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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of San Jose del Monte City


Instruction: Read each item carefully. Choose the option most appropriate for each of
the given questions. Write your answer on a separate answer sheet.
1. What is the mathematical statement that represents the principle of Charles’ Law?
A. P1V1= P2V2 C. PT = P1 + P2 + P3
B. V1 = V2 D. V1 P1 = V2P2
T1 T2 T1 T2

2. In Boyle’s Law there are two interchanging gas properties, what are these two
interchanging properties?
A. pressure and volume C. temperature and volume
B. pressure and temperature D. pressure and number of moles

3. Maria wanted to understand Charles’ Law. Which among the statements will help her
understand Charles’ Law?
A. Carbon dioxide is dissolved in water C. A breathing apparatus
B. A balloon submerged in hot water D. A leavening agent in cake products

4. What will happen to the volume of a gas if the temperature is decreasing and the
pressure is constant?
A. volume is increased C. volume is unchanged
B. volume is doubled D. volume is decreased

5. Liam was a scuba diver, he needs to have a portable oxygen tank. A 10.00 Liter
oxygen gas exerts a pressure of 2.00 atmosphere. How much pressure does Liam
need for this gas to be compressed in a 5.00 Liter cylinder, provided there is no
temperature change?
A. 4.0 atm C. 3.0 atm
B. 3.5 atm D. 2.5 atm
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of San Jose del Monte City

6. Zia is going to cook beef nilaga, she will be using a pressure cooker for lunch, to
tenderize the beef meat quickly. What happens to the volume of gas inside the cooker
if the amount of pressure is decreased?
A. volume will remain the same C. volume will increase
B. volume will decrease D. no result

7. What is the final temperature, if a gas occupies a volume of 145 mL at 560 torr at 20˚C
and its volume increases to 229 mL at constant pressure?
A. 263 K B. 363 K C. 463 K D. 563 K

8. A confined quantity of gas has a volume of 2.50 L and a temperature of -22˚C. What
is the new volume if the temperature is increased to 22˚C?
A. 2.1 L B. 2.5 L C. 2.9 L D. 3.4 L

9. Myla is celebrating her 7th birthday, her party started at lunchtime when she noticed
that the decorated balloon is busting one by one. Why is this possible?
A. As the balloon is heated the volume of gas molecules are increasing.
B. As the balloon is heated the volume of gas molecules are decreasing.
C. As the balloon is heated the volume of gas molecules remains constant.
D. As the balloon is heated the volume of gas is doubled.

10. Mia conducted her experiment in her chemistry class and she observed that a
container increases its volume but decreases its pressure. Why does the container
increase in size even if the amount of gas is at a constant temperature?
A. As the volume increases, the pressure also increases
B. As the volume increases, the pressure decreases
C. As the volume increases, the pressure remains the same
D. As the volume increases, the pressure is doubled

11. Juan is going to describe the relationship based on the table, what relationship can
he derive between pressure (P) and volume (V) at constant temperature?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of San Jose del Monte City

Pressure-Volume Data obtained at Constant Temperature

P (mmHg) V (mL)

350 1000

700 500

1400 250

2100 125

2800 62

A. The volume of a container is directly proportional to its pressure.

B. The volume of the container is insignificantly related to its pressure.
C. The volume of the container is inversely proportional to its pressure.
D. The volume of the container is inversely proportional to the square of its
12. Carla is a chemistry student, she is asked to describe the relationship between
pressure and volume relationship in gases at constant temperature. Which of the
statement she will choose?
A. As the pressure decreases, the volume will increase.
B. As the pressure increases, the volume will increase.
C. As the pressure increases, the volume remains constant.
D. As the pressure remains constant, the volume increases.
13. Why does the pressure inside a container of gas decrease if more gas is added to
the container?
A. There is an increase in the number of particles striking the wall of the container
in the same period of time.
B. An increase in gas causes an increase in temperature, which then increases
C. As the volume of gas increases, the force of the collisions between particles and
the container increases.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of San Jose del Monte City

D. As the gas pressure decreases, the volume of gas increases.

14. How would you explain if a balloon is cooled in ice-cold water, what happens to its
A. the balloon may increase in size C. the balloon size will be the same
B. the balloon may decrease in size D. none of the above

15. What biomolecule is shown in this structure?


A. Lipid C. Nucleic Acid

B. Protein D. Carbohydrate

16. Which of the following shows the correct monomer to polymer for carbohydrates?
A. Fatty acid tail : triglyceride C. Nucleotide : DNA
B. Amino acid : enzyme D. Glucose : starch

17. Which of the following pairs of molecules contains the elements C-H-O and functions
as a source and storage of energy?
A. Protein and carbohydrates C. Carbohydrates and lipids
B. Carbohydrates and nucleic acids D. Lipids and proteins

