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Molecular Psychiatry (2008) 13, 918–929

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Antipsychotic drug mechanisms: links between

therapeutic effects, metabolic side effects and the
insulin signaling pathway
RR Girgis1,2, JA Javitch1,2 and JA Lieberman1,2
Department of Psychiatry, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA and 2New York
State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY, USA

The exact therapeutic mechanism of action of antipsychotic drugs remains unclear. Recent
evidence has shown that second-generation antipsychotic drugs (SGAs) are differentially
associated with metabolic side effects compared to first-generation antipsychotic drugs
(FGAs). Their proclivity to cause metabolic disturbances correlates, to some degree, with their
comparative efficacy. This is particularly the case for clozapine and olanzapine. In addition, the
insulin signaling pathway is vital for normal brain development and function. Abnormalities of
this pathway have been found in persons with schizophrenia and antipsychotic drugs may
ameliorate some of these alterations. This prompted us to hypothesize that the therapeutic
antipsychotic and adverse metabolic effects of antipsychotic drugs might be related to a
common pharmacologic mechanism. This article reviews insulin metabolism in the brain and
related abnormalities associated with schizophrenia with the goals of gaining insight into
antipsychotic drug effects and possibly also into the pathophysiology of schizophrenia.
Finally, we speculate about one potential mechanism of action (that is, functional selectivity)
that would be consistent with the data reviewed herein and make suggestions for the future
investigation that is required before a therapeutic agent based on these data can be realized.
Molecular Psychiatry (2008) 13, 918–929; doi:10.1038/mp.2008.40; published online 15 April 2008
Keywords: antipsychotic; functional selectivity; insulin; mechanism of action; metabolic side
effects; schizophrenia

Introduction generation antipsychotic drugs (FGAs; for example,

haloperidol and chlorpromazine) and because of the
Schizophrenia is a chronic, debilitating psychiatric schizophrenia-like symptoms that occur when sub-
illness characterized by positive, negative and cogni- stances of abuse targeting these receptors are used.3,6,7
tive symptoms.1 Antipsychotic drugs have been the Nevertheless, although many theories have been
primary treatment for approximately half of a century, proposed, no antipsychotic effect has been observed
beginning with the discovery and introduction of in an agent without D2 receptor affinity,8 with the
chlorpromazine.2 However, despite the extensive use exception of the very recent data suggesting anti-
and study of these agents, questions remain regarding psychotic properties of an mGlu2/3 receptor agonist.9
their exact mechanism of action.3 Much of the study The uncertainty regarding the precise mechanisms
to date has focused on the receptor profiles of these of action of antipsychotic drugs, and in particular the
medications.3 Interest in dopamine-2 (D2) receptor role of serotonin antagonism, has been compounded
blockade stemmed, in part, from evidence that there by the recent data that suggest that SGAs, with the
existed a close relationship between the potency of possible exception of clozapine and to a lesser extent
conventional agents at the dopamine receptor and olanzapine, have not been wholly proven to be more
clinical potency.4,5 Serotonergic and glutamatergic effective than FGAs.10–14 Further complicating the
mechanisms have also been implicated, in part, efforts by clinicians and researchers to understand the
because of the perceived advantages of the second- neurochemical and cellular modifications necessary
generation antipsychotic drugs (SGAs; for example, for an antipsychotic effect is the lack of a complete
risperidone and olanzapine) compared to the first- understanding of the pathogenesis, pathophysiology
and genetics of schizophrenia.7
Correspondence: Dr RR Girgis, Department of Psychiatry, College The objective of this article is to review the evidence
of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 1051 Riverside and propose a plausible basis for a unitary mechanism
Drive, Box 109, New York, NY 10032, USA.
of action for the differential metabolic and therapeutic
Received 21 October 2007; revised 20 February 2008; accepted 10 effects of antipsychotic drugs. This will be fundamen-
March 2008; published online 15 April 2008 tally based upon clinical observations of the positive
Antipsychotic drug mechanisms
RR Girgis et al

