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We organize comfortable camping and leisure done by professional staff in hospitality and
professional DJs for entertainment of our customers who are paid daily! The advantage of daily
employees is that there’s very little overhead without sales; employees only make money when
the business is making money as well.

We also offer camping tents renting for groups of people (family, workmates, students,) and we
are expert in camping sites setting…!


- 100 fully equipped double camping tents …………………………………………………. $10,000

- Camping materials …………………………………………………………………………………… $500
- Generator 6 KVA ……………………………………………………………………………………… $1500
- Smoker(Barbecue) …………………………………………………………………………………… $400
- Music system …………………………………………………………………………………………... $1,000
- Unexpected ……………………………………………………………………………………………… $500
- Cooler ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. $800
- Cocktail shakers (4) ………………………………………………………………………………..... $50
- Blenders (2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… $100

TOTAL ………………………………………………………………………… $14,850

The East African region is the most attractive destination in Africa and the most
attractive spots are found in places where hotels and lodges are on expensive rates…!
We are first and foremost targeting tourists exploring the East Africa Community going
in such different destinations in the region!
Second are walk-in tourists coming for different Festivals!
Third, we are targeting researchers and volunteers working up country!
We will assume that a conservative of 70% of these 3 categories has enjoyed our
services and would experience it again if appealing services are required in the region!
We will be organizing leisure camping as well and here our target is week-enders and
people in holidays!
We are part of the Hospitality, Entertainment and Leisure which offer 4 major
1. Full board camping tents(double);
2. Music and entertainment hosted by professional DJs;
3. Leisure (mountain hiking, rafting, bungee jumping, mountain biking,…)
4. Relaxing massage.


Our competitive strategy is to implement the most aggressive marketing and

networking in the area.

Our financial plan includes competitive reasonable prices that will attract customers
and put our business at a financial advantage. In addition, our combination of unique
services, exceptional camping location, customer care service and interaction with our
clients are setting us to be successful camping organizers in the region.


Local advertising and Seasonal promotions:

- Local newspapers;
- Advertisement on local radio stations and televisions;
- Social media (Facebook, twitter, instagram, YouTube…)
- Online website;
- Flyers and brochures;
- Grand opening Camping party!

Sponsor Benefits

____Rwf 20,000,000! Premiere Sponsor

Benefits include:
• Premiere sponsor single screen card in the Film end credits!
• Signature Sponsor Credit & Logo on DVD cases & posters!
• Premiere Sponsored 1.5-MINUTES VIDEO in the DVD extras!
• Opportunity for your Branded Merchandise and Brochures to be
included in The Film Gift Bags, distributed at select national and international screenings, and
all private parties!
• Premiere VISIBILITY & BRANDING on The Film website!
• Inclusion in all Press Releases and materials!
• 5 Tickets to Film Festival Premiere and VIP receptions!
• Priority seating for 10 guests to the Cast & Crew Screenings!
• 50 Directors cut DVDs to distribute to clients, friends and families!

____Rwf 15,000,000! Founding Sponsor

Benefits include:
• Sponsor shared screen card in The Film end credits!
• Signature Sponsor Credit & Logo on DVD cases & posters!
• 1-minute video — Highlighting The Film and your brand, available
for use online and social media marketing networks!
• Opportunity for your Branded Merchandise and Brochures to be
included in The Film Gift bags, distributed at select national
and international screenings, and all private parties!
• VISIBILITY & BRANDING on The Film website!
• Priority seating for 5 guests to the Cast & Crew Screenings!
• 20 Directors cut DVDs to distribute to friends and families!

___Rwf 10,000,000! Supporting Sponsor

Benefits include:
• Special thanks shared on screen card in The Film End Credits!
• Opportunity for your Branded Merchandise and Brochures to be
included in The Film Gift bags, distributed at select national
and international screenings!
• VISIBILITY & BRANDING on The Film website!
• Exclusive one-time coverage of your product or service on our
social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter)!
• Priority seating for 2 guests to the Cast & Crew Screenings!
• 20 Directors cut DVDs to distribute to friends and families!

___Rwf 5,000,000! Patrons Circle

Benefits include:
• Special Thanks shared on screen card in The Film End Credits!
• Logo and Link on The Film website!
• Priority seating for 1 guests to the Cast & Crew Screenings!
• 10 Directors cut DVDs to distribute to friends and families.

___Other!! I just want to support the movie UWERA!

Amount to donate: _______________
Checks payable to: UWERA movie account!

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