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European Journal of Applied Physiology


A century of exercise physiology: key concepts in muscle cell volume

Michael I. Lindinger1 

Received: 4 August 2021 / Accepted: 27 November 2021

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

Skeletal muscle cells can both gain and lose volume during periods of exercise and rest. Muscle cells do not behave as
perfect osmometers because the cell volume changes are less than predicted from the change in extracellular osmolality.
Therefore, there are mechanisms involved in regulating cell volume, and they are different for regulatory volume decreases
and regulatory volume increases. Also, after an initial rapid change in cell volume, there is a gradual and partial recovery of
cell volume that is effected by ion and water transport mechanisms. The mechanisms have been studied in non-contracting
muscle cells, but remain to be fully elucidated in contracting muscle. Changes in muscle cell volume are known to affect the
strength of contractile activity as well as anabolic/catabolic signaling, perhaps indicating that cell volume should be a regu-
lated variable in skeletal muscle cells. Muscles contracting at moderate to high intensity gain intracellular volume because of
increased intracellular osmolality. Concurrent increases in interstitial (extracellular) muscle volume occur from an increase
in osmotically active molecules and increased vascular filtration pressure. At the same time, non-contracting muscles lose
cell volume because of increased extracellular (blood) osmolality. This review provides the physiological foundations and
highlights key concepts that underpin our current understanding of volume regulatory processes in skeletal muscle, begin-
ning with consideration of osmosis more than 200 years ago and continuing through to the process of regulatory volume
decrease and regulatory volume increase.

Keywords  Skeletal muscle · Regulatory volume increase · Regulatory volume decrease · Muscle ion transport · History of

Abbreviations Pi Inorganic phosphate

ADP Adenosine diphosphate PCr Phosphocreatine
ATP Adenosine triphosphate RVD Regulatory volume decrease
ATPase Adenosine triphosphatase RVI Regulatory volume increase
Ca2+ Calcium cation T system Transverse tubule system
Cl− Chloride anion TRPV2 Transient receptor potential protein V2
K+ Potassium cation
MCT Monocarboxylate transport protein
Mg2+ Magnesium cation Introduction
Na+ Sodium cation
NaCl Sodium chloride The present paper is the first review dealing with vol-
NKA Sodium, potassium ATPase ume regulation in skeletal muscle cells, although an early
NKCC Sodium, potassium, two chloride cotransporter understanding of regulated volume increase in muscle
cells has appeared (Gosmanov et al. 2003a). It is perhaps
timely as it has been more than 120 years since Overton’s
Communicated by Philip D. Chilibeck.
foundational studies of osmotically induced changes in
* Michael I. Lindinger muscle volume, and even longer (three centuries) since the development of the first key concepts that underpin our
current understanding of muscle cell volume regulation.
The Nutraceutical Alliance Inc., Burlington, ON L7N 2Z9, Regulation (Taylor et al. 2021) implies that cell volume or

European Journal of Applied Physiology

perhaps osmolality (Zanou et al. 2015) is a physiologically The absence of detailed consideration of a concept, however,
sensed variable and that control mechanisms are activated reflects a paucity of experimental data.
to prevent excessive increases/decreases in cell volume, It is well known that an increase in cell volume occurs
i.e. skeletal muscle cells do not behave as perfect osmom- in active muscles at the onset of contractile activity (Fenn
eters (Urazaev et al. 1987; Sitdikov et al. 1989; Lindinger and Cobb 1936) and that this increase in volume is osmoti-
et al. 2011). cally driven (Hamilton et al. 1993; Watson et al. 1993). It
The foundations of modern exercise physiology were is known that both the interstitial and intracellular volumes
laid down in the 1920s and 1930s by two main groups of increase in contracting muscle (Sjogaard and Saltin 1982;
researchers (David Barr, Harold Himwich et al. at Cornell Sjogaard et al. 1985). We also know from indirect arterial
University; Bruce Dill, Lawrence J. Henderson et al. at Har- and venous blood measures of protein concentration and/or
vard University), with additional important research contri- hematocrit that continued contractile activity at submaxi-
butions by people like John Scott Haldane, Claude Gordon mal intensities is accompanied by a gradual loss of the vol-
Douglas, August Krogh, Johannes Lindhard, Archibald Viv- ume that was initially gained by contracting muscle cells
ian Hill, Otto Meyerhof, Francis Benedict, Edward Cathcart, (Sjogaard et al. 1985; Sejersted et al. 1986; Lindinger et al.
Francis Bainbridge (Lindinger and Ward 2022). Since that 1994). Cessation of activity results in a further decrease of
time, compared to the emphases on muscle biochemistry, interstitial and intracellular muscle volume, and normaliza-
cardiovascular function and respiratory function, there has tion of cell volume occurs via several mechanisms includ-
been very little research directed at changes in muscle vol- ing metabolic reduction in osmotically active molecules
ume in general, and at the regulation of muscle cell volume and transmembrane ion/water transport (Heigenhauser and
specifically. There are notable reviews that consider various Lindinger 1988; Lindinger and Heigenhauser 1988).
aspects of volume changes in whole muscle, whether it be What is less known, however, is that non-contracting
in vivo (Harrison 1985; Sejersted and Sjogaard 2000) or muscle in ‘resting’ parts of the body also undergo changes
in vitro (Fenn 1936; Sejersted and Sjogaard 2000) but until in cell volume during periods of moderate- to high-intensity
the latter review it was widely believed, incorrectly, that contractile activity (Kowalchuk et al. 1988a; Lindinger et al.
skeletal muscle cells respond passively to imposed changes 1990). The net movement of water and ions into contract-
in osmotic strength and essentially behave as near-perfect ing muscle during exercise results in a decrease in blood
osmometers. The one exception is some work by Russian volume and an increase in blood osmolality. The increased
muscle physiologists in the late 1980s (Urazaev et al. 1987; blood osmolality causes non-contracting muscles, and other
Sitdikov et al. 1989) reporting regulatory volume increase in tissues, to lose volume when they are perfused with this
skeletal muscle cells exposed to solutions of raised osmotic blood (Harrison 1985). A quantitative summary of the net
strength. Notably, however, these reviews point to a seminal water movements in the body, focusing on contracting and
body of research demonstrating the complexity of fluid and non-contracting muscles is provided in Fig. 1 using a short-
electrolyte movements in muscles and the whole body dur- duration (~ 10 min) incremental exercise test to exhaustion
ing exercise and recovery, as well as with dehydration and or short-duration moderate- to high-intensity exercise as
rehydration. Complex because (1) all cells in the body are working examples. The 10-min or shorter time frame is
likely involved, (2) volume changes in body fluid compart- chosen to avoid net losses due to sweating in the calculation
ments are caused by contracting muscles as well as increased and is based on changes in plasma protein concentration, and
blood pressure and flow, (3) non-contracting muscle and not hemoglobin concentration, because of splenic addition
other tissues (i.e. blood cells) respond differently than con- of erythrocytes at high exercise intensities (Shephard 2016;
tracting muscle cells and (4) prolonged exercise needs to Holmstrom et al. 2021).
consider water losses by cutaneous, renal and respiratory Regulation of muscle cell volume is important because
routes. The topics are beyond the focus of the current review. volume, or at least intracellular osmolality, appears to be a
The focus of this review is on the regulatory responses ‘sensed’ (Zanou et al. 2015) variable. When a physiological
that occur in skeletal muscle cells in response to the osmotic variable is sensed this typically indicates that this variable is
changes that occur with exercise at different intensities. one that can be regulated within the body or even by the cell
Emphasis is given to those concepts considered by the itself, as opposed to being controlled (Taylor et al. 2021).
author to be key in the development of current state-of-the- Indeed, when changes in muscle cell volume are imposed
art of skeletal muscle cell volume regulation, irrespective experimentally, there occur seemingly direct changes in
of when the concept was first developed. The review there- skeletal muscle force development (Gulati and Babu 1982;
fore does not deal with compartmental shifts in fluid which Bressler and Matsuba 1991; Rapp et al. 1998), metabolism
are well described by Harrison (1985). Also, the informed (Low et al. 1997; Rennie et al. 1998; Cermak et al. 2009), as
reader may hold that there are other key concepts that have well as whole body glucose homeostasis (Lang et al. 2009;
not been adequately considered or perhaps missed entirely. Hallows et al. 2010) and blood pressure regulation (Kahle

