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Molecular Psychiatry (2012) 17, 1168–1173

& 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 1359-4184/12

Another view of the history of antipsychotic drug discovery
and development
WT Carpenter Jr1 and JM Davis2

Chlorpromazine initiated effective pharmacotherapy for schizophrenia 60 years ago. This discovery initiated or stimulated key
developments in the field of psychiatry. Nonetheless, advances in pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia have been modest. Psychosis
remains the primary aspect of psychopathology addressed, and core pathologies such as cognition and negative symptom remain
unmet therapeutic challenges. New clinical and basic neuroscience paradigms may guide the near future and provide a more
heuristic construct for novel and innovative discovery.

Molecular Psychiatry (2012) 17, 1168–1173; doi:10.1038/mp.2012.121; published online 14 August 2012
Keywords: antipsychotic drugs; chlorpromazine; history; psychopharmacology; schizophrenia

Efficacious therapy for persons suffering with schizophrenia and hindered the development of practical case management and
related psychotic disorders was not established before the dis- supportive therapies, and created a flawed psychotherapy versus
covery of the antipsychotic properties of chlorpromazine reported medication polemic. Society was sometimes viewed as causative
in 1952.1 Following the remarkable success in treating and pre- of schizophrenia leading to legal efforts to impede treatment. The
venting tertiary syphilis with antibiotic therapy, there was reason cumulative result was trans-institutionalization that even today is
to hope for substantial therapeutic advances. Electroconvulsive represented with large schizophrenia populations in jails, prisons,
therapy had been introduced and appeared effective for some homeless or in forensic psychiatric settings.7
forms of schizophrenia, especially those with catatonic features Against this historical backdrop, the chance observation that
and acute psychotic episodes.2 Reserpine, an antihypertensive chlorpromazine induced a calming effect initiated a remarkable
compound that was later determined to reduce storage and release period of efficacious therapy. In France, chlorpromazine was being
of dopamine at a presynaptic level was tried with some success to tried as an anesthesia adjunct that might prevent shock or have
benefit schizophrenia.3 other beneficial properties. Chosen as the least sedative of the
Before the 1950s there were other heroic attempts, often with antihistamines available at that time, it was tested in a wide
severe adverse effects and without known efficacy. These have variety of patients. When tried in patients with schizophrenia,
been cataloged elsewhere.4 Prefrontal lobotomy had the broadest Delay8 initially reported their results at a psychiatric meeting in
application and achieved a desired ‘calming’ effect but at the Luxemburg and then very quickly in a journal article in 1952
expense of vital emotional processing and motivational qualities. describing spectacular results in acutely psychotic schizophrenic
As soon as ACTH and the corticosteroids became available to patients. The use of chlorpromazine spread very quickly
administer to patients, clinicians observed beneficial effects on throughout the world. Initially it was used in a rather low
many diseases, which resulted in trails to alter cortisol level in both dose, but even so in New York state hospitals, it reduced
directions: of adrenalectomy, which failed to help schizophrenia, episodes of violence and days in seclusion by 90–95%. At that
and cortisone administration, which was initially reported by one time, the number of state hospital beds had been rising
investigator to have a beneficial effect. This was not replicated in progressively in the United States. After the introduction of
subsequent open or case-controlled studies.5,6 Absence of efficacy chlorpromazine the number of beds for schizophrenia
may have implication for the current interest in immunosuppres- decreased steadily. The large state hospitals, some exceeding
sion and anti-inflammatory therapeutics. The asylum movement 15 000 beds, were downsized or disappeared. Clinicians noted
attempted to provide more humane care, but adverse con- that in acutely psychotic patients, chlorpromazine reduced
sequences of sequestration in non-therapeutic environments were excitement and some patients appeared to be recovered.
