Message 1999-05-06 08-00 AM

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Beloved Master

Revered Babuji Maharaj


Thursday, May 6, 1999 – 8:00 a.m.

ow can you believe that the source can run dry; are our resources so poor?
Some of our brothers are disappointed. So many false rumours have been
spread about the centenary.
-------They naively thought that their life was going to change overnight. Things do not
happen like that. My son's comments were misinterpreted. Spiritual progress does not
bring about such a change in one's daily life.
-------Fortunately, the majority of the participants are satisfied. This type of seminar will
not happen again in their lifetime. Others will follow, of another type. This one will
have marked the beginning of a new era.
-------We are moving toward other times, different in many respects. Humans will have
to adapt; they have always done so since the Neanderthal man.
-------The Spiritual must imperatively reign supreme. It is what can save the world.
-------Many souls are awakening and moving towards freedom. It is what characterizes
this time. But it is necessary to go much further without slackening, to curb the forces
of evil, this invisible army that works in the shadows. The forces of good must have the
upper hand sooner or later.
-------This is why we insist so much on the development and intentification of individual
practice, so that we become exemplary in this great plan.


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