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Policy and Practice

Food safety in the 21st century

F. KaÈferstein1 & M. Abdussalam2

The global importance of food safety is not fully appreciated by many public health authorities despite a constant

increase in the prevalence of foodborne illness. Numerous devastating outbreaks of salmonellosis, cholera,

enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli infections, hepatitis A and other diseases have occurred in both industrialized

and developing countries. In addition, many of the re-emerging or newly recognized pathogens are foodborne or have

the potential of being transmitted by food and/or drinking water. More foodborne pathogens can be expected because

of changing production methods, processes, practices and habits. During the early 21st century, foodborne diseases

can be expected to increase, especially in developing countries, in part because of environmental and demographic

changes. These vary from climatic changes, changes in microbial and other ecological systems, to decreasing fresh-

water supplies. However, an even greater challenge to food safety will come from changes resulting directly in

degradation of sanitation and the immediate human environment. These include the increased age of human

populations, unplanned urbanization and migration and mass production of food due to population growth and

changed food habits. Mass tourism and the huge international trade in food and feed is causing food and feedborne

pathogens to spread transnationally. As new toxic agents are identified and new toxic effects recognized, the health

and trade consequences of toxic chemicals in food will also have global implications. Meeting the huge challenge of

food safety in the 21st century will require the application of new methods to identify, monitor and assess foodborne

hazards. Both traditional and new technologies for assuring food safety should be improved and fully exploited. This

needs to be done through legislative measures where suitable, but with much greater reliance on voluntary compliance

and education of consumers and professional food handlers. This will be an important task for the primary health care

system aiming at ``health for all''.

Voir page 350 le re

 en franc
Ë ais. En la pa
 gina 350 figura un resumen en espan
Ä ol.

The global importance of food safety is not fully increasing attention in the 21st century, especially as
appreciated by many public health authorities. some global changes, already in progress, are likely to
Epidemiological surveillance has demonstrated a have predominantly adverse effects in this field.
constant increase in the prevalence of foodborne Urbanization, alterations in microbial and other
illness. Moreover, there have been some devastating ecological systems, and diminishing supplies of food
outbreaks of salmonellosis, cholera, enterohaemor- and fresh water are among the factors in question. A
rhagic infections, hepatitis A and other much more serious challenge is foreseeable, how-
ever, in connection with changes resulting directly in
Escherichia coli

diseases in both developed and developing countries.

Cholera and other diarrhoeal diseases, traditionally the degradation of sanitation and the immediate
consideredtobespreadbywaterorperson-to-person human environment.
contact, are in fact largely foodborne. In the
industrialized countries up to 10% of the population
may suffer annually from foodborne diseases ( ). 1

There has been considerable public interest in

Evolving influences

transgenic foods, toxic chemicals in food, the Demographic changes

irradiation of foodstuffs, and the possible risk of Within two decades the human population is
transmission of ``mad cow'' disease through the predicted to reach 8.5 billion, 80% of which is
consumption of beef. Food safety is likely to receive expected to be in developing countries ( ). This 2

compares with 5.8 billion in 1996. This tremendous

increase and the uneven distribution can be expected
to cause serious problems of food security and safety,
environmental degradation, large-scale migration
from rural to urban areas and from poor to richer
Distinguished Visiting Scientist, Food and Drug Administration, and

countries, and significant changes in ecosystems.

the Food Safety and Inspection Service, Joint Institute for Food Safety

In industrialized countries the proportion of

and Applied Nutrition, 200 C Street S.W. HFS-6, Washington,

DC 20204-0001, USA.

people aged over 60 years is predicted to rise from
17% now to 25% by 2025. A similar phenomenon is
Adviser to the former Programme of Food Safety and Food Aid, World

Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.