18. If you are an athlete and you are preparing for a big event the night before
your game, what biomolecule should you take?
A. Lipids C. Carbohydrates
B. Protein D. Nucleic acids
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of San Jose del Monte City

19. Which of the following is the correct pair of a protein and its function?
A. hemoglobin: helps regulate blood sugar levels
B. collagen: provides strength and flexibility to connective tissues
C. actin and myosin: supplies amino acids to baby mammals
D. enzyme: speed up reactions in the body and eventually used up in the process

20. Levie is a Chemistry major student, she wants to test if there is a presence of starch
in the milk that she bought from a neighbor. Which of the following chemical tests
will use to show that there is a presence of starch?
A. Orange-brown bromine water is decolorized
B. Iodine solution turns blue-black
C. Biuret reagent turns purple
D. Both B and C

21. Nutritional chemists have found that burning 1 gram of fat releases twice the amount
of heat energy as burning 1 gram of starch. Based on this information, which type of
biomolecule would cause a person to gain more weight?
A. carbohydrate C. proteins
B. lipids D. nucleic acid

22. Protein is an essential nutrient in the body. Which of the following statement do NOT
describe the function of Protein?
A. It is a major component of cell membrane
B. It help transport the nutrients in the body
C. It acts as a defense against pathogens
D. It regulates homoestasis.

23. Which of the following is NOT an importance of lipids?

A. Lipids store energy.
B. Lipids serve as heat insulation.
C. Lipids carry genetic materials.
D. Lipids absorb vitamins and make hormones.

24. Which of the following is NOT a correct description of essential amino acids?
A. Essential amino acids must be part of our diet.
B. Essential amino acids are synthesized in the body.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of San Jose del Monte City

C. Essential amino acids are not synthesized in the body.

D. Deficiency of essential amino acids can lead to diseases.
25. Which of the following describes vitamins?
A. Vitamins are needed only in small quantities for the progress of a reaction.
B. Vitamins are a polymer of about a thousand glucose units arranged in the form
of a highly branched chain.
C. Vitamins are a polymer of α -glucose and consist of two components, namely,
amylose and amylopectin.
D. Vitamins are the organic compounds required in the diet in small amounts to
perform specific biological functions for normal maintenance of optimum growth
and health of the organism.

26. How would you differentiate glycogen from starch?

A. Glycogen and starch differ in the type of glycosidic bond that joins the D (+)
glucose monomers and the amount of chain branching.
B. Glycogen and starch differ in the type of peptide bond that joins the D (+)
glucose monomers and the amount of chain branching.
C. Glycogen and starch differ in the type of phosphodiester bond that joins the D
(+) glucose monomers and the amount of chain branching.
D. Glycogen and starch differ in the type of hydrogen bond that joins the D (+)
glucose monomers and the amount of chain branching.

27. What is the other name for the law of conservation of mass?
A. Law of mass action C. Law of chemical combination
B. Law of indestructibility D. Law of conservation of energy.

28. Which will have a higher mass when a chemical change is complete? The reactants
before the chemical reaction, or the product after the reaction is complete?
A. The reactants always have a higher mass than the product.
B. The product always has a higher mass than the reactants.
C. Both the reactants and products will lose mass after reaction
D. Both the reactants and products have the same mass after reaction

29. Which of the following DOES NOT describe the law of conservation of mass?
A. Mass is created during a chemical reaction.
B. Mass within a closed system remains the same over time.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of San Jose del Monte City

C. Mass of the reactants must be equal to the mass of the product.

D. Mass in an isolated system can neither be created nor be destroyed but can be
transformed from one form to another.
30. In chemical reactions, if the total mass of the reactants was 60g, what would be the
mass of the product?
A. exactly 60g C. more than 60g
B. less than 60g D. cannot be determined

31. Which of these would support the idea that mass is conserved in a reaction that
produces gas as a product?
A. Trapping the gas and measuring its mass
B. Mixing the reactants and measuring their total mass
C. Heating the reactants to ensure the reaction occurs in a gaseous state
D. Subtracting the mass of the gas from the mass of the solid and liquid products

32. A can of sardines that weighs about 100 grams expands when it becomes spoiled
due to the production of gases by microorganisms. When the mass of the spoiled can
of sardines is measured, it is still 100 grams. What law governs the said observation?
A. Law of definite proportions C. Law of constant composition
B. Law of Conservation of Mass D. Law of Multiple Proportions

33. What type of chemical reaction is illustrated in the following example?

N2(g) + H2(g) → NH3(g)
A. decomposition reaction C. combination reaction
B. single-replacement reaction D. neutralization reaction

