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EEB4073: Engineers in Society

Engineers and the Environment

Course Learning objective
CLO 2: Understand the knowledge of sustainable development in
decision making of engineering problems in societal and
environmental contexts.
Learning outcomes
▪ Able to understand the Environmental Law and its
▪ Able to apply concepts of sustainable development
to address sustainability challenges in a global
▪ Able to identify the professional and personal
actions with the knowledge and appreciation of
interconnections among economic, environmental,
and social perspectives.
Quality Act 1974
Why we need environmental law?
❑ Environmental issues are:
➢ Human health,
➢ Natural resources or ecology degradation.
❑ Result from:
➢ Human impact,
➢ Technology impact,
➢Lifestyle impact.

❑ Environmental issues in Malaysia and global:

➢ Global warming and global dimming,
➢ Deforestation,
➢ Acid rain and ocean acidification,
➢ Ozone depletion,
➢ Biodiversity loss,
➢ Waste management,
➢ Haze,
➢ Flood & drought,
➢ Etc.

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❑ Method of solution:
➢ By enforcement of EQA 1974 to control pollution,
preserving, protecting and improving the quality of our
environment as a main control measure Natural
resources or ecology degradation.
➢ Other mechanisms such as technological expertise,
economic factors, and public awareness will support
this main control measure in order to achieve the real

Link to EQA 1974 document

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EQA 1974 (Incorporating all amendments up to 1 January 2006)
❑ Comprehensive law provide common legal basis.

❑ Objective for prevention, abatement and control of pollution and enhancement of

environment by restricting discharge of waste which apply to the whole Malaysia.

❑ Consist of subsidiary regulations and orders.

❑ Mechanisms of control
➢ licensing & approval for existing operation;
➢ prohibition of equipment and material
➢ EIA requirement

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Important part in EQA 1974
❑ Part 1 Preliminary:
➢ State the title, application and commencement (Sec 1) of the act. Related terminologies (2) used in the act was defined for ease of

❑ Part 2 Administration:

➢ Assigned power given to DG /other officers (3) for administer the act.
▪ Among the state duty of administration include;
✓ Control the issuance of license
✓ Undertake survey & investigation of pollution sources
✓ To conduct, promote & coordinate research related to pollution
✓ Recommend standard and criteria for protection.

❑ Part 3 Licenses:

➢ Licensing authority given to DG (10)

➢ To approve any renewal/transfer/installment of fee
➢ Grant a license(11).
➢ License given
➢ require a holder for repair, alter or replace equipment
➢ For a period of 1 year (13) and transferable (14)
➢ License fee (17) may be differentiate according to
➢ Class of premise, location, quantity of discharge, class of pollutant discharge and existing level of pollution

❑ Part 4 Prohibition and Control of Pollution: (Refer EQA 1974)

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❑ Sustainability is the capacity to endure or continue.
✓ For example: If a product or activity is sustainable, it can be reused,
recycled, or repeated in some way because it has not exhausted all of the
resources or energy required to create it.

❑ Sustainability also can be broadly defined as the ability of something to

maintain itself.
✓ For example: Biological systems such as wetlands or forests are good
examples of sustainability since they remain diverse and productive over
long periods of time.

Seen in this way, sustainability has to do with preserving resources and energy
over the long term rather than exhausting them quickly to meet short-term needs
or goals.

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❑ Sustainability seeks new ways of addressing the relationship between societal growth and
environmental degradation, which would allow human societies and economies to grow without
destroying or overexploiting the environment or ecosystems in which those societies exist.
✓ The most widely quoted definition of sustainability comes from the Brundtland Commission of
the United Nations in 1987, which defined sustainability as meeting “the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future.

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But sustainability is about more than just the economic benefits of recycling materials and resources.
While the economic factors are important, sustainability also accounts for the social and environmental
consequences of human activity.
➢ This concept is referred to as the “three pillars of sustainability,” which asserts that true
sustainability depends upon three interlocking factors: environmental preservation (protection),
social equity, and economic viability (development).

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❑ First, sustainable human activities

must protect the earth’s
❑ Second, people and communities
must be treated fairly and equally—
particularly in regard to eradicating
Environmental Social
▪ Financially
▪ Conserve ▪ Promote global poverty and the environmental
▪ Long-term
▪ Protect Nature
▪ Eradicate
exploitation of poor countries and
▪ Balance Global
▪ Preserve Poverty communities.
▪ Ensure Equality
❑ and third, sustainability must be
economically feasible—human
development depends upon the long-
term production, use, and
management of resources as part of
a global economy.

