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Name: Muhammad Daniyal Qadri

Roll Number: FALL-2021/BSSE/064

Online Trading System

How will security Implementation

 Robust security protocol enhance your security in your online trading system. It
secure code generation (one-time password or OTP) can be seamlessly integrated
for a better user experience. All the code which we are used in the deposit or
withdrawal time they save all the important code like OTP. This website is totally
based on javascript.
 By using face id and biometric verification which is already embedding in your trading
website which enhance your security features as well.
 HKEX System is used in trading website which enhance is security in the deposit,
withdrawal and changing any personal information.

Logging Implementation:
 Debugging: Logging can help developers identify and troubleshoot issues in the
trading system, by providing detailed information about errors, exceptions, and other
 Splunk: This is a commercial logging and analytics platform that can be used to
collect, analyze, and visualize log data from a variety of sources, including online
trading system.
 Graylog can generate customizable dashboards and reports that provide a real-time
view of your trading system's performance and health. This can help you make data-
driven decisions and stay informed about the health of your system how good your
website or trading system work.

Storage Implementation
 MySQL: This open-source relational database management system can be used for
storing and managing transactional data. It can be downloaded and installed for free,
or used as part of cloud-based offerings such as Amazon RDS or Google Cloud
 MongoDB: This NoSQL document-oriented database can be used for storing and
managing unstructured data. It is available as a free download, or as a cloud-based
offering through services such as MongoDB Atlas.

 Ensure data security: Data security is critical for protecting sensitive trading data
from unauthorized access and tampering. Some software that can be used to
implement data security measures include:

 Oracle Database Vault: This software can be used to protect sensitive data in Oracle
databases through access controls, data encryption, and auditing. It can be
purchased as an add-on to Oracle Database.

Configuration Implementation:
 Identify the configuration requirements: Start by identifying the specific configuration
requirements for the trading system. This may involve consulting with stakeholders,
including traders, analysts, and IT staff, to understand their needs and preferences.
 Choose a configuration tool or framework: Once the configuration requirements have
been identified, choose a configuration tool or framework that can be used to
manage and implement the configuration changes. Some popular configuration tools
and frameworks include Puppet, Ansible, and Chef.
 Create a configuration management plan: Develop a plan that outlines the steps
needed to configure the trading system. This plan should include details on how to
manage changes to the configuration over time.
 Set up a configuration repository: Create a repository where the configuration files
and settings can be stored and managed. This may involve using a version control
system, such as Git, to track changes to the configuration over time.

Performance Implementation:

 Apache JMeter: JMeter is a popular open-source tool that can be used for load
testing, performance testing, and functional testing of web applications. It allows
users to simulate high levels of traffic and user activity to test the performance of the
 Gatling: Gatling is another open-source performance testing tool that is specifically
designed for web applications. It allows users to simulate high levels of traffic and
user activity and provides detailed reports on performance metrics.
 AppDynamics: AppDynamics is a commercial application performance monitoring
tool that can be used to monitor the performance of online trading systems in real-
time. It provides real-time visibility into application performance and allows users to
quickly identify and resolve issues.

Cost Implementation:
 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cost Explorer: AWS Cost Explorer is a cost
optimization tool that allows users to analyze their AWS spending and identify
opportunities to optimize costs. It provides detailed reports and insights into AWS
usage and costs and allows users to track spending over time.
 Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Cost Management: GCP Cost Management is a cost
optimization tool that provides insights into GCP spending and helps users identify
opportunities to reduce costs. It includes features such as cost analysis, budget
alerts, and resource recommendations.
 Azure Cost Management and Billing: Azure Cost Management and Billing is a cost
optimization tool that allows users to track and optimize Azure spending. It provides
detailed reports on usage and costs and includes features such as cost forecasting
and budget alerts.

Flexibility Implementation:

 Kubernetes: Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that can

be used to deploy and manage applications in a flexible and scalable manner. It
allows users to easily scale up or down based on demand, and supports multiple
deployment options, such as on-premise, cloud, or hybrid.
 Apache Kafka: Apache Kafka is an open-source event streaming platform that can
be used to create a flexible and scalable data pipeline for real-time data processing
in online trading systems. It supports multiple data sources and destinations, and
allows users to easily add or remove data streams as needed.
 Apache Spark: Apache Spark is an open-source distributed computing system that
can be used to process large volumes of data in a flexible and scalable manner. It
supports multiple programming languages, data sources, and data formats, and
allows users to easily scale up or down based on demand.

Accessibility Implementation:

 Keyboard navigation: Keyboard navigation is an important accessibility feature that

allows users to navigate a web page using only the keyboard, without the need for a
mouse. Ensuring that all content on a web page is accessible via keyboard is critical
for users with mobility impairments.
 Captioning and transcripts: Captioning and transcripts can be used to make video
content accessible to users who are deaf or hard of hearing. Providing accurate and
timely captions and transcripts is an important accessibility feature for online trading
systems that rely on video content.
 Alternative text: Alternative text, or alt text, can be used to provide descriptions of
images on a web page for users who are blind or visually impaired. Including
descriptive alt text for all images on a web page is an important accessibility feature.

Disaster recovery Implementation:

 Cloud-based backups: Cloud-based backup solutions, such as Amazon S3, Google

Cloud Storage, and Microsoft Azure, can be used to backup critical data and
applications in case of a disaster. These solutions provide high availability, durability,
and scalability, making them ideal for disaster recovery.
 Replication: Replication is the process of copying data from one location to another
in real-time. By replicating critical data and applications across multiple servers or
data centers, online trading systems can ensure high availability and minimize
downtime in case of a disaster.
 High availability solutions: High availability solutions, such as load balancers,
clustering, and failover systems, can be used to ensure that online trading systems
are always available, even in case of a disaster. These solutions automatically
redirect traffic to available servers or data centers, minimizing downtime and data
 Disaster recovery planning and testing software: Disaster recovery planning and
testing software, such as CloudEndure and Zerto, can be used to simulate disasters
and test the effectiveness of disaster recovery plans. These solutions help identify
weaknesses in disaster recovery plans and ensure that online trading systems can
recover quickly in case of a disaster.

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