European Journal of Applied Physiology

Fig. 1  Conceptual flow diagram showing main causes of net water heart as mixed venous from other parts of the body combine with
movements during leg exercise, using as an example values that femoral venous blood. Arterial osmolality is raised above resting and
would be expected at the end of a 10-min incremental exercise test remains lower than femoral venous. The raised arterial osmolality
to exhaustion. Contractile activity in the leg muscles results in an results in a net movement of water (up to 100 mL) from non-contract-
increase in intracellular osmolytes that, based on measured increases ing tissues into the venous circulation—this is calculated from the
in plasma protein concentration, results in the net movement of difference in plasma protein concentration between arterial blood and
200 mL of water into contracting muscles (cells and interstitial). The antecubital venous blood (Lindinger et  al. 1992). Additional details
movement of water from blood, together with the net movement of for contracting muscle and non-contracting muscle follow later, and
osmolytes from contracting muscle into venous blood, raises femo- are summarized in Figs. 4 and 7, respectively
ral venous osmolality. Venous blood osmolality is reduced at the right

et al. 2010). Cell volume loss in general, and in muscle spe- volume changes are complex. Cellular metabolism, the
cifically, is associated with an increased metabolism and plasma membrane, water and ion transport systems, an
catabolism, whereas increased volume is associated with elaborate cytoskeleton that is contiguous with contractile
anabolic effects (Lang 2007; Olsen et al. 2019). proteins, signal transduction systems, intracellular organelles
Many of the concepts described in the context of skel- and domains, as well as extracellular matrix proteins and
etal muscle cell volume regulation will be familiar to those neighboring cells are all involved in this well-orchestrated
knowledgeable in the areas of epithelial cell, red blood cell, process (Fig. 2). There are also numerous endocrine and
smooth muscle cell, and cardiac muscle cell volume regula- exocrine signals associated with exercise, some of which are
tion. Many of the physiological mechanisms first discov- known to be involved in muscle cell responses, for example
ered and elucidated in epithelial cells, the most extensively activation of the NKA (Clausen 2003) and the NKCC (Gos-
studied of the aforementioned cell types, were subsequently manov and Thomason 2002; Gosmanov et al. 2002). The
found to be similar in skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle sarcolemma, through its structural linkages with intracellular
cells. Despite comprising approximately 40% of the lean proteins (including the contractile apparatus) and extracel-
body mass within an individual, however, direct investi- lular matrix proteins is also a sensor of changes in internal
gation of the mechanisms surrounding volume regulation as well as neighboring cell shape and of molecular informa-
within skeletal muscle cells remains sparse. There is increas- tion—the sarcolemma is well-endowed with receptors on
ing evidence that skeletal muscle cells regulate their cell vol- both the extracellular and intracellular surfaces (Olsen et al.
ume, and do not merely respond passively to impose changes 2019). Some of these receptors (Zanou et al. 2015) must be
in intracellular and extracellular osmolality. associated with ion and metabolite transport proteins (Sejer-
While the primary force responsible for volume changes sted and Sjogaard 2000; Gosmanov et al. 2003b), and with
within any cell is osmotic (Overton 1899; Lang 2007), the sub-sarcolemmal domains that provide the machinery and
physiological mechanisms that allow for, let alone regulate, the energy required for transmembrane transport processes,

European Journal of Applied Physiology

Fig. 2  Several of the ion transport systems involved in the physiologi- ­H2O indicates aquaporins; C­ a2+ ­Mg2+ indicates calcium and magne-
cal mechanisms regulating intracellular volume. These components, sium channels; ­K+ indicates at least 4 types of potassium channels;
as well as aquaporin, are also present in the transverse tubule system. NKA indicates the sodium potassium ATPase; NKCC indicates the
The subsarcolemmal domain (“fuzzy space”) is shown by the shaded sodium–potassium-chloride-chloride cotransporter. Two examples of
region interior to the sarcolemma. Cytoskeletal proteins are not G proteins are indicated, one with the N­ a+ channel and one with the
shown for clarity. ­Na+ indicates voltage-sensitive sodium channels; NKA

i.e. the NKA (Semb and Sejersted 1996) and ATP-sensitive impermeability to solutes. The initial description of osmo-
­K+ channels (Weiss and Lamp 1987; Gosmanov et al. 2004). sis has been attributed to Hewson, who recognized that red
To summarize, the purpose of this article is to highlight blood cells shrank or swelled depending on the salt concen-
the key physiological concepts that have led to our current tration of the medium—the water ‘flowed’ from a solution
understanding of volume regulation in skeletal muscle cells of low salt concentration to one of higher salt concentration
(Fig. 3). In addition to the key concepts within the current (Hewson 1773). While this finding was largely neglected at
publication, many other important auxiliary concepts (i.e., the time, it was rediscovered by Dutrochet who, after per-
associated physiological structures and processes) are indi- forming hundreds of experiments using different solutions
cated. The narrative essentially begins with Overton’s work and cell types (membranes), was able to provide a convinc-
in the late nineteenth century (Overton 1895, 1896, 1899), ing physical description of water and salt movement, and
with some reference to earlier works, and progresses through the physiological relevance of this phenomenon (Dutrochet
to the present. The interested reader is referred to the follow- 1826). Dutrochet concluded that water moved from the
ing reviews to explore some of these key concepts in greater compartment where the solution was less dense, acidic, or
detail than can be accomplished here (Robinson 1960; Dick positively charged to the compartment of greater density,
1966; Kleinzeller 1999; Lang 2007; Hoffmann et al. 2009; alkalinity, or negative charge. The concept of an interac-
Lombard 2014; Brown 2017; Hille 2018; Olsen et al. 2019). tion between the intracellular and extracellular environment
explored by Dutrochet, was influenced by previous work by
Porret, who showed that an otherwise ‘impermeable’ animal
Key concept one: osmosis membrane could become water-permeable when an electric
current was applied (Porret 1816).
Dick referred to osmosis as “by far the most important” Charles Ernest Overton reported the results of his living
process for water transfer into and out of living cells animal and plant cell permeability studies (osmotic proper-
(Dick 1966). This necessitates that the cell membrane is ties”) in a series of five papers between 1895 and 1902. Most
semipermeable, having permeability to water and partial of these were summarized in a lecture delivered to the Natural

