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1. Note the colour of the salt a. Blue May be Cu2+
b. Green May be Cu2+ or Ni2+
c. Pale green May be Fe2+
d. Pale pink May be Mn2+
e. Deep pink May be Co2+
f. Yellow-brown May be Fe3+
g. White or colourless Absence of Cu2+, Ni2+,
Fe2+,Mn2+,Co2+, Fe3+
2. Note the odour of the salt a. Ammoniacal smell Presence of NH4+

b. Vinegar smell Presence of CH3COO-

c. Rotten egg smell Presence of hydrated S2-

3. Solubility test : a. Soluble in water Absence of heavy metal carbonate
a. To a pinch of the salt
taken in a test tube add b. Insoluble in water Presence of heavy metal carbonate
2cc of water
b. To a pinch of the given a. Soluble in dil. HCl Absence of Pb2+
salt add 2cc of dil HCl and
shake well b. Insoluble in dil. HCl Presence of Pb2+
4. Flame Test: a. Apple–green flame Presence of Ba2+
Take a spatula of the salt in
a watch glass. Add a drop b. Crimson red flame Presence of Sr2+
or two of conc.HCl to it
and make a paste. c. Blue red flame Presence of Ca2+
Introduce this paste into
the non-luminous flame d. Blue green flame Presence of Cu2+
using a glass rod.
e. No characteristic colour Absence of Ba2+, Sr2+,Ca2+, Cu2+


GROUP I: a. Brisk effervescence is
5. To the salt taken in a noted. A colourless, I group acid radical CO32- is
test tube, add dilute odourless gas turning detected and confirmed
HCl and warm. lime water milky is
evolved. On passing the
gas for some more time,
milkiness disappears
MCO3+2HCl → MCl2+H2O+CO2 
CO2+Ca(OH)2 → CaCO3  (milky white)+H2O
CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O → Ca(HCO3)2
b. A colourless gas with the I group acid radical S2- may be
smell of rotten eggs is evolved. present.
It turns lead acetate paper

MS+2HCl → MCl2+H2S(rotten egg smell)

(CH3COO)2Pb+H2S → 2CH3COOH+PbS  (black)
c. Slight brown fumes which turn I group acid radical NO2- may be
FeSO4 solution black present.
d. A colourless gas with the smell I group acid radical SO32- may be
of burning sulphur which present.
turns acidified dichromate
solution green evolved
MSO3+2HCl → MCl2+H2O+SO2  (burning sulphur smell)
K2Cr2O7+4H2SO4 → K2SO4+Cr2(SO4)3(green)+4H2O+3[O]
SO2+[O]+H2O → H2SO4
e. Colourless vapours with smell I group acid radical
of vinegar. Vapours turn blue Acetate(CH3COO-) may be present
litmus red
(CH3COO)2M+2HCl → MCl2+2CH3COOH(vinegar smell)
f. No characteristic reaction. Absence of CO32-, S2-, SO32-, NO2-,
CH3COO-(I Group acid radicals)
GROUP II a. Frothing takes place. A II group acid radical Cl- may
6. To a small amount of colourless gas with be present.
the salt taken in a test pungent smell which gives
tube add conc.H2SO4. dense white fumes with a
glass rod dipped in
NH4OH solution.
NH4OH+HCl → NH4Cl +H2O
(white dense fumes)
b. Reddish-brown gas which II group acid radical Br– may
turns moist starch paper be present.
yellow and moist starch
iodide paper blue is
2MBr+3H2SO4 → 2MHSO4+2H2O+SO2+Br2(reddish brown)

c. Violet vapours which turn II group acid radical I- may be

moist starch paper blue-black present.
is evolved. A layer of violet
sublimate is formed on the
sides of the tube
2MI+3H2SO4 → 2MHSO4+2H2O+SO2+I2(violet)
d. Colourless, odourless gas is II group acid radical C2O42- may
evolved which turns lime- be present.
water milky and the gas
coming out of lime-water
burns with a blue flame, if
(COONa)2 + Conc. H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + H2O + CO2↑ + CO↑

