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ENAP1002 Unit 7: The Fast-Food Revolution

Across Down
2. to make something else seem better or 1. to accept that something is true or exists
more attractive when combining with it 2. people who are of the same age as you
3. something good that you say about 5. the act of refusing to accept or agree with
someone, showing that you admire them something
4. a level of quality, size, importance, etc. 7. the system by which a country makes and
6. to refuse to accept or agree with something uses goods and money
8. all the people of about the same age within 9. the action of getting larger
a society or within a particular family 10. although
13. the amount of something that is produced 11. part of one covers part of the other.
14. a period of ten years 12. an obvious difference between two
16. to leave someone or something people or things
somewhere , to stop 15. to get larger, or to make something get
18. often behaving in a particular way larger
17. existing or happening now

ENAP1002 Unit 7: The Fast-Food Revolution

Match between the words and their definitions

to make something else seem better or a. ____ abandon

more attractive when combining with it
something good that you say about b. ____ millennium
someone, showing that you admire them
c. ____ Acknowledge
21 a level of quality, size, importance, etc.
a very important change in the way that d. ____ albeit
people do things
to refuse to accept or agree with e. ____ contemporary
all the people of about the same age f. ____
24 within a society or within a particular
the amount of something that is g. ____ Complement
h. ____ Compliment
26 a period of ten years
to leave someone or something i. ____ contrast
somewhere , to stop
j. ____ decade
28 often behaving in a particular way
to accept that something is true or k. ____ economy
l. ____ expand
30 people who are of the same age as you
the act of refusing to accept or agree m. ____ revolution
with something
the system by which a country makes n. ____ expansion
and uses goods and money
o. ____ generation
33 the action of getting larger
p. ____ grade
34 although
q. ____ inclined
35 a period of 1,000 years
r. ____ output
36 part of one covers part of the other
an obvious difference between two s. ____ overlap
people or things
to get larger, or to make something get t. ____ reject
39 existing or happening now u. ____ rejection

ENAP1002 Unit 7: The Fast-Food Revolution

Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

1. Apple Computers went from the invention of the floppy drive to a multimillion dollar
corporation in less than a(n) ___.
A) decade B) economy C) overlap D) complement

2. The city was forced to ___its plans for a new downtown area when a survey showed
that people preferred the large shopping mall 20 miles away.
A) expand B) abandon C) complement D) contrast

3. The highest ___ of beef offered at the local supermarket is very expensive.
A) grade B) complement C) decade D) generation

4. They renovated and updated the factory so that they could increase ___ and sell to a
wider market.
A) complement B) rejection C) output D) expansion

5. Their fields of expertise ___. One was in marketing and advertising, while the other
was in marketing and sales.
A) overlapped B) rejected C) complemented D) abandoned

6. No ___ has solved the communications problems between adults and teenagers.
A) generation B) decade C) complement D) expanse

Use the following to answer the questions:

expand inclined output

rejected acknowledge contrast

7. Unwilling to _______________ the change in buyer trends, the retail store refused
to change its practices.

8. The committee _______________ the proposal for a fast-food restaurant inside

the hospital even though the owner promised to have healthy menu options.

9. The business partners hoped to _______________ their business and offer

services in small towns across the country.

10. She always came to work early and left late. In _______________, he rarely
showed up on time and always took a long lunch before leaving early.

11. Young people are more _______________ to try new technology than older

12. The ___________of an automobile factory is new cars.

ENAP1002 Unit 7: The Fast-Food Revolution

Use the correct form of “contemporary” to complete the sentences.

13. Most of the writers he was ___________ with were interested in the same
14. She didn't mix with her ____________, preferring the company of older people.
15. In this _________________ gallery, the artists who created the paintings are all

Use the correct form of “economy” to complete the sentences.

16. He achieved a small ________________ by walking to work instead of taking a
17. The institution has reduced the staff in an ____________ move.
18. She's in her third year of studying ____________ at York University.
19. You could ____________ on food by not eating in restaurants all the time.
20. There's increasing demand for cars that are more ____________ on fuel.
21. The __________ has begun to add jobs, but the quality of those jobs is an
increasing concern.
22. Tourism contributes millions of pounds to the local ______________.
23. Many ___________ expect unemployment to fall over the next couple of months.
24. I don't think we should expand our business in the current ___________ climate.

Use the correct form of “ expand” to complete the sentences.

25. The McDonald’s menu has __________ to include salads.
26. By 2011, the __________ network of McDonald’s franchises covered 119
overseas countries.
27. Recently, McDonald’s growth has been ________ faster overseas than in the
United States.
28. Many McDonald’s franchises have added a children’s play yard to ________ their
appeal to families.
29. The present article is an __________ of one he wrote last year.

Tick the word that completes the sentence.

30. The burger was good, _______________ small. in contrast

contrasting with

ENAP1002 Unit 7: The Fast-Food Revolution

Use the correct form of the following to complete the sentences.

expand×2 economy×3 compliment×2 albeit decade overlap

inclined complement generation contrast abandon grade

31. Linda’s tiny salad ______________ with the enormous hamburger she also
32. That was an excellent meal! My __________ to the chef.
33. This central heating system is extremely ___________ to run.
34. The prime minister is believed to be ___________ towards an April election.
35. They ________ their retail operations during the 1980s.
36. A lot of companies are trying to ____________ by not taking on new staff.
37. Their economy has ___________ enormously, while ours, by contrast, has
38. The fruit is washed and then _________ by size.
39. Strawberries and cream _______________ each other perfectly.
40. Any decrease in tourism could have a serious effect on the local__________.
41. Our guests said some very ____________ things about the meal I'd cooked.
42. The house had been _________ for several years before they decided to
demolish it.
43. This painting has been in the family for _________________.
44. He tried, ___________ without success.
45. What the scientist had foretold, became evident to all eyes two ___________
46. There are some ___________ between the products of the two companies.

Use the correct form of “ incline ” to complete the sentences.

47. A teenager’s eating habits____________ toward fast food.

48. People who can’t swim are not __________ to own boats.
49. Babies are ___________ to cry a lot.
50. Little sisters are ___________ to copy their big sisters.
51. He has an ___________ to look for historical museums wherever he goes.

ENAP1002 Unit 7: The Fast-Food Revolution

Answer Key:

1. acknowledge 10. albeit

2. complement contemporaries 11. overlap
3. compliment 12. contrast
4. grade 13. output
5. rejection 14. decade
6. reject 15. expand
7. economy 16. abandon
8. generation 17. contemporary
9. expansion 18. inclined

19. g 25. r 31. u 37. i

20. h 26. j 32. k 38. l
21. p 27. a 33. n 39. e
22. m 28. q 34. d
23. t 29. c 35. b
24. o 30. f 36. s
__________________________________ Part 2

1. A 5. A 9. expand
2. B 6. A 10. contrast
3. A 7. acknowledge 11. inclined
4. C 8. rejected 12. output

13. contemporary 16. economy 21. economy

14. contemporaries 17. economy 22. economy
15. contemporary 18. economics 23. economists
contemporaries 19. economize 24. economic
20. economical

25. expanded 34. inclining 45. decades

26. expansive 35. expanded 46. overlaps
27. expanding 36. economize 47. incline
28. expand 37. expanded 48. inclined
29. expansion 38. graded 49. inclined
39. complement 50. inclined
30. albeit 40. economy 51. inclination
41. complimentary
31. contrasted 42. abandoned
32. compliments 43. generations
33. economical 44. albeit


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