European Journal of Applied Physiology

Sciences Research Council in Zurich entitled “About the gen- Key concept three: selective permeability
eral osmotic properties of the cell, its probable causes and its (selective solubility)
significance for physiology” (Overton 1899). In this particu-
lar lecture, Overton makes reference to two papers (Overton The concept of a “plasma skin” (cell membrane) is not a
1895, 1896) and more than 10,000 experiments conducted requirement to understanding Overton’s work so long as one
over a nine-year period. These experiments were a detailed can appreciate that the boundary layer subserves the physi-
study of more than 500 small molecules with anesthetic or ological functions of one-way molecule transfer; ‘selective
toxic properties and the associated osmotic properties of plant solubility’ as he described it. Both one-way molecule trans-
and animal cells. Importantly, these experiments provided a fer (net unidirectional flux) and selective solubility of a mol-
definitive step toward understanding the cellular physiology ecule through the boundary layer (selective permeability)
of water permeability. are key concepts in our current understanding of cellular
membrane physiology and cell volume regulation.
Key concept two: cell membrane (plasma With regards to ‘selective solubility’, Overton (1899)
skin) states on page 106: “The osmotic behaviour of the living
protoplast has been compared with that of a precipitation
Overton built on the work of many of his predecessors and membrane, yes the boundary layers of the protoplast as a
contemporaries, as cited in his lectures and publications. precipitation membrane, a hypothesis which I also have for
Importantly it was already appreciated that individual cells a long time been approaching. For about three years … I
were surrounded by a ‘boundary layer’ (cell wall of plants; am led to the presumption that the peculiar osmotic prop-
epimysium of muscle) as well as a ‘membrane’ overlying the erties of living protoplasts have the appearance of “selec-
‘protoplasm’ (Overton 1899). Overton specifically mentions tive solubility”, a presumption, which over time almost
both in slightly different contexts, although the original texts led me to the certainty of it.” The quotation marks and
are in German. There was controversy at the time, and continu- bold font are Overton’s. Foundational work on the permea-
ing through the next century, regarding whether cells required bility of the membrane to sodium chloride (Schmidt 1851;
or even possessed a plasma membrane (Pollack 2003; Ling Bernard 1865; Pfeffer 1877) subsequently led Overton to
2004). Cell membranes were first visualized using the elec- state: “Over a period of seventy or more years, it was noted
tron microscope (Jones and Barer 1948; Edwards et al. 1956), that when the muscle fibers and other tissue cells from
though some disputed that the appearance of a membrane was the sodium chloride-rich blood plasma or lymph should
an artifact of the fixation process. On page 111 of his 1899 be rinsed, [there was] not even an approximate balance
publication, Overton states that “the impregnating substances between the concentrations of the sodium or chloride ions
of the boundary layers of the protoplasts … possess… imme- in the blood plasma or in [the protoplasmic] fluid of the
diately a “plasma skin” with the same osmotic properties as tissue cells … so long they are still alive.”
the natural boundary layers of the protoplasts.” The quota- In the 1890s, two theories were presented to explain how
tions and bold font on plasma skin are also found within his semipermeable membranes operated. First, the pore theory
original publication. This followed from page 109, where he indicated that membranes had small pores that allowed
stated “it's become very likely to me that the general osmotic them to behave like sieves (Traube 1867). Next, it was theo-
properties of the cell are due to the fact that the boundary rized that permeating substances actually dissolved into or
layers of the protoplast are impregnated with a substance,” through membranes (Nernst 1890). We now appreciate that
and that the boundary layer is impregnated with “cholesterol both theories hold true for different molecules, although
or a cholester … or a mixture of such compounds.” (Overton Overton favored Nernst’s theory based on his extensive
1899). This was previously suggested by the earlier research of series of experiments (Overton 1895, 1896, 1899).
Hoppe-Seyler (1866) and Schulze and Likiernik (1891), indi- There is presently a vast body of evidence for the physi-
cating the composition of the lipids now known to be present cal and functional presence of a cell membrane that sepa-
in cellular plasma membranes. This led to the suggestion that rates the intracellular and extracellular environments. This
cholesterol and phospholipids could be the main components membrane is selectively permeable to molecules, allowing
of cell membranes (Overton 1899). for bidirectional communication between intracellular and
extracellular environments by way of transmembrane pro-
tein linkages and cell signaling molecules (i.e. cytokines).
Permeability to gases, on the other hand, appears to be
largely passive, and the plasma membrane does not hinder
the movement of oxygen or carbon dioxide down their
concentrations gradients (Poole et al. 2022).

