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Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.

Specification for Quality Intervention for

Provision of Products

Document ID SP-2269

Document Type Specification

Security Restricted

Discipline Quality Management

Owner CFDH Quality

Issue Date Jan 2018

Version 1

This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman LLC. Neither the whole nor any part
of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior
written consent of the owner
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Document authorization

Authorized for issue – January 2018

Document authorization
Document authority Document custodian Document controller

Sam McFarland ( UEQ ) Tudor Constantin Joseph Mullappally

Head Quality Management Quality Lead Document controller
Date: 28 Jan 2018 Date : 28 Jan 2018 Date : 28 Jan 2018

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i Revision History
The following is a brief summary of the most recent revisions to this document. Details of all
revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.

Date Author Checked Scope / Remarks
PR-1984: 08/06/2011 UEQ/131 UEQ Originally issued for use as a Procedure
Version 1.0
PR-1984: 20/01/2013 UEQ/11 UEQ Minor correction / addition in sub-sections
Version 1.1 1.1, 1.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and Appendix C.
PR-1984: 21/12/2015 UEQ1 UEQ Revised entirely
Version 1.2
PR-1984 01/03/2018 UEQ1 UEQ Major changes:
Version 4 Section 1.2
The inclusion of pre-defined CR for
Pipeline materials (see Appendix F);
detailed the inspection requirements for
like to like replacements.
Appendix C.1 (PIM’s are not mandatory,
the Assessment Team will justify for CR2
items if specific QC stages attendance is
Appendix C.2 (avoid duplication of
inspection - PDO/EPC Contractor)
Appendix D (Lowering of inspection
requirements for some categories,
established what entity is going to approve
the ITP when applicable)
Appendix E (Lowering of inspection
requirements for some categories,
established what entity is going to approve
the ITP when applicable, elimination of
TPI for in-process inspection)
SP-2269 28 Jan 2016 UEQ13 UEQ1 Comprehensively revised to include
Version 1 Stockist procurement QA requirements,
ITRs, Approved TPI agencies list as per
Annexure G to J and changed document
from procedure to specification with a new
document number.

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ii Related Corporate Management Framework (CMF)

Doc. ID Document Title
PL-15 Quality Policy
CP-117 Project Engineering Code of Practice
CP-190 Quality Management System for Project Delivery Code of Practice
CP-131 Risk and Opportunity Management
SP-1171 Specification for Quality Management System Requirements for Product and
SP-2061 Technical Authority System
SP-2065 Document Management for Projects
SP-2270 Specification for Receiving Inspection of Materials and/or Equipment
PR-1866 Quality Audit Procedure
PR-1962 EMC/ODC Sourcing & Inventory Procedures
PR-2066 Managing Variations from Technical Standards

iii Related International Standards

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System – Requirements

ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management - Principles and Guidelines
ISO/TS 29001:2010 Petroleum petrochemical and natural gas industries – Sector specific
quality management systems --- Requirements for product and services
supply organizations

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i Revision History ...................................................................................................................... 4
ii Related Corporate Management Framework (CMF) Document ............................................ 5
iii Related International Standards ............................................................................................. 5
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 8
1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................. 8
1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................................ 8
1.3 Distribution / Target audience ........................................................................................... 9
1.4 Changes to the Specification ............................................................................................ 9
1.5 Effective period .................................................................................................................. 9
1.6 Review and Improvement ................................................................................................. 9
1.7 Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 9
1.8 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................... 10
2 Criticality Rating Process ...................................................................................................... 12
2.1 General ............................................................................................................................ 12
2.2 Roles and Responsibilities .............................................................................................. 12
2.3 Criticality Rating Criteria .................................................................................................. 13
2.3.1 Operations failure of the item ........................................................................ 13
2.3.2 Design maturity/reliability .............................................................................. 14
2.3.3 Manufacturing complexity .............................................................................. 14
2.3.4 Cost implications of failure ............................................................................ 15
2.3.5 Service characteristics (toxicity, temperature, pressure) .............................. 15
2.3.6 Location ......................................................................................................... 16
2.3.7 Personnel safety ............................................................................................ 16
2.3.8 Special considerations .................................................................................. 17
2.4 Quality Intervention Levels for Prospective Vendors ...................................................... 17
2.4.1 ITP Review .................................................................................................... 18
2.4.2 Pre-Inspection Meeting ................................................................................. 18
2.4.3 Review of design calculations / drawings ...................................................... 18
2.4.4 Review of manufacturing & testing procedures ............................................ 18
2.4.5 Resident/Visiting Inspector ............................................................................ 18
2.4.6 Quality Audit(s) .............................................................................................. 18
2.4.7 Staged Inspections / Surveillance/Final Inspection ....................................... 18
2.5 Guidelines on QA/QC Interventions (for off-shelf items or during manufacturing) ......... 19
3 Appendixes ........................................................................................................................... 20
Appendix A Criticality Rating Data Sheet ......................................................................... 20
Appendix B Example typical Criticality Rating Data Sheet ............................................... 21
Appendix C Quality Intervention Levels ............................................................................ 22
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Appendix D C&A Equipment/Material Inspection Requirements ..................................... 24