associated with the long-term confinement in large institutions. Decreased emotion was associated with sustained psychotic
The social psychiatry movement, initiated in England before symptoms in more chronic patients. They also noticed that
the discovery of chlorpromazine, shifted clinical care closer to chlorpromazine was not very effective in dull, apathetic,
patients’ natural environment, but antipsychotic drugs were to deteriorated schizophrenic patients. This early insight was lost
prove invaluable to the deinstitutionalization movement. In the and only recently have negative symptoms in schizophrenia
United States chronic hospital care was drastically reduced, but been identified as a separate therapeutic indication. 9 Clinicians
communities were inadequately prepared for the comprehensive also began to describe acute extrapyramidal side-effects,
clinical and rehabilitation care and living support required. The including dystonic and dysphoric effects as well as akathisia
cause of schizophrenia was sometimes conceptualized only at the and pseudoparkinsonism. Later, the significance of tardive dyskinesia
psychological level. The belief in psychodynamic therapeutic was appreciated. The term ‘neuroleptic’ for chlorpromazine and

Department of Psychiatry, Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA and 2Department of Psychiatry, University of
Illinois at Chicago, Baltimore, MD, USA. Correspondence: Dr WT Carpenter, Department of Psychiatry, Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, University of Maryland School of
Medicine, PO Box 21247, Baltimore, MD 21228, USA.
Received 13 June 2012; accepted 5 July 2012; published online 14 August 2012
Antipsychotic drug discovery and development
WT Carpenter and JM Davis
subsequent dopamine antagonist drugs captured both the drug, alone, neither treatment, or both, for 6 months to 1 year
tranquilization and neurological effects. after which time all patients received drug. Five-year follow-up
The initial conceptualization of chlorpromazine action focused found patients not receiving drugs in the first 6 months to 1 year
on its so-called ‘tranquilization effect,’ antianxiety and antiag- had double the days in hospital for the next 5 years compared
gressive effects. Meprobamate was introduced in 1955 and had with those receiving initial drug treatment.20 Another study
antianxiety properties, but it was recognized relatively early that showed that the patients randomized to placebo for 1 month had
meprobamate was ineffective in schizophrenia. This led to the no worse outcome than those initially receiving drug, indicating
conceptualization of major tranquilizers and minor tranquilizers. that brief off-medication periods did not produce lasting
In the late 1960s, the term ‘antipsychotic’ was used to better morbidity.21,22 It is clear that acute treatment is efficacious and
depict the behavioral effects of chlorpromazine in schizophrenic maintenance treatment substantially reduces relapse frequency.
patients.10 It is also documented that periods off medication for research
The history of antipsychotic drug therapy has been described can be safely and ethically conducted.23 A recent comprehen-
in detail.11,12 Here, we will briefly note highlights from 1952 to sive review of placebo drug effects on course and outcome is
the present with emphasis on limitations as well as advances. available.24
Two paradigm shifts to encourage discovery related to unmet 3. Scientific methodology: Historically, many treatments based on
therapeutic needs in schizophrenia treatment will be presented. open trials later proved to be ineffective in controlled investiga-
Following the initiation of efficacious pharmacotherapy with tions. Medicine developed the controlled randomized clinical trial
chlorpromazine, four developments have had a major impact on method to provide more stringent scientific testing of efficacy
schizophrenia research and treatment: hypotheses. Regarding the third major advance, the clinically
observed therapeutic effect of chlorpromazine raised the question
1. Determining that efficacy was based on antipsychotic rather of standard of evidence needed to provide solid science for
than tranquilizing properties; therapeutic interventions in psychiatry. This was a pressing issue
2. Identifying psychotic relapse prevention efficacy; in psychiatry, in part because of the implementation of treatments
3. Establishing scientific methodology for ascertainment of such as prefrontal lobotomy without adequate knowledge of risk/
efficacy; and benefit or patient selection. The resolution of this problem
4. Initiating the field of psychopharmacology. resulted in methodology for determining efficacy and effective-
ness of treatments and assessment of adverse effects. The
1. Antipsychotic rather than tranquilizer: The major tranquilizer methodologies for the random assignment, double-blind clinical
construct suggested that therapeutic success was based on trial and systematic clinical assessment tools were developed
calming the patient with reduction in aggression, agitation, violence along with statistical methodology. These methods were applied
and anxiety. This conception suggested use in a broad range of initially for chlorpromazine, then imipramine, iproniazid, mepro-
conditions where ‘minor tranquilizers’ such as meprobamate or bamate and the benzodiazepines, and extended to the evaluation
barbiturates were not adequate. Recognizing that the primary of the psychosocial therapeutics. The methods then developed in
effect was reduction of psychotic symptoms not secondary to psychiatry enables the field to produce evidence-based recom-
anxiety reduction resulted in a more focused application in mendations on a full range of treatments25,26,27 The random
schizophrenia. assignment-controlled clinical trial became and remains the gold
With this shift in concept the hope of advancing knowledge of standard for efficacy.