relationship between the effectiveness of antipsycho- However, there are several distinguishing charac-
tic drugs and their proclivity for metabolic side effects teristics between FGAs and SGAs. High-affinity and
(that is, primarily for SGAs). We hypothesize that the sustained D2 receptor blockade is overtly responsible
therapeutic and adverse metabolic effects of anti- for some of the major side effects (that is, extra-
psychotic drugs (as typified by clozapine and olanza- pyramidal side effects, EPS) of FGAs and, to some
pine) are related. We also suggest that there are degree, antipsychotic activity.4,8,18 By contrast, cloza-
abnormalities of the insulin signaling pathway in pine, the prototype SGA, has relatively low affinity
schizophrenia that are affected by antipsychotic drugs. for the D2 receptor, induces few to no EPS and is
Several lines of evidence support this hypothesis. considered to possibly be the most effective anti-
We first describe the relationship between the com- psychotic, but has a high liability for precipitating
parative effectiveness and metabolic disturbances metabolic disturbances.11,19,20 In addition, it has
of antipsychotic drugs, which forms the basis for the become apparent that several other SGAs, in addition
hypothesis of this article. Thereafter, this article to clozapine, have a marked propensity to induce
focuses on the role of the insulin signaling pathway metabolic disturbances, including hyperglycemia,
in neurodevelopment and brain function, new data on hyperlipidemia, obesity, insulin resistance and some-
interactions between the dopamine and N-methyl-D- times frank diabetes mellitus.20–23
aspartate (NMDA) systems and the insulin signaling Following the introduction of chlorpromazine and
pathway, abnormalities of the insulin signaling path- the first neuroleptics, EPS were thought to be a
way in the brains of individuals with schizophrenia prerequisite for antipsychotic efficacy.2,24 Clozapine
and the data indicating that antipsychotic drugs can and other SGAs violated this principle by having
ameliorate some of these deficits. Finally, we specu- antipsychotic efficacy with little or no EPS,3 hence
late how one mechanism of action (that is, functional the term ‘atypical’ antipsychotic. Subsequently, SGAs
selectivity, a phenomenon by which ligands that bind were observed to have an increased risk of metabolic
to the same receptor can differentially recruit intra- side effects. Therefore, if one considers the relation-
cellular signaling pathways15) could account for the ship between potency (that is, of dopamine receptor
positive relationship between the effectiveness of antagonism) and clinical efficacy of FGAs in relation
antipsychotic drugs and their proclivity for metabolic to their ability to produce EPS, one might similarly
side effects and discuss implications for future consider a relationship between potency (that is, of
research and clinical practice. a nontraditional mechanism of action) and efficacy
of SGAs in relation to their ability to produce
metabolic side effects. Although this apparent asso-
The relationship between the comparative
ciation between antipsychotic efficacy and metabolic
effectiveness and metabolic disturbances of
side effects liability could be coincidental, it is also
antipsychotic drugs
possible that they are due to a common mechanism.
With the introduction of clozapine and demonstration What mechanism could be responsible for this
of its superior efficacy when compared to FGAs16 relationship? As all antipsychotic drugs are dopamine
came the hope that subsequent SGAs would also receptor blockers but only some of them produce
exhibit superior efficacy. Although this was largely metabolic side effects and to significantly varying
thought to be the case, recent data suggest that there is degrees, this would implicate either selective inter-
less clinical difference in effectiveness between FGAs actions with the dopaminergic system missed
and SGAs than previously believed, with the possible by current methods of visualizing receptor occu-
exceptions of clozapine and, to a lesser extent, pancy and drug–receptor interactions or an extra-
olanzapine (Table 1).10–13,17 dopaminergic mechanism. However, to date there is
no explanation of alternative therapeutic mechanisms
of action beyond D2 receptor blockade that involve
Table 1 Comparisons between second-generation anti- any other neuroreceptor, with the exception of the
psychotics on effectiveness, degree of metabolic disturbances very recent data suggesting antipsychotic properties
and magnitude of effects on glycogen synthase kinase of an mGlu2/3 receptor agonist,9 even though theories
involving the 5-HT2A, 5-HT1A and NMDA receptors,
Clinical and Comparisons between SGAs among others, have been proposed.3 Hence, there is
biochemical measures great interest in examining novel or nontraditional
mechanisms of action that could explain the superior
Effectiveness Clz > OlzXRispIQuetIZipIAri efficacy of clozapine and olanzapine and their side
Degree of metabolic ClzXOlz > RispIQuetXZipIAri
effect liabilities.
Magnitude of effects ClzIOlz > RispIQuetXZip
Such speculation is reinforced by the striking
on GSK realization that the most effective of the SGAs (that
is, clozapine and olanzapine) have the greatest
Abbreviations: Ari, aripiprazole; Clz, clozapine; GSK, metabolic side effect liabilities, followed variably
glycogen synthase kinase; Olz, olanzapine; Quet, quetia- by quetiapine and risperidone, although ziprasidone
pine; Risp, risperidone; SGAs, second-generation anti- and aripiprazole are least implicated in these
psychotic drugs; Zip, ziprasidone. effects (Table 1).20,25,26 However, this is not meant to

