Message 1999-05-22 10-00 AM

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Beloved Master

Revered Babuji Maharaj


Saturday, May 22, 1999 – 10:00 a.m.

hen you come to join us, you will be amazed to see the true face of those you
have known and loved. You will have pleasant surprises. Your life is heavy
to bear in some ways, but you will realise that exceptional beings surrounded
you and you did not know it.
-------The apparent simplicity of a person can hide treasures of a very great value. You
have had a lot of luck in this regard.
-------The one who gave birth to you is very luminous. Her courage and pragmatism
in this incarnation helped you to structure yourself well and have your feet on the
ground. This is the gift I wanted to give you today, by highlighting the one who was
your mother.
-------Don't be sad in thinking of her sufferings, which are yours today. You believed you
understood her; it is by living things in one's own flesh that one can really know.
-------All of you, one day or another, will be confronted with real suffering, your own or
that of a dear one. It is in these difficult moments that life takes on its full meaning.
-------You realise your limits, your powerlessness to control certain situations.
-------You become aware of the precariousness of life. While suffering in your body, you
suffer in your soul. You open yourselves to the misery of others, the creature is weak and
helpless in the face of ordeals. The only recourse is God, He is all-powerful. The only law
to be respected in all circumstances is His, because, remember: All is nothing, God is all.


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