Reprint No. 3255 occurring in the developing countries. Such change is

Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1999, 77 (4) # World Health Organization 1999 347
Policy and Practice

likely to lead to acute socioeconomic problems and from mild diseases that persist because of hazardous
the emergence of many people with reduced lifestyles (preference for raw foods, mishandling of
resistance to diseases, including foodborne diseases. foods, etc.), whereas in poor communities the
serious, life-threatening diseases such as infant
diarrhoea, cholera, typhoid fever and fluke infection
The risk of foodborne disease is substantially are still quite prevalent and cause high levels of
Environmental hazards

heightened by biological and chemical contamination mortality. Between a fifth and a quarter of the world's
of areas where food is produced, processed and population exists in absolute poverty; the proportion
consumed. Population growth, unplanned migration is increasing ( ) and is likely to continue doing so.

from rural to urban areas, and consequent slum Poverty can be expected to be the principal challenge
formation are bound to increase pollution. Drinking- to equity in health care, including the control of
water supplies and waste disposal systems come under foodborne diseases.
intensified pressure in such circumstances,particularly Behaviour and lifestyle have a strong bearing
in developing countries, and the risk of spread of on foodborne diseases ( ). The risky practice of

foodborne pathogens is thereby exacerbated. eating shellfish and other foods in the raw state is
The incidence of foodborne infections and increasingly common in affluent societies, where
intoxicationsissignificantlyinfluencedbytemperature consumers are demanding minimally processed
( ). Substantial increases in such infections have been foods with long shelf-lives, no preservatives, and
reported in temperate regions experiencing long hot low salt and sugar content ( ). Under such condi-

summers. The United Nations Intergovernmental tions, pathogens are likely to multiply to dangerous
Panel on Climate Change has forecast that the average levels, even at refrigerator temperatures, and the
temperature will rise by about 1.1 ëC and 3.1 ëC over probability of infection and intoxication thereby
1995 levels by 2030 and 2090 respectively. The global increases. Consumer concerns about food irradia-
effect on foodborne disease and other aspects of tion, an affordable means of rendering food safe,
human health is unpredictable because the relation- even in the raw state, are likely to decline in the next
ships involved are complex and multifactorial. How- century because of the intrinsic merits of the
ever, an association has been established between the technology and the efforts of health educators.
prevalence of cholera and dysentery and the oceanic
phenomenon known as El NinÄo. This underlines the Scientific and technological progress
need for accurate forecasts of this and other Thereisaprospectofintensivehusbandrybeingused
phenomena so that preventive measures can be taken to grow transgenic plants and animals that are
against the diseases concerned. resistant to pests and diseases, thus reducing the
Toxic chemicals released into the environment need for chemical control. The increasing use of
by industrial processes and agricultural practices may aquaculture for the production of fish should make it
enter the human food chain. When small quantities possible to apply safety measures more effectively
are present in food the effects on health are thought now that reliable food safety advice is available for
to be minimal. Nevertheless, there is concern in this this area of production ( ).
area, one reason being that pesticides are known to

The expansion of international and interregio-

suppress the immune system in experimental nal trade in human and animal foodstuffs can be
animals. Pesticides have been found in human expected to increase the risk that contaminants will
tissues,notablyfat,indevelopingaswellasdeveloped be carried for long distances. Simple and rapid
countries, but their effect on the human immune screening methods should be developed for the
system has not been thoroughly studied. Even so, detection of pathogens in such products, together
they are likely to act as immune suppressants in with innovative approaches to their application in the
humans ( ). The use of agricultural chemicals and the interest of food safety. It will also be necessary to

release of industrial wastes are likely to increase develop simplified methods for the diagnosis of
during the next few decades, given the pressure of foodborne diseases in humans and to use them in
population increase. The consequences could well be worldwide surveillance.
serious, especially among some 20 million children in During the 20th century the tried and tested
developing countries whose resistance to disease is methods of preventing food contamination and
diminished by malnutrition ( ).
rendering contaminated foods safe, among them
cooking, pasteurization, sterilization and fermenta-
Social and behavioural factors tion, have been improved. Newer methods, such as
Poverty and inequity are the principal factors irradiation, microwave cooking and high-pressure
contributing to poor health. Indeed, poverty has treatment, have been developed. Further progress in
been called the world's deadliest disease ( ). With this area will undoubtedly be made in the future.
regard to food safety, the gap between privileged and Information technology offers the prospect of

unprivileged groups may seem less marked than in revolutionizing health education, the exchange of
other areas because foodborne diseases are quite epidemiological data, and the training of health
prevalent in rich societies as well as in poor ones. professionals ( ). Finally, the large-scale use of solar

