Marketing Management Mid-Term Group 2

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Lecturer : Dedi Kurniawan

Group 2 :
1. Griselda Marchellois Harianto (015202200018)
2. Alyana Safitri (015202200009)
3. Muniba Sajid (015202200063)
4. Mufidul Murhim Nadhirsyah (004201900050)
5. Ravael Josua Toloh (004201900009)

1.1 Background of Samsung

Samsung company, located in South Korea, is the world's largest electronic

device company. Samsung generates revenue through three major business units,
which are mobile information and communication technology (IM), consumer
electronics (CE), and device solutions (DS). The IM unit generates the most revenue
for Samsung, while the DS unit generates the most profit. In 2016, Samsung was the
world's second largest information technology company based on the revenue,
chasing Apple Inc. Samsung is also regarded as one of the world's most valuable
brands. Samsung accounts for roughly one-fifth of South Korea's total exports.
Samsung has consistently satisfied customer needs through a wide range of products
and services. Samsung is a quick responder to market and consumer needs. This can
be seen from their product diversification. Samsung company has variety products so
that it can serve different customer segments.

1.2 Indonesian Consumers Related to Samsung Products

Samsung's basic principle, "Inspire the World, Create the Future," serves as
the company's vision for the future. This international basic principle inspires
Samsung to continue innovating and becoming a part of the Indonesian people's
lifestyle. Consumers always select products carefully in terms of quality and features.
However, technology developments in the manufacturing process in every company
ensure that almost all products offered to customers are of the same quality and type.
As a result, consumers will select and purchase products and services with new value
over other products or services.
Samsung has advanced technology and features that could meet the needs of its
customers. Here are some reasons why many consumers buy Samsung’s products :
1. Samsung smartphones
- Even after years of use, Samsung smartphone remains durable and
- Created several new devices that can be connected to Samsung
smartphones, such as Galaxy buds and Galaxy watch.
- The quality of the various Samsung smartphones is consistent.
- Has a single UI technology to make it more interesting.
- Has a consistent line, which makes it simple to classify Samsung
smartphone levels.
- Requires a variety of useful built-in applications.
- In order to keep up with its competitors, Samsung releases new products
every year.
2. Samsung smart TV
- Samsung has good branding so that the sales of its smart TVs can
compete in the markets.
- Samsung smart TVs are durable because they can run for a long time.
- With the proper intensity setting, the backlight on Samsung electronic
devices can last longer.
- Samsung's smart TV saves electricity because it only requires 20 watts of
- The picture quality on Samsung's smart TV is great, so that it's

3. Samsung refrigerator
- Having personalized voice control technology, enables it to act as a
virtual assistant for its users.
- Requiring wifi and touch screen features so that users can check the items
available in the refrigerator without having to open the refrigerator.
- Users can control the light, room temperature, and even the CCTV
camera monitor.
- Having a long-lasting compressor even after years of use
- Samsung refrigerator has a double cooling system, which makes the
cooling process faster and more efficient.

1.3 Improvements Recommendations for Samsung Products

Based on the analysis of various sources including social media comments, e-
commerce product reviews, Google Trends, and other relevant sources, here are some
recommendations for Samsung on how they can improve their smartphones, smart
TV, and refrigerator to best serve their consumers :
1. Samsung smartphones
a) Battery life: Many users complain about the battery life of Samsung
smartphones. Users expect the battery to last longer than the current
average. Samsung can work on developing a more efficient battery
that can last longer.
b) Camera: Camera quality is one of the most important factors for
users when choosing a smartphone. Samsung should continue to
focus on improving the camera’s features, such as zoom capabilities
and low-light performance.
c) Price: The price of Samsung smartphones are often consideres higher
compared to other brands. Samsung can offer more affordable
options or promotions that can attracts more consumers.

2. Samsung smart TV
a) User interface: Many users find Samsung smart TV interface to be
complicated and difficult to navigate. Samsung can work on making
the interface more user-friendly and intuitive.
b) Voice control: Voice control is becoming increasingly popular and
users expect their smart TVs to have this feature. Samsung can work
on improving its voice control system to make it more accurate and
c) App availability: Samsung smart TV lacks some popular
applications, such as Amazon Prime Video, which is a turn off for
many users. Samsung should work on increasing the number of
available applications on their platform.