European Journal of Applied Physiology

European Journal of Applied Physiology

◂Fig. 3  A chronological summary of the discovery/development of key Heidenhain synchronously determined that membrane
concepts in skeletal muscle cell volume regulation. While aquaporins transport of molecules could not be explained purely by
must be involved, the nature of their involvement in regulated volume
responses in skeletal muscle cells have yet to be elucidated
the physical processes of filtration and diffusion, and intro-
duced the term ‘pump’ to describe the ‘driving force’ for
membrane transport (Heidenhain 1894). Overton (1899)
Key concept four: unidirectional flux further elaborated that the energy that powered this driving
(one‑way permeation) of water force came from the cellular protoplasm. These concepts
are certainly in agreement with our current understanding
It was generally understood that all molecules ‘diffused’ of the usage of ATP within the sodium–potassium pump
across the ‘boundary layer’, and in his many experiments, for potassium influx and sodium efflux (below).
Overton demonstrated that small non-polar molecules dif- In 1902, Overton reported that contracting muscle gains
fused faster while polar molecules (ions) diffused more “weight” (volume) and NaCl, i.e. “impoverishes the imme-
slowly or not all. When the extracellular concentrations of diate extracellular fluid NaCl concentration, and when
these molecules (i.e., NaCl) was increased, the cells lost contraction is stopped, then loses NaCl into the immedi-
volume, and vice versa. As a result of these observations, ate extracellular fluid” (Overton 1902). It was apparent to
Overton stated that cells “have the peculiarity that they Overton that there was an exchange of N ­ a+ and K
­ + ions
are only permeable for water molecules in one direction, across the muscle membrane that was associated with the
namely from inside to outside,” and believed that some- change in electrical charge upon muscle contraction. Over-
thing within the ‘boundary layer’ allowed the movement ton reported that ­Na+ and ­K+ concentrations across the
of “water molecules probably in the one, but not in the muscle membrane never equalize in living cells, thus con-
opposite set direction” (Overton 1899, page 117). cluding that there needed to be a “mechanism” that main-
Interestingly, these early observations do not appear to tained unequal extra- and intracellular ion concentrations.
have inspired the concept of how small molecules may be This idea remained preliminary in Bernstein’s “membrane
involved in the regulation of cell volume. They are, how- hypothesis” (Bernstein 1902), and remained to be re-dis-
ever, considered foundational to Peter Agre’s discovery covered and verified by Hodgkin and Huxley (Hodgkin
of gated water channels (aquaporins) within the plasma and Huxley 1945, 1952). Membrane semi-permeability to
membranes of erythrocytes and renal tubule epithelial sodium was confirmed by Boyle and Conway (Conway
cells (Denker et al. 1988). This discovery later led to the and Boyle 1939), and the exchange of ­Na + for ­K + was
2003 Nobel Prize in chemistry, which Agre shared with confirmed by Fenn and Cobb (1936), Fenn et al. (1938).
Roderick MacKinnon for the latter’s seminal studies on The early understanding of transmembrane ion movement
the structure and operational mechanisms of ion channels. was largely limited to explanations of passive ion permea-
tion. Even Fenn and Cobb (1934) stated that “potassium
diffuses in and out of muscles by exchange with hydrogen
ions or some equivalent process. Otherwise, it is hard to
Key concept five: active ‘diffusion’—the explain how potassium can move against the concentration
concept of active transport gradient after a slight increase in the concentration of potas-
sium outside.” Hodgkin and Huxley (1945) stated “Accord-
Early work with red blood cells (Schmidt 1851) and mus- ing to the conventional membrane theory, the nerve surface
cle cells (Bernard 1865) identified that intracellular con- becomes freely permeable to all ions during activity and can
centrations of ­K+ were much greater than in plasma, while so contribute nothing to the recorded [potential difference].”
intracellular ­Na+ and C
­ l− concentrations were opposingly These authors did not cite the previous work of Overton or
lower than in plasma. Overton (1899) reported that, in Bernstein and did not develop the concept of active trans-
some cases, there is “an active activity of the protoplasm” port of potassium across the muscle cell membrane. Their
that is involved in maintaining or achieving osmotic pres- work, however, contributed directly to the body of knowl-
sure by allowing the active transport of molecules into edge relied on by Jens Skou when searching for the source
the cell (page 122). It was already recognized by Overton of energy responsible for active transport.
that “the intake of potassium into muscle cells is not at all Skou’s work on nerve fibers identified the energy-requir-
a purely diosmotic process and that, on the contrary, the ing process for active ­Na+ extrusion from excitable cells as
entry is caused by a particular activity of muscle cells” a ­Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) or sodium–potassium pump (Skou
(Overton 1896). He also stated that potassium entry must 1957). Interestingly, however neither Skou nor others prior
occur with the simultaneous transfer of anions or exchange speculated as to a putative location of the sodium–potassium
with another cation from the muscle cell, otherwise sig- pump within the cell. It took a further 40 years to dispel
nificant electrical charge would occur. doubts that the sodium–potassium pump was completely

European Journal of Applied Physiology

responsible for N­ a+/K+ exchange and for Skou to receive membranes until the late 1950s and early 1960s, particularly
the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1997 (Clausen and Persson by Hille (1967).
1998). Overall, Skou’s work led to the general acceptance The concept of ion channels and transporters that were
that “water flow is dependent upon active sodium transport” constituent elements within cells membranes was generally
(Clarkson 1967); a concept that was also further applied to accepted by 1966, with Grundfest summarizing the state-of-
non-epithelial cell membranes. the-art “we can, nevertheless, regard the excitable membrane
as a matrix in which are embedded elements of different
chemical structures, some of the latter forming channels
Key concept six: molecules move that are permselective for the different ionic species that
through protein ‘channels’ or ‘transporters’ are present in the system” (Grundfest 1966). However, ion
situated in cell membranes channels, although known to have specificity, were consid-
ered “physical pores formed by faults in the lipid bilayers
The ambiguity of the term “permeability” as applied to bio- of the membrane complex” (Grundfest 1966). Such “pores”
logical membranes was recognized by Teorell (1949), and were also considered to be aqueous channels, such that water
in this review, he made clear “the distinction between (a) the could move with ions according to a “friction theory” (Spie-
"permittivity" of a membrane for the particular substance gler 1958). Such explanations, however, cannot account for
under investigation (i.e., the permeability in the proper, ion channel specificity nor for aquaporins as distinct from
narrow sense) and (b) the driving forces, which create the ion channels. As such, one is drawn away from the consid-
very process of the substance transport (the permeation or eration of “faults” and frictional co-transport of ions and
penetration).” He went on to clearly state our current under- water, and towards the consideration of “intentional struc-
standing: “transport must arise from the simultaneous opera- tures” with the sole purpose of ion or water transport.
tion of both the factors (a) and (b); the presence of either The concept of carrier-mediated transport, in which an
of them does not alone lead to any penetration across the ion is reversibly bound to a constituent on one side of the
membrane.” To further describe transport, he defined the membrane and then released on the other side, was devel-
term “flux” “as the amount of substance which per unit time oped by Osterhout (1935). This appears to be an early rec-
penetrates per unit area (of an infinitesimal volume element) ognition that ion transport proteins (channels or pores) have
normal to the direction of transport.” This definition con- a binding site that senses the hydrated radius and charge of
formed with Nernst and Planck's fundamental expression for an ion, which then results in conformational changes in the
electrolyte transfer: flux = mobility × concentration × total transport protein that allows permissive transport through
driving force. He also recognized that the energy necessary the membrane (Talwar and Lynch 2015). In 1968, Bertil
for substance transport across a biological membrane need Hille elaborated on this concept with the recognition that
not be “supplied from within this membrane” and that “the “monovalent and divalent ions including hydrogen, sodium,
protoplasm may in many instances readily supply the energy potassium, calcium, and magnesium ions compete with each
which creates the membrane gradients;” a view held by other for a limited number of binding sites on erythrocyte
Overton (1899) that appears to have been generally accepted membranes” (Hille 1968).
by 1949. It is noteworthy that Teorell did not mention the
word “channel” in his 1949 review, and did not speculate as
to the putative mechanisms for molecular transport. Key concept seven: cells have ‘structure’
The idea that molecules are transported through biologi- that permits swelling and shrinking
cal membranes via “pores” or “channels” predated Teorell in a controlled manner and that senses
by at least 100 years, and appear to be terms introduced, changes in cytoskeletal tension
or at least used, by von Brücke (1843). The terms pore and
channel were used extensively in research related to permea- Skeletal muscle cells have considerable structure that is
tion through dialysis membranes. For example Weech and manifest in an intricate network of structural proteins that are
Michaelis (1928) stated: “We thought it probable that the sensitive to mechanical deformations. The structural–func-
great difference in the diffusion rates between molecules of tional network of proteins is contiguous with contractile
different sizes was due to the fact that the membranes con- proteins, surface membranes, all cellular organelles, and
tained pore channels of varying sizes, that only the largest other cells via networks of intra- and extracellular protein
of these channels would serve for the passage of a large mol- linkages (Olsen et al. 2019). The significant development
ecule such as glucose, and that many more channels could be of the concept that these structural elements are involved in
used by the smaller molecules.” Despite the usage of these signal transduction within and between cells can be attrib-
terms, this concept was not generally applied to biological uted to Ingber (1993), who applied the concept of tensegrity,
derived from “tensional integrity” by architect Buckminster