However, people in rich societies generally suffer power as a non-polluting, low-cost renewable energy
348 Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1999, 77 (4)
Food safety in the 21st century

source should help to increase food safety in some professionals, who are unavailable in many develop-
parts of the world by making cheap energy for ing countries. Simpler and less expensive tests should
refrigeration more widely available. be developed urgently so that required information
for assessing and combating foodborne hazards can
be obtained at low cost. In the USA, active
surveillance of foodborne listeriosis followed by
control measures led to a reduction of 48% in
A worldwide threat

Foodborne diseases are mostly caused by bacteria, mortality attributable to this infection ( ).
viruses, helminths and fungi. The available evidence

Appropriate technologies have to be applied at

suggests that these diseases are more prevalent in suitable points in the food chain. The aims are to
developing countries than in developed countries. prevent the entry of pathogens into food and
Serious foodborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid drinking-water, to prevent their growth, and to
fever and liver fluke infection, virtually eliminated in inactivate them where necessary.
developed countries, are still common in the Legislation is required, but on its own it cannot
developing world. yield the desired results. Increased reliance has to be
Foodborne diseases are evidently increasing in placed on the compliance of food handlers, managers
both developed and developing countries. The of food establishments, consumers and others
reasons for this are not fully understood. It is clear, educated in what has to be done to achieve food
however, that the problem is compounded because safety. The information revolution can be expected
ofexpandinginternationaltrade infoodstuffsandthe to increase the coverage achieved in this field. Health
movement of vast numbers of people across national education in relation to food safety should be one of
boundaries in various capacities ( ). Greater inter- the principal tasks of primary health care networks.

national cooperation is needed to deal with this

It is expected that the surveillance network for
these diseases will cover most countries by 2020. The Food contamination and the control of foodborne
curve of prevalence should level off first in those diseases have become a transnational challenge that
countries where surveillance is already being carried can only be met if international cooperation is
out and the public authorities are becoming aware of strengthened in the following areas:
the significance of foodborne diseases. The surveillance of foodborne diseases should

Foodborne infections and intoxications figure become a global activity, individual components
prominently among the new diseases and infections of which should operate effectively at country
discovered in the last few decades. They include level while regional programmes provide coordi-
campylobacteriosis, Cyclosporidium, and
Cyclospora nation. In parallel there should be early warning
enterohaemorrhagic infections, and listeriosis.
E. coli systems concerned with the potential for the
In addition there are new strains of and
Vibrio cholerae transnational spread of foodborne diseases and
drug-resistant strains of several enteric pathogens, food contaminants. In this context it is to be
particularly Salmonellaand, possibly, .
Helicobacter pylorihoped that the International Health Regulations,
Newfoodbornediseasescanbeexpectedtoappearin now under revision, will become a powerful legal
the coming millennium. instrument.
National food safety control systems should be

strengthenedwithin national publichealthsectors.

This requires international and bilateral technical
cooperation. The bilateral development agencies
Control strategies

The cooperation of various disciplines and sectors is and the development banks should join others
essential if food safety is to be achieved. In a national active in this field, e.g. FAO and WHO. Improved
administration they may come under different coordination andcooperation are needed between
ministries, for instance those of health, agriculture, government sectors and between governments,
theenvironment, trade,andeducation. Astrongfood industry, consumers and nongovernmental orga-
safety agency is needed to bring about cooperation nizations.
between government departments, nongovernmen- Public health and food control laboratories should
tal organizations and community leaders. Such an be enabled to monitor contaminants in food and
agency should beindependentof trade and economic to assist in the identification of contaminants
interests and should report, ideally, to the health causing disease. Much closer collaboration be-
ministry ( ). Unfortunately, in most countries it is
13 tween these laboratories and clinical laboratories
likely to take many years to establish the required should therefore be fostered. The international
mechanisms. donor community should assist developing coun-
On the scientific side it is vital to set up tries in this task.
surveillance systems ( ) for foodborne diseases and
14 Risk assessment should be undertaken to an

