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Aitchison College, Prep School

Pakistan Studies Department

Revision Worksheet
Name: ________________
Class/Sec: E2 ____
Date: _____________

Section A
Chapter: The Atmosphere and Weather
Q.1 Enlist the five layers of atmosphere and what each layer contains.

Layers What is in it?

Q.2 Write down the four major atmospheric gases along with their percentage composition.

Gas Percentage

Q.3 Identify the following pictures by using the given hints.


It is used to measure wind speed.


It is used to measure wind direction.


It is used to measure temperature.


It is a spiral wind which spins clockwise in the southern

hemisphere and anti-clockwise in the northern hemisphere.


It can suck up dry sand and mostly common in dry places.

Section B
Chapter: Climatic Regions of the World
Q.4 Read the passage and answer the questions.
Climate is the average weather conditions in a place over a long period of time—30 years or
more. And as you probably already know, there are lots of different types of climates on Earth.
For example, hot regions are normally closest to the equator. The climate is hotter there
because the Sun’s light is most directly overhead at the equator. And the North and South Poles
are cold because the Sun’s light and heat are least direct there.

Using this information, in the late 1800s and early 1900s, a German climate scientist named
Wladimir Koppen divided the world's climates into categories. His categories were based on the
temperature, the amount of precipitation, and the times of year when precipitation occurs. The
categories were also influenced by a region’s latitude—the imaginary lines used to measure our
Earth from north to south from the equator. Today, climate scientists split the Earth into
approximately five main types of climates. They are Tropical, Temperate, Arid, Polar and
Continental climatic zones.

a) Define climate.


b) Which regions are hotter ones?


c) Why are the equatorial regions hotter?


d) Who divided the world’s climate into categories?


e) How many climatic zones are there?


f) Write down the climatic zone in front of the information given as follows:

i. These climate zones are so dry because moisture is rapidly evaporated from the air and
there is very little precipitation. _________________
ii. In this hot and humid zone, the average temperatures are greater than 64°F (18°C)
year-round and there is more than 59 inches of precipitation each year.
iii. In this zone, there are typically warm and humid summers with thunderstorms and
mild winters. _______________
iv. These regions have warm to cool summers and very cold winters. In the winter, this
zone can experience snowstorms, strong winds, and very cold
temperatures—sometimes falling below -22°F (-30°C). _________________
v. In the polar climate zones, it’s extremely cold. Even in summer, the temperatures here
never go higher than 50°F (10°C). _________________

Q.5 Using the Map below, explain the climatic situation of Pakistan in different regions.


Section C

Chapter: Climate Change

Q.6 Underline the greenhouse gases from the paragraph given below.

Most of the carbon dioxide that people put into the atmosphere comes from burning fossil fuels such as
oil, coal, and natural gas. Cars, trucks, train, and plane all burn fossil fuels. Many electric power plants
also burn fossil fuels. Most methane in the atmosphere comes from livestock farming, landfills, and
fossil fuel production such as coal mining and natural gas processing. Nitrous oxide comes from
agricultural technology and fossil fuel burning. Fluorinated gases include chlorofluorocarbons, hydro
chlorofluorocarbons, and hydro fluorocarbons. These greenhouse gases are used in aerosol cans and
refrigeration. All of these human activities add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, trapping more heat
than usual and contributing to global warming. In addition to harming human health, the gas reacts with
water vapor to produce acid rain. Sulfur dioxide also can react in the atmosphere to form aerosol
particles, which can contribute to outbreaks of haze and influence the climate. Ozone is an unstable
compound with a sharp, pungent odor that slowly decomposes to oxygen.

Q.7 Explain the importance of greenhouse effect.


Q,8 Observe the picture carefully and explain the major characteristics of ozone layer in the
given space.


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