European Journal of Applied Physiology

Fuller in 1927, to living cell systems. The application of erythrocytes, Kregenow could explain the regulatory phase
tensegrity to cell systems may be controversial (Ingber et al. of the volume decrease by ‘passive’ ­K+ leak from the cell,
2000), but the research underpinning the concept has led to though this leak rate could be increased by inhibiting NKA
significant advances in our understanding of membrane and activity using ouabain. However, when cells were initially
cytoskeletal interactions. Cytoskeletal structure is important made to shrink, the resultant RVI could not be explained
in both intracellular and intercellular signal sensing, signal by a single membrane event, such as a sole increase in
transduction and communication. NKA activity. Only later was the role of the sodium–potas-
As stated by Olsen et al. (2019) “The skeletal muscle sium–chloride cotransporter (NKCC) shown to be involved
membrane is a mechanically sensitive structure that houses in RVI responses (Hoffmann et al. 1983). The second char-
multiple mechano-transducing proteins and complexes.” In acteristic is that the reduction in cell volume is propor-
their discussion of stretch activated ion channels, they focus tional to the decrease in tonicity of the bathing solution.
on the deformation of these membrane-spanning proteins The third characteristic is that a gradual decrease in cell
upon muscle contraction and relaxation, and associate their water and volume during the RVD phase can be expressed
activation with intracellular anabolic responses following by an exponential decay requiring between 6 and 90 min
the cessation of contraction (McBride et al. 2000). The roles depending on the cell type and experimental condition.
of stretch activated ion channels in osmotically induced cell Similar but reversed responses are observed when cells
volume changes remain to be determined in skeletal mus- are made to shrink by incubation or perfusion with hypo-
cle cells, although their involvement in chloride channel- tonic medium (Kregenow 1971b, a; Hoffmann et al. 2009).
mediated cell volume responses has been studied in cardiac Some of these features appear to have been first described
myocytes (Suleymanian et al. 1995; Chen et al. 1996). This in skeletal muscle by a series of studies performed by
is a ‘key concept,’ as it appears important for a cell to be able Urazaev and coworkers (Urazaev et  al. 1987; Sitdikov
to sense its shape and volume, and perhaps also the shape et al. 1989); these studies provided the foundation for the
and volume of its neighboring cells. muscle RVI research described below.

Key concept eight: regulatory volume

decrease and increase Our present day understanding of cell
volume regulation in skeletal muscle
The initial development of the concepts of regulatory vol-
ume decrease (RVD) and regulatory volume increase (RVI) As may be expected the sarcolemma is heavily involved in
can be attributed to Kregenow’s studies of duck erythrocytes the regulation of cell volume and has at least three major
exposed to hypotonic (Kregenow 1971a) and hypertonic roles in the control system. First, mechanosensitive protein
(Kregenow 1971b) solutions. These concepts were built on linkages respond to both contractile and non-contractile
the work of predecessors, including Tosteson’s studies of cell stretching or shrinking (Low et al. 1997; Olsen et al.
­K+ transport in human erythrocytes (Tosteson 1955) and 2019). For example, during high-intensity contraction of
Dick’s studies of membrane water permeability (Dick 1959). other large muscle groups, the initial volume loss in non-
In describing the initial swelling and subsequent reversion contracting muscle is followed by a subsequent RVI, a
to normal volume in the presence of a hypotonic medium, regulated increase towards the initial cell volume.
Kregenow stated: “This example of volume regulation Second, the sarcolemma is involved in the control of
appears to require a membrane mechanism with receptor, ion, metabolite and water transport through its ion chan-
transmitter, and effector properties which produces a tem- nels/transporters and aquaporins (Hoffmann et al. 2009).
porary increase in the rate coefficient for the potassium leak. This is critical as it is the concentrations of osmolytes
In contrast, the rate coefficient for the sodium leak is either within the cell that ultimately determine its water con-
unchanged or decreased.” tent. For example, to gain volume, the cell must increase
There are several important characteristics of the RVD the content and concentration of intracellular osmolytes,
that were identified by Kregenow (1971a). First, the initial thereby facilitating net influx of water, thus restoring vol-
rapid swelling upon incubation or perfusion with hyper- ume and shape.
tonic medium that is less at any point in time than would Third, regulation implies a requirement for cellular shape-
be obtained if the cells behaved as perfect osmometers. sensing, osmo-sensing, or volume-sensing (stretch or slack
That fact that the initial volume change is less than would tension) in conjunction with signal transduction systems that
occur by a perfect osmometer is due to the active or facili- effect appropriate ion and water transport activities. Evi-
tated transport of osmotically active molecules across the dence for an osmosensor during induced skeletal muscle cell
plasma membrane. In his RVD experiments using duck volume loss was provided by experiments demonstrating the

European Journal of Applied Physiology

involvement of TRPV2 mechanosensitive channels belong- water gain, although they referred to this relationship as
ing to the transient receptor potential (TRP) family (Zanou described by Ranke.
et al. 2015). These types of signal transduction mechanisms With the onset of moderate- to high-intensity con-
control channel opening and closing as appropriate (Lang tractile activity, the increase in muscle cell volume is a
2007; Hoffmann et al. 2009; Usher-Smith et al. 2009). response to a series of concurrent and sequential metabolic
and ion flux events that result in a net increase in intracel-
lular osmolality (Fig. 4). The increased concentrations of
Contracting muscle osmotically active molecules within contracting cells have
been measured in human and rodent muscles in different
The loss of water from the blood during exercise (Fig. 1) experimental conditions for more than 100 years (Need-
was first noted by Ranke in canine muscle (Ranke 1865) ham 1971). As a result, we know that contracting muscle
and thereafter by Zuntz in humans (Zuntz and Schumburg cells swell, lose K­ + but gain N­ a+, ­M g2+, ­C a2+, ­C l− and
1901). While this phenomenon was systematically studied water (Fenn 1936; Fenn and Cobb 1936; Fenn et al. 1938;
in 1930 (Dill et al. 1930), Dill and colleagues were unable Sjogaard 1983; Heigenhauser and Lindinger 1988; Kow-
to make a connection between blood water loss and muscle alchuk et al. 1988b; Lindinger and Heigenhauser 1988),
and also increase their content of osmotically active