Appendix E Electrical Equipment/Materials Inspection Requirements ............................ 25
Appendix F Pipeline Materials Criticality Rating ............................................................... 26
Appendix G: Stockist Quality assurance Requirements .................................................... 27
Appendix H: Approved TPI agencies ....................................................................................... 28
Appendix -I: Procurement of CS pipeline items (Small quantity) ............................................. 29
Appendix J: Technical and Inspection requirements for MESC items ..................................... 30
Appendix K: User Feedback Form ........................................................................................... 31

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1 Introduction
Procurement right material / equipment /packages are one of the high risk activities of PDO
project delivery. One of the key mitigation for this risk is application of fit for purpose quality
interventions commensurate with its risk level.
The Criticality Rating (CR) process establishes the importance of an item (equipment,
material, package) with respect to design, procurement, fabrication, operation and the
consequences of its failure. The CR will be used to optimize inspection, quality and
engineering resources by increasing attention on critical items, and reducing review of non-
critical items.
From experience, PDO has pre-determined inspection / intervention requirements for many
items thereby use of CR process is limited to certain packages and other items.

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this specification is to describe the application of quality intervention for
provision of products either following a process to determine the Criticality Rating of the
items or following pre-determined inspection requirements.
Where applicable, Quality Intervention Level shall be assigned based on the Criticality

1.2 Scope
1.2.1 This specification applies to all procured items which are sourced for PDO’s
assets/projects (in alignment with approved PDO PGSC list).
Where a contract specifies requirement for a Criticality Rating procedure, Contractor shall
adopt this document.
1.2.2 For pipeline materials the Criticality Rating has been pre-defined (see Appendix F)
1.2.3 Criticality Rating is not applicable for the following:
a) Existing Frame Agreements where ITP/inspection requirements are part of the
agreement. (Note: For new Frame agreements this procedure shall apply).
b) Pressure vessels (for pressure vessels the criticality rating shall be performed in
accordance with DEP Equipment Criticality in Pressure Vessel
c) C&A Equipment/materials – the requirements related to ITP
submission/inspection activities are stated in Appendix D; only when respective
item is not listed in Appendix D, SP-2269 shall apply.
d) Electrical Equipment/materials – the requirements related to ITP
submission/inspection activities are stated in Appendix E; only when respective
item is not listed in Appendix E, SP-2269 shall apply.
e) For MESC items (Ball, gate, globe and check valves, fittings, flanges, pipes) PDO
intervention points (e.g. R - Review, W - Witness, H - Hold Point) and sampling
frequency shall be stated in the Technical/Inspection Requirements prepared by
Mechanical Static/Quality disciplines; only in the absence of the
Technical/Inspection Requirements, SP-2269 shall apply). Refer to Appendix J for
Technical/ inspection requirements for MESC products.
f) Like to like replacements (maintenance related items). The item can fall in 1.2.2 or
1.2.3 a) to e) or g) categories. Where Frame Agreements are not in place for
equipment e.g. pumps, the Project/Discipline Engineer will follow specification
g) Off-shelf items. The project team should review the Final Documentation/MTC’s
before purchasing to ensure the item is in accordance with specification’s

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requirements. The Final Documentation/MTC’s shall be reviewed during receiving

For all contracts the duplication of inspection shall be avoided. For EPC contracts it is
EPC Contractor’s responsibility to provide Third Party Inspection in accordance with
the requirements of this specification.
For b), c), d), e), f) and g) categories SP-2269 will be part of the Purchase
Requisition/ Purchase Order and the originator will indicate the applicable
appendix/section for inspection activities where applicable.

1.3 Distribution / Target audience

This document is issued for use by FEED Office/Project/Asset/Function Teams of PDO as
well as all designated FEED/EMC/IMC/ODC/EPCC/EPC/EP Contractors.

1.4 Changes to the Specification

This specification shall not be changed without approval from the Document Authority. Any
user of this specification, who encounters an inaccuracy or ambiguity, is requested to notify
the Document Custodian, using the User Feedback Form provided, see Appendix G.

1.5 Effective period

The requirements of this specification shall remain in force unless superseded by an
authorised revision.

1.6 Review and Improvement

This specification shall be reviewed every three (3) years. In case of change in Company
policies and/or long term directions, it may be necessary to update and re-issue it more
frequently to ensure PDO’s current position is reflected.

1.7 Definitions
Terminology Definition (for the purpose of this document)
Bulk Order A large quantity of items mostly loose materials (assorted types of
materials, rating/sizes) in various lengths and quantity (e.g. Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges, Valves)
Company Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.
Contractor The party which carries out all or part of the design, engineering,
procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a
project, operation or maintenance of a facility.
Criticality Rating A rating applied against consequence of failure; an indication of the
level of importance to be attached to items, commensurate with the
effect that failure may have on a sub-system/system, or in
compromising safety of personnel, the environment or Company
economics. Based upon this indication, the appropriate quality
intervention level will be established.
Item Equipment, material, package
Manufacturer The party, which fabricates and manufactures items and provide
services to perform duties specified by PDO and/or Contractor.
Principal In this context is the foreign service provider which the local agent
represents, the manufacturer of the product which the local agent
represents, or the foreign stockist of the product which the local agent
represents, and, normally, not a regional office or a distributor

