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Colegio María Griselda Valle English


English test 7th grade

Prueba final de Inglés
7° Básico- Diciembre

Name: Grade: 7º
- OA9. Demostrar comprensión de ideas generales e
información explicita en textos adaptados y auténticos
simples, en formato impreso o digital, acerca de temas
variados (como experiencias personales, temas de otras
asignaturas, del contexto inmediato, de actualidad e
interés global o de otras culturas) y que contienen las
funciones del año.
-OA8. Demostrar conocimiento y uso del lenguaje en
conversaciones, discusiones y exposiciones por medio
de las diversas funciones.
- OA 14. Escribir una variedad de textos breves, como
cuentos, correos electrónicos, folletos, rimas,
descripciones, utilizando los pasos del proceso de
Total score: 30 points. Achieved score:

I. Reading comprehension
a. Read the text.


Name: Oscar Pistorius

Sport: Atheletics
From: Pretoria, South Africa
Date of birth: 22 November 1986

Oscar Pistorius, the world record holder over 100, 200 and 400 meters, does not consider himself as
impaired. He runs on a pair of fiber legs, but he has an incredible attitude to his disability.
Pistorius was a rugby, water polo, and tennis enthusiast. He became an athlete by chance in
January 2004, when he shattered one of his artificial knees on the rugby field.
Before going to Pretoria for rehabilitation, he hated athletics. Eight months later, he competed at the
Athens Paralympics in 2004.
He was the first paralympic athlete to win Gold in each of the 100m, 200m and 400m sprints in Beijing 2008
and set a new record for the 400m in May 2011 at the Paralympic World Cup in Manchester, UK. In July 2011,
he made history in Italy with a personal best of 45.07 seconds for the men’s 400m.
Only one month after that, he ran against non-disabled athletes in Daegu, South Korea, and qualified for the
400m semi-finals.
Oscar Pistorius is not only a gold medalist with no legs. He is an outstanding athlete, a real character,
and a true ambassador for disability sport.

b) Answer the following questions: (6pts)

1. Who is Oscar Pistorius?


2. How does he run?


3. When did he become an athlete?


4. What did he win?


5. Why did he make history?


6. What did he do one month after Italy?


c) Read the text and check if the statements are true (T) o false (F) (6pts/ 1 pt each)
7._______ Oscar is not impared.
8. _______ Oscar Pistorius was born in Europe.
9. _______ He has liked athletic since he was a boy.
10. ______ It took him a long time to become an athlete.
11. ______ He is the record holder for the 400m.
12. ______ He can run faster than many non-disabled people.

II. Vocabulary

d. Complete the chart using the correct meaning in Spanish. (10pts/ 1 pt each)

English Spanish
13. Hobbies
16. Volleyball
17. Dancing
18. Basketball
19.watching a movie
21. Weekend
22. Activities

III. Use of language

e. Write down the past tense of the following verbs. (8pts/ 1 pt each)

Infinitive Simple past

23. Play
26. Go
27. Run
29. Give

IV. Autoevaluación
f. Responde y completa la tabla de autoevaluación.
Marca con una X

Asignatura: Inglés Curso:7°

Indicadores Siempre Casi A veces Esta vez no
“Reflexiono sobre mi trabajo”

1. Identifico la información específica en el

2. Demuestro compresión sobre la idea
principal del texto
3. Identifico palabras de uso frecuente
4 Reconozco vocabulario trabajado en
lecciones anteriores.
5. Demuestro conocimiento sobre la
6. Aplico lo aprendido

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