday, is better.
For a birthday party, it [the blue dress] is better.

-For me, it’s very important to dress a red dress.

to wear a red dress

-You must to dress in black.

-How about yellow dress?

How about wearing a yellow dress?
How about a yellow dress?
How about the yellow dress?


Some adjectives and verbs have a dependant preposition. They always go together.

tired of
worried about

talk about
believe in

They can be followed by a gerund.

She’s tired of listening to John.

He objects to discussing his feelings.

Check the Grammar Box on page 78 for more information.

📓 August 24th (Unit 7: About personality, Lessons 2 & 3)

What we did in class:

-Negative gerunds (Grammar Booster, page 136) + Activities 16 & 18 (campus)
-Reading: Personality: from Nature or Nurture? (page 80) + Now You Can (page 81)

-Gerunds and infinitives in songs (campus)
-Activity 20 (campus)
Vocabulary (things that came up in class):
stick to (phrasal verb) = to continue doing something despite difficulties
goal (noun) = something that you hope to achieve → collocations: achieve/accomplish/reach
your goals

lollypop (noun) =

top (noun) =

tennis court (noun) =

sponge (noun) =
nurture (noun) = care and support given to somebody/something while they are growing
anecdote (noun) = a short, interesting or funny story about a real person or event
cope with (verb) = to deal successfully with something difficult
pattern (noun) = the regular way in which something happens or is done
on the one hand… on the other hand…
intervene (verb) - intervention (noun)
trait (noun) = a particular quality in your personality
inherit (verb) → /ɪnˈherɪt/
to have a short fuse (idiom) = to have a tendency to become angry very quickly
I agree (NOT I am agree)
I am an extrovert/introvert. OR I am extroverted/introverted. → extrovert/introvert (noun) vs.
extroverted/introverted (adj)

Activity 18: Role-play (comments):

-She enjoy playing sport.
She enjoys playing sports
→ play/do sports

-He afraid of dogs.

He’s afraid of dogs.

-He doesn’t like dogs. He was a bad experience.

He had a bad experience
-Do you know if she ever complain about staying at home?
Do you know if she ever complains about staying at home?

-I’m gonna show him some music like that.

I’m going to show him some music like that.

-We can listen together rock.

We can listen to rock together.

-Maybe I go driving.
Maybe I’ll drive there. → I might drive there.
Maybe I’ll go for a drive. (without a specific destination)

-We met there with your brother. (referring to a future meeting)

We’ll meet there with your brother.

-To introduce him me.

To introduce him to me.

-In that bar, there have good French fries and burgers.
In that bar, they have good…
In that bar, there are good…

📓 August 29th (Unit 7: About personality, Lesson 4 - Unit 8: The arts, Preview &
Photo Story)

What we did in class:

-Listening comprehension (pages 82-83) + Activity 21 (campus)
-Preview (page 86)
-Photo story (page 87)

-Activity 4 (campus)
Additional practice (optional):
-Extra Grammar Practice for Unit 7 (campus)
-Extra Practice (Vocabulary) for Unit 7 (campus)
Remember you can self-check using the key

Vocabulary (things that came up in class):

nephew (noun) = your brother or sister’s son
niece (noun) = your brother or sister’s daughter
I’m more independent than my sister. (NOT I’m most independent than my sister.)
get along with (phrasal verb) = to have a friendly relationship with somebody
sibling (noun) = a brother or sister
phase (noun) = a stage in a process of change or development
show off (phrasal verb) = to try to impress others by talking about your abilities,
possessions, etc.
brochure (noun) = a small magazine or book containing pictures and information about
something or advertising something
complexion (noun) = the natural colour and condition of the skin on a person’s face (FALSE
complexity (noun) = the state of being formed of many parts; the state of being difficult to

gear (noun) =
landscape (noun) =


The midterm exam includes Units 1 (Eating well), 2 (About personality) & 3 (The arts).
The exam has four parts:
○ Listening comprehension
○ Reading comprehension
○ Use of English (grammar and vocabulary)
○ Writing
Remember this is a progress check to see how you are doing.