To a small amount of e. Slight brown fumes II group acid radical NO3- may
the salt taken in a test turning FeSO4 black are be present.
tube add conc.H2SO4 evolved on heating.
and heat slightly.
6FeSO4+3H2SO4+2HNO3 → 3Fe2(SO4)3+2NO+4H2O
f. No characteristic reaction Absence of Cl-, Br-, I-, NO3-, C2O42-
(II Group acid radicals)
Note on Sodium Carbonate Extract :

a. When to prepare :
a) If the salt in insoluble or partly soluble in water,
b) If the salt is colourised ,
c) If the salt contains Ba2+, Pb2+.
If not, prepare water extract by dissolving a small amount of the salt in H2O
b. Why to prepare :
To convert the salt to a colourless sodium salt solution of the given anion
c. How to prepare:
To 1 part of the salt add 3 parts of Na2CO3 and 1 test tube of water. Boil well for two minutes , cool
and filter. The filtrate is called the SODIUM CARBONATE EXTRACT .


7. Confirmatory tests
for S2- :
a. To the substance add A colourless gas with a rotten egg smell is Presence of S2- is
dilHCl formed. It turns (CH3COO)2Pb paper black confirmed.
MS+2HCl → MCl2+H2S(rotten egg smell)
(CH3COO)2Pb+H2S → 2CH3COOH+PbS(black) 
To the W.E or S.E Black precipitation is formed. Presence of S2- is
acidified with acetic confirmed
b. acid, add (CH3COO)2Pb MS+(CH3COO)2Pb → (CH3COO)2M+PbS  (black)

Sodium Nitroprusside
To a portion of S.E. or Purple colour is obtained. Presence of S2- is
W.E (to which some confirmed
NaOH has been added),
add 2 drops of sodium
nitroprusside solution. Na2S+Na2[Fe(CN)5NO] → Na4[Fe(CN)5NOS]
8. Confirmatory tests
for SO32- :
To the W.E. or S.E. White precipitate is formed. Presence of SO32-
(acidified with
CH3COOH & CO2 is
boiled off), add BaCl2
solution and filter

(i) To one portion of the The precipitate dissolves with evolution of SO2. Presence of SO32-
ppt add dil.HCl
Na2SO3+BaCl2 → 2NaCl+BaSO4  (white)
BaSO3+2HCl → BaCl2+H2O+SO2
(ii) To the W.E. or S.E. The pink colour gets discharged. Presence of SO32- is
add a few drops of confirmed
acidified KMnO4 2KMnO4+3H2SO4 → K2SO4+2MnSO4+3H2O+5[O]
SO32- + [O] → SO42-
a. Confirmatory tests A blue-black solution is obtained Confirms the presence
for NO2- : of NO2-
To a portion of W.E. or
S.E. acidified with dil
H2SO4 add a few drops 2KI+4H2SO4+2MNO2 → 2KHSO4+2NO+2H2O+I2+ 2 MHSO4
of KI followed by a few Starch + I2 → blue-black colouration
drops of starch solution.

b. To the salt taken in a

test tube add dil. H2SO4 The pink colouration is discharged Confirms the presence
and KMnO4 solution. of NO2-

10. Confirmatory tests Confirms the presence

for CH3COO- : A pleasant fruity smell of an ester is got of CH 3 COO

a. To a small amount of
the substance taken in a
test tube, add conc-
H2SO4 and warm. Then
add C2H5OH and shake
well. Pour the contents
of the test tube into a
beaker of water. Stir the

Red colour is formed.

To the W.E. or S.E.
(acidified with dil- 3CH3COOM+FeCl3 → (CH3COO)3Fe(red)+3MCl Confirms the
HCl) add neutral presence of
FeCl3 solution. CH 3 COO −
Red colour disappears and a red-brown
The above solution is ppt is formed.

