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IDENTITY CARD NO. : 960710-03-6074
TELEPHONE NO. : 018-3794496
LEARNING CENTRE : Kota Bharu Learning Centre
Part I: ASSURE Instructional Design Model
The ASSURE approach is appropriate for the creation of instructional media as well as the
choice of media for educational activities. The implementation stage is the main concern. To
determine the needs of the learners and also a need to analysis.

The first steps of ASSURE model is Analyse learners (A). A more interesting teaching
method is needed. Inquiry and problem-based learning are chosen. The teacher needs to
analyse the learners on the first steps to make a decision on the method that would be
interesting towards the student. For example: The class is a standard 3 consisting of all
multiracial student but some of them have a little problem in solving mathematics problem.
Teacher need to analyse what was the problem in the class. The second steps are States
objectives (S). Objective is very importance to the assessment of learning outcomes. The
objective can be measure through the scoring system that could be applied. For example:
Teacher have analyse that some student have problem in solving mathematics problem, the
objective should be to help the student by given a new method to solve the problem.
Objective should be clear so that teacher could identify the next steps. The third steps are
Select the methods, media and material (S). As the teacher have analyse and have clear
objective, the teacher must select the methods, media and material that would be introduce to
solve the problem. The methods, media and material that would be introduce must base on
learning approach. For example: the teacher could use a You tube, slide presentation and
online search that have the new method to solve the problem. The fourth steps are Utilise
media (U). Utilised here is to arrange your material to used. The teacher could contribute
figures, images, and online access in utilised the media. For example: prepared a You Tube
video on how to solve the mathematics problem then giving the explanations will conduct to
a good result. The fifth step are Required learner participation. The student must be
actively monitor by doing an interesting activity. For example: the teacher can do a Kahoot
session to monitor the understanding of the student. Activity in the class or outside the class
can provide more collaborating and engaging experience for the student. The last steps are
Evaluate and revise. Evaluation is needed to be done at the end of the topics or syllabus.
The teachers need to evaluate whether the objective is being achieved or not. If the objective
is not being achieve, the teacher needs to revised the steps back form the first steps. If the
objective is not being achieve, there would be some elements that are not completed. The
teachers need to revised it back what was the problem, are the objective is wrong, or is that
methods are not being use and other elements.
Part II: Apply the ASSURE Instructional Design Model for designing a Lesson in the
Google Classroom

Title of the Lesson Topic: Combine Operation (Sum, minus, multiple and divided)

The Lesson
The lesson is on the solving
mathematics problem on the
topic of combination operation
(Sum, Minus, Multiple and
Divided). Student will learn how
to solve a combination operation
Step 1: Analyse Learners

The lesson is
designed for
9th grade
students age
range from
14-16 which
comprises of
female and 5
students are
skilled in the
use of
gadgets such
tablets, and
They used
mostly in
level are
from average
to above
They tend to
such as
speaking or
any relevant
that could
develop their
talents. Most
of the
students are
active rather
than passive
The lesson is
designed for
9th grade
students age
range from
14-16 which
comprises of
female and 5
students are
skilled in the
use of
gadgets such
tablets, and
They used
mostly in
level are
from average
to above
They tend to
such as
speaking or
any relevant
that could
develop their
talents. Most
of the
students are
active rather
than passive
This lesson is design for 3rd
grade school student age within
9 years old which comprises of
13 female student and 7 male
students. The student mostly
Malay, who are average skill in
Mathematics subject. They have
problem in solving, have little
interest in mathematics and the
learning style. This lesson will
assist the student to optimize
opportunities for mathematics
problem solving.
Step 2: State Goals and

The audience are form student

grade 3 which is age of 9 years
old. At the end of this topic
student will learn:
1. Student will able to
differentiate between
additional, subtraction,
multiplication and
division problem solving.
2. Student will be able to
solve a combination
operation problem.
3. Student will be able to
solve different problem
solving using the best
1) Step 3: Select Methods,
1uGXge8CxKeGNhF44KBhwn0CZ5GN3AqiU/view Material and Media
The method is problem-based
1FAIpQLSdwT9GLgKPgEAsRUkStN- learning approach with inquiry
qJ9ArxkLl6xP0N3RIWqKUi38eSWw/viewform and solving problem.

The method in this lesson will be

use subject-centered and
learners-centered strategies in
approach of the student within
way of teaching.

There are three material and

media use in this lesson which
i. Power point- Teacher
will present her/his
topic through the
power point slide.
ii. YouTube- Teacher
provide a YouTube
video to engage with
simple solution and
fun learning in the
iii. Google form-
Teacher provide
google form as a quiz
to measure the
understanding of the
student at the end of
the topic.

