My Love

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tPoem summary: a physical description of the body parts of the woman the speaker loves.

Speaker is overwhelmed by love

and underscored the power that the subject holds over him – woman is the stronger character in the relationship
“thy “thy” – second person pronoun addressed speaker directly

“thy” instead of your, old English, setting of time where chivalry, questing and
romantic love – speaker’s endearment for the subject

Speaker lists out every part of the subject’s body – conveys his admiration for her, thus
paying tribute to her overwhelming beuty
Thy forehead is a flight of Metaphor rather than similar – resolute unquestioning tone – undying love for the
flowers/thy head is a quick subject
forest/filled with sleeping
birds” Fricative alliteration – flitting sounds of birds flying, leaves rusting in the wind,
conjuring liveliness and vivid imagery

Comparison to flower, which is a symbol for beauty

“thy hair upon thy shoulders is Speaker places subject on a pedestal through use of metaphor
an army/with victory and with
trumpets” likens hair to kingdom and head to warrior

Allusion to war connotes power and sovereignty – victorious leader returning from
battle evokes images of subjects bowing down to a ruler

Speaker submits to girl

“thy wrists are holy… bells Allusion to religion from diction “holy”
comprehended through
incense” Likens subject’s body to a place of worship--> deep admiration and portrayal as
godlike , Chime “bells” alludes to church

How alluring she is: looking into her eyes = spiritual and religious experience

Symbol, olfactory and visual imagery of incense – foggy image, refers to mystery as
emphasised by “dilemma and betrayal” – sense of danger and uncertainty since love
can be treacherous

“thy breasts are swarms of white Bees – lethal, matriarchal power

bees Caution to readers to be wary of the woman’s sting (alluding to the tale of cupid-
blindness of love since he stung himself after dipping into honey”
White – pure, deceptively innocent

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