(CH 3 COO) 3 Fe + 2H 2 O → Fe(CH 3 COO)(OH ) 2 + 2CH 3 COOH

(red – brown)

11. Confirmatory tests A greenish yellow gas is evolved. Presence of Cl-

for Cl-

a. To a pinch of the solid

salt taken in a test tube
2MCl+MnO2+3H2SO4 → MnSO4+2MHSO4+2H2O+Cl2
add a few grains of
MnO2& add conc.
b. Chromyl chloride
test: Red vapours are evolved.
To a pinch of the
solid salt taken in a
test tube add of solid
K2Cr2O7. Add
concentrated H2SO4 Confirms the
and heat. presence of Cl −
Pass the red vapours
through NaOH Yellow solution is got.
To the yellow
solution, sufficient Yellow precipitate is got.
quantity of
CH3COOH & 4NaCl+K2Cr2O7+3H2SO4 →
(CH3COO)2Pb 2CrO2Cl2(red vapours)+2Na2SO4+K2SO4+H2O
4NaOH+CrO2Cl2 → Na2CrO4(yellow)+2NaCl+2H2O
Na2CrO4+(CH3COO)2Pb → PbCrO4  (yellow ppt)+2CH3COONa

c. AgNO3 test: A curdy white precipitate fully soluble in excess

To the W.E. or of NH4OH Confirms the presence
S.E.(acidified with of Cl-
HNO3) add a few drops AgCl+2NH4OH → [Ag(NH3)2]Cl+2H2O
of AgNO3 solution.

12. Confirmatory tests Deep red-brown vapours turning starch paper Presence of Br – is
for Br-: (moist) yellow and starch iodide paper (moist) confirmed
a. To a pinch of the blue are evolved.
substance taken in a test
tube add a few grains of 2MBr+3H2SO4 → 2MHSO4+2H2O+SO2+Br2(brown)
MnO2 and 2-5cc of conc-
H2SO4 and warm.
To the W.E or S.E in An orange-brown organic layer is formed. Confirms the
b. a test tube add fresh presence of Br–.
chlorine water and
then a few drops of 2Br -+Cl2 → 2Cl - + Br2(orange brown)
CCl4. Shake well.

How to prepare chlorine water :

To prepare chlorine water, take either a single crystal of KMnO 4 or a few grains of MnO2 and add conc-HCl.
Close the mouth of the test tube for 5 seconds. The resulting liquid can be used as chlorine water. (The
chlorine water prepared from MnO2 is very strong. Therefore it must be used sparingly)


d. To the W.E or S.E (acidified with A straw coloured ppt is formed Presence of Br – is confirmed.
dil-HNO3) add a few drops of which is partly soluble in NH4OH
AgNO3 solution. solution is got.
2AgNO3+MBr2 → 2AgBr  (straw coloured)+M(NO3)2
13. Confirmatory tests for I- :