📓 August 31st (Unit 8: The arts, Lesson 1)

What we did in class:

-Conversation Model (page 89) + Activity 5 (campus)
-Grammar: Passive voice (page 88) + Grammar Booster (page 137)

-Activity 6 (campus)
-Extra Activity 1 (campus)
-Extra Activity 2 (campus)
-Song: All You Need is Love (campus)

Vocabulary (things that came up in class):

travel for work (NOT travel for job)


DaVinci painted the Mona Lisa. → ACTIVE VOICE

S V D.O.
The Mona Lisa was painted by DaVinci. → PASSIVE VOICE

We built this city on rock and roll. → ACTIVE VOICE

S V D.O.

This city was built on rock and roll (by us). → PASSIVE VOICE

1) Identify the doer of the action.

2) Identify the receiver of the action.
3) Change the verb!
-Simple Present → is/are + P.P. = is built
-Present Continuous → is/are being + P.P. = are being built
-Simple Past → was/were + P.P. = was built
-Past Continuous → was/were being + P.P. = was being built
-Present Perfect → have/has been + P.P. = has been built
-Going to → is/are going to be + P.P. = is going to be built
-will → will be + P.P. = will be built

📓 September 5th (Unit 8: The arts, Lesson 2)

What we did in class:

-Conversation Model (page 90)
-Vocabulary: Objects, handicrafts and materials (page 90)
-Passive voice: questions (page 90) + Grammar Booster (page 138) + Activities 11 & 13

-Extra activity 3 (campus)
-Extra activity 4 (campus) - Bonus points if you find the mistake in one of the questions!
Additional practice (optional):
-Grammar Practice for Unit 8 (campus)

Vocabulary (things that came up in class):

customer (noun) = a person or an organization that buys goods or services from a shop or
pawnshop (noun) = a shop where a person lends money in exchange for articles left with
them. If the money is not paid back by a particular time, the pawnbroker (the person who
works in the pawnshop) can sell the article.
paperweight (noun) = a small heavy object that you put on top of loose papers to keep them
in place


Questions in the passive voice use the same formula as questions in the active voice.

Was this figure carved by hand?

If we need to include a preposition, it goes at the end of the question.
What are these figures made of?

Activity 13: Role-play (comments):

-What do you think about/of my collection of cups?

-They was made in Tailandia.

They were made in Thailand.

-Greece → /ɡriːs/

-It’s not made by paper.

It’s not made of paper

-When they are made?

When were they made?

-I think it have ten years.

I think it is ten years old.

-They looks very great.

They look great.

📓 September 7th (Unit 8: The arts, Lessons 3 & 4 - Unit 9: Living in cyberspace,

What we did in class:

-Reading: Talent or hard work? (pages 92-93)
-Vocabulary: Passive participial phrases (page 94)
-Listening (pages 94-95)
-Preview (page 98) + Activity 1 (campus)
-Activity 21 (campus)
-Activity 22 (campus)
Additional practice (optional):
-Extra Practice for Unit 8 (campus)

Vocabulary (things that came up in class):

hard work (noun) vs. work hard (verb)
oblige (verb) = to help somebody by doing what they ask or what you know they want
willing (adjective) = ready or pleased to help and not needing to be persuaded; done or
given in an enthusiastic way
lacking (adjective) = having none or not enough of something
scribble (verb) = to draw marks that do not mean anything
doodle (verb) = a line, shape, etc. that you have drawn when you are bored or thinking about
something else
contest (noun) = a competition in which people try to win something

-The final exams include Units 1 (Eating well), 2 (About personality), 3 (The arts), 4 (Living in
cyberspace) & 5 (Ethics and values).
-The written exam has four parts:
○ Listening comprehension
○ Reading comprehension
○ Use of English (grammar and vocabulary)
○ Writing
-In the oral exam, you will do two or three role-plays and/or group discussions like the ones
we do in class.

