Evidencia 4 Resumen Product Distribution The Basics

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Evidencia 4: Resumen “Product distribution: the basics”


Specifically, distribution logistics are related to the function that allows the transfer of final
products (whether goods or services) and makes them available to the customer. The
distribution channel is the one that allows the user to obtain the product in the right place,
time and quantities.

In order for physical distribution to fulfill its main objective, it has to implement a series of

 Estimation of demand: Distribution logistics will be effective if you place a market

disposition in the products that this demand, at the precise moment and quantity.
 Processing of orders: It refers to the set of activities related to the processing of
purchase orders.
 Warehouse management: It is essential to carry out a control of the inputs and
outputs of the products in the warehouse.
 Packaging: It is the procedure destined to the conservation and protection of the
 Transport of the product: This function includes the loading and unloading of the
same, as well as the route plan to start to move it to its destination.

Collection management. Determine the people who will serve the client, at the same
time they deliver the product and proceed to its collection.
As a summary, they can point out that the main stages in the physical distribution chain
are the reception of the product prepared by the manufacturer, the inspection function,
the transport chain, the storage and the delivery to the customer.

In order for the Iogistics function to be efficient, it is necessary to ensure that the Iowest
possible costs are derived in each of the phases mentioned.
The distribution of the product refers to the way in which the products are distributed to
the place or point of sale where they will be available, will be offered or sold to
consumers; as well as the selection of these places or points of sale. To distribute our
products, we must first determine the type of channel we will use to distribute them
and, second, select the places or points of sale where we will offer or sell them.


 According: conforme
 Airfreight: carga aérea
 Bulk carriers: graneleros
 Budgetary: presupuestario
 Couriers: mensajeros
 Containers: contenedores
 Distribution: Distribución
 Freight: carga
 Forwarder: promotor
 Haulage: acarreo
 Methods: métodos
 Payloads: cargas útiles
 physical: Físico
 Processing: Procesamiento
 Shipping: envió
 Surcharges: recargos
 Schedules: horarios
 Transport: transporte
 Vessels: recipientes
 Vehicles: vehículos


Guide 2

"Summarizing a text"

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