Molecular Psychiatry
Antipsychotic drug mechanisms
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oversimplify the relationship between schizophrenia glucose regulation centrally and peripherally, along
and disturbances in glucose metabolism. In fact, this with associated alterations in insulin production
relationship is quite complex and not well under- in the pancreas, may also contribute.32–35 Alteration
stood.27 For example, although evidence suggests of the phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt insulin
that the prevalence of diabetes mellitus is high in signaling pathway is another potential mechanism.33
individuals with schizophrenia, there is debate27 as Interactions between antipsychotic drugs and seroto-
to whether abnormalities in glucose metabolism are nergic, histaminergic, muscarinic and a-adrenergic
actually present at the first episode28 or develop in the receptors along with leptin might also contribute to
course of the illness, which complicates understand- these phenomena, either primarily or as secondary
ing the precise contribution of antipsychotic drugs effects on weight and/or adiposity.32,34,36 Some of
to alterations in glucose metabolism in individuals these mechanisms, such as blockade of histamine-1
with schizophrenia. Nevertheless, it is clear that the receptors37 and inhibition of glucose transport,38–40
increased use of SGAs is associated with increasing are correlated with antipsychotic-associated meta-
rates of diabetes mellitus.21 Therefore, the recognition bolic disturbances, such as their potential to induce
of this intriguing relationship between the thera- orexigenic effects and hyperglycemia. Of these poten-
peutic efficacy and magnitude of metabolic distur- tial mechanisms, the insulin signaling cascade has
bances of SGAs warrants examination and is the basis been implicated in the pathophysiology of schizo-
for the hypothesis of this paper that the therapeutic phrenia and is targeted by antipsychotic drugs and
and metabolic side effects of antipsychotic drugs are will therefore be the focus of this paper.
Insulin, insulin-like growth factor and the insulin
Possible mechanisms of antipsychotic-induced signaling pathway
disordered glucose metabolism
The insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1
Before discussing the possible mechanisms of anti- receptors share common evolutionary origins and
psychotic-induced disturbances in glucose meta- have similar structures and signaling pathways.41
bolism, we briefly review the metabolic side effects IGF-1 receptor expression in the brain begins as early
of antipsychotic medications. SGAs have been asso- as neural tube development, and IGF-1 and insulin
ciated with clinically significant weight gain, some- receptor expression become widespread, particularly
times greater than 20 lb with higher doses of in neurons.41 Abnormalities of IGF have been sug-
olanzapine.29,30 Some have also been associated with gested to make individuals more susceptible to
increased levels of blood glucose, glycosylated hemo- schizophrenia,42 possibly by making those who
globin and insulin, along with insulin resistance, and already have a predisposition to schizophrenia more
sometimes frank type 2 diabetes mellitus.29,30 Finally, vulnerable to environmental insults during neuro-
some SGAs have been associated with unfavorable development.43
effects on blood lipid profiles, such as increased total The effects of insulin/IGF are mediated by a
cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, and triglyceride signal transduction cascade, beginning with a tyro-
levels and decreased levels of high-density lipopro- sine kinase receptor (Figure 1).44 After insulin binds
tein levels.29,30 In general, clozapine and olanzapine the extracellular aspect of its receptor, a conforma-
have been most associated with these preceding tional change takes place, which results in autophos-
adverse effects, followed variably by risperidone and phorylation of the receptor.44 Multiple different
quetiapine, whereas ziprasidone and aripiprazole insulin receptor substrates transmit the signal to
have been associated with the least or no such different effectors in the cell, such as PI3K.44 Several
adverse metabolic risks.29,30 of the lipid products of PI3K activate another group
Although hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, hyper- of kinases, such as Akt and protein kinase C (PKC),
lipidemia and obesity are all aspects of the metabolic which are highly implicated in glucose metabolism
profiles of SGAs, the focus of this hypothesis is on the and transport and the effects of insulin.44
phenomena of hyperglycemia and insulin resistance Akt, also known as protein kinase B, requires
given the fundamental role that glucose utilization phosphorylation for activation.44 Akt has a variety of
and the insulin signaling pathway play in normal effects in the cell including regulation of the cell
brain development and function along with the cycle, regulation of cell death as an antiapoptotic
pathophysiology of schizophrenia (as discussed in factor and DNA synthesis.45 The PI3K/Akt pathway has
the following sections). This is done with the under- also been implicated as a mediator of the effects of
standing that these various metabolic disturbances neuregulin, a gene that has been associated with
are likely related, rather than isolated, occurrences.31 schizophrenia,46 on neuronal development and survi-
As with the association between schizophrenia val.47 Interestingly, Akt1-deficient mice show abnormal
and diabetes mellitus, the mechanism of disordered dendritic architecture of layer V of their prefrontal
glucose metabolism associated with SGAs is not cortex.48 These mice also exhibit impaired working
clearly understood32 and is likely multifactorial. memory under D2, but not dopamine-1 (D1), challenge.48
One suggested mechanism of these disturbances is The significance of these findings is underscored by
via inhibition of glucose transporters.32,33 Impaired the abnormalities in dendritic architecture and working

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Antipsychotic drug mechanisms
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phosphorylates GSK-3a at Ser21 and GSK-3b at
Ser9, resulting in their inhibition.53 Cholinergic,
serotonergic and glutamatergic neurotransmission,
also implicated in the pathophysiology of schizo-
phrenia, may also regulate the phosphorylation state
of GSK (reviewed in Jope and Roh50).
GSK has multiple effects on both neurodevelop-
ment and glucose metabolism.52 Through the PI3K/
Akt pathway GSK is involved in neurotrophic
effects49 and the regulation of apoptosis.52 GSK also
influences other crucial neuronal processes including
neural plasticity, microtubule dynamics, neurite
outgrowth, neurogenesis and transcription factors/
gene expression (for example, via transcription factors
such as cyclic AMP response element-binding pro-
tein).50 GSK is one of the main mediators of the Wnt
signaling cascade, which is important in synaptic
arrangement and neural tube development/pattern-
ing.52 Interestingly, preliminary findings suggest that
components of the Wnt pathway may be abnormal in
schizophrenia (reviewed in Jope and Roh50). Further-
more, the protein products of approximately 10 genes
that have been associated with schizophrenia (for
example, Akt1, disrupted in schizophrenia-1 (DISC1),
NRG1) appear to be involved in GSK signaling.51
Finally, GSK has effects on glucose and insulin
metabolism as inhibition (that is, phosphorylation)
of GSK activates glycogen synthase, which leads to
the synthesis of glycogen.49,52
In summary, in addition to its well-established role
in maintaining euglycemia, the insulin signaling
pathway and its components may be significant in
neuronal growth, synaptic development and neuronal
survival/apoptosis during brain development. There-
fore, alterations of this pathway may have profound
Figure 1 A simplified version of the insulin signaling
pathway. Insulin or insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binds to implications for the pathogenesis, pathophysiology
the insulin/IGF receptor causing autophosphorylation and and treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders of the
activation. This leads to activation of phosphoinositide- brain.
3-kinase (PI3kinase), and the end result is to phosphorylate
and activate Akt and phosphorylate and deactivate glycogen
synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3). Active GSK-3 deactivates glyco-
The role of the insulin signaling pathway in
gen synthase and eukaryotic initiation factor 2B (eIF2B) and schizophrenia: insights from the dopamine
activates insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1; an inhibitor of and NMDA receptor hypofunction hypotheses
the insulin receptor). PIP3, phosphoinositide 3,4,5-tris- Traditionally, dopamine receptors have been asso-
phosphate; PKC, protein kinase C (adapted and modified
with permission from Gould and Manji49).
ciated with G-protein regulation and cyclic AMP/
protein kinase A signaling.54 Recently, a cyclic AMP-
independent mechanism of dopaminergic behaviors
and signaling at the D2 receptor was identified, which
memory, along with the potential role of the D2 involves the Akt/GSK pathway.54 The model used was
receptor, in schizophrenia.1 Finally, Akt appears to dopamine transporter (DAT) knockout mice, which
be associated with the trafficking of glucose trans- have increased availability of dopamine and exhibit
porters to the neuronal membrane.41 hyperactive behaviors and stereotypic movements.55
Another substrate of Akt is glycogen synthase DAT knockout mice had decreased levels of both
kinase (GSK). GSK has been associated with mood phospho-Thr308-Akt, phospho-Ser21-GSK-3a and
stabilization and implicated as a possible target of phospho-Ser9-GSK-3b in their striatum, abnormali-
lithium.49 More recently, GSK has been associated ties which were ameliorated by dopamine depletion
with schizophrenia as well.50,51 GSK is expressed and by D2 (but not D1) receptor antagonism.55 Remark-
widely throughout the human brain and is observed ably, inhibition of GSK-3 in DAT knockout mice
as early as embryonic day 10 in rats.52 Two isoforms also inhibited the dopamine-dependent behaviors.55
(GSK-3a and b) have been identified52 that are Finally, dopamine agonism decreased the phosphoryla-
constitutively active.49 In the PI3K/Akt pathway, Akt tion of both Akt and GSK-3 in normal mouse striatum,