Fig. 4  Summary of changes in metabolic and surface membrane tion into cells and interstitium (Fig. 1). Simultaneously, the increased
events that lead to changes in intracellular osmolality of contracting rate of membrane electrical excitation results in increased intracel-
muscle cells. An increase in muscle contractile activity, particularly lular ion concentrations – except for ­K+ which decreases. Sarcoplas-
during high-intensity exercise, results in rapid and large increases in mic reticulum C ­ a2+ release into the cytosol also contributes to the
the concentrations of osmotically active metabolites within muscle elevated ­[Ca2+]
cells, resulting in the net movement of water from the arterial circula-

European Journal of Applied Physiology

metabolites including lactate, ADP, AMP, creatine, and Sub-sarcolemmal domains proximal to NKA are rich in
Pi (Meyerhof 1947; Hargreaves and Spriet 2020). Watson glycolytic enzymes and likely creatine kinase (Dölken et al.
et al. (1993) showed that increased intracellular “small- 1975; Müller 1976; Pierce and Philipson 1985) to provide
molecule osmotic pressure was the primary pressure the ATP required for sustained NKA activity. The demand
causing the trans-capillary water flux” that resulted in for ATP by the NKA results in very rapid hydrolysis of PCr
increased muscle water content. occurring primarily within the first 30 s of activity (Spronck
Contraction results from depolarization of the sarco- 1965; Trump et al. 1996). PCr hydrolysis was the largest
lemma and T system (surface) membranes (Lindinger and single contributor to the increase in intracellular osmolality,
Cairns 2021) that, in turn, results in sarcoplasmic reticu- because its hydrolysis yields two osmotically active mol-
lum release of C­ a2+, consequent activation of actin-myosin ecules: creatine and inorganic phosphate (Pi). Within 15 s of
interactions, and sarcomere shortening. Surface membrane intense contractile activity, the degradation of 30 mmoles/L
depolarization results in a large, rapid, and transient flux of of PCr increased intracellular osmolality by 60 mosmol/kg
­Na+ into the cell. Repolarization is effected by the opening (Heigenhauser and Lindinger 1988). Within 30 s of activity,
of ­K+ channels, resulting in action potential restoration. At this is augmented by the intracellular accumulation of up to
the end of the action potential, the skeletal muscle cell has 40 mmoles/L of lactate. This is despite a profound increase
gained ­Na+ and lost K­ +. With repeated contractions, experi- in the rate of its mitochondrial oxidation (Brooks 2020) and
mental measures indicate that the net loss of ­K+ exceeds its net efflux across the sarcolemma via monocarboxylate
the net gain of ­Na+ (Kowalchuk et al. 1988b; Lindinger and transporters (Bonen et al. 2006).
Heigenhauser 1988) despite the ongoing active extrusion In order to provide an understanding of the net effect on
of ­Na+ by the NKA (Clausen 2003). Of interest and impor- cell volume of the many simultaneous events occurring in
tance with respect to control of membrane electrical stability contracting muscle, let us examine in some detail the main
(Pedersen et al. 2005), there is a net gain of ­Cl− by cells, process contributing to changes in intracellular osmolality
indicating opening of ­Cl− channels at some point during summarized in Fig. 4. The contributions of changes in intra-
the action potential. The net effect of the gain in ­Na+ and cellular osmolytes can be appreciated from data like those
­Cl− is to retain water within the cell; however, this is mark- obtained in blood-perfused rat hindlimb muscles (Lindinger
edly offset by the concurrent loss of cellular ­K+. This leaves et al. 1987). In this study, four muscles differing in fiber
accumulation of metabolic osmolytes as the primary driver type composition were maximally stimulated using electrical
for osmotic water flow into cells, as concluded by Watson excitation of the sciatic nerve, thus causing action potentials
(Watson 1993; Watson et al. 1993). in all muscle cells of all fiber types (unlike voluntary mus-
Repeated action potentials require rapid restoration (at cle activation). The increases in TTW, ECFV and ICFV are
least partially during high-intensity exercise) of intracellular shown in Fig. 5.
­Na+ and K ­ + concentrations (Lindinger and Cairns 2021). Measurements of the concentrations of metabolites and
This is orchestrated by NKA, which are abundant in and can ions at rest and at the end of 5 min of high-intensity contrac-
be incorporated into surface membranes from sub-sarcolem- tions, and of arterio-venous differences of the major elec-
mal domains when required (Pirkmajer and Chibalin 2016). trolytes, showed that the increase in intracellular osmolality

Fig. 5  Total tissue water

(TTW), extracellular fluid
volume (ECFV), and intracel-
lular fluid volume (ICFV) in
isolated, perfused rat hindlimb
muscles at rest and after high-
intensity contractions (100 Hz)
for five minutes (Stim). High
intensity contractions resulted
in increased (p < 0.001) TTW
and ICFV in all muscles except
plantaris, and ECFV increased
(p < 0.05) in all muscle except
white gastrocnemius. Values are
means ± SD. Data recalculated
from Lindinger et al. (1987)

European Journal of Applied Physiology

resulting from increased concentrations of both PCr and contributions from glycogenolysis which releases bound ­K+
Pi is partially offset in the initial 30 s period by some K ­ + (Bergström et al. 1971). Additionally, the hydrolysis of ATP,
loss (Lindinger et al. 1987). After the initial 30 s of con- ADP, and AMP further (above that arising from PCr hydrol-
tractile activity, an increase in intracellular lactate was also ysis) increases [Pi] while glycolysis continues at high rates
appreciable. At the end of five minutes of intense activity, further raising [lactate], with no recovery of PCr so long as
the changes in the white gastrocnemius muscle (the largest contractile activity continues (Bergström et al. 1971; McCa-
muscle in the rat hindlimb group) showed that PCr degrada- rtney et al. 1986; Hargreaves and Spriet 2020). This results
tion contributed 18 mosmoles/L and hydrolysis of adenylate in an increase in intracellular osmolarity in the range of 60
phosphates an additional 8 mosmoles/L and increased [lac- to 80 mosmol/kg (Kowalchuk et al. 1988b) during a time
tate] 22 mosmoles/L. These total ‘metabolic’ contributions when there has already been a significant gain in intracel-
of 48 mosmoles/L were incremented by increased [­ Na+] (4 lular water content (Lundvall et al. 1970; Kowalchuk et al.
mosomoles/L) and ­[Cl−] (9 mosmoles/L) and offset by losses 1988b). Interestingly, the net osmotic loss of ­K+ from mus-
of ­K+ (39 mosmoles/L) and ­Mg2+ (9 mosmoles/L). The cal- cle is similar to the net osmostic gain of lactate (Lindinger
culated net increase in intracellular osmolality in these four et al. 1995). The contracting cells increase in volume, and
hindlimb muscles at the end of 5 min was between 10 and 20 are swollen. This ‘pumped muscle,’ when measured via tape
mosmole/L depending on the muscle (Lindinger et al. 1987). measure, actually displays an increase in whole muscle cir-
As a consequence of the increase in intracellular osmolal- cumference (Lundvall et al. 1970).
ity, muscle water content and muscle cell volume increased The best human data remain those of Sjogaard et  al.
(Fig. 5). (1985) who used 3H-labelled inulin to tag extracellular water
With repeated bouts of high-intensity exercise, in vastus lateralis biopsies obtained before exercise, at 10
the increase in intracellular osmolality has additional and 20 min of half-maximal contractions and, in a separate