📓 September 12th (Unit 9: Living in cyberspace, Preview & Lesson 1)

What we did in class:

-Photo Story (page 99) + Activity 5 (campus)
-Conversation Model (page 100)
-Vocabulary (page 100) + Listen to activate vocabulary (page 100)
-Grammar: The infinitive of purpose (page 101)
-Grammar booster: other ways to express purpose (pages 138-139)
-Now You Can (page 101)

-Activity 4 (campus)
-Activity 6 (campus)
-Activity 7 (campus)
Vocabulary (things that came up in class):
fire (verb) = to force somebody to leave their job
hire (verb) = to give somebody a job
flirt (verb) = to behave towards somebody as if you find them sexually attractive, without
seriously wanting to have a relationship with them
is worth trying = couldn’t hurt = you won’t lose anything if you try doing this
leave of absence (noun) = when you take some time off your job
fortunately vs. unfortunately

📓 September 14th (Midterm)

📓 September 19th (Unit 9: Living in cyberspace, Lessons 2, 3 & 4)

What we did in class:

-Conversation Model (page 103) + Activity 9 (campus)
-Grammar: Comparisons with as … as (page 102) + Activity 12 (campus)
-Vocabulary: Internet activities (page 104)
-Listening (page 104)
-Now you can (page 105)
-Reading (page 106)

-Activity 11 (campus)
-Song: Everything at once (campus)
-Activity 14 (campus)
-Activity 16 (campus)
Additional practice (optional):
-Extra grammar practice for Unit 9
-Extra practice (Vocabulary) for Unit 9

Vocabulary (things that came up in class):

I agree… (NOT I am agree…)
I don’t agree…/I disagree… (NOT I am not agree…)
scam (noun) = a clever and dishonest plan for making money
withdraw (verb) = to take money out of a bank account

📓 September 21st (Unit 10: Ethics and values, Preview & Lesson 1)

What we did in class:

-Preview (page 110)
-Photo story (page 111)
-Conversation model (page 113)
-Grammar: The unreal conditional (page 112)

-Activity 1 (campus)
-Activity 2 (campus)
-Activity 4 (campus)
-Activity 5 (campus)
-Activity 12 (campus)

Vocabulary (things that came up in class):

bend the rules (idiom) = to change the rules to suit a particular person or situation
crockery (noun) = plates, cups, dishes, etc.
tip (noun) = a small amount of extra money that you give to somebody, for example
somebody who serves you in a restaurant
on purpose (NOT in purpose)
insurance (noun) = an arrangement with a company in which you pay them regular amounts
of money and they agree to pay the costs, for example, if you die or are ill, or if you lose or
damage something


[If-clause/conditional clause] , [result/main clause]
[main clause] [if-clause] → NO COMMA!

Type 0: factual
If + Simple Present , Simple Present
If you heat up water to 100°C, it boils.
If it rains, the street gets wet.

Type 1: future possibility

If + Simple Present , will + base form
If I don’t study, I won’t pass the exam.
If it rains on the weekend, we’ll stay home and watch a movie.

Type 2: imaginary/hypothetical → a hypothetical situation in the present
If + Simple Past , would/could + be
If we didn’t tell him, it would be wrong.
If I were rich, I would travel around the world.

📓 September 26th (Unit 10: Ethics and values, Lessons 1 & 2)

What we did in class:
-Grammar: The unreal conditional
-Grammar: Possessive pronouns/Whose

📓 September 28th (Unit 10: Ethics and values, Lessons 3 & 4)

What we did in class:

-Reading (page 118) + Activities 16 & 17 (campus)
-Now You Can (page 119)
-Before you listen (page 116) + Activity 18 (campus)
-Listening comprehension (page 116)

Additional practice (optional):
-Extra grammar practice for Unit 10 (campus)
-Extra practice for Unit 10 (campus)

Vocabulary (things that came up in class):

steal (verb) = to take something from a person, shop, etc. without permission and without
intending to return it or pay for it
seizure (noun) = a sudden attack of an illness, especially one that affects the brain
return [a wallet] (verb)
frightening / scary (adjective) = that it makes you feel scared or frightened
painful (adjective) = causing you pain

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