Molecular Psychiatry
Antipsychotic drug mechanisms
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predictions can be made. First, an overactive dopa-
minergic system in schizophrenia,1 or hypofunction
of the NMDA system,58 would predictably lead to
decreased phosphorylation and activity of Akt and
decreased phosphorylation and increased activity of
GSK. For antipsychotic drugs (that is, D2 receptor
antagonists) to be effective, they would predictably
have to reverse these effects (that is, lead to increased
phosphorylation and activity of Akt and increased
phosphorylation and decreased activity of GSK).

Abnormalities of the insulin signaling pathway in

Figure 2 Working model of the Akt/b-arrestin 2 (bArr2)/ schizophrenia and how antipsychotic drugs might
protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) signaling complex formed affect these alterations
in response to activation of dopamine (DA) receptors (D2R)
leading to Akt inactivation in the mouse striatum (adapted The data on the insulin signaling pathway in schizo-
and modified with permission from Beaulieu et al.56). phrenia and the effects of antipsychotic drugs are
complicated for several reasons. First, human studies
often involve subjects who have already been exposed
and GSK-3b mutant mice had reduced behavioral to a variety of FGAs and/or SGAs. In addition, the
response to dopamine agonism.55 presence or absence of the disease state (that is,
Later research elucidated the mechanism of D2 schizophrenia) potentially complicates the compar-
receptor-mediated Akt regulation (Figure 2).56 ison and analysis of studies involving human neuro-
Namely, the binding of dopamine to the D2 receptor pathologic or cell culture data. Further, comparisons
leads to the formation of a complex consisting of are required between human and nonhuman data
b-arrestin 2, Akt and protein phosphatase 2A.56 and between studies involving different cell types.
b-Arrestin 2 serves as a scaffold for both Akt and Finally, issues regarding specimen processing (as
protein phosphatase 2A, thereby facilitating dephos- discussed below)50,59 add another level of complexity
phorylation of Akt.56 to the interpretation of this data. In spite of these limi-
Data from studies on the effects of NMDA receptor tations, a review of the available studies is informa-
antagonists on the insulin signaling pathway also tive. Inconsistencies and confounded effects will be
indicate abnormalities of insulin signaling in schizo- identified and discussed as they are presented.
phrenia.57 Phencyclidine (PCP) or ketamine use can
lead to schizophrenia-like symptoms in humans.58 In The insulin receptor, phosphoinositides and protein
neuronal culture, PCP can be toxic.57 In rats, PCP kinase C
administration led to decreased phospho-Ser473-Akt Genetic alterations of various components of the PI3K
but stable total Akt in frontal cortex, hippocampus pathway have been reported in individuals with
and striatum.57 Similar results were observed in rat schizophrenia,60 including in Chinese61 and African
neuronal culture,57 indicating that PCP leads to American62 populations. Relationships between other
decreased activity of Akt. Activating L-type calcium components of phosphoinositide signaling, such as
channels (which favors cell survival) or NMDA phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase II-a (PIP5-
receptors blocked both PCP-induced neurotoxicity K2A), with schizophrenia have also variably been
and reduction in phospho-Ser473-Akt.57 In both observed,63,64 though one study of IGF-1 in Caucasian
cases, adding a specific inhibitor of Akt restored the populations did not find any association with
neurotoxicity of PCP, indicating that the PI3K/Akt schizophrenia.65
pathway was primarily responsible for protecting There is little neuropathologic data suggesting
against the PCP-induced neurotoxicity.57 As expected, abnormalities of the more proximal components of
PCP administration also led to decreased phospho- the insulin signaling pathway. In a sample of indi-
Ser9-GSK-3b in rat frontal cortex, hippocampus and viduals with schizophrenia, all of whom had been
striatum, along with in rat neuronal culture and no treated with FGAs, except for one who had been on
change in total GSK-3b, indicating increased activity clozapine, a neuropathologic examination showed
of GSK-3b.57 Selective inhibition of GSK-3b elimi- decreased density of PKC in the parahippocampus
nated the neurotoxic effects of PCP57 again implicat- when compared to controls, with no correlation
ing a role for this pathway in the neurotoxic effects of between PKC density and antipsychotic dose.66 In a
PCP. similar analysis, no differences were found in the
The next sections of this article review the reported striatum,67 or in the platelets of another group of
abnormalities of the insulin signaling pathway in individuals with schizophrenia when PKC activity
schizophrenia and how antipsychotic drugs may was compared to that in control subjects.68 In addi-
ameliorate these alterations and possibly lead to tion, while haloperidol exposure in rats increased the
therapeutic efficacy in schizophrenia. However, activity of PKC in the frontal cortex in one investiga-
based on the data presented to this point, several tion,69 another demonstrated that rats treated with

