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Fracture Resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with custom cast

post core using non uniform and uniform ferrule length luted with two
different cements; In vitro stud...

Article · June 2010


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1 author:

Lashkari Krishna Prasada

KVG Dental College & Hospital


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ENDODONTOLOGY Original Research

Fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored

with custom cast post core using non uniform and uniform
ferrule length luted with two different cements: In vitro


Post and core are a commonly accepted time honored method for restoring endodontically treated teeth. The
present consensus regarding post is to provide retention of the core rather than reinforcement of the tooth. The
purpose of the study was to evaluate & compare in vitro the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth
restored with custom cast post core using non uniform and uniform ferrule length luted using zinc phosphate &
resin cement.
A total of 60 human single rooted maxillary central incisors were endodontically treated and restored with custom
cast gold post core and were randomly assigned to 6 groups of 10 teeth each having the following features.
Uniform ferrule (2 mm buccal, lingual & 2 mm proximal) were placed in group 1 and 3, non uniform ferrule ( 2
mm buccal, lingual and 0.5 mm proximal) were placed in group 2and 4,no ferrule were given for group 5 and 6.
Post and cores for group 1,2 and 5 were luted with zinc phosphate cement and group 3,4and 6 were luted with
Resin cement. Fracture resistance of the entire specimen group was measured using INSTRON testing machine
and the data obtained was statistically analyzed.
The gold cast post core using 2mm uniform ferrule luted with Resin cement showed highest fracture resistance
compared to all the groups.
Key Words: post & core, resin cement, zinc phosphate

INTRODUCTION preparation. Conversely it has been shown that

The restoration of endodontically treated teeth providing coronal coverage significantly increased
has become a great challenge to restorative dentistry the stiffness of remaining tooth.2 A dowel and core
since effectiveness and predictability of endodontic is often indicated for retention and reinforcement
therapy has increased. The failure of majority of
of final restoration.3 However in-vitro and in-vivo
restored pulpless teeth is due to substantially research has demonstrated that a dowel does not
decreased structural integrity of tooth because of reinforce the endodontically treated teeth.4 A cast
the removal of tooth structure during endodontic post is especially indicated when the loss of dental
access, dowel space preparation & cavity substance is sufficiently significant to need

* Principal & Head of the Department, ** Professor, *** Senior Lecturer, # Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, KVG Dental College, Sullia.
## Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, New Horizon Dental College, Sakri, Bilaspur, Chattisghar.


maximum retention for coronal reconstruction however newer dual cure adhesive resin & bonding
especially in non circular canals . Cast post core
agents have been introduced which have showed
closely reproduces morphology of root canal space good adhesion to tooth structure & provide
and may be more conservative option with minimal interradicular reinforcement of roots within the thin
dentin removal. Preference of the cast post core
walls of dentin.8 The present study was undertaken
system is derived in part from incorporation of to compare in vitro the fracture resistance of
encircling collar of metal (ferrule) hypothesized to endodontically treated teeth restored with custom
protect the tooth from wedging stresses. ' A key
east post and core with uniform and non uniform
element of tooth preparation when using a post and ferrule length luted using Zinc phosphate cement
core is incorporation of a ferrule. and resin cement.

The word ferrule originates from Latin for iron MATERIALS AND METHODS
(ferrum) and bracelets (variola), which is an 60 human single rooted maxillary central
encircling band of cast metal around the coronal incisors extracted for routine clinical reasons were
surface of the tooth providing protective used for the study. The teeth were selected such
reinforcement to endodontically treated teeth. 7 that they have root length of atleast 13mm (14+1)
According to Eissmann; ferrule should be of and almost similar bucco-lingual dimensions. They
minimum of 2 mm for a protective effect. To were examined under 20 x magnifications under
achieve optimal results the material used for post microscope to rule out any cracks, caries craze
should have physical properties similar to that of lines. The teeth were also radiographed to
dentin and be biocompatible in oral environment. determine the presence of a single canal. Teeth with
Retention of post core is vital for long term success more than one canal, immature root apices, and
of final restoration. Zinc phosphate has been the canals involving the root, teeth with craze lines or
gold standard for post cementation.’ The traditional fracture and those with root length less than 13mm
cements produce only motional resistance, or thin curved roots were excluded.