34. What are the products from the following single-replacement reaction?
Mg(s) + H2SO4(aq) → __________________

A. no reaction C. MgO and H2SO3

B. MgO and H2S D. MgSO4 and H2

35. Balance the chemical equation.

K(s) + O2(g) → K2O(s)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of San Jose del Monte City

A. 2K(s) + 2O2(g)→ K2O(s) C. 2K(s) + O2(g) → K2O(s)

B. 4K(s) + O2(g) → K2O(s) D.4K(s) + O2(g) → 2K2O(s)
36. What is the coefficient of hydrogen gas after balancing the following equation?
__Pb(s) + __HNO3(aq) → __Pb(NO3)4(aq) + __H2(g)

A. 4 C. 1
B. 2 D. 3

37. Which of the following equations is NOT balanced?

A. CaCO3 → CaO + CO2
B. 2NaHCO3 + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + 2H2O + CO2
C. 2NO + O2 → 2NO2
D. 2Mg + O2 → 2MgO

38. If the law of conservation of mass holds true, how much sodium chloride will react
with 34.0 g of silver nitrate to produce 17 g of sodium nitrate and 28.70 g of silver
A. 12.35 g C. 9.32 g
B. 11.70 g D. 8.46 g

39. Which refers to the measure of number of particles in solute contained in a given
volume of solution?
A. catalyst C. particle size
B. concentration D. temperature

40. Some chemical reactions require a substance called a catalyst. What is the main
purpose of a catalyst?
A. To warm up reaction C. To create more reactants
B. To speed up the reaction D. To stop the reaction

41. In a chemical reaction, if the reactants are heated, which of the following reaction
usually happens?
A. The chemical reaction will be faster.
B. The chemical reaction will be slower.
C. The chemical reaction is at the same rate.
D. The chemical reaction is in a smaller volume.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of San Jose del Monte City

42. Maria buys cold cut chicken in the grocery store but she forgot to store it in a
Refrigerator for an hour . Which of the following is NOT a possible sign of spoilage?
A. amount of goods C. oxygen in air
B. change in temperature D. presence of microorganism

43. Filipino farmers use different natural ripening agents such as the use of kalburo,
leaves of kakawate, and acacia leaves. This practice needs to address the need for
the availability of fruits at all times. What factor affects the rate of reaction?
A. catalyst C. particle size
B. concentration of reactants D. temperature

44. To remove stains faster, one either uses higher amounts calamansi extract or
laundry bleach. What factor influences these factors?
A. Concentration of the reactants C. Size of reactants
B. Presence of catalyst D. Temperature

45. Carla wants to test the pH level in her experiment when the ph solution becomes
more basic. What happens to the ph scale?
A. The pH scale decreases C. The pH scale stays the same
B. The pH scale increase D. The pH scale is doubled

46. One characteristic property of a substance is the way it reacts chemically with
another substance. Another way of saying this is that substances react chemically in
characteristic ways. Which among the statement best EXPLAIN this?
A. A substance will always react the same way when tested with the same
B. A substance will always react differently when tested with the same chemical.
C. A substance will react in the same way when tested with two different
D. The characteristic properties of a substance are always changing.

47. Maria is the owner of "Maria's Eatery" in San Jose del Monte, whenever there is
leftover food, she makes sure to store it in the refrigerator. Why do you think it is
better to put uneaten food in the refrigerator?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of San Jose del Monte City

A. Microorganisms do not grow well in dark places.

B. Refrigerators also contain enzymes that slow the rate of reactions that spoil the
C. At lower temperatures, chemical reactions that destroy food occur more slowly
than usual.
D. The volume in the refrigerator reduces the concentration of food particles,
causing them to decompose more slowly.

48. How will the crushing solid into a powder increase the reaction rate?
A. The activation energy barrier will be lowered.
B. The orientation of colliding particles will be improved.
C. The particle will collide with more energy.
D. The powdered form has more surface area.

49. Ben is a chemistry student, he was asked to do a laboratory experiment in chemistry.

His Chemistry teacher wanted to know how he would explain why the rate of reaction
increases when the temperature is also increased?
A. Activation energy is lowered
B. Reactant molecules collide less frequently
C. Reactant molecules collide less frequently with greater energy per collision
D. Reactant molecules collide more frequently with greater energy per collision

50. Particle size is one of the factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions. Why does
a particle in size affect the rate of a chemical reaction?
I. Because as the temperature rises, the molecule moves faster therefore collide
more and have a greater chance to react with each other.
II. Because a smaller pieces have a greater surface, thus providing much greater
contact among the reactant and affecting more collisions. When solid reactants
are present in small pieces reaction rate increases.
III. As the temperature rises, the molecules move faster and therefore collide more
and have greater chances to react with each other.

A. I only B. II only C. II and III only IV. I, II, and III

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