Prince Sports - NH NG Ngư I B N

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In the 21st century what trends in the environmental forces (social, economic,
technological, competitive, and regulatory) (a) work for and (b) work against success
for Prince Sports in the Tennis industry?

Prince Sports has benefited from social marketing and social media platforms like Facebook
and Twitter, which have helped them reach younger consumers. Additionally, the sport of
tennis being a lifetime activity and a social event has increased participation. Economic
factors such as improved manufacturing and infrastructure have aided their marketing
efforts, and they have capitalized on more opportunities to trade products internationally.
Technological innovation, particularly their O3 technology, has resolved issues with racquet
speed and sweet spot, thanks to extensive market research. Prince Sports has established a
competitive advantage through their brand name and ability to cater to customer needs. On
the downside, social media can sometimes spread incorrect or misleading information about
the company. Economic downturns can affect sales as people have less purchasing power
for expensive racquets. The need to incorporate the latest technology increases costs and
introduces complexities. Intensified competition has forced Prince Sports to lower their
prices, and navigating regulatory agencies can be a lengthy process for price adjustments or
international trade.

2. Because sales of Prince Sports in Tennis-related products depend heavily on

growth of the tennis industry, what marketing activities might it use in the U.S. to
promote tennis playing?

Given the increased participation in tennis, Prince Sports has the opportunity to organize
local-level tennis tournaments in various cities across the United States. Additionally, they
can leverage media platforms to launch advertising campaigns highlighting the mental and
physical health benefits of playing tennis. For instance, they can emphasize how tennis aids
in burning fat, improving cardiovascular fitness, and instilling the values of hard work through
lessons and practice. To further engage younger consumers, Prince Sports can conduct
seminars on the health advantages of playing tennis at educational institutions such as
schools, colleges, and universities. Since tennis is a sport that can be enjoyed throughout
one's lifetime and fosters social connections, Prince Sports can raise awareness about
tennis by sponsoring tennis teams or donating racquets to schools, effectively increasing
participation in the sport.

3. What promotional activities might Prince use to reach (a) recreational players and
(b) junior players?
a) Prince Sports offers recreational camps, identifying individual needs, suggesting racquet
types, and offering promotional discounts for on-site purchases.
b) Prince Sports offers coaching sessions for junior players, suggests racquets, and
sponsors tournaments for schools and players.

4. What might Prince do to help it gain distribution and sales in (a) mass
merchandisers like Target and Walmart and (b) specialty tennis shops?
a) To increase its distribution and sales in mass merchandisers, Prince Sports can use
circular ads in the flyers and papers of Wal-Mart and Target, as well as flyers on the
car windshields in their parking lots. Prince Sports can also create special racks for
displaying its racquets by their specialty features in these stores.

b) To increase its distribution and sales in specialty tennis shops, Prince Sports can
sponsor a tennis player or design custom displays for its racquets. Prince Sports can
also emphasize its wall space and its racquet quality. Prince Sports can also use
personal selling to market its product to the key decision-makers.
5. In reaching global markets outside the U.S. (a) what are some criteria that Prince
should use to select countries in which to market aggressively, (b) what three or four
countries meet these criteria best, and (c) what are some marketing actions Prince
might use to reach these markets?
a) The criteria Prince should use to select countries are whether the country has
professionals, whether the sport is popular, what the participation level in the sport is,
the country's economy status (will they be able to market and sell a mixed range),
demographics (number of employees and annual sales estimation), and distribution
network (whether Prince Sports will be able to transport its products within the
b) Switzerland, Germany, United Kingdom, France.
c) Endorsement of Price racquets by prominent athletes from the nation (even if not
only the racquets, they can start with sportsmen promoting the rest of the items, such
as footwear and other sports equipment). Country-specific social media usage, which
might include employing local athletes in advertisements, using any country-specific
social media, examining the most popular social media numbers, and then applying
them appropriately

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