Table 1-Study Materials

1 Type 11 gold alloy 18 karat gold
2 RelyX ARC resin cement 3 M Dental products Methyl metacrylate, TEG0MA, Bis- GMA,
Zirconia fillers, photoinitiators
3 Zinc phosphate cement HARVARD Germany Powder: 90 % zinc oxide
69% buffered phosphoric acid
Aluniniumphosphate, aluminium, zinc


The six groups of teeth were subjected to Grouping of specimens

standard endodontic treatment. The teeth were All the teeth were endodontically treated and
sectioned horizontally 3 mm above cemento then restored with custom east gold post core and
enamel junction with diamond disc. The post space were randomly assigned to 6 groups of 10 teeth
preparation was done with removal of guttapercha each.
using heated plugger followed by canal
GROUP I: Uniform ferrule (2 mm buccal,
enlargement using peaso reamer (No 3) preserving
lingual & 2 mm proximal) luted with zinc
4 mm of apical guttapercha. Post space obtained is
phosphate cement.
parallel with tapered end. The teeth were mounted
in acrylic resin block with long axis of each tooth GROUP 2: Non uniform ferrule (2 mm buccal,
parallel to long axis of block and the mid facial lingual and 0.5 mm proximal) luted with zinc
extent of Cemento enamel junction located 2 mm phosphate cement.
coronal to resin block. Tooth reduction for crown
GROUP 3: Uniform ferrule (2 mm buccal,
preparation was performed to standardized
lingual & 2 mm proximal) luted with resin cement.
specifications. The crown margins were designed
to follow the simulated contours of free gingival GROUP 4: Non uniform ferrule (2 mm buccal,
tissue with facial and lingual extent more apical lingual and 0.5 mm proximal) luted with resin
compared to proximal margins. The margins were cement.
made 1,5 mm wide on the facial & proximal aspect
GROUP 5: No ferrule luted with zinc
with round shoulder configuration using diamond
phosphate cement. GROUP 6: No ferrule luted with
rotary instrument. Tooth reduction of each tooth
resin cement
was standardized to 1.5 mm on facial aspect
and’0.5 mm on lingual aspect. The preparation Ferrule Preparation
convergence angle was standardized using Ferrule was prepared using flat end tapered

handpiece mounted on a dental surveyor diamond bur. Length of which was measured using
dial Vernier caliper. Depth of the ferrule was
maintained to 0.6 mm with 3' taper on either side
of the preparation. Teeth in group 1 and 3 were
counterbevelled to receive uniform ferrule of 2 mm
(labial, lingual and proximal). Teeth in group 2 and
4 were counterbevelled to receive non-uniform
ferrule (2 mm labial. 2mm lingual and 0.5 mm
proximal) and teeth in group 5 and 6 received no
ferrule. Post and core pattern were fabricated by
direct method using inlay wax and wooden sprue.
The core was standardized such that the length of
each core pattern was 4 mm. Lingual ledge was
Specimens divided in 6 groups created at the lingual surface of tooth 3 mm below

incisal edge to create a standard loading point. The teeth were then stored in saline solution for 3
Casting was done using induction casting machine days prior to fracture testing.
(DEGUSA) with 18 K gold alloy.
Fracture Testing
Cementation of Post Specimens were tested using universal testing
All the 60 specimens had their canal walls machine (INSTRON 4206) set to deliver an
cleaned with 15%EDTA followed by irrigation with increasing load until failure .The crosshead speed
saline which were then dried using absorbent paper of 2.5 mm/min & the load was applied at an angle
points. For teeth in group (1.2& 5) Zinc phosphate of 135 to long axis of tooth. Compressive load was
cement (HARVARD) was mixed to luting applied 3 mm from incisal edge and the force
consistency and then inserted into canal using applied was recorded in kilograms.
lentulo spiral .The posts were then seated into canal
by firm finger pressure. Excess cement was removed
along the peripheries. For teeth in groups (3, 4 &
6) canals were etched with 37% phosphoric acid
for 15 seconds, irrigated with water for a minute &
dried using gentle air blast & absorbent paper
points. Bonding agent (SINGLE BOND 2.3M ESPE)
was then applied to the canal wall using extra fine
brush .After the material had dried for 5 sees, it
was then photo cured for 40 sees using halogen
light curing unit. The resin cement was manipulated
in equal proportions of base & catalyst paste, and
then inserted into the canal using lentulo spiral.
Excess cement was removed followed by photo
curing for 40 seconds using halogen light curing
Figure 1. Specimen mounted in the INSTRON
unit to ensure the cement was cured completely. universal testing machine

Table 2. Comparison of the mean fracture load among the 6 groups using analysis of
variance using ANOVA
N Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum
Uniform Zn phosphate cement { Group 1) 10 45.9000 4.53260 38.00 52.00
Non uniform Zn Phosphate cement ( Group2) 10 27.0000 2.05480 24.00 30.00
Uniform Resin cement { Group 3} 10 51.0000 4.71405 42.00 58.00
Non uniform resin cement ( Group 4) 10 30.3000 3.71334 25.00 36.00
Control Zn phosphate cement ( Group 5) 10 17.8000 2.74064 14.00 22.00
Control Resin cement ( Group 6) 10 22.3000 3.88873 18.00 28.00

a. F=126.163 p< O.001 vhs


Table 3 -Multiple comparisons among the six groups using TUKEY USD test
Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: CLOAD TukevHSD

