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Parlial derivatives, Char: rule, Different ation of Impl:cit functions, Exact

differentials.iMaxima, Minima and
DOints, Methei f Lagrange mullipliers. Differentiation umaerlntegral sign, Jacobians and
ErAS naiions (ol confiiis.

Ordinary Diffcreitial Equations (ODEs): Basic Concepts. Geometric Mcaring of y' f(x, y). Direction Fields,
Euler's Method. Separable ODES. Exact ODEs. Integrating Factors, Linear ODES. Bernoulli Equation. Pori 11on
OynamiS. Orthogonal Trajectories.HomogeneouS Linear ODEs with Constant Coefticients. Difi:rential
Oprrators. Modeling of Ffrec Oscillations of a Mass Spring Syste. Euler Cauchy Equations. Wronskian.
Ncnhcmogencous ODEs. Solution by Variation of Parameters. VA
Power Series Metnod for lution f ODEs: Legendre's Equation.
Legcndre Polynomials, Bessel's Equation,
Bessels's func:tions nlx and Yn(x). Gamma Funclion

Unit 11!
Lincar Algera: Matrices and Deterninants, Gauss Elirnination, Linear Independence. Rank of a Matrix. Vector
Space. Solutions of Lincar Systems and concept ot EXIstence, Uniqueness, Determinants. Cramer's Rule, Gauss-
Jordan Climination. The Matrix Eigcnvalue Problem.
Determ.iniisg Tigenvaus a:d igcnvectors, Symmetric, Skew-Symmetric. and Orthogonal Matrices. Eigenbases
iagonaiivalion. Qiacd aii uns.Cavl.y Hamilton Theorem (withoul proot

nii IV
Vr!orCalculus: Vector n i Scalar Functions and "heir Fields. Derivatives, Curves. Arc Length Curvature.
).si0, Cr dient of a ä t ti:ld. Dirertionat Deriva!ive, Divergence ol a Vector Field, Curl of a Vector Fielo,
Intgrals, Path Indprndencc of Linc Integrals, Double Integrals, Gicen's Theorem in the Plane, Surfaces
for Surfacc intcgrals, Sunfare Integrals, Triple Integrals, stokes I heoreri. Divergence Theorem of Gauss.

1x books:
van ed l.ngnn CIg i v , i t i i t ' i s bv {rwin reyszig. John wilc:y 10 d.. 2011.

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