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An introduction to First Fire attacks (in ASL PBS Version 26)

A considerable amount of the ASL PBS rules is Fire Discipline determines, in turn, the “activation
about how the DEFENDER conducts First Fire ranges” for the German DEFENDER. Looking at
attacks. While the rules take inspiration from the Activation Range Tables we see the various
SASL rules, at the same time they expand activation ranges for different type of units when
considerably on the SASL concepts. Suppression Fire Discipline is in effect.
The attempt here is to model an AI that bases its So for example, units with a 6-hex Normal Range
First Fire decisions on multiple aspects, where would be “activated” (i.e. triggered to fire) if the
range and DRM are only some of the factors taken moving unit is at a 4 hexes (when the final DRM
into account. applying to the attack is +1, or at 6 hexes if final
DRM is zero, and so on). It is not necessary to
In this first installment I will focus on some basic
check all of the DEFENDER’s units. Even if
examples to show how the rules work. So, let’s
several DEFENDER’s units have LOS to the
move on to some examples.
moving ATTACKER, look at the Priorities in both
1.4 and 2.3 first. We will return to the Activation
Range after checking the Priorities.
Reading these Priorities, we see that when the
moving unit is non-vehicular, Mortars benefitting
from Air Bursts or from a final negative TH DRM
(case a) will attack first, followed by units
attacking on the IFT (case b). There are no Mortars
here, so the German 4-6-7 Squad in O3 is the only
one eligible unit (other German units have no LOS
to the moving Russian squad). Actually, there
would be no need to read 2.3 either (Priorities for
Multiple Firers), since there is only one German
Squad that can attack. In most cases you will find
that it is pretty fast to determine who must be
checked for First Fire.
Now that we have determined that the 4-6-7 in O3
is the first (and only one) eligible firer, we have to
Here is the situation. Some Russian squads are check if this 4-6-7 meets the “activation” criteria.
attempting to take control of the big building on It could attack the Russian squad with a 4FP +1
board 6. It is the MPh of the Russian Turn. So, the (Hedge TEM) attack. Looking at the Activation
Russian is the ATTACKER and will be controlled Range for Suppression Fire Discipline we see that
by the player; the German is the DEFENDER and with a +1 DRM, a unit with a 6-hex Normal Range
will be controlled by PBS rules for his First Fire activates if the moving enemy unit is within 4
attacks. hexes. The Russian Squad is at 2 hexes range, so
the 4-6-7 is triggered to attack. Up to now the
The Russian unit in R1 (circled in Red) declares procedure is very similar to SASL.
AM, expending 1MF to move behind the Hedge in
Q2. First of all, Fire Next, we have to see if this 4-6-7 has enough
Discipline must be Firepower to attack the Russian unit. We have to
determined (2.1). look at the Minimum FP Table (see also D in the
This is done by PBS Definitions). The minimum FP for a +1 attack
rolling a ten sided is 4FP. This means that if the activated unit has
die and the result is less than 4FP, it will not attack after all. In this
found on the Fire case, the German squad has enough FP, and so it is
Discipline Table. The die roll is an 8, meaning that eligible to attack. If that squad were a 2-4-7 HS
against this unit (and for this MF expenditure) instead, then it would not be eligible to attack
Suppression Fire Discipline will be in effect. because a 2FP +1 attack is below the minimum
required. You will note that this is much more
restrictive than SASL. In ASL PBS the

An introduction to First Fire attacks (in ASL PBS Version 26)