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Process Owner PDO Project Manager/PDO Senior Project Engineer/PDO Project

Off-shelf item Item already in stock at PO placement and available for immediate
Quality A set of quality activities applicable to each criticality rating (CR1-
Intervention Level QIL1 and so on...). Refer to Appendix C.
Shall The word 'shall' used throughout this specification indicates a
mandatory requirement.
Should The word 'should' used throughout this specification indicates a
Source Inspection performed at Vendor’s works to verify compliance with
Inspection Purchase Order requirements.
Sub-Contractor The term Sub-Contractor refers to any organization employed by the
Contractor to perform part of the Contract.
Vendor Local agent/ stockist with which Company or its Contractors have
placed a Purchase Order The Vendor category and stockist category
as per latest AVME

Stockist Supplier who supply Items already in stock at PO placement and

available for immediate delivery

1.8 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description (for the purpose of this document)
CFDH Corporate Functional Discipline Head
CMF Corporate Management Framework
CP Code of Practice
CR Criticality Rating
CRA Corrosion Resistant Alloy
CS Carbon Steel
DE Discipline Engineer
DEP Design Engineering Practice
EMC Engineering Maintenance Contract
EP Engineering & Procurement
EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction
EPCC Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contract
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
GU Guidelines
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
ICV In Country Value
IMC Integrated Management Contract
IRN Inspection Release Note
ISO International Organisation for Standardization
ITP Inspection and Test Plan
LTCS Low Temperature Carbon Steel
MESC Material and Equipment Standards and Codes
NCR Non Conformance Report
ODC Off-plot Delivery Contract

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PDO Petroleum Development Oman LLC

PGSC Product Group Service Code
PL Policy
PO Purchase Order
PR Procedure
PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
QE Quality Engineer
QIL Quality Intervention Level
QMS Quality Management System
SP Specification
SS Stainless Steel
TA Technical Authority
TPI Third Party Inspector
VDB Vendor Data Book
VSD Variable Speed Drive

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2 Criticality Rating Process

2.1 General
The Criticality Rating of items is evaluated during two different phases:
 Initial CR assessment shall be performed during Define phase; only when not possible
during Define phase and for any new item identified later the CR assessment shall be
performed during Execute phase.
 Revision of previously assigned Criticality Rating may be performed prior to the award
of the Purchase Order based on Lessons Learnt, reduced confidence level of selected
Vendors (the reason for changing the CR shall be stated in Appendix A Criticality
Rating Data Sheet, Remarks column).
Criticality Rating of items shall be defined during CR discipline workshops facilitated by
PDO and/or Contractor Discipline Engineer from the originating discipline. The
Assessment Team shall consist of the following:
 Discipline Engineers (from the originating discipline)
 Project Engineer
 Quality Engineer
 Discipline Engineers from other disciplines (if required)
 Technical Safety Engineer (if required)
 Welding Engineer (if required)
 NDT Engineer (if required),
 Maintenance and Integrity Engineer (if required), etc
1. PDO (Project team, FEED Office)/EMC/EPCC/IMC/ODC Discipline Engineers shall
be TA2/TA3 in their discipline.
The Criticality Rating Data Sheet (see Appendix A) details the criteria to be considered by
the Assessment Team when determining Criticality Rating.
Each criticality element is subdivided into four levels of severity, with appropriate rating
allocation ranges from 1 to 4. All elements will be completed by the Assessment Team as
identified in section 2.2 below.

2.2 Roles and Responsibilities

Roles Responsibilities (for the purpose of this document)
Assessment The Assessment Team is responsible to establish the Criticality Rating
Team for items.
Assistance from other disciplines will be sought when the respective
(Lead) Discipline Engineer does not have all relevant information
needed to make an accurate assessment against each criterion.
The (Lead) Discipline Engineer will endorse the Criticality Rating and
sign off the Criticality Rating Data Sheet (Appendix A).
The Quality Engineer will align the required inspection level to the
Criticality Rating and issue the Criticality Assessment Report including
Items Criticality Rating Register, all the Criticality Rating Sheets and
Quality Intervention Levels Sheets per discipline.
The Assessment Team members may be from PDO and/or designated
Process Owner Shall approve the Criticality Rating Data Sheet only in case of change
of CR

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2.3 Criticality Rating Criteria

The Criticality Rating shall be based on the following parameters:

 Operations failure of the item

 Design maturity/reliability
 Manufacturing complexity
 Cost implications of failure
 Service characteristics (toxicity, temperature, pressure)
 Location
 Personnel safety
 Special considerations (Schedule Delivery / Purchase Order Quantity)

Note: The Criticality Rating will be developed with facility efficiency, reliability and safety
aspects in mind at all stages of work.
The Criticality Rating for items will be derived by determining and assessing the critical
activities (see Appendix A) against the total score as follows:

Total Score
Appendix A Description Nomenclature
of this
The Quality and Performance reliability of
25 - 32 manufacturing is vital and must not be 1
The Quality and Performance reliability of
17 - 24 2 Very critical
manufacturing is of significant importance.
The Quality and performance reliability of
11 - 16 3 Critical
manufacturing is of moderate importance.
The Vendor’s Quality Assurance of the items is
Below 11 4 Non-critical