etiopathophysiology and therapeutic mechanism was initiated 4. The field of psychopharmacology: Psychopharmacology as a
(see dopamine hypothesis below). The ability of chlorpromazine to discipline emerged following the introduction of chlorpromazine.
reduce psychosis and agitation reinforced the view that psychosis Chlorpromazine efficacy challenged basic scientist to determine
was the core of schizophrenia. This had the unfortunate effect of mechanism of action. Carlsson and Linquist28 discovered dopamine
equating schizophrenia with psychosis and neglecting core signal blocking as the mechanism. This provided the basis for
elements such as cognitive impairments and avolition described discovery of all compounds approved for the treatment of schiz-
by Kraepelin13 and Bleuler14 and anhedonia as conceptualized by ophrenia during the past 60 years. This discovery was the foundation
Rado15 and Meehl.16 Although key domains of pathology within of the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia, a hypothesis that
the schizophrenia syndrome have also been described in more remains a basis for much schizophrenia research today.
recent studies,17,18 drug discovery has focused on antipsychotic Creese and Snyder29 and Seeman30 showed the remarkable
efficacy and has failed to address other key domains. This problem correlation between the ability to block dopamine receptors and
has recently been addressed in the NIMH MATRICS process (http:// dose used in treating persons with schizophrenia. This correlation is now seen using imaging measurement of dopamine receptor
2. Relapse prevention: A prevention of relapse paradigm had not occupancy.31 However, clinical dosing was primarily determined
been considered in schizophrenia therapeutics before chlorpro- by side-effect toleration and the correlation of dose with dopamine
mazine. A few years after efficacy was established in clinical trials, receptor blockade was primarily related to extrapyramidal
relapse prevention was tested in placebo-controlled studies of symptoms (EPS). High dose of dopamine-releasing drugs such
chlorpromazine and later antipsychotic drugs. Efficacy was as amphetamine or methylphenidate can produce a paranoid
maintained over long periods of time and relapse rates were psychosis. The intraveneous administration of dopamine-releasing
reduced compared with placebo. The first meta-analysis in psy- drugs to active schizophrenic patients may worsen the psychosis.
chiatry and second in medicine documented a vanishingly small Recent in vivo neuroimaging studies can measure the excessive
probability of a chance finding.19 Patients with schizophrenia release of dopamine with amphetamine as an aspect of
relapse at about 10% per month progressively over time, so that schizophrenia pathophysiology,32,33 and dopamine dysregulation
by several years virtually every patient with schizophrenia would may be involved in schizophrenia psychopathology involving
have relapsed on placebo. The relapse rate on medication was emotional processing and learning.34
cut down from 10% per month on placebo to 2 or 3% per month The dopamine hypothesis raised hopes that biological mechan-
(a three- or four-fold reduction), on medication. Patients who have isms in mental disorders would be discovered, and psychiatry
been stable on maintenance antipsychotics as long as 5 years or shifted emphasis to biological constructs. In the United States
so, still relapse at the rate (per month) as patients who have been this shift created a gulf between psychological and biological
stable a few months. The NIMH funded a double-blind study constructs that has more recently matured into an integrative
comparing psychodynamic psychotherapy alone, antipsychotic science.

& 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited Molecular Psychiatry (2012), 1168 – 1173
Antipsychotic drug discovery and development
WT Carpenter and JM Davis
The beneficial effects of chlorpromazine and the 1948 observa- The second advance in antipsychotic drug treatment for
tion of a mood-stabilizing effect of lithium carbonate in manic- schizophrenia came with formulation that provides long-term
depressive disorder by John Cade35 stimulated the field of antipsychotic efficacy when the antipsychotic drug is adminis-
psychopharmacology. tered with injection. These provide advantages for medication
At the time, in an effort to make a better chlorpromazine, adherence over time and provide a long period of medication
imipramine was synthesized, and was observed to help schizo- coverage in patient who stops medication or has poor adherence.