a. To a pinch of the substance taken Violet vapours which turn moist

in a test tube add a few grains of starch paper blue are obtained. Presence of I- is confirmed.
MnO2 and then add conc-H2SO4 2MI+MnO2+3H2SO4 →
and warm. MnSO4+2MHSO4+2H2O+I2(violet)
b. To the W.E or S.E. add fresh Cl2
water. Add a few drops of CCl4 and A pink organic layer is formed. Presence of I- is confirmed.
2I-+Cl2 → 2Cl- + I2(violet)
To the W.E or S.E.(acidified with A yellow precipitate completely Presence of I- is confirmed.
dil HNO3) add a few drops of insoluble in NH4OH solution is got.
AgNO3 solution. MI+AgNO3 → MNO3+AgI 
14. Confirmatory tests for NO3-:
a. To a pinch of the salt taken in a The solution turns green and there Confirms the presence of
test tube, add conc is profuse evolution of brown fumes NO3-
-H2SO4 and warm. Then add 1-2 which turn FeSO4 solution black.
copper turnings. MNO3+H2SO4 → MHSO4+HNO3
Cu + 4 HNO3 → Cu( NO3 ) 2 + 2 H 2 O + 2 NO2 
(green) (brown)
Profuse evolution of brown fumes Presence of NO3- is confirmed
b. Repeat the above test tube using
which FeSO4 solution black is seen.
paper pellets instead of copper
4HNO3+C → 2H2O+4NO2(brown)+CO2
c. Brown ring test: A brown ring is formed at the Confirms the presence of
To the W.E. or S.E. (acidified junction of the two liquids NO3-
with dil-H2SO4) add freshly
prepared FeSO4 solution. MNO3+H2SO4 → MHSO4+HNO3
Then add conc-H2SO4 along 6FeSO4+3H2SO4+2HNO3 → 3Fe2(SO4)3+4H2O+2NO
the sides of the test tube , in FeSO4 + NO → FeSO4.NO(brown coloured)
drops. (nitroso ferrous sulphate)
15. Confirmatory tests for C2O42- : White precipitate insoluble in C2O42- is confirmed
ammonium oxalate is obtained.

To the W.E or S.E (acidified with CaCl2 + Na2C2O4 → CaC2O4(white ppt) + 2 NaCl
acetic acid) add calcium chloride
16. GROUP III. A white precipitate insoluble III group acid radical
Tests for SO42-: even in conc-HCl, is obtained. SO42- may be present.

a. To the W.E. or S.E.(acidified MSO4+BaCl2 → MCl2+BaSO4  (white)

with dil-HCl) add BaCl2

b. To the W.E or S.E.(acidified White precipitate soluble in Confirms the presence of

with dil-CH3COOH), add excess of of (CH3COO)NH4 is SO42-
(CH3COO)2Pb formed.

MSO4+(CH3COO)2Pb → (CH3COO)2M+PbSO4↓(white)
PbSO4+2(CH3COO)NH4 → (NH4)2SO4+(CH3COO)2Pb
17. Confirmatory tests for PO43-: Canary yellow precipitate is formed. Confirms the presence of
a. Ammonium molybdate test: PO43-
To the W.E or S.E.(acidified) or 2M3PO4+3(NH4)2MoO4 → 2(NH4)3PO4+3M2MoO4
the solid substance add conc M2MoO4+2HNO3 → 2MNO3+H2MoO4
HNO3 and boil well. Then add H2MoO4 → H2O+MoO3
excess of ammonium molybdate (NH4)3PO4+12MoO3+6H2O → (NH4)3PO4.12MoO36.H2O
b. To the W.E. or S.E. (acidified with A white precipitate is formed.
Confirms the presence of
dil-HCl), boil off CO2and then add PO43-
magnesia mixture. M2HPO4+MgCl2+NH4OH → MgNH4PO4(white)+2MCl+H2O

Preparation of Magnesia mixture: Add solid NH4Cl to Mg2+ solution. Add NH4OH till a strong smell of
Ammonia is got.
Preparation of original salt solution: (OS)
To the solid salt , add ¼ test tube of water and shake well. If it is insoluble in cold water, heat the water and
the salt mixture. If it is insoluble even in hot water dissolve the salt in minimum quantity of dil-HCl. Boil
well. The resulting solution is called the OS.


Dil-HCl PbCl2 White
CuS Black
II Dil-HCl+H2S
CdS Yellow
Fe(OH)2 Green
III NH4Cl+NH4OH Fe(OH)3 Yellowish–brown
Al(OH)3 Gelatinous white
CoS Black
NiS Black
MnS Buff(flesh)
ZnS White(dirty)
V NH4Cl+NH4OH+(NH4)2CO3 SrCO3 White



