Standard Course Syllabus: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Pattern Recognition

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Standard Course Syllabus

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) 874 Pattern Recognition

ABET Classification This course is available for Graduate Credit only. It cannot be used for UG credit.

Catalog Description Fundamentals of pattern recognition techniques and their application to electrical and computer engineering problems, cognitive neuroscience and bioinformatics. Level G Credits 3 Class Meeting Pattern (For example, "3 cl." means 3, 48-min classes per week.) 3 cl.

Course Prerequisites Prereq: 804 or 707 or CS&E 730. Not open to students with credit for 894T. Quarters of Offering Au Qtr. General Info, Cross-listings, Exclusions, etc. Cross-listed with: General Info: Exclusion: Courses that require this as a direct prerequisite: none Prereq by topic: Fundamentals of probability and linear algebra. Learning Outcomes (with ABET Criterion 3 Student Outcomes for Undergraduate Courses) 1. Students will learn the fundamentals of pattern recognition and its relevance to classical and modern problems. 2. Students will be able to identify where, when and how pattern recognition can be applied. 3. Students will learn the sufficient background necessary to read more advance texts as well as journal articles on the field. 4. Student will see how to use pattern recognition in real settings using various applications. 5. Students will also be introduced to more recent applications of pattern recognition, such as cognitive neuroscience and bioinformatics. 6. Students will work on a selected project.

Text(s) and Other Course Materials Pattern Classification, 2nd Ed. ISBN: 0-471-05669-3

Author(s) Duda, Hart & Stork

Publisher Wiley

References (supplemental reading) [1] Fukunaga, Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition, Academic Press [2] Ewens & Grant, Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics, Springer [3] Devroye, Gyorfi & Lugosi, A Probabilistic Theory of Pattern Recognition, Springer [4] Manning & Schutze, Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing, MIT Press Topics and (# of Lectures) Introduction to pattern recognition and its applications (1) Bayesian decision theory (3) Bayesian estimation: Gaussian distribution, ML estimation, EM algorithm (3) Feature selection and extraction (3)
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Standard Course Syllabus

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) 874 Pattern Recognition

Linear discriminant functions (3) Nonparametric pattern recognition (3) Algorithm-independent learning (3) Comparing classifiers (3) Clustering (3) Learning with multiple algorithms (2) Matching algorithms (2) Representative Lab Assignments

Grading Plan Homework 30% Project 70% Relationship to ABET Criterion 3 Student Outcomes (a-k)

Relationship to Additional ABET Student Outcomes

Course Supervisor: Martinez Date of Approval of Standard Syllabus by Area: February 1, 2005 Most Recent Course Evaluation: Most Recent Area Review:

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