Fig. 6  The time course of intra- and extracellular water in human lowed by 30 min of resting recovery (right panel). * indicates signifi-
muscle during during submaximal exercise (left panel) and in cant increase from rest (time 0). Data from Sjogaard et al. (1985)
response to six minutes of maximal knee extensor contractions fol-

European Journal of Applied Physiology

series of experiments of maximal contractions within contracting muscle. There is strong evidence that repeated
approximately 30 s, three minutes and 30 min after cessation episodes of muscle swelling signal hypertrophic and ana-
of maximal and (Fig. 6). With submaximal exercise, there bolic processes in skeletal muscle (as reviewed by Olsen
was no consistent increase in intracellular water at 10 min, et al. 2019).
while ECFV was increased at 10 min but not at 20 min In summary, swelling of contracting muscles performing
(Fig. 6, left panel). In this experiment, the first measure- moderate- to high-intensity exercise is the result of increases
ment at 10 min has missed the initial rapid accumulation of in intracellular and extracellular osmolytes associated with
osmolytes within muscle cells (first 120 s), but the effect— the metabolic provision of ATP to meet the demands of the
together with loss of intracellular ­K+ to the interstitium—is major ATP-requiring systems, i.e. NKA, Ca-ATPase and
detected as the increase in ECFV at 10 min. In contrast, myosin ATPase. As sub-maximal contractions continue, the
with maximal contractions of 6 min duration, there was a initial volume increase is attenuated by cellular losses of ­K+
pronounced increased in ICFV — as well as ECFV—at the and lactate as well as partial re-synthesis of PCr. It remains
end of contraction (Fig. 6, right panel). Muscle cell volume to be determined if the volume responses in contracting mus-
recovery was complete within 30 min post exercise although cle fibers are regulated, or merely passive.
ECFV remained elevated at 30 min of recovery. The initial
rapid post-exercise (at 3 min post-exercise occurring at the
9-min time point in Fig. 6, right) decrease of intracellular Non‑contracting muscles
water suggests a rapid decrease in intracellular osmolality
that may primarily be associated with re-synthesis of PCr By way of prefacing what occurs in non-contracting muscles,
(Harris et al. 1976). While further investigation is required, it is helpful to consider what occurs in blood during high-
the present author hypothesizes that the recovery of intracel- intensity exercise (Fig. 1). Calculations of the total amount
lular fluid volume is primarily metabolic, with re-synthesis of water taken up by contracting muscle cells (increase in
of PCr as well as oxidation and release of lactate as primary total intracellular fluid volume) during high-intensity exer-
drivers. Restoration of intracellular ion concentrations (of cise indicate that this amount exceeds the measured decrease
mainly ­K+ and ­Mg2+) increases intracellular osmolality and in plasma volume by as much as two-fold (Lindinger et al.
thus does not contribute to the intracellular volume loss dur- 1990). This result is consistent with observations in isolated,
ing the initial recovery period. perfused muscles (Watson et al. 1993; Ward et al. 1996).
While the mechanisms responsible for the recovery of It is also known that the extracellular fluid volume sur-
muscle water and ions would take decades to uncover, this rounding contracting muscle increases (Sjogaard and Saltin
phenomenon appears to have been first systematically stud- 1982; Sjogaard et al. 1985). Because the calculated fluid
ied by Fenn et al. (1938). We now know that upon cessation uptake into contracting muscle is greater than the decrease in
of high-intensity contractile activity, sarcolemmal ion/water plasma volume, there must be a net loss of fluid from other
transport and intracellular metabolic enzyme activities are tissues, including non-contracting skeletal muscle (Fig. 7).
very high. Lactate continues to be lost from muscle cells Therefore, there is a partial defense (replenishment) of
via monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) until intracel- plasma volume, and hence blood volume, by the net flux of
lular lactate concentrations are 2–4 mmol/L greater than water from non-contracting tissues into plasma (Figs. 1, 7).
the extracellular concentration. Lactate also continues to be This concept was demonstrated experimentally during both
oxidized at high rates until intracellular concentrations are a single 30 s bout of high-intensity exercise (Kowalchuk
low. Very high NKA activity effects rapid cellular K ­ + entry et al. 1988a) and with four repeated 30 s bouts of exercise
which drives extracellular and plasma K ­ concentrations to (Lindinger et al. 1990). It can be concluded that during high-
below resting concentrations, partially restores intracellular intensity exercise, fluid transfer from non-contracting tis-
­[K+], and fully restores intracellular ­[Na+] to or below rest- sues augments blood volume which will impact associated
ing levels (Clausen 2003; Lindinger and Cairns 2021). There cardiovascular responses.
is a progressive recovery of PCr, ATP, ADP and AMP, thus During high-intensity exercise, compared to the resting
restoring [creatine] and [Pi] to resting concentrations (Harris state prior to exercise, non-contracting tissues are perfused
et al. 1976; Forbes et al. 2005). During high-intensity exer- with arterial blood with decreased water content, increased
cise interspersed with rest periods between bouts, recovery osmolality, increased concentrations of lactate, K ­ +, ­H+,
of blood parameters requires 90 min (Lindinger et al. 1992), total protein, and red blood cell content (Lindinger et al.
and it is therefore likely that muscle also requires a similar 1992; Fig. 7). It is therefore not surprising that studies of
amount of time for osmotic and volume recovery. non-contracting muscle reported extraction of lactate and
Moderate- to high-intensity exercise repeated at peri- ­K+ from the arterial circulation, as well as modulation of
ods through the day, and particularly over periods of blood and whole body acid–base state, without substan-
weeks’ results in multiple episodes of cellular swelling of tial intracellular perturbations (Kowalchuk et al. 1988a;

European Journal of Applied Physiology

Fig. 7  Summary of cellular changes in non-contracting skeletal mus- cell shrinking. There is also evidence (based on arterio-venous dif-
cle that lead to changes in intracellular volume during periods of ferences) that non-contracting cells extract K ­ + and lactate from the
high-intensity exercise. The increase in arterial osmolality provides arterial circulation (Lindinger et  al. 1995) such that this would aug-
the driving force for net water loss from non-contracting cells. A neg- ment intracellular osmolality and contribute to a regulatory volume
ative arterio-venous difference for plasma protein concentration seen increase (RVI). Surface membranes include the plasma membrane
with high exercise intensities indicates a net loss of water from non- and transverse tubules. NKA sodium potassium ATPase
contracting cells into the circulation—this would be associated with