phrenia patients with comorbid depression, leading to its trial in This approach became common in many countries, but has been
depressed patients, where it was found to have an antidepressant substantially underutilized in the United States.36
effect. Iproniazid (the first monoamine oxidase inhibitor) was The third significant advance was the introduction of clozapine
used in tuberculosis and observed to benefit depression. These in the early 1970s.37 Initial use was limited because of
drugs were explored in the laboratory, leading to understanding agranulocytosis. But clinicians experienced with the drug
the neurochemical mechanisms (amine transporters and metabo- believed that it was more effective than other antipsychotic
lism). The discovery that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor had agents. Controlled studies supported this observation. However,
efficacy for panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder, social to market in the United States, the food and drug administration
phobia and other disorders contributed to the delineation of these (FDA) required a very rigorous study to approve a drug with
diagnostic entities, There were initial studies showing chlorpro- potential for fatal agranulocytosis. Clozapine Study #30 met this
mazine to be useful in both depression and mania. But when requirement, documenting clozapine as superior to chlorpromazine
lithium became the primary treatment for bipolar disorder the in severely treatment-resistant cases.38 The fact that clozapine did
field tended to conceptualize a disorder class for each drug class. not increase prolactin levels or induce EPS reinforced the view of
Interest in differential diagnosis increased, especially in the United uniqueness and a non-trivial advance in pharmacotherapy of
States where psychodynamic formulations often took priority over schizophrenia. Clinical use broadened with evidence that
diagnostic classification. Although not validated in clinical trials, agranulocytosis risk was managed and that the superior efficacy
the view that drugs were specific for disorders became influential. extended to partial responders.39 Superiority for violence and
Antipsychotics are for schizophrenia, lithium for bipolar, tricyclic suicide have also been documented.40,41 Clozapine has a wide
antidepressants and monoamine oxidase inhibitors for depression, range of receptor effects including action at several serotonin
specific serotonin reuptake inhibitors for depression and other receptors, and has less sustained occupancy of dopamine receptors,
disorders was presumed, and pathways for regulatory approval but the basis for superior action is not yet determined. It is still the
continue to follow this paradigm today. Psychotropic drugs do only antipsychotic drug approved for superiority. The hope for
have some diagnostic specificity. For example, benzodiazepines efficacy on primary negative symptoms and impaired cognition
do not have antipsychotic properties and lithium and the mood has not been established.
stabilizers are not very effective in schizophrenia. The alternate The fourth advance is modest and complicated. Following
view, that some psychopathologies cut across diagnostic bound- clozapine, a number of new drugs (second-generation agents)
aries and are more valid targets for therapeutic discovery is have been approved for the treatment of schizophrenia. It was
discussed below. hoped that combining serotonin and dopamine antagonism
The field of psychopharmacology grew rapidly following the would provide superiority to first-generation agents. Whether this
discovery of chlorpromazine for schizophrenia and was formalized has been accomplished is debated and no regulatory body has
in professional societies such as the American College of approved a superiority claim. In head to head competition,
Neuropsychopharmacology that celebrated its 50th birthday in clozapine appears superior to other second-generation agents.42
2011. It is difficult to overstate the importance of discovering a drug When compared with first-generation agents, the data are mixed
with efficacy for psychosis, providing clinicians with a method to and provide some support for modest advantage in efficacy for
sustain symptom improvement and reduce subsequent exacer- only a few of the second-generation agents.43 Using time on drug
bations and psychotic relapse, the development of scientific as a proxy for effectiveness, olanzapine has an advantage over
methods now broadly applied in drug discovery and evaluation, other drugs in the clinical antipsychotic trials of intervention
and the initiation of a scientific field dedicated to basic, clinical effectiveness (CATIE) study and in time to relapse and duration of
and translational research on the pharmacology of brain disorders. good response, but did not show advantages on some other
measures.42 The other second-generation antipsychotic (SGA)
used in this trial were not more efficacious than the first-
SOME OTHER SIGNIFICANT ADVANCES FOLLOWING generation drugs. CATIE, cost utility of the latest antipsychotic
CHLORPROMAZINE drugs in schizophrenia study and the treatment of early onset
In the 60 years following the introduction of antipsychotic drug schizophrenia spectrum disorders studies found the SGA not
therapy, advances have been modest. Preparation of antipsychotic to be cost-effective.42,44,45,46 These efficacy differences are con-
drugs for intramuscular administration enhanced emergency troversial but there is good agreement that clozapine is more
treatment. A number of new compounds have been approved effective e than all the other SGA.