1. The CR will be included in the Purchase Requisition, Purchase Order, ITP and MTO (as

2.3.1 Operations failure of the item

Operations failure of the item factor represents the impact of failure under operating
conditions. The score classes are sub-divided as follows:

Score Operations failure of the item

1 Allow use of installed bypass or change without difficulty

2 Cause problems but not loss of production

3 Allow bypass or change out but with some loss of production

4 Jeopardise facility operation and have serious consequences i.e. facility shutdown

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2.3.2 Design maturity/reliability

Design maturity represents the likelihood of quality issues that may potentially arise from
the uniqueness of design. Novel or prototype item may have a higher likelihood of quality
issues due to inexperience of fabricators with the new design.
Factors that escalate the criticality due to Design Maturity are:

Score Design maturity/reliability

1 Proven design, used frequently

2 Modification to proven design

3 Extrapolation to proven design

4 New innovative design

2.3.3 Manufacturing complexity

Manufacturing complexity represents the likelihood of quality issues that may potentially
arise from the application of multiple fabrication steps or the use of particularly complex
Typical factors considered for various discipline items are given below:

Score Mechanical Civil Instrument Electrical

Simple manufacturing processes, common construction materials

1 Simple and known processes,

Simple and
e.g. Conventional fabrication Simple and Simple and
techniques for CS up to 25mm known processes known processes
wall thickness
More complicated manufacturing processes, common construction materials
More complicated
manufacturing processes, e.g.
2 More More More
Conventional fabrication
complicated complicated complicated
techniques CS > 25mm wall
manufacturing manufacturing manufacturing
thickness, SS (<10mm wall
processes processes processes
GRE for water application
At least one complex manufacturing process or special construction material
Manufacturing processes
involving wall thickness up to Complex
50mm with PWHT or special/ Manufacturing Very
3 Very complicated
mechanized NDT, e.g. LTCS, processes complicated
SS (>10mm wall thickness), special manufacturing
DSS,CRA construction process
GRE for hydrocarbon material
application )
A large number of complex or new manufacturing processes or special construction
Complex processes (e.g. weld
overlay, CRA cladding, PWHT,
Complex or new
4 special NDT, special
internals/coating), materials Cutting edge Cutting edge
for critical service (LTCS/ HIC/ technology technology
SSC) with wall thickness >
50mm/high Ni steel

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2.3.4 Cost implications of failure

Item cost represents impact on the project that may potentially arise from the replacement
of individual item.
The score classes are subdivided as follows:

Score Cost implication of failure Item Cost (USD)

1 Negligible < 100K

2 Small total cost, both as direct result and as a consequence 100K – 500K

3 Moderate total cost, both as direct result and as a 500K - 1M

4 High and excessive total cost, both as direct result and as a > 1M

Service characteristics (toxicity, temperature, pressure)
Service characteristic factors of process item that may escalate the criticality due to health
and safety consequences are pressure class rating, design temperature, flammability and
toxicity of the fluid etc. Similar factors are taken for items such as electrical and instrument

The score classes can be sub-divided as follows:

Score Mechanical / Civil Electrical Instruments

Design Short
Pressure Service Rating /
Temp. Voltage Circuit
rating conditions/Fluid Certification
(deg C) Withstand
Sequential /
Non-flammable, batch (non-
1 critical)
150 # < 250 e.g. nitrogen, air, <=33kV < = 40kA NA
control and
Low hazard
2 250 - Flammable, EOR >33kV advanced
300 # VSD’s >
400 chemicals, steam <=132kV >40kA process
> 100MVA
Medium hazard
Services such as
400 - 500 high toxic, high
3 corrosion rates, Exception to Online /
600 # or >132kV NA standard Ex inline
hydrogen, wet H2S
certification instruments
-50 to 0 or sour, acid, cyclic
or vacuum

4 High hazard

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Liquefied gas / light

Above hydrocarbons with
500 a potential for Process
explosive safeguarding
> 600 # or NA NA NA / Fire & Gas /
expansion, e.g.
Below - LNG, methane,
50 ethylene oxide,

Note: The highest category from each of the columns becomes the category for above
table (Example – 150 #, - 50 C° the score is 3).

2.3.6 Location
The location of the facility where the item is in use is an important factor that may escalate
the criticality since the impact on environment, health and safety differs based on the

The score classes can be sub-divided as follows:

Score Location

1 Isolated, operating personnel only

2 Remote, low population only

3 Public boundary, sensitive environment

4 High population, high sensitivity environment

2.3.7 Personnel safety

Impact of failure of the item to personnel safety is an important factor.

The score classes can be sub-divided as follows:

Score Safety Description

No perceived risk
1 No injury or damage to health
to personnel
Minor injury or health effects (Lost Time Injury)

Work performance is affected, such as restriction to activities

Moderate risk to (Restricted Work Case or Occupational Ilness) or a need to take a
personnel few days to fully recover (Lost Workday Case).

