Trends Week 20 Second Quarter Exam

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from Kuya Ivan

_____ are economies that rely on a particular kind of industry.

d. Specialized Economies 

WHO stands for World Health Organization.

b. True 

The European Union was founded on January 1, 1993.

b. False 

_____ is defined as a change in the typical or average weather of a region or city.

a. Climate change 

_____ is “a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them
directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free

b. Democracy 

The number of the links that a node has is used to measure its _____.

d. Degree centrality 

An artificial

Select one:

b. Hidden layers

d. Neural layers 

The soma is also known as _____.

c. Cell body 

_____ is determined by measuring the average length of a node’s path to other nodes.
d. Closeness centrality 

Which of the Following is a proof of global warming?

b. All of these 

_____ is when a person is a citizen of more than one country

a. Multiple citizenship 

_____ are conditions that attract people to a particular location.

c. Pull factors 

The World Trade Organization has 154 member countries.

b. False 

Information that enters an artificial neural network through the _____

c. Input layer 

The Ancient Greek word “demos” means _____.

b. The people 

Which organization has the motto “One Vision, One Identity, One Community”

c. Association of Southeast Asian Nations 

The _____ in a social network are people.

c. Nodes 

_____ is a cell that is capable of receiving, processing, and sending information in the form of very small
electrical impulses.

c. Neuron 

_____ means moving to another country with the goal of becoming permanent residents.

a. Immigration 

What is the official of most of the members of the European Union?

a. Euro 

_____ is another term for citizenship

a. Nationality 

_____ states that the land masses in our planet are moving in different directions

d. Plate Tectonics Theory 

The last Ice Age ended about 12 thousand years ago.

a. True 

The WTO’s headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland.

b. True 

UNESCO stands for United Nations Economic, Scientific and Cultural Organization

b. False 

_____ is also known as a nerve cell.

a. Neuron 

The number of indirect connections that pass through a node is the measure of its _____.

b. Betweenness centrality 

A majority of Japanese people celebrate Christmas as a religious tradition

b. False 

_____ are thin fibers that branch out of the cell body and connects to other neurons

b. Dendrite 

Social status is something that you have to do.

b. False 

_____ is a computing system that is modeled after the structure of the brain.

d. Artificial neural network 

Which of the following is a founding member of ASEAN?

b. Indonesia 

Who said “Democracy is when the people keep a government in check.”

Select one:

b. Aung San Suu Kyi 

_____ is the legal status of a person as a member of a sovereign state

b. Citizenship 

_____ is the network inside the brain composed of neurons.

b. Biological Neural Network 

_____ is what happens when more heat from the sun is retained inside the Earth’s athmosphere instead
of being reflected back to space.

d. Greenhouse effect 
The Increase in _____ in the Earth’s atmosphere contributes to global warming

d. Greenhouse gases 

The European Union has how many member countries?

d. 28 

The _____ provides loans to developing countries.

b. World Bank 

At least 97% of climate scientists disagree that global warming is real and it is most probably caused by

b. False 

"United in diversity" is ASEAN’s motto.

a. False 

_____ is the way a society is organized.

a. Social structure 

“_____ is the “government of the people, by the people, for the people”

d. Democracy 

_____ is an informal rule or practice that is followed by the members of a society.

a. Social norm 

What does ppm mean?

d. Parts per million 

_____ is society’s way of categorizing people.

a. Social stratification 

Social role is something that you have.

b. False 

The World Trade Organization was established in January 1, 1995.

a. True 

_____ is the exchange of capital, goods, and services between countries.

c. International Trade 

The United Nations has 61 founding members.

a. False 
Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are examples of _____.

a. fossil fuel

_____is a body of ice that are connected to land.

d. Land ice

The last _____ ended about 12 thousand years ago.

a. Major Ice age 

The tilt of the Earth’s axis is permanent.

b. False

The amount of energy that is released by the sun changes from time to time.

b. True

Which of the following is a UN specialized agency?


The _____ was founded immediately after World War 2. The Philippine Commonwealth was a founding

d. United Nations 

ASEAN stands for Association of Southern Asian Nations.

b. False 

_____is the international exchange of products, knowledge, and culture.

b. Globalization

Which organization has the motto "United in diversity"

c. European Union

The hottest year on record is 2015.

a. True

ASEAN has 10 member states.

b. True 

There are 5 known major Ice ages in our planet’s history.

a. True

_____ is the increase in the Earth’s overall atmospheric temperature.

d. Global warming
The Magna Carta is composed of how many clauses?

d. 63 

What event started in 2011 and forced about 11 million people to leave their homes?

c. Syrian Civil War 

Which event happened in the 1840’s and many people from Ireland to immigrate?

b. Irish Potato Famine 

A _____ is a person who has been forced to leave his or her country because of human conflict, natural
disasters, or political persecution.

d. Refugee 

The Ancient Greek word “kratos” means _____.

b. Power

_____ is a subfield of Computer Science that is concerned with creating computers that can “learn”
without having to be programmed by humans.

b. Machine learning

Kingdom, empire, sultanate, are examples of a _____.

d. Monarchy

_____ is the sum of the norms, responsibilities and expectations that applies to a person.

c. Social role 

_____ is a branch of Machine Learning that uses algorithms based on artificial neural networks.

a. Deep Learning

_____ are conditions that drive people to leave a particular area.

a. Push factors 

The human brain has approximately _____ neurons.

c. 100 billion 

_____ is a type of democracy where members can personally participate in dialogue and decision

d. Direct Democracy

The _____ is an Intergovernmental economic system that guarantees free movement of the 4 freedoms.

d. European Single Market 

Global Warming is mainly due to an intensified

a. Greenhouse effect

_____ is the measure of importance of a node in a network.

a. Centrality 

The _____ is “the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between

c. World Trade Organization 

_____ is the rank or position of a person in a society.

c. Social status

The _____ was founded with the signing of the Bangkok Declaration?

b. Association of Southeast Asian Nations 

The _____ in a social network are the relationships between people.

b. Links 

_____ is a form of government where power is held by a small group of people.

d. Oligarchy

_____ is the permanent or semi-permanent movement of people across political boundaries.

c. Migration

Who gave the Gettysburg Address?

b. Abraham Lincoln 

Which of the following is NOT a specialized agency of the United Nations?

d. World Trade Organization

_____ is a group of people that constantly interact with each other.

d. Society

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