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Economic Environmental
▪ Financially ▪ Conserve ▪ Promote
Feasible Resources Community
▪ Long-term
▪ Protect ▪ Eradicate
Nature Poverty
▪ Balance
▪ Ensure
Global ▪ Preserve
Economy Wildlife

Environmental Social

❖ Only when all three of these pillars are

incorporated can an activity or enterprise be
described as sustainable.
➢ Some describe this three-part model as:
Planet, People and Profit.

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SUSTAINABILITY- Strengthening of Capabilities

❑ Improving the people’s capability for a better quality of life implies a

development which focuses on the strengthening of the persons’
capabilities (sustainable human development).
❑ It differs from a development focussing on the individual’s income
(growth), even if the two may be interrelated (well-being, quality of life).
❑ It should reduce the capability poverty: lack of capability which implies
other forms of poverty.
❑ This implies appropriate policies: education plays the major role through it
four domains i.e. learning to know, to be, to live together, and to do.

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SUSTAINABILITY- Strengthening of Capabilities

❑ The process of education:

➢ Informing on Sustainable Development.
➢ Strengthening People’s Capabilities.
➢ Ensuring Social Sustainability.
➢ Facilitating the Transmission of Capabilities.

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SUSTAINABILITY- Strengthening of Capabilities
❑ The process of education: ▪ Education is the best way to teach the people:
➢ Informing on Sustainable ✓ On the world current situation (both for economic, social,
environment issue) and the consequences for future generations.
✓ On how to behave for saving protected resources, avoiding pollution
➢ Strengthening People’s
and waste, etc.
▪ This could be done through specific modules in all forms of
➢ Ensuring Social
education, formal, non-formal and informal, and towards the
various population groups.
➢ Facilitating the Transmission
of Capabilities.
• Training of the teachers and decision-makers on the content and
objectives of human sustainable development is essential. The
support of the medias is also needed.
• Adapted training materials (books, pictures, videos) to the public
and the local context are required.

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SUSTAINABILITY- Strengthening of Capabilities
❑ The process of education: ▪ Enhancing the person’s capabilities is the basis of education
➢ Informing on Sustainable for all programs.
Development. ▪ The four domains of Dakar Framework for action;
➢ Strengthening People’s ✓ Learning to know (cognitive skills): reasoning,
Capabilities. ✓ Learning to be (personal skills): dignity,
➢ Ensuring Social ✓ Learning to live together (social skills): social capital,
Sustainability. ✓ Learning to do (practical skills): know-how to act.
➢ Facilitating the Transmission
▪ Acquiring these skills helps to convert potentialities into
of Capabilities.
capabilities and to achieve functioning.
▪ Through all forms of education: primary, secondary, technical
and vocational, higher, and lifelong learning.

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SUSTAINABILITY- Strengthening of Capabilities
❑ The process of education:
▪ A key issue nowadays:
➢ Informing on Sustainable
✓ Poverty reduction objective: going out of poverty traps, avoiding social
Development. exclusion, eradicating destitution, ensuring access, etc.
➢ Strengthening People’s ✓ Living peacefully together: social and cultural diversity, gender
Capabilities. sensitivity, children acceptance, Gen difference, etc.
➢ Ensuring Social ▪ The guarantee of quality education for all, can bring greater
Sustainability. benefits to society.
➢ Facilitating the Transmission ▪ For the second, the role of psycho-social abilities: to enhance
of Capabilities. personal skills (self-esteem, coping) and social skills
(cooperation, empathy, negotiation). The objectives of learning to
be and learning to live together.
▪ Other specific values and capabilities are to teach: the sense of
justice, equity, responsibility, sharing with others.

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SUSTAINABILITY- Strengthening of Capabilities
❑ The process of education: ▪ By definition, education aims at transmitting any form of
➢ Informing on Sustainable knowledge from one person to another.
Development. ▪ For sustainable development, the issue is to ensure that the
➢ Strengthening People’s future generations receive, in an equitable way, both the
Capabilities. potentialities and the skills they need to build their capability of
➢ Ensuring Social
improving the quality of life (well-being).
Sustainability. ▪ There is a complex chain of transmission: the teachers, the
➢ Facilitating the Transmission parents, the pupils, the trainees, people in the medias.
of Capabilities. ▪ At this level, the quality for education is fundamental: it
guarantees the quality of what will be transmitted to the next

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Environmental Issues
The world faces a number of major environmental issues, which threaten to have dire consequences for
the future of the planet and its life-forms unless tackled. Many of these environmental issues are man-
made, the result of pressures the human race has placed on the planet through activities such as land
clearance, globalization and industrialization. Environmental problems contribute to global warming and to
the destruction of ecosystems.

Air Pollution


to earth

Water Pollution
Soil Erosion

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There are issues that emerged which created by human itself.