(I) GRP (J) GRP Mean Difference (I-J) P

Uniform Zn Phospate cement (G1) Non uniform Zn Phosphate cement(G2) 18.9000 0.001 vhs
Uniform resin cement ( G3) Non uniform resin cement ( G4) -5.1000 0.038 sig
Control Zn phosphate cement (G5) Control resin cement (G6) 15.6000 0.001 vhs
28.1000 0.001 vhs
23.6000 0.001 vhs
Uniform resin cement { G3} Non uniform resin cement -24.0000 0.001 vhs
( G4) Control Zn phosphate cement ( G5) Control resin cement (G6) -3.3000 0.044 sig
9.2000 0.001 vhs
4.7000 0.042 sig
Non uniform resin cement ( G4) Control Zn phosphate cement 20.7000 0.001 vhs
( G5) Control resin cement(G6) 33.2000 0.001 vhs
28.7000 0.001 vhs
Control Zn phosphate cement ( G5) Control resin cement(G6) 12.5000 0.001 vhs
8.0000 0.001 vhs
Control Zn phosphate cement ( G5) Control resin cement(G6) -4.5000 0.092 ns

Bar graph-showing Comparison of Mean RESULTS

compressive load among the six groups The results were analyzed using analysis of
variance (ANOVA). KRUSKAL WALLIS test and
TUKEY HSD test. The mean fracture load required
to fracture the specimens was maximum for group
3 (51kgs) and minimum for group 5 (17.SO). The
fracture resistance of other groups in descending
order were group 1 (45.9 kgs.), group 4 (30.33 kgs),
group 2 (27 kgs) and group 6 (22.30 kgs). Very high
statistical difference were observed among the
group with uniform ferrule and no ferrule group
and also among the groups luted with resin cement
& zinc phosphate cement .No statistically significant
difference were observed in groups with no ferrule
luted with either of the cements.

Endodontic treatment or dehydration causes


degradation of physical or mechanical properties during masticatory function. In the teeth with metal
of dentin. Sedgley and Messer support the post, forces also concentrate at the end of the post.
interpretation that loss of structural integrity Therefore the post should always extend apically
associated with access preparation rather than beyond the crest of the alveolar bone. Preparation
change in dentin lead to higher occurrence of of post space adds a certain degree of risk to a
fracture in endodontically treated teeth compared restorative procedure and also weakens the root
to vital teeth. Post is indicated when there is considerably 4. In the present study removal of gutta-
inadequate coronal tooth structure to retain a core percha was completed using No.3 peeso reamer.
for an artificial crown and a majority of single rooted The final post space obtained was parallel with
pulpless teeth are restored with post & cores. The tapered apical end. In most of studies for fracture
traditional objective for a post was to strengthen or failure load was done with the continuous force
the weakened tooth however, it has been shown on testing machine and load values was recorded
that a post does not strengthen the root (Guzy &
and compared. The present study utilized
Nicholls 1979). The cast gold post & core has Houndsfield tensometer to evaluate the fracture
always been regarded as the gold standard in post resistance. Loading of tooth at an angle of 135" to
& core restorations. It has a history of superior its long axis was chosen in the present study to
success rate due to their superior physical simulate a contact angle in class 1 occlusion
properties. It has been suggested that if a canal between maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth.
requires a extensive preparation, a well adapted
In vitro experiments with extracted teeth
cast post & core restorations will be more retentive
hardly replicate with reliability the behavior of the
than a prefabricated post that does not match canal
teeth in the mouth when a vital periodontal
shape. Morgana & Milot in 1993 questioned the
ligament is present.13 Studies have simulated the
results of an in vivo study which concludedthat
periodontal ligament by adding a fine layer of
close adaptation of a post causes more catastrophic
elastomer to cover the root surface. Since the
failure. Cast post & core is used when there is
purpose of this study was to compare in vitro
moderate to severe tooth loss.5 The Design of a
experimental group, such procedure was not
dowel is crucial factor affecting the dowel
relevant. The experimental conditions for all groups
mechanical behavior in tooth structure in long term
were identical. Two factors were analyzed in the
clinical success1. The choice of dowel design
present the study the effect of varying ferrule lengths
should be in accordance with the biomechanical
and the luting cement. In the experimental design,
requirement of remaining tooth structure. Another
tooth preparation extended around the external
factor that affects the resistance of dowel and core
periphery providing a gold collar bracing the
is the type of cement used.
cervical part of tooth(core ferrule). Majority of the
Goodacre & Spoolnik have recommended 4- studies investigate the effect of crown ferrule (2 mm
5 mm of gutta-percha remaining apically to parallel of parallel walls of dentin surrounding
maintain the apical seal. It has been shown that cervical portion of crown ) on fracture resistance
the forces are concentrated at the crest of the bone of tooth, however, very few studies investigated


