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Questioning Surveillance sans Data Protection

The Ministry of Home Affairs’ recent notification is yet another reason why we urgently need a data protection law.

ast week, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) brought of necessity, proportionality and due process.” As regards the
out a notification authorising 10 government agencies to necessity and proportionality of surveillance, the debate on the
intercept, monitor and decrypt “any information gener- trade-off between privacy and security is an old one. However,
ated, transmitted, received or stored in any computer” under it is a lopsided debate, where, in the absence of a data protection
the Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000 and its 2009 rules. It law, the implementation of safeguards to protect the individual’s
has also emerged since that the government is proposing to right to privacy, of data and otherwise, has taken a backseat. As
bring in amendments to the 2011 rules under the IT Act regarding for due process, while we wait for some semblance of a data
guidelines for intermediaries (communications platforms like protection act—like the bill drafted by the Srikrishna Committee—
WhatsApp and Telegram). It proposes the regulation of “unlaw- to see the light of day, how surveillance processes are working
ful” social media content, requiring these intermediaries to pro- on the ground is something that the government is unwilling to
vide the government with “traceability” of encrypted content— share. Furthermore, the vaguely worded conditions in the IT
defeating the purpose of end-to-end encryption—and increasing Act, in the absence of judicial oversight, contribute in making
the period of time for which data has to be stored by them. The the entire operation opaque. Instead, we have a government
scare and frenzy that erupted following the notification was that charges ahead by way of one executive order after the other,
responded to by the government, quite characteristically, as just ducking any legislative or judicial oversight.
implementation of the laws that were brought in by the previous With the conditions of necessity, proportionality, and due
United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government. process being flouted in their implementation on the ground,
There is a need to revisit not just this notification, but the IT when the government tries to pass such blanket surveillance
Act itself as well as India’s surveillance framework, especially in measures, it leads to a trust deficit in the government. The
light of the landmark judgment on privacy in the K Puttaswamy furore over the MHA’s notification points to this. While govern-
case in 2017. It is not as if the government has not already been ments in India have passed many a law and committed many a
surveilling and intercepting data all these years; a 2014 report questionable act in the name of national security—recent
had stated that 9,000 phones were tapped every month in India. examples being the Aadhaar project and the demonetisation
The government’s Centre for Development of Telematics (C-Dot) exercise—which demand an intrusive amount of transparency
had also rolled out in 2013 the Central Monitoring System, an from individuals, we do not see the government being as forth-
automated mass surveillance project that the C-Dot annual report, coming and transparent with its people.
released earlier this year, describes as “practically complete.” The nature of communications technology has drastically
In a world where people’s lives are so enmeshed in the digital, changed since the Indian Telegraph Act was passed. We com-
one’s computer or phone has become an extension of one’s very municate a lot more, and to many more people than we could
person. With the government itself promoting and pushing for a before. Phones and computers, thanks to the medium of the
“Digital India,” it, then, becomes all the more essential that internet, are no longer used to just communicate important
there be a strong data protection law protecting the interests of messages or work on word processors, but are an integral part
the individual, rather than laws that only protect the actions of of how we express ourselves and lead our everyday lives. Hence,
the state in the name of national security. In fact, the building any sort of interception in or monitoring of a person’s phone or
blocks of the country’s surveillance framework can be found in computer would mean a much deeper intrusion in their lives
the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 and the Indian Post Office Act, than what it would have been earlier. We talk, read, work, bank,
1898. Section 69 of the IT Act merely echoes these colonial-era express, protest, and dissent via these devices. Concurrently,
laws in the conditions under which the government can inter- illegalities and threats to national security have also gone the
cept, monitor and decrypt data: “in the interest of the sover- digital way. However, pervasive and unrestricted curbs on or
eignty or integrity of India, the security of the State, friendly surveillance of these devices and networks would be tanta-
relations with foreign States or public order or for preventing mount to the government playing the role of an omnipresent
incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence.” Big Brother. What is required is a complete overhaul of India’s
As the B N Srikrishna Committee on data protection has noted, surveillance framework, the inclusion of and compliance with
“Surveillance should not be carried out without a degree of the principles of privacy delineated in the Puttaswamy judg-
transparency that can pass the muster of the Puttaswamy test ment, and the urgent implementation of a data protection law.
8 decEMBER 29, 2018 vol lIii no 51 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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