Selected Poems W.B. Yeats

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Theme: Hindu way of perceiving gods


Tone: Title:

Tropical Climate, nature imagery —> water edge, movement, fluidity

Repetition of Personal pronoun —> emphasis on the self and persona sense of surroundings
Setting: the proliferation of alliteration /s/ to draw attention to the restlessness, not finding sleep and rest his image
of himself
All animals are personified, representing gods in hinduism

lotus - buddha, roebuck - cow, peacock - krishna different tones

the eldest of the birds capitalised His, refering to god. The god he is describing looks like a moorfown Undying - immortal

Undying - immortal, god looks like lotus. genesis: male and female created they them. Biblical allusion

Shiva, nandhi

hyperbolic, proud tone

milky way
God is everyones image. Why protestant write about hindu view. Unfamiliar with eastern ideas unlike
monotheism, Polytheism or pantheism. Contrasting readers background. Show that there is more than one
way of perceiving gods. chanting quality, all the animals are saying the same message
Eastern Traditional Pantheism, into the idea of spiritualism, does not believe in pantheism, god can be seen in
Wistful and regretful tone

Obsession over youth vs old age (I was once young as well)

Knowledge about everything due to his age ( sad that he has learnt too much)

One single object Irish socialist flag to resist imperialist

Hazel-tree (reference to Irish mythology and magic)
In chaotic times (Easter Uprising to resist British rule in Ireland)

an grass - description of landscape

Not being able to be intimate with the woman that he loves - regretful tome

Rhetorical Question - Envious tone (Must I put up with your love bird calls)
Apostrophe Love like the animals
Byzantine Turkey East Roman Empire (Famous for art, sculptures Shifts in tone -
Imagery heavy poem - auditory image at the end

Referencing to speaker’s country of residence

No residence for the old: unwelcomed Caesura - full stop
Embracing, physical affection Nture Imary Repetition of gold, enmelling, process of
artistic creation which is the opposite of
DYING - young people will soon become old too nature, he wants to become a greecian

Alliteration, tricolon
We are all dying
Frolicking and caught up in singing, so speaker denounces young people for not realising intellect

Tricolon for time: history, present and future,

found the artice of eternity he has been looking
for, by the end he is free from the human form,
free from mortality through art

Thin and runned down man

Unless the man sings louder
Human body without soul?

So this is a country of young people

He wants to be a particular object
Theophilus reference, very artistic person, golden birds created for him, bough = branch

Theme of the poem: mankind and the human form can only achieive immortality
through artistic creation and intellect

Keeps the universe in a balance

Desire rhyms with fire - burning passion

you never last as a human being

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