19. Test for “zero” group:
A colourless gas with pungent N𝑯+ 𝟒 may be
a. To the given salt taken in a smell, giving dense white present.
test tube, add NaOH fumes with a rod dipped in
solution and heat. conc-HCl is obtained
𝑁𝐻4+ +NaOH → H2O+ Na+ + NH3(pungent odour
NH3 + HCl → NH4Cl (dense white fumes)
b. To the OS, add NaOH and A reddish brown precipitate is Confirms the
a few drops of Nesseler’s formed presence of N𝑯+
NH3+2K2HgI4+3NaOH → NH2.HgO.HgI+3NaI+4KI+H2O


Indicates the presence of
a. White precipitate
group I ion (Pb2+)

To the OS, add dil-HCl and Indicates the absence of

I b. No precipitate
filter. Group I ions.
Pb2++2HCl → PbCl2  +2H+
Presence of Cu2+
a. Black precipitate
Presence of Cd2+
b. Yellow precipitate

To the filtrate add H2S Indicates the absence of

II c. No precipitate
solution. Group II ions.

Cu2++H2S → CuS  (Black)+2H+

Cd2++H2S → CdS  (yellow)+2H+

a. Green precipitate
Presence of Fe2+
b. Gelatinous white
Presence of Al3+
Presence of Fe3+
To the OS, add solid NH4Cl till c. Brown precipitate
it dissolves. Then add excess Absence of Group III ions .
III d. No precipitate
of NH4OH till a pungent smell
of NH3 is got.
A𝑙 3+ +3OH- → Al(OH)3(White)

F𝑒 2++2OH- → Fe(OH)2(Green)

F𝑒 3++3OH- → Fe(OH)3(Brown)
a. Black precipitate Presence of Co2+ or Ni2+

b. Buff precipitate Presence of Mn2+

c. White precipitate Presence of Zn2+

Add H2S solution to the above
IV d. No precipitate Absence of Group IV ions.
Co2++H → CoS 
2S (Black)+2H+
Ni2++H2S → NiS (Black)  + 2H+
Mn2++H2S → MnS  (Buff) +2H+
Zn2+ + H2S → ZnS  (White)+ 2H+
V To the OS, add solid NH4Cl till a. White precipitate Indicates the presence of
it dissolves. Then add excess Ba2+ or Sr2+ or Ca2+ ion.
of NH4OH till a pungent smell b. No precipitate Indicates the absence of
of NH3 is got. Add (NH4)2CO3. Group V ions.

Ba+++C𝑂32− → BaCO3 (White)

Sr+++ C𝑂32− → SrCO3 (White)
Ca+++ C𝑂32− → CaCO3 (White)

a. White precipitate Indicate the presence of

To the OS, add solid NH4Cl Mg2+
VI and excess of NH4OH. Then b. No precipitate Absence of Mg2+
add Na2HPO4 solution to it.
Mg2++NH4OH+Na2HPO4 → MgNH4PO4(White) +H2O+2Na+


Group reagent : Dil HCl

Colour of precipitate : White
Add water to the precipitate and boil. Divide the solution into three parts.


a. To one part of the above Presence of Pb2+ is
Yellow precipitate is got.
solution, or to OS add confirmed.
K2CrO4 Pb +K2CrO4 → PbCrO4 (yellow) +2K+

A yellow precipitate soluble

under hot conditions but Presence of Pb2+ is
b. To the second part add KI reappearing as golden confirmed.
solution. spangles on cooling is
Pb2+ +2KI → PbI2  (yellow) + 2K+
A white precipitate soluble in
Presence of Pb2+is confirmed.
To the third part add a drop of CH3COONH4 is formed.
H2SO4 . Pb2++H2SO4 → PbSO4↓(White) +2H+
Group reagent :HCl+H2S
Colour of precipitate : Yellow - Cd2+ Black – Cu2+
Add dil-HNO3 to the prec ipitate. Boil to expel H2S. Divide into 2 parts.


a. To one portion of the above (or (i) A light blue precipitate Presence of Cu2+ is
OS) add NH4OH on drops to dissolving in excess to give a confirmed.
excess. deep blue solution is formed.

