Mineração - WindPower

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Mineração – WindPower

Underwater cables need adequate protection on offshore projects

(Artigo do site “ https://www.windpowerengineering.com/underwater-cables-need-

adequate-protection-on-offshore-projects/ ”)

1 - Another factor that has contributed to the increasing usage of the business modeling
method, is the increasing pace of change in business.

Pace = ritmo, andamento, andar, passo..

2 - Documented evidence of efforts to obtain information from other sources.

Source = Fonte, nascente, origem, fonte de informações...

3 - The park is globally known for its biodiversity.

Globally = Globalmente…

4 - This will be best and richest in the recompense.

Richest = Mais rico.

5 - Sufficient resources need energy demand management.

Resource = Recurso..

5 - This fact makes polytheism seem shallow if not empty.

Shallow = Superficial, raso, de pouca profundidade, pouco fundo..

6 - I felt that something had to be done to stop the situation from escalating.

Escalating = Escalada, ascendente…

7 - This Coalition aims to enhance renewable energy deployment within developing countries.

Renewable = renovável

Aims = apontar, visar, o alvo, o objetivo, intuito, mira..

Coalition = Aliança, liga..

Deployment = desdobramento, desenvolvimento, implantação...

8 - We could tap into this enormous resource pool and this organizational capacity.

Tap into = tirar proveito de algo ou alguém

Capacity = capacidade

9 - Fifty users need printer software installed on their computers.

Installed = instalado

10 - These projects have taken much longer than were previously anticipated.

Anitcipated = previsto, antecipado..

11 - Thus, many power plants, substations and transmission lines are being regularized with
the environmental agencies.

Substation = substação

Thus = portanto, deste modo, desta maneira..

12 - Bunge products deliver important quantities of certain vitamins to the population.

Quantities = quantidades

Quantity = quantidade

13 - It leads you ever onward, inward and upward.

Onward = adiante, para frente, progressivo..

Inward = interior, parte de dentro, interno, em direção ao interior..

Upward = para cima, acima, adiante, além, ascendente..

14 - Therefore marriage must be treated with utmost sanctity.

Utmost = máximo, extremo, mais elevado..

Sanctity = santidade

15 - Some of them can bend almost by 90 degrees.

Bend = dobrar, torcer, curvar..

16 - Customer engagement is linked to revenue.

Revenue = receita, rendimento..


17 - Dust and browning along the cuts.

Along = juntamente, junto, ao longo, ao lado de, paralelo ao..

18 - Employers are increasingly looking for multilingual graduates with multicultural


Increasingly = Cada vez mais, a aumentar, de modo crescente..

19 - Moreover, you can avoid instrument downtime with the outstanding heater lifetime that
is highlighted with a 5-year warranty.

Highlighted = destacado, salientado..

20 - The next phase of work will be conducted to generate targets for trenching and drilling.

Trenching = escavação, vala..

21 - Production quantity and each piece length will be automatically measured.

Length = comprimento, extensão, duração, distancia…

22 - Explore the seabed to win prizes.

Seabed = solo oceânico, fundo do mar..

23 - I've dispatched forces to scour the lands.

Scour = vasculhar, limpar, tirar, esfregar, correnteza, corrente, limpeza..

24 - Mechanical motion around an equilibrium reference point.

Motion = movimento…

25 - And our new weapon has even greater significance.

Greater = maior, grande, grandioso..

26 - When this occurs, replacement should be done to restore your truck's front-end stiffness.

Stiffness = Rigidez..

27 - Vivian, remember, this place is highly dangerous.

Highly = altamente, grandemente, muito…

28 - Therefore the memory card becomes very susceptible from virus infection.

Susceptible = suscetível

29 - We therefore aim to mitigate its worst aspects.

Mitigate = mitigar, atenuar, reduzir…

30 - G-shock watches will fit any lifestyle.

Fit – em forma, caber, ajustar, servir, assentar...

31 - Then your visit must have purpose too.

Purpose = propósito, objetivo, intenção, propor, pretender, planejar..

32 - To obtain this new perspective, we must envelop ourselves in silence and prayer.

Envelop = envolver..
33 - Shouldn't have subjected him to the stresses of a race.

Subjected = submetido

Subject = sujeito, subordinar, submetido, exposto..

34 - Smoking is forbidden inside vehicles or the immediate vicinity.

Vicinity = proximidade, vizinhança..

35 - Until recently we have been unable to locate him or ascertain his identity.

Ascertain = determiner, verificar, averiguar..

36 - Measure the diameter and from there count... noodles.

Diameter = diâmetro

37 - Included studies were scored as good or excellent after quality assessment.

Assessment = avaliação, tributação, imposto..

38 - Your first officer kindly accommodated me.

Accommodated = acomodado

39 - Those parameters can be set through touch panel with quick response.

Parameters = parâmetros

40 - Outer skin becomes irritated, the eyes inflamed, throat closes...

Outer = exterior, externo, de fora…

41 - They have not been tested for effectiveness or suitability to cure addiction.

Suitability = aptidão, adequação..

42 - Please contact the device manufacturer for information on the repair procedure.

Manufacturer = fabricante, produtor..

43 - Manufacturers or suppliers will advise the best size for your application.

Advise = aconselhar, aviasr, informar, acessorar…

44 - Maintenance of thermal storage temperature for minimum 48 hours.

Storage = armazenamento, armazem..

45 - Once adhered, they have exceptional strength.

Adhered = aderido

46 - They insulate and protect against mild electromagnetic radiation.

Isulate = isolar, separar..

47 - The temperature control settings should not exceed 80 degrees.

Exceed = exceeder, exagerar, ultrapassar…

48 - All of these means are allowable if they present the message clearly, honestly, and

Allowable = permissível, admissível…

49 - Always evaluate fluid properties before using the cartridge filling system.

Evaluate = avaliar, calcular, estimar..

50 - But infinite growth collides with finite energy.

Finite = finite, limitado…

51 - The solution enables faster problem resolution and provides broad reporting capabilities.

Enable = habilitar, autorizar, possibilitar…

52 - I have never crossed the boundary of your cubicle.

Boundary = fronteira, limite…

53 - You're being constrained by the public's opinion.

Constrained = constrangido, forçado a…

54 - Authorities must set up conditions for the functioning of social relationships.

Set up = configurar..

55 - Like I said, it's an iterative process that requires strategic investment of your resources.

Iterative = iterativo..

56 - We'll proceed under Hawaiian law.

Proceed = proceder, prosseguir, seguir, ir para diante..

57 -

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