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Aitchison College, Lahore

Prep School

Class: E2____ Subject: History

Name: ______________
Revision Worksheet #1
Ch2: The Spread of Islam
Q1. Rectify the following statements.

i. Islam is the largest religion of the world today.


ii. Hazrat Abubakar RA was elected as the first caliph of islam in 644CE.


iii. Hazrat Ali RA was stabbed by a Persian slave called Feroz.


iv. Amir Muawiya founded the Abbasid Dynasty.


v. Hazrat Usman RA conquered Jerusalem without any pomp and splendor.


Q2. Write down dates of important events below.

i. Hazrat Ali RA was martyred ________________

ii. Tariq bin Ziyad defeated King Roderick ________________
iii. Hazrat Abubakar RA passed away ________________
iv. Establishment of the Umayyad Dynasty ________________
v. Death of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH ________________

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Q3. Identify the following resources.

_________________________ _______________________

________________________ ________________________________

Q4. How did Tariq bin Ziyad Conquer Spain?






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Q5. Write down any Two achievements of Hazrat Umar RA and Hazrat Usman RA.

Hazrat Umar RA Hazrat Usman RA


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