DEFENDER will not waste Firepower in very different DRMs: +1 for O3 and 0 (flat) for L7 (due
unlikely attacks (that could, by the way, trigger the to the Leader).
enemy Sniper!).
As per Priorities, the unit in O3 is checked first
Now that we have determined that the 4-6-7 is (since it is the closest). With a +1 DRM and a
activated for a First Fire attack, and it has enough range of 3, the Squad is activated (it would be
FP to attack, we are not yet done. There is still one activated up to 6-hex range this time, due to
step to perform! Interdiction Range being in effect). The Minimum
FP requirement is satisfied too (with a +1 DRM,
On some occasions, even if a DEFENDER’s unit is
4FP are required). Since the Russian unit used AM,
eligible to First Fire, it will not automatically
a CFFTC must be made. This is exactly as in the
attack, but will need to perform a Conditional First
previous move. The German 4-6-7 rolls a 5 (which
Fire Task Check (CFFTC) to see if it actually
is then modified to a 3 due to the Russian unit
attacks. All of this is detailed in 2.4 and in the
using AM), so the 4-6-7 holds fire again.
Conditional First Fire Table. Since the Russian
unit used Assault Movement, we see that AM is Now, we have to check the German stack in L7.
one of the situations where a CFFTC is required. Since this stack attacks with a zero DRM, it can
activate up to 6 hex range. This is a 4-4-7 Squad,
To fire, the CFFTC must be failed. The rationale is
so it usually activates at shorter ranges than a 4-6-7
that holding fire is usually good, especially when
but, thanks to Interdiction Fire Discipline being in
there is no evident advantage in firing early. The
effect, this time it activates at a longer range. The
CFFTC is subject to some DRMs (listed in the
Minimum FP requirement is satisfied too (with a
Conditional First Fire Table). Here a –2 DRM
zero DRM, even 2 FP would be enough to trigger
applies (due to the Russian unit using AM). The
an attack). However, since the Russian unit used
German 4-6-7 Squad makes his CFFTC and rolls a
AM, a CFFTC is required too. The DRM is –1 (–2
9. This is modified by the –2 DRM, resulting in a
for Assault Movement and +1 for a final DRM of
7. The CCFTC is passed, so the German 4-6-7
zero); the German side makes a DR for the whole
Squad holds fire. Note that the CFFTC attack is a
stack and rolls a 10. This results in a final DR of 9.
PBS mechanic and has no effect on ASL rules (i.e.
Since 9 is greater than 7 (this 7 “Morale Level” is
it cannot trigger a Sniper, etc.).
used for all units in a CFFTC ), the stack will First
Now, the next Russian unit prepares to move. The Fire.
Russian squad in R3 declares AM and moves into
The IFT DR is a 7, resulting in an NMC. The
the Woods in Q4.
Russian 4-4-7 rolls a 4 and passes the NMC. This
is the situation after the First Fire attack:

First of all a new Fire Discipline die roll in made. There can be no Subsequent First Fire attack,
The die roll is a 2. This time Interdiction Fire because the Russian unit in O7 is closer and in
Discipline will be in effect, meaning that German LOS.
units could open fire at a greater distance.
There are two different Locations that contain Even though the Russian squad expended 2MF to
German units with LOS to the moving Russian enter Q4, no attempt is made to attack it again.
Squad: O3 and L7. These could also attack with Each unit/stack is only checked once, regardless of
the number of MF spent to enter a Location. The

An introduction to First Fire attacks (in ASL PBS Version 26)

only one exception is Mandatory Attacks by Same unit/stack will actually fire. All of this is detailed
Firer (4.2), which will be discussed later. in section 4; In this case, 4.4 to 4.6 contains all
rules that apply in such a situation.
The next unit that moves is the Russian squad in
O7. This unit wants to attempt a Dash via N6 to Basically, when the DEFENDER’s unit has to
M6. The movement path of the Russian squad “decide” whether to use Subsequent First Fire or
(along with MF expenditure to enter each not, it must look if there are other ATTACKER’s
Location) is detailed below: unmoved units, and if these are:

a) at a range < that of the closest in-LOS

ATTACKER’s unit +2, or
b) at a range < the DEFENDER’s unit Normal
Range +2, whichever is less.

This may seems a bit complex but, actually, it is

not. In our case it means that if there is an
unmoved Russian unit within 4 hexes the German
stack, it will not automatically use Subsequent
First Fire, but will have to roll on the Subsequent
First Fire Table (4.4) first.
As usual, a Fire Discipline dr is made first
(remember that it is made with a ten sided die). Why? Because case a) translates into a range of 4
This time there is a –3 drm because the previous dr (the closest in-LOS Russian unit is the Dashing
resulted in Interdiction Fire Discipline (see the IFT unit at 2-hex range; 2 range +2 becomes 4); case b)
First Fire Discipline Table for modifiers). The idea translates into a range of 6 (Normal Range of 4
is that once the enemy begins firing at longer +2). Since we have to consider the lowest of these
range, he will more likely stick to that attitude two values, we only take into account the 4-hex
(60% of the times, for those interested in numbers). range.
The dr is a 6, which is then modified to a 3.
Interdiction Fire Discipline is again in effect. Usually this calculation is pretty quick, since only
case a) applies in most situations. However, read
Only the German stack in L7 has LOS to the all of 4.4, since there are some little nuances that
Dashing Russian squad, and it will be checked for might kick in occasionally.
activation as soon as the Russian squad enters N6
(i.e. the road hex). So, to summarize, the German stack in L7 has to
perform a dr to actually use Subsequent First Fire
The attack would be a 1FP at –3 attack: 4FP halved against the Dashing Russian squad. This dr is made
twice (once for Subsequent First Fire and once for with a ten sided die. If you wonder why a ten sided
fire against a Dashing unit) with DRMs of –1 die is used, the reason is that with such a die it is
FFNAM, –1 FFMO, –1 for Leader direction. The easier to control the probability for an event to
Activation Range requirement is met, as well as occur.
the Minimum FP requirement. This is not explicitly
stated in the Minimum FP Table. However, The Subsequent First Fire Table lists some drms
applying the principles of DRM Equivalent (E.), that are important here. In this case the total drm is
we see that a 2FP flat is equivalent to a 1FP -1. We –2 (–1 for FFMO and –1 for FFNAM). Since a dr
have here a 1FP –3, so the condition is satisfied. of 6 is required, it means that Subsequent First Fire
will occur on an 8 or less (which is an 80%
In ASL PBS Subsequent First Fire attacks are probability, so very likely).
usually treated as regular First Fire attacks, but
with one important exception: when there are other The German Stack rolls an 8, that is modified to 6.
enemy units “around” that can move, there is an Therefore the Subsequent First Fire attack is
additional step to do to see if the DEFENDER carried out: the IFT DR is a 9, obtaining a final IFT