for schizophrenia. All are antipsychotic rather than antischizo- Keeping in mind that generalizations about first- and SGA drugs
phrenia and all share the dopamine D2 receptor mechanism of do not apply evenly across individual compounds, a broader view
action. It is not surprising that gains in efficacy are minimal. of clinically relevant effects suggest the following:
Increased potency of the D2 antagonism (for example, haloper-
idol) and increased dosing increase risk for dysphoria, EPS and  Second-generation agents are associated with less EPS than
tardive dyskinesia without improving efficacy. The increased first-generation agents and a lower liability for tardive
variability in adverse effect profiles emerged over time. With dyskinesia. However, this advantage is minimized when first-
similar efficacy and dissimilar adverse effects, clinicians now can generation agents are used in low to moderate doses and when
give emphasis to adverse side-effects in making informed drug anticholinergic agents are coadministered.
selection for each individual. This has become particularly  The atypical profile is defined by low EPS at therapeutic levels.
important in the past 20 years as some second-generation drugs The serotonin antagonistic property appears important in this
are more benign for neuroleptic effects but more severe for regard, but is not required for this profile as demonstrated by
metabolic effects. Also, reduced dosing improves safety for some the atypical second-generation drug amisulpride,44 and by
drugs and some compounds have relatively benign adverse moderate dosing of low-potency first-generation drugs, which
effects across the range. have other side-effects such as sedation or weight gain or in the

Molecular Psychiatry (2012), 1168 – 1173 & 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited
Antipsychotic drug discovery and development
WT Carpenter and JM Davis
case of thioridazine sudden cardiac death and avoiding high- standing debate concerning the most heuristic concept for
potency drugs such as haloperidol.42,44,46 schizophrenia. It can be regarded as a single disease entity, but
 Many, but not all, second-generation drugs have important the weakness of this paradigm is seen in the few and weak
adverse metabolic effects. Clozapine and olanzapine are most findings from large cohort genomewide association studies
severe in this regard, but risperidone and quetiapine also have and failure to replicate many candidate genes.50 An alterna-
an adverse metabolic effect. Increase in weight, body mass tive is to deconstruct the syndrome17,18,51 into psycho-
index and biochemical risk substances such as cholesterol pathology domains. In this framework, discovery pathways
and triglycerides are often very substantial. Schizophrenia is would be developed for discrete symptom complexes. With
associated with an average loss of about 25 years of life recent emphasis on the poor functional outcomes being
expectancy probably based on life-style factors and risk innate associated with impaired cognition and negative symptoms,
to the disorder. But adding adverse metabolic effects in this these two domains have been identified as leading unmet
population raises concerns for what is already a public health therapeutic needs in schizophrenia.9,52,53 In this regard, the field
crisis. is only now coming to grips with the challenge of creating
 The wide range of adverse effects and extensive similarity in preclinical models useful in early testing of compounds for
efficacy challenge clinicians to focus on side-effect profiles and these indications. Thus far predictive validity for efficacy in the
matching individual patients to the agent most compatible with human condition has not been established for preclinical
their general health and well-being. models of cognition or negative symptoms. This discourages
 Although most atypical or SGAs are not more efficacious than investment in drug discovery for these domains of pathology.