Lindinger et al. 1990)—the intracellular distribution volume and confirmed with subsequent plasma volume expansion
of non-contracting cells is large and thus prevents detection (González-Alonso et al. 2006).
of small but physiologically relevant contributions to the It was of interest to determine if the mechanisms used
plasma volume. For example, at the end of the first two bouts by non-contracting muscle to regulate or control its vol-
of high-intensity exercise, femoral venous plasma volume ume were similar to those employed by epithelial cells.
was 127 mL less than arterial plasma volume, as calculated The prevailing thought, prior to conducting the experi-
from plasma protein concentrations (Lindinger et al. 1992). ments, was that increasing extracellular osmolarity would
Evidently, despite their state of ‘relaxation,’ non-contracting result in a passive loss of water from muscle, and that the
tissues play a very important supporting role during exer- muscle would gradually lose volume until a new steady
cise. Similar compensatory plasma volume responses to state with the perfusing arterial blood was achieved. To
those occurring with exercise have also been observed in do this, single muscle fibers were isolated from mouse
response to acute blood withdrawal (20% of blood volume) extensor digitorum longus. After a resting period of at
least 60 min at 37 °C that allowed for cells to adhere to

Fig. 8  The same single mouse muscle fiber (extensor digitorum lon- (middle panel) as indicated by the cell width being reduced compared
gus) is shown in all panels, and the fiber remains unstimulated (elec- to the red bar. After an additional 15  min of exposure to increased
trically) throughout the experiment. The red bar shows the width extracellular tonicity, the fiber has re-gained significant volume.
of the fiber when in a normotonic solution (left panel), and the size The gain of volume, after the initial osmotic loss of water volume,
of the bar is unchanged in the middle and right panels. After a 90-s is termed regulatory volume increase (see Lindinger et  al. 2011 for
exposure to increased extracellular tonicity, the cell has lost volume additional details)

European Journal of Applied Physiology

the bottom of the well, fibers were subjected to a step MCT activity (Lindinger et al. 2011). Both MCT 1 and
increase in osmolality by injection of a small volume of MCT 4 contribute to lactate influx into resting muscle
concentrated sucrose into the well (Lindinger et al. 2011). during high-intensity exercise; mitigating the initial
Muscle fibers rapidly (within 15 s) lost considerable vol- volume loss upon exposure to hypertonic solutions, and
ume with a stepwise increase in extracellular osmolarity, inducing a faster and more complete RVI response follow-
but subsequently regained a substantial amount of this ing the initial volume loss (Lindinger et al. 2011, 2013).
lost volume over time (15 min) when extracellular osmo-
larity remained elevated (Fig. 8). The initial loss of cell
volume suggests remarkably high permeability to water Future directions
(Dick 1966; Kregenow 1971b) suggesting a transient
opening of aquaporins to facilitate the water transport— In contracting muscles, it currently remains unknown if
this remains to be investigated. While this RVI phenome- the increase in muscle cell volume results in regulated
non is common in many cell types, this was its first direct responses. For example, is inwardly directed aquaporin
demonstration in skeletal muscle (Lindinger et al. 2002) closure and outward ion transport activation regulated to
following initial studies by Urazaev et al. (1987), Sitdikov mitigate excessive intracellular increases in water con-
et al. (1989). Nonetheless, the theory that skeletal muscle tent or to restore volume, or are these merely coinciden-
cells were capable of RVI remained controversial until tal events? Leaving aside the question of regulation, the
the follow-up experiments using single-cell techniques responses that do appear to mitigate excessive increases
visually showed the characteristic changes in single-cell and restore volume are summarized below.
shape and volume (Lindinger et  al. 2011). In resting, It remains for future research to demonstrate if skel-
non-exercised muscle fibers, the RVI thus results from an etal muscles perfused with hypotonic solutions exhibit
increase in cellular ion content, as has been definitively RVD, both in resting and contracting muscle. It is highly
demonstrated by Tosteson and Hoffman in erythrocytes likely, as with other cell types, that resting muscle can be
(Tosteson and Hoffman 1960), which causes a secondary made to swell by perfusion with blood-like solutions of
flow of water (Dick 1966). significantly decreased (10% or more) osmolality. Blood
Similar to epithelial cells, the most notable feature of or blood-like is important because when inappropriate
RVI in resting skeletal muscle is increased activity of the perfusion solutions are used the results obtained cannot
NKCC when perfused with hypertonic solutions. This was readily be translated to in vivo conditions and may be of
directly demonstrated in situ via perfusion with hyper- poor physiological value. There are as yet unknown con-
tonic blood solutions in the absence or presence of a spe- stituents in plasma that are crucial to obtaining physiologi-
cific NKCC inhibitor (Lindinger et al. 2002, 2011; Gos- cal responses in cell systems including skeletal muscle
manov et al. 2003b). The NKCC appears to be important (Lindinger et al. 1986) and red blood cells (Lindinger et al.
for muscle cell volume regulation even when perfused 1999). Because skeletal muscle cells are well-endowed
with normotonic solutions, as inhibition of the NKCC with the same types of ion transport and control systems
resulted in net water loss from muscle (Lindinger et al. present in epithelial cells exhibiting RVD and RVI, it is
2002). This effect may reflect an altered muscle K ­ + bal- expected that resting skeletal muscle will also exhibit an
ance, because the NKCC mediated ­K flux accounts for RVD response to perfusion with solutions with reduced
about 15% of the NKA-mediated K ­ + flux (Lindinger et al. osmolality.
2002). This action occurs in tandem with other membrane
activity. Namely, sustained NKCC activity is dependent
on the NKA, which is sensitive to the increased intracel-
lular ­Na+ concentrations resulting from increased NKCC Summary and conclusion
activity (Gosmanov and Thomason 2002; Gosmanov et al.
2002; Lindinger et al. 2002, 2011). Skeletal muscle cells can both gain and lose volume dur-
In summary, in resting skeletal muscle perfused with ing periods of exercise and rest. Muscles do not behave as
hypertonic solutions, analogous to its environment during perfect osmometers because the volume changes are less
high-intensity exercise, cell shrinkage results in increased than predicted from the change in extracellular osmolality.
ion transport activity, bringing osmolytes into the cell to Muscles contracting at moderate- to high-intensity gain
partially restore volume. This appears to be regulated, in cell volume because of increased intracellular osmolal-
that there must be a sensor for the volume loss/shrinkage; ity. The main osmotically active molecules driving this
likely the cytoskeleton. Furthermore, signal transduction increase are creatine, inorganic phosphate and lactate with
mechanisms clearly stimulate NKCC activity (Gosmanov lesser contributions from N­ a+ and C
­ l−. After a rapid initial
et al. 2003b) and, when extracellular lactate is available, cell volume gain, there is a partial recovery of volume as

European Journal of Applied Physiology

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