RDD-QC-000-003 Rev.0 Subgrade Preparation

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‘Uncontrolled, if printed Alifar QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURE ee. No. RDD-QC000.03, Page of 4 TITLE: SUBGRADE PREPARATION 0 | aos | PRET nine eveany | OSE SE) kev. [ Date Description Prepared [Approved | Authorized | GAlifar QC PROCEDURE SUBGRADE PREPARATION 1.0 PURPOSE ‘The purpose of this procedure Is lo describe the method of constructon of the subgrade layer and preparing the subgrade surface ready 10 receive the pavement structure including shoulders, a chown on the drawings. 20 SCOPE ‘This procedure shal be applicable to road works undertaken by the Compary. 30 REFERENCE 34 MsP-oo1 Document & Data Control 32 AASHTO 146-91(2008) Terns Relating to Subgrade, Soll Aggregate and Fil Materake, 33° AASHTOT 180-2010 Moisture-Densty Relations of Sols. 3.4 — ROD-QC-000-016; Rev.0 Laboratory Determination of Moisture Content In Sole, 35 RDD-QC-000-017;Rev.0 Moisture Densily Reiaons of Sos. 38 Standard Specitcations for Road & Bridge Construction ~ June 2010. 40 uTIONS 44 Company Gallar Engineering & Contracting SAOS. 42 Ste incharge Project Manager / Construction Manager. 43 Subgrade ‘The prepared and compacied soll immediately below the pavement system and extending fo such depth as wil affect fe structural design 50 PROCEDURE 51 Responsibility Sampling, Testng, recording 4 preparation of test report. Updation of ayer chart Laboratory Technician, Customer Approval (required) Ste Enginaer/ Materials Engineer ecorang o eves surveyor Execution Slo Enginoer/ Supervisor. Revision Wo. | Date Procedure Ne. Page oosi2 ‘RDD.9C-000.005 2ot4 Afar QC PROCEDURE 5.2 Preparations for Subgrade Construction 52.1 Thickness of subgrade shall be as shown on the approved drawings oF applcate epecticaions. Where shown onthe drawings, drainage Blanket of @ Cotree cf washed granular materl shall be provided under fhe sub-grade. 5.22 Maleral for the roadway execution or borow pit shall be submited to the Customer / Consultant for approval 523. The les results conforming to the requrements shall be submited to the (Customer / Consullont for epproval. 52.4 The embankment layer prepared to receive the subsrade layer shall have approva' rom the Customer / Consultant 53 Construction of Subgrade 53.1 Subgracein Cu tf rock encountered in the subgrade level, rock shall be undercut to a depth of Where te in-situ material t subgrade level is uns 200 mm in-@ method approved by the Cuslomer / Consult. No rock shall ‘reject more than 80 mm above the undercut surface elevation The subgrade layer shal than be constructed using approved subgrade malaria. Approved ‘materal brought to uniform moisture content within the range for compacion ‘halle spread and compacted tothe required dens 53.1.2 Where the subgrade 's on in-situ soll which conforms to the requirements ‘specified for subgrade materials, the 200 em depth of such material below top of ‘Subgrade shall be scaifed, watred to bring uniform moisture content within the ‘Specie range for compaction and compacted tote requied density. be, the malarial shall be removed toa depth of 200 mm and the subgrade layer shall be constructed with ‘approved sutable material. ithe mater below 200 mm i also unsitaba, the material shal be removed and replaced with sulable material satisfying the fequrements of top 600 mm of the embarkment. The underying natural material shall be scared, leveled, compacted and spproval fr the seme shall be obtanea. 53.2 Suborade in Embankment ‘The approved subgrade material shall be spread in a uniform layer of required thickness over the ful with of the top of embankment inckdng shoulders, ‘maximum sompacted thickness Being 200 mm. Masture content ofthe spread Material "shal be brought within the spectied range for compaction and ‘compacted fo the required density 533 Testingof Subarade 5.33.1. After cempaction, field densiy of the subgrade layer shall be determined in ‘accordance withthe procedure for Dersily of Sol In-Place by the Sand Cone Method, RDD-C-000-018 ond resus shal be recorded onthe format Density of Sal Place by Sand Cone Method, RDD-OC-000-015-FI0t Revision Wo, ] Date Procedure No. Page ° 2005.12 RDD.0C 400003, 3ot4 Cllfar QC PROCEDURE 5.33.2 Subyrade top level shal be checked in accordance with the drawings. Each 524 60 6 02 63 ‘ross section shal be checked al mavimum interais of 20m. Level toerances: thal be as specified inthe speciicatons. Jon of Subgrade Cont Layer chad shall be updated with necessary deta DOCUMENTATION /RECORDS Finished subgrade levels at maximum 20 m inte, Dersity of Sol InPlace by the Sand Cone Method RDD-CC-000.016-F/01 Moisture Density Relation of Soils ROD-2c-000.017-F/01 Revision No. | Dale Procedure No. . 0 apD.oc. 4oft

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