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Task 1: Case Study

Cloud computing is the combination of the term "cloud" and "computing," where "cloud"
refers to the internet and "computing" refers to the storing, accessing, and using of data and
information technology infrastructure by a representative or a third party (Ruparelia, 2016).
Putting it simply, using a third party's online storage and software resources rather than one's
own computer hard drive and program resources. With the use of cloud computing, a person or
business organization may access their data from anywhere in the world at any time, giving them
a flexible and effective approach to raising their level of excellence (Rountree and Castrillo,

Cloud Computing Service Models

Three different service model types are typically used by cloud computing to provide
services to its clients. SaaS (software as a service) is the first, followed by PaaS (platform as a
service) and IaaS (infrastructure as a service) (Meikang Gai Keke Qiu, 2020).
Software as a Service (SaaS): It offers the newest capabilities as soon as they are updated
in software, lowers the cost of software, offers flexibility to businesses and their consumers, and
makes it simple for organizations to manage collaboration or teams. Examples of cloud
computing and its software include the Google cloud service, Microsoft OneDrive cloud service,
Zoom Meetings service, and Google Make service. As a result of its flexibility and
environmental friendliness, cloud computing systems and related services are becoming more
and more popular worldwide (Shin, Lee and Shin, 2011).
Platform as a Service (PaaS): This is a platform that offers the complete web application
development lifecycle, including the creation, testing, deployment, management, and updating of
web applications online. It is a complete environment for development and deployment in the
cloud or on the internet, full of resources that allow businesses to offer anything from
straightforward cloud-based apps to complex enterprise applications. With cloud computing, the
cost of marketing will go down, as will the cost of the developer's operation and labor. This will
also increase the program's quality while maintaining its ability to be reliable. Rollbase,, Google App Engine, etc. are a few examples of this system or platform (Comendador
and Guillo, 2014).
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): This platform consists of three components: the cloud,
the hardware, and the servers. The cloud offers services like an Internet-based platform that
allows users to build their own information technology platforms for their businesses and use
those platforms to work remotely. It offers hardware infrastructure for leasing, including
networking, storage, services, data center space, visualization, etc. Additionally, the server
system enables clients to use it as a communication tool with the company. Joynet, and Amazon
Web Service are a few examples (Malla and Christensen, 2019).

Key Benefits Organisations Experience After Adopting Cloud Computing
Cloud computing services have been accepted by the majority of enterprises as a tool to
enhance organizational tasks. Adopting cloud computing services has a number of advantages
and benefits for an organization. Some of the advantages include improved customer service,
lower costs, quicker service and implementation, economic scalability, better security, better
documentation, more options, environmental friendliness, and the capacity to recover quickly
from disasters (Millán-Rojas and Pérez-Castillo, 2014).
Excellent customer service is made possible by cloud computing, which enables
businesses to communicate with their clients in real time and very quickly. Most cloud
computing-focused businesses offer their clients services, helping them with their issues,
providing assistance, responding to their inquiries, and more effectively ensuring system
reliability (Setó-Pamies, 2012).
The organization can eliminate hardware and physical operational costs by switching the
system from an offline base to an online or cloud base. Thus, compared to cloud-based services,
offline base services are frequently more expensive and incur extra costs that would be
eliminated with real online-based or Internet-based services (Puig-Junoy and Ortn, 2004).
Organizations using the cloud may make quick decisions and carry them out quickly.
High-level cooperation between staff members, stakeholders, and management is necessary for
decision- and plan implementation. According to this viewpoint, cloud-based businesses benefit
from their sophisticated systems (Setó-Pamies, 2012). Cloud-based computing solutions that
assist organizations can adapt to the growing number of changes with this kind of
transformation. A cloud-based computer system enables an organization to save costs or
decrease cloud activities if operations, activities, and outlets somehow decline over time owing
to various types of conditions (Mathaisel, 2015). Moreover, software maintenance and upgrades
are essential for a business' security as well as for delivering the most up-to-date features to
continue serving its consumers (Kumari and Singh, 2020).

Cloud computing reduces overhead costs, increases service delivery efficiency, improves
collaborative management, and combines security and flexibility (Astri, 2015). As the COVID-
19 pandemic encouraged enterprises to shift production processes and workplaces, cloud
computing may be the next step for your institution to advance in our digitally-driven economy
(Singh et al., 2021).