to monitor food for contaminants. Some of the increased extent in order to establish food safety
methods used in laboratory and other surveillance standards both nationally and internationally.
procedures are costly and need highly skilled International cooperation is needed to assist
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1999, 77 (4) 349
Policy and Practice

developing countries with the integration of risk factors. Matters should improve thereafter, thanks to
analysis into national food safety control pro- scientific and technological progress, if there is a
grammes. WHO should intensify its efforts on the recognition that food comes not only within the
application of risk assessment for the develop- sphere of agriculture and trade but also within that of
ment of standards for biological hazards in food. public health. n
. Culture-specific health education is essential for
food preparers and schoolchildren. Acknowledgements

The authors gratefully acknowledge the valuable

Itishighlyprobablethatfoodsafetywilldecline advice and ideas of Dr Yasmine Motarjemi, Dr G.
in the first two or three decades of the 21st century Moy and Mr A. Reilly.
because of unfavourable environmental and human


 des aliments au XXI sie
Á cle

L'importance mondiale de la salubrite

 des aliments n'est production en masse des aliments re
 sultant de la

pas appre
Âe a
Á sa juste mesure par de nombreuses croissance de
 mographique et de nouvelles habitudes

 s sanitaires publiques en de
 pit du fait que la alimentaires. Le tourisme de masse et l'ampleur du

surveillance e
 miologique a mis en e
 vidence une commerce international des aliments et des produits

augmentation constante de la pre

 valence des maladies alimentaires entraõÃnent une propagation transnationale

transmises par les aliments. De plus, de nombreuses des agents pathoge

Á nes, faisant que les proble
Á mes de

 es de
 vastatrices de salmonelloses, de chole
 ra, salubrite
 des aliments ne se limitent plus a
Á un seul pays

d'infections a
Á Escherichia coli ente
 morragique, mais en touchent plusieurs.

 patite A et d'autres affections se sont produites Les produits chimiques toxiques dans l'alimenta-

tant dans les pays industrialise

Âs que dans ceux en tion ont e
 et resteront un sujet sous surveillance

 veloppement. En outre, nombre des agents patho- gouvernementale de grand inte
Ãt pour le public.

Á nes re
Âe mergents ou re
 cemment identifie
 s se trans- L'identification de nouveaux agents et effets toxiques

mettent, ou peuvent se transmettre, par les aliments ou (toxicite

 sur le syste
Á me immunitaire ou endocrinien) aura

l'eau de boisson. On peut s'attendre a

Á un accroissement des conse
 quences sanitaires et commerciales pour le

du nombre de ces agents pathoge

Á nes a
Á cause des monde entier.

modifications des me
 thodes de production, des pro- Les milieux de la sante
 publique auront la ta
à che

 s, des pratiques et des habitudes. majeure de relever l'immense de
 fi que repre
 sente la
e e
Au cours des premie
Á res de
 cennies du XXI sie
Á cle, il salubrite
 des aliments au XXI sie
Á cle. Pour cela, il

faut s'attendre a
Á une augmentation des toxi-infections conviendra d'appliquer de nouvelles me
 thodes d'identi-

alimentaires, notamment dans les pays en de

 veloppe- fication, de suivi et d'e
 valuation des dangers lie
Âs a

ment, en partie a
Á cause des modifications e
 cologiques et l'alimentation. Il faudra ame
 liorer et exploiter au mieux

 mographiques que l'on observe actuellement et qui se les techniques traditionnelles et nouvelles permettant de

poursuivront pendant une grande partie du sie

Á cle garantir la salubrite
 des aliments. Des mesures

prochain : changements climatiques, modifications des le

 gislatives devront ainsi e
à tre prises dans les situations

Á mes microbiologiques et e
 cologiques, diminution qui le demandent, mais il faudra compter encore bien

des ressources en eau potable. Ne

 anmoins, en ce qui davantage sur le respect volontaire des re
Á gles et sur

concerne la salubrite
 des aliments les changements l'e
 ducation des consommateurs comme des profession-

provenant de la de
 gradation des syste
Á mes d'assainisse- nels de l'alimentation. Il s'agira la
Á en effet d'une ta
à che

ment et de l'environnement humain imme

 diat repre
 sen- importante pour le syste
Á me des soins de sante

teront un de
 fi encore plus grand : vieillissement des qui vise a
Á l'instauration de la «sante
 pour tous».