Cu2++2OH- → Cu(OH)2(pale blue)

Cu(OH)2+4NH4OH → [Cu(NH3)4](OH)2 + 4H2O
(deep blue)
(ii) A white precipitate Presence of Cd2+
soluble in excess is formed.
Cd2++2OH- → Cd(OH)2(white)
Cd(OH)2+4NH4OH → [Cd(NH3)4](OH)2+4H2O

To the second part of the (or OS ) (i) Chocolate brown Presence of Cu2+ is
b. nadd K4[Fe(CN)6] precipitate is formed. confirmed.
Cu +K4[Fe(CN)6 → Cu2[Fe(CN)6] + 4 K+

(chocolate brown)
(ii) White or blue –white Presence of Cd2+ is
precipitate is formed. confirmed
2Cd2++K4[Fe(CN)6] → Cd2[Fe(CN)6]+4K+


Group reagent : NH4Cl+NH4OH

Colour of the precipitate: Pale green –Fe2+, reddish brown –Fe3+, gelatinous white-Al3+.
Dissolve the precipitate in dil-HCl and divide into three parts.


Confirmatory tests for Al3+:

a. To one portion of the above A gelatinous precipitate which Presence of Al3+ is

solution or OS add NaOH in dissolves in excess confirmed.
drops to excess.

Al3++3NaOH → Al(OH)3(gelatinous precipitate)+Na+

Al(OH)3+NaOH → NaAlO2+2H2O

b. Blue lake test: A blue lake is formed. It is the Presence of Al3+ is

To the second part or OS add a blue litmus adsorbed in a jelly confirmed.
drop of blue litmus like Al(OH)3 to form a blue
solution and then add floating precipitate in a clear
ammonium hydroxide solution.
solution in drops till the Al3++3OH- → Al(OH)3
solution turns alkaline. Al(OH)3+Blue dye → Blue lake
Confirmatory tests for Prussian blue colour is formed. Presence of Fe3+is
a. Fe3+: confirmed.
To the one part of the solution
4Fe3++3K4[Fe(CN)6 → Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3(prussian blue)+12K+
add a drop of K4[Fe(CN)6]
b. Confirms the presence of
To the OS, add a few drops of Blood red colour is formed. Fe3+
dil-HCl followed by a drop of
KCNS solution. Fe3++3KCNS → Fe(CNS)3(blood red)+3K+

Confirmatory tests for

a. Fe2+: Pink colour is discharged
To the one part of the solution MnO4-+8H++5Fe2+ → Mn2++5Fe3++4H2O
(or OS) add acidified KMnO4 (colourless)
b. To another part of the
solution(or OS ) add a few A deep blue colour is formed. Confirms the presence of
followed by K3[Fe(CN)6] Fe2+
solution. 2K3[Fe(CN)6+3Fe → Fe3[Fe(CN)6]2+6K+

Deep blue or Turnbull’s blue

c. To another part of the solution A light red coloured is formed. Presence of Fe2+ is
(or OS) add dil-HCl followed by confirmed.
a drop or two of KCNS solution. Fe + 2 KCNS → Fe(CNS)2 + 2K
2+ +

[Note: It is a common practice to oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+ in the III group. If the III group precipitate is
green in color, add few drops of conc. Nitric acid and heat (to convert ferrous ions to ferric ions).
Cool and add excess ammonium hydroxide solution to get the precipitate to ferric hydroxide.
Dissolve the precipitate in dilute HCl and do the confirmatory tests for ferric ions].

[Reasons for adding Ammonium chloride in the III group: Ammonium chloride suppresses the
ionization of ammonium hydroxide (Common ion effect). In the absence of ammonium chloride,
cations of subsequent groups such as Zn2+ and Mn2+ may also be precipitated along with the
hydroxides of Fe3+ and Al3+. Ammonium chloride reduces the concentration of OH- by common
ion effect and buffer action and thus prevent the metals of subsequent groups from being
precipitated as hydroxides, which have higher solubility product values than those of the
hydroxides of group III cations.]