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4 weeks of haloperidol or clozapine had no changes in individuals with schizophrenia.59 Meanwhile, Ema-
PKC levels in frontal cortex, basal ganglia or olfactory mian et al.75 observed decreased levels of total Akt1
tubercle.70 These data indicate little correlation in lymphocyte-derived cell lines, frontal cortex
between antipsychotic drugs and the proximal com- and hippocampus from individuals with schizophre-
ponents of the insulin signaling pathway and there- nia. Finally, in primary neuronal culture, inhibition
fore corroborate observations that the interaction of DISC1, a gene implicated in schizophrenia, led
between the D2 receptor/antipsychotic drugs and the to decreased phosphorylation of Akt but stable levels
insulin signaling pathway may occur at the level of total Akt.85
of Akt.56 Although another study suggests that PKC
is involved in the augmenting effects of clozapine Akt and antipsychotic drugs. In contrast to the effects
on NMDA signaling in pyramidal cells of the medial of DISC1 inhibition, clozapine has been reported to
prefrontal cortex,71 this study did not specifically increase phosphorylation of Akt in neuroblastoma
address the interaction of this phenomenon with the cells.86 A similar analysis in mouse neuroblastoma
insulin signaling pathway. cells demonstrated that 5 days of both clozapine
Other data are consistent with a state of insulin and chlorpromazine increased phospho-Ser473-Akt
resistance and hyperinsulinemia after treatment with without increasing total Akt levels.87 Olanzapine has
antipsychotic drugs. Olanzapine has been shown to been similarly shown to increase levels of phospho-
inhibit the insulin-stimulated activation of PI3K in Ser473-Akt in PC12 cells although total Akt remained
a rat skeletal muscle cell line72 and upregulates the same.88 This effect was dependent on PI3K,
insulin-2 in rat frontal cortex.73 In addition, Zhao suggests an additional mechanism of antipsychotic
et al.74 examined the insulin receptor in dorsolateral effects on Akt and may be related to differences in cell
prefrontal cortex from individuals with schizophre- line.88 Chronic treatment of mice with haloperidol did
nia, most of whom had been receiving FGAs and not alter the total levels of Akt1 in the frontal cortex
several of whom had been receiving SGAs. Both the but did increase phosphorylated Akt1 at both Thr308
total and activated amounts of the insulin receptor (acute and chronic) and Ser473 (chronic only).75 This
were found to be reduced in these individuals.74 was consistent with a study of mice treated with
clozapine for 68 days in which although insulin
Akt receptor activity and Akt levels were decreased, the
amount, and thus activity, of phospho-Ser473-Akt was
Akt and schizophrenia. The potential relevance of unchanged.74
genetic abnormalities of Akt1 in individuals with Curiously, chlorpromazine, clozapine and fluphe-
schizophrenia was strongly supported by the find- nazine did not lead to increased phosphorylation of
ing that an Akt1 haplotype associated with lower Akt in PC12 cells.88 In another study, fluphenazine,
levels of Akt1 was related to schizophrenia in chlorpromazine and haloperidol decreased the
a Northern European population.75 Positive relation- nerve growth factor-induced phosphorylation of Akt
ships between Akt1 and schizophrenia were also at Ser473 in PC12 cells,89 which is consistent with
reported in Caucasian,76 Iranian,77 Japanese78 and another study that showed that acute haloperidol
Chinese79 populations, but not in two other Japanese treatment of rat neurons decreased levels of phospho-
populations59,80 or a Taiwanese population,81 and Ser473-Akt.90 These data begin to underscore and
variably in a Caucasian population.82 In addition, elucidate differences in efficacy between antipsycho-
undertransmission of some haplotypes of Akt1 was tic drugs (that is, more effects on Akt of olanzapine
found in an Irish sample.83 and clozapine than other antipsychotic drugs). How-
There is limited data on Akt in schizophrenia. In ever, these data are limited by the nearly cytotoxic
addition, the phosphorylation level of Akt is closely doses of antipsychotic drugs used in some of these
related to the peri-mortem condition of the tissue experiments,34,91 which may contribute to their
(for example, temperature, pH),59 which could serve discrepant effects on Akt.
as a potential confound of these data. However, the Although most of the preceding data suggest that
available data suggest decreased levels of total and SGAs generally increase levels of phosphorylated
phosphorylated Akt in schizophrenia, which is Akt, opposite effects were noted in glioblastoma cells
consistent with theories of schizophrenia that postu- in which clozapine inhibited Akt phosphorylation,92
late overactive dopaminergic systems in mesolimbic possibly due to differences in cell line. In a rat
areas of the brain1 or NMDA receptor hypofunction.58 skeletal muscle cell line, olanzapine inhibited the
One study examined dorsolateral prefrontal cortex insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of Akt,72 which is
from individuals with schizophrenia, most of whom consistent with a state of peripheral insulin resis-
had been receiving FGAs and several of whom had tance; a known side effect of olanzapine.29
been receiving SGAs, and demonstrated decreased In summary, at least in a number of studies, anti-
levels of both total and phospho-Ser473-Akt.74 Simi- psychotic drugs appear to increase phosphorylation of
lar decreases in Akt1 expression were found in Akt. These effects are antagonistic to what occurs in
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in another sample,83 schizophrenia (that is, decreased Akt phosphorylation)
whereas other studies reported no alterations in and predictable based on both the dopamine and
frontal cortex Akt159,84 or phosphorylated Akt in NMDA receptor hypofunction hypotheses.