the classical typical antipsychotics, amisulpride, risperidone and
olanzapine appear to fall somewhat between the efficacy
induced by clozapine and efficacy of most other antipsychotic
drugs. We do not know if this difference becomes more
manifest over a patient’s lifetime, but exacerbation rates appear DRUG DEVELOPMENT IN THE NEAR FUTURE
to be reduced. As these compounds cause an increase in The distant future cannot be predicted with confidence, but
metabolic risk factors, a long-term view must also consider the changes presently underway will effect drug development in the
risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes. The clinician near future. First of all is the influence of a paradigm shift that
must balance risk and benefit applying imperfect group data to addresses the heterogeneous syndrome nature of current disorder
the individual he or she is treating. A final paradox is that the classification. There is insufficient knowledge to dramatically
most beneficial drug for partial responders, clozapine, also has change the diagnostic/categorical landscape for disorders asso-
the most robust adverse metabolic effects. Doctors and patients ciated with psychosis. Hence, DSM5 will have roughly the same
often have quite different values relating to pharmacotherapy disorders and similar criteria for classification as present in DSM-IV
and the physician must be respectful of the patient’s view and ICD-9. However, the psychosis work group (William T
and wishes. Carpenter chairs the psychosis work group) is testing a set of
dimensions intended to capture the key domains of pathology
associated with psychotic disorders, domains that represent the
CRITIQUE OF DRUG DEVELOPMENT FOR SCHIZOPHRENIA clinical therapeutic targets for clinicians. In addition to diagnostic
The introduction of chlorpromazine for the treatment of schizo- class, each patient would be assessed for depression, mania,
phrenia was the most important advance in treatment of psychosis reality distortion, negative symptoms, cognition impairment,
as antibiotic therapy led to the cure and prevention of syphilis. It is psychomotor abnormalities and disorganization of thought.
disappointing now, 60 years later, to realize the minimal progress ( Each domain may
and relative absence of innovation and discovery. The FDA has not represent an independent target for drug discovery. The FDA
approved a drug with a novel mechanism for schizophrenia since has already recognized efficacy for violence and suicide preven-
chlorpromazine. Clozapine is the only drug that would be judged tion, and have indicated that cognition and negative psycho-
a significant advance in efficacy. Reasons for lack of progress have pathology domains are candidates for indications within
been detailed elsewhere47,48,49 and roughly parallels the modest schizophrenia. As noted above, the FDA is willing to consider
advances in antidepressant treatment since the introduction of psychopathology domains as therapeutic indications. This may
imipramine, and bipolar disorder since lithium was introduced. move drug development to the symptom complex level rather
Briefly noted, reasons for slow progress include: than the syndrome level. It will help the clinician focus on the
specific therapeutic needs of each patient without presuming that
 Schizophrenia is a heterogeneous syndrome and the precise a syndrome diagnosis provides adequate guidance.
molecular pathology is not established for any disease entity The second shift in this new paradigm is represented by the
within the syndrome. Drug discovery in this circumstance is National Institute of Mental Health Research Domain Criteria
either serendipitous, based on hypotheses, or based on models initiative. Here, deconstruction is taken a step further and overlap
that work for already established drugs creating a ‘me-too’ of pathologies across diagnostic boundaries is explicit. The
developmental path. program encourages conceptualizing clinical psychopathology at
 The market for antipsychotic drugs grew rapidly in price and specific behavioral levels, levels that are understood at the neural
number of prescriptions with the advent of SGA. Developmental circuit level. With the aim to develop knowledge of pathophysiol-
methods for antipsychotic efficacy based on dopamine ogy at the neural circuit level, the behavior and neural circuit
antagonism were well established. The incentive for producing replace the diagnostic syndrome as the independent variable in
and marketing these compounds was strong, but the result is a research. It is presumed that developing knowledge at the
series of ‘me-too’ new products. genetic, molecular, cellular, network level will be facilitated within
 Developing treatment for schizophrenia has been misconcep- this framework. Anhedonia, for example, may be associated with a
tualized. What has been developed is treatment for psychosis positive valence behavioral construct in a number of different
and efficacy is for this aspect of schizophrenia and other core disorders. Anhedonia as a behavior with valid assessment tools
features have been neglected. Antipsychotics are effective for provides a sharper target for investigation and can be related to
psychosis in disorders other than schizophrenia. So these components of a neural network. Acquisition of new knowledge
compounds are neither specific for schizophrenia or broad in on pathophysiology at the neural circuit level will be enhanced
addressing core pathologies of the syndrome. There is a long- when molecular-, genetic-, and cellular-level investigations relate

& 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited Molecular Psychiatry (2012), 1168 – 1173
Antipsychotic drug discovery and development
WT Carpenter and JM Davis
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