❑ Population growth
➢ Population growth is one of the most significant causes of environmental problems. Humans require
energy, space and resources to survive. According to the Clean Water Action Council, population growth is
the biggest threat to the environment. The human population is rising beyond the Earth's ability to
regenerate. Population growth leads to scarce sources of water in places around the world, along with
scarce cropland, declining fisheries and forests and species extinction.
❑ Poverty
➢ Poverty is a significant cause of environmental problems. For example, deforestation leads to increasingly
devastated land. Forests in these nations are damaged exponentially because timber companies,
agricultural businesses and local populations use forest resources for survival.
❑ Wasteful Use of Resources
➢ The practice of wasting valuable resources such as water, food and electricity by human can contribute to
environmental problems.

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ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES - FIVE Stages in Addressing an
Environmental Problem.
❑ Environmental problems occur when changes in the biological or physical factors of the environment
have adverse effects on the environment that affect humans.
➢ For example, ecological changes in a lake may affect the local fishing industry; or changes in a
waste management site's disposal mechanism may introduce pollutants into the groundwater.
The goals of a five-stage approach addressing environmental problems are to ensure that the
problem and solution are clearly defined; the appropriate regulatory mechanisms and
enforcement agencies are involved; and that key players work together to develop and
implement a plan for resolution.

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ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES - FIVE Stages in Addressing an
Environmental Problem.

1. Identify the Environmental Problem 2. Establish Goals and Measures

A problem statement should be developed that is descriptive Your blueprint for successfully addressing your environmental
enough to allow a regulatory agency to determine whether or problem will be drawn as you set specific, measurable,
not the problem justifies action. Effective problem statements attainable, realistic and time-sensitive goals and identify the
include enough research to analyze and document why the measures that you will use to determine your progress.
problem is serious enough to be addressed; are presented in Checking on your progress along the way can help you
such a way that measurable results can be obtained after the determine whether you need to alter your actions to more
implementation of a solution; clearly define the pollutant or effectively address the problem, and ticking off milestones
indicator and the environmental risks posed by it; define the helps you stay on track toward your end goal. You can use this
geographic boundaries of the problem; and indicate whether stage to measure the effect of each of the tools you are using
the vehicle for the environmental threat stems from a non- to address the problem, such as compliance assistance,
compliance issue. incentives, monitoring and enforcement.

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ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES - FIVE Stages in Addressing an
Environmental Problem.

3. Put Together a Problem-Solving Toolkit 4. Determine Roles and Responsibilities

Environmental problems can often be solved by simply The appropriate working groups, committees and subject
asking the offending party to rectify the problem. This matter experts should be identified and brought together to
may involve public education and involvement -- for define actionable steps and delegate the responsibility of
example, requesting that homeowners only water their ensuring those steps are carried out. This stage involves a clear
lawns on certain days during times of drought to avoid assignment of roles and responsibilities among the entities
exacerbation of groundwater losses. Resolution goals and is designed to ensure that the best minds are applied in
may also be achieved through compliance-based the most effective and efficient manner.
activities. The Environmental Protection Agency uses
tools such as compliance assistance, compliance
monitoring, compliance incentives, enforcement and
innovation to help steer stakeholders towards a desired
behavior that will lead to a positive environmental result.

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ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES - FIVE Stages in Addressing an
Environmental Problem.
5 Stages
5. Implement the Plan
The development of a step-by-step plan is worthless without Identify the Environmental Problem
implementation. This last stage of environmental problem
solving involves implementing the plan through careful
scheduling; identifying key challenges and opportunities; and Establish Goals and Measures
evaluating milestones and progress. Once stakeholders
identify and begin a work plan, if periodic evaluations show Put Together a Problem-Solving Toolkit
that the desired progress is not being made, then they can re-
visit their strategies and evaluate a revised work plan. It is
through this kind of adaptive management strategy that newly Determine Roles and Responsibilities
developed technologies and ideas can influence the successful
resolution of an environmental problem.
Implement the Plan


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❑ Several mitigation action that can be contributed to preserve the
✓ Recycling of waste materials.
✓ Greening of the cities.
✓ Landscape restoration and rehabilitation.
✓ Usage of renewable energy i.e. solar, wind, hydroelectric power, etc.
✓ Usage of low energy electrical appliance.
✓ Etc.

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❑ Example: Paper recycling process. Recycling one (1) ton of paper saves;

✓ 17 mature trees,
✓ 26 m3 of water,
✓ 2.3 m3 of landfill space,
✓ 2 barrels of oil (84 US gal or 320 l), and
✓ 4,100 kilowatt-hours (15 GJ) of electricity
(US EPA, 2010)

Save enough energy to power the average Malaysian home for six months.

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End of presentation and Thank You.

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