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Dulce et decorum est – irony, he portrays the honors of war, but its acceptable to die for

your father land. Caesura

OK so that's the first question safer do you want you wanna speak louder who set who's
famous line he said that it is sweet and becoming to die for one's country and basically for
Dolce and decorum this Wilfred Owen this poet he doesn't agree and so basically in the first
three cents as you can see that he presents war as a brutal bitter pessimistic kind of picture
whereas in the 4th and final stanza there's like a shift and then it doesn't it focuses more on
like he's trying to contradict what the old lie has like you know in the second last line
doesn't it says the old line Dolce asked yes so this old lie he's trying to say is that yeah so
basically this old light is Horace Horace saying that war is like a beautiful thing it's very
meaningful for people to die in war because it's full of glory yeah but then however he's
trying to like use contradiction and drugs

Things like bent double like old beggars under sacks not need coughing like hags because
through sludge still on haunting flares we turned our backs and towards our distant rest
began to trudge and as under a green sea and saw him drowning in my all my dreams
before my helpless sight he plunges at me guttering choking Johnny they accurately depict
the goal of war but I left them poetic in the past in the Paris sense the beauty that can be
seen in this form is only beautiful to an eye that looks for the small things that makes these
men different their courage bravery and willingness to fight for their country war as a whole
is not beautiful but it takes a beautiful person to sacrifice their life for the sake of others and
hope that they will benefit from their willingness ended

Then yeah the main point of this poem right is to portray the opportunities of war the
trauma that is faced by the soldiers as well as like the struggling and pain that they have to
go through so in line one the board uses simulated compare the soldiers to beggars soldiers
are usually glorified and respected but then there's a contradiction because the Vegas have
no status so this shows how the soldiers are not treated as well as they were told they
would be and then for line 14 talking about under a green see I saw him drowning so the
green sea refers to like the green gas which is the poisonous gas that they like trying to
poison and then the drowning connotes like struggling and suffering and suffocation so this
visual imagery of like the deep and vast sea also highlights the intending doom and like the
trauma that they're facing and then after that in line 20 he describes the dying guys face to
be hanging so hanging his diapered lifeless right compared to like his previous suffering he
has died already so he's died last now and then later he says later as the cut of our
incredible sauce on innocent tongues so cat is like just half chow chow food so it's like using
farming imagery to compare like the soldiers to animals so their lives are not being like
valued and they're just there to sacrifice their

OK so in the first part of a poem it's kind of the the speaker kind of paints a narrative about
the about the shared experiences they have they have as soldiers so in the first two lines
they are quote quote trust through sludge quote quote we turned our backs quote so this
the the the fact that the speaker used the word we which is a plural pronoun creates a
shared sense of anger which in the fact that it's broken and multiplies the effect of
animosity in the in the in the setting the line right after that and towards our distant rest to
charge so like the repeated years of we allow and everything amplifies the sense of
camaraderie yes but how however in the next stanza the speaker turns into a into singular
pronouns as in like the last line he says as under a green see I saw him drowning so it's the
the fact that he uses the eye becomes a more personalized experience but but since he is
speaking to the audience he shares his personal experience with the audience next is the
next line in all my dreams dreams before my helpless sight he plunges at me guttering
choking and drowning the he he plunges plunges that's a present tense word and the fact
that he's he suddenly switches from past tense to present tense kinda intensifies the the the
the barbaric nature of what's happening in the campsite because unlike past tense the
present tense quotes a kind of anticipation kind of suspense that you wouldn't know what's
gonna happen next kind of thing but this is also amplified by the choice of diction both
guttering choking and drowning just like a really vivid visual imagery of suffering in line 21 if
he he directly addressed the speaker directly addresses the reader by asking if you could
hear so it's kind and then he he follows with that with that sort of Rita is in the campsite
kind of imagery in line 25 where he speaks out my friend so I cannot read what I write wrote
here but it's it's I'm just it adds to the sense of patriotism as if he's pulling the reader into
the scene itself

Question 4:
Traumatizing and

Break of day

but yeah doing question do not I see OK so here sonication to compare the light to a spy
that can so she feels like she's the only one in this relationship that actually understands and
values their love so she cannot say it because it's like secret so she uses this light to portray
her inner feelings that she cannot tell her lover so she uses words like they not go in the
reluctance and her complaint is like evidence yeah but suddenly she can't say so she doesn't
even like to like and then and then the I refers to the lady lover and in 950 and the love is
the object because she uses this thing and she says the poor the file they can laugh however
the music man cannot because he is too caught up in his own duties and yes

so the speaker is a female lover and the speaker complains about the man's priorities
throughout the poem yes so the poem sheds light on heartfelt feelings of a lady who does
not like when her lover leaves her in bed and when the sun comes up on the other hand is
the man seems beautiful and willing willingly leaves his cozy bed that he has share it with
her overnight yeah soum his departure makes her very sad yeah and the beautiful attitude
of man makes the lady question the credibility of their love she thinks because of these
views and she's unable to enjoy life to the fullest fullest

So the speaker argues that she he saw the speaker makes use of our tone that portrays her
to be in denial but she cannot accept her lover leaving for work she seems to be very
reluctant and she seems to be full of complaints this can be seen in why should we rise
because it is like which shows that she is unable to comprehend and rationalize her
thoughts in being practical in trying to explain why how many then next shouldn't in despite
of light keep us together therefore this shows that even though they are committing
infidelity they should be able to meet together in the dark therefore she's able to hide her
affair and stay satisfied however she also argues that must business removed her husband
because her husband is coming I really would like to mix the disease is this is the worst
disease of love which is common living to work and how she's committing an offense
additionally there are multiple rhetorical questions in the first three lines of the poem
showing how she is still in denial and unable to comprehend the factual reality of hot affair
and her infidelity

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