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Tutorial 6: Interference (Newton's Rings and A.

1. In a Newton's ring experiment, the source emits two
wavelengths A1= 7000 A" and A2= 4500 A°. It is found that nth
dark ring due to Ai coincides with (n+1)" dark diameter
of the
nth dark ring for 1. If the radius of curvature of the
lens is 100 em. find the radius of nth dark
2. In Newton's ring arrangement with a film observed with
of wavelength 5 x 10 cm, the difference of
square of diameters
of successive rings are 0.135 cm. What will
happen to this
quantity if
i) Wavelength of light is changed to 4.5 x 103 cm.
ii) A liquid of=1.25 is introduced between the lens and the plate
ii) The radius of curvature of plano-convex lens is doubled.

3. Newton's rings are obtained with monochromatic light in

between a flat glass plate and convex lens are viewed
What will be the order of the dark ring which will have double
the diameter that of 50th dark ring

4. Newton's rings are formed by light reflected normally from a

convex lens of radius of curvature 90 cm anda
glass plate with a
liquid in between them. The diameter of nh dark ring is 3.25 mm
and that of (n+9th dark ring is 5 mm. Calculate refractive index
ofliquid. Given 6000 A° =

5. In costume jewellery, rhinestones

(made of glass with u= 1.2)
are often coated with silicon monoxide (u = 2) to make them
more reflective. How thick should be the coating be to achieve
strong reflections for 600 nm light incident normally.

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