Minor health effects, which are reversible, e.g. skin irritation, food

Major injury or health effects (including Permanent Partial Disability

and Occupational Illness)
Significant risk to Work performance is affected in the longer term, such as a
personnel prolonged absence from work.

Irreversible health damage without loss of life, e.g. Noise induced

hearing loss, chronic back injuries, sensitisation, hand/arm vibration

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syndrome, and repetitive strain injury.

Permanent Total Disability or fatalities as a result of an accident or

High risk to occupational illness. Irreversible health damage with serious
personnel disability or death, e.g. Corrosive burns, heat stroke, cancer (small
exposed population).

2.3.8 Special considerations

Examples of special considerations are:
 Schedule Delivery (Shutdowns / Emergency)
 Purchase Order Quantity
Items with short schedule float may have an impact due to schedule disruption if quality
issues are sufficiently severe as to require replacement or repair. A large order quantity
can impact the schedule as well.
The score classes can be subdivided as follows:

Score Schedule Float

1 N/A

2 N/A

3 Float availability is moderate (more than a month).

4 Float availability is very tight (less than a month).

Score Purchase Order Quantity

Mechanical Civil Instrument Electrical

< 100 pcs
< 10 pcs (equip.)
< 100 pcs < 100 m
1 < 1000 MT < 100 pcs (bulks)
< 500 m < 10 pcs (Control valves,
< 1000 m
IPF Valves, etc)

100 - 500 pcs

10 - 20 pcs (equip.)
100 - 1000 pcs 1000 - 3000 100 - 500 m
2 100 - 200 pcs (bulks)
500 - 1000 m MT 10 - 50 pcs (Control valves,
1000 - 5000 m
IPF Valves, etc)

501 - 1000 pcs

20 - 50 pcs (equip.)
1001 - 5000 pcs 3001 - 5000 501 - 1000 m
3 200- 500 pcs (bulks)
1001 - 10,000 m MT 51 - 100 pcs (Control valves,
5000 - 10000 m
IPF Valves, etc)

> 1000 pcs / > 1000 m

>5000 pcs > 50 pcs (equipment)
4 > 5000 MT > 100 pcs (Control valves,
> 10,000 m > 500 (bulks) / >10000 m
IPF Valves, etc)

2.4 Quality Intervention Levels for Prospective Vendors

Irrespective of Criticality Rating, the Purchase Order requirements /Project specifications of
items shall be complied with. In addition, the Criticality Rating will be used to determine the
level of quality intervention. Typical quality intervention levels are shown in Appendix
C.1/C.2 of this document.

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A copy of Appendix C.1/C.2 (when applicable) for the items assessed will be appended to
the Purchase Requisition.

Typical quality intervention activities are given in the following sub-sections:

2.4.1 ITP Review

For CR1 to CR3, ITP shall be in place for all manufactured / fabricated items (including
pressure parts/wetted parts for 3.1 or 3.2 certification, etc) to ensure application of relevant
technical standards and acceptance criteria as per PO and to evidence test
sampling/verification by independent QA/QC of the manufacturer.
These Inspection and Test Plans will identify the specific inspections and tests to be
carried out and include references to the applicable procedures and acceptance criteria at
the various stages of the execution of the Purchase Order, such as receipt of materials,
sub-ordering, fabrication, testing and assembly, including the preparation for shipment.
The Inspection and Test Plans will define the extent of witness and hold points, monitoring
and document review by Contractor and/or PDO representatives.

2.4.2 Pre-Inspection Meeting

Where identified in Appendix C.1/C.2, a pre-inspection meeting shall be held after placing
the Purchase Order. Refer SP-1171 Appendix 2 for details of a pre-inspection meeting.
Pre-inspection meeting should be organized only after all the documents required to start
the manufacturing/fabrication activities are at least in Code B.

PDO may wish to attend the pre-inspection meetings. Contractor will provide at least 15
working days notice of such meetings.

2.4.3 Review of design calculations / drawings

Where identified in Appendix C.1/C.2, the design calculations and drawings shall be
reviewed by respective Discipline Engineers.

2.4.4 Review of manufacturing & testing procedures

Where identified in Appendix C.1/C.2, the manufacturing and testing procedures shall be
reviewed by respective Discipline/Quality Engineers.

2.4.5 Resident/Visiting Inspector

Where identified in Appendix C.1/C.2, the manufacturing of the items shall be done under
the surveillance of an Inspector nominated by Contractor and approved by PDO or
appointed by PDO. The Inspector may be a Resident Inspector (who monitors/witnesses
the entire manufacturing process) or a Visiting Inspector (who is present to witness the
selected witness/hold points).

2.4.6 Quality Audit(s)

Where identified in Appendix C.1/C.2, the quality audit(s) against the PO requirements
shall be performed during manufacturing by PDO/Contractor.
PDO/Contractor will provide at least 15 working days notice of such audits.

2.4.7 Staged Inspections / Surveillance/Final Inspection

All inspections and surveillance as specified in the final agreed ITP shall be performed by
either a Resident Inspector providing full surveillance and witnessing of most inspection
points, or a Visiting Inspector providing selective or random surveillance and witnessing of
the key inspection points, as defined in the ITP.