Step 4: Utilise the Material,

Media and Technology

Plan in using materials:

i. Prepare the
providing a power
point slide for the
introduction and
reference learning.
This power point cam
be access through the
online link.
ii. Prepare the learners
to view a video on
the problem solving
for the combination
operation. They will
have to do the
- observe the
calculation on the
problem solving
- differentiate and
choose how to solve
which operation need
to solve first.
- Comparing the
result of the problem
solving to find the
correct answer.
iii. Prepare the learner to
get ready with quiz
that will evaluate
their understanding
for the topic.
Step 5: Require Learner

The learners are expecting to

participate in quiz. The learners
also will be expecting to engage
during class discussion and
activities in the end of the topic.

i. Class discussion-
Teacher will provide
a sample of question
meanwhile the
learners try to solve
the question together.
At the end of the
class, teacher will
provide and discuss
back the right answer
and how to solve the
 question.
ii. Quizzes at the end of
topic: Teacher will

 provide a quiz that

1FAIpQLSdwT9GLgKPgEAsRUkStN- containing a question
for all sub-topic that
already learn to
evaluate the
understanding of the
Step 6: Evaluate and Revise
The learners will be evaluating
at the end of topic. This
evaluation containing 5
questions. The evaluation based
qJ9ArxkLl6xP0N3RIWqKUi38eSWw/viewform on multiple choice. The 5
questions will mark with 5
marks if all answer is correct.

Part III: Benefits of ASSURE Instructional Design Model

ASSURE Instructional How each of the steps in the ASSURE Instructional Design
Design Model Model was useful in designing your lesson?

1. Analyse Learners The benefit of analyse learners in designing lesson are, to

determine how teacher to plan their learning together.
From the analyse learner’s teacher will have a good
method to approach the learners the way they are.
Analyse learner also is the best approach to find the
problem learning and problem solving. Analyse learners
are the summary of the entire class. The number of
pupils, grade or age level, gender, socioeconomic
variables, special needs, cultural and ethnic. As for my
lesson, teacher analyse that learner are grade 3 who are in
9 years old who which have in problem solving for
combination operation in Mathematics.
2. State Goals and The benefit for state goals and objective are will make the
Objectives teacher more focus and determined on the goal and
objective that the teacher should achieve. The goals and
objective should be clear. Goals states and objective also
are the guideline for the teachers in preparing their topics
and module to be present. Other than that goal and
objective will provide the problem solving.
3. Select Method, Method, material and media are important to make the
Material and Media lesson become more fun and easier. Select a good
methos, material and media will provide less burden to
the teacher in a way to attract the passion of the learners.
Other than that, a good method, material and media also
will make the learners more understood on the discussion
topic. This is because the current technology has
improved and provide a variance of method, material and
media to be use.
4. Utilise Media and The benefit for utilize media and technology in new 21 st
Technology century play an important role. Technology currently
being use widely. With a good utilize media and
technology, teacher will give a good justification and
explanation to the learners. A good justification and
explanation will make the learners more understand in
learning. Other than that, utilise media and technology
also give a good experiment to the teachers to get more
expedite in creating new things.
5. Require Learner Required learner participation will make the learner and
Participation teacher to a good communication. Good communication
can be adapted when all learner is participating in the
class. Required learner participant also will make the
learner become more independent and more courage to
ask the question and to solve the problem.
6. Evaluate and Revise Evaluate and revise are the last steps. Teacher need to
evaluate the learner on their understanding and
knowledge that they have learn. Teacher also need to
revise it back to see whether the approach is successful or
not. This action is to create and achieve the objective and
goals for the teachers.

Daesang Kim & Steve Downey. (2016). Examining the Use of the ASSURE Model by K–12
Teachers. Interdisciplinary Journal of Practice, Theory, and Applied Research, 153-
Marzila Puteh, Chan Yook Lean & Gabi a/l Krishnan. (2017). Matematik Tahun 3 . Malaysia:
Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
Muayad Kadhim Raheem Al-Haydary & Ban Hassan Majeed . (2021). Impact of ASSURE
Model on Mathematical Correlation . European Journal of Humanities and
Educational Advancements (EJHEA), 62-58.
Tarmizah Tambychik & Thamby Subahan. (2010). Students’ Difficulties in Mathematics
Problem-Solving:What do they Say? International Conference on Mathematics
Education Research 2010 (ICMER 2010), 142-151.
Y Kristianti, S Prabawanto & S Suhendra. (2017). Critical Thinking Skills of Students
Through Mathematics Learning with ASSURE Model Assisted by Software
Autograph . International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education , 1-5.

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