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Exercise 3: Terms and definitions of

1. Nonconformity Non-fulfillment of a requirement
2. Technical person who provides specific knowledge or expertise to
expert the audit team
3. Management Participation in designing implementing or maintaining
system a management system
4. Imparitiality Perceived presence of objectivity
5. Audity client Organization or person requesting an audit
6. Management System to establish policy and objectives and to achieve
system those objectives
7. Audit program Description of the activities and arrangements for an
8. Audity finding Results of the evaluation of the collected audit evidence
against audit criteria
9. Audit team One or more auditors conducting an audit supported if
needed by technical experts
10. Audit outcome of an audit after consideration of the audit
conclusion objectives and all audit finding
11. Competence Ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve
intended results
12. Risk Effect of uncertainty on objectives
13. Guide Maintaining and improving auditor competence
14. Conformity Fulfilment of a requirement
15. Auditee Organization being audited
16. Client Person appointed by the auditee to assist the audit
17. Technical area Area characterized by commonalities of processes
relevant to a specific type of management system
18. Certified client Organization whose management system has been
19. Observer Person who accompanies the audit team but does not
20. Audit criteria Set of policies, procedures or requirements used as a
reference against which audit evidence
21. Audit Records, statements of fact or other information which
evedance are relevant to the audit criteria and verifiable
22. Audit systematic, independent and documented process for
obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to
determine the extent to which the audit criteria are
23. Auditor Person who conducts an audit
24. Audity scope Extent and boundaries of an audit
25. Third partiy Organization whose management system is being
certification audited for certification purposes
26. Audit plan Audit carried out by an auditing organization
independent of the client and the user for the purpose
of certifying the client’s management system

Sara ragab
Fatma ali
Nermin nashadi
Yousef rasheedy

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