the effect of core ferrule on fracture resistance on in permissible limits of maximum loading force in
endodontically treated tooth. extreme bruxism. The results also indicate that the
tooth with uniform, non uniform & no ferrule luted
Resistance refers to ability of the post and the
with zinc phosphate or resin cement could survive
tooth to withstand lateral and rotational forces.
the normal occluding forces1 . Strankicwez and
Ferrule effect adds to some retention but primarily
Wilson reviewed that a ferrule with 1 mm vertical
provides resistance form and enhance longevity. 5
height has been shown to double the fracture
The result of the current study showed a higher
resistance of teeth in groups of teeth with ferrule
fracture resistance in group with ferrule (group
compared to no ferrule group. Similar results were
1,2,3,4) than in no ferrule group (group 5.6). As in
obtained in the present study with the 2 mm
the present study most other studies (4,5,25) have
uniform ferruled groups showing double fracture
demonstrated the positive effect of ferrule design
resistance compared to no ferrule groups. Post
incorporated in the preparation of teeth with post
retention refers to ability of post to resist vertical
and core. Ferrule maintains the structural integrity
dislodging forces. Luting cement is one of the
of root under functional loading, homogenous
important factors for retention.15 In the present
transmission of functional forces along the
invitro study 2 mm uniform ferrule luted with resin
dowel2".Core ferrule encircles the sound tooth
cement showed statistically higher fracture
structure at 360° serves as a reinforcing ring to
resistance among all ferruled groups.. This result
protect tooth structure from vertical fracture. A
can be analyzed in the light of physical and
contra bevel (core ferrule) also acts as a secondary
chemical properties of resin cement which presents
ferrule independent of the ferrule provided by cast
micromechanical and chemical bond to dentin that
crown (crown ferrule).6
is not observed in zinc phosphate cement.
The present study regarded 2 mm uniform Moreover the modulus of elasticity of resin cement
ferrule (group 1.3) as a key to restoration longevity (1/4 - 1/6 of dentin) is much lower than zinc
and had the maximum fracture resistance (51 & phosphate cement (22.4 Gpa) and dentin (18.6
45.9 kgs) compared to non uniform (group 2.4) and Gpa). However modulus of elasticity allows stresses
no ferrule (group 5.6) (I7.S & 22.3 kgs). Roots resist to dissipitate rather than concentrate in the residual
better multiple stresses to which they arc subjected root. Added advantage of resin cement is that it
to when tooth is in use and even to loads from allows the post to bond to dentin, increase
parafunctional habit. These results are also in
retention, lends to leak less than other cement and
accordance with the other studies which states with provide short term strengthening of the roots. Reid
the use of cyclic loading, a ferrule length of 2 mm et al and junge et al reported that post cemented
decrease the risk of loosening of either post or with resin cement were more resistant to cyclic
crown. The present study showed a maximum loading than those cemented with zinc phosphate
fracture resistance in group 3 (51 kg) and a cement. It is generally believed that eugenol
minimum fracture resistance in group 5(17.8 kg), containing root canal sealers inhibit the
the groups with uniform ferrule (group 1, 3) were polymerization of resin cement, all though zinc


oxide eugenol sealer was used in the study it is randomized controlled clinical trials are indicated
reported that problem can be avoided by thorough to confirm the results.
cleaning and etching of canal walls.According to
study by Varela et al, concerns about the negative
Within the limitations of the study the
effective of sodium hypochlorite irrigation on resin
following conclusions were drawn:
adhesion to dentin also are unfounded.26 However
the resin cement have the disadvantage of being 1. When tested with a single angle
technique sensitive than other luting cements. compressive load the custom cast gold post core
Contradiction to our results, AL Hazamimeh & with ferrule had higher fracture resistance than non
Gutteridge found that preparation designs that ferruled groups.
incorporated a ferule & those that did not showed
2. Group with 2 mm uniform ferrule luted
no difference in fracture resistance s. The authors
with resin cement showed the highest fracture
suggested the similarity between the groups may
resistance ( 51.00 kgs) & group with no ferrule luted
have resulted from the resin cement strength
with zinc phosphate cement showed the least
masking the effect of the ferrule; however these
resistance (17.8O kgs).
studies utilized prefabricated post and core. It is
interestingly noted in the present study that there 3. 2 mm uniform ferruled specimens had
was no statistical difference between the two higher compressive load at failure compared to lion
cements in control group (group 5, 6), where no ferruled specimens.
ferrule was utilized. The reason attributed to this
4. Adhesive resin cement tested appeared to
relates to the resin cement bonding to dentin is
have significantly higher fracture resistance in
decreased, reduced surface area for etching &
uniform and non uniform ferruled groups compared
bonding of metal to tooth structure, absence of
to groups luted with zinc phosphate cement.
encircling band of metal collar bracing the tooth.
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