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GSK schizophrenia, most of whom had been receiving
FGAs and several of whom had been receiving SGAs,
GSK and schizophrenia. Although genetic and found increased levels of total GSK-3 (a and b)
relationships have been reported between GSK-3b while the phosphorylated forms of both enzymes
and the paranoid subtype of schizophrenia in an remained unaltered, indicating increased activity of
Italian population93 and marginally so in a Chinese these enzymes.74
population,94 significant relationships were not found Data from animal studies have supported and
for schizophrenia in general in Italian,93 Finnish,95 extended these abnormalities of GSK in schizo-
Japanese,96 Chinese94 and Korean97 populations. phrenia. In rats exposed to hippocampal damage,
Multiple investigations have examined the levels reduced frontal GSK-3b levels were observed prior to
and activities of GSK-3 isoforms in individuals with but not after puberty, whereas no differences at either
schizophrenia and in animal models. The data age were observed in total GSK-3 (a and b) activity.103
suggest decreased levels and increased activity of This is of particular relevance to schizophrenia
GSK-3 in schizophrenia. These results are consistent because of the robust evidence suggesting abnor-
with the data reviewed above showing decreased malities of the hippocampus in schizophrenia.104 A
activity of Akt and are consistent with predictions study of GSK-3b levels in rat frontal cortex showed no
based on the dopamine and NMDA receptor hypo- response to acute or chronic stress, suggesting that the
function hypotheses of schizophrenia.1,58 However, altered GSK-3b levels observed in schizophrenia may
the results of studies of GSK in schizophrenia are be disease related and not a nonspecific stress
mixed. This is not unexpected for the reasons response.105 Similarly, rats exposed to 21 days of
discussed previously, as well as because the study haloperidol, chlorpromazine or clozapine had no
of GSK in post-mortem tissues is highly problematic alterations in GSK-3b levels or total GSK-3 (a and b)
given the marked changes in phosphorylation state activity in their frontal cortex,106 again suggesting that
that occur post mortem and in response to anesthesia the changes observed in patients were not simply a
(that is, in nonhuman brain tissue).50,59 Nevertheless, response to antipsychotic treatment.
the available data are informative and are reviewed However, other neuropathologic and biochemical
below. studies have found inconsistent results. Two such
In one neuropathologic study of individuals with investigations found no differences in GSK-3b in
schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and unipolar depres- prefrontal cortex of individuals with schizo-
sion, only the individuals with schizophrenia had phrenia.107,108 A third study reported no abnormalities
decreased levels of GSK-3b and decreased activity of of GSK-3a or -b mRNA levels, GSK-3b protein levels
GSK-3 in frontal cortex, whereas no alteration in the or total GSK-3 (a and b) activity in frontal cortex from
level of GSK-3b in occipital cortex was observed.98,99 individuals with schizophrenia, but did find reduc-
In addition, no correlation was noted between life- tions in these measures in hippocampus (that is,
time antipsychotic exposure and GSK-3b levels.98 GSK-3b protein levels only after omitting outliers).109
These results are consistent with a later study Similarly, no alterations in frontal cortex GSK-3b
showing that GSK-3b mRNA, but not GSK-3a mRNA, or phosphorylated GSK-3b were found in a recent
levels were decreased in the dorsolateral prefrontal study of individuals with schizophrenia.59 Finally,
cortex from individuals with schizophrenia compared no differences in GSK-3a and -b mRNA, GSK-3b
with a comparison group of normal controls, indivi- protein or GSK-3 (a and b) activity were observed
duals with bipolar disorder and individuals with in the lymphocytes of individuals with schizo-
unipolar depression; no correlations were noted with phrenia.75,110
lifetime antipsychotic consumption, and no differ-
ences were noted between those individuals treated GSK and antipsychotic drugs. Recent investigations
and not treated with lithium.100 When the phosphor- in animal models have indicated that antipsychotic
ylation levels of GSK-3b at Ser9 (that is, the site drugs have important effects on GSK. Subchronic
phosphorylated by Akt1) were measured in frontal treatment of rats with haloperidol and risperidone,
cortex and lymphocytes from individuals with schi- but not clozapine, increased GSK-3 protein levels in
zophrenia, decreased levels were found, although striatum, whereas all three of these drugs increased
levels of the GSK-3b form phosphorylated at Tyr216 GSK-3 protein levels in the prefrontal cortex and
were not abnormal in either the lymphocytes or ventral midbrain.111,112 In addition, subchronic halo-
frontal cortex.75 Other neuropathologic studies of peridol and risperidone increased phospho-Ser9-GSK-
individuals with schizophrenia reported that GSK- 3b levels in the prefrontal cortex, whereas chronic, but
3b levels were decreased in the prefrontal cortex from not acute, haloperidol and risperidone also increased
these individuals101 and that phospho-Ser9-GSK-3b GSK-3 (a and b) levels in prefrontal cortex and ventral
levels were decreased in the frontal cortex of midbrain, indicating that repeated treatment may
these individuals.84 Decreased levels of GSK-3b be necessary for the observed changes.111,112 Further,
were also observed in the cerebrospinal fluid of indi- as with Akt1, chronic treatment with haloperidol
viduals with schizophrenia, with no correlation increased the levels of phospho-Ser9-GSK-3b in
with antipsychotic dose.102 Zhao et al.74 examined mice.75 In another study, rats treated with haloperidol
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex from individuals with had decreased phospho-Ser9-GSK-3b in frontal cortex