An introduction to First Fire attacks (in ASL PBS Version 26)

DR of 6: No Effect! The Russian unit reaches the since there are enemy units within the firing unit’s
Building safely and the German Stack is marked IFP/SW Range (to a maximum of 6 hexes) that
with Final Fire. have yet to move. There is an unmoved Russian
squad in R2 (at 4-hex range). The dr results in a 5,
Now, it is the turn of the Russian Squad in P6. This which is then modified to 3. Hold Fire Doctrine is
unit declares a Dash too, moving to N5 via O6. therefore in effect for this attack.
Movement is detailed below:
When Hold Fire Doctrine is in effect, the
DEFENDER will attack with the Minimum FP
necessary. With a –2 DRM, even 1FP would be
enough. So, the German squad can either attack
with its IFP or the LMG. Looking at the priorities
in 2.5, we see that the case that applies is
“unit/weapon with the lowest FP”. In our situation
it means that the LMG will be used, since the
LMG has 3FP while the squad has 4. Had the
squad been manning a 5FP MMG, the squad would
have attacked instead (because now the squad’s FP
is lower than the MMG’s FP).

So, the German unit attacks with the LMG for a

2FP (on the IFT) or 3FP (IIFT) –2 attack. It rolls
As the Russian unit enters the road in O6, it comes an 8 (5 on the colored die, so no ROF kept), which
in LOS and range of the German squad with the is then modified to 6. On the IFT it is a PTC. The
LMG in N4. This is the only one unit that can Russian quad rolls a 3, passing his PTC, moving
attack, since the German stack in L7 is now into N5. Here is the situation after the LMG attack:
marked Final Fire.
Now things get
The Fire Discipline dr is made (again with a –3, interesting. The LMG
since Interdiction Range is still in effect). The dr is is marked First Fire,
an 8, modified to 5. For this attack Suppression but the Squad is not.
Range is in effect. The German unit is
again triggered to Fire
The German squad can potentially attack with 2FP (regardless of the Fire
(7FP halved to 3 for Dash Movement) if you use Discipline in effect,
the IFT, or 3½ FP on the IIFT, with a –2 DRM we can see at a glance that all requirements are
(FFMO, FFNAM). Activation Range and Minimum met. One important thing to note is that, when a
FP requirements are satisfied, so the attack is unit is unmarked but has a weapon already marked
carried out. with First Fire (and vice versa), it will first use its
“normal” First Fire possibilities before attempting
There is, however, one little step to do. Since the
a Subsequent First Fire attack (see 4.2 and 4.4).
German squad can use both its IFP and the LMG,
Here there are no other conditions to check: no
we must see if it will fire with everything or not.
condition that requires a CFFTC applies, and this
This is found under 2.5, Hold Fire Doctrine.
is a regular First Fire (not Subsequent First Fire)
Basically, when you have multiple units/weapons
attack. The German Squad automatically attacks
in a Location that can attack, you have to check if
with 8FP (its IFP) and a +2 DRM (+3 TEM, -1
all of them will attack or not.
FFNAM). The Minimum FP requirement is
This is done with a die roll on the Hold Fire satisfied too (6FP are needed for a +2 DRM).
Doctrine Table (2.5; a ten sided die is used). Some
drms may apply. In our example a –2 drm applies

An introduction to First Fire attacks (in ASL PBS Version 26)

Unfortunately, the German Squad rolls an 8, the NMC, and both the
which, modified to 10, obtains nothing. The Squad German squad and its
is now marked too with First Fire. LMG are now marked
Final Fire. See the
Now, 4.2 kicks in. This is Mandatory Attack by situation after the Russian
Same Firer. Since the German squad failed to move here on the left.
achieve a Pin or better result, it must attack again
the Russian unit (and it can attack it since the Now, the last Russian squad prepares to move. It
Russian squad expended 2MF in the building). declares Double Time in an attempt to engage the
German squad in N4 in Close Combat. This is
This time it will attack with Subsequent First Fire, probably not the best move, but is useful here to
and now there are a couple of things to check first. look at some other peculiarities. The movement of
Particularly, two conditions must be checked. The the Russian squad is outlined below:
first one is whether the German squad will use
Sustained Fire for his LMG or not. This is made
with a dr on the Sustained & Intensive Fire Table
(4.6). Before checking other conditions, we see
that the LMG firepower is needed to satisfy the
Minimum FP requirements. With a +2 DRM, the
German must be able to attack with at least 6FP,
and this can be only done by using both the
squad’s and the LMG’s PF.