Task 2
The field of telecommunications is evolving in response to technological advancement.
These facilitate better communication and remote work, which increases efficiency and output.
Today, businesses cannot function without telecom services. They provide enhanced
communication, greater workplace adaptability, and the opportunity for businesses to broaden
their scope (Saleem et al., 2010).
Telecommunication in Organizations
Phones and fax machines aren't all that is available in telecommunication networks.
High-speed internet, texting, live video streaming, mobile payments, and more now fall under
this sector's umbrella. Organizations rely on telecommunications services for everything from
getting around to conducting business. The key element in the growth of the digital economy is
the establishment of advanced telecommunications infrastructure. It has facilitated the global
distribution of cutting-edge information, products, and commercial spaces. With the help of such
services, groups may hold virtual meetings and collaborate on projects in real-time, regardless of
their location. Nearly half of today's young business owners use social media for customer
service, per the same report. Millions of people across the world now rely on the internet for
everything from gathering information to conducting transactions and forming relationships with
businesses they care about (Gyemang and Emeagwali, 2020).
Both digital technology and telecommunications have the potential to upend established
industries. Companies are feeling increased pressure to invest in telecommunications upgrades to
meet the rising demand for connectivity. In order to meet the ever-evolving demands of their
customers, progressive companies must undergo a network transformation. When dealing with a
crisis like the COVID-19 epidemic, the value of communication is paramount (Kargas and
Tsokos, 2020). Telecom services provide online education and remote employment, as noted by
IBM. Also aiding in the process of adjusting to the new standard is the widespread use of
electronic means of communication like email, videoconferencing, mobile communication, and
texting. Thousands of businesses would have to close down if these tools weren't available.
Moreover, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are being used by the
telecommunications industry to enhance customer service. The use of these cutting-edge tools
allows businesses to find prospects, examine client data, and create superior goods. There are
providers who employ sophisticated AI algorithms to aid viewers in navigating the many
channels available to them. Some companies have sophisticated Internet of Things (IoT)
infrastructures that can remotely check on data centers for security issues (Sharabati et al., 2013).
The use of telecom services can help your company in both direct and indirect ways.
Employees will be able to collaborate in real-time and reach out to potential customers with the
help of modern forms of communication like high-speed internet, mobile apps, VoIP, and more.

Marketing and customer service efforts will be bolstered by these technological advancements.
Furthermore, they have the potential to cut down on overhead expenses, free up valuable floor
space, and boost output throughout the company (Gyemang and Emeagwali, 2020).

McDonald’s and Its Success with Telecommunication

McDonald's suffered greatly as consumers avoided their restaurants due to the pandemic,
but the company responded to the challenge and posted its best quarterly financial results of the
year in Q420, declaring that it had recovered 99.9% of Q419 global same-store sales. CEO Chris
Kempczinski credited McDonald's recent success to the company's comprehensive new growth
strategy in the company's recent Q420 earnings call. In terms of strategy, this meant putting a lot
of resources into improving and expanding what McDonald's saw as its main points of
differentiation with its core customers. McDonald's was in a good position to capitalize on its
digital advances in the lead-up to the pandemic in order to design a user experience that worked
well within the limits of the pandemic. McDonald's recent technological innovations, such as the
McDonald's mobile app, the acquisition of personalization technology provider Dynamic Yield,
Mobile Order and Pay, and self-order kiosks, have collectively transformed customer
experiences in and around their restaurants by providing more options for customers to pay
securely and customize their orders. In the top six markets in 2020, digital sales topped $10
billion, accounting for approximately 20% of total sales (Campos, 2021).
Because of the dramatic drop in indoor dining that occurred because of the pandemic,
McDonald's made significant investments in drive-thru technology such as dynamic menu
boards, which leveraged personalization technology and operational improvements to provide
the value their customers cared most about: speed. McDonald's was able to reduce the average
wait time for a drive-through order by 30 seconds and serve "300 million additional
automobiles" during the pandemic because to these technologies. McDonald's was one of the few
fast-food chains to see demand for drive-thru continue to rise thanks to the company's dedication
to innovation aimed squarely at its core client (Campos, 2021).

Some business leaders may believe that investing in their employees' education and
professional development is the best method to boost the organization's productivity. After all,
better communication is essential since it allows workers to complete their tasks more quickly
and efficiently (Gyemang and Emeagwali, 2020).

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