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whereas those treated with clozapine had increased Summary of the abnormalities of the insulin signaling
levels.113 As noted previously, the discrepancy bet- pathway in schizophrenia and the effects of
ween these two studies may be related to the different antipsychotic drugs
animal models used (rats versus mice), the different In summary, there are limited and mixed data on the
doses of haloperidol used (10 versus 1 mg kg1), the insulin signaling pathway in schizophrenia and how
different lengths of exposure in each study (21 versus antipsychotic drugs interact with it. Further, as stated
12 days)75,113 or confounds related to the use above, the synthesis and analysis of this data is
of anesthetic agents and post-mortem processing of complicated by a number of important factors. Never-
tissues.50 theless, several general observations and speculations
Li et al.114 showed that one dose of risperidone, can be made. First, limited genetic analyses have
but not haloperidol, increased phospho-Ser9-GSK-3b implicated alterations in Akt1, certain phosphoinosi-
and phospho-Ser21-GSK-3a levels in mouse cortex, tide-related genes and GSK-3b in some populations
striatum (not significant for GSK-3a), hippocampus of individuals with schizophrenia. Second, the data
and cerebellum, although total GSK-3b remained on inherent abnormalities of the insulin signaling
the same.114 Some of the effects of risperidone pathway in schizophrenia are inconclusive for multi-
were augmented by co-treatment with imipramine or ple reasons, not the least of which is prior anti-
fluoxetine.114 Further, no effects of risperidone were psychotic exposure, though they suggest decreased
noted on either phospho-Ser473-Akt or phospho- levels of Akt, phosphorylated Akt and GSK, along
Thr308-Akt, suggesting that the Akt pathway was with increased activity of GSK, in schizophrenia.
not involved,114 a finding inconsistent with previous Antipsychotic drugs appear in most cases to increase
data. In the same study, a similar analysis phosphorylation levels of Akt and GSK, thereby
was performed comparing the effects of clozapine, decreasing the activity of GSK. These observations
olanzapine, quetiapine and ziprasidone on phospho- are strikingly consistent with the known operation of
Ser9-GSK-3b levels in the brains of mice and found the insulin signaling pathway (Figure 1). They are
that clozapine and olanzapine had the greatest effect, also consistent with both the overactive dopaminergic
followed by quetiapine, whereas ziprasidone had the stimulation and NMDA receptor hypofunction hypo-
least effect.114 Interestingly, these results are consis- thetical models of schizophrenia. In addition, anti-
tent with data that suggest that clozapine and psychotic drugs appear to reverse these abnormalities.
olanzapine are the most likely of the SGAs to cause Finally, although both FGAs and SGAs have been
metabolic disturbances and are possibly also the most implicated in these effects, preliminary evidence
effective (Table 1).12–14,20,25,26 suggests that these effects might occur more or to a
Antipsychotic drugs have been found to have greater degree with SGAs and in particular for those
mixed effects on GSK in different cell and tissue SGAs that are considered to be both the most effective
culture environments. Clozapine has been found to and to be the most associated with metabolic distur-
increase levels of phospho-Ser9-GSK-3b in neuro- bances (that is, clozapine, and, to a lesser extent,
blastoma cells.86 Similar results were observed in olanzapine; Table 1). Altogether, these data support
another study of mouse neuroblastoma cells exposed our hypothesis that the unique therapeutic and
to 5 days of antipsychotic; active, nonphosphorylated adverse effects of antipsychotic drugs (and in parti-
GSK-3b decreased after exposure to both chlorproma- cular clozapine and olanzapine) are related and
zine and clozapine.87 In mice that had been treated suggest that the insulin signaling pathway may be
with clozapine for 68 days it was observed that one focal point for such a phenomenon. However, the
although insulin receptor activity decreased and relevance of the insulin signaling pathway for the
phospho-Ser21-GSK-3a and phospho-Ser9-GSK-3b effects of antipsychotic drugs remains speculative.
remained the same, total GSK-3a and -b levels, and
thus activity, were decreased.74 Opposite effects were Functional selectivity as an example of a potential
noted in glioblastoma cells in which clozapine had mechanism for coupling antipsychotic drug
the effect of dephosphorylating GSK-3b at Ser9,92 therapeutic and metabolic side effects
possibly related to differences in cell line. Olanzapine
inhibited the insulin-stimulated phosphorylation Much investigation is needed before a compelling
(that is, inactivation) of GSK-3 (a and b) in a rat unitary mechanism of antipsychotic drug action for
skeletal muscle cell line.72 Though apparently therapeutic efficacy and metabolic side effects can be
discrepant with previous findings in neural cells, put forward. However, the fact that antipsychotic
this phenomenon would be consistent with a state drugs with the greatest efficacy have the greatest
of peripheral insulin resistance; a known side effect metabolic effects is curious and prompts speculation.
of olanzapine.29 In addition, the recent findings that the D2 receptor
In summary, the effect of antipsychotic drugs on and antipsychotic drug effects are intertwined with
GSK is relatively consistent and is to increase the insulin signaling pathway may be relevant and
phosphorylation (and inactivation). This is consis- make speculation about a potential unitary mecha-
tent with predictions based on the dopamine and nism of action possible.
NMDA receptor hypofunction hypotheses of schizo- One possibility is that clozapine and olanzapine
phrenia. have different targets than other antipsychotic drugs,