populations, urbanisation non planifie

 e, migrations,


La inocuidad de los alimentos en el siglo XXI

La importancia mundial de la inocuidad de los alimentos an

Ä adidura, muchos de los agentes pato
 genos reemer-

no es suficientemente reconocida por muchas auto- gentes o recientemente identificados son transmitidos

ridades de salud pu
 blica, pese a que la vigilancia por los alimentos o podrõÂan propagarse a trave
 s de los

 gica ha revelado un aumento constante de la alimentos y/o el agua de bebida. Cabe prever la aparicio

prevalencia de las enfermedades de transmisio

Ân de nuevos agentes pato
 genos de transmisio
 n alimentaria

alimentaria. Adema
Âs se han registrado numerosos como consecuencia de los cambios experimentados por

brotes, con efectos devastadores, de salmonelosis, los me

 todos de produccio
 n, la preparacio
Ân de los

 lera, infecciones por Escherichia coli enterohemorra

co Â- alimentos y las pra
 cticas y los ha
 bitos de los

gica, hepatitis A y otras enfermedades, tanto en paõÂses consumidores.

industrializados como en paõÂses en desarrollo. Por

350 Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1999, 77 (4)

Food safety in the 21st century

Es de prever que durante los primeros decenios del considerable intere

 s pu
 blico y merecedor de la vigilancia

siglo XXI aumentara

 n los casos de enfermedades de de las autoridades. A medida que se identifican nuevos

 n alimentaria, en parte debido a los cambios productos to
 xicos y se descubren nuevos efectos to

ambientales y demogra
 ficos que ya esta
 n teniendo lugar, (p.ej., inmunotoxicidad y efectos endocrinos), las

y que persistira
 n bien entrado el siglo venidero, lo que repercusiones sanitarias y comerciales de los productos

incluye desde los cambios clima

 ticos, pasando por los quõÂmicos adquieren alcance mundial.

cambios de los sistemas microbianos y de otros sistemas Afrontar el enorme reto que supone asegurar la

 gicos, hasta la disminucio
 n de las reservas de agua inocuidad alimentaria en el siglo XXI sera
 una de las

dulce. Sin embargo, un reto au

 n mayor para asegurar la principales tareas de las autoridades de salud pu

inocuidad de los alimentos sera

 el que planteara
 n los Para ello habra
 que utilizar nuevos me
 todos de

cambios que desembocara

 n directamente en el deterioro identificacio
 n, vigilancia y evaluacio
Ân de los riesgos

del saneamiento y del entorno humano inmediato. Ello transmitidos por los alimentos. Es necesario mejorar y

 el envejecimiento de las poblaciones explotar plenamante las tecnologõÂas disponibles, tanto

humanas, la urbanizacio
 n no planificada y las migra- tradicionales como de nuevo tipo, para asegurar la

ciones y la produccio
Ân masiva de alimentos como inocuidad de los alimentos. A ese fin debera
 n adoptarse

resultado del crecimiento demogra

 fico y de los nuevos medidas legislativas cuando proceda, pero la eficacia en

 bitos alimentarios. El turismo masivo y el intenso ese sentido dependera
 mucho ma
 s del cumplimiento

comercio internacional de alimentos y piensos esta

Ân voluntario de las medidas y de la educacio
 n de los

favoreciendo la propagacio
 n transnacional de agentes  sa
consumidores y de los manipuladores de alimentos. E

 genos transmisibles a trave
 s de esos productos, de sera
 sin duda una tarea importante para el sistema de

manera que los problemas de inocuidad alimentaria que atencio

 n primaria de salud, con miras al logro de la

afectan a un paõÂs acaban afectando tambie

 n a otros «salud para todos».


La presencia de productos quõÂmicos to

 xicos en los

alimentos ha sido y seguira

 siendo un tema de


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