Group reagent: NH4Cl+NH4OH+H2S

Color of the precipitated : Black –Co2+ or Ni2+
Buff – Mn2+
If the precipitated is buff or white in color, then add dil-HCl to it. Boil to expel H2S. Divide the solution into
two parts.
If the precipitate is insoluble and black in color, then to the precipitate, add 6 drops of conc-HCl and 2
drops of conc-HNO3 and heat to dryness. Then dissolves the residue in minimum quantity of water. Divide
the solution into two parts


Confirmatory tests for Zn2+:

Presence of Zn2+ is
To one part of the above
a. A white precipitate soluble confirmed.
solutionor OS add NaOH in
in excess is formed.
drops to excess.
Zn2++2NaOH → Zn(OH)2(white)+Na+
Zn(OH)2+2NaOH → NaZnO2(soluble)+2H2O
A greenish white precipitate is Presence of Zn2+ is
To the second part (or OS) add a formed. confirmed.
drop of K4[Fe(CN)6] solution.
2Zn2++K4[Fe(CN)6] → Zn2[Fe(CN)6](greenish-white)+4K+

Confirmatory tests for

A white precipitate, which turns Presence of Mn2+ is
a. To one part of the above solution
brown and finally black on long confirmed.
(or OS) add 2 drops of NaOH
standing is formed.
Mn2++2NaOH → Mn(OH)2+2Na+
2Mn(OH)2+O2 → 2MnO(OH)2 (brown)

Confirmatory tests for Ni2+ : Apple–green precipitate is

a. To one part of the prepared formed. Presence of Ni2+
solution (or OS) add 2 drops of
NaOH solution. Ni2++2NaOH → Ni(OH)2(apple green) +2H2O
To the second part of the
prepared solution (or OS) add Cherry red precipitate is formed. Confirms the presence of Ni2+
dimethylglyoxime dissolved in
Confirmatory tests for Co2+ :

a. To the prepared precipitate (or Red-brown precipitate is Confirms the presence of

OS) taken in a test tube, add formed. Co2+
NH4Cl, NH4OH and two drops of
K3[Fe(CN)6] solution.
b. The organic layer is stained blue Confirms the presence of
To the OS, or the second part of Co2+
the prepared precipitate add 1
ml of KCNS solution and 2 ml of Co2++4CNS - → [Co(CNS)4]2-
acetone. Shake well.

Group reagent :- NH4Cl, NH4OH, (NH4)2CO3

Color of the precipitate :- Only white
Dissolve the precipitate in acetic acid. Expel CO2. Divide the solution into three parts.
a. To the first part or OS add Yellow precipitate is formed. Confirms the presence
K2CrO4 solution. of Ba2+
Ba2++K2CrO4 → BaCrO4  (yellow) + 2K+

To the second part or OS add White precipitate is formed. Confirms the presence
(NH4)2SO4 solution. of Sr2+
Sr2++(NH4)2SO4 → SrSO4  (white) +2NH4+
White crystalline precipitate Confirms the presence
To the third part or OS add
c. is formed. of Ca2+
Ca +(NH4)2C2O4 → CaC2O4(white crystalline)+ 2NH4+

a. Apple green flame Presence of Ba2+

Perform flame test with the
d. b. Crimson red flame Presence of Sr2+
salt or V group precipitate.
c. Brick red flame Presence of Ca2+



1. To the OS, add the group Confirms the presence of
White precipitate is formed.
reagents (NH4Cl, NH4OH Mg2+
and Na2HPO4)
Mg2++NH4OH+Na2HPO4 → MgNH4PO4(white)+H2O+2Na+
2. To the above ppt add a drop
of Co(NO3)2 solution. Dip a
piece of filter paper into it Confirms the presence of
Pink Ash
and burn it. Note the color Mg2+
of the ash.

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