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and therefore D2 receptor blockade is irrelevant to First and foremost is the need to develop a better
their antipsychotic effect. This seems unlikely given characterization of the insulin signaling pathway
that no antipsychotic effect has been observed in any in schizophrenia. One way to do this, in addition
agent without D2 receptor affinity,8 with the exception to neuropathologic examination, would be to use
of the very recent data suggesting antipsychotic cerebrospinal fluid and/or the peripheral tissues of
properties of an mGlu2/3 receptor agonist.9 Alterna- neuroleptic-naive patients.51 The use of peripheral
tively, although D2 receptor blockade may still be tissues would be feasible given the relative consis-
required for their therapeutic effects, these drugs may tencies that have been reported between measures in
gain their superior response profile by acting at a non- peripheral tissues and cerebrospinal fluid with
D2 receptor target, such as at histamine-1,37 seroto- neuropathologic data.75,102 Obtaining such measures
nergic or muscarinic receptors.36 Another possibility both before and after treatment with antipsychotic
is that different antipsychotic drugs selectively inter- drugs and other pharmacologic compounds known to
act with the D2 receptor in ways that lead to affect the insulin signaling pathway (for example,
differences in signaling but are missed by our current lithium) would also shed light on the effects of anti-
methods of visualizing receptor occupancy and drug– psychotic drugs on this pathway. Our understanding
receptor interactions. This model suggests that it is of the degree to which antipsychotic drugs participate
the ability of an antipsychotic drug to enhance in functional selectivity could also be assessed in cell
signaling via the insulin signaling pathway (that is, culture by exposing D2 receptor-expressing cells to
via Akt/GSK) rather than traditional D2 receptor antipsychotic drugs at clinically therapeutic concen-
mechanisms (that is, via the cyclic AMP pathway) trations and measuring the amounts and activities
that leads to greater efficacy. Similarly, this model of various components of the different dopamine
suggests that these unique, qualitative interactions signaling pathways (for example, cyclic AMP/protein
between antipsychotic drugs and the D2 receptor, kinase A pathway, Akt/GSK pathway). Finally, the
by contrast to their quantitative interactions (for roles of the dopamine and glutamate systems, along
example, potency or strength of stimulus which with other neurotransmitter systems (for example,
would suggest ‘all-or-nothing’ effects on signaling serotonergic, cholinergic) implicated in schizo-
pathways),15 may more clearly explain their differ- phrenia, on the insulin signaling pathway need to
ential therapeutic effects. This would also contribute be further clarified to understand the likely complex
to our understanding of why the medications that are role of these pathways in schizophrenia and before
more prone to affect this pathway (for example, drug development targeted at this pathway can be
clozapine, olanzapine) are also more associated with most efficiently accomplished and understood.
metabolic side effects, with the caveat that this might
be one of multiple factors affecting proclivity for
Conclusions and therapeutic implications
metabolic side effects, as reviewed above.
The notion that the binding of different psychotropic In summary, there is a variety of evidence that sup-
agents to the same G-protein-coupled receptor can ports the hypothesis that the therapeutic and adverse
cause different behavioral and physiologic effects is effects of antipsychotic drugs (and in particular
intriguing but not novel. Indeed, evidence has begun to clozapine and olanzapine) are related. These data
emerge suggesting that ligands may be able to induce also suggest that there exist abnormalities of the
different and selective conformational changes in their insulin signaling pathway in schizophrenia and that
receptors, which in turn leads to the recruitment of antipsychotic drug effects on this pathway are
different signaling pathways.15,115,116 Structurally dis- therapeutic in schizophrenia. Importantly, this hypo-
tinct ligands may also be able to differentially activate thesis was developed based on clinical observations
signaling pathways based on the existence of certain of the differential therapeutic effectiveness and
key signal transducing proteins, such as arrestins,117 proclivity for metabolic side effects of SGAs and
proteins also involved in D2 receptor signaling.56 This appears to be consistent with current hypotheses
phenomenon has been given numerous names, includ- about the role of the dopamine and NMDA receptor
ing ‘functional selectivity,’ ‘agonist-directed trafficking systems in the pathophysiology and treatment of
of receptor stimulus,’ ‘biased agonism’ and ‘stimulus schizophrenia. However, the data that associate
trafficking,’15,116 and investigative techniques, such as antipsychotic action with the insulin signaling
transcriptome analysis,115 are already being used to pathway remain preliminary and sometimes contra-
address these effects. In particular, functional selecti- dictory.
vity has been observed at the D2 receptor.15,118 How- The development of this hypothesis based on a
ever, to our knowledge, no studies to date have theoretical unitary mechanism of therapeutic and
explored the functional selectivity of D2 receptor metabolic side effects is not meant to, nor could
signaling as the basis for the effects of antipsychotic it, fully explain two likely complicated and multi-
drugs on the Akt/GSK signaling pathway. Therefore, factorial phenomena. For example, our hypothesis
although this phenomenon is intriguing, its pertinence does not fully explain the development of peripheral
remains unclear. insulin resistance. It remains unclear whether it is the
On the basis of the information presented herein, presence of the disease state (that is, schizophrenia),
several directions of future inquiry can be suggested. the presence or absence of D2 receptors, or some other

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Antipsychotic drug mechanisms
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