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Assignment Guideline

"The best among you are those who bring greatest benefits to many others"
- Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him).

HTH558 – Professional Etiquette for Hoteliers

Crafting Awareness of the Professional Development:

The Blueprint Skills for the Hospitality Practitioners

The Overview
Professional development is gaining new skills through continuing education and career training
after entering the workforce. Professional development is important as it has significant potential
to open opportunities for career advancement and life goals. It can assist students in honing
existing skills and in learning new ones progressively.
Professional Development can help to bolster students’ confidence in their study. Greater
confidence can, in turn translate into higher overall life satisfaction, study performance, tasks
productivity and overall morale.

The Tasks
The assignment allows the students to share knowledge and inform ation about the
Professional Development course with the faculty m embers. The tasks are based on the
specific topics chosen from the syllabus.
Students are being assigned to a specific area of space or area of the faculty to perform
the tasks. The strategy of knowledge sharing and dissemination will be crafted innovatively
by the students i.e. photos, posters, digital content etc . The creativity and efforts will be
evaluated based on the given tim e fram e. Dynamic team work and com munication are the
keys to the successful execution of this assignment.
Showcase the Knowledge Innovatively. Technology and Social m edia platforms can help
you spread and accelerate the knowledge intensively - to a wider target audience.
The im pactful execution will allow stakeholders to gain insightful knowledge and skills .
These shared skills and knowledge m ay leads to intrinsic and extrinsic m otivations.

Each group is required to craft and implement effective strategies to accomplish the above
goals. The process shall include the following Core Tasks:

1. Dynamic plan for physical content and digital media tools (20 Marks)
2. Preparation of impactful and interesting knowledge and skills (35 Marks)
3. Innovativeness and creativity of the tools for the tasks (35 Marks)
4. Effective learning outcomes for the assigned topics (20 Marks)

Total Core Marks: 100 Marks

Report Format

Criteria Remarks
Table of Content
Executive Summary
Introduction of the topic
Dynamic plans and strategies
Featured content / elements
6 Implementation issues and challenges
Creativity and impactful activities/Plans
8 Utilization of tools:
Video / Photo / Poster / Banner
Digital / Social Media
iii. Prop / Venue
Resources & costs incurred
10 References

50 Marks

 The Project Report to be submitted in PDF Format via email (on the submission date /
time). Please use Arial 12 for the font and there is no page limit.

The Overall Grading

A. The Core Project Tasks 100 Marks

B. The Report 50 Marks
Project Grand Total Marks 150 Marks

The Submission:

Report Submission: 6th May 2023 @ 5pm (Saturday)

Thank you and Good Luck!

Dr Kamril Abdul Karim

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