3. Samsung refrigerator
a) Energy efficiency: Energi efficiency is a critical factor for consumers
when choosing a refrigerator. Samsung can work on developing
refrigerators with higher energy efficiency ratings.
b) Storage capacity: The storage capacity of Samsung refrigerators are
often smaller than other brands. Samsung can work on developing
larger capacity refrigerators to cater users with larger families.

By addressing these areas, Samsung can improve their products and better serve for their
Market segmentation Buyers in any market differ in their wants, resources, locations,
buying attitudes, and buying practices. Through market segmentation, companies divide
large, diverse markets into smaller segments that can be reached more efficiently and
effectively with products and services that match their unique needs.

Market targeting (targeting) Evaluating each market segment’s attractiveness and

selecting one or more segments to serve. Differentiation Actually differentiating the
market offering to create superior customer value. Positioning Arranging for a market
offering to occupy a clear, distinctive, and desirable place relative to competing products
in the minds of target consumers.

Differentiation Actually differentiating the market offering to create superior customer

value. Positioning Arranging for a market offering to occupy a clear, distinctive, and
desirable place relative to competing products in the minds of target consumers.

Positioning Arranging for a market offering to occupy a clear, distinctive, and desirable
place relative to competing products in the minds of target consumers.

• Geographic
Dividing a market into different geographical units, such as nations, states, regions,
counties, cities, or even neighborhoods.
President university students come from various regions, all regions are here.
Because President University is an international university, there are students from
several countries such as China, Vietnam, Pakistan, and East Timor. Based on the
survey we made, most President University students come from Cikarang.

• Demographic
Divides the market into segments based on variables such as age, life-cycle stage,
gender, income, occupation, education, religion, ethnicity, and generation.

Survey fillers are mostly women 84.6%, and men 15.4% On average they do not have
income, they are also still studying at university.
• Psychographics
Divides buyers into different segments based on lifestyle or personality
characteristics. People in the same demographic group can have very different
psychographic characteristics.

Based on the survey we made, the average answer is that they prefer to buy food
outside rather than cook it themselves because they don't have time to cook. Mostly,
they want to buy food in the canteen with a price range of around 15-20 thousand

• Behavioral
Dividing a market into segments based on consumer knowledge, attitudes, uses of a
product, or responses to a product.
Based on the survey above, we can conclude that most of the students tend to buy rice
at the campus canteen. I believe most of the students prefer to buy rice over others
because it’s more filling for them. They usually stay on campus for 2,5 – 5,5 hours,
therefore if they feel hungry they will go to the canteen and buy rice.

2.2 Targeting
Our survey respondents are all from Cikarang and are students at President
University. Students at President University will undoubtedly be our target market.
Most students are still focusing on their studies at university, and they have no other
source of income besides their parents. As a result, they prefer to save money and
purchase low-cost food. They would rather buy food than cook it themselves because
they do not have enough time to do so. When they go out to buy food, they usually
look for food priced between Rp15.000 and Rp30.000. Rice is more filling for
students than other food, especially if they have a full-day class on campus or a
morning class schedule and don't have time to eat breakfast. We reach this conclusion
based on geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral segments.

2.3 Different and Positioning

After evaluating each segment, we decided on the behavioral segment as our
primary target. The behavioral segment, in our opinion, is the most relatable. Most
students spend the majority of their days on campus. If they have a morning class
schedule and a lot of classes that day, they usually don't have time to eat breakfast. As
a result, they may become hungry during the class. Therefore , when they take a
break, they like to buy rice from the canteen. Furthermore, we all know that students
like to save money, so they tend to buy food that is within their budget. They typically
spend betweenRp 15,000 and 30.000 per day. Because of that, we'd like to open a
restaurant that sells a variety of rice. We want to offer rice that does not currently
exist in our campus canteen, such as sushi. Sushi, because it is made of rice and is
shaped round, is a simple food that will fill them up, especially when students are in a
hurry. We will offer a variety of rich and tasty sushi for a price range of Rp 15.000 -
30.000. We hope that this will increase the variety of food available in our campus
canteen, preventing students from becoming bored with the food they eat. Aside from
that, we will add this restaurant to an online application like go-food or shoppee food.
This will allow students to purchase food from this restaurant without leaving campus
if they do not have a class on campus. We hope that by doing so, students will be able
to enjoy our food without fear of running out of money because it tastes good and is
reasonably priced.

Philip Kotler_Gary amstrong- Principle of marketing

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