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DE/ QE will pay attention to the special processes as defined in SP-1171 (e.g. welding,
painting, PWHT, NDE, etc) and such processes will be carried out under supervision of a
competent person as defined by the respective specification. All special processes will be
executed in accordance with documented and qualified procedures that ensure work is
complying with PDO technical specifications.
Vendor surveillance visits should be undertaken by PDO/Contractor Quality team /
Discipline Engineers for critical items or when required by contractual obligations.
All Inspection Reports shall be made available to PDO for review/information. The
Inspection Reports will also be accessible by PDO electronically.
The IRN shall be issued by the responsible Inspector once the item is ready for delivery
and all key documents, procedures, drawings reached Code A (approved with no
comments), NCR’s/deviations approved or closed; where possible, Vendor Data Book shall
be reviewed by TPI (for CR1, CR2, CR3) for content, technical compliance and

2.5 Guidelines on QA/QC Interventions (for off-shelf items or during

While identifying the QA/QC interventions for the respective CR the following will be
 Focus on identification of rogue and counterfeit items
 Incorporate Flawless, Lessons Learned from past PDO projects and global quality
incident learning
 Engage relevant stakeholders (Project Engineers and Discipline Engineers) in quality
 Weaknesses of Vendor/Sub-vendor quality assurance, inspection and testing
 Vendor issues: lack of confidence in known Vendor capabilities (i.e. past performance
does not always equal present capability)
 Robustness of Vendor Inspection and Test Plans (ITP) with clear acceptance criteria.
a) Ensure material manufacture and country of origin is PDO approved and captured
in ITP.
b) Scope of supply by the Stockiest shall be clearly addressed in term of their
involvement during manufacturing and supply of material to PDO, Stockiest shall
not perform further operations (welding, machining or painting) on the original
c) Original traceability markings shall be preserved. Stockiest shall not perform their
own stenciling or markings,
d) Fake materials/ forged certifications / Fraud / manipulation of material - any
suspected areas of marking removals / reinstatement or heat number manipulation,
e) Material integrity - pits. dents, cracks and gasket face damage, bevel damage or
any visible signs of repair on base materials,
f) Segregation and quarantine of non-conforming materials.

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3 Appendixes
Appendix A Criticality Rating Data Sheet
Equipment/Package Tag No./Materials:
Contract No.: Project:
Criticality Categories Score
Operations failure of the item:
 Allow use of installed bypass or change without difficulty 1
 Cause problems but not loss of production 2
 Allow bypass or change out but with some loss of production 3
 Jeopardise facility operation and have serious consequences i.e. facility shutdown 4
Design maturity/reliability:
 Proven design, used frequently 1
 Modification to proven design 2
 Extrapolation to proven design 3
 New innovative design 4
Manufacturing complexity:
 Simple manufacturing processes, common construction materials 1
 More complicated manufacturing processes, common construction materials 2
 At least one complex manufacturing process or special construction material 3
 A large number of complex or new manufacturing processes or special construction 4
implications of failure:
 Negligible 1
 Small total cost, both as direct result and as a consequence 2
 Moderate total cost, both as direct result and as a consequence 3
 High and excessive total cost, both as direct result and as a consequence 4
Service characteristics (toxicity, temperature, pressure):
 Innocuous 1
 Low hazard 2
 Medium hazard 3
 High hazard 4
 Isolated, operating personnel only 1
 Remote, low population only 2
 Public boundary, sensitive environment 3
 High population, high sensitivity environment 4
Personnel safety:
 No perceived risk to personnel 1
 Moderate risk to personnel mitigated by systems and equipment 2
 Significant risk to personnel 3
 High risk to personnel 4
Special considerations*:
a) Schedule Delivery (Shutdowns / Emergency) 1
b) Purchase Order Quantity 2
Remarks: Total Score:
Criticality Rating:
CR 1: Extremely critical (Importance - Vital CR 2: Very critical (Importance – Significant)
Critical (Importance - Moderate) CR 4: Non-critical (Less important based on Vendor quality controls)
Assessment team (Lead) Discipline Engineer Process Owner
Name: Name:
Signature: Signature:
Date: Date:

*Strikethrough, whichever is not applicable.

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Appendix B Example typical Criticality Rating Data Sheet

Equipment/Package Tag No./Materials.: V-2101
Description: First stage separator
Contract No.: XXXXXXX Project: YYYYYYY
Criticality Categories Score
Operations failure of the item:
 Allow use of installed bypass or change without difficulty 1
 Cause problems but not loss of production 2
 Allow bypass or change out but with some loss of production 3
 Jeopardise facility operation and have serious consequences i.e. facility shutdown 4
Design maturity/reliability:
 Proven design, used frequently 1
 Modification to proven design 2
 Extrapolation to proven design 3
 New innovative design 4
Manufacturing complexity:
 Simple manufacturing processes, common construction materials 1
 More complicated manufacturing processes, common construction materials 2
 At least one complex manufacturing process or special construction material 3
 A large number of complex or new manufacturing processes or special construction materials 4
Cost implications of failure:
 Negligible 1
 Small total cost, both as direct result and as a consequence 2
 Moderate total cost, both as direct result and as a consequence 3
 High and excessive total cost, both as direct result and as a consequence 4
Service characteristics (toxicity, temperature, pressure):
 Innocuous 1
 Low hazard 2
 Medium hazard 3
 High hazard 4
 Isolated, operating personnel only 1
 Remote, low population only 2
 Public boundary, sensitive environment 3
 High population, high sensitivity environment 4
Personnel safety:
 No perceived risk to personnel 1
 Moderate risk to personnel mitigated by systems and equipment 2
 Significant risk to personnel 3
 High risk to personnel 4
Special considerations*:
a) Schedule Delivery (Shutdowns / Emergency) 1
b) Purchase Order Quantity 3
Remarks: Total Score:28
Criticality Rating: 1
CR 1: Extremely critical (Importance - Vital & No Compromise) CR 2: Very critical (Importance – Significant)
CR 3: Critical (Importance - Moderate) CR 4: Non-critical (Less important based on Vendor quality
Assessment team (names) (Lead) Discipline Engineer Process Owner

