Task 6

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Name: Muhammad Daniyal Qadri

Roll No: FALL-2021/BSSE/064

Online Trading System
Blackboard Architecture Style:
 Expert systems: Expert systems are software applications that use blackboard architecture to
solve complex problems by integrating the knowledge of multiple experts. The experts in this
case are the knowledge sources that contribute to the solution on the blackboard.
For example: Stack overflow
 Air traffic control systems: Blackboard architecture is also used in air traffic control
systems to manage and monitor the movement of planes in real-time. The blackboard
contains information about the current status of planes, weather conditions, and other
relevant data that helps controllers make informed decisions.
 Speech recognition systems: Speech recognition systems use blackboard architecture to
recognize spoken words by combining the knowledge of multiple language models, acoustic
models, and other components. The blackboard stores intermediate results and hypotheses
until the system has enough evidence to make a final decision.
 Multi-agent systems: Multi-agent systems are software applications that involve multiple
autonomous agents that work together to achieve a common goal. Blackboard architecture is
often used to coordinate the behavior of these agents by providing a shared repository of
information and knowledge.
 Robotics: Robotics is another field where blackboard architecture is commonly used. In this
case, the blackboard represents the world model that the robot uses to navigate and interact
with its environment. Multiple agents, such as sensors and actuators, contribute to the
blackboard to help the robot make decisions and perform tasks.

Hierarchical Architecture Style:

 File Systems: A file system is a hierarchical architecture where files and directories are
organized in a tree-like structure. The top-level directory is the root directory, and all other
directories are organized under it in a hierarchical manner.
 Corporate Organizational Structures: Many companies use a hierarchical architecture for
their organizational structures. The CEO or president is at the top, followed by the senior
management team, middle management, and then employees at the bottom.
 Website Navigation: Many websites use a hierarchical architecture for navigation. The
home page is at the top, followed by main sections, and then sub-sections organized in a tree-
like structure.
 Computer Networks: Computer networks are often organized in a hierarchical architecture.
The top level is the backbone network, followed by sub networks, and then individual
devices connected to the sub networks.
 Electronic Devices: Many electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets use
hierarchical architecture for their user interfaces. The home screen or main menu is at the
top, followed by app categories, and then individual apps organized in a tree-like structure.

Layered Architecture Style:

 Operating Systems: Most operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, and macOS, use a
layered architecture where each layer provides a specific set of services. The layers typically
include the kernel layer, hardware abstraction layer, device drivers, system services, and user
interface layer.
 Mobile Applications: Many mobile applications use a layered architecture where the layers
are responsible for different aspects of the application. The layers typically include the
presentation layer, business layer, and data access layer.
 Web Applications: Web applications often use a layered architecture where the layers are
responsible for different aspects of the application. The layers typically include the
presentation layer, business logic layer, and data access layer.
 Database Management Systems: Most database management systems, such as MySQL,
Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server, use a layered architecture where the layers are
responsible for different aspects of the database management. The layers typically include
the storage engine layer, query engine layer, and transaction management layer.
 Ecommerce Applications: ecommerce applications often use a layered architecture where
the layers are responsible for different aspects of the application. The layers typically include
the presentation layer, business logic layer, and data access layer. Additionally, there may be
additional layers for payment processing, shipping, and inventory management.

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