The dr (one six sided die this time) on 4.6 is

subject to a –1 drm (because the target is adjacent;
look at the Table for a full list of modifiers). The dr
is a 1, meaning that the Squad is willing to use
Sustained Fire. Note that if the Sustained Fire dr is
not passed, the Subsequent First Fire attack would
not be made (since Minimum FP would not be As soon as the
reached). Russian squad
enters R4, it gets
This is also a Subsequent First Fire attack. The into LOS and
presence of the unmoved Russian squad in R2 range from O3.
forces the German unit to make a check before
actually using Subsequent First Fire. This happens The Fire Discipline dr is a 5, obtaining a
because adjacent unit are disregarded when Suppression Fire Discipline result. The DRM (for
checking the range requiring a roll on the an attack from O3) is zero (+1 Hedge, –1
Subsequent First Fire Table. It may look weird in FFNAM). So, a 4-6-7, with a zero DRM, would
this case. However, note that the still unmoved activate up to 6 hexes (see the 2.1 Activation
Russian unit in R2 could declare CX and move Range Table under Suppression Range). Minimum
adjacent to this German squad, moving behind the FP requirements are satisfied too (with a zero
Hedges in R3 and Q5, and therefore forcing the DRM, 2FP are enough to trigger an attack).
Squad to a FPF shot, threatening it for a CC attack.
Note: With such a DRM, the 4-6-7 would activate
There are both a +1 (Target ADJACENT) and a –1 up to 8 hexes, and this is caused by the application
(FFMO applies) on the Subsequent First Fire of DRM Equivalent (E.). This will be discussed in
Table dr. The dr is a 2, so the German Squad fires a later installment.
as Subsequent First Fire. This is a 6FP +2 attack.
This time there are no other checks to do. The 4-6-
The DR is a 5, which modified to 7 obtains an
7 opens fire and rolls a 8. No effect! It is marked
NMC. The Russian squad rolls a 5 too, so it passes

An introduction to First Fire attacks (in ASL PBS Version 26)

with First Fire. The Russian squad gets into LOS

again in Q5, but it is too far to allow a Subsequent
First Fire attack. So it moves safely up to O5, when
it becomes adjacent to the (already Final-Fired)
German squad with the LMG.

This is a situation where Final Protective Fire

might occur. Final Protective Fire is detailed in This ends the Russian MPh, as well as this first
section 4.5. PBS rules put a lot of restrictions on article on First Fire in ASL PBS.
FPF, otherwise it would be too easy to force such
attacks on the DEFENDER. Here I have detailed some of the very basic
concepts about First Fire. In future articles I will
Before making the required TC (as mandated by dive deeper into the rules to show some other
4.5 in BPS rules), we have to check that the details like Fire Lanes, Scouting units, Ordnance
German 4-6-7 is allowed to perform a FPF attack. and Vehicular fire.
The first list of requirements (4.5) are satisfied: if
breaking, the 4-6-7 would not be forced to Please, note that these examples are based on
Surrender and the Building (assuming its control is Version 26 of the rules. This is an ever-evolving
a requirement by VC) would still contain at least project, so it is very possible that a further version
one German GO unit. The same holds true for the might change things a bit.
last requirement, since another GO German unit is
in the Building. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

The Additional FPF Restrictions in 4.5 are very

important. In a few words, they attempt to simulate
the fact that the DEFENDER might prefer to risk
Melee rather than breaking outright with a poor
FPF shot, especially when CC odds are not bad.

The first additional requirement is not satisfied.

However, the second one is: the FPF attack affects
one unit, this unit is subject to a negative DRM
(FFMO and FFNAM) and the total FP of all
ADJACENT ATTACKER’s units is at least 2:1
than the DEFENDER’s FP.

The 4-6-7 takes his TC (with a –2 DRM; 4.5) and

rolls a 9. This is modified to 7, so the German
squad is going to use FPF. The LMG must be used
(as per ASL rules). It attacks with a 6FP (–2 DRM)
and rolls a 2! Sneak Eyes! The attack Cowers, but
it is still a good result: K/2. The Russian squad is
reduced and rolls a 7 on its 2MC, so it ends up
Broken. And, if I recall correctly, that 2DR is also
yields a HOB result for the German Squad (not
resolved here). Here is the situation at the end of
the Russian MPh:

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