Name:XX Name:

*Strikethrough, whichever is not applicable. Signature: Signature:

Date: Date:
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Appendix C Quality Intervention Levels

Appendix C.1 Quality Intervention Levels (EMC/EPCC/IMC/ODC/EP)
Equipment/Package Tag No./Materials:

Contract No.: Project:
S. Intervention Level
Quality Activities (QIL)
1 2 3 4
1 Vendor to submit the Quality Plan for packages to EMC/EPCC/IMC/ODC/EP Contractors R - - -
(as applicable) and PDO for review/approval within 30 calendar days after PO placement.
Vendor to submit Quality Control Plan (Inspection & Test Plan) prior to start of production
for review, approval and mark-up of any hold/witness/review/etc points by R R R -
EMC/EPCC/IMC/ODC/EP Contractors (as applicable) and PDO. PDO shall review only the
ITP’s for CR1 and CR2 items.
3 Pre-Inspection Meetings – clarify PDO/Contractor quality requirements D D D -

Review of design documentation, drawings, calculations or procedures as listed in VDRL R R R R

after award and before manufacturing activities by PDO/Contractor (as applicable).
Resident inspection by EMC/EPCC/IMC/ODC/EP/PDO (as applicable) or PDO appointed
5 Third Party Inspector during all stages of manufacturing activities. The Assessment Team D - - -
will justify if Resident Inspector is required (to be stated in Remarks column).
Audit(s) against PO requirements during manufacturing activities to be performed by
6 PDO/Contractor. Audit schedule to be developed based on the manufacturing plan for one D D - -
or more audits.
Attendance of specific QC stages (witness and hold points) by
EMC/EPCC/IMC/ODC/EP/PDO (as applicable) or PDO appointed TPI/specialist engineer
7 R D - -
as identified in the QC Plan. The Assessment Team will justify for CR2 items if specific QC
stages attendance is required (to be stated in Remarks column).
Surveillance visits by PDO/Contractor at Vendor/Sub-Vendor’s premises to review ongoing
8 D D - -
inspection and test activities. Review of verifying records.
Witnessing of functional testing (Factory Acceptance Test) by
EMC/EPCC/IMC/ODC/EP/PDO (as applicable) or PDO appointed TPI/specialist engineer
9 R R D -
as identified in the QC Plan. The Assessment Team will justify for CR3 items if FAT
witness is required / the extent of inspection (to be stated in Remarks column).
Final inspection release by PDO appointed TPI on behalf of
10 EMC/EPCC/IMC/ODC/EP/PDO including review of material certification, manufacturing, R R R -
inspection and test records
R = Requirement
D = Requirement dependent upon:
a) Any specific requirement included in the item specification
b) Confidence in capability of Vendor
Note: If deemed not required, justification shall be provided in Remarks column
Corresponding Criticality Rating (CR) to Quality Intervention Level (QIL):
The Criticality Rating for this item* is: The Quality Intervention Level is:

*Strikethrough, whichever is not applicable

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Appendix C.2 Quality Intervention Levels (EPC)

Equipment/Package Tag No./Materials:

Contract No.: Purchase Order No.:
S. Intervention Level
Quality Activities (QIL)
1 2 3 4
Vendor to submit the Quality Plan for packages to EPC Contractor and PDO for R - - -
review/approval within 30 calendar days after PO placement
Vendor to submit Quality Control Plan (Inspection & Test Plan) prior to start of production
2 for review, approval and mark-up of any hold/witness/review/etc points by EPC Contractor R R R -
and PDO. PDO shall review only the ITP’s with CR1 and CR2.
Pre-Inspection Meetings – clarify EPC Contractor quality requirements. PDO R D D -
Project/Discipline Engineer will decide only for CR1 items if PDO presence is required.
Review of design documentation, drawings, calculations or procedures as listed in VDRL R R R R
after award and before manufacturing activities by EPC Contractor.
Resident inspection by EPC Contractor or EPC Contractor appointed Third Party Inspector
5 during all stages of manufacturing activities. The Assessment Team will justify if Resident D - - -
Inspector is required (to be stated in Remarks column).
Audit(s) against PO requirements during manufacturing activities to be performed by
6 Contractor. Audit schedule to be developed based on the manufacturing plan for one or D D - -
more audits.
Attendance of specific QC stages (witness and hold points) by EPC Contractor or EPC
7 Contractor appointed TPI/ specialist engineer as identified in the QC Plan. PDO R R D -
involvement is not required.
Surveillance visits by EPC Contractor at Vendor/Sub-Vendor’s premises to review ongoing
8 D D - -
inspection and test activities. Review of verifying records.
Witnessing of functional testing (Factory Acceptance Test) by EPC Contractor or EPC
9 Contractor appointed TPI/specialist engineer as identified in the QC Plan. PDO R R R -
Project/Discipline Engineer decides only for CR1 items if PDO will witness the FAT.
Final inspection release by EPC Contractor appointed TPI including review of material
10 R R R -
certification, manufacturing, inspection and test records.
R = Requirement
D = Requirement dependent upon:
a) Any specific requirement included in the item specification
b) Confidence in capability of Vendor
Note: If deemed not required, justification shall be provided in Remarks column
Corresponding Criticality Rating (CR) to Quality Intervention Level (QIL):
The Criticality Rating for this item* is: The Quality Intervention Level is:

*Strikethrough, whichever is not applicable

*Certification requirements shall be determined as per specification requirements and other applicable
standards. The Inspection documents shall be in accordance with ISO 10474 or EN 10204; if the standard
is not specified, then consider ISO 10474.
QIL4: Inspection document 3.1 or 2.2
QIL3: Inspection document 3.1
QIL2: Inspection document 3.1
QIL1: Inspection document 3.2

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Appendix D C&A Equipment/Material Inspection Requirements

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Appendix E Electrical Equipment/Materials Inspection Requirements

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Appendix F Pipeline Materials Criticality Rating

Sr. No Item CR Remarks

1 CS Line pipe 2 PIM required
2 DSS Line pipe 2 PIM required

3 Non-metallic System (GRP Line 2 PIM required

pipe, fittings, etc)
4 Pipeline Ball Valves 2 PIM required
Pipeline Pig taps & end
5 3 PIM/FAT/FI required
6 3 FI required
Pipeline Barred Tees (CS/DSS)
7 Pipeline Fittings (CS/DSS) 3 PIM/FI required
8 Pipeline Split Tees 3 PIM/FAT/FI required
9 Pipeline Induction Bends 2 PIM required
10 Pipeline Flanges (CS/DSS) 3 FI required
11 Pipeline Pig Signallers 3 FAT/FI in one visit - required

12 Pipeline Corrosion Monitoring 3 FI required

Access Fittings
13 Pipeline Isolation Joints 2 PIM required
14 Heat shrink sleeves 4

Note: 1. For CR2 items the Discipline Engineer will decide the in-process inspection
activities to be witnessed by TPI (if any)
2. The remaining quality activities are as per Appendix C.1/C.2
3. FI - Final Inspection, PIM - Pre-inspection Meeting
FAT - Factory Acceptance Test

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Appendix G: Stockist Quality assurance Requirements

a) Stockists shall ensure material manufacture and country of origin are PDO approved,
b) Scope of supply by the Stockist shall be clearly addressed in term of their involvement
during manufacturing and supply of material to PDO,
c) Stockiest shall not perform any further operations (welding, machining or painting) on
the original material,
d) Stockist shall ensure Original traceability markings shall be preserved. Stockist shall not
perform their own stenciling or markings,
e) Material handling, protection, segregation, storage, preservation and maintenance shall
be appropriate to the type of material, Ex: SS/ CRA and DSS shall be segregated and
protected to avoid physical contact with CS/ Painted materials,
f) Availability and maintenance of original certificates - MTC and method of issuing
verified true copies,
g) Capability for receiving inspection – access to verifying documents and availability of
competent Verification resources, and inspection / measuring / testing tools and
h) Inspection / Measuring / Testing equipment Calibration system,
i) Physical verification on sample items for:
a. Fake materials/ forged certifications / Fraud / manipulation of material - any
suspected areas of marking removals / reinstatement or heat number
b. Material integrity - pits. dents, cracks and gasket face damage, bevel damage
or any visible signs of repair on base materials,
c. Segregation and quarantine of non-conforming materials.

QAQC Requirements for Stockist Supply

Click on the links given

CRA MESC Piping components

Non CRA MESC Piping components

Non CRA MESC Pipes

Non CRA Pipeline components

Non CRA Line pipes

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Appendix H: Approved TPI agencies

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Appendix -I: Procurement of CS pipeline items (Small quantity)

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Appendix J: Technical and Inspection requirements for MESC items

Piping Bulk:

Click on the link given


Click on the links given

Ball Valves

Check Valves

Gate Valves

Globe Valves

DBB-SBB Valves

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Appendix K: User Feedback Form

SP-2269 Specification for Quality Intervention for Provision of Products

Any user who identifies an improvement, inaccuracy, error or ambiguity is requested to

notify the custodian so that appropriate action can be taken. The user is requested to
return this page fully completed, indicating precisely the amendment(s) recommended.
Ref. Ind. Date:

Page Ref: Brief Description of Improvement and/or Change Required and Reasons

To: CFDH Quality Management

Document Authority Date:

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