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Task taken

Capture a few images using your mobile or any other camera


Your camera will capture what is visible to its eye.

But there are certain things or aspects of the image that are

‘invisible’ to the camera’s eye. Discover them

And write them down along with

What is visible in the image you have selected.

What is invisible to your camera’s eye need not be only physical

things. Please attach the selected image and your brief write-up on

visible and invisible.

When we say that we exist in this universe what we concluded from it? Is it body which

exist or is it amalgation of energies which exist or there is something else which


Visibly we can see a cemented building covered with tiles iron rods and wires. Plants

hovering at the top, clothes hanging at one corner but can they see beyond physical

things? There’s an emotion of softness and quite cold breeze in the picture. There’s

more than just a feel of breeze. Well, even though each picture would be interpreted

differently by each being looking at it but there’s one thing common we all can see

through… any guesses??

It’s memory!!

We all have developed memory through our experiences and the world we perceive

today is through the lens of memory. Have you ever tried watching old things with new

perspective you would realise how beautiful and efforts it took to reach to you? Even if

it’s just a glass of milk… don’t start to ughh now nobody has asked you to drink it. Just

observe it with no thoughts and before memory of it. You will observe its beauty and


It's not just about the paint over the page or prints over luster paper. It's about

seeing beyond what's in front of you. It’s like you have the vision for it or maybe it’s

just your vision which exists and you go beyond your physicality. Feel this emotion.

Don’t just read and think about it, observe the life, don’t just live it.

We humans have such hard hold over our beliefs that it’s difficult to the break the

condition in which we are. Have you noticed that once a human or a child is born, we

start to condition that child?

- Eat this, it’s good for you

- Don’t do that, it would cause this

- Hey why would you do this

We keep on nudging the child. And creates a bundle of memories in his/ her brain in

which the child should function and if you are out of track then you might be beaten

and scolded for It or probably sent to stay at a mental hospital.

Well it’s not only about conditioning but also our customization of following norms we

are told to do and believe what we are told

We never question why are we doing what we are doing we just keep on following

assuming that this is the right path and we will achieve what we are aiming for.

Where are your lenses?

On your eyes maybe or prolyl lost like mine... huhh I know it’s difficult to find them

back once forgotten where they are kept.

Which lens are you using to see the world?

Am not talking about yours black specs but the view point you look from?

We humans see the world through a scientific lens, valuing empirical evidence and

rational thinking. Many may view the world through a spiritual or religious lens, seeking

meaning and purpose beyond what can be empirically proven but at the end of the day

it’s about what you perceived, right?

What you gained from it but at times I think that are we all running for gaining? And

maybe the answer is yes! We all are so conditioned to follow routines and schedules

that we never stop to see what we are doing and what is the purpose of it? Why did at

first hand did we started and each may have a different answer to it maybe because

someone asked them to or maybe they have to do it due to their necessity or

environment compulsion. We have identified ourselves with the environment and our

accessories around that each societal expectation we face today create a sense of

obligation to follow certain things in life. Some of these expectations may be even

explicit, such as laws and regulations, while others may be implicit, such as social norms

and expectations.

In addition to external factors, individuals may also feel internal pressure to follow

such as personal aspirations, moral values, and beliefs about what is important or


Following things in life might provide us with a sense of purpose and direction, but it's

important for individuals to also consider their true purpose of birth which we may lost

in half of our ways while running towards something.









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